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Functions of the Bank In general , banks are menghimpum function of society and channeling funds back to the community

for various purposes or as a Financial intermediary . More specifically banks may serve as agents of trust , agent of development , agent of servies a. Agent of trust The main policy of banking activity is the belief ( trust ), both in union funds and channeling funds. Community will want to leave their funds in the bank when there is an element firmly based on trust . Community believe that the money will not be misused by the bank , the money will be managed well, the bank will not go bankrupt and pads when the promised savings can be pulled back from the bank . The bank itself will want to locate or channeling funds to the debtor or the community when there is an element firmly based on trust . The bank believes that the debtor will not menyalagunakan loan , the debtor will still manage a good loan funds , the debtor will have the ability to pay when due, and the debtor has to return the loan in good faith with other obligations at maturity . b . Agent of development People's economic activities in the monetary sector and the real sector can not be separated . The second sector is always interact and affect each other. Real sector will not be able to perform as well as the monetary sector is not working properly. Purports to be a compilation of bank activities and channeling much-needed funds for the sector smoothly This real economic losses . It allows the community bank activities do investment activities , distribution activities , as well as the activities of consumption goods and services , given that investment activity - distribution - consumption can not be released from the availability of the use of money . Kegiata smooth distribution - consumption investment is not lai is economic development activities . c . Agent of servies Besides doing assembly and distribution activities of the fund , the bank also provides other banking services offerings to the community. These banks offered services closely related to people's economic activities in general . Services may include , among others, remittance services , luggage valuables , giving bank guarantee, da settlement charges. The third function is expected to above bank gives a comprehensive and detailed account of the economic function of the bank , so the bank can be interpreted not only as an intermediary financial institution (financial intermediary intituton ) . In summary functions of banks can be divided into the following a. Gather funds to carry out its functions as an assembler of funds, then the bank has some great resources on line there are three sources, namely

( i ) Funds derived from the bank itself in the form of capital deposit stance time . ( ii ) The funds derived from wider society that is collected through efforts such as joint bank giro deposits , time deposits and tabanas . ( iii ) Funds sourced from financial institutions raised the funds in the form of loans and call money credit liquidity ( funds can be withdrawn at any time of the borrowing bank ) . b . Conduit or bank lender in its activities not only keep the funds raised , but for back channel utilization in the form of bank credit to masayarakat who need fresh funds to the effort. Of course in the implementation of this function will get the bank expected income in the form of revenue or the imposition of interest forms of credit. Credit extension would raise the risk , therefore should grant telitidan really fulfill the requirements . c . As a conduit of funds, the funds accumulated by the bank extended to society in the form of credit , letters of purchase costing and participation , ownership of fixed assets. d . As a server bank services in mengemban job as " remittance traffic server " . Perform other activities between the different activities remittance , collection , tourist checks , credit card and other service

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