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4. RO-RO VESSEL design guidelines for the HOLD VENTILATION SYSTEM 4.

1 Introduction Cargo Ventilation Fan in Ro-Ro Vessel Size and location of the early decision with respect to the hull structure and Steel Work Project to commence early in driving accounts for a huge proportion. This successfully led the company, which was dried in a Ro-Ro Vessel's Cargo Hold Vent. Fan's have been considered when determining the required quantity and Capacity jeban musk "2" in the discussion, the actual 4401 / 2 line has been applied to the Vent. System, "3", introduced in the future thereafter by a similar Project design has been somewhat helpful in the early planning stages are: 4.2 Design Considerations 4.2.1 Restrictions For Cargo Space Vent. System of one of the factors that determine the size of the spread in the air in the working areas of the body is that it should not harm. In other words, tolerance Hygiene (Hygienic Limits Value), and each should not exceed that specified in Rule and Regulation Air Change Rate and Noise Level shall meet at the same time. Sanitary tolerance HLV (Hygienic Limits Value) of the definition Health Allowance (HLV) in the air that people breathe in a mixture of certain substances or mixtures of certain substances that can be tolerated for an hour is defined as the maximum average concentration. Define the various units of this concentration is used haneundeneun, Gas, vapor or dust (smoke. Fog) contained in the About This concentration of contaminants mg / -Air is given by, the value addition, most PPM ( Parts Per Million) is also given by: The two HLV Threshold Level Value, Maximum Limit Value and Short-Term Limit Value, which are three of the Vent. Calculation of the Threshold Level Value System is used primarily. * Threshold Level Value: During the entire operation for pollutants emitted to the HLV * Maximum Limit Value: 15 for pollutants emitted during the HLV * A Short Term Limit Value: measured concentrations of air that can be compared to the approximate Baseline (average value measured at least 15 minutes) key pollutants Gasoline, diesel, engine exhaust pollutants among Gas in the CO, NO, NO2, and Ben tolerance for each country separately in health (HLV) is a regulation. In other words, in the workspace, to measure the degree of contamination of the air pollutants are the most important CO (Carbon Monoxide), NO (Nitric Oxide), NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide), and these three pollutants and other contaminants in the relationship between The concentration of CO and NO in any particular threshold is lower than the concentration of other pollutants do not have to worry about is not. Air Change Rate

The maximum allowable concentration of pollutants in addition to the regulations for the minimum requirements for the Air Change Rate, which loaded the car to sail the vessel within the explosive gas is generated when the Hold is intended to prevent accumulation, Loading / Unloading When the air is heavily polluted are provisions to prevent. Air Change Rate on two requirements for consumers and business in each Authority or Class Society, which DNV As an example, the lowest 6 Air Change / Hour are required. However, in some cases, Min. Supply Air Flow and 1ft3 / Minute / ft2-Deck Area (0.3M / Minute / m-Deck Area) is defined as: Sound Levels Cargo Space and Sound Level in Residential Area near the Upper Deck Ventilation System of a significant influence on the design and operation. Two on the Measurement of Sound Level requirements are defined, too. - N.M.D. The requirements. * UPP Deck: 85 dB (A) * Cargo Hold Area: 70 dB (A) During loading / unloading where speech communication is required. * Cargo Hold Area: 90 dB (A) Where no speech communication is required. 4.2.2 Ventilation The purpose of Ventilation Open Deck area in a non-moving vehicles or cargo transported by the vehicle when the vent. system of a goal contained in the exhaust of the vehicle pollutants is to avoid focusing on one However Vent. System is properly installed, despite the expected effect does not appear there. In this case, Vent. System is easy enough to single-copy has been installed properly the effects of inadequate at the same time in the Calendar section of the vehicle too much and too often to come and go in the Loading / Unloading Plan may be caused. In other words, Ventilation System to prevent the concentration of the pollutant is in one of the myriad ways available ppunimeul should keep in mind. Ventilation System of the ship Pipe or Duct System in the Calendar section soon as possible through the vehicle's exhaust gases directly outside the already established a possible way in order to discharge the ship's space is very limited, considering. Therefore, for the ship's Cargo Space Vent. In general, dilution ventilation is System (Dilution Vent.) Operated in accordance with the principles of which the vehicle's exhaust gas mixed with air in general, sufficient to be vented to the outside doeeoseo Supply Air Flow is raising. In this way, the concentration of airborne contaminants can be kept as low as possible. Dilution ventilation (Dilution Vent.) There are two major ways of Exhaust Air Vent. And Supply Air Vent. Is a way. (1) Exhaust Air Vent By Fan discharge air from the schedule and Cargo Space, the Space Opening the Ramp DOOR and the other came through the back by an external air is filled. In general,

