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The St.

Paul s Circular
September, 2013 Volume 8, Issue 3 - tending

From the Desk of the Dean . . .

When I took my sabbatical in 2011, I was able to engage in discernment and visioning work about my ministry at St. Pauls. I was blessed with the clarity of three words that continue to be the central grounding of my ministry as your priest. The three words that frame the foundation of my priesthood and shape my work are: Preach, Teach and Tend. How wonderful that Chuck Kalnin, the newsletter editor, has taken these words and used them as the themes for our Circular. We come now to the final of the three: Tend. To tend is to care for, to nurture, to look after, to hold both in prayer and in ones heart. To tend someone or something is to guard its safety, to hold them in esteem, foster their growth, health and well being. It is a ministry we all share in our faith as followers of Jesus and what we promised in our baptism. As Jesus tends us, we are to tend one another. We care for one another, we care for those who struggle and are suffering, we care for the earth. One aspect of tending that resonated with me deeply was articulated by a young woman priest who when asked what she does, responded with the reply: I hold things. Then she listed what she holds: the hands of the grieving widow, babies newly born, the chalice and the bread at the holy table, the broken hearts of the newly divorced, the confidence of the penitent, the worries of the sick, the prayer book, the community gathered on Sunday mornings, etc. This young priest understands the ministry of tending. To tend is to hold. As your priest, I hold you in my prayers. I do this everyday. May we each be renewed in our tending of one another. Tend well and with tenderness. Deep peace, Your Dean,

Just a Park Seat

by Douglas Daws

The seat in the park, was grungy at best, But nevertheless was a good place to rest. Being quite black and ugly, a round from a tree, That had been in a fire, or appeared so to me. It sat at the crest of a grass covered hill, A fine vantage point, to experience the thrill, Of vistas of rivers and valleys stretched far, Putting in perspective how minute humans are. Its also a place of rare silence and peace, For spiritual comfort, as troubled thoughts cease, As the mind becomes cleared of all of lifes woes, So that nothing but serenity ultimately shows. Where the path to the future is sought in a prayer, For a Heavenly Father, will be forever there, To sit down beside me, on an ugly black seat, To tell me His love is strong and complete. Within all of lifes journeys in joy or in sorrow, His love will support me, in every tomorrow.
Used with permission.

Worship at St. Pauls Cathedral

Chapel, Sunday, 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion Cathedral, Sunday, 10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Chapel, Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. - Holy Communion

Volume 8, Issue 3 - tending

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Resource Centre Book Cart

by Elizabeth Kavanagh

Summer at Sorrento Center

by Alison McKinnon

Here we are rapidly approaching Fall. Where did the summer go? Once again there is a new selection of books on the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior cart for your enjoyment and enlightenment. I would like to take a moment to remind everyone after the lazy days of summer that the book cart is located in the hall on Sunday mornings during coffee hour for your perusal, and outside the Sacristy during the rest of the week. The materials there are for everyone, 8:00 o'clock people too. Requests for resources can be directed to me (250 828 1211) or to Gordon and Mary Dove ( Also a reminder, when borrowing materials, to sign the card in the front of the book with your name, phone number and the date borrowed. Enjoy and have a great Fall.

Some of us from the Cathedral attended the fourday, week-six course entitled "Early Christians of the 21st Century, given by Herb O'Driscoll, Richard LeSueur and Scott McLeod. It was an interesting exploration of where the Christian church currently is, and what the future might hold for us. Until fairly recently, Christianity was a dominant factor in the life of the western world. This is no longer true for a variety of reasons. Over four days, we learned about many earlier times when faith was threatened. The hopeful news for me was that faith has always survived, and that forms of worship can and will adapt to change. As Moses instructed when leading his people out of the wilderness, we must look forward to where the journey will lead us and not back from where we have come. One of the more fascinating things for me was a presentation by Richard LeSueur, who lived for some years in Jerusalem, and takes pilgrims on journeys in the Holy Land. He showed us a climatic map of biblical Israel, divided roughly into thirds running north/south. The western third is close to the Mediterranean. This fertile plain receives the most annual rainfall, allowing guaranteed crops and easier life styles. The central third, the Judean hill country, is drier, but normally receives enough rain to grow crops if suitable farming methods are used. The most easterly third, the Jordan River Valley, is much more desert-like. Rainfall amounts are low, and crop success is never assured. Life here is harsh and uncertain. This dry, and unforgiving landscape is where 90% of the bible takes place. Those, like us, who live in the lush western plains may find it hard to accept the God of the desert. The course was challenging and thought provoking, but definitely upbeat and hopeful.

from Cathedral Committee . . .

May A new photocopier has been leased from Kamloops Office Supplies. It has greatly reduced copying times. The pictures of the Stations of the Cross in the Chapel have been reframed. Discussion was held regarding the sound system in the Cathedral. Training sessions will be held in the fall for those who routinely use the system during the worship services - for readings, prayers, etc. Due to the recent break-in, all exterior doors and some of the interior doors have been re-keyed. Money handling, security and safety related procedures have been reviewed and adjusted. June The June Cathedral Committee meeting was shifted from the Brisco backyard to the parish hall due to inclement weather. Committee members, staff, Lay Ministers of Word and Sacrament, and our families enjoyed a wonderful potluck indoor picnic. A brief meeting followed the picnic.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

by Geri King

It is so nice to be getting back into the routine of fall, winter, etc. Today [September 17th] was our first day back after the summer break; there were three of us. We all had an enjoyable summer. The call had come from Bishop Andrews for shawls and we were able to give her a few.

