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Avaaram Poo

AVARAM FLOWERS Dried Avaram Senna flowers are best to be prescribed as tea. When boiling the tea, add dried ginger, coriander leaves and cardamom pods. This beverage is a good substitute for tea and coffee. Dried Avaram Senna flowers are good in producing blood and increases blood flow.Avaram flowers, leaves, root, bark and gum have its own medicinal values and very beneficial if you can plant this tree in your home. The leaves are effective in warding off any insects and can also be used to create smoke while burning incense. Dried avaram flowers are effective to cure bad body odour. Grind turmeric ( Kasturi Manjal), white turmeric ( poolan kilangu), dried avaram flowers, dried mung beans and chana dal into powder form.Make a paste and apply on your body and leave it to soak for 10 minutes. Apply regularly and you will notice your skin color will brighten slightly and bad body odour will be cured. In conclusion, avaram flower is the medicine to remove bad body odour.
Dried and powdered flowers are used for cleaning the hair, reducing the body heat and very good effect in skin related problems..
AVARAM POO: Avarai, Tenner's cassia/ Mature tea tree, Cassia Auriculata Parts Used : Flowers, leaves, bark, root Taste :Astringency Action : Astringent, refrigerant, alterative Description : It grows wild in the Central Provinces, Western Coast, South India and Ceylon. Mostly found in dry land areas. Uses : Sore eyes, Diabetes and chylous urine. laxative How to Use : The powder mixed with coconut or gingelly oil is applied to the sore eyes. "Seeds are also used in diabetes and chylous urine. " The plant is used in the form of a powder mixed with honey or the decoction, especially of

flower buds, is administered in chylous urine and diabetes with excellent results. Twigs are used as tooth-brushes. Coffee made from powdered seeds or leaves, is a good substitute for coffee made from seeds of Coffea arabica, and is usefully prescribed in giddiness due to heart disease. Infusion of bark is used for enemas, gargles etc., as a substitute for tannic acid, or oak galls. Compound syrup is prescribed for nocturnal emissions.

Name : Cassia auriculata Avarai (Tamil) Parts Used : Roots, Leaves, Flowers, Bark Uses : This shurb is specially famous for its attractive yellow flowers, which are used in treatment of skin disorders, body odour. The decoction of the flower may be taken internally. The dried flowers can be used as an external scrub for body odours. The five parts of the shrub(Root, leaves, flowers, bark and unripe fruits) are taken in equal quantity, dried and then powered, to give Avarai Panchaga Choornam which gives a good effect in treatment of Diabetis. It establishes good control on sugar levels and reduces symptoms like Polyurea and thirst in Diabetis Dosage : About 4-5 gms/ day for diabetics and 2-2.5 gms for non-diabetics To take before breakfast mixed with warm water.

It also helps in rejuvenation and maintenance of health.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies: Home Remedies for Women - 6

Menstrual problems occur due to various reasons. One of the main reasons for menstrual disorders is stress, both stress in the household as well as workplace. Anemia, tuberculosis, tapeworms, venereal diseases etc also can lead to menstrual disorders. Before starting any treatment regimen, the root cause behind the menstrual disorder should be identified. This can help in effective treatment of the condition. Women experience pain in lower abdomen, lower back, and hip regions during menstruation. In addition, some women suffer from headache, stomach ache, pain in hands and legs, back pain and neck pain. Women who undergo pain should increase the quantity of onions, milk, honey, buttermilk, dates in their diet. They should remain active. Inhaling fresh air will help bring down pain. Women who experience pain in ribs and back, pressure on stomach etc can take raisins and grapes during their periods. A handful of chembaruthi (hibiscus) flower and arugmapul (Bermuda grass) is taken and ground to a fine paste. This is taken with butter. Another alternative is to take 10 hibiscus flowers and ground to fine paste and added to a glass of milk. Taking this on empty stomach during periods is found to be helpful in alleviating pains in the extremities. Hibiscus flower, rose flower, aavaram poo (Tanners Cassia) are taken in equal quantity and boiled in water and reduced to half. This decoction is taken, a spoonful

three to four times a day with milk. Dietary restrictions include foods containing, salt and chilli. Barks ( (common fig) tree, and naaval (Java plum / Naaval Pazham) tree are dried and ground to a fine powder. The powder is mixed with mondhan plantain (kadhali vazhai) for a night. The resultant liquid is filtered out the next day morning. This is also called as kadhali aasavam. Taking this liquid helps in controlling excessive menstruation. Maasikkai (Aleppo Oak) is fried to brownish color and ground to a fine powder. A pinch of this powder is taken with honey. This is found to help with excessive menstrual discharge. Fully dried white arugampul (Bermuda grass) and pepper are powdered and taken with goat milk. This should be done before food in the mornings. This is said to arrest excessive flow. Kernel from the seed of fully ripe mango is a very good remedy. This is dried in shade and ground to a fine powder. This powder is taken with honey. Women who turn anemic due to this condition can regain their health by taking juice of fresh Bermuda grass (arugampul) before food in the mornings. One of my earlier posts mentions the importance of adding Black gram and sesame to the diet to deal with most of the menstrual disorders. Dishes made of black gram and sesame can be taken both as a delicacy as well as medicine. Regular and judicious intake of these grains will help in overcoming most of these painful conditions. Decoction of Asoka tree bark is yet another remedy. Asokarishtam is a boon for all menstrual disorders. Meditation, prayer, etc will help in dealing with the stresses of day to day life. A genuine spiritual approach to life offers strength and solace to the much stressed women of this century.
) of banyan tree, athi

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