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Trust No One

Now that we know how CGI programs can do what you want, let's make sure they won't do what you don't want. This is harder than it looks, because you can't trust anyone to do what you expect. Here's a simple example: You want to make sure the HTTP log analyzer will never show more than 50 items per report, because it takes too long to send larger reports to the user. The easy thing to do would be to eliminate the "ALL" line from our HTML form, so that the only remaining options are 10, 20 and 50. It would be very easy - and wrong. Download the source code for the HTTP analyzer with security enhancements. We saw that you can modify HTML forms when we pasted the pizza-topping sample code into our backatcha page. You can also use the URL to pass form items to a script - try going to in your browser. Obviously, if someone can do this with the backatcha script, they can also do it with your log analyzer and stick any value for number in that they want: "ALL" or "25000", or "four score and seven years ago." Your form doesn't allow this, you say. Who cares? People will write custom HTML forms to exploit weaknesses in your programs, or will just pass bad form items to your script directly. You cannot trust anything users or their browsers tell you. You eliminate these problems by knowing what you expect from the user, and disallowing everything else. Whatever you do not expressly permit is totally forbidden. Secure CGI programs consider everything guilty until it is made innocent. For example, we want to limit the size of reports from our HTTP log analyzer. We decide that means the number form item must have a value that is between 10 and 50. We'll verify it like this:
# Make sure that the "number" form item has a reasonable value ($number) = (param('number') =~ /(\d+)/); if ($number < 10) { $number = 10; } elsif ($number > 50) { $number = 50; }

Of course, we also have to change the report_section() sub so it uses the $number variable. Now, whether your user tries to tell your log analyzer that the value of number is "10," "200," "432023," "ALL" or "redrum," your program will restrict it to a reasonable value. We don't need to do anything with report, because we only act when one of its values is something we expected. If the user tries to enter something other than our expressly permitted values ("url," "status," "hour" or "type"), we just ignore it.

Use this sort of logic everywhere you know what the user should enter. You might use s/\D//g to remove non-numeric characters from items that should be numbers (and then test to make sure what's left is within your range of allowable numbers!), or /^\w+$/ to make sure that the user entered a single word. All of this has two significant benefits. First, you simplify your error-handling code, because you make sure as early in your program as possible that you're working with valid data. Second, you increase security by reducing the number of "impossible" values that might help an attacker compromise your system or mess with other users of your Web server. Don't just take my word for it, though. The CGI Security FAQ has more information about safe CGI programming in Perl than you ever thought could possibly exist, including a section listing some security holes in real CGI programs.

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