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First journal entry Topic: Managing Time Name: NIM: Reflection

I saw an ad entitled STARTING AND MANAGING YOUR OWN BUSINESS. It is on May 27. The place is in Bristol Office Building. There were a lot of activities in the seminar. It starts at 9.00AM and it lasts at 4.00PM. There is a reason why I chose this specified ad to talk about. It is because every time I see an ad like this, it helps me remember not to waste my time in my study. To me, as a student I have a lot of activities from morning until evening.

Analysis To me, being a student I have to manage my time well in order to achieve my goal. I am quite convinced that I can face my future because now I am learning how to be more independent. In my opinion, the most important thing is managing the time well and trying not to procrastinate the task. I learn to come to campus on time discuss the assignment or campus project with my friends and lecturers. I often look up difficult words in dictionaries in my leisure time. Word bank: [definition taken from oxford dictionary] Achieve (verb)

Pronunciation: /tiv/

[with object]

successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage:he achieved his ambition to become a press photographer the killings achieved nothing [no object]:people striving to achieve

Independent (adj)

Pronunciation: /ndpnd()nt/


1free from outside control; not subject to anothers authority:an independent nuclear deterrent the study is totally independent of central government (of a country) self-governing:India became independent in 1947 not belonging to or supported by a political party:the independent candidate (of broadcasting, a school, etc.) not supported by public funds: an independent girls' school independent television (Independent) historical Congregational. 2not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence:I wanted to remain independent in old age (of income or resources) making it unnecessary to earn ones living:a woman of independent means 3capable of thinking or acting for oneself:advice for independent travellers not influenced by others; impartial:a thorough and independent investigation of the case 4not connected with another or with each other; separate:treating each factory as an independent unit of production the legislature and the judicature are independent of one another not depending on something else for strength or effectiveness; free-standing:an independent electric shower Mathematics (of one of a set of axioms, equations, or quantities) incapable of being expressed in terms of, or derived or deduced from, the others.


an independent person or body: one of the few independents left in the music business an independent political candidate: he stood unsuccessfully as an independent in 1992 (Independent) historical a Congregationalist.

early 17th century (as an adjective): partly on the pattern of French indpendant

Manage (verb)

Pronunciation: /mand/


1 [with object] be in charge of (a business, organization, or undertaking); run:their elder son managed the farm have the position of supervising (staff) at work: the skills needed to manage a young, dynamic team be the manager of (a sports team or a performer):he managed five or six bands in his career use (money, time, or other resources) sensibly:we manage our cash extremely well maintain control over (a person or animal):she manages horses better than anyone I know control the use or exploitation of (land):the forest is managed to achieve maximum growth 2 [no object] succeed in surviving or in achieving something despite difficult circumstances; cope:Catherine managed on five hours' sleep a night [with object] succeed in achieving or producing (something difficult):she managed a brave but unconvincing smile [with infinitive]:Blanche finally managed to hail a cab [with object] succeed in dealing with or withstanding (something):there was more stress and anxiety than he could manage [with object] be free to attend at (a certain time):he could not manage 24 March after all

mid 16th century (in the sense 'put (a horse) through the paces of the mange'): from Italian maneggiare, based on Latin manus 'hand' Convinced (adj)

Pronunciation: /knvnst/


completely certain about something:she was not entirely convinced of the soundness of his motives [with clause]:I am convinced the war will be over in a matter of months [attributive] firm in ones belief with regard to a particular cause or issue:a convinced pacifist

Procrastinate (verb)

Pronunciation: /pr()krastnet/

[no object]

delay or postpone action; put off doing something:the temptation will be to procrastinate until the power struggle plays itself out




For word (s) definition Source:

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