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Electrokinetic Remediation: Remediation Electro Electro-Chemical Chemical Properties of Sand and Silt

RET Participants: Susan S Agger (Maynard ( Ecology Center C Center, Cambridge C Public Schools) S ) and Chris C Ashley (Needham ( High School) S ) Faculty Mentor: Dr Dr. Akram Alshawabkeh (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) Graduate Advisor: Laura Gabrieli Gabrieli, Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy y

Sand S d and d silt ilt are t two t types yp of f soil il th that t are d defined fi d b by y th their i p particle ti l size i ( (fi (figure g 1) 1). ) Acrylic H Acrylic, H shaped cells were filled with a homogenous sand or silt sample sample. During the experiments pH, electrical conductivity, pressure, and voltage were measured. These experiments provided a laboratory laboratory-scale scale model to measure the interactions between the soil and the aforementioned variables during electrolysis. electrolysis The results are as follows: A greater increase in voltage was observed in sand than in silt over time. Electrical conductivity increased with respect to both anode and cathode with a greater increase at the anode. This was observed for both sand and silt. When current passed through sand or silt, silt there was an initial increase in pressure. pressure A subsequent equilibration of pressure was observed in sand but not in silt. Change of solution pH was observed within the sand sample sample, while little change of solution pH was observed in the silt sample. This data supports the existing use of electrokinetic remediation for silts or fine-grained fine grained contaminated soils rather than for sand. At th the anode: d 2H2O 4H+ + O2 + 4eH+ H+

DC po power p er so source rce

R Results lt



Graph a (silt) shows a voltage decrease of 2-4 2 4 Volts over a period of 116 hours, hours while pH remained stable throughout the sample. sample Graph b (sand) shows that the solution in the sand remained relatively stable for the first 112 hours and then exhibited a sharp rise in voltage between ports three and four four. Graph c and d (sand) show the change in pH and electrical conductivity over a 160 hour period. period Graph c shows a shift from an initial solution pH of 6 to a decrease towards 3 near the anode and an increase towards 7 near th cathode. the th d Over 160 hours graph d shows an increase in electrical conductivity at the anode, anode cathode, cathode and port 1 1, while th there is i ad decrease in i conductivity d ti ity in i ports p t two, t , three, th , and d four. f
Voltage Profile & pH of Silt at Distinct Times


Voltage Profile of Sand at Distinct Times

14 12


2 25

140 120
0 Hr 7 Hr

sand or silt column

20 Volt V tag ge (mV ( V) 15

10 8 pH 6 4 5 2 0 Anode 1 2 3 4 Cathode 0

100 Vo oltage (mV V) 80 60 40 20

0 Hr 112 Hr 136 5 Hr 136.5 143.5 Hr 160 Hr

Fig Figure 2

68 Hr 116 H Hr pH 116 Hr

At the cathode: 2H2O + 2e 2e- 2OH 2OH- + H2



0 Anode 1 2 3 4 Cathode


pH of Sand Over Time

E ctr Ele rical Co ond du cti ivit ty (m mS/cm m)

Electrical Conductivity of Sand Over Time

45 4.5 4 35 3.5 3 2.5 2 15 1.5 1 05 0.5 0 A d Anode 1 2 Ports 3 4 C th d Cathode
E.C. 0 Hr E.C. 16 Hr E C 112 Hr E.C. E.C. 160 Hr

Figure 1

12 10
pH 0 Hr

Studies of soil in the field present complex variables such as mixed particle size, size and varying chemical and physical properties properties. Th There are several l t techniques h iq currently tly used d to t remediate di t chemical h i l contaminants t i t i in soil. il p pump p and dt treat t p physical hy i l and d chemical h i lt treatment t t bioremediation bi di ti electrokinetic l t ki ti remediation di ti which hi h was used df for th the p purpose p of f th these experiments p i t Electrokinetic El t ki ti remediation di ti i is relatively l ti ly i inexpensive, p i , efficient ffi i t and d less l invasive i i than th other th techniques Electrokinetic remediation causes contaminants to move through soil by the techniques. process of p f ionic-migration. i i ig ti C Contaminants t i t may y also l undergo d g chemical h i l change h g d during i g electrokinetic remdiation. remdiation
pH H

