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VOLUMEll Harbor Springs, Mich., December I. 1922. NO. IX

The following students r eceived Last W-ednesda y night the Boy
"A" : Scouts met in room 5, Jlor the pur
Josehhine st e in, lA; Robert of officers. ,for tlh.e
l A; Leland Wright, lA; w,m. mg year. S1dney Newman was re-
1'I'ed Barker, 3A; Vivian Lane, \lA; ,elected Scout and Mr. Bond
Bliss lA Harold Work lA. ed ass1s.tP,nt Scout .Maister
Bonnie G:tm .. l A. ' ' Wilhr d Cornell, Jr., secretary and
t reasurer, rGorjdon Wflcox, Earl De
Tb.e Geogr aphy cla-ss of the fifth LaVer.gne, land Leon Woodruff wer e
!las oomple ed the study of the elect'ed Patrol
leaders and a r e to act
Unit ed .States. Next week they ex- ,with the Scout Master land
pec.t (with t he hellrp of tiJ.e 1antern) Scout to rpla.n programs for the
t 1 ' ake J trip t o aJ: ci the ;nter est- coming year.
'ng places. Several more boys are wanted (:.o
__ ___ _ ___ fill out Ia and any boy twelve
Rud e tut d.e t ut de tu,t years of age or older can obt!tin ap-
\Ve 1are the boys of the Harbor High. D: icati!on bllanks f :om the Scout
We don't smoke nor we don't chew, O:' a ny of the Scouts.
No, we 'dron'1 go witlh. :the boys, that - - - ---
do. . TH'E TRAMP
lling, dan.:; diddy! One day a trramp was wlailking a-
lorrg a country roaJd, v-ery hungry.
What Ch arles Brckon thinks of his He rwas on t!lJe nc ch in his belt
English a nd hE: itlhow;ht it woulld break. Sure
My are meatless, enougt as a r :J.;bbit wa-s going by,
My Wednesdays ra1e wheatless, tJhe buckle fle.w off land hit the ra b-
I'm 6etting more eatless ea ch day. bi. , stunru!ng it. The tramp ,got a
My h.ome ,it is heatJ.ess, stick a nd killed' i t_, So tl!.e tramp hau
My bed, is r abbit fnr dinner, and ra very good
My !]w e a:ll gone tl:l t:1e Y. dinrrer ill was.
IM. C. A.
h a rod isn't beatless
But th e teacher is sweetl ess,
Each cl3y I get poorer and worse.
My socks .are rfeetl ess,
My p:mus :ue eatJes.s,
Oil., help me or I'll curse.
- Roland Taylo:
The grade' boys and girls
htvo ccmpf d eel their Indian project.
'! e ':C::Jys mJde Indian chiefs and t he
girs made squaws. Wigwams were
uncle by ta ll. Some of these look
likoe the "real thing" being made out
of ll :rch 3 nd old fur.
Last Fric11.y :evening at I he home
of Mrs. Thomlas- Parks, the ninth
grade o r Sunday school
class of t h.e Pre.s byterian church en
joyed a pot luok supper. The
we,ne very prettily ed with thE!
r ainbow colors and all sat down to
oat aboutJ six thirty o'clock . There
were twelve .prese}.. Many ,funny
jokes we11e cracked and lively song'>
sung. After supper t he party so-
jou: ned to the parlor wb.ere a busi-
ness meeting wras called by the pr es
aJfter whioch garr .. es were played
il time to part Jlor the time [}eins
Pwbli sh :::d weekly by the Harbor
Springs Htgh School.
Subsc.oi ption p-rice: 50c per year.
