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Name :_____________________________

Chapter 6 Nutrition

WORKSHEET 6.2 : Balanced Diet Score __/__

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable word: 1. A balanced diet contains all the seven classes of nutrients which include carbohydrates, _________________,_________________, water, ________________, ________________ and ___________________ in the correct proportion and ________________, to meet daily requirement of the body. 2. 3. A balanced diet is essential for a healthy ____________ and development of the body. An adequate daily supply is required for every person. Carbohydrates and lipids provide __________________, protein promotes _________________, minerals, vitamins, water and roughage help to maintain ________________. 4. Complete diagram below :

(a) Age Growing __________ and ____________ need more energy compared to adult. The _________ rate in growing children and teenagers is higher than adults because they need more________for growth. Factors affecting daily energy requirement of the human body

(c) Size and body weight ________sized people need _______ energy than big sized people The rate of _____ loss in small sized people is higher than big sized people because they have a _______ surface area per unit volume.

(b) Sex A _____________ adult needs more energy than a _________adult of the same size and age. The __________ rate in male adults is higher than female adults because they need more energy for their development of their body.

(d) Occupations An active person who does _______work needs more energy than a person who is moderately active.



Name :_____________________________

Chapter 6 Nutrition

5. 6. Energy is obtained from ______________ of glucose during cell respiration. The unit for energy is _________________. The energy value is the _______________ of heat produced when ______ gram of food is _________________ oxidized. It measures the energy _____________ of food. [28 marks]



Name :_____________________________

Chapter 6 Nutrition

ANSWERS WORKSHEET 6.2 : BALANCED DIET A. Fill in the blanks with suitable word: 1. A balanced diet contains all the seven classes of nutrients which include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids , water, vitamins, minerals and roughage in the correct proportion and quantity to meet daily requirement of the body. 2. A balanced diet is essential for a healthy growth and development of the body. 3. An adequate daily supply is required for every person. Carbohydrates and lipids provide energy, protein promotes growth, roughage help to maintain health . 4. Complete diagram below : (a) Age Growing children and teenagers need more energy compared to adult. The metabolic rate in growing children and teenagers is higher than adults because they need more_energy_for growth. Factors affecting daily energy requirement of the human body (c) Size and body weight Small sized people need more energy than big sized people The rate of heat loss in small sized people is higher than big sized people because they have a larger surface area per unit volume. minerals, vitamins, water and Score __/__

(b) Sex A male adult needs more energy than a female adult of the same size and age. The metabolic rate in male adults is higher than female adults because they need more energy for their development of their body.

(d) Occupations An active person who does heavy work needs more energy than a person who is moderately active.



Name :_____________________________

Chapter 6 Nutrition

5. Energy is obtained from oxidation of glucose during cell respiration. The unit for energy is Joule (J). 6. The energy value is the quantity of heat produced when one gram of food is completely oxidized. It measures the energy content of food.

[28 marks]



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