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DOCTYPE xini >

** Seose.xini
** Sordies Endless Online Server Emulator
** Configuration file
** NOTE: If you need whitespace or the characters []= in any value, the
** MUST be enclosed in quotes. eg. name="value [with] =
** You should back this file up before editing. Don't bug my MSN if you
break it.

MaxConnections = 500 /* Max number of connections to the
server */
ThrottleInterval = 1 /* Number of server dispatches before
throttle */
ThrottleTime = 100 /* Milliseconds to throttle the server */
PingTime = 60000 /* Milliseconds between client checks */

/* IP provider service */
/* IPService = "" */
IPService = ""

This controls how the server manages threads for connections.
Uses a fixed number (MaxThreads) of threads. The connection
will be
controlled in the context of the thread with the lowest
number of other
connections. Threads are dynamicly created/destroyed as they
are needed.
This is the recommended setting.

Serializes connection in a thread until
"ConnectionsPerThread" is
reached, then a new thread is create for connections.

Serialize all connections in one thread only.
Strategy = Pool
MaxThreads = 50 /* Only used if Strategy = Pool */
ConnectionsPerThread = 10 /* Only used if Strategy = Stack */
ThrottleInterval = 5 /* Number of thread dispatches
before throttle */
ThrottleTime = 10 /* Milliseconds to throttle the
thread */
CPUMask = 0 /* Bit mask of allowed CPU cores to
use (0=any) */

Connection binding using the format: IP:PORT
The IP can be in any standard decimal, octal or hexadecimal
notation, or
a mix of the three. It is possible to specify multiple bindings
by whitespace or a new line). However, on most systems it will
fail. Only
some *nix systems support multiple bindings.

CheckPacketSequence = false /* Check for valid packet sequence
bytes */

QueueSize = 10 /* Number of packets that can be queued before
disconnection */

WalkThreshold = 400 /* Milliseconds between walk packets */

AttackThreshold = 400 /* Milliseconds between attack packets */

Name = "Untitled Server" /* The name of your server */
URL = "" /* The website for your server */
IP = "" /* The
domain name of your server */
Port = 0 /* The external port of your
server (0=auto) */

This is some server new!
Don't you just love news?
[news] { Some more news! }
[news] { Woo! I like news. =P }
Exp = 100 /* % Experience gain rate */
Drop = 50 /* % Drop chance */
Regen = 100 /* % Max HP to regenerate every regen event */
Skill = 3 /* Skill points awarded for leveling */
Stat = 3 /* Stat points awarded for leveling */
Buy = 50 /* % Of the sell cost a shop keeper will buy an
item back */
Sleep = 100 /* % Of gold per HP point needed to sleep at an
inn */

View = 11 /* How far a character can
see/interact */
Item = 50000000 /* The maximum amount of any item */
Text = 120 /* Max length of text (talking etc)

Race = -1 /* Change to a "death race" rather than warping
home (-1 = warp home) */

Trade = false /* Allow trades when dead */

Talk = false /* Allow talking when dead */
Item = false /* Allow item drop, pickup, equip, junk, etc
when dead */

Map = 76 /* Jail map ID */
X = 6 /* X warp location of jailed players */
Y = 5 /* Y warp location of jailed players */

AllowTrades = false /* Allow trades on the jail map. Will also

block dropping */
AllowGlobal = false /* Allow using global on the jail map */

/* WARNING: Effects are currently buggy. It's best not to use them
until I fix them */
Title = 0 /* Player was awarded a title */
Race = 0 /* Players race changed */
Admin = 0 /* Players admin level changed */
Cure = 0 /* Player cured of cursed items */
Resurrect = 0 /* Player resurrected by a priest */

Name = "Wanderer" /* Name of homeless players "home" */
Map = 2 /* Spawn map of homeless players */
X = 13 /* Spawn X position of homeless players */
Y = 40 /* Spawn Y position of homeless players */

