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The Academy Improvement Plan (AIP)

The AIP has been developed by governors and staff in consultation with our parents/carers and pupils of David Livingstone Academy. The plan is the focal point of the Academys drive towards excellence and should be constantly referred to by all staff. The AIP is divided into two parts: Long-Term Aims (2013-2016) - extending from the Academys shared vision are the strategic long term aims. These represent the umbrella from which the annual priorities are drawn. Annual Priorities - each year, progress towards the long-term aims is assessed and priorities for the year are agreed. For each priority, a number of actions are planned to take place throughout the year (in DLs Diary, given to staff). The person/people responsible for the action are identified, resources allocated and success criteria agreed in our Action Plans. The Priorities have been collated into 4 criteria, taken from the Ofsted Framework (Achievement, Teaching and Learning, Behaviour and Safety and Leadership and Management). The Structure of the AIP

Shared Vision

Long Term Aims 2013-2016


2014-2015 Page 2


Long Term Aims September 2013-August 2016

Achievement of Pupils
1. To ensure rapid and sustained pupil progress for all groups of children. 2.Ensure our Pupil Premium spend effectively impacts results, thereby narrowing the achievement gap further for those vulnerable to underachievement. 3.Continue with a culture of high aspirations and ambition at all levels. 4.Ensure legislation outlined within the new SEN: Code of Practice is embedded in Academy policy.

Teaching and Learning

5. Ensure the quality of teaching and learning is good and outstanding throughout the Academy. 6. Revise and develop the use of ICT throughout the Academy. 7. Continue to develop the use of the school environment.

Behaviour and Safety

8. To ensure the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all stakeholders. 9. To help children make their own choices whilst taking ownership of their learning attitudes. 10. Further enhance the partnership and communication with Parents/ Carers and the Wider Community.

Leadership and Management

11. Consolidate and further develop rigorous school improvement systems to ensure the highest quality of teaching and learning. 12. Develop leadership and recruit/retain good quality staff at all levels Page 3 across the Academy, including governance.

Short Term Priorities: September 2013 - August 2014

Achievement of Pupils
1. To ensure rapid and sustained pupil progress for all groups of children. A. Improve the quality of teaching so that it is always good or outstanding (see 5). B. Progress for all pupils (inc most able and vulnerable) is rapid and provision is challenging. C. Raise attainment in writing further by: continuing to develop engaging writing lessons which provide opportunities for all groups of children to write at length across all genres and the curriculum. Ensuring that at the same time, pupils develop a fluent, joined script (Nelson), present their work with pride and accelerate language development across all subjects (ie: provide more opps for speaking using subject-specific vocab) (OP). D. Raise the quality of guided reading and writing further, so it has greater impact on pupil progress (using the APP/Criterion Scale). Ensure exciting and challenging activities are planned and consistently timetabled in all classes and provide varied opps for children to experience reading fiction/ non-fiction texts in new and exciting ways. E. (Early) intervention continues to be in place and positive impact is evident for slow moving vulnerable groups, including pupils who are more able, so all make good+ progress. F. Develop AfL further to ensure consistency from class to class (AfL proforma sheets in books, knowledge of various strategies for peer/selfassessment, WAGOLL, personalised targets, etc). 2. Ensure our Pupil Premium spend effectively impacts results: the achievement gap is narrowed further for those vulnerable to underachievement. A. The vast majority of pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support for are making rapid and sustained progress through: quality first teaching, a relevant and coherent curriculum, targeted catch-up and resources, enrichment activities and high expectations.
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B. Measure the impact of PP spend through monitoring and evaluation and report it succinctly. C. Our learning mentor supports, motivates and challenges pupils who are underachieving and helps pupils overcome barriers to learning caused by social, emotional and/or behavioural problems. D. Continue to raise the quality and deployment of teaching assistants and get results (OP). 3. Continue with a culture of high aspirations & ambition at all levels. A. Provide a range of opportunities to share DLA and STEPs aims and values so they are communicated and understood- the bigger picture and family. A. Ensure marking (with focus on presentation) and feedback is developmental, so pupils are able to take the next step with greater confidence, know what to do to improve and given opportunities to assess

work using specific prompts.

C. Awards: Sing Up Platinum and Arts Mark Gold: introduction of specialist dance teaching and instrumental tuition from Y2-6 (Y2:ocarinas, Y3:recorders, Y4:wind band, Y5/6:steel band and a G&T ukulele orchestra); Investors in People & ICT Mark. D. Devise and develop an outstanding environment guide and a Teaching and Learning expectation poster, to enable consistency of approach of high expectations across DLA. 4. Ensure legislation outlined within the new SEN: Code of Practice is embedded in Academy policy. A. Academy policy is reviewed and amended in line with new legislation. B. School practice with regard to SEN and inclusion is reviewed and adapted where necessary to meet new legislation. C. Be aware of and use the EAL assessment guide upon entry of a child who has no or very little English (as in the STEP Inclusion Policy).
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Teaching and Learning

5. Ensure the quality of teaching and learning is good and outstanding throughout the Academy. A: All children are taking part in active and practical lessons and are therefore focused, engaged and making good progress, with all lessons commencing at a rigorous pace (OP). B: Lessons are well differentiated- tasks matched to individual needs (OP). C: Deploy teaching assistants effectively to enhance learning throughout lessons (OP). D: Working walls used consistently in all classrooms to aid pupil progress, attainment and personalised journey. E: Align where necessary, DLAs curriculum (IPC, Science, Maths and English) to ensure it is following the new National Curriculum. 6. Revise and develop the use of ICT throughout the Academy. A: Re-launch Fronter as a Gold Champion School take advantage of Fronters excellent wide range of tools to reenergise and support teaching and learning and support local schools by hosting events and training sessions, network, etc. B: Continue to implement the Rising Stars ICT scheme of work across the school, and provide opportunities for children to use new technologies across the curriculum. 7. Continue to develop the use of the school environment. A: The outdoor and indoor learning areas for children offer the best possible opportunities to extend and maximise learning potential, eg: the pond area and MUGA are used to their full potential and the outdoor environment gives children a greater choice of activities for break times, etc. (OP).

