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The Practical

Reference Guide for

High-Quality Fusion Welding
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Elorida 33126
Compiled/Edited/Written by
F. R. (Bob) Schneider, Jr.
Chief Consultant
Bob Schneider Consulting Services
This pulIicalion is designed lo provide infornalion in regard lo lhe suljecl naller covered. Il is nade avaiIalIe
vilh lhe underslanding lhal lhe pulIisher is nol engaged in lhe rendering of professionaI advice. ReIiance upon
lhe infornalion conlained in lhis docunenl shouId nol le underlaken vilhoul an independenl verificalion of
ils appIicalion for a parlicuIar use. The pulIisher is nol responsilIe for Ioss or danage resuIling fron use of lhis
pulIicalion. This docunenl is nol a consensus slandard. Users shouId refer lo lhe appIicalIe slandards for lheir
parlicuIar appIicalion.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Aulhorizalion lo pholocopy ilens for inlernaI, personaI, or educalionaI cIassroon use onIy, or lhe inlernaI,
personaI, or educalionaI cIassroon use onIy of specific cIienls, is granled ly lhe Anerican WeIding Sociely
(AWS) provided lhal lhe appropriale fee is paid lo lhe Copyrighl CIearance Cenler, 222 Rosevood Drive,
Danvers, MA O1923, TeI: 978-75O-84OO, onIine: hllp://vvv.copyrighl.con
2OO1 ly lhe Anerican WeIding Sociely. AII righls reserved.
Irinled in lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica.
I vouId Iike lo lhank CIenn Anloniszyn, WeIding Lngineer, SoIar Turlines, Inc., for suggesling in 1994 lhal I
vrile a pulIicalion capluring ny lried and proven experiences in aIuninun veIding lo share vilh olhers.
Hovever, il look Delrah Weir, Corporale Direclor of Markeling for AWS, and Lee KvidahI, Iasl Iresidenl
and currenl Chair of lhe Iroducl DeveIopnenl Connillee for AWS, lo connil ne lo doing so. I sincereIy
lhank lhen for affording ne lhis opporlunily.
I vouId aIso Iike lo acknovIedge lhe conlrilulions of Dan Bauer, relired Lngineering SpeciaIisl, Crunnan
Aerospace, and Vincenl BogIino, WeIding TechnoIogisl, Spin Iorge, for lheir inpul and reviev of lhis guide.
Their connenls vere exlreneIy vaIualIe, as lhese conlrilulors vere parl of lhe lean deveIoping and inpIe-
nenling nuch of lhis naleriaI. AddilionaIIy, a nole of apprecialion lo RoyaI Nordeen, WeId Lngineer Croup
Leader of CKN Aerospace, Chen-lronics, Inc., Irank Arnao, Senior AppIicalion Lngineer, The LincoIn LIec-
lric Conpany, and IauI Dickerson, ConsuIlanl, for lheir reviev and conslruclive crilique of lhe drafl copies.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
iii iii
Page No.
Basic Safely Irecaulions ......................................................................................................................................... iv
IreveId Ireparalion ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Work CIoves............................................................................................................................................................... 2
IreveId CIeaning ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
WeId TooIing.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
WeIding Lnvironnenl .............................................................................................................................................. 8
WeIdnenl~Irehealing ............................................................................................................................................ 9
WeIding~Inerl Cas................................................................................................................................................... 9
WeIding~Tungslen LIeclrodes............................................................................................................................... 9
WeIding~IiIIer Wire.............................................................................................................................................. 1O
WeIding Tips ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
WeId Iass Tips ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Afler WeIding........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Olher IulIicalions AvaiIalIe fron AWS ............................................................................................................. 16
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
%XUQ3URWH.WLRQ MoIlen nelaI, sparks, sIag, and hol vork surfaces are produced ly veIding, culling, and
aIIied processes. These can cause lurns if precaulionary neasures are nol used. Workers shouId vear prolec-
live cIolhing nade of fire-resislanl naleriaI. Ianl cuffs, open pockels, or olher pIaces on cIolhing lhal can
calch and relain noIlen nelaI or sparks shouId nol le vorn. High-lop shoes or Iealher Ieggings and fire-
resislanl gIoves shouId le vorn. Ianl Iegs shouId le vorn over lhe oulside of high-lop shoes. HeInels or
hand shieIds lhal provide proleclion for lhe face, neck, and ears, and a head covering lo prolecl lhe head
shouId le used. In addilion, appropriale eye proleclion shouId le used.
(OH.WUL.DO+D]DUGV LIeclric shock can kiII. Hovever, il can le avoided. Live eIeclricaI parls shouId nol le
louched. The nanufaclurers inslruclions and reconnended safe praclices shouId le read and underslood.
IauIly inslaIIalion, inproper grounding, and incorrecl operalion and nainlenance of eIeclricaI equipnenl
are aII sources of danger.
AII eIeclricaI equipnenl and lhe vorkpiece shouId le grounded. The vorkpiece Iead is nol a ground Iead. Il
is used onIy lo conpIele lhe veIding circuil. A separale conneclion is required lo ground lhe vorkpiece. The
vorkpiece shouId nol le nislaken for a ground conneclion.
)XPHVDQG*DVHV Many veIding, culling, and aIIied processes produce funes and gases vhich nay le
harnfuI lo heaIlh. Avoid lrealhing lhe air in lhe fune pIune direclIy alove lhe arc. Do nol veId in a con-
fined area vilhoul a venliIalion syslen. Use poinl-of-veIding fune renovaI vhen veIding gaIvanized sleeI,
zinc, Iead, cadniun, chroniun, nanganese, lrass, or lronze. Do nol veId on piping or conlainers lhal have
heId hazardous naleriaIs unIess lhe conlainers have leen inerled properIy.
&RPSUHVVHG*DV&\OLQGHUV Keep caps on cyIinders vhen nol in use. Make sure lhal gas cyIinders are
chained lo a vaII or olher slrucluraI supporl. Do nol veId on cyIinders.
5DGLDWLRQ Arc veIding nay produce uIlravioIel, infrared, or Iighl radialion. AIvays vear proleclive cIolh-
ing and eye proleclion lo prolecl lhe skin and eyes fron radialion. ShieId olhers fron Iighl radialion fron
your veIding operalion.
6SH.LDO3UH.DXWLRQVIn lhe foIIoving condilions vhen veIding aIuninun aIIoys:
(1) High IeveIs of funes are produced vhen using lhe 5XXX (nagnesiun-learing) aIuninun fiIIer nelaIs.
(2) The use of argon-lased shieIding gas lIends resuIls in lhe produclion of ozone, especiaIIy vilh 4XXX
fiIIer nelaIs.
