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P.O. Hox 1347




90/ 1533




Puh/ishens and prinffffn nf miUktns

of PiMy Sfiniy lumhlet/t .imi tmaht tiv A/ric.i

January. 1991
Dear Friends and Co-Workers:

Praise to our God for the visit of brother Larry Carpenter who has been pulling his talent to work daily at the printing press! I had gotten so far behitid with printing that I despaired to ever being able to catch up as I can only print between customers and essential bookstore related jobs and the handling
of the correspondence lessons and local church related tasks. In these few weeks he has rolled

streams of paper and printing plates through the press, and finished work is filling all the boxes in the storage area ready for distribution. I have just ordered supplies yet again! {The third press has been rolling out a continuous stream of tracts and booklets in various languages. Next month. I will Include a sutnmalion of all his printing compiled frotri the daily log. Larry has been a fine example of what a person can do for the Lord in his "retiremenl years." FrofTi here Ue is going almost directly to a Caribbean Island to teach for a time in a Minister s Training School.

Our praises too for each and every one of you all who have made possible our labours here this
year and for your continual lifting up in prayer when titiies were not the easiest. South Africa and

Alberton in particular, have been through trying times these past few months. We pray for a better year
ahead, God willing.

Our grandson Shannon completed his Matriculation (graduation exams)

high school successfully

and is working full time at a local Supermarket. He will either stay there until he leaves for his required military training in July, or will enroll in a Computer Programmer's course if his past teacher is successful in getting him accepted. The school normally accepts a trainee only after the military training is completed as they are paid by the student's future employer only when they have placed him in a job. His mother. Kathy, has not yet received the results of her matriculation make-up exams. The Bright family has moved to their own apartjnent nearby. Though the building has only four
apartments, two of the families seem to be heavy drinkers and very difficult neighbors, the plumbing

blocked totally, (now repaired at their own expense.) and they are having problems adjusting to the noise of heavy traffic just outside the window and a cafe that stays open until very late at night just underneath the bedroom windows. A neighbor has a derelict car in their garage and they have already painted the kitchen out as the owner refuses to do anything at all to maintain the building. The kitchen
was beyond being cleaned by simple scouring powder.

We have also painted one of our bedrooms for Larry. Other rooms are still wailing. Wilh so much extra
work, we have just been too exhausted to consider painting at night. We had a wonderful Christmas with the local family all present for Christmas Eve. There were 18 at the

table. Cameron had gone away to the coast with a friend and his family. He returned yesterday, but we have not seem him as yet. Kimberley Road's Cliristmas morning services surpassed the preceding Sunday services in attendance, It was a lovely programme as was the Cantata prepared and presented
by the joint Kimberley Road and Berea Christian Church choirs.

May God richly bless the new year ahead to His glory.
Yours in Jesus Christ,

June and Raymond Anderson, F/A

'O/rp-'shall besaved; but he ttint bnlieveth not stiall bndnmned

706 East Washington Street

Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.

Go ye Into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized
(CHRISI) - Mark 16:16 Psalms 68:11 The lord gavo the Word: great woro the company ol those IhnI published it.


P.O. Box 1347





R. Mills

- missfoner

f\ibl^efs and printers of mifftons

of Bibfe Study booklets and tracts for Africa

Dear Co-Workers in the Lord.


We praise the Lord for the visit of brother Larry Carpenter. During the few weeks he was with us both he and I were very busy In the press room. I, in addition to minding the normal business of the Bible shop, typesetting, and correspondence lessons, also did a lot of extra work in the dark room and printing plate preparation areas and helping with the collation and assembly of the printed sheets into books, while he worked mostly at the printing press and at collating books.

Hundreds of negatives and printing

plates were prepared from which were printed 18.500 tracts. (6500

in Zulu,

3500 in

Xhosa, 6000 in English, and 2500 in Tswana), and 10.262 booklets. (1409 in Xhosa, 995 in SwazI, 1461 In Zulu, 982 in Venda. 4920 in English, and 475 in Afrikaans). These actually involved printing 158,600 impressions in all.

The materials bill is a bit staggering, but we are pleased with the final total of nearly twenty nine thousand "messengers of the Word" representing seven different South African languages! Our brothers in the Lord all say a resounding 'Thank You" to brother Carpenter and those who made possible his trip to South Africa!
Brother Larry also preached three times and taught a Sunday School class for the Kimberley occasions. He deserves a well earned rest before going on to Haiti for his next project shortly. Road church on several

On the home front, our equipment has somewhat suffered casualties these past weeks. The "back-up computer" has gone completely "berserk" in spite of expensive repairs, through a shop that has "moved" giving no forwarding address other printer is also faulty and Is not worth tfie repair than an answering machine to which they do not respond. Its dot-matrix
costs so must be scrapped. The desk jet also quit In mid-sentence and has just returned after a sizeable C.O.D. bill. We have

a firm offer of a trade in value of more than the dot-matrix printer's original new cost price on a new Sharp Laser printer and I am seriously considering accepting it as the Laser is what Desk Top Publishing really needs, and it would print its copy at six sheets a minute. We give praise to the Lord that both printers held on until we finished the typesetting we urgently needed during Larry's visit Three new books are already in the process of preparation. two of them at the
proof-reader stage.