Exhaust Vent. System pressure at the Cargo Space "under atmospheric pressure (SubAtmospheric Pressure)" is used when required by this "less than atmospheric pressure" from the Cargo Space Cabin, Galley, such as the spread of contaminants out of town that will prevent. (2) Supply Air Vent This Exhaust Air Vent. And is the opposite way, Fan of the outside air is supplied to Cargo Space, Cargo Space was in the air the Ramp, and is discharged through the other Opening. In this case, a slight rise in pressure within normal Cargo Space appears. But the ship's Vent. System is typically combine the above two methods, which can be reversed by Fan of the outside air into the Cargo Hold and Supply may dispose of air from the Cargo Hold can produce. However, Supply Air Terminal by the air flow more air circulation in the Cargo Hold a greater influence, especially the fact that should be considered. It is the movement of air in the vicinity Exhaust Air Terminal Terminal near the entrance to the only noticeable in a very small movement because. dispersion of pollutants All Cargo Space and thoroughly mixed with the air pollution from or to maintain a constant concentration is impossible. This is a different air flow phenomena, Cargo Space of a size and shape, Supply Air Opening of the structure and location, and set the amount of Cargo, depending on location, etc. can be mixed with ambient air pollutants and was the differences in the degree. Therefore, the entire Air Change in Cargo Space at very low rate, which may not be, the air flow passage when there is any obstacle can cause these symptoms. In other words, the air flow, the flow distribution of the time retaining a steady state is stable in general becoming a temper, but by the interference of a moving vehicle, and are influenced by external factors, such as, Cargo Space Air Change rate of change in locally changing the concentration of exhaust gas concentration of pollutants also varies accordingly. Air Jets effects Changes in the movement of air in order to give more permanent measures to be taken, one of these methods, a high-speed jet of air (Air Jets) to a device that can Vent. System is to compensate for this device, the function of the secondary air jet air supply to be spread to the entire Cargo Space, adjust the air, to flow, but the effect in the air jet (Air Jets Effect) in the limit, the device close as possible to the required area for maximum effect when there are available, Cargo Space, the less likely the movement of air within the secondary air jet will increase the effectiveness of the device. where the concentration of pollutants Where the local concentration of pollutants is very varied, but generally the most concentrated areas where the air vents and adjacent. For instance, a passenger in the Car Deck Ramp in normal use of the air inlet and the baechulyong Fan Deck is located at the top of the front end. In this case, the average maximum concentrations of contaminants away from the Ramp near the top of the front, that is the inside of the Car Deck: If the exhaust Gas leaked out through the Car Deck Ramp on the inside of the air supply would

be if the situation is reversed . Because the symptoms are very important, Vent. Fan System's initial design should be carefully considered when determining the location of the. 4.2.3 Determination of the required air flow. the basic equation Vent. System for the main purpose of using outside air is heavily polluted air in the Calendar section in order to prevent the contamination of the vehicle containing the diluted exhaust gas out the Calendar section of sikyeoseo would you want to remove. Thus, when the initial plan with a mixture of air and creates a complete discharge of pollutants is needed to calculate the amount of outside air should be. In this case, the following general formula uses. .... .......................................................... (A)