The use of fiIlering nasks or airIine respiralors viII le required if il is delernined lhal personneI are leing ex-
posed lo excessive poIIulanls.
Caulion nusl aIso le olserved in lhe reaclion lelveen aIuninun and cerlain soIvenls and cIeaners. ConsuIl
infornalion provided ly nanufaclurers for lhe necessary safe praclices in lhe use of lheir producls.
AWS aIso reconnends a personaI copy of Arc WeIding SafeIy, Iire Safely in WeIding and Culling, and
Safely in WeIding, Culling, and AIIied Irocesses.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
AWS PracticaI Reference Guide 1
AIuninun is one of lhe nosl underraled and nisun-
derslood nelaIs in veIding. Il gels no respecl, as a
veII-knovn conedian has oflen said. AIuninun
veIdnenls have lecone connonpIace conner-
ciaIIy, IargeIy due lo lheir corrosion resislance and
Iighl veighl. Since aIuninun veIdnenls are in
alundance, lhe degree of difficuIly vhen veIding
aIuninun is considered so nininaI lhal lasic prepa-
ralions and precaulions are oflen negIecled. Iusion
veIding of aIuninun is siniIar lo veIding lilaniun
in lhe sense lhal, vhen lhe lasic ruIes and prepara-
lions are foIIoved, good veIds are nol difficuIl lo
ollain. CIeanIiness is nosl crilicaI.
In lhis guide ve are going lo concenlrale on ollain-
ing high quaIily aIuninun veIdnenls vilh lhe
fusion processes, in parlicuIar gas lungslen arc veId-
ing (CTAW), eIeclron lean veIding (LBW), and gas
nelaI arc veIding (CMAW). These procedures are
nore crilicaI vhen uliIizing lhe CTAW process in lhe
direcl currenl eIeclrode negalive node (CTAW,
DCLN) vhich produces a narrover deeper penelral-
ing veId lhan lhe aIlernaling currenl (AC) node.
The inlenl is lo luiId in lhe quaIily during falricalion
ralher lhan inspecling in lhe quaIily. Too oflen vhen
high quaIily is required lhe inspeclion requirenenls
are nade nore slringenl ralher lhan naking lhe fal-
ricalion procedures nore slringenl. If an X-ray quaI-
ily veId is desired you donl jusl X-ray lhe veId. The
veIding procedure nusl le pIanned lo ollain X-ray
quaIily veIdnenls.
These guideIines vere lasicaIIy uliIized for lhe
foIIoving appIicalions:
- *UXPPDQ $HURVSD.H~for nechanized gas lung-
slen arc veIding (CTAW, DCLN) 2219 aIuni-
nun aIIoy for lhe Lunar ModuIe for Irojecl
ApoIIo lhal Ianded nen on lhe noon. These
veIdnenls required X-ray quaIily, heIiun Ieak-
lighl and pressure lesling.
LQJ 'LYLVLRQ~for gas nelaI arc veIding of 5O83
aIuninun aIIoy for lhe 12O-fool dianeler Liquid
NaluraI Cas Spheres requiring radiographic
quaIily and pressure lesled veIdnenls.
havk Cruise MissiIe 2219 aIuninun aIIoy veId-
nenls uliIizing lhe eIeclron lean veIding, gas
lungslen arc and gas nelaI arc veIding pro-
cesses. They vere aIso used for lhe gas nelaI arc
veIding (CMAW) of lhe 5O83 aIuninun aIIoy
Afl and Iorvard Lquipnenl Boxes for lhe Tona-
havk Cround Launches. The eIeclron lean and
gas lungslen arc veIds vere 1OO X-rayed.
These guideIines shouId le foIIoved lo produce high
quaIily veIdnenls, even vhen radiographic or uIlra-
sonic inspeclion is nol required. An exanpIe is lhe
CMAW slrucluraI pIug veIds of lhe Tonahavk
Cruise MissiIe Mid-Body Seclion. Consislenl high-
quaIily vas nandalory in lhis fueI seclion, aIlhough
lhe design vas nol suilalIe for X-ray inspeclion.
PreweId Preparation
Band savs, hacksavs, or cul-off savs are nornaIIy
used for rough culs foIIoved ly nachining or drav
Sav-cul edges are nol nornaIIy suilalIe for veId-
ing, as lhe jagged edge is a dirl, Iulricanl, and/or
oxide lrap lhal is difficuIl lo cIean.
Sharp, circuIar sav-lIade culs can produce a fine
nongaIIed finish suilalIe for veIding. Iover feed-
ing heIps lo achieve good culs. Hovever, Iulricanls
shouId le avoided for finaI preveId culs. AIcohoI
spray nisls have proven lo le effeclive vhen neces-
sary lo ollain leller surface finishes and nininize
lhe allachnenl of lhe aIuninun chips lo lhe sav
Machined surface finishes shouId nol exceed 125 in.
Ra (Rool average).
Dry nachining (no Iulricanls) is reconnended for
surfaces lo le consuned ly lhe veId puddIe. AIco-
hoI or Iiquid nilrogen spray nisls have proven lo le
effeclive vhen necessary lo ollain leller surface
finishes and nininize lhe allachnenl of lhe aIuni-
nun chips lo lhe looI lils. Sharp looIs shouId le
As-sheared edges are nol nornaIIy suilalIe for
veIding. The firsl porlion of lhe sheared edge sur-
face is cul and lends lo snear (gaII) vhiIe lhe sec-
ond porlion is a fraclure surface. Bolh condilions
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
2 AWS PracticaI Reference Guide
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
are dirl and oxide lraps. WhiIe lhe noIlen veId
nosl prolalIy vouId consune lransverse cracks
fron lhe sheared edge on sheel nelaI, lhe renain-
ing dirl lraps nay veII yieId porosily and poor
fusion. Sheared edges in 5XXX and 7XXX aIIoys
lhal are Iefl unveIded can iniliale slress-corrosion
cracking due lo lhe effecl of vork hardening.
Crinding as a finaI finish prior lo veIding is a
concern as lhe grinding naleriaI and linders have a
lendency lo enled lhenseIves inlo lhe aIuninun
surface and lecone conlaninanls producing poros-
Laser Cutting
Laser culling of aIuninun lends lo produce a
rough cul vilh a surface finish exceeding 125 Ra,
vhich are polenliaI dirl lraps. When Iaser culling is
uliIized il shouId le perforned on cIean naleriaI so
as nol lo spread surface conlaninanls inlo lhe noI-
len cul zone.
PIasma Arc Cutting
IIasna arc culling is nornaIIy used for rough culs
of Iarge pIales. The recasl cul surface is lhen na-
chined for finaI preparalion. InlergranuIar cracking
can occur as deep as O.O9O in. fron lhe cul edge of
2XXX, 6XXX, and 7XXX aIuninun aIIoys, so na-
chining nusl renove lhis zone.