Phyllis and I join in a heart-felt "Thank You" to those who sent tetters, cards and packets at Christmas. Some are only now arriving, but are just as welcome as they would have l)een In December! As we gave several items to Kathy when she moved to her apartment we have ordered a small t>ed-couch for the study and plan to get twin beds for the guest room shortly. These will help to furnish those two rather empty rooms in time for the visitors expected at the time of the Minister's Retreat planned for AII}erton In March. The program has now lieen finalized for that gathering and I am scheduled to bring the opening night sennon, preaching on "The Lordship of Christ" Matthew 16:13-20. Please join us In prayer for peace to prevail in Kathlehong township that week. (March 7-10), and for a good week itself. "Storm clouds" are hovering, so we need your prayers! This is a very cmcial gathering this year.

We had an attempted burglary at the shop a few weeks ago and I only covered the broken window with a board. The present
heavy rains are coming In. I must do something about it It is the third time that particular window has been broken and they have never managed to get through as it also has two sets of heavy bars. (Clearly visible through the

Phyllis has i>een selected as Chair Lady of the Alberton Christian Women's Club for this year. She is even more busy. She has been on the executive of this club for a few years, but this is the first time to be chair lady, unfortunately sSIl doing some of her prior tasks as there are unfilled vacancies on the committee. Too many ladies are working and not available. About fifty ladies attend most months. The fact that they have had to change meeting places several times this year has not helped, but they hope that they have this problem taken care of now. (I find it funny that they are not permitted to meet in church buildings, so they have met at hotels, a country club, a horse race track, the library and now are meeting at the Cricket Club.) The Ubrary was very nice but unfortunately the city has a rule that it is not available for religious meetings,
if you could call the club meeting that


June and Raymond



706 East Washington


Boband Phyllis



IL 61601.


Go ye into alt the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized
shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. (CHRIST) - Mark 16:18 The Lord gave the Word: great were the company of those that published It. - Psalms 68:11

P.O. Box 1347





R. Mills

- missloner

Pub/ishefs and printers of mffftons

of B/We Study booAfets and tracts for AMca



Dear Co-Workers

in the Lord,

We praise God dally for you all and for your and our answered prayersi

In the short time since brother Larry returned home, we have managed to print and assemble two more booklets and the third has been typeset and returned for proofreading. As the Bible shop grows more busy. It Is also more demanding of time, nevertheless, I managed to get 200 sets of returned lessons sent back to various prisons this week, while another Fifty or so are ready to send as well as a t)ox of unmarked copies ttiat cry for attenHonI At the same time, I absolutely must complete this news letter today; prepare a sennon for opening night at the Minister's retreat Wednesday, and mow our quarter acre of overgrown lawn. Our guests arrive, probably tomorrow, and the week's schedule will be totally "shot down". Our daughter, Kathy, was served with en eviction notice from her apartment and for a while it looked like we would have
to spend one Saturday moving her back to our house, but she was able to get a month's extension of time since they had neglected to serve notice before the beginning of February. I do anticipate that we will be moving them back to our house at

the end of March, however. It Is not going to be easy as t>oth families accumulated furnishings since they moved out and we hope not to put them into the house itself when they return. We have looked at several possible alternatives such as buying a larger house, or a church building which has space for a very large apartment above and behind the separate hail which could also house the prirrt shop and Bible shop, but a money and time shortages are just against us. Neither does Phyllis like the Mea of sharing even a roomy apartment that is spread over three floors and has very thin partitions with seven people: also at the present time, no bathrooms or toilets at alll Pray that God will work it all out for the best In the long run. We

have every confidence that He will. If we are to put Biem in our old print shop again, I shall have to first Install a new ceiling as the former one collapsed this week. With my back and neck problems, I do hate to start nailing up a new cellingi
The twehre year old car had to have all replacement re-treads this month as well as other work done. Car bills, not counting gasoline came to more than (%00; still it needs the suspension redone as there was too much play for the wheels to be re-aligned. It has reached the stage that one major thing after another has to be urgently attended to. We have not even
started on transmission or engine repairsl

We did purchase the Sharp laser printer which turned out superb copy for the last two booklets In quick fime. Folkming those, there was a problem with headlines and captions not printing correctly, which I hope Is a cable problem since it has also cropped up on the desk Jet at the same time. I worked on the cable yesterday evening, but have not used It since. I had to do the end-of the month financial print outs for the shop and today will be non-stop. Even this evening Is heavily booked as I drive the teenagers to a skaHng party In Johannesburg, then come home and go back later for them. There will

probably be eight or nine of us in the van. The back has no seals end they bounce about an awfully
Insist they are not

lot, even though they

Earlier In the month. I had a bad bout with a sinus infection. After a terrible day and two nights. I got a doctor's attention with penicillin, the usual concoctton to put on hot water and breathe the fumes, and pain killers. I am not sure that it te really cleared up completely as all my teeth fillings are still very touchy of heat or cold, but at least the swollen
glands, stiff neck and throbbing head are recovered. A cough hangs onl

Your's in Jesus Christ,

June and fteymond

Anderson F/A


706 East Washington Street

l\J 0^
Bob and Phyllis Mills

Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.

