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Teenagers Reach Goals for Life Using Internal Guidance System One of the greatest challenges all parents

face, even parents who use the Law of Attraction in their own lives, is learning how to have a conversation with your teenager when you dont agree with his choices. The key to this very common parenting challenge is to help your teenager tap into their Internal Guidance System (IGS) to reach their goals for life and consider the bigger picture. So often, kids dont think beyond the moment. Of course, living in the moment can be good when we are properly aligned with Source. By helping your teen to check in with their IGS and also see the bigger picture, you can help guide and influence their choices without having to do battle. Lets look at a possible scenario, not uncommon among teenagers. Your son tells you he doesnt want to take the math class that is a prerequisite for him to graduate, or to get into college. Rather than telling him he has to take the class in order to graduate, try asking him what do you wantnot just today, but for your future? Do you want to graduate and go to college? If he says yes, remind him that a decision not to take the math class would not support what he says he wants for the future, which is to graduate. The next step would be to encourage him to get into alignment with his math class so he will be able to benefit from taking it. What happens if your child says I dont care about graduating or going to college? This is a much tougher scenario, but one that commonly arises in many families. A good first step is to ask questions that can help you determine why your son hates the class. Maybe there is a bully in the class, or some other situation that is making him feel uncomfortable. Or, maybe he just hates math. Encourage your son to use his IGS to consider all aspects of the class and how each one feels to him. For example: he should use his IGS to assess the subject matter, his teacher, his classmates, the time of day when the class meets, the homework, the tests. By teaching him how to use his IGS to check in with his feelings, you can help him find within himself, the reasons behind the feelings. By considering all the things he specifically hates about the class, he can then identify steps, (with your coaching and mentoring), to address those conditions, and hopefully find a resolution other than leaving the class. In this way, he is in alignment with his Internal Guidance System now, and with his goals for life.

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