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Taylor & Francis Online :: Vico and Bultmann on myth: The problem with demythologizing - Rhetoric Society Quarterly

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Rhetoric Society Quarterly Volume 30, Issue 4, 2000

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Vico and Bultmann on myth: The problem with demythologizing Preview Access options DOI:10.1080/02773940009391188A. J. Granta pages 49-82 Publishing models and article dates explained Published online: 02 Jun 2009 Article Views: 18 Article usage statistics combine cumulative total PDF downloads and full-text HTML views from publication date (but no earlier than 25 Jun 2011, launch date of this website) to 03 Jun 2013. Article views are only counted from this site. Although these data are updated every 24 hours, there may be a 48-hour delay before the most recent numbers are available. <br/><div class="articleUsage">Article usage statistics combine cumulative total PDF downloads and full-text HTML views from publication date (but no earlier than 25 Jun 2011, launch date of this website) to 03 Jun 2013. Article views are only counted from this site. Although these data are updated every 24 hours, there may be a 48-hour delay before the most recent numbers are available.</div> <div class="alertDiv"><a href="/action/doUpdateAlertSettings?action=addJournal&journalCode=rrsq20">TOC email alert</a> | <a href="/action/addCitationAlert?doi=10.1080%2F02773940009391188">Citation email alert</a></div> Alert me TOC email alert TOC RSS feed Citation email alert Citation RSS feed


Giambattista Vico (16681744), an early Enlightenment critic of Cartesianism, on one hand, demystifies the origin and nature of myths, while Bultmann (18841976), a late modernist theologian, on the other, engages in a fullblown program of demythologizing. Vico subjects myth to analysis and scrutiny, but finds lasting value in the big stories whereas Bultmann, informed by a developmental view of history and a positivistic epistemology, finds little of value in the Christian Myth, apart from an existential encounter with God. Vico sees a clear connection among the imagination, metaphor, myth and critical method, but Bultmann, uses formgeschichte (form criticism) to expurgate the NT of myth.

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Details Published online: 02 Jun 2009

Author affiliations a Communications Department, Robert Morris College

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