Go yo into all the world,

and preach the gospel to every creature. He that belleveth and Is

baptized shall besaved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. (CHRIST)

- Mark 16:16

The Lord gave the Word: great were the company of those that published IL - Psalms 68:11


P.O. Box 1347







- missloner

nibffshats and printers of mH/kms of Bibto Stutty booklets and tracts for A^ha



Dear Co-Workers In the Lord,

Thank God for the strength He gives through your faithful

remembrance in your prayersi

or on my desk just now as well as a great stack of marked

I have four new booklets either In the dark room for attention

booklets to prepare for the post and another of addressed envelopes. Those should be "unearthed" as the outside room comes available for use again after replacing the deling in the adjoining room. These should go into the post this week to beat the this is not going to be possible. annual postage rise on "April Fool's Day". Unfortunately.

The Bright family must vacate their apartment this Easter week-end and we have to take advantage of their being off work to assist Brother Gladstone just phoned to ask me to take the Sunday morning sermon. I was sony to have to ask him to make ottier plans. I have been working at every spare moment after work In the evenings to get the knotty pine ceiling up
in the outside room that they will be using since the old cieling collapsed along with a pile of sand and cobwel>3. It was a filthy mess, complicated by heavy daily rain storms which came in under the door and also made it Impossible to take anything out into the garden to gain working space. However, I do believe we shall make it, with the exception of the varnish and wall paint Now I am trying to find space to expand our warehousing in the garage. I have to build more shelvesi My neck, back are hyatus hemla are letting me know they are not happy with thlsl

It is saddening that when the Brights move back, it is likely to mean the break up of their close family ties. Katfiy has decided that she simply has to send the children to boarding schools, so Cameron and Michelle will go to one school and Rhonda to another according to present plans, while Shannon Is working and simply wailing for his military call up in June. He can make pennanent plans for his life only after that is out of the way. Kathy has applied for welfare assistance to help financlaly as her three years absent husband has contributed nothing at all to their needs and she simply can no longer manage on her own as a staff nurse. Her constant night duty was a problem as she had to be gone a full 12 hours at night and to sleep days so the children were not supervised in the apartment most of the time.

The Minister's Week gathering went well and I was pleased with the opening night sermon, ail praise to our Lord. We held "Open House" at the shop on their "Day Out" Phyllis was at an important Women's Club Meeting, but Lynn and Lucille Stanley were a great help in that they took over the tea um for me. I was absolutely swamped by our guests desire to buy this or that Hem. 1 could not gel away from the cash register. There were probably about fifty people and practically none of them have accessto a Bible Shop where they live. I would guess that most of them had never even seen one; particularly one that had their own language materials! I heard comments like, "These Zulu men are going wild to find so much in the Zulu language." Brother Qwemesha told me later that he had not dreamed of the kind of shop we have. He was most

impressed to find so much available.


his eyesight is almost gone, and incurably so, not cateracts.

Marie, the estate agent who has exclusive listing of the church building mentioned last month still keeps in contact She so wants us to be able to buy it as she Is a member there and does not want to see the buildings used by a Muslim business man as a warehouse, or another man as a night club and that is the type of offers she is getting. She has offered to forfeit her commission (R30,000) thus cutHng the price over $10,000 if we can take It We both feel that the Lord has not kept that building available for over year for no reason when It Is so very suited to His work's needs. We have only a tiny fraction of the price, but I seem to remember that it was brother teroy Trulock who once said, "If God is your partner, plan bigl" I

agree. We need that building, not only for a place of meeting for the local Christians, but also to house the print shop, the warehousing, the bookstore, and a training centre for urban-based integrated preacher training. That Implies more staff! I
can personally only cope with the Bible shop, the printshop and the con-espondence coutBes. There are rush tfmes when I
find even that is too much and fail behind.

My chesty cough of last month still lingers as we are apparently on the brink of an early winter.

Either evening chill air or

too much heat set It off. Keep looking up. Our God is great Pray His will be done for His work in South Africa

Your's in Jesus Christ


^ June ^ Raymond Andersen F/A

706 East Washington
Urbana, IL 61801,

Bob and Phyllis Mills

i If God IS your partner, |


^ll l tl l l l liltlil l l PLAN BIG!iti i i i i i i i n?

