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All of our bones form the skeleton. Our bones are hard and rigid. The skeleton holds the body up. It gives us shape. It protects the most delicate parts of the body like the brain, the heart and the lungs.

The main bones in our body The bones in our head: The head has two parts: the skull and the face: - The skull bones protect the brain. - The face bones protect and give shape to our face.

THE BONES IN OUR TRUNK: These are the most important bones in our trunk: - The spine is made up of little short bones called vertebrate. The spine holds the body upright. - The ribs form a cage around the lungs and the heart. They connect the spine to the sternum. The sternum is a flat bone. Its located in the middle of the chest. The pelvis is connected to the legs.

THE BONES IN OUR LIMBS: Our arms and legs are called limbs. The bones in the arms and legs are long. The arms are called the upper limbs. They are connected to the trunk by the clavicle and the scapula. Bones in the arms: the humerus, the ulna, the radius and the bones in the hands. Bones in the legs: the femur, the tibia, the fibula and the bones in the feet.

LISTENING!!! Do you want to dance? Click on this website and learn this song. Also, you can dance with me!!

The Skeleton Dance Lyrics Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones, Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones, Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones, Doin the skeleton dance. The foot bones connected to the leg bone. The leg bones connected to the knee bone. The knee bones connected to the neck bone. Doin the skeleton dance. The thigh bones connected to the hip bone. The hip bones connected to the backbone. The backbones connected to the neck bone. Doin the skeleton dance. Shake your hands to the left. Shake your hands to the right. Put your hands in the air. Put your hands out of sight! Shake your hands to the left. Shake your hands to the right. Put your hands in the air. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle your knees. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones, Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones, Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones, Doin the skeleton dance.

JOINTS We have joints where different bones meet. We use joints to bend parts of the body. We have flexible joints in our neck, our arms, our hips and our legs.

TYPES OF MUSCLES: There are voluntary and involuntary muscles: We move our voluntary muscles when we want to. The muscles in our arms are voluntary muscles. The involuntary muscles move automatically. We do not control their movements. For example, the heart moves all the time.

The muscles in our head: We use muscles in our face to open and close our eyes (eyelid muscles) and mouth (masseter muscles). The muscles in our trunk: The abdominals allow us to bend forward. The pectorals help us breathe. The trapezium muscles in our back allow us to move our head and arms. We use deltoid muscles to raise our arms.

Ask your partner where these muscles are. Read and listen to the example.

Abdomen: abdomen Abdominals: abdominals Ankle: tobillo Arm: brazo Back: espalda Bend: doblar Between: entre Bicep: bceps Bones: huesos Brain: cerebro Branch: rama Breathe: respirar Calf muscles: gemelos Cavities: cavidades Cheeks: mofletes Chest: pecho Chest: pecho Chin: barbilla Clavicle: clavcula Deltoid: deltoides Ear: oreja Elbow: codo Eye: ojo Eyebrow: ceja Face: cara Femur: fmur Fibula: peron Finger: dedo Fixed: fijo Flat: plano Flexible: flexible Foot: pie Half/halves: mitad/es Hand: mano Hard: duro Head: cabeza Hearing: odo Heart: corazn Hips: caderas Hold up: sujetar Humerus: hmero Involuntary: involuntario Joints: articulaciones Knee: rodilla Left: izquierda

Lips: labios Lower: ms abajo Lungs: pulmones Muscles: msculos Neck: cuello Nose: nariz Pectoral: pectorales Pelvis: pelvis Protect: proteger Quadriceps: cudriceps Radius: radio Ribs: vrtebras Right: derecho/a Rigid: rgido Scapula: escpula Shape: forma Shoulder: hombro Sight: vista Skull: crneo Smell: olfato Soft: suave Spine: columna vertebral Sternum: esternn Stomach: estmago Taste: gusto Teeth: dientes Thigh: muslo Tibia: Tibia Toe: dedo (pie) Trapezium: trapecio Tricep: trceps Trunk: tronco Ulna: cbito Upper: ms arriba Voluntary: voluntario

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