Work GIoves
Work gIoves, vhiIe inporlanl, are a connon
source of conlaninalion. OlviousIy dirly gIoves are
a conlaninanl. Hovever cIean gIoves can le nis-
Ieading as Iinl and olher parlicIes nay le lrans-
ferred lo lhe veId zone surface. Linl and olher
foreign naleriaI enlrapped in lhe veId can produce
porosily. Linl has leen knovn lo produce fine
chain porosily. Ior handIing preveId cIean sur-
faces, incIuding veId delaiIs and looIing vilhin lhe
veId zone, use Iinl-free gIoves, Iov-Iinl gIoves,
pIaslic lhrovavay gIoves, or kilchen-lype Ialex
gIoves. These gIoves can aIso le used vhen nanu-
aIIy feeding fiIIer vire. The kilchen-lype Ialex
gIoves are reIaliveIy lhin vilh lexlured fingerlip
surfaces aiding in feeIing and feeding lhe fiIIer
vire. They can aIso le vashed and dried vilh
varn air lIov dryers vhiIe on lhe hand. The in-
sides of lhe gIoves are coaled nininizing svealing
and easing inserlion of lhe hand. A cIean, snoolh
Iealher gIove is reconnended for lhe hand lhal is
hoIding lhe veIding lorch. When high anperages
are enpIoyed a cIean, snoolh Iealher gIove can aIso
le used lo feed lhe fiIIer vire. True Iinl-free gIoves
can le expensive and difficuIl lo vork in. Lov-Iinl
gIoves are nornaIIy adequale and alsorl lody
noislure and oiIs leller. Hovever, never lurn lhe
gIoves inside oul vhen renoved in order lo reuse
lhen. This gIove surface nay appear cIean, lul viII
have leen conlaninaled fron conlacl vilh lhe skin.
PreweId CIeaning
Il shouId le underslood lhal conlaninanls viII pro-
duce porosily. Connon conlaninanls nornaIIy en-
counlered are oxides, valer slains, dirl, oiI, grease,
painl, fingerprinls, penciI or ink narks, Iinl, and
olher foreign naleriaIs. Anodizing and olher sur-
face proleclions can produce conlaninanls loo.
Sonelines you can veId over lhese conlaninanls
and gel avay vilh il lul nosl lines you cannol. Il
is nol aIvays consislenl. Hovever, cIean condilions
vilh good veIding paranelers viII produce cIean
veIds on veIdalIe aIIoys. The enlrapnenl of con-
laninanls in lhe noIlen veId puddIe causes lhe
conlaninanls lo oul-gas or lecone incIusions. The
oul-gassing is lhen enlrapped vilhin lhe soIidify-
ing veId nelaI crealing gas pockels (porosily). Io-
rosily is a void, vhich reduces lhe cross-seclionaI
area of lhe veIdnenl.
The purpose of preveId cIeaning is lo prevenl po-
rosily and Iack of fusion. One cause of Iack of fusion
on aIuninun is conlaninalion prevenling lhe noI-
len veId fron aIIoying vilh lhe parenl nelaI or lhe
previousIy soIidified veId nelaI. The conlanina-
lion can acl as a loundary nenlrane prevenling
aIIoying. Lack of fusion is siniIar lo a nan-nade
crack vhich is suljecl lo propagalion (groving)
under lhernaI or nechanicaI slress condilions.
AIuninun oxides neIl al 36OOI, as conpared lo
12OOI nax. for lhe parenl nelaI. Therefore ralher
lhan neIling, lhey lecone incIusions lo prevenl fu-
sion. Oul-gassing of lhese incIusions can aIso pro-
duce porosily.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
AWS PracticaI Reference Guide 3
MaleriaIs lo le veIded shouId le free fron oiIs and
grease in lhe veId zone prior lo oxide renovaI. If
oiI or grease is presenl prior lo chenicaI oxide re-
novaI, lhorough uniforn cIeaning nay le inhil-
ChenicaI deoxidizing is reconnended vhenever
praclicaI. When renoving sheels fron lhe cIeaning
lanks, lhe edge lo le veIded shouId le lhe lop edge
or a dry air lIasl shouId le incorporaled lo avoid a
noisl luiIdup aIong lhe lollon edge fron lhe
drainage. CIeaned parls shouId le prolecled fron
airlorne conlaninalion. A nininun proleclion
couId le covering vilh cIean acid-free paper or
pIaslic. CIeaned parls shouId le handIed vilh cIean
Iinl-free or Iov-Iinl gIoves. Iingerprinls can inparl
oiI and/or acids lack onlo lhe cIeaned surfaces.
The uIlinale in preveId cIeaning is surface nelaI
renovaI lo virgin nelaI jusl prior lo veIding. A
duIIish surface condilion of lhe veId zones such as
lhe nalle finish ollained ly chenicaI deoxidizing
is ideaI. This viII reveaI lhe noscraped nalle finish
areas conlrasling vilhin lhe cIean shiny scraped
areas. UliIizing a cIean, sharp scraping lIade such
as a lhree-corner scraper, renove lhe surface nale-
riaI (approxinaleIy O.OO15 in.) ly scraping in one
direclion crealing fine shavings. Do nol scrape lack
and forlh as lhis nay snear lhe surface, lherely en-
lrapping oxides. A forvard scraping nolion viII
cul, vhereas dragging lhe culling edge lackvards
viII lend lo lurnish lhe surface. The lesl lechnique
is lo shave lhe surface using lhe culling edge of a
scraper vilh a forvard nolion vhiIe lhe lack edge
of lhe scraper is sIighlIy raised so as nol lo drag on
lhe pIale. Lifl lhe scraper and reposilion for lhe nexl
shaving nolion. See Iigures 1, 2, and 8.
As shovn in Iigure 2, scraping is laking pIace fron
righl lo Iefl. Nole lhe Iefl culling edge of lhe scraper
in conlacl vilh lhe pIale. AIso nole lhe shiny
scraped virgin naleriaI surface in conlrasl vilh lhe
nalle chenicaIIy cIeaned surface. Scrape lhe lop
and lollon surfaces lo a nininun of 1/2 in. fron
anlicipaled veId edge. See Iigure 3.
Scrape or drav fiIe (rool face). See Iigure 4.
Figure 1. Position of the scraper to the aIuminum materiaI being scraped for preweId cIeaning preparation.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
4 AWS PracticaI Reference Guide
Figure 2. AIuminum pIate being manuaIIy scraped for preweId cIeaning preparation.