Go yo Into all the worid. and preach the gospel to every creature. He that bolleveth and Is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. (CHRIST) - Mark 16:16 Tlie Lord gave the Word: great were the company of those that published It - Psalms 68:11

P.O. Box 1347







- missioner

Publishers and printers of mHHons

of Bibfo Study bookfets and tracts for Africa

May, 1991

Dear Co-Woricers:

PRAISE TO THE LORDI Tfta Souffi A^ioan Broadcasting Corporation , is assisting the Bibio Society with dmty film clips and commercials which will be followed t}y an all day, TV "Bibliathon" on Ascension Day for the purpose of raising
money to sponsor the printing of a million Bibles in all South African ianguagesi Most of the time In the poast the Bible

Society has not been able to l<eep, even major languages, available in print

Aa these are "urgent days",

and we loo have t)een busy with special printings.

I have Just prepared the essential pacl<els of

samples and paperwork for the national

records library files for eight recent booklets from our press. She of these represent

many weary-hours this month alone. Of the eight, Ihere are six different languages represenled. There was a manual for the conducting of services in SwazI, a manual for church leaders, a new txx>klet to answer the question, "What Must I Do To Be Saved?", five booklets of Scriptures on the final days before the Lord returns, and one dealing specifically wllh Satanism. Satan's work Is becoming far more open in these days! All the preparation has been done to start printing another four during May. One of these is ralher large for our equipment and will certainly result In more aching tiack and stiff shoulder muscles before It Is completed.
An update on the church complex mentioned

make enquiries if we are still Interested and could not afford to purchase. He did not have not done this. In any case, I do not think it sale, and which would dso need completion,
our requirements.

the last few months. Mr DeBeer, minister of the church invohred. came to offered tiie suggestion that perhaps we would be Interested in renting, If we a rental price available, but promised to come back to me later. So far, he has would be wise to rent a property which would probably stay on the market for addition of burglar bars, and a certain amount of alteration to really fulfill

I must also spend a few days wlti> the prison and Bible Correspondence lessons m^l very son, as it has been accumulating while I was busy with printing the past few weeks. My grateful thanks to Phyllis who has kept the addresses of new students typed up for me so that, at least, that has not fallen behind as welll Phyllis is a very busy lady these days being Chairiady of the Alberton Christian Women's Cluband having several Bible Tea classes of her own to leach.

Three of our grandchildren

we In boarding school this term and Shannon will soon l>e leaving lor his military



youngest are the farthest away from home. (150 miles + -) Actually Rhonda la. home this vi/eek as the school phoned to ask that she be picked up. The Doctor had signed her off sick and they did not want her alone in the hostel. All ttte children have made new friends at school and seem to be adiusting, though Ihey naturally miss their mother.

Brother NtonI,

who retired from the ministry

this past year, died a few days ago. He lived at King William's



across the country from us. I dont think any of the missionaries are going from here. We are all heavily scheduled for the next week or tv) and It would be difficult to get away, not to mention expensive. This year's conference gathering Is
practically at the same place In only four months time.

We are delighted that our only daughter who lives away from Alberton will be coming Donna plans to arrive here on the 17th of this month. Jim decided not to accompany weeks. I don't know If she planned It that way or not, but she v^ll leave on the 4lh anniversary to go back Her coming gave ms the oppoitunity lo order a couple of small

from Dallas, Texas to visit shortly. her this time. She will be here three

of June, the day after our wedding

items to be sent to her for use in our

I am sure that you will have heard of the more tharj sixty deaths in Soweto and Alexandria clashes these past few days, perhaps more by now. Those were probably politically and hibally Inspired as a result of the assassination of tiie Mayor of
Meadowlands a few days before. They serve to highlight the current state of affairs in the world as a whole. We are personally in no more danger than usual, but let us do be praying for one another In the Lord's woric There Is great need,
and most certainly little time.


In Jesus Christ,
Raymond and June Anderson F/A

706 East Washington

Urbana. IL 61801,


Go ye Into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

He that bellevoth and Is

baptized shall be saved; but he that belleveth not shall be damned. (CHRIST)

- Mark 16:16

The Lord gave the Word: great were the company of those that published IL - Psalms 68:11



P.O. 1450. Box 1347 Aiberton






Pubtl^eis and printets of mfffhns of B/b/e Sbjdy boofcfots and enacts fbr /Ifiica
Dear Co-Worfcere,
June, 1991

We thank the Lord that the specfal push to raise funds by the Broadcasting Corporation for the South Africa Bible Society was
so successful! In anticipation

to that end they evidently ordered a great many reprints in advance, and All, of our back

orders for nearly two years back are suddenly being filledl We now have Bibles in ail languages, and the choice of several

Yesterday, after having accepted that the church complex In Aiberton North was probably already sold, Meule phoned to say that they had decided to rent or sell on deed-of-sale. (The latter means simply that they would sell on terms with transfer and payment to betaken at an arranged date in the future.) I was not really surprised to hear that the church was asking R3000 a month, (a little over $1000). Unfortunately, that is unreachable on our prBSftnt hiiriqftt and we are already well
Into the red having borrowed to pay current accounts.

