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P .. tri cl. Chappell
Mark Lloyd
wIth Class AudIO CD
Patricia Chapp('11
Mark Lloyd
Ric"mond Pubhl"ing
41" floor
26-28 H,,, .. rnelSlflllh GrI)'<C
".- Wn 78.A
Convnisslonlng [dltor: MjUf\Cw Ourry
o.velopment [ dltor: Graham .."'1t
Copy Editors; Sh(olld Dlgn.n, Klfl'n Whltl'
Proolrl'lIlIl'r: Sue lig"tloot
Des ign and laYOI.It: KUllru<ki
Covel desigo; AquedL>(t, LOndon
PIlot o rcsurc" ; M;)gII.lliO.l M.lyo
Audia rccord,no: Ruben Pfodu( t ion) , Inc, NYC
Le .. ,,1 consul tln o .nd coPyrl9ht clearanc, : Ruz L.,.al.
Publisher aeknowl ed9fm, nls:
The WOll in Itk f to IMnk t hl'
r!)l rU'dtli'lCk which ha5 mJde
KET lor SCfl oois pOlriible.
Elildbeth (IKk (I t aly), Gert rude Bader (UnivClwd
TC(nologiCJ de IJ M. xicol. 80nilla
(COlf91O dfl T M...xi,o). Milli.
Con$uelo Vela5Co ((;olomll"I. K,r('n OYCI (M,)dlld.
SpJ,n). Mellsso1 hrnn , .(noi09I(I (It II
Mldeld. Melleo), Ang,eslkil (;uqnaoda<ook IHC
L6dz, Poland), Ha'tlti iThe [ngllm Company.
CoIoo"l>o6)' ",,,,lid Kdlodl'l (A'9"nlir",), Gcibby
M<tQU,fl' I1ntl'rn.1lllOn.1Il S"",n).
Roberla (lllluohon IH. UK). Laura
Renall liSP Dr S.!oenl. linovtfSld V.. lualll' Oud'Ile'S..
ilrqcnl inlO), " ..n.ell'" a (ELC tOdt,
Tile puCliSl\('(S WOUld I,k(' II) llIaflll "II those 1'1 1'10 h.:Ivt'
l)wlt k,nd 10 Iep!'OOL>(l' or <l<Iapt
ItKlI"'i61 to< Ihi. !>wk.
Ev('fy erlorl h.J$ b('Cfl made II) hiKe the hoIdl'rs I)t
COPVtl9ht, bui ll MV (;In be lhe
pubhsMn will be pleased 10 make the necfswly

All righ" Nop.vl 01 booII
bt" ff'(JtorlI1COO. dorl!'d UI;I rei"....., or lorm by.NW .......wIS. "1"<"01'11{.
medl.Jnkofl. pho/I)(Oj)f;"9- IKo<dlnp or
wI/hom file pr>or permISsion ill ""f<f19 01 tl>fl
Pnnted bV PIIQraphic, S ...
J"son r orll, 1I11ol111! Oser. Colon Sl\('lllouln
productions inc.: HICl-iRES MHSS STOCK/ "'bl..Stock
'O.oeMO'''. Contents
Whea do ,.,.. h.noo f'n9Mb? ..look lab?
Whal doeo Ire do?

C... "'" bnng .a..... <b1nb1
' ......."'. Co......., ... III, ""'.._,,
Wy tllln9s IjulgoI.T-&hJr\
on.. IIoGM ""'_[ b ...
Woo lJOIuJ''''Uk
..... JOU ....ty 10 ordof'?
I .....
He ellJo07'l bemg In \)I.
Yoo moglII lone tAo. a
uJOI' WId d>oo __
_.. bo9Irer Ihuo _
___ h'l g<IU'I9 ... ....,.
c""""""' .....
Going ... hoIIHy Wlw ...... doia9 0II1ooraJd.oy?
n.. m.. ... lOG u_ded

Turn 11111 .01 tile fral!ic: bgm.
I thinlt !eChro>Iogr 10
AD ..01')' ____
Student's Book Contents
5peoOI.IllIj I ,," I
L ,(... 1',,,' .
" <lW','
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"po Inog
leninlj , "rl 2
""" 'Ill I
d ,v
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lIe",;hng .w, ,

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41\'1 w,,! PM! 4
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HoI." you been 'bo<n>"
"1>1 rqP...
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1Il"ftd""J Wrt"fIQ Pd,' I
nq i1'Jd Wrlt1r"IQ ,
I think i. great
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hHlth .... ...,

