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Chapter 5: Culture & Community Overview

0* 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6*

Todays Multicultural Classrooms Social Class Differences Ethnic & Racial Differences Women & Men: Differences in the Classroom Language Differences in the Classroom Creating Culturally Compatible Classrooms Bringing It All Together: Teaching Every Student Concept Map for Chapter 5

Todays Multicultural Classroom

7* 8* 9* 10* 11*

The Melting Pot Cultural deficit model Multicultural education alternatives No best approach The Banks Model

See Figure 5.1, Woolfolk p. 158

Banks Dimensions of multicultural Education

American Cultural Diversity


Culture defined

13* 14* 15* 16* 17* 18* 19* 20* 21* 22*

Group membership Cautions in interpreting cultural differences Teach individual students, not ethnicity!

Social Class Differences SES Wealth, power, background, prestige Upper, middle, working, lower Poor defined See Table 5.1, Woolfolk p. 160, and Figure 5.2, p. 161

SES and Achievement Positive correlation: SES & achievement Related influences: Poor health care Low expectations Learned helplessness Peer influences and resistance cultures Tracking Childrearing styles Home environment and resources

23* 24* 25* 26* 27* 28* 29*

Ethnic and Racial Differences Definitions

30* 31* 32*

Ethnicity Race Minority group

The Changing Demographics: Cultural Differences


Iceberg analogy Cultural conflicts Cultural compatibility

34* 35*

36* 37* 38* 39* 40* 41* 42* 43* 44*

Ethnic & racial differences in achievement Working with families & communities See Family and Community Partnerships, Woolfolk, p. 169

Ethnic and Racial Differences Discrimination Brown court case Prejudice Authoritarian personality Stereotypes and their effects Combating stereotypes

Females & Males: Differences in the Classroom Gender Role Identity

45* 46*

Differences between men & women Gender versus sex

47* 48* 49* 50* 51* 52* 53* 54* 55* 56* 57* 58* 59* 60* 61*

Androgynous Gender schemas Gender-role stereotyping Gender bias in the curriculum Sex discrimination in schools

Sex Differences in Mental Abilities No overall IQ difference Girls show strength in reading, writing, language, computation

Boys show strength in mathematical, mechanical, and visual information processing Why the differences?

Eliminating Gender Bias Check textbooks for gender bias Watch for unintended biases in your classroom practices Check for equal opportunities for both sexes in school activities Use gender free language Provide role models See Guidelines, Woolfolk p. 179

Language Differences Dialects

62* 63*

Language difference versus errors Pronunciation differences

64* 65*

Dialects and teaching Bilingualism ESL LEP

66* 67*


Bilingual education approaches Transition Maintain

69* 70*

71* 72* 73*

Research on bilingual programs

Bilingualism Effective teaching See Guidelines, Woolfolk, p. 182 and Table 5.3, p. 185

Creating Culturally Compatible Classrooms Goals for Cultural Compatibility


Eliminate: Racism Sexism Prejudice

75* 76* 77*


Incorporate: Equal educational opportunities Culturally friendly teaching strategies

79* 80*

Teaching Strategies

81* 82*

Socialization Learning styles Appropriate cautions



Sociolinguistics Participation structures Misunderstandings

85* 86*


Culturally relevant pedagogy Focus on academic success Develop/maintain cultural competence Develop critical consciousness

88* 89* 90*

Application Question How would you lead a discussion group that included Caucasians, African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics? Reflection Question Compare and contrast teaching in an inner city school in Chicago with a school on a Navaho Indian Reservation. How would you vary your teaching strategies? Bringing It All Together: Teaching Every Student

91* 92* 93* 94* 95*

Know your students Respect your students Teach your students See Guidelines, Woolfolk, p. 192

Summary Todays Multicultural Classrooms

96* 97* 98* 99*

Social Class Differences Ethnic & Racial Differences Women & Men: Differences in the Classroom Language Differences in the Classroom

100* Creating Culturally Compatible Classrooms 101* Bringing It All Together: Teaching Every Student
Review Questions

102* Distinguish between the melting pot and multiculturalism. 103* What is multicultural education? 104* What is culture? 105* What is SES? 106* What is the relationship between SES and school achievement?
Review Questions

107* Distinguish between ethnicity and race. 108* How can ethnicity affect school performance? 109* Distinguish between prejudice, discrimination, and stereotype threat. 110* What is gender-role identity? 111*
How do gender-role identities develop?

112* Are there sex differences in cognitive abilities?

Review Questions

113* What are the origins of language differences in the classroom?

114* What is bilingual education? 115* What are the elements of a culturally compatible classroom? 116* What is culturally relevant pedagogy? 117* How can teachers create classrooms in which all students can learn?
End Chapter 5

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