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Genres of Texts

No. Type of Genres Social Function Text Structure Linguistic Features

A. Story Genres
To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual of various experience in different ways. Orientation, Evaluation, Complication, Rsolution, Rorientation Focus on spcifique participants Use of past tense Use of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances Use of material (or action) processes Use of relational and mental processes Short, telegraphic information about story summarized in one-sentence headline Use of material or action processes to re-tell story Use of projecting verbal processes in source stage Focus on circumstantial meanings Often dramatic use of participant structure Use of exclammative rhetorical question and intensifiers to point or the significance of events Use of temporal and continuative conjunctions Use of material or action processes (in present or past tense) Use of relation and mental processes to evaluate events



Factual text which inform readers events of the day News wrohty which are considered newsworthy or important vent(s), Background vent(s), Sources. 2. News Item



To share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident.

Abstract Orientation Crisis Reaction Coda



To retell events for the purpose of informing or Orientation entertaining Events Reorientation To retell an event with a humorous twist. Orientation Events Twist



Focus on individual participants Use of past tense Focus on a temporal sequence of events Use of material (or action) clauses Focus on individual participants Use of past tense Use of material (or action) processes Circumstance of time and place

B. Factual Genres
To describe how something is accomplished through Goal a sequence of action or steps. Materials Step 1 - n To explain the processes involved in the formation A general statement or workings of natural or socio-cultural phenomena. to position the reader A sequenced explanation of way or how something occurs To describe the things are, with reference to arrange General classification, or natural, manmade and social phenomena in our Description (parts, environment qualities, habits or behavior (if living); uses (if non living) To persuade the reader or listener that something is Thesis the case. Arguments Reiterations / summing up Focus on generalized human agents Use of simple present tense Use of mainly temporal conjunctive relations Use of mainly material (action) clauses Focus on generic, non human participants Use simple present tense Use of temporal and causal conjunctive relations Use of mainly material or action clauses; some passive to theme right Focus on generic participants Use simple present tense Use of being and having clauses








Analytical Exposition

Focus on generic human or non human participants More use of modality and modulation Few temporal conjunctive relation Reasoning expressed as verb and nouns Use material, relation and mental process


Hortatory Exposition

To persuade the reader or listener that something Thesis should or should not be the case. Arguments Recommendation







To present (at least) two points of view about an Issue issue Arguments for and against or statements of differing points of view Conclusion or recommendations To describe a particular person, place or thing Identification Focus on specific participants Description Use of attributive and identifying process Frequent use of epithets and classifier in nominal groups Use of simple present tense To critique an art work or event for a public Orientation Focus on particular participants audience Interpretative recount Direct expression of opinion through use of attitudinal lexis Evaluation Use of elaborating and extending clause and Evaluation group complexes to package the summation information Use of metaphorical language

Focus on generic human or non human participants Use material, relation and mental process Use simple present tense Focus on generic human or non human participants More use of modality and modulation Use of logical conjunctive relation Reasoning expressed as verb and nouns Use material, relation and mental process

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