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tIM!. nd 'e....Q
About the KET for Schools examina tion
I(fT for r, "oJ 01 the io(ET (' ...mIMI,,.,,., try Un, 01 Cambf,dl/t [SOL It
is Ihlo I<[T. and has Ih. <.<1m", 1""", ..1ijnCl but on ... rod sit uat,on5 1M!
<'Ire ,)n<l InlNPst,nq 10 sludenh aq@'dh<'twn 11 ... nd 14
SI't' S ",Ill Boo/( lor;) bri",1 01 It,.. t... type$ ,n lIle Ih. [.,:,m
q!Jodp on 68 01 It.. 01 each "urn t<'lSk, illle! !.l,ves slfate(lo('S aM
.ld'<.. "
About Targe' KET for Schools
TiI'9Cf Kl' lor s( oVldl:'S n. vw ft'd to I'It'IP your 5tudenh If)( II)(> IIET lUi Scllool$
Easenlial exam practice, tips and strategies
orr pk'ntv ill prilchc" of .. P<lfl 'J! Ih, "<1m ... i!t>.It 1,,')51 0"'" ...m In tv,. V h!s,on al'l(l
,)(Id,lIon..,' ""1m 1)1' a(\ U '" Woru 00.1;. n ... , 'P ""d to .6th and
, by PI e,pl.lnahon ,n tM C'O"Im quode. r "'lIpt KL r lor 5<110011 C011..,ns loor prad; ...
It"S 10. YOU 10 uloe your one ii' the L.of,., OM' ,n the dnd 1....0 on Iht CO-ROI,4
o Engagmg IOpIC', texIS and artwork
llll.' I([r for 5cnools t'xam. r"'9,,1 K[T lor on tecn "nd The
tOPKS all thi"Qs 11'1"\ tPM' doout .nd lht and ,).\work to appeal to
tHni and get 11'1(>01 En9lish.
o Key language pracllce
to qoOd Vl'CJOUL.1ry ,'''''Hlf'iII f' thp .'anI T""",I K[T fO" Scll[)('ll. (.t>t'I\"ns 1"1""
\0 uS "9 ..nd uf'dersll(hng In. ..ords from t .... ollie"", voc.t!>u'.ry ',st tor II[T lor 5cllooli.
E.... II ..100 aka L.lfl9VoJ9p fOCI/< <"'lOt Qf,J",....:v Of lunchO<l'l.\lI.\oq""()f' 1'1011
11';\1< in the .om. Stud(' ", .n,' ""'-OU. 10 e >I'.J(I the """.... Irnm "'0"l1'li.4,., in lilt
.... I 1f'.II. and out \I,. ru'ts to< II\emS('iVH, <l t""9'" SUfI'Ifn.fI)' dt tl'\c b.Jd<. 01
Ihf 1>00II PfovKle"5 d ( eump(ps of IJnnud<)C UIC
o Fun communicative tasks
"Isu gel lot s of at us11"Kl Ihe IJnguyqe. with flln an d to enQaqe them
iln<! learn,ng. 1 npsp D"nly of 'n the Classroom al\d '.(ud,nls MW
th.y [an u,p tho' 1'Il">Qua '" tht-y dl ......, '11 l'>e rei); W(lrl([.
o Innovatlve CD-ROM
T..... CORnl,4" 10 pi' iet,,,, IAI' ""II ill 11III1\e' ,r " wily .. hod> leendQC's ',,'0(1 'I\Ot.yoll'l\9 .
. II Y"-f la.,"') i'>(' ""...,If'! vefSoon ot lifT '01' SCl'OOis 0' no'- The CO, ROt.! one: .......
Lxam /(d.'flef SI'<:tlOtl .. shO'""s how Itl N(h u......,liun InIm.loons Id
o Exam-focused sell assessment
"t,it'" In(ludr On T,,'gef? pJne'ls. whir h 9"'(' 51uo.lenh d 10 on the
\k,l/\ It I ... '''<lrnt and Ifle p'O<jffn Ihl')' ha.. e bee'n m'nq
Bow the Teacher 's Book works
TI'>fo f 8oo/r provides Il.'sson 1 iv,ly Ideas and I."ilm taking 10 .accompany "Ilre<ld ul
SII,I(/('Ill-s Book ....'Ih ....ers and light notAl lu e.tCh ad,yity. '-$s.on notes (onl",n:
d '>Uffirnary 01 rrtJlf1 or NCh 1000ss.on
W.rmer:" ,",arm up acllV,ty;o.d 10 inlrodo.KO!' II\c lop" 0100 O!'I",t ttwl tl\lCk'nlS fT'i9hl UI'iJdy know
[d,,, opt;.;" ...1edra adlv'I,cs .. po-ovlC'!f' 1.'. 1('t,,,ion or pr acl,c.
u fr .. : ,ultur ,,"'hieh to Inc top,c O. phnln'
[urn P<JnI! I'i: ,1 brlpl of rach nplamlng requirtd 01
Pholocopl,bl. oK liyjlit's; 1,"l.'lvl.' wQfkshc.ts (tine unit) to gIve extra prM;Ii(1'
Common effors ,"or/ls.ll('ets: lour lu prov.oc prolcloc.. 01 Irl(ky 9' .......mar pomls
More ptllC/"": qu,ck ImkS 10 Common wQl1,S/Iwh "00
The threl' lenn, ,n Ihe Sf",dMt's ... ill <'Ilso help yOu f,nd It,.. support you need:
... sh<.>w'i the Irack number for In. (.0.
Ten tips for teaching KET for Schools classes
I. Tell .I"dl'nls to dl..... ys re.cllhe tor IE',I qlleStlOTls Collrelutly. Tktoy .. ,II us..lul
Intormolll'on "'hich ",,;11 he-tp ttwom ""OO!'f,I"nd wll.Jl tht' It'd;s olbout Of whO the
arc wh;ollrn.y are Idlking
2. Holve look .. t Iht' los/COli.... \0 how the questions work _ an ....nsWE'rs
,yOI' ment,oned, but Or'Ity OM 'S fighl,,"iwrr.
J. (tl(OI.WJqf sto..o<lents to kHp, wocallulary notebool< by topoc, The-y c,n oj.,). or
wrolr ... defln,t.ons and e_.Impl!' 10 help llIe-m rcmcmbe<
4. Gel stlldenls 10 pracl,'I4! 'Nd'l'I9le'ls qUIckly alllhc ...oIIy through at 9"1 d \ll!'nrroJl 01 Ih('t.
ffiCoIInln9, "'llho"t worryin9 dboul unknown ... ords,
S. Encour<'lgt' studl.'nts to p.-idlsc 9uessing Ihe of ...ordS from T .. IlIn.m to work <.lUI
",hat k,nd 01 "oTlI it is from Ihl' 9f al1lrnar le.q. v(!rb. noun) JOld use Ihe whole senllrnce 10 IhI.'
6. Sludl'l1h Med to be .. ble 10 spell bolSOC words (O"('(tty in th .. .. urn_ r.o spend som. I'.... ",ork,ng on
$pcllin9 praclict', You can 9'''1' <e<,Jul"l wcliing lesls <'Ind ask stulk'nis 10 postE'rs lu rcmind Ihem
01 thE' <pelll!1<Js Of tricky words.
1. GIV' studl.'nls plenty 01 pradicr olI wrillnO) "od em .. ils so Ih<'V gt'l used 10 till' used
to stir! Jnd tnd letlers_
8. Show !.h.df'nI s how IIw U$.(' Pd'aphl' - 1I1f'r !oily the \done things as Ihc Ie.ts tlut US<'
dirrl'l"l'fII words.. H'9hlighl p.1r!s 01 1M !fIls or dI<IIuyues. thIS I\o1IPIlCfIS so shldl>nls know lhey
nC'C<l 10 hsten or rl.'OJd lor IIIf' ratMr tll(ln c'iKI words.
9. Rem'nd sludent' IhE'y will each di')Io<,lUE' t... ICP. IhE'y will h.:we- oil cllo/IflCc 10 Check IIIf'.r
ilnSWE'rs or liste-n "'lain il tllf'V mlul.'d wmPlhlng.
10. Rtdo.Kl.' studenls' olbuut Ihe by g'Y'flQ them much information oIboul it IS you Coln:
sno... them thl' Silmple IlIftls !P<'I<jC 94.
look ilt photogr oIIphs 01 111(0 scaklng tovo.:thl'< (S/",dent'5 800.1' p.l9f! 'PI
COI1duct mock speak'ng t'-'sts With (Uhf-( lak1f19 II\{' rol" 01 thl' "'dminer
do tests under COnd itiOM 10 rcerNl"
liSE'the (E'sults 01 prdClicr tests to ... huw w .. 11 lhey Ire ClO'''9
Where are you from?
>tam p etloo
La.paga iDeoo.

