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Israel Repented

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This is what YHVH has been waiting for; Israel broken before Him,
calling out in desperation for Him to save them. Bad situations come
upon you as a result of sin and the consequences are tailor made to
bring you back to the point you have fallen from. YHVH is in full
control of our lives and He even send your enemies against you to break your pride
and to change you so that your soul can be save at the end of the day.

Have you ever came to the point in your life where you were broken before YHVH
and pleaded with Him and asked Him to DO WHATEVER IS GOOD IN HIS EYES?
This is the prayer of true repentance and people reach this point when they accept
Y’shua in their lives. You must reach this point in your life and pray this prayer to
allow YHVH to take full control of your life. To be 100% committed to YHVH you have
to give yourself 100% to Him and trust Him that He knows best and that He will do
with you what is needed to change you into His Image. YHVH needs to hear this from
every one of us. Sit down and count the cost and make this commitment. Sit down
and ask YHVH to do whatever He wants to do with you; in your body, in your
finances, in your relationships, in your belongings. Give everything to Him so that He
can use it for His Glory. If you have done this, then you have truly repented and gave
your life fully unto Him. If not, make the time and pray this prayer so that He can
control your life and that He can change you. This is the test; if you have accepted
Y’shua in your life and your life has not changed DRAMATICALLY, then you HAVE
NOT truly repented. If you have done this before, make a recommitment and
rededicate your life to Him, and your life will never be the same.

They removed the foreign gods from their midst and served YHVH. As you can see,
true repentance is based upon three actions:

1. COMMIT to YHVH and make a conscious decision to

follow Him and to give yourself and all you have
totally to Him,
2. REMOVE things that came between you and YHVH
that will occupy your time and keep you from
focusing on your relationship with Him.
3. Follow Him actively, finding out what pleases Him
and DO IT.

We see the phrase “…His soul was grieved by the misery (wickedness) of Israel…”,
“His soul was grieved” is the word “qatar” that actually means, “His soul grew short”.
What does it mean if YHVH’s soul grew short? The word “qatar” is first found in
Scripture in Lev 19:9 where they “reap” the harvest. ‘Reap’ is the word “qatar” that
means to ‘cut short’. When you have fully repented, you are ready to be ‘reaped’ by
YHVH and this reaping process will happen at the end of time. For us to be ready for
the Reaping or Judgement of YHVH, we have to come to this point of commitment
and true repentance to be found favourable in the eyes of YHVH.

Jephthah Killed His Brothers

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Ephraim wanted to burn Jephthah and his house for not allowing them to fight with
him. We saw the same issue when we looked at Gideon overcoming the Midianites,
the people rebuked him for not allowing hem to fight and it was driven by envy. We
see the same thing here; they envied Jephthah and wanted part of the fame. There
are a lot of parallels between Gideon and Jephthah that we can learn from:

Gideon Jephthah
YHVH Chose and anoint Gideon The people chose Jephthah
Israel repented and YHVH helped them by Israel struggle to part from their gods and
raising a good leader. YHVH didn’t want to help them.
YHVH sifted and chose Gideon’s army Jephthah choose his army
The 300 men had Godly attributes Jephthah’s army was ‘empty’ men
YHVH won the battle for them They fought and won the battle
The people envied and rebuked Gideon The people envied and wanted to burn
Gideon had the Word, humility and wanted Jephthah had faith and no Torah and his men
Unity (shophar). was Torah-less and killed his brothers.
Gideon loved and Judged his people Jephthah had disputes and killed his people.
Gideon ruled with peace for 40 years Jephthah ruled for only 3 years.