Here, q = the amount of outside air pilyonghan m / s F = contaminant, mg / s K = Sanitary tolerance, mg / m = dilution factor = ambient air pollutants that are contained in In this calculation, and the air full of pollutants, will be assumed as a mixture of pollutants (F) and Sanitary Allowance (K) is <3-2> on the shows. Also included in the external air pollution () remit the special needs allowance, unless hygiene (K) 1 / 40, as calculated by the vehicle per unit volume of air required in the calculation of the thumb when estimating the dilution factor () a Car Ferry from the ship, and 0.8 ~ 0.9, Ro-Ro line is used and the value of 0.5 for Ro-Ro Ferry lines of the Car Deck Cargo Space and the air is confirmed empirically by measuring the amount of value. The above expression (A) Calculate the required amount of air affects the basic elements of the unknown, and the expression Vent. The initial plan, or installed on System Vent. System can be a reference to evaluate. However, the expression (A) against the ship's Cargo Space required to calculate the amount of air sikyigin a general, but here, in addition to supply a certain amount of outside air pollutants in itself and its own, including the dilution factor and the fact that should always be considered. In addition to health, without exceeding the tolerance that can be operated simultaneously on the details of the vehicle daetsu too seriously is one of the elements that should be considered. Pollutants (F) and Sanitary Allowance (K) The most significant impact on the human body CO, NOX (Nitric Oxides), HC (Hydro Carbon) each Authority for the <Table 1> as sanitary tolerance (maximum allowable concentration: PPM) is defined and <Table 2> ~ <Table 6> for each vehicle exhaust gas contained in the amount of pollutants (F) and has been shown. <Table 1> maximum allowable concentration (PPM)

Items Author. Sweden Norway D. O. T. (UK) U. S. C. G Germany

Carbon Oxide 60 60 As Low as Possible 50 50

Nitrogen Oxide 5 5 As Low as Possible 3 5

Hydrocarbons 1500

Number of Air Change / hr Min. 20 20 Min. 10 But Higher Adequate Min. 20

<Table 2> Gasoline Engine: Cylinder Volume 1000 - 2200cm Ex) Passenger Cars Pollution in mg/s Operating Cycles CO NOx HC Idling (600 100 - 150 1-2 10 - 15 1000r/min) Constant Speed 200 -250 3.3 - 3.5 15 - 20 15km/h Constant Speed 250 - 300 7 - 8.5 15 - 20 30km/h Acceleration 0.6m/s 250 - 300 5 - 6.5 15 - 20 (0 - 15km/h) Motor Braking 110 - 140 1 28 - 33 0.6m/s(15 - 0 km/h) <Table 3> Diesel Engine: Turbo-Supercharged Diesel Engine, Approximately 150kW (200hk) Ex) Larger Lorries, Loaders and Larger Trucks Pollution in mg/s Operating Cycles CO Nox HC NO2 Idling 20 - 30 17 - 25 15 - 25 5-8 Lift 2550r/min 170 10 - 100 ~ 100 5 - 50 Transport 2260r/min 150 600 - 700 ~ 130 25 - 30 <Table 4> Diesel: Suction Fed Diesel Engine With Air Storage Chamber, Approximately 150kW (200hk) Ex) Larger Lorries, Loaders and Buses Pollution in mg/s Operating Cycles CO Nox HC NO2 Idling 20 - 25 25 - 30 2-4 8-9 Lift 2150r/min 50 - 60 10 - 130 10 - 15 5 - 65 Transport 2000r/min 130 - 150 100 - 225 15 - 35 4-9