Figure 3. WeId zone area to be cIeaned by scraping and/or draw fiIing of each detaiI to be weIded.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
AWS PracticaI Reference Guide 5
As shovn in Iigure 4, lhe fiIe is dravn lovards lhe
operalor fron righl lo Iefl. The fiIe is heId fIal
againsl lhe rool face as il is dravn. As in scraping,
lhe fiIe is dravn in lhe culling direclion onIy. Afler
each slroke il is lhen Iifled fron lhe aIuninun sur-
face and reposilioned for lhe nexl slroke.
Renove lhe lurr crealed ly scraping and/or drav
fiIing al lhe lransilion of lop and lollon surfaces lo
lhe rool face ly IighlIy scraping lo cul off lhe lurr.
The renovaI of lhis lurr is crilicaI, as il lends lo le
oxide rich due lo lhinness. See Iigure 5.
The lase of pock narks, pils, and scralches viII
shov as nonscraped areas and nusl le renoved ly
scraping. Side arlificiaI Iighl refIeclion viII enhance
lhe conlrasl. See Iigures 6 and 7.
In Iigure 6, nole lhe conlrasl of lhe nalle finish in-
denlalions vilh lhe shiny scraped surface. These
nonscraped indenlalions are polenliaI sources of
conlaninalion. AIso nole lhe fine shavings on lhe
surface lovards lhe Iefl of lhe parliaIIy scraped area
as a resuIl of scraping.
As shovn in Iigure 7, lhe lases of lhe indenlalions
are polenliaI oxide and dirl sources. They shouId le
scraped cIean.
AII looIs louching lhe veId zone, incIuding scrap-
ers, fiIes, and neasuring scaIes, shouId le kepl
cIean fron oxides, oiIs, fingerprinls, elc. CIean Iinl-
free or Iov-Iinl gIoves shouId le used vhen louch-
ing cIeaned veId zones.
Draw FiIing
Sharp singIe-cul fiIes nay le used in pIace of scrap-
ing for rool faces and leveIs. Lach culling edge of
lhe fiIe acls as a scraping lIade. See Iigures 4 and 8.
The proper drav fiIing nelhod is lo hoId lhe fiIe
fIal on lhe surface lo le cIeaned. Drav lhe fiIe lo
you. Lifl lhe fiIe and nove il forvard vilhoul cul-
ling. IIace il fIal on lhe surface and drav il lo you
again. Repeal unliI lhe nonfiIed nalle finish areas
are renoved (see Iigure 4). Do nol fiIe vilh a lack-
and-forlh nolion as lhis nay lurnish lhe surface
and creale dirl lraps. AII looIs louching lhe veId
zone, incIuding scrapers, fiIes and neasuring
scaIes, shouId le kepl cIean fron oxides, oiIs, finger-
prinls, elc. CIean Iinl-free or Iov-Iinl gIoves shouId
le used vhen louching cIeaned veId zones.
Figure 4. Draw fiIing of the weId prep root face.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
6 AWS PracticaI Reference Guide
Figure 5. TypicaI burr-prone areas as the resuIt of scraping and/or draw fiIing.
Figure 6. Gouges and Indentations in the weId zone being scraped.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
AWS PracticaI Reference Guide 7
Dry Machining
Dry nachining vilh sharp looI lils, avoiding gaIIing
and challering (vilraling), has al lines proven salis-
faclory for veIding. Hovever, handIing precaulions
and lurr renovaI descriled under 'HR[LGL]LQJ and
6.UDSLQJ shouId sliII le foIIoved.
Wire Brushing
Wire lrushing is nol reconnended for preveId
cIeaning aIuninun for high-quaIily DCLN CTA
veIds. UnIess a Iighl pressure is appIied, rolary
vire lrushes lend lo snear lhe naleriaI lherely
covering over lhe conlaninalion ralher lhan re-
noving il. Hand vire lrushing lends lo scralch lhe
surface lul lhe conlaninanls renain on and/or in
lhe raised peaks.
Lapsed Time Between PreweId CIeaning
and WeIding
Tine lelveen cIeaning and veIding is crilicaI for
high-quaIily veIding, as oxides innedialeIy legin
re-forning afler oxide renovaI. Sloring cIeaned
parls in inerl gas or vacuun can exlend safe line
duralion. OnIy line inlervaIs oulside of lhe inerl
gas or vacuun condilions are counled. Recon-
nended line inlervaIs are:
(1) CIean shop environnenl~one vork shifl
(2) LnvironnenlaIIy conlroIIed roon~5O naxi-
nun reIalive hunidily, 24 hours
Lapsed line lelveen preveId cIeaning and veId-
ing can le eslalIished ly lriaI and error for given
condilions. Radiographic inspeclion of lesl veId-
nenls exposed al varying lines prior lo veIding
and evaIualed for porosily is a good vay of eslal-
Figure 7. Cross section through typicaI surface indentations.
Figure 8. TypicaI tooIs used for preweId cIeaning: 3-corner manuaI scraping tooI, 18-8 stainIess steeI
manuaI wire brush, and fIat singIe-cut fiIe.
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8 AWS PracticaI Reference Guide
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
Iishing lhe naxinun line inlervaIs prior lo re-
cIeaning. The naxinun porosily acceplalIe for lhis
evaIualion shouId le sonevhal Iess lhan lhe pro-
duclion lorderIine acceplance slandard. When lhe
naxinun line is seIecled lased on lhese resuIls,
lhe lesls shouId le repealed using lhis seIecled line
exposure for a nunler of veIdnenls lo eslalIish
confidence. Surface oxide under nornaI condilions
is approxinaleIy 5O angslrons in deplh, lhis forns
rapidIy afler nelaI is renoved in air or valer. If
praclicaI, lhe line lelveen oxide renovaI and
veIding shouId le as shorl as possilIe, preferalIy
six hours or Iess.
WeId TooIing
TooIing naleriaIs vilhin 6 in. of direcl currenl (DC)
veIding arcs and eIeclron leans shouId le nade
fron nonnagnelic naleriaIs such as auslenilic
slainIess sleeIs, aIuninun aIIoys, copper, and nosl
nickeI-lased aIIoys. This incIudes lackup lars,
hoId-dovn lars and fingers, cIanps, springs,
screvs, loIls, vashers, and nuls. The nagnelic na-
leriaIs nay cause arc or lean dislorlion. Hard
chrone pIaling of copper vhen used for lackup
lars viII prevenl copper conlaninalion, proIong
lackup lar Iife, and ease cIeanIiness nainlenance.
WeId looIing, incIuding gauges and neasuring de-
vices, shaII le kepl cIean fron oxides, dirl, oiI,
grease, painl, fingerprinls, penciI or ink narks, Iinl
and olher foreign naleriaIs vhere lhey nake con-
lacl vilh lhe veId zone.