The St. Paul's Circular is the parish newsletter of St. Pauls Anglican Cathedral, Kamloops, BC. Four issues are published each year: Lent/Easter; Pentecost; Fall; Advent/Christmas. Our aim is to glorify God by sharing stories about the ministries of our parish, both within and beyond our physical boundaries. The editorial board currently includes The Very Rev. Louise Peters, Miriam Baskin, Ray Beal, Mary Dove, Viki Engdahl and Chuck Kalnin.

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An Evening of Celebration at St. Pauls

Bud Smith Receives Award of Merit - Pastoral Elders Commissioned

With our Primate visiting the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (APCI), it was time to celebrate his visit and some events in APCI. On Sunday, June 16th, The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz preached at a service of Evening Prayer which was held at St. Pauls. He presented Canon Bud Smith with the Anglican Award of Merit, honouring Bud for his dedicated ministry and service to the Diocese of Cariboo and to APCI. Also during the service, our Primate assisted Bishop Barbara Andrews in commissioning five new pastoral elders for APCI: Laura Suchell, Jimmy Toodlican, Bert Seymour, Amy Charlie and Jim White. As well as our Primate, several other clergy were in attendance, including Bishop Jim Cruickshank. The service included much music - beautiful singing and drumming. All of the elders and Bud were presented with a traditional gift of a blanket. It was indeed a very joyous happening. After the service, APCI hosted a banquet which was catered by St. Pauls Parish Life & Fellowship Committee in the parish hall. Reid Albrights kitchen team served a delicious prime-rib dinner. After the meal, our Primate, Bishop Jim and Canon Bud Smith talked about the journey that the Diocese of Cariboo has been on, evolving into APCI. Several other clergy and many of the elders spoke as well. It was a positive and uplifting endorsement of our journey. A long-term parishioner commented that the evening made her proud to be an Anglican. The next morning, there was an informal Breakfast with the Primate, also held at the Cathedral. Catered by members of St. Georges Anglican Church, it was a opportunity to meet our Primate personally and provided a great ending to a wonderful celebration. Photo at left: The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz at breakfast Monday morning. Above: Bud Smith with his Award of Merit. Photos: Rae Long.

The Parable of the Tomato

by Mary Dove

There was once a very nicely cultivated back yard with a variety of gardens, vegetables, flowers, herbs and experimental plants of many kinds and a well manicured lawn which set off the whole area. One day while mowing, a man found a very small seedling poking up through the ground at the corner of the sidewalk. Rather than pulling it, he was intrigued and thought he would wait to see what would transpire. After a few days he was able to identify this plant as a volunteer tomato.

Using Gifts Well

Edward J. Farrell

Each gift has its season, its moment in life. The Spirit brings fullness in time. The pulse and the plan for creation Ring loudly in each heart and mind. Taught by the Spirit we set off anew. If we use our gifts well we shall thrive. Buds fragile call to be tended. When ours bloom, we grow more alive.

He decided again to see what would happen. As the earth dried around this plant, he gave it some water and saw that it was given a little support by staking and tying it up so it would not be pulled out by others or bend and break its branches with its weight. Day by day and week by week the plant took on a life of its own. It soon needed heavy staking as it grew to a height of six feet, and was covered with many flowers. Soon the tomatoes began to appear. By the end of the summer, twenty pounds of tomatoes had been picked from this huge plant and all because the man had noticed and TENDED the tiny seedling rather than trying to destroy it or control it.

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Youth Group & Young Adults News

by Melissa Green

After a full and fabulous summer, the Youth Groups and the Young Adults Group have started up again! If you are a young person (grades 5-7 or grades 8-12), you are invited to join us at the youth groups! The two groups meet separately on Monday nights usually every second week - and for a monthly joint event on a Friday or Saturday evening. We are young people who gather for games, prayer, conversations and lots of fun and sharing, and are supported by a fabulous team of youth leaders. We hope that you are able to join us. Young Adults is for those who have completed high school and have entered into post-secondary education or work. If this describes you, come and join us! We meet monthly for an evening of cooking, eating, conversation, prayer and laughter; and of course, some nights the games come out. For information on any of these programs please contact Melissa at: Top: The youth group year starts off with some challenging team building exercises! Bottom: Banana Surgery" - Jenny and Emily work together at youth group, putting a cut up banana back together.
Photos supplied by Melissa Green.

St. Johns Episcopal Church Indio, California

by Margaret Mitchell

Last winter whilst traveling and RVing in Southern California and Arizona, Jim and I had the opportunity and privilege of worshipping in a variety of churches, mostly Episcopal (Anglican) but sometimes Lutheran. We met some lovely people and enjoyed a wide variety of liturgy. It was interesting to note that each congregation added something to the liturgy which reflected who they are as a community together. I would like to share some of our experiences with the people of St. Pauls, and The Circular is a great way to do it! So over the next few issues I will share a little something from our winter worship! The congregation of St. Johns Episcopal Church, Indio, California is mixed Spanish/American and in past years held two separate services one in Spanish and one in English. A few years ago, the new Incumbent saw an opportunity to gather these two separate congregations into one, with a shared language liturgy.

The musicians are Spanish-American, so the music is vibrant and upbeat and the hymns are sung in either language. The entire liturgy is printed in booklet form in both Spanish and English; the readings for the day are offered in the language of the reader, but as all the readings are in the booklet, one can follow along. The Sanctus (Holy, Holy) is always sung in Spanish and is quite beautiful.