<Table 5> Diesel: Suction Fed Diesel Engine Without Air Storage Chamber, Approx. 130kW (180hk) Ex) Lorries, Loaders and Buses Pollution in mg/s Operating Cycles CO NOx HC NO2 Idling 20 - 25 15 - 20 10 - 15 5-6 Lift 2200r/min 50 - 60 22 - 26 40 - 50 10 - 15 Transport 2200r/min 170 - 200 135 - 150 10 - 15 5-6 <Table 6> Diesel: Suction Fed Diesel Engine Without Air Storage Chamber, Approx. 74kW (100hk) Ex) Fork Trucks and Passenger Cars Pollution in mg/s Operating Cycles CO NOx HC NO2 Idling 3-5 2-5 1 0.5 - 1.5 Lift 3000r/min 50 - 60 5 - 10 30 - 40 2.5 - 5 Transport 3000r/min 60 - 70 40 - 50 10 - 20 1.5 - 2.5 Experience of air required by The outside of the vehicle exhaust and supply air may not be fully mixed and contaminated outside air itself is already a few that should also be considered. That the expression (A) Under normal conditions, the exhaust gas emitted relative to normal, because the calculated volume of air required and the movement of air may differ from actual cases, and the concentration of exhaust gas varies widely. Here each vehicle type and driving conditions are required depending on the need to empirically according to the following indicates the amount of air. <Table 7> BASED ON "Short-term Limit Values" (Exposure over a Period about 15 Minutes)

<Table 8> BASED ON "Treshold Level Value" (Exposure over a Period Greater than 15 Min. but not exceeding an 8-hour Day)

4.2.4 Other considerations Conditions The air is introduced from the outside of each section of Cargo Space and schedule to be spreading, the shape of each Cargo Space Deck height, width, Web Frame and vary greatly depending on the number of Bulkhead. In other words, Cargo, Vehicle, Ramp and Other Opening Cargo Space because of the impact of air flowing from the passage can not assume clear. In this case, to take into account various conditions, while at sea air supply should be spread evenly across the Cargo Space and Loading / Unloading when jobs are concentrated in the space should be provided with outside air. Depending on the type of vessel when considering the diversity of the latter (Loading / Unloading) uniformly satisfy the requirements of the uniqueness of each ship is not easy because the people who work and taking into account special circumstances Supply / Exhaust Duct size and location, Opening size, and should be properly designed. <Table 9> On Supply / Exhaust Duct layout of the basic method is shown on. In addition to the special circumstances of each vessel should be considered for the following information. the vehicle's exhaust gases before they spread to other areas should be removed as

soon as possible. outside air pollutants are particularly concentrated in the area and jobs are concentrated in areas To Supply / Exhaust Air should be located on the Opening. <Table 9> how to deploy the basic Duct

Supply / Exhaust Opening of the possible Web Plate, Frame, and so located to avoid interference by Yahamyeo, one area in each Duct Opening shall have at least two. Supply / Exhaust Opening the Max. Air Velocity at the Opening 10M / S is designed so that it does not exceed Should be. not place obstacles in the eye area and obscure Deck Height is low and easy to press the exhaust gas Deck that jeokdoel near the bottom of the vehicle's bottom, and so also should be considered. Deck Height of the high- natyie to adjust the flow of air along the Supply / Exhaust Opening of the Location and number must be taken into consideration. <Table 10> according to the air flow from the Deck Height represents the shape of Shows the experimental values. less air resistance because it has the properties you want to move toward the most of the air

Cargo, Open Space through the vehicle's place tends to get away with. <Table 10> silheomchi about air flow phenomena

Line 4.3 in 4401/02 Hold Vent. System 4.3.1 Lay-out of Vessel and Design Condition Vent. Compartment of Cargo Hold Below <Figure 1> Cargo Hold as an independent 6 (no.1 ~ no.6) formed in the district, and each section, the Fixed Deck, Bulkhead Door, Rapms, etc., or by a Water Tight Gas Tight is a. Building Spec. On the basics (1) Min. Air Change Rate At Loading / Unload Condition: 20 Times / Hour At Navigation Condition: 10 Times / Hour (2) Max. Gas Concentration Cabon Monoxide: 35 PPM. (3) Working Hour: 8 Hours / Day (4) Needed Air Amount: 7.5M3/sec/Car. (5) Sound Level At Upper Deck: 85 dB (A) or less At Cargo Hold: 85 dB (A) or less (6) Wind Velocity (Air Flow) At Opening in Cargo Hold: 5 ~ 8 M / sec