L"t"';I\Q Par' " . ("""It;.,,., .Jncl . ,<M,oducliom

Sf)f'dk'"9 Pari I
" Ll ",t>.rs and
,l,t .I..odoMts; countJ' ....e roo from? Wh.J1
II.,/lOfW/jly Mf!- roo' WIIM """'''''9" ao )'OU spNo'.?
countnea. nationalJhM and Janqua<;JCI
r.l odeIMlLld,,1I proou' ,I.,on 01 tbe '1/I,IIl1rln
.,k st""""'h tOil"" the on tht map.
(he<:k It ,tOOent.' o ..n 'OU'llroes art' not
on Ii' l. d,k tbem 10 hod mem 0'1 Ir.e (I ieol
1"*, """" in
Irpl., n<! B
....",1' .... l
(I"". [
,I dly C

1\ Me ..:" I
Speaking e;l tra
Wrltf II ... ""meo ollrw ,onll"enls on tile bod
INort h "'''''''ICa. Sout h A_nc;,. (u'ope.
IIoUI" Atriell
SIud.-nts work In pows tG.-sk whfor, dJU_1
,,,,,,,It are: Wloerc tI II., In AJoiI.
a . UI SllIdcr>ts U5t. d,Woo"'Y 10 r'nd tile
ie, and
eN' k ,"''Ner, w"le un tht bo.rd.
ArCl"'!in' AI'JIl"'I"...n
Au,!,.h" [ngl,,11

C"Qll l h I F'<'I1cll
C/'I."" 1oI;)!'I(!.)rIn
"_. Om

..... Ital.."
loIe,"''' .. .....

Sp.WIM ; ...

Or.... 1.Jb.. on It", oo.rllll, Ih....... ln 1h1p
It\lden\, to <opy I"" table lhen 'ead lilt'
'P""'<II butlble, <omplel C il
CII(-'k ,)f'IS""" stU(lfntl aboul Ihip
prropl .. In the 1J!><JItll. n (),In 1m",? WIwl
""IO'>.)I!y" C",IQ,?)
al p",",bel
p,ol a

Au'I, .. h." C"9I.",
Me ' KO 1010' " ,4" Spaol.h
Language focus: mlrOdUClIons
a . Jnd proou""at ron 0' tile pllra,f.'.
Ask sludeols 10 "",It II Ihe In parn_
Chcc.l ,)IIs .. '>i",,",l s Illefl p' I ....

