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Course of Cromotherapy

What is Cromotherapy

“Chromo / Therapy” can be defined as an alternative medicine method which cures

through the use of colours (Greek khrōma, colour) and light. It is a very old practice
dating back to the Ancient Egyptians who used sunlight reflected in the colours in the
rainbow in order to treat their patients. Eliopolis was the City of the Sun where
priests applied these therapeutic techniques.

Nowadays, in the aesthetics field, Cromotherapy, should not be called as such

because therapy pertains to medicine. On the other hand, we choose to speak about
chromo cosmetics, defined as a quest for exterior beauty, for well being and interior
harmony. Colours are a valid instrument in realizing beauty, global harmony and

Since 1992 Marzia De Servi started practicing ChromoCosmetics using clays and
coloured muds; in fact Marzia De Servi was one of the first Companies to introduce
ChromoCosmetics in the aesthetics Industry and develop beauty and well being
treatments. Back then, Marzia de Servi was a precursor since Chromotherapy was
still considered as scientific heresy. Today, public opinion and the Industry actually
value both alternative medicine and allopathic medicine.

The Philosophy behind Chromo-therapy

Without light, life cannot exist.

This strong affirmation is only too evident; light is at the base of all forms of life. In
the first stages of the Earth formation, the energy of solar radiation was vital and
helped to form the most complex molecules.

Plants take energy from light for the chlorophyll synthesis, all living beings take heat
from light in order to live. The cells of our body utilized light to communicate; the
first forms of light used solar energy to divide the water molecules and in
combination with CO2 formed glucose; this process is the base of the chlorophyll

Man like all living beings is light crystallized, which is manifested under the form of

Light comes from the sun, the star of our System yet stars are not the only ones
generating light. Light can emanate from all bodies with energy; even human beings
emit energy, but these emissions are so low that they may be perceived with only

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great difficulty; nonetheless, we use these emissions to communicate. Coloured light
represents a complex code of communication among ourselves, by interpreting this
code, we communicate and so do our bodies.

The human body is surrounded by a bio-electric field through which information is

constantly being exchanged with the environment. If our body does not receive this
vital information for its proper functioning, it can lead to illness.
The interaction of light and colours constantly transmit bio-information our body is
able to decipher, and to which it can respond adequately.

We can use the concepts of light and energy both at home and the office.

Lights and colours are inseparable. When we speak about colours, we speak about
light and vice versa; colours are generated by light and together colours create a
lighted environment.

What is Light?
Until 1690, light was considered to be a “phenomenon of corpuscular nature” or
rather, light was made up of corpuscles which travelled at a fast speed.

In 1690 in fact, Huygens published the treatise of light, in which the ondulatory
theory was expressed: light was seen as a vibration of waves.

But not even the ondulatory theory was able to explain all of light’s manifestations.
Throughout a century of study, and the admirable works of scientists like Maxwell
(electro magnetic concept), Hertz Planck (theory of how many), Einstein and Bohr,
the dualistic concept of light and matter was introduced: light like all matter
(because matter is light), is manifested in some cases as particles or corpuscles, and
sometimes like waves.

The physics of light

Light which comes from the sun is made up of electro magnetic radiations: infra red,
ultraviolet colours, x rays, gamma rays; that is what our eyes are able to perceive,
and it is only a small part of all the sun’s radiations. To be exact, man is able to
perceive through his eyesight, radiations which go from 380 to 760 nanometres.

What is a wave length

The wave length is a space between one wave and the following one.
Every radiation has its own wave length.
Every colour has its own wave length.

Frequency instead represents the number of waves emitted in a second. Therefore

the smaller the wave length, the greater its frequency.

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A colour with a long wave length, as red, will have a low frequency, while a colour
like violet, with a short wave length will have a high frequency.

In 1905 Einstein formulated the following equation:

E= h*v; energy equals constant of Planck multiplied by the frequency of
electromagnetic radiation.
One deduces that frequency and energy of the photon are directly proportional.
Or rather; red has a long wave, low frequency and low energy power.
Violet has a short wave, high frequency and high energy power.
In opposition red has a great penetration while violet has not.

