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NUMEROLOGIE CIFRA 1 puterea, actiunea, ambitia, orgoliul, dorinta de a te realiza in viata, de a fi unic, de a evolua cat se poate de frumos.

. Este asimilat cu Divinitatea el este unicul si supremul. Cei care prin insumarea cifrelor din data nasterii au 10 inseamna ca au ajuns la un ciclu evolutiv cand trebuie sa dovedeasca cat de importanti sunt ei pentru societate si abia apoi, subsidiar pentru ei. Intr-o societatate reprezinta,conducatorul, liderul, persoana puterii (nu e important ce face tara/viata pentru tine, ci ce faci tu pentru tara/viata) Cifra 2 reprezinta dualitatea, eu nu pot trai singur, am nevoie de cineva in viata mea Cifra 9 - e o cifra de-a dreptul fascinanta, este cifra intelepciunii. Daca 3 reprezinta inteligenta (as spune ca inteligenta nu e suficienta, cand aveti in fata un personaj f. dotat intelectual, intrebati-l ceva de dincolo, ceva semnificativ, si daca nu poate formula un raspuns, inseamna ca nu a pasit dincolo, nu si-a sintetizat inca informatiile, nu a procesat totul in asa fel incat sa devina si intelept.

There are several different sides to your character, but your energy is primarily pointed in two contrary directions. A good part of you is probably devoted to people -- loving, giving and responsible -- but another side of you is strong and practical, probably interested in the business world or similar material activities. During your youth and young adulthood, you'll struggle to balance your desire to give to others with the necessity of taking care of your own strong needs and ambitions. You'll probably sometimes take care of one and sometimes the other, but rarely to your complete satisfaction. As you get older, you'll probably learn how to balance your generous, helping side with your ambitious, practical side so that you can feel comfortable with both. Find out more with your full-length reading!


Your 9 Life Path You have an innate love of your fellow man. You probably enjoy people as individuals and, at the same time, have a marked concern for humanity in general. You may involve yourself in philanthropic or humanitarian activities. One of your major lessons in life is to learn to give of yourself as selflessly as possible, without thought of reward or return. As you can well imagine, this is a difficult lesson to put into practice. Much of your effort may be spent in learning to balance your personal needs and ambitions, however large or small, against your inborn desire to contribute to those in need. Find out more with your full-length reading!


Your 8 Expression, 4 Soul Urge And 1 Birthday

Your generous and cooperative side is an important part of your character. There's another side, though, which appears to contribute just as much to your general makeup. You are probably interested in the business world and have the ability necessary to achieve material success. Others will probably recognize your fine business talents and turn to you for help in developing commercial ventures. You could run your own business or play a major role in someone else's business. You could do well in a small enterprise or a large and complex organization. With your executive and administrative abilities, you may achieve your business goals as well as substantial material satisfaction. You have the potential to be a systematic, orderly person and often emphasize those qualities in your life. Since you are capable of working long, hard and patiently, you would probably enjoy being in a job where you can organize and develop routines and methodical procedures. Your personal life probably reflects a similar concern with system and order. You have the ability to organize, manage and direct. When you choose to use this capability, you usually show your independent side at the same time. When you offer your leadership skills along with your other aptitudes, you may find yourself taking the initiative in business or personal situations.

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