At Hull Opening: 10 M / sec or less (7) Number of Driven Car Simultaneously

<Figure 1> Hold Vent. Compartment

The following requirements in addition to Building Spec. The Duct of the batch, Electric Motor, Steel Material, etc. about the default of a requirement imposed also include, but are they in general deulrosseo design basically meet the doe was Specifications reading here because it mentions did not. Number and Diagram 4.3.2 Fan Fan-consuming calculations and Arrangement of <Figure 1> appears in each Vent. Compartment Fan because the areas to be completely independent of the number of each of the first Comp. Shall determine the amount spent by. To this end, each Deck. Broken down by volume for the Air Change (At Port and Sea) and at the same time, depending on the vehicle operation to obtain the required volume of air required in each case, the number of the Fan was calculated based on the actual installation, it should be the process that determines the number of Fan <Table 11> are shown in <Table 11> in the following ways: Sheet calculations are made. indicates the term and each Deck, and Compartment, paragraph that the actual volume of term

(M) is calculated by: , term Building Spec.'s Requirement of 20-Air Change / Hour (At Port Condition), 10-Air Change / Hour (Sea Going Condition) that are required based on the Air Q'ty (m / s) and 20Ach calculating, No.1 Deck the case of , , respectively 14,000 36000sec = 39m / sec will appear 10Ach 3600sec = 78m / s, 14,000 as Building spec requirement of Section also simultaneously driving the vehicle that the average spend per car daetsu and air (7.5m / sec / Car), and the Air Q'ty calculated based on the inverse of the Air Changes were calculated. In other words, No.1 Deck cases, the simultaneous operation so that the 7.5m / sec / Car = 90m / Car = 90m / s, 90 vehicle 12 12 Car 14,000 m = 23 Ach is calculated as:3600sec Fan Capacity protest decision shall be considered for a number of empirical factors. In other words, Fan bonhoseone used the Axial Flow Fan ("Flakt" Type FZMA-112) and this is the characteristic curve of Fan <Table 12>, and appears as. However, Supply, Exhaust two cases differently in appearing Fan Impeller to the nature of the resulting Pressure increased to reduce the impact, each Compartent that are installed on the Duct to the nature of the resulting Pressure Drop an increase of as many uncertain factors to compensate for the many empirical Capacity factors were determined Kami. , and term , , and from the requirement to meet the Air Q'ty Min. 16 = 5EA is calculated as: 16 = 2.5EA, 90 16 = 49EA, 39 Fan shows the number and in the case of each of No.1 Deck 78 In particular, if the Ro-Ro Port Condition of the line, all Supply Fan Fan by two works, but some of the Sea Going Condition Supply Fan, Exhaust Fan as part of the whole because jakdongdoeeohya Reversible Fan Fan should be part of. In other words, No.6 Compartment for in Section 6EA calculated as the Supply Fan, and the corresponding Exhaust (Reversible) Fan to be Again 16 = 96m / s ie 96 calculated, the a 6 (Sup.Fan) 11.2 9EA (Rev. Fan) is. Pressure Drop for Each Compartment stars Fan Capacity As a rule of thumb, assuming the No.4 ~ 6 Deck, No. 7 ~ 9 Deck, No.10 ~ 12 Deck for each of 15m / s, 14m / s, 13m / s were determined as: When calculated as above, ~ hangeseowa ago in Cargo Hold Min. The number Fan , , , respectively in the case of 46EA, 70EA, 24/60/36EA calculated, but the Building Spec.'s Requirements in order to meet common concurrent operation of vehicles in Port Condition daetsu calculated based on 70EA protest the Min. Fan is the number. However, the "2. Design considerations, "as described in the Cargo Hold Vent. Position and Duct System in Cargo Space, depending on the shape of the pollutants in certain areas of congestion is expected as early as possible to eliminate this phenomenon into consideration the experiential Fan has added four. Because of this that the actual installation of a number of Fan / Air Q'ty / Air Change is a clauses: Fan of the Line of the total number of 74 pieces, and two 39 Dual Supply Fan, Reversible Fan two 34 Exhaust (Only) Fan 1 is composed of pieces. Fan in the calculated total of more than 74 places on each attribute, and the installation in accordance with Compariment <Table 13>, and each show in the Deck of the Duct Arr't <Figure 2> ~ <Figure 6> is shown in