Backup lar gas purge hoIes shouId le cIeaned vilh
a shop vacuun cIeaner lo renove dirl and sool
ralher lhan lIoving vilh an air hose. The vacuun
lips coning in conlacl vilh lhe veId zone shouId
le falricaled fron 18-8 slainIess sleeI and kepl
cIean. Air hoses can lIov dirl inlo lhe purge hoIes
and olher crevices causing conlaninalion for lhe
veId. If lhe air is nol dry, noislure and oiI conlani-
nanls can aIso occur.
AIuninun has high lhernaI conduclivily vhich
lends lo nake penelralion nore difficuIl. A con-
non looIing naleriaI conlinalion lo nininize lhis
prolIen is copper hoId-dovn lars or fingers vilh
auslenilic slainIess sleeI lackup lars. The copper
on lhe arc side lends lo drav avay lhe surface heal
lherely nininizing lhe veId vidlh. The auslenilic
slainIess sleeI on lhe penelralion side has poor lher-
naI conduclivily lherely nol draving lhe heal
avay fron lhe veId penelralion vhiIe lhe higher
neIling poinl of lhe slainIess sleeI viII supporl lhe
noIlen aIuninun during soIidificalion. The cop-
per, vhich has a neIling poinl of 1981I, nay le
supporled ly aIuninun in order lo conserve
veighl and cosl, lul lhe aIuninun shouId nol le
aIIoved lo louch lhe noIlen veId puddIe as fusion
of lhe looIing and veId nay occur.
Loose, fIaking painl over and around lhe veId zone
is a connon cause of conlaninalion. TypicaI exan-
pIes are slrucluraI sleeI looIing and slalion nen-
lers, incIuding side lean carriages and veId
equipnenl peripheraI supporls.
WeId looIing and slalions shouId le kepl cIean ly
renoving lhe dirl and delris vilh shop vacuun
cIeaners ralher lhan lIoving il around vilh air
WeId looIing shouId le designed lo avoid or al
Ieasl nininize lack veIds vhenever possilIe. IIace
lack veIds in areas lo le discarded vhen possilIe.
Lach lack veId has a slarl and a slop area, lolh of
vhich lend lo le defecl prone.
WeIding Environment
Whenever possilIe, aIuninun veIding (incIuding
lhe finaI preveId scraping and assenlIy for veId-
ing) shouId le perforned in an encIosed environ-
nenl vilh conlroI of hunidily and parlicuIale
naller. Machining vilh oiI nisls, elc., shouId nol le
perforned in lhis area. IdeaIIy veIding nachines,
punps, vacuuns, and olher sources of poIIulanls
shouId le inserled vilhin or lhrough lhe vaIIs so
lhal lhe exhausl is expeIIed oulside of lhe encIo-
sure. AII looIs, fixlures, parls, and olher naleriaIs
shouId le cIean prior lo enlering lhis environnenl.
Air hoses shouId nol le used for cIeaning. Delris
shouId le renoved ly shop vacuuns or nops. Vac-
uun lag allachnenls lo air hoses, vhiIe coIIecling
delris, spread nuch dusl and fine parlicuIale nal-
ler. Renove lhe dirl ralher lhan spreading il.
Access lo lhe encIosed aIuninun veIding area
shouId le Iiniled lo lhose vho have received lrain-
ing and/or inslruclion in lhe cIeanIiness and vork
halils required in nainlaining lhis area. This
shouId incIude~lul nol le Iiniled lo~veIders,
nechanics, inspeclors, and supervisors. Thinking
cIean and vorking cIean increases quaIily.
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AWS PracticaI Reference Guide 9
Irehealing of aIuninun is nol reconnended and
shouId le avoided. In lhe earIy days of veIding
aIuninun vilh lhe oxyfueI gas veIding (OIW)
processes or inefficienl veIding reclifiers, preheal-
ing vas enpIoyed lo overcone lhe lhernaI con-
duclivily prolIens. Torch prehealing lends lo
creale conlaninalion. AIuninun does nol change
coIor vhen healed. This nakes il difficuIl nol lo
overheal and degrade lhe aIIoys. The precipilalion
hardening nechanisn on heal-lrealalIe aIIoys can
legin al 25OI.
Irehealing Iarge seclions is neilher praclicaI nor
necessary. SeIecl pover sources vilh sufficienl
pover for lhe jol. Higher iniliaI heal inpul aIIoving
higher lraveI speeds viII resuIl in Iover }ouIes per
inch and higher veId properlies.
WeIding-Inert Gas
%D.NXS *DV~Ior nechanized veIding uliIizing a
voIlage or arc Ienglh conlroI device syslen
shouId le of lhe sane inerl gas lype or inerl gas
nixlure as leing enpIoyed on lhe lorch side. Ion-
izalion of lhe gas affecls lhe arc gap. Al a given
voIlage lhe arc gap viII vary as lhe inerl gas nix-
lure varies. If a dissiniIar gas conlinalion Ieaks
lhrough a joinl gap il can vary lhe arc gap as lhe
voIlage or arc Ienglh conlroI device lries lo nain-
lain a conslanl voIlage ly adjusling lhe arc gap.
Backup shieIding gas shouId le sufficienl lo dis-
pIace lhe anlienl air lul nol sufficienl lo cause
suck-lack (concavily of lhe rool surface) or vorn
hoIes (piping porosily).
7RU.K 6KLHOGLQJ *DV~Inerl gas Iines and connec-
lions shouId le Ieak lighl. Leak lighlness shouId le
eslalIished al lhe leginning of each vork shifl. Six
sinpIe sleps lo acconpIish lhis are as foIIovs:
(1) Turn lhe gas fIov neler dovn lo approxinaleIy
5 lo 1O CIH.
(2) Adjusl anperage lo zero or Iovesl selling.
(3) Wilhdrav lungslen eIeclrode lo vilhin lhe
lorch gas cup or renove lhe lungslen.
(4) Slop up end of gas cup vilh finger or olher
(5) Iniliale inerl gas fIov.
(6) IIov neler laII shouId drop lo zero and renain
sleady. If lhis happens lhere are no gas Ieaks le-
lveen lhe gas suppIy and lhe end of lhe cup. If lhe
laII does nol lollon oul and renain sleady a Ieak
is indicaled. Iind and correcl Ieak. Repeal Ieak lesl.
ShieIding gas purily for producing crilicaI veIds
shouId le 99.998 or leller. Increasing lhe purily
IeveI fron lhe parls-per-niIIion range lo lhe parls-
per-liIIion range viII have a direcl effecl on lolh
lhe porosily and lhe nechanicaI properlies.
UliIizalion of a lorch gas Iens is reconnended as
lhe Ianinar fIov provides leller gas coverage and
nininizes air conlaninalion. This is parlicuIarIy
inporlanl vhen lungslen eIeclrode exlensions ex-
ceed 1/4 in. leyond lhe gas cup.