Uurl es L. Beclwn Editor-in-Chief
Sta nton Bus-iness Manager
Cecil Willis Ass't. Editor
Ear l DeLaVergne Ass't. Editor
', l1eodo: e Blackman Athletic Editor
Wheaton J oke Editor
The .follOIWing E\ udents h ave at
l east "IB" in deportment, "A" in one
sulbj ect a nd a passing mark in all
s ubj ect s :
Ungraded Room-
E.rma GUeason , Oren Ward, J ohn
Bradley, Aubrey Br.:1.dshaw, Maogda-
l<ene DeWitt, <Mildred P erry, George
Ccc.pBr, Ka,t.h<erine Boker, Ruth Brad-
fiel d, Gertrude Butl er, Dor(Jj hy Los-
Sevegth Glrade-
N,atal<ee Gould, Robert Squie.r, Ir-
-e ne W!lcox, Margaret Keith
Yhouse, Alice Cummings.
Sixth Gradei-
Elsie Cr,ow!l, Harold Campbe ..
F OR fur lined over-
Coat with fnr colla r , a nd light wagon
Owner ha.s no u se d'or them. Price
righ;J for quick sale.-See Gerald
Wheel el'.
New Selr ies From One C-nt to $5-
Attract. \e Desig 'l s-T . . f'odor"
Roost;Ne lt to be on 5-c . nt Biue
An entirely n ew s &t of post age
s tamps has been prepared by the
United States . Bureau of Engraving.
They will be in many colors as a
safe guar'd aJgainsrt .confusi on., The.
l oe:tl postO<ffice lli'l,s requisitioned
some o<f each and they will be placed
on sale a s< soon as they a :r ive. Many
s t 3.m;p lovers are anxious.Jy a-waiting
this n ew issn e a nd the papers of the
world are commenting on their ap-
p earance-
Dorothy Lxwl'\ason. In the new series the 1-c <: nt stlmp
Fifth Grade- will show a h ell!d of F ranklin in
Georg-e Beak, Margaret Carlson, ,green; the 2,cent, Washington in
. Mr,ri e Me.3..d, :Qurwood Moore, Olaf 1-e d; 3-'Cent, Lincoln in .pu11pie; 4-cent
Stia nss n, Lloyd Taylor. Martha Washington in brown ; 5-cent
FoLi.-th Grade- h ea d of Roos.evel<t , in blue; 6-cent,
Byron Ligh tJfoot, Leon Baoku;,, GtJ..rfield in orange; 7-cent, McKinley
Paul Orowl, Dori s H3..rtung, :Marl e in note blaek; 8-cent, Grant in bond
P.csemeir, Vivi an Simmons, Duane o1i ve;9-cent, J eHerson, pink; 10-cent
Li ghtfoot, Guald Hoover,
Monroe, yellow; 11-cerrt, Hayes, light
F, Lew:s Ketchman, Carlton Ad
Booth .
blue; 12-cent, Cl eveland, purplish-
ams, Clair Gre-:;o: y, Maxw-e:I
b own ; 14-cent, Indian head, yell o-w
---- ----- - g;r sen ; 15-cent, s.tatue Of Lib ert y,
Mis s Heems\' r-a : "'Robe:!J, give the dark grtty; 20-ct. Yos - mi'e h ils cig-
.pos',tive, and supl::r: l a- aret blue; 25-cent, N'.aga-a Falls,
ive o;f 'slim'." note gre' n ; 30-cent, buffalo. sepia; 50-
Robei't , Slim, thin, and skinny" rent, Arlington ampl,itheate-,, l av E" n
Miss Hee<n3tn 3..skecl for a <little der: $1 Lincoln memor'a! rlocu-
theme, mentary brown ; TTn'tecl States
The nexti d.ay we h e a cl "I rhink capi tlo-1, r egul ar hlue ; A.medcan
she's me)an." -regul ar h,l u e with r ed
When sh e aswed the .Sophs to bring on white ba ckground, giving r ed,
one in, white a nd blue effect. New 10cent
Why 1 b.en we heard, "Oh, what 'l soecial cl elive,.v <a,r e also included in
sin." th e n ew series.
