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0) 5 fuetea r-olire A

Vocabulary: occupations rficofe Unscramble the jobs and match them to the correct otrcdo T)cr,l0'C 3 atxi eridvr Iwi 2 eirfifhegtr T;XQ


6 '\ 4 nnergeie


Listen to Teresa. What is her opinion 1 Unit 2

about these occupations? Number the occupations, according to her opinion, from interesting (1) to not interesting (6). taxi driver firefighter writer engineer LJ police officer ED doctor

Grammar: articles an and a


A Decide if the words use a, an, or no article (-). Write them in the table. - - ... ^ -, " ''"1 VMo s'\ c*.n ~6ccVier s weec< ^ ^\\ ftec?c acjo Y \awy eu musician inspector teacher artists engineer students singer actor lawyers

Unit 22

1 Are you teacher? 5 B Use the prompts to write sentences. Remember to use a or an where necessary. 1 Adriana / singer Adriana is a singer. 2 Dave and Linda / doctors (oiXg) r|or\of 3 Benito / actor ^ q-'Tl T^oArA C There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it. 4 Is Dave aft lawyer?
2 3

4 I / lawyer ____________________ 5 we / engineers

Abby is(ractor.4>D\^ u an ctr :< 5 I am not student. >( My brother is a doctors. 6 Pete isn't an artists.

Angelina Emmy Frank Gina Laura Leo Leila Mike Stacy

^ Vocabulary: family members A s Listen to Angelina describing her family. Write the names from the box in the correct places. B Use the family tree in Exercise A to complete the sentences. Angelina: Laura is my (1) r, . Leila and Frank are my (2) is my (3) Brc4W Stacy is my . . Mike

(4) CAA \fv___________________. (5) I <- O______is her husband. (6) c nnm-s/ and (7) C'\'S\C\ vju e w f F \\ g <t \\c: S 6 Natasha / artist HrAo-sViO- a S a.'O OX\\\ 3i He is musician. */ \\e \-S CL are their daughters. Leila and Frank are their (8) kxowj.y-.ri'rPv^ ^

Listening: listening for specific information A Read the sentences about Brenda. Match each sentence to the missing information.1 Brenda
a) b)

an adjective a place

- c) a last name
d) e) f)

a time an occupation a family member is a lawyer.

2 3

She lives in Brenda starts work at ______ She says her job is very V ,;\y< s Her husband is an f\rr,______, r >. . is a student

4 5

Their ; .

B HP) Listen and fill in the blanks. Were your predictions correct?

Grammar: possessive nouns's and s' A Write the words from the box in the correct column of the table. r 'Tj

'be s

SoTl^ 2.'._____i___________a .

_ _ _~/L

Unit 2

( V.A (V:c - ", W <?\\

.... -V 5oWScy>s' brother children sons grandparents the Johnstons Michael

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses .
1 2

Her Our __ c\)-\Acrr' o's

teacher is from England. {Tom) parents live in Santiago. ____(mother) best friend is from Argentina. ____ (grandparents) house is

near the school. _____(parents) jobs are very exciting. 3C My cats name's Tippy. Of.'*- <- V *

(sister) husband is a doctor. . (children)

Unit 2

V C R e a d t h e s e n t e n c e s . C h e c k ( / ) t h e c o r r e c t m e a n i n g o f 6 Un it 27

s . v I s i t t h e s h o r t f o r m o f i s o r t h e p o s s e s s i v e f o r m 6 Un it 28

o f t h e n o u n ? 1 Her sisters an artist. t| 1| ,


2 My brothers wife is a doctor. 3 Our teachers name is Amanda. 4 Michaels in Italy right now. 5 His wifes parents are from Russia. 6 Its an old bicycle.

6 Un it 29

W r i t i n g : u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e m e c h a n i c s A T h e r e i 6 Un it 2 10

s o n e m i s t a k e w i t h c a p i t a l l e t t e r s i n e a c h o f t h e s e n t e n c e s 6 Un it 2 11

. F i n d t h e m i s t a k e a n d m a t c h i t t o a r u l e . T h e n c o r r e c t t h e 6 Un it 2 12

m i s t a k e s . /V a) l a n g u a g e s

c o u n t r i e s


n a m e s o f p

6 Un it 2 13

e o p l e

n a m e s o f p l a c e s


d a y s o f t h e w e e

6 Un it 2 14


m o n t h s


t h e p r o n o u n /


t h e b e g i n n i n g o

6 Un it 2 15

f a s e n t e n c e

M y b i r t h d a y i s i n X o v e m b e r . W e a r e


6 Un it 2 16

f r o m p e r u . I _

T h e y s t u d y g f h g l i s h .

M y s i s t

6 Un it 2 17

e r a n d ' i a r e d o c t o r s .

M y t e a c h e r i s M

6 Un it 2 18

r . d a n i e l s .

i t i s f i v e o ' c l o c k .


A n t o n i a

6 Un it 2 19

l i v e s i n ( r e x a s .

Y o u r c l a s s i s o n ( w j e d n e s d a y .

B Re ad the par agr ap h. Ma ke six sen ten ces by ad din g 6 Un it 2 20

per iod s at the en d an d ca pit al lett ers at the be gin nin g of sen ten ces

6 Un it 2 21

. A Read about Matt Hollands life. What does he do?

m ir JL att Holland is a professional tennis player. He is young. Hes 21, but he has many trophies already. Matt loves his job. Its fun and interesting. He has many fans. too. Matts family is big. His three brothers and young sister live in Atlanta. Matt's father, Alan, works on Matts team, and his sister, Ann, is Matts assistant. His family is very happy to help Matt. B Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 How old is Matt? 0 \ e CAACX i_ 4f^r)t <;________tW'i/Y C Think about a relative and his/her job. Make notes under these headings. Name: Relation to you: ' hg \ vn\i a f Lives: She live ht fcjf'flrtu 2 What is Matt's opinion of his job? W.' lou> V 3cv, Job: " ho \s ci

Is Matt's family big? ''ks___otWyS \ieOY)^ ^(sAev

What's his father's name? His ><; _____________________

What does his sister do? >&___QJn ________________

Any other information:

Now write a paragraph about your relative. Use the text in Exercise A as a model. % A Writing tutor His/Her name is. He/She is... mmm

Strategy Bank 1 grandma and grandpa

2 3

grandparents parents

4 mother and father granddaughter andgrandson __________

2 3

O students

E passengers 4 EZ! chef D teacher C diners y co\^rozcJtPS Connect new words to their opposites.

A Match the opposites.

1 2 3 4 5

husband son grandma \



b) brother ^c) wife ' d) grandpa e) dad

mom -7^1 sister

B Write an opposite for each word or phrase. daughter and son children grandchildren granddaughter and grandson C Match the words under the pictures to their opposites. 1 A pilot B patient

3 ____:_ _ I n r,)11r 4 My _ _ _m o - / < ; 5 His _ _rq f.1., J I 6 Your my/sister Alison is a writer she writes short stories and books for children herjob is very interesting, but it is also difficult she sometimes travels around the country and talks about her work her books are very popular with children and adults she has two awards for best children's books of the year 2 'AlteoO_______________________________is n vVi^ev. 3 s_vwnlei .iVlqs ^ -s\oxjg,s rcnik booV, i 4 _______________________________________ 5

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