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Behaviour and Safety

8. To ensure the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all stakeholders.. A: Continue to promote healthy living across all aspects of DLA eg: reaccreditation of Healthy Schools Status, the importance of food for growing up happy and healthy and re-introduction of brain breaks.. B: Reinforcement of expected behaviours of children and a renewed and clear knowledge of what constitutes bullying for all stakeholders.. C: Audit the schools safeguarding procedures.. D: Focus on persistent absences and latecomers, so we are above the NA. 9. To help children make their own choices whilst taking ownership of their learning attitudes. A. To further embed RRS into a wider range of curriculum areas. B. To look more at the impact we as an Academy can make within our local and global communities. C. Children and staff to review the sanctions and reward systems in school, ensuring that all adhere to these in the same manner. 10. Enhance the partnership and communication with Parents/Carers and the Wider Community. A: Parent questionnaire analysed/shared with parents/carers and LGB. B: Introduction of a yearly diary/information brochure and design and produce curriculum focus booklets, demonstrating what children will learn each term. Include guidance to support parents/ carers in working with their children at home. C: Further embed Family Learning opportunities (workshops: ICT, Maths and English) at a level where parents/carers can support their children with homework. D: Build on and enrich partnerships between allotment and re-establishment of the new PTA. E: Continue to update website with current information for parents/carers.
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Leadership and Management 11. Consolidate and further develop rigorous school improvement systems to ensure the highest quality of teaching and learning. A: Review and develop teaching and support staff performance management within national and LA regulations; use consistently as part of appraisal. B: Research into bespoke assessment tracking system (O-Track, Target Tracker or I-Tracker) to generate powerful and flexible reports for all stakeholders; including identifying trends, monitoring progress and comparison with national data and expectations. C: Up-date the Academys SEF and Pupil Premium Report termly. D: Review format of Pupil Progress Meetings to ensure questioning draws out any barriers to learning with swift actions to overcome identified barriers. Teachers held accountable for pupils attainment and progress link with PM. 12. Develop leadership and recruit/retain good quality staff at all levels across the Academy, including governance. A: Targeted recruitment and training- at all levels.. B: Ensure Succession Planning within DLA at all levels include high quality training to develop roles. C: Induction to new roles: senior leaders develop necessary skills to make accurate checks on quality of teaching and learning. D: Peer observations: good practice shared across DLA/STEP through teachers observing effective teaching and sharing ideas regarding the components of good/outstanding lessons. E: Team leaders and Governors know where DL is in terms of similar schools (Dashboard, Raise, etc).

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F. Governors committed to ensuring best value for money and, as such, look closely at the roles and responsibilities of staff, and how well they perform before making decisions about pay increments and additional allowances (update and share personnel spreadsheet). G. Ensure Governors are shown best practice in action, eg: through monitoring and evaluation of pupil premium spend- an understanding of impact on achievement. H. Schedule for governor monitoring for 2013-2014. Ensure all governors have a copy of the school governor monitoring pack. I. Pupil leadership skills are developed (school council, RRS and ECO Warriors, Advocates). Pupils to lead school projects eg. health and safety audit, suggestion box, etc.

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The Academy Improvement System

In order to promote a collaborative approach to our academy self-evaluation and improvement, David Livingstone uses both an online and paper-based improvement planning system. The online system is called: SchoolCentre.Net. All action plans are completed online (using SchoolCentre) and, where appropriate, linked to the SEF and AIP. Our SEF and PM systems are paper based. As academy improvement is an on-going process, the SEF, AIP and other Action Plans are continually developing and evolving.

Accessing SchoolCentre
At DL, we believe that improving our Academy is everybodys responsibility; therefore, all stakeholders are able to view and/or contribute to the improvement process. All staff have been set up as users of SchoolCentre. Others wishing to access SchoolCentre may do so as a guest. This allows read-only access to basic school details and Action Plans. To access the David Livingstones login page, type into the web browser: The SchoolCentre ID, a user name and password are required to enter the site. To visit as a guest, enter: SchoolCentre ID: 5692 User name: Guest Password: David Livingstone So that Guest can be used by multiple users, guests are asked not to change the password. Please note, you can only see our Action Planning on this site. Our PM and SEF are now paper-based.
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Viewing the AIP and Other Action Plans

Having selected School Plans and then School Improvement Plan, the user is required to select a plan they would like to view. Any can be chosen as a filter and can be used to navigate between all school plans.

To view the entire AIP, from the Group filter, select which AIP interest you.
There is a very clear ethos, articulated within the Step Academy

Trust non-negotiables statement, emphasising the schools ethos and culture, teaching and learning aims and that the school invests in the people. Throughout the visit, this was made obvious through conversation, plans and visual evidence. The school Self Evaluation evidence and the last three years of the Academy Improvement Plan also highlight the learning community. Therefore the following poem is offered as a summary. Unity (author unknown) I dreamed I stood in a studio and watched two sculptors there. The clay they used was a young childs mind and they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher: the tools she used were books and music and art; one was a parent with a guiding hand and gentle loving heart. And when at last their work was done, they were proud of what they had wrought. For the things they had worked into the child could never be sold or bought! And each agreed she would have failed if she had worked alone. For behind the parent stood the school and behind the teacher the home! Care for children and their backgrounds underpins the David Livingstone Academy ethos. Assessor: Chris Chivers, Inclusion Quality Mark, July 2013
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