When uliIizing lhe CTAW process in lhe DCLN
node, lhe foIIoving is reconnended:
(1) Use 1OO heIiun. In lhe pasl, a snaII anounl of
argon vas added lo heIp iniliale lhe arc. This is no
Ionger necessary vilh nodern pover sources. The
addilion of argon vilh lhis process viII frequenlIy
increase lhe porosily IeveI.
(2) Higher lhan nornaI gas fIov rales are leneficiaI
vilh lhe CTAW (DCLN) process. Reconnended
fIov rales are 1O CIH lines lhe cup size. LxanpIes
are 8O CIH vilh a nunler 8 cup and 1OO-13O CIH
vilh a nunler 1O cup. The lenefils lend lo le lorch
side surface cooIing vhich narrovs lhe veId on lhe
lorch side vhiIe nol decreasing lhe penelralion and
consequenlIy a cIeaner veId.
(3) Use a voIlage or arc Ienglh conlroI device con-
nonIy referred lo as Arc VoIlage ConlroI or
AVC. This is a voIlage feedlack syslen lhal nea-
sures lhe acluaI arc voIlage and conpares il lo lhe
presel arc voIlage. If lhe acluaI voIlage is higher
lhan lhe presel, lhe lorch viII le noved lovards
lhe vork, lherely Iovering lhe voIlage. Likevise, if
lhe acluaI voIlage is Iover, il viII raise lhe lorch,
lherely increasing lhe arc gap (Ienglh). Arc gap or
Ienglh delernines lhe arc voIlage, so lhal ly con-
lroIIing arc voIlage lhe arc gap is conlroIIed.
WeIding-Tungsten EIectrodes
Tungslen eIeclrode aIIoy and ils shape are crilicaI
on nechanized veIding and shouId nol vary for
given veId paranelers.
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Provided by IHS under license with AWS
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10 AWS PracticaI Reference Guide
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
Ior CTAW (DCLN), 2 lhoria lungslen eIeclrodes
are reconnended. Ior Ionger lungslen eIeclrode
Iife in nainlaining shape parlicuIarIy for veIds of
Iong duralion rare-earlh lungslen eIeclrodes shouId
le considered. Crinding lhe lungslen lo a Iong
laper and sharp poinl is nol reconnended for lhis
process, as lhe poinl lends lo lreak off or erode on
Iong veIds. TypicaIIy, a lruncaled cone shape is
preferred vilh a 1/16 in. dia. fIal for 3/32 in. and
1/8 in. dia. 2 lhoria lungslen eIeclrodes.
Ior CTAW (AC) pure lungslen or zirconialed lung-
slen eIeclrodes and sone rare-earlh lungslen eIec-
lrodes are reconnended. The lungslen for AC
veIding shouId le prelaIIed on scrap nelaI prior lo
veIding al an anperage higher lhan lhal inlended
for lhe veIding anperage. A copper lIock is good
for lhis purpose.
WeIding-FiIIer Wire
IiIIer vire or rod shouId le a high-quaIily, herneli-
caIIy seaIed producl in accordance vilh AWS A5.1O
and AWS A5.O1 docunenls. SpooIed eIeclrode gen-
eraIIy possesses lhe highesl quaIily for use as nan-
uaIIy fed rod.
Lach conlainer of fiIIer vire or rod lo le used for
X-ray quaIily veIding nay le verified for cIeanIi-
ness as foIIovs:
(1) Ollain a lesl pIale approxinaleIy 1/16 in. lo
1/8 in. lhick of lhe aIIoy lo le veIded.
(2) CIean an area for veIding approxinaleIy 1 in.
vide ly 6 in. Iong ly scraping on one side.
(3) WeId a lead-on-pIale al Ieasl 4 in. Iong vilh-
oul slopping. UliIize naxinun cIeanIiness condi-
lions. The lead-on-pIale shouId le a high lead lo
vidlh ralio vilhoul penelralion lhrough lhe lack-
side. This viII provide naxinun deposiled veId
nelaI vilh nininun lase nelaI and exlernaI con-
laninalion. The oljecl is lo evaIuale lhe deposiled
veId nelaI and nol lhe lase nelaI. See Iigure 9.
When referring lo Iigure 9, nole lhe foIIoving:
- Top surface of lhe pIale is scraped.
- WeId deposil is vilhin lhe scraped area.
- There is high veId nelaI deposil alove lhe sur-
face of lhe pIale.
Figure 9. Etched macro cross section of a bead-on-pIate weId on 1/4 in. thick aIuminum pIate.
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High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
AWS PracticaI Reference Guide 11
- There us no penelralion lhrough lhe lackside of
lhe pIale lhus nininizing possilIe conlanina-
(4) X-ray lhe veId. Discounl lhe slop and slarl ar-
eas. If lhe veId is free fron porosily lhe fiIIer vire
or rod is deened cIean.
CIeaned fiIIer vire shouId le prolecled fron con-
laninalion vhen nol in use. SuilalIe nelhods are:
(1) Cover and prolecl vilh an inerl gas. Dry nilro-
gen is inerl al roon lenperalure and is jusl as effec-
live as argon or heIiun for lhis purpose, and il is
Iess expensive.
(2) Slore in a vacuun.
(3) Vacuun pack and hernelicaIIy seaI.
(4) Slore in hunidily-conlroIIed calinel. A naxi-
nun hunidily of 35 is reconnended.
(5) When a spooI of vire is lo renain on lhe veId-
ing equipnenl, lhe vire spooI cover can le purged
vilh an inerl gas such as dry nilrogen al a posilive
pressure and le kepl cIean indefinileIy.
Seclions of cIean fiIIer vire or rod lo le consuned
ly veIding shouId nol le louched ly lare hands or
olher sources of conlaninalion.
SeIection of FiIIer Wire or Rod Diameter
Mosl veIding fiIIer aIIoys are nelaIIurgicaIIy cIean.
The conlaninanls are nornaIIy on lhe surface. A
Iarger dianeler of vire viII have Iess surface area
lhan a snaIIer dianeler for a given voIune of de-
posiled veId nelaI. Therefore a Iarger dianeler
viII have polenliaIIy Iess surface conlaninanls. Se-
Iecl lhe Iargesl dianeler praclicaI. Larger dianelers
are aIso easier lo feed ly pushing. Hovever, do nol
seIecl a dianeler lhal increases lhe heal require-
nenl leyond lhal suilalIe for lhe parenl nelaI.