Not only that, but the car which is absolutely vital with our present worship arrangements being half way across the city, is
making Increasingly urgent noises from the differential, bearings, and/or brakes at the rear, and at the same time has a

broken driver's seat back and Is leaking pools of crank case oil on the garags fJoor. It is half way around the sp^ometer for the second time, of very liard use. so the poor thing "should be allowed to retire gracefully. It is using so much on petrol and repairs alone that they would go a long way toward payments on a much smaller replacement Please pray with us about

"The Bible van is not much better. With the onset of cold weather, its battery has "d/ed" and I have been walking to the Bible shop and on to the post office and back, several kilometers each morning, then home again in the evening for most of
the past month.

We were called to come to the Bible Training


to chair the School Committee meeting on Memorial

Day week

end. That is "R^ubfh Day" In this country. We push started the van here and it worked well in the kinder weather on the

South Coast, but as soon as we returned. It again refused to start! That trip has taken a lot from both of us as it represents nine hours of holiday traffic, each direction. We are exhausted. We were asked to bring brother Mkundlu, minister of the local township church, though he Is not a member of the committee, and Shannon accompanied us as well. That Is too many for a small Japanese pickup. The van averaged less than seven kilometers/liter, so the trip cost a shocking amount It was more of a shock to me, that we found there was not a quonim. hence it has to be repeated again before September. I would not want to assure success the next time either as there is a move to boycott the present school and only one African
brother of the committee was present

Brother Bhukula died rather suddenly this month, also retired minister, brother Ntoni last month and one of the minister's wives. Brother Bhukula's funeral was on Memorial Day Saturday, however I elected not to attend since I did not have a

valid re-entry visa for South Africa should it be requested at the border. The others spent the day at the funeral in Transkei while I relaxed with a walk on the beach and a restful day following the long meetings of the day before.
Our daughters, Kathy, Donna, and Becky, with Chris and Gordon, hosted Phyllis and me at a local restaurant on the

evening of our 4l8t wedding anniversary. Most of our group had a salad from the huge salad bar followed with spare ribs, while Donna had othenwise. Mine was a rolled steak, filled with cheese and breaded. It was delicious. Instead of salad, Kathy and Gordon elected to have snails In gariic butler. Donna's vacation ended the next day and she flew back to Texas.
/e shall miss her. It was lovely to see her again. I believe Kathy said it had been seven years since she had seen her sister.

In addition to hundreds of lessons being handled, mostly to convicts, we also printed 3 new SwazI booklets. 1 new English one. and 1 new English tract during the month. Negatives are on hand for three more and I am presenUy setting type for 3 new translations. 1 in SwazI. and 2 in Norihem Sotho. (S^jedt). We are urgently needing more space to display these materials as they become available to the public. At the moment, we have over 400 different titles that we keep in print

They represent 19 languages, and are almost 100% evangelistic in nature and strongly Bible based. "Go ye unto
ALL nations," Jesus said. - Thank you for your prayers. IMay God receive the praise!
June and (Uiymond 706 East Washington
Urbana. IL 61801.

Your's in Jesus Christ

Anderson Street


Bob and Phyllis


Go yo into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

He that believeth and is

baptized shall besaved; but he that believeth not shall bedamned. (CHRIST) - Mark 16:16 The Lord gave the Word: great were the company of those that published iL - Psalms 68:11



P.O. Box 1347

1450, ^tterton

(Oil) 907-1533

R. nUU - mUslonr

Pu6CshetsandprintersofmUllons ofBlBieStudyBajktetsandtractsforAfiica
July, 1991

("'Questions and ^Inswers on the Bike"). Two Sepedl trankatlons ("Know your Bible" and "What Must 1 do to be Saved?") are ready for the camera and two new Su^ tran^tlons, iA corrected "proof' just came bach In the morning
mall. Our translators are keeping me busy!

winter so ItIs usu^ybitterly cold and I have to ^eep the heater on and the door closed. I have just finished ptepaitny 148 sets of lessons to be returned to some of our filble students In prison, and probably twice that many catalogs of our puHtcatlons for former customers. They are ready for the mall and u>Ul go out even before this tetter. This month sau> the printing of those catalogues which list more than 400 Items we now print ourselves, a new OChosa boofc,, (vol. 4 of *"li/omen of the Bible"), and half the worfe, on another rather large Xhosa second edition,

1(?e are fortunate today. ]u(y Isexpected to be the coldest month of the ivlnter, but today there Is no uind andI am able to tvorh, only about five feet from the open shop door tn relative comfort. This shop IsSouth facing andgets no sun at all In

Our grandson, Shannon, celebrated his 18th birthday this week and now leaves for his year's re^iulred military duty with the :Alr Force on the 10th of this month. He will probably be assigned to ll^t duties as he Is blind tn one eye and has a problem with astigmatism In the other. He Is to be stationed only about thUty miles away from home so we hope to see him often. His mother spent a lot time and money this past week- end shopping for oil the Items that he has to tahe with him, even right down to "soch lochs'' to prevent the theft of his washing! She told him that If they rejected him after the physical, these were to be his start In his own place. If that happens, she plans to send him to stay at oftlethela Christian Centre, from which he con go to the Computer Programming school that has already agreed to tahe him after his military is

The local blach youth camp Is scheduled for the 10th to the 13th of this month. I Just heard that I have a class to teach. I have also been Invited to preach at the Eldorado Parh Christian Church, where the Webers minister, on the 14th. Since that Is during the school winter holidays, we will probably tahe the entire family with us. Phyllis will want to go and that means all the passengers will have to go as well. It will probably be a shoch to the attendance at Xlmbetley Road, but It Is Bring a friend Day'' atEldorado Parh and they are planning a covered dish lunch afterwards.