After the Eucharist there is the Sending of the Lay Eucharistic Minister which is quite powerful. The reserved consecrated elements are given to this lay minister with the words: In the name of this congregation, we send you forth bearing these holy gifts that to whom you go may share with us in the communion of Christs body and blood. We who are many share one body because we all share one bread and one cup. The lay minister takes these elements (Reserved Sacrament) to the sick and shut-in, to the hospital or nursing home. This sending reminds the congregation they are ministering to, and are one with, the wider community. At the same time it provides the lay minister with encouragement and support for his/her ministry. It felt very biblical, as when Christ sent his disciples out to do their work.

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St Pauls Sailors - the Gulf Islands - August 21 to 25, 2013

by Bob Hunter

Five of us had the good fortune to cruise/sail across the Salish Sea (Straits of Georgia), through Active Pass, ply the waters of the Gulf Islands. We then left through Porlier Pass between the Galiano and Valdes Islands returned across the Salish Sea to the mouth of the Fraser River and the moorage at Westham Island near Ladner. It was a few fun filled days shared by some of our ten-member book club. We had a variety of weather, mostly sunshine, some wind, some cloud and a minor amount of rain.

It was a chance to sail, motor and try our hands at crewing on Jon Buckles 51-foot sailboat, the Brigadoon. In addition to Jon our crew consisted of Lee Emery, Bob Hunter, Russ Horton, Ron Ste Marie and Dave Whiting. Russ joined us the second day at Sidney on Vancouver Island as he now lives in Victoria. We had a variety of sailing experience, but I believe that under the guidance of Captain Jon, we passed the test, especially if you include food preparation and presentation and dish washing. Hopefully, we left the boat in the condition we found it. Ron was prepared to provide the music to Wind upon the Waters (Hymn 408) by harmonica as background for our trip. Tthis was not thought to be necessary for our nautical neighbours.

Under way - Ron Ste Marie. Bob Hunter and Dave Whiting on deck. Photo: Lee Emery. After enjoying a beer or two and a seafood supper at Speeds Pub in nearby Ladner, we slept on board the first night moored at Westham Island. The next morning, we left the mouth of the Fraser River at the warning marker known as the Sandheads. We experienced some turbulence (nothing like it could have been, said Jon) resulting from the mixing of tide, river flow and wind. This is where some people get queezy stomachs, although no one in our crew owned up to it. Ever mindful of the variety of shipping present, we proceeded across to Active Pass where we shared sea lanes with four BC Ferries bound in both directions, plus a mixture of sail and power boats and commercial craft. After picking up Russ in Sidney, we sailed back for about 15 minutes to Portland Island in the southern part of the Gulf Islands. It is quite small and is entirely a provincial park. Years ago the government of Canada had gifted it to Princess Margaret and she later returned it to the people of BC. We spent the day and overnight there. Lee went for a swim that afternoon. The water being very cold, no one else swam. Some thought Lee swam only because he had fallen overboard. Just kidding!. Our stay included a walk around part of Portland Island, over scenic trails and along the beaches. A photo was taken of us all in front of an enormous greying stump likely blown onto the beach by a severe winter storm. (See page 6.)

Captain Jon Buckle at the helm.

Photo: Dave Whiting.

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St. Pauls Sailors (contd):

All of our meals and happy hours were enjoyed in the raised cockpit at the back of the boat. It was protected from the weather by a canvas top and plastic side curtains which could be taken down in fair weather and provided a spectacular view. It was also where we could be found when underway. Happy hour and supper time was filled with stories and laughter and catching up with Russs life in Victoria and not least with discussion surrounding our review of the book, The Curve of Time by M. Wylie Blanchet, which we had read in preparing for this trip. The book is a remarkable story of a mother and five young children who spent their summers along the coast of BC in their 24-foot cabin cruiser. Late the next morning we returned Russ to a marina in Sidney and then sailed and motored north between Galiano and Salt Spring Islands to Tent Island, which is very small and situated just north of Salt Spring Island. We enjoyed a swim off the beach, in light rain and in water which was warmer then Lees experience the previous day. A walk along this scenic beach followed. It was 5:00 p.m. and time for happy hour, which was enjoyed with appies as we sat in the cockpit. On Jons recommendation we decided to seek more sheltered moorage to avoid any soueaster which might come up overnight. We motored to Telegraph Harbour between Thetis and Kuper Islands near Chemainus, anchored, had supper and went to bed. We awoke Saturday morning to sunshine and clear skies, enjoyed our usual breakfast of cereal, The sailors: Dave Whiting, Jon Buckle, Ron Ste Marie, Bob Hunter, Lee Emery and Russ Horton.
Photo: Jon Buckle.

yogurt, fruit, muffins and coffee. We later motored by dingy to the general store on Thetis Island for two scoop ice cream cones and sat in the sun. This was followed by a walk on the island. In the early afternoon, we lifted anchor and some how fitting in lunch, headed east through Porlier Pass with the tide. We sailed quickly across the Salish Sea into the Fraser River, arriving early Saturday evening at the moorage at Westham Island. It remained for Jon and yours truly to prepare supper for this final evening together. It was consumed with a little wine and cold beer. Sunday morning at Westham Island presented another day of sunshine, breakfast and a couple of hours of swabbing the decks etc. By noon we were on our way home. What an incredible time it was. Half the fun remains though, and that is when we elaborate on this story to those in the book club who were unable to be with us.

Save the Date!!