1/'1 StudMl A phra<.p 10 6)
Clnd SI\IdenI R ",.}..."" ..'Ih I ... plM'ISf
Ttwy swap Wh', ;lQJ' n.
........, -

Vocahulouy: number. and tho alphabot
D . In the IlEr r ....... , rnay flHod to Spo!Il tnei'
Nmf'S Of' bsleon and .... 01 .. down. -ofd th.irt II ,!'W'I
oul. ng r"'Jl-d.tr11 b'( spcI!;"" out ........
...Ofds or N;k'ng Itu<!.,oh 10 .. ords.
I'l. Y l he CO,

'1' -u Tran.crlpi
t ;; ); I 'v> Spelling
Chcc.k unck ,I....,d llle of


Spell Word ""III d ti(lll/)lO' tellO'(. e4 Morocco, ..... 1
IISk Sluo:ltn1llQ ... ,I .. 1\ do""'_ .". ,Te on I'" tIOol, II
MId s"""'n!5 Ita". "'''li en It cor",Hy,
a . lhO' CO \d d" to Complele Ihp
Check .-lCf WflIf lhe tOl"KI s.pellifl9J on .-
Ihip boMd.

.. OJ Tran.aipl and J\nsvntr key

o Soull. K<H"a 1 $""""1 2 M,I> 'PI" .3
.. M.onc-r.,.,t,.,- 5
As\< 10 , ... pl.,icfl 10 lhe
descr",tJOOS tllefl theot k .. in
"'...." '""
1 .... 2 8 1 F 4 l "l Q
I Wh<oler1 2 l Il
4 5 5466-8907
In students take turns to
n<lmes or countries or cilies fOt tne" fMrh"" ,
to write. Can Quess the wo rd l heir
partner Hnist",. ,pcll ing It ouP
D . Play tne CD as. student, Ie rep./"M trw
wrote $Orne more "" If'1(>, bOd'!! ".ld
sluCk'n!! to INd tht>m out
-100 TnlnIcripl
1I1l1J 14 1S 16 1118 19 20 I I J2 "154 oS 7& 87 96 100
iii . Tell slud<tnU tney are going 10 , .. people
as "og lor ,hk the m to look at the
on,we.s que,t lOni mignt tK>.
You may waott o pre'le"cI, i t", wordS caSI le. ,,1m
and Journey, the CD aod d<k u.wnt , to ...nle dOwn tho:'
Cherk ..
... 0.. TranK:npl
18:80 G_ C-r
o Ii: Thdl", rl bNutllul (<l5Ue' HOw 0I<l is ,j?
c: It', 970 old.
G: 005<1<*1 pd. l 1'00'
B: fl uml>\> ,
2; G: How ""'fly ptop l" 01 IhI> p.:>rty7
B: r,e(! I,n 't .,. 129
J II: K',..... t, IhlS
G: lei , .... _ 98 m ..... tn
4 G, How m;ony p;)(}Kirf irr 1.... 1 book?
5 15: Ilow long i. the
G: 16 hour<.
Speaking extra
Teuch th<' Eng lIs h 'fiords tor + (plus) - (mjrn,s).
out stmple su ms (e.g. !J. 6) ds k
.tudenls lor tM answers,
Student, In wrote live ! Ums. t hf>n
.... ttw-ir .urnS In pairs.
Exam practice: Listemng Part 4
.,. .., ullIn gi<k
li,t..n to'} d.alogue and .. >et "I
with 01><' or more words '" "urnI ... ,
Ttw-y mJy nC! to lor t imes. d,I."
pr ices or Spell ing. of words.
D . Go throuqh the note s JS a class and e lLc it whilt
,nfCrn'l<}tiOt'l to t"r
Read IhrOUf)h the E.Jm t ip with 1M class_bpl"in
Hwt in the eMm w,1I OOr Ihf> rfKordinq
Play CD. Md
Play the CD" t,me and 11'11 to
wult' th.", ilnswer;.
.. 06 'l'nmsc.ripl
IT TQN< S s...)
T: Good "",rnlr>C). Sm,th.
liO'lIo. Tony. liD" "re yoo?
T: t"m tme 5".1h. I""" my
going to """ my ctau 10< .. rCw W("<'W,,.
101: Oh..,...,. _. s."rJ_ N,ce to y""- to oor
S: Ihd"k you.
NO..... you to your If\wn.' need >on",
Itom \"OIJ. I .,,"'" Y"''' torsI !\am<' i, !>.IrJ,
WIldI", yo", """"me'
s: It', Whalen_
How do you ,pell Ihat?
S: W-H-A-l - l -N.
W' oo_And wt><-rc do you cl)lylp rrom?
5: I'm CiJn.Jd","_
W: Oh. n",l". inIPf.-.hng. Just wrile '''''' And how
nI<I roo. Sa, a7
5: ;'", Ihltl .... n.
W: And ...1",1'> your
s: I u\ually 011 i OOoJl.l>Ut ,tay"",,1
TO' Hngl on St,,,,,, lor tM oed It .....""h._
So'ry. <an you ""y \1",1 "Y;'''' ? 70;.. ,
s: I"' ''''glnn SI, ' . T""I'S T-O-R-R' I-N-Ci-y-o-N,
M: OK, And wh" !' , you, home pI>O<Ie
s: !;4668907.
M: Col" you "'Y 11'1.)1 m()re IIOW\y please?
S: Oh so<ry. 5466-8907_
W: ,..... Sal a. You <iln 90 lu V"'" <1.0,,, nnw_
Exam. practice: Speaking Pan I
"" E:raIn guIde
The;"", eJch studenl q,,,,,lior,s
t heir lives ,,,,,h Joout t helt
and they li , c,
Read t he lip wi th the CIJSs.. Itudents to
unstr Ihe question,. JnSWfr$, tne n
moc!el drill pronunciJtron of Ihe QlIt',tion._
1 you that ...... ;"1 z c..n \"OIJ"'Y 1M!
\...!:tv'! l t\owdoyou'f)ellitoal?
Rtad tnrough the torm a Class Md elLcit the
student> will to thf>l r pArtner_
Re mi nd st lldents to t he ir p;J ' lner t o n,
spell words t hey not ,ure
students to .. jn complete nue ot
lhf> Thf>y l hen thilllQl' p;Jlrs to compl<>te
lhf> second lorm.
More pra<:l1Ce
WQf 2
- ---
When do you have English?
Exam practice VOCUllluy Laatg>lag_ foe.!. \
I ; Pan 2 . school d"ys . presenl
R..adi"'l W,,\inq
As" student. 10 look Jllhc timetable. Ask; What
;, ml,,,,'q? Wb.J/ v'!' d.sys of
..HI<' Sund.l\')
school subjects, days and limes
D . Ask ,tll(kont, 10 m.llch w mi}?1\ un th ..
t imetable to schaOI sub[<."CI <, Ih<:'ll thell
i/n,,.@,swit ha partner.
Check a nswer,. then moo,.1 Jnd Grill
01 the
10,45 {<'ClIo'" ..,,10, r,,,,,,h S".,,,.

