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Artificial Intelligence

Darius Jones & Marina Teruel

A papyrus stating 48 surgical observations of head wounds was the first known expert system, brought in by Edwin Smith in 1882. In the 13th century the first system that tried to generate ideas by mechanical means was invented, called the Zairja.

In the 17th century Leibnitz and Pascal started inventing mechanical computing devices.In 1642 Pascal invented an eightdigit caluculator, the Pascaline. In 1694 Liebnitz invented the Liebnitz computer.

In 1805 the first programmable device looms with instructions provided by punched cards was invented by JosephMarie Jacquard

Approximately hand-driven calculators became available in 1890.The late 1880s Leonardo Torres y Quevedo invented a relay-activated automaton that played end games in chess.

In 1921 Karel Capek invented the term robot to describe intelligent machines that revolted against their humans masters and destroyed them. The minimax theorem was introduced in 1928 and is still used in gaming today.

In 1937 came a big invention. Alan Turing conceived of a universal turing machine that could mimic the operation of any other computing machine.

Claude Shannon showed that calculations could be performed much faster using electromagnetic relays than with mechanical calculators. Electromechanical relays were used in the world first operational computer, the Robinson, in 1940.

In 1943 vacuum tubes replaced electromechanical relays in calculators. In 1945 the basic computer architecture memory stores instruction as well as data was designed by John von Neumann.

Different fields of cybernetics, transistors, faster calculators emerged in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

In the early 60s, Researchers were working on a way in order to have computers learn. in 1962, the worlds first robots were marked by a U.S. company. The following year, a laboratory for A.I. was founded in Stanford University.

This was the start for other robotic institutions.As years went by, more robotic studies were set up. By 1966, automatic translation research supported ended because it was to closely related to A.I. research.

(to the right is an automatic translator)

Through the late 60s and early 70s, many researchers tried to find a way to create artificial parts that could ask and answer questions and also perform tasks.

During the 70s, many people tried to make commercial applications for A.I. Some did turn out to be practical, but it was rare by the end of the 70s.

In 1980s a system named fuzzy. It was used to operate the automated subway trains in Sendai, Japan. During this time, low quality but effective computer vision systems were successfully launched.

GE built a system based on electric locomotive diagnosis knowledge. It was named the Diesel Electric Locomotive Troubleshooting Aid. It could diagnose 80% of breakdowns, and provide repair instructions.

In the mid 80s, speech systems could provide a wide range of vocabulary, speech recognition or speaker independence. By the end of the 80s, expert systems were being used with increasing numbers and A.I. techniques were joined with software.

By the 1990s, automatic software was improving. Things such as email filters, automatic scheduling, etc. were being used more often and kept improving.

By 1997, there was a robotic soccer competition; 40 teams!! with robotic soccer players. In 1999, Sony created a robot-dog, AIBO, that understood over 100 voice commands. This dog could also mature and learn.

This was not only thing that could be used in the house. By 2002, iRobot created an automatic vacuum cleaner. Now, A.I. machines are used in many different cars.

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