Parish Wide Vision Quest
Saturday, October 26th 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The Brigadoon.
Photo: Dave Whiting.

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I Find God in the Quiet Places

by Jenny Ellis

I find God in the quiet places. I'm Jenny Ellis and I'm from St. Paul's Cathedral. I had the privilege of attending a program this summer called "Ask and Imagine." Ask and Imagine is a two-week program that is held at Huron University in London, Ontario. We all learned how to be a part of a community and how to learn and grow together. Wise and enthusiastic mentors helped us on this journey. As part of our journey we had three adventure training days. We tested our limits as a way of getting out of our comfort zones, finding our challenge zones while at the same time, staying out of our panic zones. Our adventure challenges consisted of snorkeling, high ropes and kayaking. Kayaking was definitely my favorite. I was a little unsure at first and it was definitely in my challenge zone. However; it was an eye-opening experience.

similar experiences with the wildlife in the canal. On the way back I caught a small turtle that was resting on a lily pad beside my kayak. Many of my friends know that my favorite animal is the turtle, so I was super excited that I was able to interact with one. I always find that when I am in nature and I can no longer hear any city noise, I feel closer to God. So kayaking was a perfect time for me to reflect and look into nature. I could let go of all the white noise from my world at home and just be there to experience this new world. All excess thoughts were pushed out of my head. All I could think about was the perfect day, the sun on my shoulders, the kayak gliding across the lake and all the wondrous creatures around us. Luckily I had Judy to guide me because I was so obsessed with getting closer, learning more, and seeing everything. Every time I think back to my experience in that wondrous canal, I am reminded to look into nature and protect this wonderful gift from God. The diversity and inexplicable beauty of Gods creation reminds me how amazing our God is. My connection with nature is also a large connection with God. Ask and Imagine held so many truly incredible moments, this was only one of them! The search may begin with a restless feeling, as if one were being watched. One turns in all directions and sees nothing. Yet one senses that there is a source for this deep restlessness, and the path that leads there is not a path to a strange place, but the path home.
Peter Matthiessen, American author.

Our Kayaking adventure started at Cameron Lake where we proceeded to head toward Cypress Lake. In order to cross over to Cypress Lake we had to go through a small canal that connected the two lakes. This tiny canal was surrounded by beautiful trees. The water was calm and it appeared very shallow. However, with the slightest poke of a paddle, we could see that the ground was a very thick layer of silt that held many unknown creatures. Judy, who was sharing a tandem kayak with me, and I experienced an unexpected shock while venturing very close to the shoreline. A frog had leaped into our kayak and by the time I realized what was happening, the frog had leaped onto my leg and then back into the water. It was a great story to tell our fellow Ask and Imaginers who had missed this fantastic encounter. Nonetheless, it was not the only animal encounter either. Many of the other scholars had

Volume 8, Issue 3 - tending

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Dear Parents with Young Children in Church

by Jamie Bruesselhoff

Dear Parents with Youth Children in Church: You are doing something really, really important. I know its not easy. I see you with your arms overflowing, and I know you came to church already tired. Parenting is tiring. Really tiring. I watch you bounce and sway trying to keep the baby quiet, juggling the infant car seat and the diaper bag as you find a seat. I see you wince as your child cries. I see you anxiously pull things out of your bag of tricks to try to quiet them. And I see you with your toddler and your preschooler. I watch you cringe when your little girl asks an innocent question in a voice that might not be an inside voice let alone a church whisper. I hear the exasperation in your voice as you beg your child to just sit, to be quiet as you feel everyones eyes on you. Not everyone is looking, but I know it feels that way. I know youre wondering, is this worth it? Why do I bother? I know you often leave church more exhausted than fulfilled. But what you are doing is so important. When you are here, the church is filled with a joyful noise. When you are here, the Body of Christ is more fully present. When you are here, we are reminded that this worship thing we do isnt about Bible Study or personal, quiet contemplation but coming together to worship as a community where all are welcome, where we share in the Word and Sacrament together. When you are here, I have hope that these pews wont be empty in ten years when your kids are old enough to sit quietly and behave in worship. I know that they are learning how and why we worship now, before its too late. They are learning that worship is important. I see them learning. In the midst of the cries, whines, and giggles, in the midst of the crinkling of pretzel bags and the growing pile of crumbs I see a little girl who insists on going two pews up to share peace with someone shes never met. I hear a little boy slurping (quite loudly) every last drop of his communion wine out of the cup determined not to miss a drop of Jesus. I watch a child excitedly color a cross and point to the one in the front of the sanctuary. I hear the echos of Amens just a few seconds after the rest of the community says it together. I watch a boy just learning to read try to sound out

the words in the worship book or count his way to Hymn 672. Even on weeks when I cant see my own children learning because, well, its one of those mornings, I can see your children learning. I know how hard it is to do what youre doing, but I want you to know, it matters. It matters to me. It matters to my children to not be alone in the pew. It matters to the congregation to know that families care about faith, to see young people . . . and even on those weeks when you cant see the little moments, it matters to your children. It matters that they learn that worship is what we do as a community of faith, that everyone is welcome, that their worship matters. When we teach children that their worship matters, we teach them that they are enough right here and right now as members of the church community. They dont need to wait until they can believe, pray or worship a certain way to be welcome here, and I know adults who are still looking to be shown that. It matters that children learn that they are an integral part of this church, that their prayers, their songs, and even their badly (or perfectly timed depending on who you ask) cries and whines are a joyful noise because it means they are present. I know its hard, but thank you for what you do when you bring your children to church. Please know that your family - with all of its noise, struggle, commotion, and joy are not simply tolerated, you are a vital part of the community gathered in worship.
Article submitted by Melissa Green; Jamie Bruesehoff blogs at I am totally *that* mom:

Ka Hyun Visits
A week after her ordination on Sunday, June 23rd, at Christ Church Cathedral in Vancouver, the Reverend Ka Hyun MacKenzie Shin visited us at St. Pauls. Ka Hyun was installed on July 1st at St. Stephen The Martyr Anglican Church in Burnaby.
Photo: Rae Long.