.,1 5<"""'. ,"""" !:<"... ....
\o!,1./:> eliot\:'"
us 5<"".
H",t.,,! ..... ,". ... .rM

loon '"",'" rW\<h
Exam practice: Listening Part 2
'"u Exam guido
""d ","Id, i\,"" (, o rr, ("''' (;, 1,
(t,g. matching to th,' 'ro'l, pl"yl.
a . ille ['8m lip " ;1I , lloe
I Otul uro II," l i,t " I "'"y'
uf ,"yi"'J t, ,,,II' I reI' niner .
Poinl l>u! onl-, s ix
.It" , ... ... l,
PIJY II'" CO rl' I", "' AI len nine we
Math! il rl",lr><)inl (l"! <,a mple answe r.
I ""I ur I CD alld !elt to d1(>"'c
It..... ... I
"ldV ItIf' CD "9"in for 1<1
Answer key
1 G Z A 3 r 4 I 5 H
.... 01 1'nrIscriP!
IG G .,., W W"",.>
G: i-1i, 0"' Y<I<' QCI _ b"'''tab'''?
W: y"" 1-..11 L don"1 k""w w\""e;1 i>' Cd" <>u ...."'"
.. do.nQ tOl'\OffOW'
G: S...-e, leI", At t en posl n......e ..
M: Oh no' I """" ,I', Leo<J! ,"""y dfl", Ihdt .1 10
fm 001' I:" 5<ieoce - aootller one 01 yoor
M, And .. t'I.l\Ie "'e got 1m Jttc.
bf...,k? I th,nk ,I', t n'll;,h _
Computer St e\ Ii
O'omo G
Speaking extra
J M,lh, C
r'tfI( h I Science B
A Sf>(Irl
Iilory 0
Wnlen of 5ubjI'CrS on 1M
do yoo "t SC;,00I7 What other
'UOjtcts do hilvP?
A,k IM lv,OuJI st\ldcnts: WMt/S your
5ub/ed7 filM.. ! don't yoo
Stl,dent. coold in s"",11 q' oups &nd do &
10 fmd Ollt the most Jnd least pG\lul&r
subjects In th,,, cl.:>ss
B . OrJ" J clOCk on tM I)OJrd to tel'irlg
tlme [)t" .. \,fl\f'\ aSk' WMt /,me
,I II? [l<c,t: Nsr, QUJrler MSI aM
QIJJrlfr to. {IOC.t .. ay\ of H,ing
t,me, e9 1W('(lly ",lSI fM
Put students ,n to
qu .. CI\(','
I :2 (f'IO "" 3 H"tOfy
'" ("""l'd!,h)' 5 LlMo'F' IS
G: We'ye<J01 English dl lhat hmt'on ..... bul
B . (.pl.);n c-ach <tudent M, '""'II I"" timetable.
lomon.....\", "'l.
Uw It><> in Stud..n!", Book to mooel
lot: Oh.lhdl"' ,,01 lou ru.J. Al>d ..I'dl "" ""
r"st qUC$tron dnd dnw.. Sludcn:s then
f.,"e it
G: ,,< G.o",,,,*,y I' ...... 111.11"' __ 01 lY'" 1 ,,"t<
sWtlic<a ,M!"! ,n
M: Yool, , luvp ,I. NoJIl_e ""''''y' file 10',."'" ...... 91'0
II< '" .... Do; ",. "'of """.01 _Ie, p.l"
G: Duo,I W<>rTY_IB Mu11( 41 I"M 1__ And tl"'n .,, love Ie
Iwo, I", til(> ....,. 01 the &y__ Spot!
101: W. .."", 101
M,.11\s or 11,,"'Y,
G: ,......... ,.'
Langua g e (OCUli : present sunple
a' ll< tllf >s_ soS!""I,
10 "",ol;ly thr , .. 110.
"'1" ,lud."I.lo m.iltch lhe h." I the IU' ..,
I B Z "' 3 C
lIev.lA' Ih<- .,nd QUoe1ho" loon. 01 tr>e
\,mplf, 01"1 Ihr bo."d. Wo-
Gt>oq, He Qi.-!'. uS .,1 ..,.,-k. ...
10 Ihe (Wr
dOff! /),)yc G'll9r"phy... !/opsn't qiv .. uS lOIS 01
II",,, ,nlo \/lO .. IUve
Oc#. 0"" us 1"S 01 homework n
;.':::s')i Adverbll or frequency
As. ,IUC!fon" \..,I'dnsld!f tr..' 'bllnto 11...
..... "1. QII th.. brunt: II, 'I"'" us 101, of
[I. t (hil IMJehHl, <omes 1k'1c<.. IN>
Thttl wrd /oH Is cll",,'rs ",. U Ih"IIr..
iICtol'ftJ coml'1 .tll'f , ""b bfo.
., IIIe IIIaI oW>;Cr\rS 0' I, com.
Jilfr I'" ... bul "',.... v.,tlS.
u .. t"" 10 NP;.)WI Iht i.d 'Y. and