Wave length of colours

Red corresponds to 620 nanometres.
Orange corresponds to 589 nanometres.
Yellow corresponds to 551 nanometres.
Green corresponds to 512 nanometres.
Blue corresponds to 475 nanometres.
Indigo corresponds to 449 nanometres.
Violet corresponds to 423 nanometres.

The spiral of colours

In the spiral of colours, violet is the colour which is more centripetal and red, the
colour more centrifugal.

Newton’s refraction of colours

Newton’s experiment of with a prism of crystal brought about the discovery of the
composition of visible light.
Newton obtained the decomposition of visible light in seven colours by letting a ray
of white light pass through the centre of a crystal prism. Red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo and violet were observed.
In this given order, these colours have wave lengths and diminishing penetrating
power and increasing energetic power.

Colours and psyche

According to Newton light was the holder of all the colours, Goethe on the other hand
supposed light to be born from the polar tension between light and shadow.

Why does an object appear to be coloured?

Because white light, which contains all colours, is absorbed by materials and only the
frequency reflection can strike the retina of the human eye generating our perception
of colour. Absorbing and reflecting white and black are the two opposite poles Ying
and Yang.

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It is interesting to note how in different moments and places. Fundamental theories
on life and truth which subtend our existence happen to be identical. With his
concept of “dynamic tension between opposites”, Goethe unknowingly followed
Chinese traditional medicine’s path of knowledge, thousands of years old, but still
actual today.

Still according to Goethe, colours are born from polar tension of light and dark, of
yellow (a colour of maximum luminosity) and blue (colour of maximum darkening).
Yellow expresses the tendency of light’s expansion, centrifugal movements and
warmth, while blue expresses the tendency of darkening, of contraction, centrifugal
force and coldness.

Green is the colour of checkmate between Yellow and Blue, obtained from a mixture
of the two; and for this reason the colour of equilibrium, of perseverance, of absence
of movement.

Yellow and Blue therefore determine a dynamism which not only goes towards the
inside but also externally, while green expresses absence of movement, annulment
of dynamism and energy.

Close to Yellow with its centrifugal action and warmth lies Red and Orange obtained
by mixing red to yellow.
Next to Blue with its centripetal and cold action, we first find Violet which is obtained
from mixing red, blue, and second Indigo obtained from a mixture of Violet and Blue.

Goethe’s colours Theory

Goethe’s fundamental colours are Yellow, Red and Blue.
The secondary colours are Orange, Green and Violet.
The complementary colours are Red with Green; Yellow with Violet, Orange with

When the complementary pigments are mixed black is obtained: an absence of


Therefore Red and Green form black.

Orange and Blue form black.
Yellow and Violet form black.

Two complementary colours always contain three fundamental ones.

Red and Green (Blue and Yellow)
Blue and Orange (Red and Yellow)
Yellow and Violet (Blue and Red)
Mixing of three fundamental colours results in an absence of light.

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If instead sources of coloured light are used, mixing Red, Green (blue and yellow)
and Blue lights, White light will result.

Why chromotherapy works

As previously mentioned, our cells communicate among themselves thanks to
emissions of coloured light, and they receive from light the information to regenerate
in a specific order. If the opposites Red and Green, Yellow and Violet, Blue and
Orange are not balanced, our body cannot function well.

Knowing the code of colours we can intervene externally and introduce luminous
messages and bring the subject back to its balance state.

As already explained, everyone is a source of light, being Light itself a form of

crystallized light which presents itself as matter. From Light to Unity we have been
generated, and from Light we attain indispensable information and healthy life.

The chromatic message is not only perceived through the eye, but it interacts with all
of our body and because of it, Chromotherapy can be performed even with eyes

Action of single colours

White is a non colour summarizing all colours. White light “contains in itself” all the
chromatic scale of visible light from red to violet.
White is a colour of purity.
White is a colour of Divinity.
White is the colour of power.

With white light we can activate all the muds and coloured clays.
White empowers and exalts all the other colours.

It is the colour of sunset, which renews the energies of the Earth.
With Red we are anchored to the Earth and we receive a sense of practicality.
If we live in the Present and we have our Head in the clouds, we need Red.
Red is associated with Blood, like a lymph of life, rage, Earth, nourishment, sacrifice.
Red is associated with Passion.
Red is associated with Love.
Red is associated with Anger.
Red is associated with Fire and Heat.
Red is associated with emergency, intervention, Help.
Red accelerates the cardiac beat, the arterial pressure and respiratory frequency.
Red expresses willingness.