<Table 11> CALCULATION SHEET (1 / 2)

<Table 11> CALCULATION SHEET (2 / 2)

<Table 12> FAN of the characteristic curve the flow of air <Table 11> in the Port Condition hangeseoneun Compartment to be supplied to each Deck and Air Q'ty in which case they represent the flow of air within the Cargo Hold Forth gijuneu <Table 14> were in the city. Ie, <Table 14> that each Deck Supply Air on each Ramp, Door, Other Opening to the outside through the exhaust passage, and the schedule shows the geometry. However, <Table 14> Cargo Hold a whole when it is operating as a work area with the entire Supply Air moves through the passage, and if the schedule because, if real, which can vary from time to time and the operating conditions of each Compartment Ramp, Door and other Opening of the lungs, depending on the status of the dog the amount of air flow and will be changed. In this regard, in the Line of No.1 and No.2 Deck Movable Ramp state, assuming the Close, No.1 and No.2 Deck was installing in the Air Opening the Air to be immediately released into the atmosphere Air Outlet Opening on the Upper Deck was installed. <Table 13> number and characteristics of FAN

<Figure 2> Vent. System (Deck No.1 ~ 3)

<Figure 3> Vent. System (Deck No.4 ~ 6)

<Figure 4> Vent. System (Deck No. 7 ~ 9)

<Figure 5> Vent. System (Deck No. 10 ~ 12) <Table 14> Loading / Unloading the city air flow

The calculation for 4.3.3 Duct Typical Arrangement The hull has been structured for each Duct <Figure 6> In general, as shown in (A), but such as is in Duct, (B) and Accommodation Ladder close to the same Duct special consideration because it had to install.

<Figure 6> Typical Arr't of Duct the basic equation (For Pressure Drop Calculation) Friction loss and for each Duct Pressure Loss In order to calculate the following expression is used. Friction Loss:

Here, the = Friction Coefficient L = Length of Duct [m] D = Hydraulic Diameter [m]

A = Duct Area [m] S = Duct Circumference [m] Pd = Dynamic Pressure [Pa]

= Specific Gravity of Air [kg / m] V = Velocity in Duct [m / sec] Pressure Loss:

Here = Pressure Loss Coefficient, Pd = Dynamic Pressure Example of Calculation (For Pressure Drop Calculation) (1) Friction 'Loss: Rectangular Duct Size: 0.7m2.4m Air Flow: 15m / s Estimated Friction Coefficient: 0.15 Length of Duct: 6.5m Under the above conditions,

(2) Pressure Loss Air Flow Q'ty (Q) = 14m / s Transition-Estimated: 60Pa GA 0.7, Net Area = 0.8 Gross Area = 2.4 Pressure Loss in Penetration = Difference in Dynamic Pressure Same as Bend Sharp 90 4 EA = 1.4 T-Shape = 1.6 At Opening: Pressure Loss = The Dynamic Pressure in Opening