1 cIc>\'I ,1...:1, 6 Wt ....

7 Do
nOlI 10.
INC. 100II<
5 t 10
II . EI .1 one or t",,, ..omples 01 senl tor><g I,om
Ask slud{'nts 10 w"lf ,nd'y,duall y Ihpn
comP<l' Iheir ...HS ,n p""s.
Anlwer kr.y

j""", .Iud.. , ""Ih, "rid Sc......-e, She ,',w
,I-", "' ,,,"II. 0"" klyt'i d, .o"M
11M lots of (WI. She "'I... WIg""). H..
.I.. ar> P>et iI1e h; PI.t to'" mo.t
Exant practice:
Reading and Writing Pan 2
"" ,., Enm qwdo
Siudenl\ rhoc"e I' or"".-I ..",d 1l'0III ' .... H
O\lI:ion. lu IIy. r..w.J sent ..... n.
Til<' wa<,j,; SltIMI'IlS ,_btol'I'H" ha.....

Q . Rf'M I .... c..m Up w c1iM..
r OCus on II., "._pIe 10 r .. ""
t"O: ..I\0Il' '''''I...... Elell 1",,1 II.... Ik"_
footOil' "'ccldemy 1$ oll""!bolII "no,
1..." SluOP"h Ie look '" I". It....
JIId d<'cide whV (I\to ta<fKI 00('1 TPw
'''''<!'I' opl;""" ;Ire tMly ,""'"" ,n mu"",Q. D.Jt /I
J"d C 601'>'1 f I I>l'colu"," et It. 10 IMI
It-..' 'pace
, A.s. st",I,'nt, 10 .. ,,<I,, Iy ",d yod....
Rem" ,,! 10 ,e.>d ""'I'''''' t hralJ9h
Iw'orp U"'V .. (I\e(k

D . q .... ,:rons ... I> '<lCh
ott'<'r. "" iI, t....", on In. c,,,,, ,I, I 0' ..ample I ..... you Itdll sa"""" W"d! fO\l
In pM". .t I"".,. wnnl'f
tt...,r ... hool <!.Iy...c! "OtfS I Inc-'f
..", ....".
Stud<:-nls CM I,..., .. "'e ..obout tnt"
p.l<'s ddl....ct INC! II>\-'" oul hI It... ("n.
More pncoc:e
..... p.q}
C" .... ,,"" errorS ...........

Photocopiable activity
n. e....' OI)lOU< 1i1.?lPi9" 811
Topic: Ike so XII cby
l..-g.... q .. : scl'lOOl. ,,,I'l001 Wbjl'<h, l)r(!H'nl
1 SI"""",s ....aten 10
aboul a ",,,,,," ,n EnqI,lod.

2 St \ld<'nls d(,(rrje ... ....f hut for
3 Siudenis ","Ie ,0lI\l' m,lar .bout
4 51 O(!e n" d,sevu which school Ihl11"" 81'0(1
wI'y. 10u could al", d"" SI\!dents to 11M'
wna'f\(M 10 d ucnler .bout \ht>ir "hot
What does she look like?
E><am ... Vocabuary t.a..pag.. rDCU5
Li.teninq 1 the ramoly and de>e'ibing propIe tnaklnll que,lion,
As;' HO'M "",or ,". inpre in Y<>!J(
fJm,'y? As k for more oelail" efK'1 <,Ome
family woeds, lor uampl.. ",tef. molnc:v,
the family and describing people
D . A,. , t uden!' 10 complele Ihe words..
.... ",e cor re<:t ,,,,,Ii,ng' on
t><')drd, f,!ooe l and anillhe pronunc,aloon.
B . A Iud",,!, to .. [I",
Ihen chl><: k lhe,r in pailS.
"""",, ...,
1 bu .botn<I l "'" 3 chilaren
dAvghW 5 f>3r< nt'
Background extra
In It... UK Idmilie. have 5tcp-PII"nl$
it IS CO","mll lor chll<h"" 10 Spend somf' 01 lheir
tome wilh each al ttwlt parenls in differenl horne'$,
5<>",.. childr..n have ar-od .Ie-p
, i, le" , or hall-bfot hers and lvii-sisters,
Gr clndpare<lts don't us u311y with VC'IlH'lger
"", mt>en 01 Ihe lamily li ke they 00 In some

