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NPRE/GLBL 201, Energy Systems Homework Problems Assignment 2 points per problem.

Submit a pdf file with the multiple choice answers for all of the questions at the top of the file, followed by your work for each problem clearly identified by problem number. Doing your homework with Matlab or Mathematica is highly recommended. For example, if the multiple choice answer was c for problem 1 and a for all the rest, your answer file should be: 1c; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6a; 7a; 8a; 9a 1. Work for problem 1. 2. Work for problem 2. 3. Work for problem 3 4. Work for problem 4. 5. Work for problem 5. 6. Work for problem 6. 7. Work for problem 7. 8. Work for problem 8. 9. Work for problem 9.

1. Suppose that all of the estimated natural gas and oil recoverable at up to $16/GJ is burned, where the recovery cost vs. cumulative use Z in ZJ is 0.86 Z 0.7 for oil and 0.74 Z 0.7 for natural gas. (1.1) Rounded to the nearest integer, how many ZJ of gas and oil each would then be burned? (1.2) If the amount of carbon burned is 0.0190 Ttonne/ZJ for oil and 0.0137 Ttonne for natural gas (where Ttonne= trillion metric tons), and the resulting global average temperature is 1 C per Ttonne of carbon burned, what would then be the resulting global average temperature increase? Express the answer with two significant figures, i.e. with one digit after the decimal point. (1.3) Is this number larger or smaller than the result for global average temperature increase from Sample Problem 1 on the course website at Choose from these answers: a) (question 1.1) 65 for oil; 81 for natural gas; (question 1.2) 0.3; (question 1.3) Smaller b) (question 1.1) 65 for oil; 81 for natural gas; (question 1.2) 2.3; (question 1.3) Smaller c) (question 1.1) 65 for oil; 81 for natural gas; question (1.2) 2.3; (question 1.3) Larger d) Other, with work shown to explain what the answer is and why

2.The function 127/(1+Exp[-0.060(t-1964.2)] gives a least squares fit to annual estimates of combined annual energy use in EJ for the United States and Canada from 1950|2009, where t is time years on the standard (Julian) western calendar. The function 41 Exp[ 0.032(t-1950)] is a least squares fit to global annual energy use data in exajoules from 1950|1979. To two significant figures, i.e. in this case including one digit after the decimal point, by what factor does the exponential growth fit overestimate the result from the logistic fit (2.1) for 2010, and (2.2) for 2030? Choose from these answers: a) 2.07 for question (2.1); 4.1 for question (2.2) b) 2.1 for question (2.1); 4.1 for question (2.1 c) 4.1 for question (2.1; 4.1 for question (2.1 d) Other, with work shown to explain what the answer is and why


3. The ideal Diesel cycle efficiency is 1 -

r c -1 kHrc -1L rv
k -1

. Take k=1.4 and the compression ratio rv to be 14. For the cutoff ratio of the

volume of the cylinder at the beginning and end of combustion, set rc =3. What is the value of the ideal efficiency? Show your answer with two significant figures. Choose from these answers: a) 1.8 b) 0.55 c) 0.45 d) Other, with work shown to explain what the answer is and why

4. In diagrams (5.1) and (5.2), the temperature and entropy have been divided by their values at the point in the lower left. Compute the thermodynamic efficiencies for cycles (5.1) and (5.2). Express each answer as a ratio of two integers. Choose from these answers: a) 7/12 for (5.1); 3/4 for (5.2) b) 3/4 for (5.1); 7/12 for (5.2) c) 1/2 for (5.1); 5/8 for (5.2) d) Other, with work shown to explain what the answer is and why

T 4

H5.1L Carnot


T 5

H5.2L Not Carnot

5. This problem applies to a location just southeast of Champaign, IL, at f=40 north latitude and 272 east longitude (i.e. 88 west longitude) on January 31 at 9 am. Approximate yzone=360(17.5/24) east longitude. To two significant figures, find the cosine of the angle of incidence of sunlight on a flat plat facing due south and making an angle of b=40 with flat ground for these conditions, Use the formulas in Fig. 6.2a (at on the course website, noting that g=0 for a south facing plate. a) 0.15 b) 0.33 c) 0.5 d) Other, with work shown to explain what the answer is and why

6. This is an easy problem. All you have to do is divide the given power P by the given voltage V to get the current IC . But read the whole problem and look at the figure in Sample Problem 7 at you understand the power vs. current relationship in preparation for the next exam. The photoelectric current as a function of voltage can be approximated as Ic =IL -I0 (Exp[b V/(a T)]-1), where b=q/k=11603 degree Kelvin per volt is the charge on the electron divided by Boltzmann's constant, I0 is the saturation current in the dark (i.e. the current in the dark with large negative applied voltage), IL is the current in the light with no resistive load (and thus with V=0). Ideally the factor a=1, but the more realistic case considered here has a=2. At T=300 K, with currents in amperes, for I0 =21010 and IL =0.5, the maximum curve of the power IC V as a fucntion of V for these parameters is P=0.458 watt at V=0.965 volts. With three significant figures, what is the current P/V at V=0.965 volts? Answer (the easy way): IC =P/V=0.475 ampere a) 0.475 b) 0.458 c) 0.512 d) Other, with work shown to explain what the answer is and why


7. Consider a wind turbine with a maximum electric power output in kW of p=1.0 v3 for wind speeds v between 2 and 10 meters per second, a maximum power of 1000 kW when the wind blows at 10 m/s, and no power when the wind blows below 2m/s. Approximate the wind during a year the as blowing at less than 2 m/s 20% of the time, exactly 4 m/s 20% of the time, exactly 6 m/s 30% of the time, exactly 8 m/s 20% of the time, and exactly 10 m/s 10% of the time. To three significant figures, what is the ratio of the average power to the maximum rated capacity of 1000 kW? a) 0.468 b) 0.500 c) 0.578 d) Other, with work shown to explain what the answer is and why

8. A utility has the choice of using a local lignite with thermal energy content of 16.6 GJ/tonne and costing $20/tonne to mine or paying for transport of Wyoming sub-bituminous coal with a heating content of 25 GJ/tonne costing $13/tonne to mine. For this problem neglect differences in pollution control and operation costs (which would need to be accounted for in a complete analysis). If the shipping distance for importing the Wyoming coal is 1800 miles (about 3000 km), and shipping cost per thousand miles per tonne is $14, which coal source will cost less per GJ of thermal energy content? (a) Local lignite (b) Wyoming sub-bituminous

9. Suppose that a coal liquefaction yields 1.25 barrel of liquid fuel per tonne of coal, the energy content of the liquid fuel is 6 GJ/barrel, the coal contains 0.75 tonne of carbon per tonne of coal, and all of the carbon used ends up in the atmosphere. To two signficant figures what is the ratio of carbon emissions per GJ of liquid fuels to that from conventional oil at 0.0188 tonnecarbon/GJ? (a) 1.3 (b) 2.8 (c) 5.3 (d) Other, with work shown to explain what the answer is and why

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