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First Statistics for Economics and Business Tutorial Lecturer: Dewi Ratna Sjari Tutor: Venty |

com Date: Sept, 11 2013

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A population is a collection of all individuals, objects, or measurements of interest.TT There are four levels of measurement-qualitative, quantitative, discrete, and continuous. F

3. A store asks shoppers for their zip code to identify market areas. Zip codes are an

example of ratio. F

A marketing research agency was hired to test a new DVD player. Consumers rated it outstanding, very good, fair, or poor. The level of measurement for this experiment is ordinal. T


Statistics is defined as a body of techniques used to facilitate the collection, organization, presentation, analysis and interpretation of information for the purpose of making better decisions. T


Categorizing voters as Democrats, Republicans and Independents is an example of interval level measurement. F


Based on a sample of 3,000 people, the civilian unemployment rate in the United States was 5.5%. 5.5% is referred to as a statistic. T


A frequency distribution groups data into classes showing the number of observations in each class. T


In frequency distributions, classes are mutually exclusive if each individual, object, or measurement is included in only one category. T

10. When constructing a frequency distribution, try to include overlapping stated class

limits, such as 100 up to 201, 200 up to 301, and 300 up to 401. F

11. To construct a histogram, the class frequencies are plotted on the vertical or Y-axis

and either the stated limits, the true limits or the midpoints are plotted on the horizontal or X-axis. T
12. A cumulative frequency distribution is used when we want to determine how many

observations lie above or below certain values. T

13. The height of a bar in a histogram represents the number of observations for a class. T 14. A frequency polygon is a very useful graphic technique when comparing two or more

distributions. T
15. The main purpose of descriptive statistics is to Summarize data in a useful and

informative manner.
16. The incomes of a group of 50 loan applicants are obtained. Which level of

measurement is income? Ratio

17. A marketing class of 50 students evaluated the instructor using the following scale:

superior, good, average, poor, and inferior. The descriptive summary showed the following survey results: 2% superior, 8% good, 45% average, 45% poor, and 0% inferior. C a) The instructor's performance was great!!! b) The instructor's performance was inferior. c) Most students rated the instructor as poor or average. d) No conclusions can be made.
18. Your height and weight are examples of which level of measurement? Ratio 19. Ordinal level of measurement is considered the "lowest" level of measurement. F 20. The words descriptive statistics and inferential statistics can be used interchangeably.

21. The Union of Electrical Workers of America with 9,128 members polled 362

members regarding a new wage package to be submitted to management. The population is the 362 members. False
22. If we select 100 persons out of 25,000 registered voters and question them about

candidates and issues, the 100 persons are referred to as the population. False
23. Another name for inductive statistics is descriptive statistics. False 24. The order that runners finish in a race would be an example of continuous data. F 25. A frequency distribution for qualitative data has class limits. False 26. The midpoint of a class, which is also called a class mark, is halfway between the

lower and upper limits. True

27. Which word is NOT part of the definition of descriptive statistics? D a) Organizing b) Analyzing c) Presenting d) Predicting e) None of the above 28. What type of variable is the number of gallons of gasoline pumped by a filling station

during a day? B
a) Qualitative b) Continuous c) Attribute d) Discrete e) None of the above 29. When data is collected using a qualitative, nominal variable, what is true about a

frequency distribution that summarizes the data? B a) Upper and lower class limits must be calculated. b) A pie chart can be used to summarize the data. c) Number of classes is equal to the number of variable's values. d) The "5 to the k rule" can be applied.
30. In a frequency distribution, what is the number of observations in a class called? D a) b) c) d) e) Class midpoint Class interval Class array Class frequency None of the above

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