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Lesson: Writing

Lesson Title: Being a Writer: Week 5 Day 4 Materials Needed: My little sister ate one hare Chart paper and marker (from day before) o And blank one Assessment sheet (adapted from Being a Writer assessment sheets) My brother/my sister sentence starters/frames (see differentiation) Standards Iowa Core o SL.2.4. Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences Common Core o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.3 Write narratives in which they recount a wellelaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. Lesson Objective: Students will create a my brother/my sister story using one of their sentences from day 3 Students will share their stories with a partner and share why they liked their story using the phrase I liked your story because -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Lesson Sequence: Review our sentences from previous day o Choose a sentence to write a story about Have students help create a story using the sentence chosen o Model writing sentences in an order that makes sense with the story o Practice sounding out unfamiliar words Read the story after it has been fully written o Add sight/sound and/or descriptive words Have students think with a partner what sight/sound words could be added Have students choose their sentence they want to use and have them compose their own story o Review the word compose Compose is another way to say put your ideas together to make a story o For those students who are having trouble getting started, provide the sentence starter sheet to these students (see differentiation)

Have students share o Either to the whole class or to a partner (partners sit knee-knee) o Use the sentence prompt I liked your story because Model how this would look with the first student who shares (if not already done on Day 2)

2. Demonstrate knowledge or skill: (Modeling) Model choosing a sentence from our list Model composing a story using one of sentence ideas o Review the word compose Model writing sentences in a logical order Model use of complete sentences, capitals and periods Model how we share our stories to partners and how we sue the phrase I liked your story because

3. Provide guided practice: Students will assist me in adding sentences to our story o I will assist as needed to ensure sentences flow logically We will practice as a class listening to a student share their story and using the sentence I liked your story because by using our classes shared story 4. Collaborative Practice: Students will work with a partner to help add sight/sound and/or descriptive words (to our class story) Students will share their stories with (and to) a peer and use the phrase I liked your story because 5. Provide extended practice and transfer: (Independent practice) Students will return to their desks and choose one of their sentences from their idea list to help the compose their brother/sister story Students will then compose their own brother/sister story Students will share their story and sue the phrase I liked your story because to (and with) a partner 6. Assessment The assessment for Day 4 occurs while students are working. I will be walking around (using the attached assessment sheet (adapted from the Being a Writer curriculum)) and mark how students are progressing on the task. 7. DIFFERENTIATION of Content, Process or Product: For all students, they will have the option to begin composing their story by sketching their picture firs, or writing their story first then finishing with their drawing. This will allow students to begin on what will help them compose their best story.

For students who do not have a brother or sister, I will allow them to choose a cousin, make up a brother/sister (I will be sure to let them know that step-brothers/step-sisters) are good as well. For those students who may have difficulty getting started, I will provide them with the list brother/sister sentences sentence starters to help give them ideas of how to begin their story, and how to help their stories flow together. For my advanced writers, I will encourage them to continue using complex sentences, such as those from day 1, and will verbally encourage them to use multiple sight and sound and descriptive words to give their stories depth and more voice. These options will be provided once all students have started working and I can go to the necessary students to provide them with the appropriate differentiation to match their needs without drawing attention to their differences in the task. These resources can be used with all students so everyone has the same resources, and all will have a reference if needed to strengthen their ideas, and learning. For sharing, students may choose if they would like to share their silly animal story, or their brother/sister story. They will decide which one they like best and would like to share with the class.

NOTE: This lesson plan was adapted from the 2nd Grade Being a Writer Curriculum

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