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Essay on Richard Arkwright Richard Arkwright was the person who started the industrial revolution Richard Arkwright

was born in Preston in 1732. He was the youngest out of thirteen children .life for him was really hard as his family were really poor .They were really poor that they were not able to send him to school and because of that his cousin Ellen had to teach him to read and write. Thread was not made easy at that time first you would have to flatten the cotton then spin it people would have used the spinning wheel you would have to hold the cotton and spin but that took ages and you had to put a lot of effort into it then you would have to weave it but then James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny in 1764 instead of holding the cotton you would have to hold the handle but also then it would take time and there would be a supervised person using it and also then the cotton used to break a little. However for the weaving John Kay invented the flying shuttle in 1733 which allowed it to weave and make thread but the same was with this a supervised person had to use it. At this time people wanted to buy things they had the weaving sorted out now all they needed to do was to invent a new spinning machine. Lots of people made an attempt but they failed Richard Arkwright at this time was a barber who cut hair and made fashionable wigs because at this time nearly everyone wore wigs as it was a fashion. Once Richard found out about spinning he decide to go all around England and gather ideas from everywhere till he invented made the spinning frame in1768. It was really big and because of that people could not use it in their homes. Richard Arkwright then had an ambition on making a factory, .but he did not have enough money so he travelled to Nottingham and Derbyshire. Lots of people in Nottingham had lots of money but they did not have any good ideas. But then a man named strut gave him the money and they both agreed to become business partners. they needed the power to run their factory there first idea was to run the power by horse but that did not go well .but then Richard had an idea and they went to Cromford (north of England). In Cromford there was lots of water so Richard had an idea for running power by usage of water .Richard built dams so the water will stay and increase. The first ever factory was made it had five blocks but then two got burnt. It had many windows and the rooms were really large and long in each room there would be two spinning frames which a very large. After everything was furnished he then put up posters around town about the job the people that were going to work just had to look at the spinning frame and fix things when things go wrong so for the spinning frame so people did not have to be experts . People aged from seven and were allowed to work. The shifts were not good at all as there were night shifts too. People aged from seven and over had to work for twelve hours six days a week .children who worked for twelve hours and worked six times a week got only up to three shillings. Not only has this but rules became stricter and stricter by day as if you open the window you will be fined one shilling if you whistle you will be fined one shilling if Richard sees you in dirty clothes you will be fined one shilling but there is no proof to know if Richard was bad person However on the other had Richard had helped many of his workers by building them a house not only this but a chapel for them to go and pray also a school for the kids to go and learn and every year there would be a festival and also a huge feast for everyone which Richard does As time went past Richard had many factories across the United Kingdom he had employed nearly up to 5000employees .not only this but he also became very famous that Richard asked for a part of green land to be cleared all the tree to be cut all the rocks to blown and then himself he built a humongous castle called the willersely castle .

Unfortunately Richard was unable to move into the new house as he died just before moving in. He died at the age of 59 on the third of August 1792 as Sir Richard Arkwright leaving a fortune of 150000.He was known for being an innovator, inventor, business man and a wonderful entertainer.

Javeria Akhoon 8c

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