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#17 True Fellowship Will be Characterized by Self-Control

Galatians 5:2223 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. We come to the last of the fruits of the Spirit. So far we have seen that all of them are produced in us for the good of the church and should certainly be manifested to one degree or another in true fellowship. We are going to go on to look at other gifts that are given for use within the body, but let's focus our attention now on this fruit of self-control. At first sight, it may be difficult to see how this is an important fruit to have present when members of the body of Christ enjoy fellowship together. But a moment's thought will soon help us to see that it is essential. The word Paul uses literally means "having lordship over oneself", and Paul describes the people of the world in the last days as completely lacking this quality (1 Timothy 3:3). The writer of the Proverbs describes such people as being like cities that are broken into and have no walls - that is, they are easily mastered by sinful impulses and they are defenseless to resist. Those who lack self-control are inevitably set on a course of destruction - both for themselves and for those who associate with them and imitate their conduct. It is never a pleasant thing to see someone outside who is completely out of control, who has no mastery over sudden (and often evil) desires, and who is careless of the consequences of their actions in the present and the future. How much worse to see this behavior in the body of Christ! Imagine living with an arm or a leg that is completely out of control. How long would it be before the body was injured, and perhaps others in the vicinity also? So the whole body suffers when one member of it is engaging in unrestrained sin - whether of lust, greed, anger, pride or suchlike. Such behavior is also totally unloving. The one behaving this way cares more about themselves than about their brothers and sisters, about the good of the body, or about the Name of Jesus Christ! In contrast, what a joy it is to be in the presence of those who, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, are masters of their sinful impulses and behave soberly, decently, kindly and graciously. Doesn't the prospect of spending time with such people fill you with anticipation? These are the ones who are most like their Savior, Who never lacked self-control. These are the ones you can be around with little risk of being hurt or offended. These are the ones who, just by being present in a fellowship, tend to build up the body and bring a wholesome influence. So let's do three things as a result of this meditation: let's seek to produce more of this fruit of self-control in our own lives by making diligent use of the means of grace, let's encourage our brothers and sisters to manifest more self-control in their own lives, and let's be present to enjoy and contribute to an atmosphere that is pervaded by this fruit in our churches!

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