Jephthah fought against Ephraim and killed them over trivial issues. We see in
verse six that some of the Ephraimites wanted to join Gilead, they were caught
out on the way they “pronounce a word”, and were killed. The word they had to
pronounce was “Shibboleth” that means; ‘a flowing stream, a branch (tribe) and
an ear of grain’. This shows us that these people representing the Body of
Messiah will kill (attack and slander and rebuke) each other if they have a slightly
different take on the Word (stream of water), and on the ‘branch’ (tribe), or their

These are very heated discussions and arguments amongst the Messianics and
Christians today. They also fought over the ‘ear of grain’. Grain is found in the
following passage:

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This is a prophecy that spans over the timeframe of the Tribulation and the coming
down of the New Jerusalem (rebuilding the Booth of David), and is very relevant to
us today. We have seen all the attributes in Jephthah and his men and the people of
Israel, it all points to our time, the time before the end. YHVH says is Amos 9:9 that
He will SHAKE the house of Israel (Body + Bride) that is in the nations and will SIFT
them to gather all the GRAIN and so that not one is lost. All the sinners will die, those
who did not adhere to the Word and cleansed themselves and who lived like pigs
rolling in grace, but no evil shall come near His true people. This is referring to the
Tribulation that is coming, the BIG SIFTING process where the calamities and
oppression and terrible circumstances will sift His grain (people) out of the nations
and its System so that they will not receive the plagues and be saved. This topic of
the Tribulation and the Rapture are also serious points of discussion and many
people ‘kill’ others with different opinion, slandering them and calling them false
prophets. These are the things believers fight amongst one another and this cause
division and these ‘small’ issues causes ‘death’ and disunity in the Body of Messiah.
We should not be like Jephtah and allow small differences in interpretation of the
Scripture to maintain unity. People need the Word to rid them from ignorance and

Jephthah and his Army of “empty” men .

Jephthah had an army made up of “empty” or ‘vain’ men. [Jud 11:3]. Vain is first used
in Scripture in Gen 37:24 where Joseph’s brothers cast him into a pit that was “vain”
or “empty” and there was no water in it. One would expect water in a pit and in the
same sense we would expect that the people fighting for Israel would be men of
character, people who have a lot of Word (water) in them, who bear the fruit of the
Spirit, but this was not the case here. These men were fruitless and their leader was
an outcast, yet YHVH used them to win the battle against the Ammonites because of
Jephthah’s faith. Who are they a picture of?

I see a lot of fighting amongst the “Brothers”, leaders not knowing the Torah but only
have faith. The people in rebellion against their leaders. People fighting in the battle
that are ‘empty’ and who have no Word (water/Torah). Leaders killing the ‘Brothers”
over trivia. (will look into that next). This sounds like the Church today where leaders
are chosen by the people because they ‘tickle their ears’, they are not skilled in the
Word and they do not teach them Torah.

The leaders feed off the flock (prosperity teachings) and the people ‘crucify’ their
leaders if they do not comply to their standards and either leave or start another
denomination. They have a lot of ‘gods’ or pagan symbols in their homes and follow
feasts that have pagan intermixing or pagan roots. This is a true representation of the
Body of Messiah today where Ephraim (believers in Jesus & Y’shua) are doing
whatever they think is right and follow the Teachers and Shepherds that THEY like
and you can’t blame them because a good shepherd is hard to find. This is the
Church described in Revelation and it is called Babylon. People think they will be
raptured before the Tribulation, because the Church is not mentioned during the
Tribulation, but they do not release that they are described as a confused Church
part of called Babylon. YHVH commandment to His people who are trapped in this
System is to come out of it by returning to Torah.

Because of YHVH’s grace and because of the people’s faith, they occasionally have
victories over the enemy. Ammon was their greatest enemy and Ammon means
‘tribal’ and ‘inbred’. People today are very ‘tribal’ and click together on the grounds of
their interpretation of the Word. We saw this when we looked at the word “Shiboleth”
and confirm the disputes regarding the Word and ‘tribal’ issues. There are over
38000 tribes or Denominations in the Body of Messiah today that say that they
believe in Jesus as the Messiah. They inbreed with the cultures among which they
live and casually adapt to their ways to make their ‘exile’ pleasurable. They do not
release that they are Ephraim who is part of Israel and that they are grafted into
Israel through the blood of Jesus (Y’shua).

