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|| Shree || We will explore the meaning of gItabhAshya bhAshya first chapter, first shloka.

gIta bhAshya is composed by Sri Madhvacharya and to further explain the meaning to us, Sri Jayateertha has composed pramEya dIpika. Sri Madhvacharya shloka is summarized as follows: Salutations to Lord Shri nArAyaNa who is the presiding devAta for this Grantha, who is devoid of all types of defects, who is full of auspicious qualities. I also bow to Guru and explain the meaning of Srimad Bhagavad gIta. Let us now understand the meaning of the first Shloka from Shri Jayateethas pramEya dIpika In the beginning of the Grantha, in order to get rid of all types of obstacles and achieve the desired objective, we must do namaskAra (salutations) to samuchita dEvata, vishishta dEvata and Ishta dEvata followed by Guru Pranama. The presiding dEvata is samuchita or most apt because the phala or fruit will be given by the samuchita dEvata. Since the name of Grantha is gIta bhAshya, the dEva word apparently indicates that Lord Shri nArAyaNa is the presiding dEvata of this Grantha. Therefore it is very much appropriate here to do salutations to the Lord Shri nArAyaNa, as He is the presiding dEvata of this Grantha. The Lord is free of four types of defects such as Ignorance, dependence, sorrow and incompleteness. Hence, Sri Madhvacharya salutes to such a Lord who is free of all four types of defects at all times in all ways and who is the presiding dEvata of this Grantha. The Lord is present in all places, at all times (in past, present & future) and He is complete with All auspicious qualities. Hence, Lord Shri nArAyaNa is Vishista dEvata. Moreover, the author of this Grantha, Sri Madhwacharya has mentioned in many of his other Granthas time and again that Lord Shri nArAyaNa is his favorite God and hence He becomes Ishta dEvata. Shri Madhvacharya offers salutations to his Guru Lord Shri Vedavyasa. He uses the word gurUn-schAn that is basically a plural form, to indicate respect. Normally, we take lenience and refer to the Supreme God in singular form out of devotion but whenever we address our Guru, we address him with all due respects. Initially, when Sri Madhwacharya began to compose the gIta bhAshya Shloka, he used the word shaktitahA to indicate that he is doing justice to the meaning of Srimad Bhagavad gIta to the best of his knowledge and ability. But during the process of approval, his Guru Lord Vedavyasa advised Sri Madhvacharya to change the world from shaktitahA to lEshatahA. Sri Madhvacharyas ability is far superior and it was very much evident that he did not exercise his complete potential in writing this Grantha gIta bhAshya deliberately as it would not be understandable to a common man. Hence, he had stooped down to the common mans level that vindicates the usage of word lEshatahA. Sri Madhvacharya has clearly indicated that he is only going to explain the true purport of Srimad Bhagavad gIta and would never deviate from it. While others have given their version of gIta, Sri Madhvacharya did not dilute the true spirit of the meaning of gIta and conveyed the same to us for our salvation.
jayasheelanaaguva Yamananjuva Thimirapathaka haani thapathrayaparihara

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