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Conservative Values

The Rev. Joseph Winston

July 12, 2009


Grace and peace are gifts for you from God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.1
Bumper stickers tend to fall into two separate groups when we elect a pres-
ident. Last year’s election certainly followed this well-established pattern. John
McCain headed up the Republican slate. One could find his slogan on the back of
many cars and trucks. It read, “Reform, Prosperity, and Peace.” On the other side
of the aisle, the Democrats had their man. Obama’s bumper stickers simply had
the word “Change” or the longer version, “Change you can believe in.”
Hearing phrases such as “Reform, Prosperity, and Peace” or “Change” quickly
splits the house into two separate parties. On the one side, we have all those men
and women who loyally supported their candidate. These individuals stood behind
the simple slogan and gave it life. They talked with their undecided friends and
Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:3, 2 Corinthians 1:2, Galatians 1:3, Ephesians 1:2, Philippians
1:2, 2 Thessalonians 1:2, Philemon 1:3.

neighbors and carefully explained why they were voting for their man. They went
to the primaries and handed out fliers for their candidate. Finally, they voted their
conscience. The opposition makes up the second group. These concerned people
worked tirelessly to show the obvious problems with the competition’s bumper
sticker. They sat down with anyone who would listen to them and outlined why
they supported their candidate. They also gave away literature at the polls that said
to vote for their man. You certainly could count on their vote on Election Day.
The division between the two sides runs very deep. First of all, the two differ-
ent phrases obviously identify political parties. The Republicans supported Mc-
Cain and the Democrats Obama. More importantly, the slogans try to capture the
essence of the party. “Reform, Prosperity, and Peace” might make you think of
all the “conservative” values that Republicans support. Reform – Take away the
burden that the government gives you. Prosperity – Let business operate with-
out interference. Peace – Protect the country. In the same way, the catchphrase
“Change” leads you to recall the “liberal” ideals. Change – Make health care af-
fordable for everyone. Change – Give everyone good jobs with good pay. Change
– Make America competitive again.
The two political parties have trained us well. When we see a bumper sticker,
we can quickly identify the political leanings of the driver. A McCain sticker tells
you that the occupants are Republicans. The word “Change” or the letter “O”
means a car full of Democrats. Sound bites now serve the same purpose. “Tough
on terror” – Republicans. “Compassionate” – Democrats. Different careers might
be another way to identify either Republicans or Democrats. We might think that

an officer in the Army must be a Republican since that party supports a strong
defense. By the same logic, many of us would assume any social worker must be
a Democrat because that party is compassionate.
We could play the exact same game with Amos. Is this prophet that told the
people that God wants never ending justice for the poor and the oppressed a con-
servative or a liberal?2 Would you say that wanting to regulate business practices
makes Amos a Republican or a Democrat?3 Does harsh judgment for the rich
sound like a campaign promise a Republican or a Democrat would make?4
If you agree with the standard definition that a conservative is one who up-
holds traditional values, then you will have to admit that the prophet is the most
conservative person that you can think of. For the prophet is the one who calls the
people and their leaders back to the old way of doing things.5
All of these questions previously asked about Amos are issues that the prophet
addressed. Very early in his ministry, Amos told the people that they should know
better than taking advantage of the poor and the oppressed. Amos continues to
preach this message by pointing out specific problems that need to change. Busi-
ness people need to stop adjusting the scales and manipulating the currency to
insure a profit. Justice requires the rich must not forgetting about the needs of the
Look at how Amos goes back to the traditional way of doing things. The first
Amos 2:6; 4:1; 5:11-12; 5:24.
Amos 8:3-6.
Amos 6:1-7.
Terence E. Fretheim, ‘The Prophets and Social Justice: A Conservative Agenda’, Word &
World, 28 Spring (2008):2, p. 159.