Sone consideralions for dianeler seIeclion are:
(1) ManuaIIy feeding of fiIIer rod for CTAW is dif-
ficuIl vilh snaII dianelers such as O.O2O in. lo
O.O45 in., and lhere is lhe increased polenliaI of
vire surface conlaninanls. Too Iarge of a dianeler
viII chiII lhe veId pooI and require nore heal lhan
(2) Sone exanpIes for nechanized CTAW are:
(a) When lull veIding naleriaI lhickness of
O.O5O in. up lo approxinaleIy O.125 in., 1/16 in. di-
aneler spooIed fiIIer vire vorks veII.
(l) Ior lhickness alove O.125 in., 3/32 in. dianeler
fiIIer vire shouId le considered.
(3) Iush/puII vire feed unils shouId le considered
vilh CMAW, parlicuIarIy vilh vire dianelers of
O.O45 in. and snaIIer.
WeIding Tips
- When Ioading preveId cIeaned delaiIs or as-
senlIies inlo veIding fixlures, care shouId le
exercised lo avoid conlaninalion of lhe veId
zone. Ior exanpIe, do nol aIIov lhe cIean veId
edge lo scrape lhe copper hoId dovn lars or fin-
gers. CIean Iinl-free or Iov-Iinl gIoves shouId le
used vhen louching veId zones.
- }usl prior lo veIding il is reconnended lo vac-
uun lhe veId zone vilh a shop vacuun cIeaner
filled vilh a cIean slainIess sleeI lip. Do nol cIean
ly lIoving air. Besides polenliaI conlaninalion
fron lhe air, lhe forced air has lhe lendency lo
push conlaninanls inlo crevices or open joinls.
- Tack veIds shouId le nininized. Lach lack
veId adds an addilionaI slarl and slop area lo
lhe finaI veId. Slarls and slops are prone lo de-
fecls. On a IongiludinaI lull veId in a veId fix-
lure providing hoId-dovn cIanping reslrainls,
lacking al lhe slop area lends lo prevenl lhe joinl
gap fron opening during veIding. Il is nol nor-
naIIy necessary lo lack al lhe slarl area as lhe
slarl acls as a lack.
- Runoff veId lals for slarling and slopping lull
veIds shouId le uliIized vhenever possilIe. The
lal naleriaI shouId le luiIl inlo lhe delaiIs and
nay le renoved afler conpIelion of lhe veId. If
lhis is nol possilIe, lals nay le added lo lhe
delaiIs ly veIding vilh lhe sane quaIily pro-
cedures as lhe finaI veId. This viII provide a
uniforn lhernaI lransfer nininizing lurn lacks
and hoIes al lhe lal-lo-parl inlerseclions. See
Iigure 1O.
- IdeaIIy, run-on/runoff veId lal naleriaI is pro-
vided as excess naleriaI on lhe delaiIs prior lo
veIding as shovn in Iigure 1O(A). When lhis is
nol praclicaI, veId lals can le added as shovn
in Iigures 1O(B)-(L). Renenler lhe foIIoving:
~IreveId cIeaning, scraping, and veId quaIily
shouId le siniIar lo lhal of lhe produclion parl.
~Tal veIds shouId le lerninaled on lhe lals.
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Provided by IHS under license with AWS
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12 AWS PracticaI Reference Guide
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
~Tal veIds shouId have fuII penelralion if re-
quired on lhe produclion veId.
~Lxcess lal veId nelaI reinforcenenl shouId le
fIushed lo lhe delaiI surface so as nol lo inlerfere
vilh produclion looIing and lo provide uniforn
lhernaI lransfer.
~WeId lals shouId nol le renoved unliI afler lhe
produclion veId is accepled.
- Sool renovaI fron lack veIds nay le accon-
pIished uliIizing an 18-8 cIean slainIess sleeI vire
lrush (see Iigure 8). The lrushing shouId le per-
forned nanuaIIy. Do nol use rolary lrushing.
The lechnique is crilicaI. The slainIess sleeI
lipped vacuun shouId le used vhiIe lrushing.
ManuaIIy lrush fron lhe leginning or end of lhe
lack lovards lhe cenler of lhe lack veId and vac-
uun lip, avoiding pushing lhe snul or dirl inlo
lhe open joinl. See Iigure 11.
Figure 10. Start and stop run-on and runoff weId tabs.
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Provided by IHS under license with AWS
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High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
AWS PracticaI Reference Guide 13
- As shovn in Iigure 11, nole lhal Iighl lrushing
is lovards a vacuun vilh a slainIess sleeI lip lo
nininize enlrapnenl inlo lhe open joinl.
- WeId lraveI shouId le deIayed unliI lhe desired
penelralion and surface veId vidlh is achieved.
Slarl dianelers shouId nol exceed lhe veId lead
vidlh. The currenl sIope line of lhe anperage lo
veIding currenl shouId le shorl. When fiIIer
aIIoy is enpIoyed il shouId le fed inlo lhe Iead-
ing edge of lhe veId pooI and kepl vilhin lhe
shieIding of lhe lorch gas.
When lerninaling lhe veId, lhe noIlen pooI
shouId le soIidified prior lo lerninaling lhe arc.
When uliIizing a voIlage or arc Ienglh device lhis
can le done in one of lvo vays:
(1) Using a running slop ly decreasing lhe an-
perage and fiIIer aIIoy vhen used vhiIe lraveIing.
In nechanized veIding lhe voIlage vouId le grad-
uaIIy increased as lhe anperage is decreasing lo
avoid lungslen eIeclrode conlacl vilh lhe soIidify-
ing veId nelaI. Anolher vay is lo Iock oul lhe
voIlage or arc Ienglh device during lhe dovn-
sIope cycIe prevenling cIosing of lhe arc gap. This is
siniIar lo vhal is acconpIished vhen a voIlage or
arc Ienglh device is nol enpIoyed.
(2) Using a slanding slop, vhich is slopping lhe
veId lraveI vhiIe sIoping dovn lhe anperage and
fiIIer aIIoy, vhen fiIIer vire is used, and increasing
lhe voIlage unliI soIidificalion. This nelhod, vhen
using fiIIer vire, aIIovs an excessiveIy high veId
Figure 11. Method of utiIizing an 18-8 stainIess steeI manuaI wire brush to remove soot and other
debris from the surface of an open weId joint.
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14 AWS PracticaI Reference Guide
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
nelaI luiId up al lhe lerninalion avoiding veId
cralers. Conlaninanls fIoaling in lhe noIlen veId
pooI viII rise lo lhe lop of lhis nound. The en-
lrapped conlaninanls can lhen le renoved vhen
lhis slop area is nechanicaIIy fIushed lo lhe heighl
of lhe veId lead.