Star of "At the End of t he. World" said wh ea his eye fell upon thi.s
Ill Duri ng P roduction item. " T:hat',s wher e I BUY most of
When Bet y Comps'on' s fin;t P.ara-
m-ount:J starring picture, "At t h e End
of the Wlorld," which '\viii be shown
a t t he Lyric theat r e n ex,: Slaturday,
rwas w e!ll under way the .be-a.ut ifu
_Y'oung star was <attack ed with old
,fashion ed me3..sles. and producf.ion ae;
was hla.lted -for sorr:e days un-
til she was conva l escent and .abl e tJo
resume work in the pict ur e .. Happily,
however, Miss Com.pson sbJowed no
\II effect s< for h er Hlness and her
work 'ILs Ch err y O'Day, the daughte-r
of a .gambling blouse keeper, in Shan
ghia.., ChJna , was unusu\ally effec\ ive.
The of <t h e p-i<cture, bas-e d on a
play by ETnst Klein, carries the chiar
<aders to a l<onely ligllithouse isLand
"at! t h e end of the world," and t he
scen es are at '\ imes- t ense and dra m-
:?. tic. Milton Sills is 'leaiding man,
a nd in the sup.porting oomp<3..ny are
Mi tch ell Lewi-s, Casson F e rguson,
Sp;c t iswoode Aitken, Killgour
,a nd otJh.ers. Penrhyn Stanl aws was

Acc-crdin8' to h er pas<Sportt, i.h e
Cotu ess ApoHonia Dombs<ka r ecent
ly disembl .l'ked from t h e .Ma jestic
and boarded a train -for Hollywood.
But her dressing r:oom door at t]:ne
Lask y Et u dio -hears a briefer nam e
o:f Pol a Negr i.
Raymond Ha!t on, whose paTJ.s us-
ually r equire ragged cost umes, gives
l ll his. old cJ;othes tJo t he Salvation
Ar my, according 'o his- press agent.
"But t h a isn" half od' it," Hatton
The Pi<ckf:ord .fami'ly h 1.s its trou-
bles.. Yea, verily. Ma P ickford put
up something like $200,000 to make
a Picture for J aJck . Some J-ack for
J ack, i.s the -comment of Screenhnd
The t roubl e with f r olli
one company to anot her is t hat a
n e'\v press a gent equ ips a Sl'.ar with
an enr;:irely diger ent "<past" accord-
i ng to Gareeh Hughes. A fsw weeks
ago, it was r eported than. being a
Wel s hm3.n, h e had n eve spoken "'
word of English , unt:Jtl 14 ye3.TS o.f
age. In a fol1owing newsy note h e
was cr e di.t.ed wit h p;ppear ing in Sha-
kesp.eare:m l eads at t he o.f 14.
f counse, 1 may h ave been a st ock
compa ny bhat was p-utting on dialect
There ts 3. n ew cu stom in well r e-
gu!a;+ed Ho]]y,wood famiNes . I t was
int-odtwed by the Bil1 Ha.r: s. When
WilHa,ny S. Junior was 'born, we ar e
iufo med, legal r epr esentatives of
BOTH father and mother were pre-
As a fighter , G6orges Carpentier
1s an a wfully g:ood .actor. In his- n e,w
film ver/'.ure', ' "A Gypsy Oava1ierl' a
Bril ish -production, Car pentier por-
I r ays f o u r different chanactens.
P:rett:Jy n earl y a whole cast in him-
A BFr OF CAMPUS FUN .hold the ruttlac,king tJiorces back, los-
LHtho the c! ate set for tb.e an,wa1 ing s-e()ond 'flag. T.h:is act m::Nie
class was Saturdlay, };ovc:m- the Sophomores victors, so they
'bf)r 20, was so high that marched triumphantly bjaick thru
I he Fr.os'b. had .stja:rjl;ed action late Strute st-,ec- .-Ves.ta
Thursday night ,by raising t he class
.J'lag. Under strenuous difficulties, Stanley : "Y.ou can't .ail ways ten ,by
this bit of green and whi te was kept wb.1t you see"
waving for hours. Fri-
dray lth.e So,phs began ( o
congrEJg.ate ati the- center of the cam-
pus. Wlry did they insiS)\ that the
'])oor lfu:o-sh depart with. vanons pie()eS
of the'r wearing apparel? Why did
they mnbass.ess them .by making
\ hem p r opose to every girl who stray
ed' tlo vi1cinity? Why, they were
only their first t aste of ini-
ti.atJi.on fun .