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Red is dynamism and centrifugal force, it carries blood to the peripheries and with
blood brings oxygen, improves the metabolism of fats, cellular reproduction, it
carries heat, the desire to move, physical muscular energy.

In aesthetics, red is used in Slimming, Stimulating, Energising and Anti wrinkle

Red is linked to the Earth.

It can be used: if emotions are cooling, apathy, lack of physical and mental energy,
tiredness, depression, anaemia, colds, and convalescence. It stimulates cicatrisation
and it is useful in painful chronic forms of the osteo-articular apparatus.
It enforces the will and courage, it counters inertia.

Pink is obtained adding white to red. White takes away materiality and gives
spirituality. Therefore Pink is the colour of love, but in the maternal sense, tender
and pampering.
Pink expresses unconditioned love.
Pink expresses sensitivity.

Orange is obtained by mixing red and yellow. It is the radiation which appears after
noon and it is the colour of constructive Energy.
Orange mixes the Physical of Red and the Mental of Yellow.
Orange imparts confidence.
Orange frees from fear and inhibitions.
Orange is the colour of the senses and sensory.
Orange helps in the case of Depression.
Orange unites the love of red and the knowledge and wisdom of yellow.
Orange is the colour of joy and vitality.
Orange is the colour of effusiveness ad sociability.
Orange is linked to Water.

Orange is a dynamic colour which stimulates the lymphatic flow, carries water and
hydration, and is used for draining treatments, anti cellulite; it stimulates stagnation
of liquids. In face treatments it is used to stimulate deep hydration, therefore it can
be used in collaboration with anti ageing treatments.
It is the colour of happiness; it has an energetic, stimulating action, but not agitating
like Red, it is exulting and liberating.
It regulates the respiratory activity and expands the lungs, stimulates the digestive
assimilative processes, the activity of the heart without increasing the arterial
It stimulates the endocrine glands, it gets the energy re-circulating from where it
had been stagnating.

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It is a colour which calms the mind, gives back enthusiasm, it eliminates morning
sleepiness, and it is useful in cases of dissatisfaction, fear and pessimism. It is the
colour of comprehension.
It is a colour linked to sexuality and to the transmutation of sexual energy into

It is a primary colour.
It is the vibration especially in the morning and it helps us to reason.
Yellow helps rationality and logic.
Yellow helps us to grow intellectually and it makes us lucid and witty.
Yellow represents the search for the new and change.
Yellow is the colour of stimulation.
Yellow compared with red is less constant and lasting; it stimulates also the arterial
flow and the respiratory frequency, but in a less regular and lasting way, it is the
colour of impulses and rays of light.
Yellow is a digestive colour, it helps the elaboration of food as it analogically helps in
the elaboration of thoughts.
Yellow helps us to study and concentrate.

It has no application in Marzia De Servi’s aesthetic treatments.

It is the vibration of great equilibrium being positioned in the centre of the chromatic
Green is the synthesis of the effusive energy of Yellow and of the centripetal force of
Blue; therefore, the denial of movement.
Green is the colour of firmness.
Green is the colour of constancy.
Green is the colour of resistance to change.
Green appears before the sunset, it takes Blue of the night with it and it mixes with
Yellow of the morning.
Green is the colour which you can find in nature and because of its balancing
properties, it has a balancing action on the nervous system.
Green is the colour of love which knows how to Give and Receive in equal measure.
Green balances the physical and the mind.
Green, is the colour which brings equilibrium, quenches tensions which reduces the
dynamics, not only expanding but also centripetal, therefore it can be used in
aesthetics whenever one needs to restore order and equilibrium.
In body treatments it restores order, detoxifies and oxygenizes. On the face Green is
used to re-balance the sebaceous production, and therefore reduces an excess of
“red yellow movement” of the seborrhoea.
Being a colour of nature, when it is light it symbolises renewal and regeneration.
Green increases vitality of the organism, it restores the balance of the functions,
tones, but with time calms and relaxes.

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It is indicated in therapies against stress and agitation; it re-balances the arterial
pressure, digestive and cardiac dysfunctions. It is indicated in cases of headache. It
is suitable in cases of stagnation; it is harmonising and rebalancing for the tissues.

