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Media Law, Media Responsibility, and Freedom of Speech


between media and government; Various media systems Newsworthiness; Objectivity; Rights; Ethics; Responsibility; Principles

Brief history
Media law regulates radio and TV broadcast station in an attempt to ensure that its content is in the public interest Limit such freedom for the greater good. It is a venue for people to express their opinion, concerns and outrage


Media and Government

Government as authority to control media action To regulate, to monitor and to enforce For public interest and media control Media can blow out of proposition and effect on countrys democracy and economics Apply to all form of media

Print, online, broadcast

Media and Government

Enforcing license to printing presses in orders to print information to the masses. To avoid libelous or sedition content against the countrys interest Today the law enforcement is effected by the advancing technologies The society evolve together and legislatures in turn pass new laws aim to balancing the media increasing power and influential.


Global Media system

Soviet Theory Libertarian Theory Authoritarian Theory Social Responsibility Theory

Hand outs

Media Model

Libertarian Model It is more popular in Western media than the social responsibility model. The freedom of the press is endless; it is not constrained by the government, by society, or by media ethics. Instead of being a sea of different ideas, opinions, and voices however, news reporting in the Libertarian system is indeed restricted. It may not be as limited and biased as the media found in an authoritarian society, which would serve the government's interests, but it is still constrained by its financial dependence


Newsworthiness & Objectivity

When reporting or creating media content media provider need to look on the information demand Usually audience demand for up to date news and reliable information and un bias perspective. For example news reporters are not to write what is right or wrong, they are report the situation or events

Newsworthiness & Objectivity

Every media content should have an objectivity that will help the society betterment. The 5 Ws and 1 H are use as a guideline for many reporters and media content providers


Rights; Ethics; Responsibility; Principles

Benjamin Franklin, the Americas Founding Fathers asserted that freedoms were the God given right of every man, means these are not only right for every citizen but also the ethical responsibility of every just and effective democratic government. This ideal later became the groundwork what have become the Fourth Estate of Americas democracy

Freedom of the Press More newspapers emerged, growing of the free mass media for America to build new nation In 1787, freedom of speech and the press became essential components of the US Constitution, because it plays an active role in free press Today freedom of speech and freedom af press and freedom of expression remain basic US Constitutional Law as evidence and strengthen by the First Amendment



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances - First Amendment, The U.S. America

Socrates, the great philosopher warned his listener, that the power of media in his critiques of poets. Poets are storyteller and powerful media channel of his days He believes that poets has the power to influence people , by corrupting young people telling stories of immoral activities of the ancient god and goddess


Aristotle, suggested that being ethical is a balance between possible extreme which refer to Golden Mean. Mean; expresses the idea of a average or middle path between two opposites. Applying Aristotle today to journalism approach for being unbiased, balance portrayal of the subjects. It is an ideal ethical fairness

Self regulation in the media

Duty to all parties to be involved and ethical principles in producing media content. Need to considers the consequences of all parties In the new media, individual struggle to wrestle with all concern and to balance it. Self regulation Code of Ethics


Lecture 4
END Attention: Next Week Wednesday Midterm 2.15pm 3.15pm

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