8 6 4 2

pH 16 Hr pH 112 Hr pH 160 Hr

Figure Fi g 3 3: S Saturating t ti g silt ilt with ith KCl

Figure 4: Compacting sand cell

0 A d Anode 1 2 Ports 3 4 C th d Cathode

c) )


The results Th lt indicate i di t that th t silt ilt i is p preferential f ti l to t sand d for f conducting d ti g electrokinetic l t ki ti remediation. di ti As A evident id t in i graphs a and b, b the solution in silt displayed minor changes in voltage while sand exhibited a more than fivefive fold increase in voltage over a comparable time period. The relatively stable voltage observed in silt is due to silts inherent buffering capacity compared to sand sand. Sand is considered chemically inert, inert while silt undergoes chemical interactions with the solution to maintain a relatively constant pH pH, resulting in a relatively constant resistance i t and d voltage. lt g Th The l lower voltage lt g requirement q i t for f silt ilt translates t l t into i t an overall ll lower l energy gy requirement for electro electro-ionic ionic transport of contaminants. contaminants The voltage increase in sand is due to an increase in resistance, as is shown in the corresponding drop in conductivity in graph d. The relatively minor change in pH in ports two and three of graph c represent the location at which the acidic front met the basic front extending from the anode and cathode respectively respectively. A question that arose is why the anode of graph d exhibited such a sharp h p rise i in i conductivity. d ti ity One O would ld expect p t the th opposite, pp it , a moderate d t decline, d li , in i the th conductivity d ti ity of f the th anode d due to the observed increase in voltage as seen in graph b b. One possible explanation is due to the expected decline in pH and thus increase in hydrogen ions provided a more conductive solution. Future experiments will focus on obtaining data in pressure and pH of silt. silt Fig Figure 5 5: E Experimental p i t l set t up p

Sil Silt samples pl were prepared p p d to have h an approximate pp i water content of f 15% 1 % (figure (fi ( g 3) 3). ) Th The final saturation content for silt within the cell was expected to be 95% 95%. Sand was poured and compacted into the cell to ensure complete saturation (figure 4). The cells were assembled from three sections using rubber gaskets between sections to prevent leaks. Permeable membranes separated the side sections from the center section ti t to allow ll fl fluid id movement. t C Cells ll were fill filled d with ith 0 0.01M 01M KCl KCl. Constant DC current was applied and fixed at either 10mA or 20mA during experiments. p i t Voltage readings were taken via tungsten wire at the anode, cathode and four sample collection ll ti p ports t evenly ly di distributed t ib t d along l g th the soil il section. ti Electrical conductivity and pH readings were taken in each side section and at the four sample pl collection ll ti p ports. t Pressure within the soil was monitored by measuring the height of water in tubing fitt d to fitted t f four sample pl collection ll ti p ports t evenly ly distributed di t ib t d along l g the th soil il cell ll ( (figure (fig 5). 5) ) Experiments were run over a period of weeks with data collected at regular time i t intervals. l

R f References

Classroom Connections
Middle-High Middle High School (6 (6-12) 12) Chemistry electrochemistry, electrochemistry electrolysis, electrolysis pH, pH the use of electronic probes to collect scientific data Biology nutrient cycling, bioremediation Environmental Science: soil, soil groundwater groundwater, pollution pollution, water quality

1. 1 http://www1 coe neu edu/~aalsha/shortcourse aalsha/shortcourse.pdf pdf 2 2. http://dbs umt edu/courses/sci226/lab8 soils htm

Ehsan Kianirad (PhD Candidate), Northeastern University Dave Whelpley (Lab Director, Director Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering) Northeastern University Engineering),

Research Experiences for Teachers at Northeastern University Claire Duggan Duggan, Program Director

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant #0227577,#9986821, #0425826

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