Volume 8, Issue 3 - tending

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The Mountain Ministry of St. Pauls Cathedral

St. Pauls has been involved with the Sun Peaks Chapel Ministry for over ten years. A team of lay people lead prayer services for the skiing public every Sunday in the little Chapel about half way up the hill, during the winter ski season. Services are about 20 minutes long, with readings, a homily and a time for prayer and are attended by visitors from all over the world who have come for the Sun Peaks skiing experience, and who also enjoy time at the Chapel on the Hill. As a new season of this ministry is about to commence, we offer here the prayer service that is currently used during these services. It was written in 2012, by Dean Louise Peters.

Prayer Service for Sun Peaks Chapel

by Dean Louise Peters

Words of Welcome and Introduction: Opening Responses:

Leader: All: Leader: All: Prayer: Leader: How wonderful, O God, are the works of your hands! The heavens declare your glory; mountains shout your praise, the arch of sky displays your handiwork. The Mountains and the Heavens declare the glory of God! In your love you have given us the power to behold the beauty of your world, robed in all its splendor. The sun and the stars, the valleys and the hills, the rivers and the lakes all disclose your presence. The earth reveals Gods eternal presence. The Mountains and the Heavens declare the glory of God! The roaring breakers of the sea tell of your awesome might; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air bespeak your wondrous will. All life comes from your creative will. Gracious God we give you praise for all your beauty in creation. For this day and for all the blessings of this life, we give you thanks. Blessed be God for ever and ever! Open our hearts to your Wisdom, Grace and Truth Give us your Peace, Love and Joy. Amen.

All: Leader:

All: Leader:


The Mountains and the Heavens declare the glory of God!

In your goodness you have made us able to hear the precious voices of music in the world. The raging winds, the whispering of trees in the wood, and the precious voices of loved ones. All of these reveal to us that you are in our midst and alive in the world. Your divine voice sings through all creation.
The Mountains and the Heavens declare the glory of God! We join in this song of praise. Alleluia!! Amen!!
(Prayer adapted from the United Nations Environmental Sabbath)



A Psalm A Reading from the Gospel A Reflection on the Reading

(See page 10)

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Sun Peaks Prayer Service (contd):

Leader: We bring to God our prayers for the world. We pray for peace, for our nation, our communities where we live. We bring to God our prayers for those who are in any kind of need: the sick and the lonely, the hurting and the sad. For all who struggle and for whom life is difficult. We bring to God our prayers for those people and situations that are heavy on our hearts. We bring to God our prayers for help to be more holy, generous, compassionate and gracious in our daily living and faith. We bring to God our prayers of thanksgiving for the many blessings we know. We gather all of our prayers into one, and pray as Jesus taught his friends. All: Leader: All: All: Our Father, who art in heaven . . . Amen. Your love O God, reaches to the heavens, and your faithfulness to the clouds. Your righteousness is like a strong mountain, your justice like the great deep sea. You save all of creation. (Psalm 36:5-6) We bless you and we praise you! May Gods peace be always with us, and may the Holy Spirit be our guide. May we journey with Jesus every day, revealing to the world the gifts of love and praise and thanks. This we pray in the name of all that is holy. Amen.

Closing Blessing:

Experiencing Gods Presence

by Jon Buckle

I should first acknowledge that there have not been for me frequent occasions or moments when I have had a strong sense of Gods presence. That said, I have only rarely doubted that God was there. Perhaps its a blessing I inherited from my childhood, being raised in a Christian family, that I was comfortable through prayer, music, worship and such to accept God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - as a given. I dont recall doubting that God was present in my life as a child. As a young adult, I explored alternate forms of spirituality by way of meditation, reading about both Christian and other forms of mysticism whereby one could have a direct experience of a unique state of consciousness, and also experienced occasional altered states of consciousness. With my young family, I was drawn back to the Anglican church through, of all things, sport. The local minister had been a good soccer player and it was also a sport I enjoyed. Subsequent events including mens groups, Cursillo, church school, home groups, and a church music group all helped to encourage my family and I in both our personal experi-

ence of God, and as a part of our Christian community. My church home has always been an important part of my life since coming back, and regular worship allows for a corporate time of dwelling with the Holy. However, when I reflect on those special times when I particularly experienced Gods presence, it has generally not been in church. For me, some of my most powerful encounters with God have been in joyful, sad and even scary times. They range between the birth of a child, the death of a parent, the aftermath of encountering a grizzly face to face, viewing the night sky while trekking in the Himalayas, encountering a storm at sea and the safe anchorage to follow. In one sense, there does not seem to be a common element in these experiences, yet perhaps there is. Maybe God uses these opportunities to connect at a time when our awareness and our emotions are more sensitized and when our normal mind sets and habits are not in play. These thin places may be the times when God, who I suspect is continually trying, can finally get our attention.

