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Reflection over Soliloquy - Jerika Leizl T.

Ellorin To be or not to be that is the question , the phrase that started off Prince Hamlets soliloquy over the matter of death particularly of King Hamlet, his murdered father. Prince Hamlet questions the meaning of life, and whether or not it is worthwhile to stay alive when life contains so many hardships. He then comes to the conclusion that the main reason people stay alive is that they fear death and are uncertain what lies beyond. Humanity is filled with an uncertainty to balance possibilities of life has to offer. Too many people are into this situation, just like Prince Hamlet. In his soliloquy, the thought of Claudius killing his father is possible; however, he is uncertain of the idea due to lack of evidence at the moment. With all Dr. Rizals stand for the country, I cant seem to visualize him in front of a mirror asking the same as Prince Hamlet in his soliloquy. What I can see is that Dr. Rizal looking up himself in the mirror, and in the mirror is his reflection pointing at him and saying I don't see why I should bow my head when I could hold it high, or place it in the hands of my enemies when I can defeat them (Where he really do quoted this in his existence). The bottom line here is hes very straightforward with his vision for the country and for the humanity. Did you know that Rizal established a school in 1893? His exile in Dapitan gave him the opportunity to put into practice his educational ideas. It began with three pupils and in the course of time, the enrollment increased to sixteen and later to twenty-one. These boys are taught for free. Instead of charging them, he made them work in his garden fields and construction projects in the community. He taught them how to read, write, and behave like men. Aside from these are the basic subjects like arithmetic, languages specifically English and Spanish, geometry, geography and history. They were also trained to collect specimens of plants and animals, and to love work. Formal classes were conducted between 2:00 to 4 in the afternoon. During recess, the pupils built fires to drive away insects, pruned fruit trees and to manure the soils. Outside class hours, Rizal encourages them to be physically active, like engaging in gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, swimming, arnis (native fencing) and boating The artistry of a good educator though is to continually engage students in learning, to inspire them to persist in their studies and to transfer their own personal passion to that student's learning. The art of education is to draw out the very best from learners, to encourage them to excel at what interests them, and to instill this within them so they continue to do so for the rest of their time on this planet. The very, very best teachers can do all these things, and usually instinctively.

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