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1.At PG, we expect all employees to be strong contributors and to add value to the organization.

From your experiences so far (including school, community, or work experiences), please describe a time when you delivered significant results. Please include details of the context, the actions you took, and the results that were achieved. (Max 950 characters including spaces.) Ans: Context Details: There is a Team in Infosys known as Sneham that do various Social service activities .One of the Initiative was Voluntary Teaching Program. As the teaching program was preplanned it was considered very inappropriate to cancel the classes. On one particular weekend (due to Pongal) there were very few employees were available for the teaching and the Sneham head from our Project was very concerned about it and was thinking to cancel it. So I coordinated with my friends and convinced them to volunteer. I too participated by teaching Maths although I didnt had any experience in teaching. We successfully completed the teaching activities and appreciated in our team for the same.

2.Describe a situation when you faced a difficult problem and you were able to solve it. Please include details of the context, the action you took and the results that were achieved. Ans: The main issue that occurs in organization is the conflict of egos and it prevents people from reaching the goal. This same issue happened with our Database team and the HCL release Management Team where our Team rejected the application change just 2 days before the actual implementation of it. Both teams started blaming each other through mail chains then I intervened and arranged the call between the main SPOCS from both side and provided the platform to discuss and get the issue resolved .The issue got resolved and an agreement was made to avoid such issues in future. 3. Provide an example when you approached your work with a mindset of having limited resources or time. Please include details of the context, the action you took and the results that were achieved. Context Details: As my work was SLA based for all the approval for the application changes maximum 2 days was the deadline. On one particular Friday (The Day having maximum workload) I was not well and was not able to come to office .My backup employee was not able to finish the work and I was called for achieving the target. Although I was not well but still I came to office as non-approval of Critical changes could have raised serious escalations for Infosys .I sorted out and prioritized the changes and clubbed the changes according to the application teams. The I coordinated well with the teams and got all the changes approved on time and was appreciated by my manger for the same.

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