Blue is the colour of the analogical, cerebral hemisphere, creative, intuitive.
Blue is the colour of the soul.
Blue is the colour of peace and serenity.
Blue is the colour of eternity, absence of time.
Blue is the colour of security.
Blue is the colour of communication.
Blue is the colour of union and therefore expresses links which develop around
Blue slows down the arterial pressure and respiratory frequency.
Blue is the colour which takes one towards the centre, helps concentration and
constrains, calms, slows down and takes away the fire.

It is used in body treatments to tone and firm, while on the face it is used to reduce
inflammation and congestion of capillaries, like couperose.
It is the colour of the sky and water, it is associated with infinity, calm, serenity,
harmony and relaxation.
It has a sedative effect on the nervous system.
It is indicated in all the inflammatory illnesses and also when there are infections,
temperature and acute pains in the osteo-articular system.
It is used in order to treat hypertension, tachycardia and palpitations. It acts on
haemorrhoids and on subjects prone to varicose veins and haemorrhages.

Indigo is a coordinator between the right and left hemisphere; therefore it balances
the two polarities, logical and analogical, reason and intuition.
Indigo is the colour of pure knowledge.
Indigo is the transcendence and mysticism.
Indigo is the apex of spirituality.

This colour is not used in aesthetics.

Violet has a notable vibratory energy, great energy and slight penetration.
Violet is made up of Blue and Red and it is the synthesis between Earth materiality of
red and the spirituality of blue.
Violet is the colour of the spirit which is joined together to matter, the awareness
that Flesh and Spirit cannot be lived separately and that in reality they run after each
Violet can be used in the parameters of funerals because of its affinity to spirituality
and to life beyond.

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It is linked to fantasy, to artistic creativity, to mysticism, to magic, to silence.
It stimulates the venous circulation.

Violet is used in Marzia De Servi’s treatments as a decongestant.

Gold is the real tonality of the Sun. It is the colour of Order, of the Emperor, of
people who see beyond. While White is the essence of the Father, gold is the power
of the Father who becomes Man and therefore more earthly. GOLD is the ancient
wisdom lying deep within the soul, an eternal seed planted aeons ago, ready in this
new age to sprout once again and usher forth the knowledge of the ancients. GOLD
resonates at the higher chakras above the crown.

Gold is found in the Petali di Luce Line.

Colours and the Chakra

Red is linked to the I° Chakra; materiality.
The child listens only to its instincts; doesn’t possess rationality and logic, doesn’t
elaborate life rationally.
Everything is action and reaction; there is no patience; time does not exist. In this
phase, the essentials of maternal love are indispensable to guarantee the building of
security and a stable and balanced I.

Orange is linked to the II° Chakra; sociality.

The child is joyful and starts to relate to others; starts to appreciate his own senses.
This phase is important in order to become a social being.

Yellow is linked to the III° Chakra, the Ego.

The child becomes aware of his existence, to be a different person from his own
mother and others. I exist! The proceeding phases are determined by the formation
of a strong I and the awareness of knowing how to be independent and secure.

Green is linked to the IV° Chakra; growth.

Man creates spaces in which to operate. If love is created on solid bases, sociability
allows us to feel secure amongst others, if one is made aware of one’s own self in a
secure way, man will be able to make one’s own choices and not those of others.
Therefore he will gain from the spaces which do not satisfy him.

Blue is linked to the V° Chakra; communication.

Man must communicate his own discoveries and beliefs. He must be able to
communicate his own emotions and sentiments freely, only in this way he will not be
repressed and frustrated.

Indigo is linked to VI° Chakra; metaphysics

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Man realizes a world which goes beyond materiality, it takes on a mystical and
exoteric character. There is the tendency to abandon materiality.

Violet is linked to the VII° Chakra; illumination

Man becomes aware that the Spirit and Matter are one; they are expressions of the
same energy and the same Divine thought.
Violet therefore is a combination between the materiality of Red and the spirituality
of Blue

Thepresentliteraturehas beenwrittenby and is thepropertyof F.G.cosmeticss.r.l.,Licenseeof MarziadeServiBrand.No partof this documentmay

be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise,without prior written
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