ListInvisible = false /* Will invisible admins show on the Player
list */

/* Mimimum admim level required to perform the commands */

/* Light guides */
hide = 1 /* Toggle invisible state */
info = 1 /* View information about a player */
find = 1 /* Find a players location */
title = 1 /* Award a player a title */
effect = 1 /* Play an effect on a player, pointless
but fun */
id = 1 /* Lookup item/map/spell/class/npc IDs */
cure = 1 /* Cure a a player of cursed items */
seehide = 1 /* See hidden players in the playerlist */

/* Guardians */
mute = 2 /* Mute a player */
goto = 2 /* Teleport to a location / player */
warp = 2 /* Teleport another player */
jail = 2 /* Jail a player */
kick = 2 /* Disconnect a player */
stitle = 2 /* Silently title a player */
race = 2 /* Change a players race */
srace = 2 /* Silently change a players race */
announce = 2 /* Use the @ announce */

/* Game Masters */
smute = 3 /* Silently mute a player */
sjail = 3 /* Silently jail a player */
skick = 3 /* Silently kick a player */
spawn = 3 /* Spawn an NPC (should be the same level
as killnpc) */
killnpc = 3 /* Kill an NPC (should be the same level
as spawn) */
item = 3 /* Spawn an item */
gitem = 3 /* Spawn an item on the ground */

/* High Game Master */

admin = 4 /* Set the admin level of a player */
sadmin = 4 /* Silently set the admin level of a player
botparams = 4 /* Adjust bot paramaters */
console = 4 /* Execute console commands */

Standard bot parameters are:
Name = Sets the name of a bot (renames it)
Enabled = Enables/disables a bot
Visible = Can the bot be seen the the playerlist (#find will
always work)
Title = The title of the bot
Admin = The min admin level required to command the bot
Params = Bot specific paramaters

Allows multiple channels on global and can disable global.

Simply PM it the channel number you want to use.

eg: !globalbot 20

0 is the default (normal?) channel.

Setting the "params" will disable global, displaying the

message "params"
Enabled = false
Visible = false
/* Params = "Sorry, Global has been disabled." */

Allows players to change various aspects of their character.

Example of each command

!dressbot title I R AWESOME
!dressbot class 6
!dressbot race 3
!dressbot partner Sordie (you wish! =D)
!dressbot guild The Secret Order of Hamsters
!dressbot rank Newb leader
!dressbot tag XXX

The command must exist in the "params" to be enabled

Enabled = true
Visible = true
Params = "title,class,race,partner,guild,rank,tag"

Broadcasts anonymous anouncements
eg: !announcebot The end of the world is nigh!
_Name = "Announcement"
Enabled = true
Visible = true
Admin = 4

/* First time login message */

/* First time as the death race message */

You have died! Don't despair! Find and click on a priest to be
resurrected! Whilst you are dead you cannot attack, speak or interact
with others.

/* First time died (warp) message */

You where killed in action but a strange force saved your soul
and resurrected you back home!

Accounts = "%imagedir%\Users\Accounts\" /* Path to the account
files */
Characters = "%accountdir%\..\Characters\" /* Path to the
character files */

/* List of unaproved sub strings */

NotApproved = "%accountdir%\..\NotApproved.txt"

/* Path to default character information. */

Defaults = "%accountdir%\..\Default.xini"

/* Data file locations */
ItemData = "%imagedir%\Data\dat001.eif"
NPCData = "%imagedir%\Data\dtn001.enf"
NPCExtra = "%imagedir%\Data\NPC.xini"
SpellData = "%imagedir%\Data\dsl001.esf"
PlayerClassData = "%imagedir%\Data\dat001.ecf"
PlayerClassExtra = "%imagedir%\Data\Class.xini"
ArenaData = "%imagedir%\Data\Arena.xini"
Maps = "%imagedir%\Maps\" /* Path to map files */
MapCount = 300 /* Max number of maps to load */

Server = "" /* SLN Server URL */
Interval = 300000 /* Interval between
check-ins (0=disable sln) */
Zone = "" /* Zone to register
server */

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