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HIST 470 is an advanced level course designed for students who wish to begin an in-depth study of the history

of socialist thought and the goals and fortunes of the European labour movement before the twentieth century. The course surveys t he development of radical social thinking from its origins in the ancient world to the era of the French Revolution. Among the topics treated in the course are the beginnings of socialist thought i n ancient Israel and ancient Greece, Christian social thought under the Roman Em pire and in the Middle Ages, Renaissance utopianism, the contribution of the Ref ormation to religious communitarianism, the ideas of the radical wing of anti-mo narchist forces in the English Revolution, the ideology of the eighteenth-centur y British labourer and of the sans-culottes in the French Revolution, and the de velopment of English Radicalism from Spence to Hall. Outline Unit 1: The Old Testament Prophets Unit 2: Social Thought in Ancient Greece Unit 3: Communalism and Social Ethics in Early Christianity Unit 4: Religious Co mmunism in the Middle Ages Unit 5: Langland and the Peasants Revolt Unit 6: Thomas More and Renaissance Ut opianism Unit 7: The Radical Reformation Unit 8: Republicans, Levellers, and Diggers in t he English Revolution Unit 9: Work, Poverty, Labourers and Artisans in Eighteenth-Century Europe Unit 10: Rousseau and Enlightenment Socialism Unit 11: The Social Thought of the French Revolutionaries Unit 12: English Radic alism: Spence to Hall HIST 471 is an advanced level course designed for students who have already comp leted HIST 470, and who wish to continue to study in depth the goals and fortune s of the European labour movement before the twentieth century. The course exami nes both the ideas of leading socialist intellectuals and the attitudes and valu es of rank-and-file members of the labour movement. It thereby attempts to combi ne a traditional approach to the history of ideas with the newer study of workin g-class popular culture. Among the topics treated in the course are Ricardian Socialism, Owenism, Saint-S imonism, Fourierism, Icarianism, Chartism, French Social Republicanism, German U topian Socialism, Proudhonism, and the origins of Marxism. Outline Unit 1: The Labouring Classes in the Early Industrial Revolution Unit 2: The Founding Fathers of French Socialism Unit 3: French Socialism in the 1830s and 1840s Unit 4: The Making of British Socialism Unit 5: British Socialism and Chartism i n the 1830s and 1840s Unit 6: The Beginnings of German Socialism Unit 7: The Genesis of Marxism, 18421844 Unit 8: Early Marxism, 1845-1850 HIST 472 is an advanced-level course designed for students who have already comp leted HIST 471, and who wish to continue to study in depth the goals and fortune s of the European labour movement in the second half of the nineteenth century a nd in the early twentieth century. The course examines both the ideas of leading socialist intellectuals and the attitudes and values of rank-and-file members o f the labour movement. It thereby attempts to combine a traditional approach to the history of ideas with the newer study of working-class popular culture. Among the topics treated in the course are the later thought of Marx and Engels, nineteenth-century British trade-unionism, Christian socialism, the revisionist controversy, social democratic reformism, revolutionary syndicalism, and revolu tionary Marxism. Outline Unit 1: The Labouring Classes in the Later Industrial Revolution, 1850-1914 Unit 2: Christian Socialism in the 19th Century Unit 3: Anarchism and Populism U

nit 4: Karl Marx, 1850-1883 Unit 5: Friedrich Engels, 1850-1895 Unit 6: The First Marxist Disciples Unit 7: Fabianism, Possibilism, and the Revisionist Controversy Unit 8: Georges Sorel an d Revolutionary Syndicalism Unit 9: The Second International and Parliamentary Socialism Unit 10: Austro-Marxism and Revolutionary Marxism

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