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From Scarcity to Abundance

The Stewardship Page

Stewardship Questions to Ponder

Is the gift of generosity only about affordability, as in he can afford to be generous? Is there a way of being generous that has nothing to do with money? Think about how one might be generous through an act of kindness - by doing or not doing something, by saying or not saying something. When have you been generous in a way that did not involve money? When you realize that a particular gift is meant for you, its about hearing the call of the Spirit. Do you have a sense of being called? If so, in what areas and how? Is there a talent or gift that you desire to put into practice?

From the Treasurers Desk

Summary of Revenue and Expense

For the Eight Months ending August 31, 2013 Actual Revenue Offering Rental Income Other Income Total Revenue $152,013.12 30,597.87 16,145.14 $198,756.13 Budget $164,400.00 29,064.00 24,376.00 $217,840.00 $102,710.00 24,502.00 33,144.00 48,000.00 $208,356.00 $ 9,484.00

Expense Salaries & Benefits $101,072.90 Premises & Office 29,117.71 Programs & Other 25,622.35 Christian Sharing 41,329.40 Total Expenses $197,142.36 Operating Surplus $ 1,613.77

Stewardship of Treasure and Time

by Mary Dove

Stewardship is usually a word that gets an emotional response of some kind. In the Gospel parable, it was seen as looking after the masters property and the job was either well done, or not. In the days of our youth, it usually meant asking for money. Nowadays, we see stewardship as being responsible for the best and proper use of all of Gods creation. In 2006, Gord and I felt a strong urge to sell our house, get rid of half our stuff and live in an apartment in Brandon, to be nearer to our daughter and her family. The right opportunities for our treasures from the house kept presenting themselves and it felt good to be free from so many things around us and the burden and labour of maintaining what we werent using and didnt need. Once we settled into an apartment in Brandon, we were pleasantly surprised to realize that we had been given the gift of time. We had the opportunity to be stewards of our time - time for each other, time for our family, time for exercise and reading and time to explore new activities. We felt blessed. While there, we were given the unique opportunity and challenge of coordinating a Resource Centre

for the Diocese, which had been functioning for 30 years. During that time they had acquired an inventory of 6000 items which had been developed into a regular library. These resources were sent to the parishes on a rotating basis. The challenge had been put out for people to practice good stewardship of their treasures (i.e. books) that had spoken to them on their faith journey and to share these with their fellow pilgrims in the Diocese. There was a good response. The variety and depth of books donated and bought had been very positive, as had the response from the recipients of these resources to help them on their faith journey. Gords business and computer gifts helped as he operated the office; and my training in education and theology was used to acquire and circulate books. The people in the parishes welcomed us warmly. We both enjoyed this ministry and felt energized by it. This is an example of how stewardship can be seen as Gods people providing a channel or being a catalyst between Gods resources wherever and however they are recognized and any need as it is found anywhere in the world.
Read by Mary Dove during the worship service, Sunday, May 5, 2013.

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by Sue Cane

Opportunities for Ministry

Our ministry groups always welcome more members. Contacts are listed in the St. Pauls ministry pamphlet. Greeters: This group offers a ministry of hospitality at St. Pauls, by making everyone feel welcome, assisting during the Offertory and the Eucharist, and organizing the pews and papers after the service. Please contact Jim Freathy or the Office. Kitchen Angels: Be an angel! Angels meet every month or so to clean the kitchen. Please contact the Office. Parish Life & Fellowship Committee: This committee is currently seeking more members. Help plan and organize social events at St. Pauls. Please talk to Roger Parkes. Prayers of the People: Be a leader of the Prayers of the People during worship services. If this ministry interests you, please contact Margaret Mitchell or the Office. Shawl Ministry: Knitters gather on the third Tuesdays of the month to create shawls which are presented to those who are ill and those who are leaving our church community. All are welcome. Please contact Geri King. Sunday School Helpers: Be a part of the team involved with our Sunday School program. Helpers are especially needed to assist with crafts, snacks, overseeing the children and generally just being present. You would NOT have to prepare lessons - just help out. Its very important that our teachers have other adult support in order to provide for a good adult-tochild ratio. Your commitment could possibly be once every 4 to 6 weeks. Please talk to Dean Louise or contact the Office.

Stewardship starts with hearts loving and caring Growing from there into doing and sharing When or whatever we share or we do Lets pray our intent is authentic and true Its true things we hold are ours merely to lend Things arent ours to own, but they are ours to tend We tend Gods creation wherever we are Its a blessing to share with folk near and far

Bless folk with our talents in spirit and love As soft as a breath, and as light as a dove
Lets not ask for thanks as if they are deserved But gently say thanks for the privilege to serve
Read by Sue Cane during the worship service, Sunday, April 7, 2013.

British Columbia and Yukon Anglican Youth Movements Fall Conference

by Melissa Green

The British Columbia and Yukon Anglican Youth Movements (BCYAYM) Fall Conference is taking place on the Thanksgiving weekend in Abbotsford and will gather together youth from across the province. We have around 18 youth and young adults from the Cathedral attending this fabulous event.
This year is BCYAYMs centennial year. For more information on the centennial celebrations or to share your stories and memories from your days as part of BCYAYM (previously called Anglican Young Peoples Association (AYPA)) visit Please keep all of the young people and leaders in your prayers over the Thanksgiving weekend and watch for photos and stories from the experience after the group has returned!

Maintenance at St. Pauls

by Jim Waldie

The Electronic Circular

Reading The Circular as an email helps the environment. It also helps with our budget. If you wish to receive The Circular electronically, please advise the Office.

