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Mathematical Structure of Thermodynamic Property Relations Fundamental property relations d(nU) = T d(nS) P d(nV) + i dni


Primary thermodynamic functions U = TS PV + xii


For homogeneous systems of constant composition (4-6) (4-11) (4-12) (4-13) dU = T dS P dV dH = T dS + V dP dA = S dT P dV dG = S dT + V dP (4-14) (4-15) (4-16) (4-17) T V T P

Maxwell equations = S = P S

(4-7) (4-8) (4-9) (4-10)

(4-18) (4-19) (4-20) (4-21)


d(nH) = T d(nS) + nV dP + i dni


d(nA) = nS dT P d(nV) + i dni


= T V

d(nG) = nS dT + nV dP + i dni

= T P

U, H, and S as functions of T and P or T and V H dH = T S dS = T

Partial derivatives

Total derivatives (4-28) V dH = CP dT + V T T

H dT + P P S

dP dP dV dV

(4-22) (4-23) (4-24) (4-25)



S = T T P S = T P



(4-32) (4-33) (4-34) (4-35)

dT + P

V + V = V T T = CV P P = T T

(4-29) (4-30)

CP V dS = dT dP T T P

U dU = T S dS = T

U dT + V

S = T T

P dU = CV dT + T T

P dV

S dT + V

S = T V


CV P dS = dT + dV T T V

U Internal energy; H enthalpy; A Helmoholtz energy; G Gibbs energy.

such systems are derived. The quantity i is called the chemical potential of species i, and it plays a vital role in the thermodynamics of phase and chemical equilibria. Additional property relations follow directly from Eq. (4-6). Because ni = xin, where xi is the mole fraction of species i, this equation may be rewritten as d(nU) T d(nS) + P d(nV) i d(xin) = 0

Expansion of the differentials and collection of like terms yield

variables, called the canonical variables for the property. The choice of which equation to use in a particular application is dictated by convenience. However, the Gibbs energy G is special, because of its relation to the canonical variables T, P, and {ni}, the variables of primary interest in chemical processing. Another set of equations results from the substitutions n = 1 and ni = xi. The resulting equations are of course less general than their parents. Moreover, because the mole fractions are not independent, mathematical operations requiring their independence are invalid. CONSTANT-COMPOSITION SYSTEMS For 1 mol of a homogeneous fluid of constant composition, Eqs. (4-6) and (4-11) through (4-13) simplify to Eqs. (4-14) through (4-17) of Table 4-1. Because these equations are exact differential expressions, application of the reciprocity relation for such expressions produces the common Maxwell relations as described in the subsection Multivariable Calculus Applied to Thermodynamics in Sec. 3. These are Eqs. (4-18) through (4-21) of Table 4-1, in which the partial derivatives are taken with composition held constant. U, H, and S as Functions of T and P or T and V At constant composition, molar thermodynamic properties can be considered functions of T and P (postulate 5). Alternatively, because V is related to T and P through an equation of state, V can serve rather than P as the second independent variable. The useful equations for the total differentials of U, H, and S that result are given in Table 4-1 by Eqs. (4-22) through (4-25). The obvious next step is substitution for the partial differential coefficients in favor of measurable quantities. This purpose is served by definition of two heat capacities, one at constant pressure and the other at constant volume: H CP T U CV T

dU T dS + P dV dx n + U TS + PV x dn = 0
i i

i i

Because n and dn are independent and arbitrary, the terms in brackets must separately be zero. This provides two useful equations: dU = T dS P dV + i dxi

U = TS PV + xii

The first is similar to Eq. (4-6). However, Eq. (4-6) applies to a system of n mol where n may vary. Here, however, n is unity and invariant. It is therefore subject to the constraints i xi = 1 and i dxi = 0. Mole fractions are not independent of one another, whereas the mole numbers in Eq. (4-6) are. The second of the preceding equations dictates the possible combinations of terms that may be defined as additional primary functions. Those in common use are shown in Table 4-1 as Eqs. (4-7) through (4-10). Additional thermodynamic properties are related to these and arise by arbitrary definition. Multiplication of Eq. (4-8) of Table 4-1 by n and differentiation yield the general expression d(nH) = d(nU) + P d(nV) + nV dP Substitution for d(nU) by Eq. (4-6) reduces this result to Eq. (4-11). The total differentials of nA and nG are obtained similarly and are expressed by Eqs. (4-12) and (4-13). These equations and Eq. (4-6) are equivalent forms of the fundamental property relation, and appear under that heading in Table 4-1. Each expresses a total propertynU, nH, nA, and nGas a function of a particular set of independent

(4-26) (4-27)

Both are properties of the material and functions of temperature, pressure, and composition.

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