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1. This survey should take less than three minutes to complete. Thank you for your participation.

I understand that I am answering ALL questions in this survey, either as an individual regardless of how many people
live in my Unit, or for my entire townhome Unit household. Answer only one way or the other, either as an individual, or
for the entire Unit. (And if you answer as an individual, be certain to have each resident in your townhome Unit answer
this survey as well.) Thank you.
I understand that I am answering ALL questions in this survey as an individual -- 16
I understand that I am answering ALL questions in this survey for my entire household – 21

2. On any given night, how many vehicles do you normally park here at LPHTA? If you are answering for your entire
townhome Unit household, please list the total amount of vehicles parked here nightly by all occupants of your
townhome Unit.
One -- 20
Two -- 12
Three – 6

3. During 2008, how many times has there been no available parking spaces here at LPHTA for your vehicle? This is
for residents' vehicles only. This question is not asking about guests' vehicles. Their vehicles will be covered further on
in this survey.
Never -- 26
One -- 3
Two – 4
I have always found available parking here -- 4

4. During 2008, how many times have your guests been forced to park somewhere else because there was no
available parking spaces here at LPHTA for their vehicle? This question is for guest vehicles only. This question is not
asking about residents' vehicles.
Never -- 31
One -- 1
Two -- 1
My guests have always found available parking here -- 5

5. LPHTA was built with 32 Units and 64 parking spaces, or 2 vehicles per unit on average. Should the Board
concentrate on a guaranteed parking plan for residents first, and then leave whatever is left for guests, or should we try
for a compromise plan which could potentially inconvenience residents, but be able to accomodate both residents and
guests; or should we just do nothing?
Residents first -- 17
Residents and guests both, and I'll risk my own parking availability to accomodate guests -- 5
Just do nothing, and I'll take my chances – 16

6. Would you be in favor of some parking program here at LPHTA if it guaranteed available parking spaces for
Yes -- 23
No – 14

7. The Board is considering implementing an enforced tow-away policy, with signage stating something similar to
"Parking For Residents & Guests Only - All Others Will Be Towed Without Warning At The Vehicle Owner's Expense &
Risk". This would insure that non-residents who are NOT guests, do not park here. Would you favor this enforced tow-
away policy, or would you prefer that we just do nothing about these violators?
Yes -- 21
No -- 11
Just do nothing, and let violators park here – 6

8. The Board is considering vehicle parking permit hang tags or dashbard tags (similar to what PSU uses) to enforce a
tow-away policy if implemented. Would you favor the use of these tags?
Yes -- 17
No – 21

9. In lieu of parking permits, the Board is considering simply maintaining a list of all resident vehicles, to facilitate a
tow-away policy for non-resident and non-guest violators. This of course would require your participation in providing
your vehicle information to the Board. Would you prefer this list, or the permits as mentioned above, or you would you
prefer we do nothing about this issue?
I prefer this list, and I would provide the Board with the required information, and keep that info updated with the
Board. -- 16
I prefer the parking permit hang tags or dashboard tags as described above. -- 12
Just do nothing, and do not enforce tow-aways for non-resident and non-guest violators – 9

10. Now on to the subject of guest parking. The Board is considering available temporary parking permit hang tags for
guests so that they could park in any available space, or a select number of individually marked "Guest Parking"
spaces in the central area of the upper lot for all guests to park in on a mandatory basis. Which would you prefer?
I prefer temporary parking permits for guests, allowing them to park in any available space. -- 17
I prefer the marked "Guest Parking" spaces. -- 19

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