The irrigation system has been installed. The floors in the basement, entrance and Narthex have been washed and waxed. The carpets in Vikis office, the Chapel and heavy traffic areas in the Cathedral have been cleaned. The heating plants will be serviced on Monday, September 30, 2013. The Cathedral sign is being refinished and should be back by the end of September.

Adapted from a report to Cathedral Committee, September 22, 2013, written by Jim Waldie.

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The Peace & Justice Page

Primate's World Relief and Development (PWRDF)

Primate's World Relief and Development (PWRDF) is launching a three year Food Security Campaign in the fall of 2013. The resources ordered for this year reflect on this theme and include Super Friends! 2 for Sunday School students and placemats for Lenten lunches. There are also some wonderful resources that can be downloaded: 2013 Youth Advent Resource-designed for prayer and action at: resources/living-justice/ 2013 Prayer Resource/Lent Resource following the weekly prayer postings at: resources/2013-annual-resources/ PWRDFs 2012-2015 Strategic Plan sets out the goals of: Strengthening our Humanitarian Response Strengthening our work in Sustainable Community Development Nurturing Dynamic Partnerships with Canadian Anglicans Working towards Financial Sustainability

More News & Information

The Peace & Justice bulletin board is updated regularly with news from the PWRDF website View the article on Churches Rise to Meet poverty Challenge. To read more, visit the website, which is updated weekly. Over the summer PWRDF has responded to people affected by the floods in Alberta and continues to respond to the crisis in Syria. Current local Outreach focus is also highlighted on the bulletin board: September: YWCA Women's Shelter, thanks to Miriam Baskin October: Elizabeth Fry Society, thanks to Barbara Paterson. The Peace & Justice group will be having a pot luck dinner on October 15th, with Bishop Barbara Andrews as our guest. More details will be in the October pew bulletin.

PWRDF Christmas Cards

These beautiful Canadian Christmas cards (Light of Life or Yukon Wonder) by Libby Dulac are a wonderful way to spread the word of The Primates World Relief and Development Funds important work and to support the program at the same time. The cards contain the message, To you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord. (Luke 2:11) and Christmas Peace in five languages of the Lambeth Conference of the worldwide Anglican Communion: English, French, Japanese, Spanish and Kiswahili. The cards measure 4.625 x 6.25. A pack of 12 cards and envelopes are yours for a donation to PWRDF. Donations of $20 or more will qualify for a tax creditable receipt. Cards may be ordered through your PWRDF parish representative or directly from PWRDF by calling Ricky de Castro at 1-866-308-7973 or at 416-924-9199, ext. 318. Please see the Peace & Justice bulletin board for more information.

within the framework of our values: Giving and Receiving Mutuality The Beauty and Harmony of Creation Solidarity with the Oppressed
The strategic plan is best understood in the context of Edge Habitat by PWRDF CEO Adele Finney at:

Out of the Cold

St. Vincent de Paul Society will again operate the Out-of-the-Cold shelter at St. Pauls beginning November 1st. With a milder winter last year, there were only three emergency nights. Therefore, the emergency temperature of -10C has been reduced. The shelter will now open when the overnight temperature is predicted to be -7C or lower. The shelter will also be open every Wednesday. A light meal will be provided each evening that the shelter is open. Several of parishioners volunteer with this ministry and we look forward to being involved again this year. The shelter will operate through to the end of March, 2014.

Remembrance Day Memories

Saturday, November 9th @ 5:30 p.m.
watch for more details

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St. Pauls Seventh Annual Photo Contest

This was our seventh annual photo contest. This years theme was Gods Joy. We asked you to show us where there was joy in your life - and you did. We received 47 wonderful images from twelve photographers. There some very beautiful scenes - some with boats. Nature images ranged from robin eggs - to grass - to elephants to sunrises - to rainbows. There were images of children playing and there were newborns babies - indeed images of Gods Joy! We present here the first, second and third place winners. All of the photos are on display in colour in the Cathedral Office. Please drop by to see them. First Place Stunning Rainbow over Rayleigh Mount by Sheelagh Russell We congratulate all of the winners and thank everyone who sent in photos. Thanks also to our judges - Jennifer Ste Marie, Jane Akujura and Dwight Oatway.

Third Place Hang One - Local Kids and a Big Wave by Jon Buckle

Second Place Grasses - Weaver's Loop by Joy Gothard

Our religion keeps reminding us that we arent just will and thoughts. Were also sand and wind and thunder. Rain. The seasons. All those things. You learn to respect everything because you are everything. If you respect yourself, you respect all things.
William Least Heat Moon, American author.

Honourable Mentions
Reid Albright Stained Glass Reflection #2 Jon Buckle Jon Buckle Joy Gothard Gin Rose Gods Creation in Action - Mating Dragonflies Morning has Broken - Sunrise at 10,000 Feet Saguaro Cactus along Goldmine Trail Elephant at Thornybush Game Lodge, S. Africa

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St. Pauls ongoing Schedule

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. after church 12:00 noon 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion: Book of Common Prayer Holy Eucharist: Book of Alternative Services Sunday School Birthday Sunday: last Sunday of the month Prayer Service: during ski season at Sun Peaks Holy Eucharist: second Sunday of the month Holy Eucharist: first Sunday of month Contemplative Prayer: second & fourth Mondays Centering Prayer Peace & Justice Group: Tuesday to be announced Prayer Shawl Ministry: third Tuesday of the month Holy Eucharist: every second Tuesday Cathedral Committee: fourth Tuesday of month Holy Communion: Book of Common Prayer Lectionary Bible Study Out of the Cold Program: November to March Holy Eucharist: fourth Thursday of the month Choir Practice Friendship Fridays: third Friday of the month Thrift Shop Mens Breakfast: last Saturday of the month
Dates and times may change.