Spell king ext ra
Atud.....ts to the" own trl!'e'_
in pa irs and lISk and answl'f
It... people, for e.ample: Who Is
II . AS. students to lind J .. in th<> pholo_ A$.
,tudenls to des.::nbe her, to Some of
the Olher pC<lp lc mlhe JII>oIo. FIi CiI words such ,..
blo'!de M,r,iOllq ar>el q/deJ,
Play CO dr-od .1"<Io:',,b 10 mat,h the l'\;lmes
10 tM e pid"r",-
( Answer key
IE l l( 3A. B 5(; 6 D 7 C
oe Tnnscripl
($. 50_<, J. J..,..I
s: This is a nicp pt;:>tQ.', II,,, you. I S"I", really
J: Y""h. IM!'< AlICe. S",,', got """J haio '" I',,,,
pI'iOto. but ,n 'h", I now
5: HO" moonv brothe" ."d ....,rls VOO 0;017
J, Two. n""e', Al>(e. and I><other too. IhP
I, ttl<> I>ov ..itl> r." hoi,. I' il na"",', l",n. H,". ""drly n;",,_
5: w.."I', his C,ltl>cWy?
J: 1'1<',1 '",,"Ih.! "Me to ooy
s: ytar" wr.o', It\(' otncr ClOy'
J: Tl'uf. my (oo,io. Ser ..... ",j ""'I to hi m " my uncle, COlin
(<II, ltun mln w til long """ He', 'NIl\' lu""y.
S: Whl(h "",,'s \'<lu r
J : n",,\ to me. fl. ', '1,,1 brown and ,-erV short
""... A,)(llloo', A llttl. tat. but qood
S: Wh/',r" vourmum)
,J: She', laki l1lj 1.,.. pI>01o>.
S: Wl>at rioI.>'i me I0OI< hl.e?
J: SM" 9"11o"'l or 0"" IIdir
$: And IfIo!r.e ... :h ..Me ha ir VOU' qr
J: Y"oh, .. 00"'1 s.., them v"'Y ol1"n The',
a . rocus attcnhon on .,amp,.. lo i"l<od uce the
iKllvit y,
ASk sludcnt, 10 (am!>lpte I individUil'ly,
Illen check t he ir In pal" _
, ChKk answers With tne CIJ' Ched I 'hlo:lrnh
under,:and al l the wo<ds. and morl.,,,roc1 <I'illlh"
I'ol nt out INoI 000'1 u"," thedellnll. ..
parts or lhe body In En911sh tHe" gol I"..
9"1 _ en: btu., bNulllul. brown.
gr... n, qrfy_ ptttty
9"1 _ hoIl" blooc!e, brown_
d;)rI!, lair, long. ,hOrt , 9,Qy, ornlte,
1M/She Is .. bedutll"I, lat. Ih,n, ok!, yo ung,
short, t<ll l
a . Elicit 011(' or Iwo ...... dbout IIIe in til<!
piCture hom Ind.v,dlJai te9- a"
10m, Oland. ha".).
A, k.tuOem, 10 wrile wme It'IQ
Ihe IlIen coml)<lre It>eir ,n pailS,
, IYI'!, eJI."'l
2 II, s f\Q
l ... ,,01 .Iud)."'). .t.)"Ov !klinq. "d,nq
language exira
M m. <In .:><:1 ...ty. 101' rod,"'9' boc:yts.. Au
.....NI "'" I ""'nv' $Iuck'nh 9'Jen: Af.
you rldil'l9" bil:y<UO? Yfi,' .m.
Pl.1 SH...... Into <.If ICIO.If, 1 tl'lem to ,.at
furns ac-1I"'f. rhe at....... <jI1IHS what
It , ...........,'9
a . R,i1Id tile mpl' ."th tne(l.lss. t.. sluo.nlS
10 .....'Id 11"<'" 0'" 'n p.,II'l.
MOf'dor.tnd \1\.>1 .,"""",. ..SI"9'....
or....., cor'edl,.
Sf .Jd('f'll, 10 ICII tl'll' ..n till" p'lrl ..... ,_
(Pil"n mollN,Y IS "....",. SM"s ororiI'nq dllllfo
It(nptl"I,,!/If' rnommt I
Excun practice: Ltstening Part 2
"" aT EJ:.m gulCle
Students hlen m.:Itdlll ..... trom '-"''0
(f OJ. ",.lth,ng peooplto to their jobS).
D . th, l:..m lip ...11'1 the (I.,;,
Ileac ''''OI.lQ/1 thc 01 lObs ... ''''' rl.t" .,,,'
sure students und.,stanO lIM'm. rloC,'
OIMI Ih...... ""<]hI he", on tile CD tor poKh jab, I.
C' Jmpk-. PlC"PJles .:met lood Po,,,1 "'"
Ih.JI.ltw" d" t ..o lOin I","V won', nHd.
Tell stvdmts ""I 10 wony ,I I","y canl
bKiI\ISe lhey ....oJl bI' allifo 10 IISlen
u".e. Play IIIP CD olIld 10
jo lhe malcho09 """"'y. It ... rn "')<lUI ...-.1
ask '!udf'nl< 10 I hp;r hU ,"
anyHung 1","1' mlUI!"d..
Che(k .. ,th thp
""-to, key
1 (; 2 11 ] ( 4 1\!lr
1 '" Tl-llnICfipi
I ll ' & 1( . K ....
ill, YOOf gOI Inl"'<'$unQ)OIlS I(J.en YO</I"