The school committee has been called for a second attempt to hold Its meeting now scheduled for the 9th and 10th of

atugust. als the Ben Pennlngton family Is expected to arrive here on the 6th, on their way bach to Zimbabwe and he wants to pUh up a car at the Toyota factory In But^n, we may mahe a plan to travel down together. Perhaps he will phone b^ore he departs from the States, altthe present time, 1am planning to go by over nl^t bus.

Our Bible shop has a regular customer vMo Is a denominational blach minister who comes In very regularly to buy a dozen or more copies of some of our own Bible Lesson studies for use Inthe night classes he teaches. -At the present time he Is buying
Tswana, Sotho, and English. He travels out from sAlberton to teach small groups several times a weeh. He has even been

buying baptismal certificates for his students, so we hnow the Lord Is blessing his worh. It always does me good to see
someone mahlng good use of or worh In that way. He heeps ashing for the same boohs In Sotho, but unfortunately, we

don't have aperson to translate to that as yet. We proy that the Lord wdl provide as He has done In all the other languages. lAs our BlHe shop desperately needs more display space, I have just made enquiries about the cost of materials and the

a second trip so that I can bring more copies from home now. al missionary from the adjoining country, Swaziland, recently not only had to wait for me to return from the Bible Society where 1had gone for Bibles, but also again for me to go home and get additional copl^ to fill a large order he made for his shop there. We praise God for your constant remembrance of His worh here In your prayers. May He bless you In your worh there as

comparative cost of having the job professionally done, to have proper modular shelves built which will properly display what we have available. People need to see the entire cover of a booh and not Just two Inches of the top. We also need more than eight or ten copies on the shelf at a time, which Is our present limit. Men llhe the minister I Just mentioned have to mahe

Raymond and June Anderson P/A

706 East Washington Street


Uthana, IL61801, U.S.A.

Go ye Into alt the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that belleveth and Is baptized
shallbe saved; buthe that belleveth notshall be damned. (CHRIST) - Marh 16:16

The Lord gave the Word: great were the company of those thatpublished It. - Psalms 68:11


P.O. Box 1347

14S0, ^Itorton

(011) 907-1533

R. MiUs - tnlssloiwr

PuSttsheisand/nt^ ofnUfflons ofl6leStudyBookletsandtmctsforAfiica

^August, 1991
Sear Co-Wor^rs:

We completed the printingof the Question and ^Answer booR. on the New Testament In Xhosathis month. As that one has so mani) pages, It toob, doagi to get It hand collated (assembled), bound, and trimmed. I do not always trim boob^ of a jew

pages, ^ If there are fifty or more. Itmust be donel Dags have been spent In setting tgpe and correcting the manuscripts after the proof reader has finished wording uith them, then running ^e copg for the camera and printing. "Studies In Christian Lea^rshlp'' In Swazl finished out at 26 pages, and uill be ready for the camera by this evening, the Lord
wlUlng. If It Is not too bltteiiy cold, I hope todo thedarkroom u>or6. tonight. I decided to order modular fixtures made by an experienced shopfltter for the shop. He has the advantage of having proper
equipment, experienced u>orfeers, and getting materials tt>ho(esale. These u>lll holdfifty to a hundred copies In each slot of our booRiets, or five hundred trocts displayed full fadng and protected by plexiglass. I ordered seven modules this time and

will probably order the balance when these are delivered If I am completiky satisfied and funds permit, t plan to put our
present greeting cardrac^ bcuk to back to form an Island display for the sln^ copies of English and Ajtiiuums paper back books from other publishers. The Bibles and hymnals will be displayed with the respective language sections. I particularly ordered modular displays as our lease expires In February here and provided the Lord blesses wUh sufficient turnover to afford the new and larger shop we have been offered then, we shall certainly make a move at that time. The new ^op

o^ers half again as much space, with Indoor ^umblng, a small meeting room, and best of all. Is slated opposite the

the day on most days, and each one carrl^ up to twenty passengers! Unfortunately the rent will be In the vldnlty of $900 a

mini-bus depot adjacent to the main shopping street. That depot has up to fifty mini-busses working from there much of

As It worked out, Xwent alone to Eldorado Park and Phyllis tau^t my dass and took the family to JClmberley Road to worship on the 14th. of july. Two of ourfamily were at a youth camp and others hod other octlvltles that dayso shewas able to cope with the car alone, t really enjoyed preaching for an absolutely filled house again, and the fellowship of the congregation at Eldorado Park. That Is the work of BUI and Vema Weber. IJouth camp also worked out very well. AVL the mlsslonarUs taught thesame daysowe were able to travel together. Theblock ministers taught theother days.