Bend Sharp 90 = 1.4

Over Pressure in Hold: 50Pa This Total Pressure Loss: PT. L a + +

PT. L = 491Pa (3) Pressure Loss reduction measures <Figure 6> in the (B) if, Upper Deck to 12 Deck from Duct special shape of the fulllength and partial loss of pressure due to the very keunjeomeul full consideration to the Ro-Ro line; 12 Deck with sufficient pressure air Impeller in order to supply a special Type of Fan Fan of using the Total Pressure Head as a way to increase the adoption, but Example of calculation (2) - Bend Sharp 90 as shown in the case of pressure loss is still largely appear. Bend 90 this in order to reduce the pressure loss in <Figure 7> (i) the shape of (ii), (iii) can be transformed as: Where (2) - the previous figure, in the case of (i), (ii), (iii) When applied to (i) PL = 4 1.4 41.7 = 233.3 Pa. (ii) PL = 4 0.5 41.7 = 83.4 Pa. (iii) PL = 4 0.2 41.7 = 33.4 Pa In other words Bend Duct, 90 geometry of (iii) By doing so, change the value to 1.4 to 0.2 and the pressure loss is reduced to 33.3Pa in 233.3Pa can benefit from. The Ro-Ro seoneseodo to get the same effect as above Bend Duct 90 and (iii) was designed in the shape of.

<Figure 7> Bend Duct 90 shape of 4.3.4 Noise Reduction At Upper Deck Upper Deck for Noise Reduction on each of the Fan of the <Figure 6> as installed and in a separate Fan House Fan House as Wall Insulation with a thickness of 100mm and is organized into Screen Pate Noise Level in the Upper Deck and Max. 85dB (A) has to remain below. In particular, the Forward Part of Fan Fan House is installed in a specially designed, Fan House Insulation wall thickness by more than 100 or Noise Reduction was designed to achieve the effect. At Cargo Hold <Figure 6> as shown in Fan and Sound Absorber by installing Combind Hold within the Noise Level two 85dB (A) were considered to be less than, Manual Damper Sound Absorber installed in the fire, and emergency operations in the Hold to enable were measures. Fan Noise Reduction, however, matters pertaining to the ship itself, in addition to the noise caused by each piece of equipment that is installed on all outside noise and other noise to be affected also by the uniform because the constant is calculated by the equation

is difficult. Therefore, in Fan Noise Reduction Device for the estimated effects in the design phase can be estimated only as an approximation measure is ready. If the Upper Deck and the Cargo Hold bonhoseonui geonjowanryohu Noise Level is the real measure of <Table 15> and, as appeared, the result value specified in the initial design phase, and that each Authority Compared with baseline shows that very good results is <Table 15> Actual Noise Level of H.No. 4401 / 2 Position(Deck) Upper No. 1 No. 2 Noise Level : 79.2 84.4 83 dB(A) Position(Deck) Noise Level : dB(A) 4.4 Conclusion Which has been constructed in more than 4,410 company based in the / 2 line of the Cargo Hold Vent System design considerations and the actual information that was designed Vent. System for've gochalhae. However, as Ro-Ro lines and special Vent. System on a regular formula or reference for the clean material shortage, especially in the human body harm pollutant type and tolerance, and so for now in many ways being studied in the Free, because so far experienced only by the numerous variables It is open to interpretation. Materials such as described here, initial plans for the future at a similar Project Resources, shall be of a think. No. 7 79.5 No. 8 79.0 No. 9 76.0 No. 3 84.6 No. 10 78.9 No. 4 83.3 No. 11 75.0 No. 5 82.9 No.12 75.0 No. 6 84 80.4

4.5 Resources 4.5.1 SIS Hand Book.150, 1st Edition, June.1982, Sweden 4.5.2 Svensk Standard SS 78 20 26. 1981-6-25. Sweden 4.5.3 Svensk Standard SS 78 20 27. 1981-6-25. Sweden 4.5.4 Sf Review (Marine Edition). In 1973. Sweden. 4.5.5 Building Spec. For Daewoo H.No.4410 / 2 4.5.6 D.N.V Rule Book. N.N.D. Regulation

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