Chapel Cathedral Parish Hall Parish Hall Mid-Mountain Chapel The Renaissance The Hamlets Cathedral Cathedral Chapel Chapel Seniors Village Cathedral Chapel Cathedral Lower Parish Hall Berwick on the Park Cathedral Parish Hall Lower Parish Hall Parish Hall

Special Upcoming Dates

October 11-14 18-19 25 26 November December 9 24 8 22 Fri-Mon Fri-Sat Friday BC & Yukon Anglican Youth Fall Conference Abbotsford CLAY Planning Committee Parish Hall 10:00 a.m. Friendship Friday Parish Hall (for this month only theres a date change) Saturday 9:00 a.m. Parish Wide Vision Quest Parish Hall Saturday 5:30 p.m. Remembrance Day Memories Dinner Sunday 10:00 a.m. Hymn Sing Service Sunday Sunday Pit Stop at St. Pauls Parish Christmas Potluck
Dates and times may change.

Parish Hall Cathedral Parish Hall Parish Hall

Interesting Internet:
Anglican Church of Canada: on-line information, news, plus links to the Journal, PWRDF, etc. BC & Yukon Anglican Youth Movement: information about the movement and the Fall Conference. Edge Habitat: PWRDFs Strategic Plan explained by CEO Adele Finney. I am totally that mom: blog on parenting by Jamie Brueselhoff. Sun Peaks Chapel: at Sun Peaks Lodges website, click on Amenities, then Chapel for information about the worship services. World Council of Churches: information.

St. Pauls Thrift Shop

Fridays: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Come and visit. Fill your needs. Find a treasure. Your donations are appreciated and may be left in the foyer of the upper parish hall during office hours. Please take the time to toss the clothing in your washer and dryer and wash up dishes and pots and pans.

St. Pauls Anglican Cathedral

Parish Founded 1884

360 Nicola Street, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2P5

phone: 250-372-3912


visit our blog at: Bishop: Rector & Dean: Honourary Assistant: Honourary Assistant: Honourary Assistant: Music Directors: Rectors Warden: Peoples Warden: Office Coordinator: Youth Coordinator: The Rt. Rev. Barbara Andrews The Very Rev. Louise Peters The Rev. Sandra Sugden The Rev. Tom Sugden The Rev. Viktor Gundel Heather & Norris Berg Alison McKinnon Verna Albright Viki Engdahl Melissa Green

The Cathedral parish of St. Pauls strives to be a joyful, rooted, responsive and hospitable Christian community grounded in the Anglican tradition.
The submission deadline for the next issue of The Circular is November 20, 2013 The theme for the next issue is singing.

Chucks Chatter . . .
We talk about tending the garden . . . tending the fire . . . etc. The Oxford Dictionary of English says that to tend is to give ones attention to - to care for or look after. Canadian singer/songwriter Lennie Gallant penned the song, There Must Be Another Song. Its about a man who bought an old damaged guitar in a beatup case at an auction. A piece of twine held down the lid. He was seeking to have the guitar repaired because he believed, There must be another song/ Hiding in there so long/Waiting for a long lost key/ Carried by a man/Who would set it free. Gallants words also relate to the man who had suffered in life and was damaged. The damaged guitar might well represent all battered and bruised souls. Asked if he could repair the guitar, the repairer first says that its beyond his care, but then agrees to see what he can do: I worked all week both night and day/Reset the neck carved new inlay/Scraped off the paint that hid the grain/Released the wood and tones contained/So beautiful the sound it made. I also really like Anne Lamotts words above. They may seem somewhat reluctant and maybe even a bit harsh, but they remind me that we are all called at times, to share Gods love and to tend to and care for others, especially those who are hurting or suffering. Sure, doctors, nurses and others work professionally to provide care for the hurt and injured. Within the church, our clergy care in all sort of ways, for all sort of folk. At St. Pauls, we are blessed with Dean Louise, a very special and gifted care-giver. We also have five Lay Ministers of Word and Sacrament who,

My personal belief is that God looks through Her Rolodex when She has a certain a kind of desperate person in Her care, and assigns that person to some screwed-up soul like you or me, and makes it hard for us to ignore that persons suffering, so we show up even when it is extremely inconvenient or just awful to be there. Anne Lamott, Christian author. with other parishioners, provide Communion at our seniors residences and in individual homes. A team of parishioners also visit with those who are in Royal Inland Hospital. When others are having difficulty in their lives, there are parishioners who step forward to offer assistance - prayers - meals - driving - company - more. Some of these individuals step forward on a regular ongoing basis, not just in times of need. When we do such things, whether in extreme times or in leisure times, we are tending fires for God - responding to her call to care for her garden and to look after all that it contains. As we respond, may we be like Gallants guitar repairer. May the old paint be lovingly scraped away to reveal a beautiful grain. May a key, carried, be used to set the hidden song free. May the beautiful sound be heard again!

A Note of Thanks
Sue Cane had been involved with The Circular almost from our very beginning. Unbeknownst to her, she had become my assistant editor, in which role she taught me most of what I know about editing. The Circular will dearly miss her. Thank you Sue for all you have done. All the best wherever your journey leads. Chuck

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