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Generation me: A bunch of narcissists

By Justin Kuhn
Ah the new generation known to most as the millenials or generation y but in
my opinion this generation should be generation me. Crime is up kids are doing
drugs and all the while their parents say they are special in every way. Well I’m not
surprised in the least for I see it everywhere and it sickens me to the point where I
feel like puking. I’m part of this new fad called generation me and it pains me to say
so. So how did this happen well generation x is spreading their ideas of peace and
love (sex and drugs) and “expand” your mind with drugs like LSD. It’s sad but true
the filthy hippies are poisoning the minds of youth and its going to crush us when
we confront a world that will accept the meek and criminal because they are
“special”. That’s not all the school board is no better I’m in high school were they
shouldn’t be taking crap from anyone, but wait! They are? WHY? It’s disgraceful.
There’s a new fad in town and it’s narcissism, now for those who don’t know
it’s the idea that everything is centered around you that everything should go your
way. Many people have developed this mindset and are about to go into the real
world, they think subconsciously that they will get what they need handed to them.
But will they? No of course not, at least they shouldn’t why should they get a break?
Because they are “super special” and are so called “trophy kids” said Glenn Beck in
his article promptly titled “trophy kids”. In Glenn’s article he talks about how a lot of
kids get consultants on how to do a job interview…I bet that was hard to swallow,
do you remember having a consultant for your first job interview? I hope not
otherwise you don’t deserve respect. Any way Glenn goes on with the story the
consultant says “’how do you believe your employers are going to interview you?’
she even gave them a clue. She said ‘the word I’m looking for starts with an E.’”
When I read that section of the article I nearly burst out laughing at the idiocy of
these people he went on with the story “one student raised his hand, said
‘excellent.’ Another student rhymed in with ‘enthusiastic, energetic’ Not even close
here was the correct answer. ‘Entitled.’” What? Are you serious? What business
wants an employee that’s has an over grown sense of entitlement? None that wants
to stay in business, but what’s so bad about being over entitled just ignore him
some might argue well remember they are narcissists and they want it now. After a
while you give in give them that promotion on the condition they get the job done,
you change their hours to earlier because they are important now. They think the
memo you sent was a joke so they come in at the hours they used to work. Now you
think they just forgot to reset the alarm clock or something so you cut them a little
slack until you’re informed they get out of work by their new hours. So you call
them down and you demote them they go into a hissy fit and storm off with no job
at all because you just fired him. “More than 85%of hiring managers and human
resources executives say they feel that millenials have such a strong sense of
entitlement” says Glenn more than 85%. Well now I say that’s substantial, but the
problem is solved right? NO! Now the parents are involved they go to anyone they
can and make you look like you eat puppies for desert and killed Tinkerbelle. So
now to stop all the propaganda and get business back up you hire them and give
him a job he doesn’t do it but you can’t fire him and he still keeps asking for more,
and soon you have many people like this contributing nothing and gaining so much
but you can’t fire them.
Since the kids these days have a narcissistic mindset and were told till the
day they were born that they are special and can do anything that makes them
happy, well wouldn’t that make it more likely for them to get into drugs? Of course it
would the 2008 MTF survey says that the down ward slope of marijuana use has
regressed and prescription drug abuse is still high. Statistics show that 10.9% of
eighth graders, 23.9% of tenth graders and 32.4 % of twelfth graders admit to have
smoked pot recently. That’s just the ones that admit it though there are probably
plenty of people that do smoke but didn’t admit it. Also 10 percent of seniors report
taking non prescriptive vicodin and 4.7 for oxycontin both are very potent pain
killers. So what does this mean? It means these days since parents and teachers
aren’t doing anything that will actually stop kids from doing drugs more of us are
doing them. Sure you have health and the parent to kid sit downs but those don’t do
anything. Want to know what will work? I would say “son if you start taking drugs
I’m kicking you out and if you don’t believe me well try me.” My dad said that to me
and I don’t do drugs though I do wonder; besides if you think oh but that’s mean
well that’s why it’s a punishment and not a reward. So how is this negative some
might ask well say your that kid and you have the high paying job in which you do
nothing well lets say you have a drug problem you start with pot go to cocaine then
to crack and so on and so forth. Well you’ll end up needing more money to buy
these drugs so you suck more money out of the business you work at and before
you know it the company shuts down because you told your friends about your job
and everything else that’s so “grand” about your life. Now you’re on the street with
no job but you need your fix so you mug people crime goes up and we all know
that’s bad. Or instead you mooch off your family for the rest of your life because
you’re their baby boy and they want to keep you safe and happy even if your misery
is your own fault. Parents have become too attached to there kid and this is bad
because if you can’t let go then how will they learn to grow? To become accustomed
to life outside of school when they get a job and end up with kids and have all this
responsibility lay upon them when they grew up with none at all. The kids of today
are spoiled they have no chores and in that spare time they don’t have chores they
hang out behind the nearest store and we all know what happens there.
Finally there’s the problem with crime teens and crime most people think oh
well its just petty crime well guess what, if all that stacks up it becomes one big
problem. And since a lot of parents only ground their kids they don’t really learn
from their mistake because grounding is only for stuff like calling your sister a dirty
name or swearing. But breaking the law? No I say pull off the belt for that one and if
there’s a fine sell something of theirs to pay for it. Although these are for
misdemeanors, what about felines? Well believe it or not teens can be felines, in
fact in forty of the countries largest urban areas 7,100 juveniles were charged with
felonies in adult court in 1998. That’s not ancient history little more than 10 years
ago in fact and that’s in only forty urban areas what about the hundreds of other
urban areas? This is from a BJS-sponsored data collection in Baltimore city, nearly
two thirds of these felines were charged with violent felonies. Almost a third with
robbery and about a fifth were charged with assault. That’s insane why are we like
this? Well maybe because we aren’t being punished right. I mean they obviously
aren’t because if they were they wouldn’t be doing this or at least the numbers
wouldn’t be so staggering. Also many of these crimes include murder, rape, larceny,
drug trafficking, distribution of illegal weapons and treason. Its almost as if parents
don’t care anymore, but it gets worse about 26% of the defendants were under the
age of sixteen. So what does this all mean? Well it means that crime is being passed
down through families during the 60’s the hippies who are now today’s parents
committed crimes did drugs and really did nothing but take up room just like kids
today, Coincidence? I think not. The point is today’s generation is not being readied
for the future parents leave it for the school to do it but they don’t do it because it’s
the parents job to do it. The only thing the schools do these days is re-teach
everything after eighth grade and say “well look he we are teaching them” no your
not, You’re repeating yourself like some kind of bad record though I must admit
sometimes something new works its way in but that’s a rarity. The other day I had
an English teacher that basically said instead of making the kids read Romeo and
Juliet she put a book on tape on and made them read silently. Well I got to hand it to
her she can think of the dandiest things so I have a question what’s stopping the
freshmen from pretending to read…I’m waiting. Ok so the kids aren’t reading or at
least some aren’t I heard a statistic somewhere that stated that twenty five percent
of all high school graduates are functionally illiterate…wow that’s pretty sad.
How sobering it is to know that the next generation is a bunch of illiterate
narcissists with an over grown sense of entitlement. This is serious what if we have
kids? Would they be like us but worse? I don’t know but if so then this could be the
end of America the greatest country in the world. I can see it now some psycho path
flashing something shiny to get our vote and turning this country into a dictatorship.

These are my sources








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