DVBS turned out to be a great success. Phyllis took a load from ^Iberton every day after first delivering a load to another teacher who also lives In AlhexUm, With the two of them carrying, sAlberton accounted for a very large portion of the

Shannon phones home regularly from the AU Force Base where he Is In training. Parents day Is this week end so probably we will be going to visit him as they have an open house that day. He Is to go Into hospital for minor surgery Friday. Apparently he has a small tumor on the breast and the air force wants It removed to be safe. We were amu^ tvhen he complained bitterly thathisgroup hadbeen given ten minutes topick up the fallen leaves from their area, andas they failed to finish In time, they were again scattered and they hadto do It over. That time they completed It In the time allowed! Naturally, he also complains about the food! This week, he told of having difficulties with hisglasses during calisthenics. They fall o^ andhedares notreach uptoreplace them.
I am presently planning to leave on the 8th to go to the second try for an official school committee meeting at Umzumbl

BlHe Institute. 1 hope to drop off a large order of books at a book store In Estcourt which dUectiy on my way. I had the brakes adjusted and the timing set for the van In the hopes of getting better mileage this time. Ijesterday the battery went dead again. Hop^uUy we can make this trip without having to replace Itfirst however.

your's In Jesus Christ,

]une andRaymond Anderson, T/A

yjO J ^"Vpf f/
Bob and Phylll/Mllls

706 Eost Washington Street

Go ye Into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that belleveth and Is baptized
sholl besaved; but he that belleveth not sholl bedamned. (CHRIST) - Mark 16:16

The Lord gave the Word: great were the company ofthose that published It. - Psalms 68:11

[i} (xy


P.O. Do* 13^7




0(1/ 1533


Mills missioner

Pl/b/^e/s and printers of mifffons

of Bibfe ShKiy booA/ets and tracts for Africa

Dear Co-Workers:

Both September and October have been very busy with a lot of tedious work to be done. I have been typing translations for printing and a several are ready for printing or at least the desk
top publishing stage of preparation. The first drafts are done with the word processing software then transferred to the publishing program later for the selection of type style, format, etc.

I have also printed three new tracts in answer to the many requests
we have for free tracts for mass distribution. These use half the

amount of paper that our usual ones need. I am putting a shop advert on these and will charge them up to advertisement. One of these is enclosed. This one explains the main reason why we take such short and infrequent furloughs. We just can not leave our section of the line unmanned. If we close the shop for a day, people complain bitterly that they thought we were closed down! If
we are away a week, the correspondence work gets in arrears; a few

weeks and we have a real job ahead to catch up and several people

will have changed addresses. Time is too precious! At the present time, we do plan a furlough for 1993, however, the Lord providing
for some one to care for things here. Vve will have been missionaries to Africa 40 years that year, and though it is not the month of our arrival here, we plan to be there during SeptemberNovember.

The introduction of "Value Added Tax" to replace "Sales Tax" means

more work on the bookkeeping, though at this stage we have elected
not to collect VAT as we are far below the turnover level that

requires us to. What we are doing is to set up a bookkeeping system that will meet the need should we decide to pass the tax along
rather than pay i t ourselves as we do now. Another reason for this

change is that simultaneously, the software that we had been using for our records started, to act up, refusing to print the type of report we understand and prefer, so I have spent weeks typing in all the entries which will enable the use of a much more complete
system. I may find that I have to take a course on its use later

on. A half page form had to be filled for every one of our more than 1250 items stocked, one for every dealer from whom we buy, as well as one for any customers we allow to buy on account, and I

still have to do a spreadsheet for every month of the past year and
a final report searching out the records the old software refuses to "cough up"! At the end of this month, we will have to do an

the new system. Fortunately the month ends on Saturday. GREAT! That gives us Saturday afternoon, evening, and Sunday afternoon if we
have to have it, to complete the switch over.
We do have an urgent PRAYER REQUEST this month. Before

inventory and financial report, then enter all those figures into

the end of the month, I must make the decision whether

to renew our lease on this shop; look for another; buy

have accepted that it can not be God's leading that we try to get

as the Bible shop is filling a real need here, and we enjoy work. Please pray thqt the Lord will .guj.4e us in making just right decision that ^le may be glorified. As construction has even started on the building we had been hoping to get into and builder's holiday, (a month-long closedown), is in December,

something suitable; or close down. We do not want to do the latter

the the not the we

finished; probably before it was started, and so it goes.