A!ltho the day set for Fall
games broke with a driillzling r ain,
Ferry Field was cr owded with enthu-

T'b.s freshman, decked in their war
paint o f gr een, and led lby bano,
left t'heir phce i:r f of the Uni on
o ml m':t C':1ed to the Held ,of
The Sophomores followed a little
l:'.,t e,-.' i,n r ed battJ,e paint and headed
by their band unde tha direct'. on ef
\he drum major, wearing an imprs s
sive r ed . sha.ko. At F e-r y Field the
dasses Hned upon opposite sides of
the ba,tt!e
The r-elar r..tcf', in wh.icll thr ee
!:'Quads. : a '1 -f ed of tea nv:r:
:Crom each of ,th.e drusses, pa;rt idpat ..
ed, opened ihe ,games. The Frosh
overoamr, '" sUon,g Sophomore !end
during t!ln fi , st. two h eats,
winning the r ewy.
Soph;:.:_rJores far <' .ute!assed.
tb.eir >PPOICl! ' S fi<.C: ihe fl':'Sl n lh"l
rpi!llow f. g ht Rt< '' of men were
mounted e n .1 tm,.:; e sawhor:;'!. The
Holden: "How's th:J/. ?"
Stanley: "I 1 bought sure it was
night ia moment aJgo when I bumped
my head on the wall."
One nigh,+. a t a class meeting Lynn
Ward ra.nd Stanley Vorce -g()l in 1
fight . Mr. BaHey shonted. "Lynn!
Lynn y<m ilf:e fo:ge'Jt:ng your posi-
tion." Lynn: "I 't either. Lefl.
foot fo. ward, right foot back, make
!believe wid yer l E!ft and soak 'em in
de Uamps wid yer right."
Cn e d:ty as DeLaVeTgne l he
"ant editor and Blackman, the :ath.l e-
tic editor, were wa,lking thru : hE:
woods, oaught and bent
a sapling way back nd let go of ii .
'Ihc s:Jad sapling h our ed-
itor across ltb.e faJce and he
h is length on ' he -gr ound When he
t::> D:iLaVe. 1gnc sa' d: "Well, it
w:ts a good thing I hung on 1 o it or
it wour d b.ave kiJJ.ed you a'l,'ogether."
T, oop I, !Girl Soouts held their r e-
,gular meetling hst Wednesd1ay even-
ing at thE: home of Fannie Bruhaker.
Up to dJ e the following sums
have been coll ected for t he Iibl'ory:
Subscriptions $66.00
High. School. 6 00
G:-ades 1.68
S.1fle of t ags by Boy Scouts 2.38
Total $76.06
a : emrutl to knoc,;: f:!f'h The teachers and churches have
otb.t.- ' i'E wt'l; '": using D. ny wea pon given generously to t he Olde-r
except the pillo'vs wh;'eil they F'und Lc,s :eJ' Stan<.on
WEre armed. Eo.rl1 D3LaVergne, Robert Gru)bam,
The eag : usb. :fell easily t o the F.ol and Taylor, and Ro-w:trd Adams,
S::;phomc"cs , At nhe fi ,.-st -pole the 1:l."e the delegates F. L. Bail
warr i ors of ' 25 . overwh S!hn ed the ey, local Hi-Y ,JeJ der, will have
Freshmen ,before th.6' l r:/te r were charge oif the group.
started. At the second pole, re.i nfort.
ed by m:>r e Of their 'CO!l e:t.gues, pu '. ,Miss Jl b.31 Newcomb is at her
ap a fig:1t tut to home in Pier son, for Thanksgiving.
Jol;(.o-aq. 'fl

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