example from Amos of helping the poor and oppressed is nothing more than fol-
lowing the great commandment to love God and our neighbors. The second illus-
tration of Amos’ plea to regulate businesses is an admission that we all want to
get ahead in this life. Sometimes people make a little on the side at the expense
of the less fortunate. In other words, stealing occasionally happens when people
think that they can get away with it. Amos also knows how easy it is for some of
us to become wrapped up in our possessions and in doing do not even worry how
our neighbors will make it through the next day. This is the last example. This
attitude forgets the sacrifice that God made for each of us.
It might seem that Amos does nothing more than continually reminding us that
we must live a traditional life.
This should really excite us because this is the image we present to the world.
Look outside for but one example. Our architecture with its white exterior, steeple,
and stained glass looks just like a classic country church. Inside it is the same
story. We sing the timeless songs we learned while growing up. We use the liturgy
passed down to us. I wear the time-honored garments used by a pastor. We read
the same Bible that our parents and grandparents used.
But if you are like me, this Word of God from the prophet Amos challenges
me to move out of my conservative lifestyle more than I like.
By the world’s standards, I am rich. I have a place to sleep. I know where my
next meal is coming from. I have water to drink whenever I am thirsty. Business
works well enough for me. I am paid for what I do and I can purchase what I
need. God knows I have enough problems of my own. I do not want to worry

about everyone else.
In today’s Old Testament lesson, Amos tells us that God is placing a plumb-
line in the middle of the people. The illustration should make us recall an inspector
going out on the job to see how everything is going. That is God’s job. He wants
to know if we stand up to the tasks set before us.
God first notices the poor and oppressed just a few blocks from my door. In
my world, they are largely the underemployed. Standing on the street corners, they
make about ten cents when they sell a daily paper and twenty-five cents for each
Sunday paper. After pulling out the plumb-line, God sees that I have failed to live
up to His tradition of taking care of the less fortunate.
God then walks to each business that I use, carefully looks through their the
books, and asks these questions, while holding out this strict measuring device.
Are the prices fair for everyone? Do all the employees receive enough money
to purchase what is necessary for life? More often than not, I am silent when
these businesses shortchange either their customers or their employees. I am quiet
because I am getting a good deal. My way of life falls woefully short of God’s
care for all of creation.
God finally sees how soon I fall asleep at night. When my head hits the pillow,
I quickly fall asleep and do not worry about our neighbors finances. One again, I
do not measure up to God’s plumb-line. God is very concerned about everyone’s
lives. My undisturbed sleep proves that their problems do not bother me at all.
For far too long, pastors have not spoken of the requirements that God places
on the churches and their members. We have become like the priest in today’s Old

Testament lesson. We have decided that you cannot bear to hear the Word.
This is wrong. We must take care of the poor in our neighborhoods. We must
ensure that the businesses that we deal with are fair for everyone. We must ensure
that everyone knows God’s demands on their lives.
This work, spoken so eloquently by the prophet Amos, is not something done
only by conservatives or liberals. The orders that God gives us are not restricted to
either Republicans or Democrat. This is what God’s people do. We follow God’s
Law with out question.
The Law since its beginning has told us that we are obligated to help the poor
and the oppressed. For all time, God’s Word obviously informs us on how busi-
nesses should operate. The Bible has always clearly stated the duties of the rich.
There are a million excuses why we do not do this. Here are but a few. We
already pay taxes. Let the government help the poor. There is “separation” of
church and state in this country. Legally, we cannot tell business how they should
run. No one wants to hear about what God wants, so we are not going to tell them.
The prophets clearly spell out the consequences of listening to any of our
explanations rather than following God’s law. We are punished.
The soonest that this discipline on our land and our church will end is when
we ask God to forgive us for what we have left undone.
God has given us another chance to change our mind. That is why we are here
today. We should thank Him for this gift of grace and try to change our ways.
Doing the difficult work of caring for all of God’s creation, has other benefits
that we normally forget. God blesses our community when we follow the Law.

Think about it. Everyone of our works has the possibility of doing more good
than we can ever imagine. Our actions might put food on a hungry child’s table. It
is conceivable that our efforts answer a parent’s prayers. God could even take our
deeds and bring someone to faith.
There is another bumper sticker that reads, “If you are not upset, then you are
not paying attention.” This is the conservative’s prophet’s motto.
The people of God have forget ten the poor and the oppressed. The church
refuses to set limits on what business can and cannot do. No one is holding the
people accountable. These behaviors are wrong and they must stop.
The God that has already saved us from the death expects that we go right
outside these doors and help save others. This is the work of the church. Go and
change the world.
“The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and
minds through Christ Jesus.”6


Fretheim, Terence E., ‘The Prophets and Social Justice: A Conservative Agenda’,
Word & World, 28 Spring (2008):2, pp. 159–168.

Philippians 4:7.

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