An even better one was

leased before it was


Right now, I have to have the ballast replaced in two sets of our fluorescent ceiling light units, new tubes for one of them, and I may have to replace a ceiling panel, (4'xl2'), myself. It was
sagging, and when an alley cat in the attic walked across it, the whole thing collapsed into the shop. Praise God no one was below! An asbestos panel that size could decapitate a person if it fell at an angle! Fortunately it fell during the night, there was no one

below and only the panel was shattered. The cat clawed its way down the wall, and filled with adrenalin, made it back through the
ceiling and out. The footprints contest to that. The landlord has been filled with any sense of urgency to replace it and even asks me to pay half the cost. In the meantime, I am the one who bakes from the heat on hot days as today, or freezes on windy cool days! I will probably have to pay up, or perish.

and thanks to the Lord who keeps it running.

of the drive and a terrible mess in the carport. We have a good friend who used to ask every time he saw me, when I was going to buy a new car. He has finally given up asking. Our grateful praise
campground. As usual, we travelled down through wind and rain that

The car continues to go, but leaves a trail of oil down the center

We have just returned from the preaching conference at Deo-gloria

had many people pulling over to wait it out. The trip back was only tiring after the non-stop activities of the Friday evening through devotions on Saturday morning, and Phyllis taught two classes. I
what to carry with me. I had the book-van unit to care for and

some things and no one wanted others. It is impossible to know just

Sunday services! The Bible van was well patronised. I ran out of

quiet" . Friday and Saturday would have been busy had we been here as it was the last Saturday of the month following pay day.

found the answering machine filled with phone rings when I opened the shop this morning, but no messages! Today has been "Monday-

Youw^ Josj^ Christ.

Bob and Phyllis Mills
shall besaved; but he that believeth not shall bedamned. (CliniST)

Raymond Anderson f/a

706 East Washington Street

U,hana. IL 61801,
- Mark 16: t6


Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that belleveth and is baptized
The Lord gave the Word: great were the company of those that published It. - Psalms 68:11



P.O. Box 1347

1450, :AIberton

(011) 907-1533

R. MUls - mlsstoner

PuBUshenandprlntets ofmUtlonsoflS(eStudyBookletsandtmctsforAfrica
December 1991

Dear Co-workers:

Africa, LIn me
the ^oHtsilfT

Sna^of"the LoTri'

of^he worW^^

.TH"'' '""""P 9''

faithfulness in prayer and financial t'"' wrecking

'^e rising inflation in South

L, breaking and Iam still am falling behind. We had a most impressive object lesson on "tens/on'
u?. P""''' "'" " '"r free distribution. Two new study books have

US long term help. At times Ifeel stressed

from throrisonra^nrt m, h P"^"*' ^''' ^ typesetting; piles have arrived back ow the .snmaH hr . processed; and of course, Ihave been getting the figures together to work n^d fe an ' "'' P^P'' accounting shortly. What we
caDabmt^ tn capability to wrf hire such a person perhaps part time"Vthing locally. in a print shop from typesetting to printing or the

late. The car is still, leaking oil in pools. We replaced the

by oece^he Mm rnfrtor'^^^ ?" cut the molar up and tear it out piece chem m the^nn rS 1 If 'P" "^ "^ ^epair shop yet again! The SchMland Sunday School class now covers the spectrum of Middlers-High bcnooi-and CoiiPnoan^^ College ages; notan easy class to handle.

course A'='"P"ter for word processing, desk top publishing, and the Bible con-espondence and fhoT,^?h^ ? Prsonal basis, dental work, including a root-canal, had to be scrapped

and soLLfm fret fi?=?f P""" "J

continuL nl problems including erasing all our financial records for the '="' P"' ^ accounting software continues ?o to give past year! (Fortunately after I npfrinht nH P""'""'' "' the entire stock list of the shop, which had required weeks of work to

'"" ' ' '" P''""y investigating apoint-of-sale unit

ttie!r mfSi? '!?' '"T the Summer holidays. Kathy was shocked to hear how !hlnir I f ' "P "*' y''- She said they would be a thousand rand a term, soon^ hp rnmnM?t ** ' '^^PP"'^ "^^^r that the computer course he had been promised free, as lonaer^i^^rep tSl = k "^'y thousand Rands. They no nw orobab .Tr?n t f ''^n^P^ynent for their students. Ithink he will wamed^e rnn!^,te?n course to be able to help support ''himself ' '^ ' "' '^ '"tead though he had wanted the computer programming at college.
^mSThP f ^th fhoM^h ^Pf'="^

exSioniri rnor^ T

thanks to'^lbrWaySit'";^^^^^^^
your's In lesus Christ,

in th^sSal accrnt^T

P''Pf'' ' "aft of one of the larger books in one day at the to work in this countiy but at Umzumbe Bible Institute rather than


South Africa. Phoebe is

'yP"l"9 n "OPPV disks. She also taught me how to edit

Our special Christmas prayers for you ail.


Hammond and JuneAnderson T/A

ob and Phylll/ nUls

706 Cost Washington Street

Utbana, IL 61801, U.S.cA.

SLTii"'*' ^ creoture. He- that belUueth shall be saued; but he that bellepeth not shotl be damned. (CJCRlST) Marh 16:16 and Is baptized The Lord gaue the Word: great were the company of those that publLshed It. - Psalms 68:11

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