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Have you ever imagined that someone dies due to cooking MEAL for her family, here are the facts! Half the worlds population cook on biomass (wood, animal dung cake, forest litter, etc) This is done on dirty stoves or three stone fire which are inefficient as well as give out hazardous smoke equivalent to two packs of cigarettes everyday which, the lady breathes while cooking the meal. As per WHO, there are 4 million deaths annually because of Indoor Air Pollution. Nearly 30% of these deaths happen in India. These are women and children. This also results in excessive deforestation which can be brought down with efficient cookstoves as biomass is a renewable energy source. It also leads to excessive emissions into the air and contributes to the global warming. There are studies which also reflect the glaciers are melting faster because of the soot from these stoves.

All, these issues are addressed with a simple solution of adopting Improved Biomass cook stoves, a clean and efficient way to cook and protect the families and the world. Please check the details on Please check on the following youtube links as well

The reason to connect with you

We are a small social enterprise doing our best to eradicate this silent killer and want your help to attract CEO / MD of large corporates (we have their lists) and preside on the workshop to discuss on the challenges of the various dissemination program. We will bring various CEOs (as testimonials) who are already doing this dissemination in their member base. We want you to lead and help us in finding the solutions jointly in that room. We are planning to have this workshop somewhere in the last week of September 2013 or early October 2013. We are trying our best to save lives and improve the emission standards across the globe. Hence, trying all means hence this message. Sorry, if this was an improper invite but trying our best effort to save lives.

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