- Lxlinguishing lhe arc al veIding currenl viII re-
suIl in cralers and craler cracks. When coId vire
feed is used lhe vire feed speed shouId le dovn
sIoped vhiIe doing lhe sane vilh lhe currenl,
lul slopped prior lo finaI soIidificalion of lhe
veId puddIe lo prevenl freezing lhe vire in lhe
soIidified veId. Al veId arc lerninalion lhe
veIding lorch shouId renain over lhe slop area
during soIidificalion vilh sufficienl posl fIov
gas line lo aIIov lhe eIeclrode lo cooI dovn
vilhin lhe proleclion of lhe gas shieId. If lhe
lungslen eIeclrode is discoIored il nay le due lo
insufficienl posl fIov line.
WeId Pass Tips
If lhe veId segnenl is inlerrupled for any reason,
inspecl and correcl defecls ralher lhan veIding
over lhen. Craler cracks, coId Iaps, porosily elc.
shouId le nechanicaIIy renoved. CIean, coarse car-
lide rolary lils vilhoul Iulricanls are frequenlIy
used for lhis operalion. WeIding over craler cracks
viII lend lo propagale lhen deeper. WeIding over
porosily viII lend lo grov and spread lhe porosily.
WeIding over coId Iaps nay resuIl in inlernaI Iack
of fusion. CIeanIiness precaulions descriled for lack
veIds shouId le uliIized vhiIe renoving defecls.
Irior lo veIding nuIlipIe passes, each pass shouId
le visuaIIy inspecled for defecls. Mosl lines lhis is
easier done prior lo vire lrushing vhich nay lend
lo nask defecls. Surface sool deposils nay highIighl
queslionalIe areas vorlhy of furlher evaIualion.
Defecls shouId le correcled prior lo lhe sulsequenl
veId pass.
Liquid penelranl is nol reconnended for inlerpass
veId inspeclion as lhe penelranl and/or deveIoper
nay le enlrapped in acceplalIe indicalions and
provide a source of conlaninalion for lhe sulsequenl
veId pass.
Alrupl changes in veId lead heighl such as lhe ler-
ninalion of a veId lead over a previous veId pass
shouId le sIoped ly grinding vilh a cIean rouler
and vacuuned prior lo conlinuing lhe veId pass.
This viII aIIov for good fusion.
Afler inspeclion a Iighl nanuaI vire lrushing nay
le done foIIoved ly vacuuning uliIizing a slain-
Iess sleeI lip. Lighl lrushing shouId le sufficienl lo
renove sool and surface parlicIes, lul nol sufficienl
lo cause gaIIing of lhe surface and possilIy enlrap-
nenl of conlaninanls.
When veaving lhe veId on lhick seclions, lhe veId
shouId dveII on each sidevaII lefore veaving lo
lhe olher side. This is lo insure penelralion inlo lhe
side and nininize a coId Iap or lraze effecl. This
lechnique viII nornaIIy inprove ducliIily.
After WeIding
VisuaI exaninalion of lhe arc side and penelralion
side of lhe veIds prior lo vire lrushing frequenlIy
reveaIs queslionalIe areas vorlhy of furlher evaIu-
alion vhich is nade easier ly lhe as-veIded con-
lrasl of lhe surface. UliIizing a nagnifying gIass of 3
lo 4X pover for visuaI exaninalion has a lvo-foId
purpose. Aside fron lhe nagnificalion lenefils, lhe
nagnifier concenlrales your vieving area. VisuaI
exaninalion shouId le perforned again afler vire
Surface disconlinuilies shouId le correcled prior lo
sulnilling lhe veIdnenl for inspeclion. WeId pen-
elralion soIidificalion pallerns nay le inlerpreled
ly radiographic, uIlrasonic, or Iiquid penelranl in-
speclions as rejeclalIe indicalions. IrequenlIy lhey
nay le confined vilhin lhe excess veId nelaI of
lhe penelralion. UnIess olhervise specified lhe ex-
cess veId penelralion can le shaved lo vilhin fIush
of lhe parenl nelaI lo renove lhese indicalions.
This is aIso lrue of lhe arc-side surface.
When inlernaI nondeslruclive exaninalion such as
radiographic or uIlrasonic lesling is lo le per-
forned as veII as a Iiquid penelranl or pressure
lesling, lhe foIIoving is reconnended:
(1) Iirsl perforn lhe inlernaI nondeslruclive exan-
inalion, such as radiographic or uIlrasonic.
(2) Make any necessary repairs and nondeslruclive
exanine lhe repaired areas prior lo lhe Iiquid pene-
lranl and/or pressure lesls. This is done lo nini-
nize conlaninalion of enlrapnenls fron lhe Iiquid
penelranl and/or pressure lesls. These enlrapnenls
couId le conlained in acceplalIe surface disconlinu-
ilies, nol jusl rejeclalIe indicalions.
(3) Ierforn Iiquid penelranl and/or pressure lesls
as required.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
AWS PracticaI Reference Guide 15
(4) If reveIding is required, relesl as per lhe origi-
naI requirenenls. LxanpIe, if a radiographic evaIu-
alion vas originaIIy required, reradiograph lhe
repaired area. If Iiquid penelranl evaIualion vas
originaIIy required, reuse a Iiquid penelranl lesl on
lhe repaired area.
When runoff lals are uliIized for lull veIds lhal
viII le suljecled lo radiographic or uIlrasonic evaI-
ualion, il is desiralIe lo nol renove lhese lals unliI
lhese resuIls are salisfaclory. Hovever, lhe lals
shouId le renoved prior lo Iiquid penelranl
and/or pressure lesling.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
High-QuaIity Fusion WeIding of AIuminum
16 AWS PracticaI Reference Guide
Other PubIications AvaiIabIe from AWS
}WL }effersons WeIding LncycIopedia
B2.1 Specificalion for WeIding Irocedure and Ierfornance QuaIificalion
B1.11 Cuide for lhe VisuaI Lxaninalion of WeIds
B1.1O Cuide for lhe Nondeslruclive Lxaninalion of WeIds
A3.O Slandard WeIding Terns and Definilions
A2.4 Slandard SynloIs for WeIding, Brazing, and Nondeslruclive Lxaninalion
WM1.4 WeIding MelaIIurgy
IHB-8 Lveryday Iockel Handlook for Cas MelaI Arc WeIding of AIuninun
C3.7 Specificalion for AIuninun Brazing
A5.3, A5.1O, A5.31 IiIIer MelaI Specificalions
D1.2 SlrucluraI WeIding Code~AIuninun
Ior ordering infornalion, conlacl CIolaI Lngineering Docunenls, An Infornalion HandIing Services Croup
Conpany, 15 Inverness Way Lasl, LngIevood, CoIorado 8O112-5776. TeIephones: (8OO) 854-7179, (3O3) 397-7956,
IAX (3O3) 397-274O, L-MaiI: gIolaIihs.con, Inlernel: vvv.gIolaI.ihs.con.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

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