This is a picture of the Seventh Church mentioned in Revelation, the Church called

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This Church was:

o Luke warm – mixed YHVH’s things (hot) with pagan things (cold) and this
confuses them and cause them to loose their passion. YHVH will spit you out
if you do not repent.
o They are rich – Prosperity doctrine, but they are naked (fruits of sin). They
need white clothes and need to wash it in the Word (Torah).
o Buy purified gold (Godliness, Holiness, set-Apartness)
o Anoint your eyes with salve, remove the spiritual blindness and SEE the
o YHVH will chasten you (Tribulation and oppression) in order to be humbled
and to repent.
o YHVH stands at the door and knock, asking you to come out of this System
and to repent and follow Him.

There are a lot of conflicts among those who go back to their Hebrew Roots and
those from the 38000 and they kill (slander) each other in the process and many die
spiritually and go in isolation. The only way this can be resolved is by making
everybody humble and we have seen how YHVH does this, by bringing a time of
Tribulation and then a time of restoration, uniting everybody through His Judges
under submission of the Torah. Jephthah ruled for three years and died and was
buried in one of the Cities of Gilead. He had a short reign because of his evil doings
and this shows us that a righteous Judge like Gideon ruled for 40 years. YHVH will
not let the unjust get away and the consequences of their sin will shorten their trip to

The Ninth Judge – Ibzan – They were Bad but became Good again.

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Izban means ‘father of a target; father of coldness or father of the thorn’ and ’ their
whiteness’ He ruled seven years and looking at the meaning of his name, it implies
that he was not a good Judge and had a short reign like Jephthah. His name also
refer to thorns and this give us the impression that he might also have been like
Abimelech (Gideon’s son who overthrew the Leadership). Looking at the duration of
his reign and the positive meaning of his name, ‘their whiteness’, gives us the idea
that he was more righteous than Jephthah.

The Tenth Judge – Elon – Regaining Strength

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Elon means ‘oak; grove; strong’. Elon’s name shows us that he was a strong leader and
he reigned for ten years. There is a slight progression in the number of years they
reigned and this shows us that they were slowly moving back to YHVH’s Ways,
growing strong following His Torah. They are not quite there yet because the longest
reign was 40 years under the leadership of Othniel, Deborah and Gideon. Israel had
peace for 80 years after Ehud ruled, but it does not state that he reigned for 80 years.

The Eleventh Judge – Abdon – The Final Judgement

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Abdon means: ‘servant; cloud of judgment’. Hillel means: ‘he that praises’. They were
Pirathonites that means: ‘his dissipation (scatter) or deprivation (take away); his rupture
(split)’. All of these meanings point to one thing, the Judgment of YHVH.

People will be divided, the sheep from the goats, people will be scattered and will move
out of the Cities to be led by YHVH through the Tribulation. There will be people who will
praise Him, those are His Flock and His Servants who will listen to His Voice and follow
Him through this terrible time. They will be gathered and taken away before that last
Plagues hit the earth in its final judgment. There will also be people who curse Him and
they are His enemies who will be destroyed with the System of Satan.

The story of Jephthah and the other three judges reveals to us the timeframe form before
the Tribulation, right through till the end of the Tribulation and YHVH’s Judgment. We will
start of with chaos (Jephthah) and will slowly be led by anointed people who will are more
righteous and the people they lead will also learn YHVH’s ways as they go through the
terrible time of the Tribulation. The last Judge, Abdon, shows us the end of the
Tribulation and the beginning of something new (he reigned for 8 years – new
beginnings). This will be the beginning of the 1000-year reign of Messiah and His Bride
where they will start of with the Marriage Festival. After the 1000-year period, those who
are still on the earth and who rebel against YHVH will be devoured by fire from heaven
and Satan and his followers will be cast into the lake of fire.

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