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The recent unrest in Xinjiang should be regarded as a wake-up call

for the Chinese leadership to re-examine their national priorities.

Innocent civilians are losing their lives needlessly while many of
the country's leadership get busy with their merrymaking eleswhere
with countless foreign dignitaries.

People of Chinese descent are often the target of mob attacks in

many areas of the world even today. And now they are getting the
same treatment right in their own backyard. Is this how the great
leadership in Beijing treat its own citizens ?

A TV news report over here at the first channel on its 9am news
on 10 July 2009 carried news about the situation over there, and
the following words were used: ..Pengganas Han China.. or if they
were translated directly into English ..Chinese Han terrorists..

That about sums up the whole story. The Chinese leadership must
wake up now from its present deep stupor. Otherwise it becomes
the automatic right of the people to demand immediate replacement.

The Chinese people deserves a leadership that cares for them and
have their interests at heart. Not the present official inclination
to please foreigners in the hope of winning their approval.

It should be reminded that such hoped-for approval will never ever

materialise. These 'foreigners' have their very own rules and they
acknowledge (at least unoffcially) the great and unavoidable need
to practise hypocrisy when it comes to nation-to-nation relationship
in the modern era.

The leadership in Beijing at no time should ever forget the 'century

of humiliation' experienced by the Chinese people from 1842 to 1949.
French and British soldiers lined up Chinese men for head-chopping
sessions while on a few occasions, soldiers recruited from parts of
the then British Empire were allowed to ravish the womenfolk even
as late as 1903. When the Japs came, civilians were treated either
like toys, expendable items for target practice, wanton killing and
as test subjects. In labs operated by the infamous Unit 731 (as well
as its other sister units), innocent people were treated to ghastly
& extremely cruel experiments, including being boiled alive, frozen
then thawed before being cut up without any anesthetic, scalded and
bathed with burning hot liquids, injected with various germs, tested
with poison gas and a long list of various other 'treatments' dreamt
up by the very ingenious Jap researchers. The work of the researchers
later ended up in American hands and those criminals were let off.

Even when China got liberated by the Red Army in 1949, the country
was not free of distress from foreigners. The US 7th Fleet stationed
in the Taiwan Straits prevented the Chinese from liberating the island
of Taiwan and thereby helped create the dilemma now present today.

During the Korean War, American pilots infiltrated deep into N.E.
China to attack airfields despite the fact that China was officially
not at war with the so-called UN forces. And MacArthur tried to get
the US government to use atomic bombs against China when the going
got tough for the US-led forces.

Or have the Chinese leaders now in power forgotten all these ?

The Chinese leaders must also never forget that their people were
cruelly treated in the US, especially after the end of the American
Civil War when they were the frequent target of white mobs. Even in
1992, Asians were the targets of very violent street mobs in the US.

The Chinese leaders should stop cavorting and frolicking with all
the foreign politicians. These clowns are totally untrustworthy and
they are all fakes and are thoroughly and completely full-time
professional tricksters. Think of the political versions of Maddoff
or Boesky or Stanford except that they are very far more dangerous
than them.

China has all the necessary brilliant minds at ready disposal and
the country need only to walk her chosen path. China has a very
bright future, even a dazzling one, provided the country could
unite and disconnect the apron strings attached to the foreigners.
The country should realise that its citizens have the right to be
safe inside their very own country. Focus on internal security !!!
Bring all the 'peacekeeping' troops home !! Peacekeeping is at
home not abroad.

China does not have to appease any foreigner at all, taking into
account what they did previously and also what are very busily
trying to do now.

Foreigners are crooks and liars and hypocrites who know full well
the precious benefits of possessing and practising double standards.
Night and day they are busy thinking: When the hell would I be able
to get my claws and talons on that juicy neck ? I must always keep
trying. I am not going to let others have that neck ! Never.

Foreigners like the Americans and the British are liars, murderers
and assassins, as can be proven and witnessed by events now taking
place in Iraq. The bloodbath unleashed by them is now continuing
without end. Iraq today, now, is like one vast wasteland.

Even in Vietnam, Americans were unrivalled butchers and murderers.

Vietnamese civilians were routinely killed in cold blood to keep
up or inflate 'body count'. One wonders if it is ever acceptable
at all if foreign soldiers were to go to the US and did all these
exactly same things to American civilians. Would it be acceptable ?
Would it be permitted ? ?

There is no need at all to placate or please the foreigner. He is

the son of none other than Lucifer. He is disgusting, repugnant,
evil, corrupting and the bringer of rotting flesh.

The leaders who are now fast asleep in Beijing should wake up now !
Before it is too late. Bring forward a new leader if necessary !

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