(\;lO's J INIiV 1)0011 JClo-r Jna yOllf mum
1(: th,," 1'0<1 ,...,. hobby, She s.chO<lI
leoKhing vounQ ch"dtcn h.ow 10 rNO:! ... ,
lI: 1."0 your I", ky - ,, ... I, ,,",'IS 10 SO many
d,l l",,",
1(: I She i<lY, ICOk,ng ftft('l' 9tOuPS ollou"lll
wOlk II !oO\Ind\ Ii lun 10 mt<'
8: 1.00 mr yOlO. uroclt ..ons., lhe 1'IO!.I)llai. doesn't he'
1(: I iI', h., Uwn, d('){IDI 111,11', ..I,.
10k", I" I";ol;n his I.M (," e
B: (lo.K your 'un, ,,"o,k on tho> ho,p,l", ''''' >
1(, V ,he IIw l<><xl '" """,.
B: '<' 00 Y"'" (ousin donll.., "'" $he ,,0'" .1\ w,1I1
II.: AOI .....V. sne doc:;.. She', 10 bf ""'101. "'" I ....
""''''''01 "'e', qOl jut., ""'0 w, .(."""" I'f'<\IIIf aid
boot. 1hN" apr><>onl"",ol'
B: "'....... Wildt JOb' de:: yOlO Ih..,. do wllfo we',.
II.: (don'\ kl'>{)W
Exam. practice: Speaking Pan I
.,n Examquide
o "",",,,,101 Jo.._
peo.onaI In'........,"'" ... h <" ''''', ""me ina
D . Re.ld troe rum tip .. ,Ih ''''' dnd
to \ludf'nu 2hdl It" r, "",;n," mtqII: ''''m
4""":"" I"", IV. and ''''y
Ulllul<llry I() I... d, Ionq dS
tho> eld"'ple .. Ih the
'.I;YI' ,I d ( I."", 10 lh a:Ktu1
I t..-v Uln WY.
'0 pol;''- \Iud ... ,h 1"<ocIISt t.1 ""9 about lamity.
),j"nit", '''''''' lilt> dod cor.ect any Typlc.ll
....'0" on sen,oro al1h ...-.d.
Mo:-e pr.>C!lCO
W. 5
Photocoplable activit y
wtt.11's the best job lor jIOII71Pol\Jr 811
Topic: .o>b!.
UIl9U1qe: w<xk
t Sludenl!. r IIw 'hh", Ilwy ..""" '" lheolluiur.
oOb.. IoI06f.III'II1 prtlnunr;"1 "'" 01 II>f
"I)I'KiKII\S ,t necKSMV.
2 Sludents 1O<,'cll lhe tom Itlthe pICture-\. ),jO!lM
and 0111 the pronuoc:o."on 01 t'-I0bs.
Anawe. key
l J 2 1\ 3 C 4 r 5 101 6 G 7( li t
9 D IO .... tt l(
3 SludenlS alloCuu the JOb' In p".s.
4 SludMIS complele tl'll' lenleO(es 10,111
want arlO dOO'1 want to (10.
'Rta<llhe e.amplt .. (m the eIMS,)<'(d mJk, SUl't
students undtut.nd the h.,ty, Studlots
mo... around the Classroom and talk to d,lIerlnl
,tudent$. TrlCy rc:ld thc", S('nle'lC'1 to NC:h
olner. and sU(jQest su'l.lillc Jobs.
6 Sludn!$ repOftl),)(k 10 J pJrlrll'J OIIlh.
,u<J/l"'lions t i>ey Ask:>Olnt :iludMh to
\oily whetl>e. IhI'y /lQrH w,lh tIM
( AN_rkfly
I the w,II'IOOI 10 2 "'9
Q . .t.!J. stl>dfflll t o Cotl'lplf-tf' dlilklguft
ond'Yl(luaoUy. 111M cll. IflIoIr _,.en in ""U.
Exam practice :
Reading and Writmg Pari 3 <a>
.,n tnmgoUde
Studef>ls clII'I'piclc " t_ (0IW"141000 b\'
chooslroq one o. lIne Ofl'IOOS, life based on
e'o'eryday 'urw;IIIINI \.)l'I9Uotge.
II . Reold the rum t ip ,.illl lhe tI,H,
Wrllc thc queshon 00 rho> bOIItd iHk
10 WCIfl11st posslDW I ell
studenls 10 look at Ih. MIs....... in I book and
choose Ihe corrf1("! on. ASk sr,"'tnh to complete
the aCI.y.ty .nd,y,dwIlV. Cl'IKk "'lSort' .
( ANwerbry
t C 2 A 3 8 4 A ll C
Speaking extr.
f" stOOenls 10 p.-Khs. rill .xd\ilr'lges in pan..
SlucIent ... shoold '"old lhe ienltnus from the
boo!<..nd Iry..w:r rtmen'Ger the
correcl ,npotIs.. Then lhey un swap rolf's a.od
",.elIse again.
Exam practice:
Reilu;img ill1d Writing PUI 7
.,..,. Eum guide
SI"""'nIS (Ompiclc " short lut ...hM:h """" Ifn
Inil. Thity musl .... ONLY _ WOtd on
Neh The.xt...."y 100:_ ...."otv on 01 QfT'lll'\l t"". WOfds.. t)ut In.of,,..,.!If
_ Of two lestWIrJ vt)C;W)uI.),y. SluOl>nl s
must spell cad, word COrtecUy 10 ' Ihe mark.
D . ,",Cltr students 10 the ...nd Who .., .. CI"i'
..nd IfII sludents 10 tNd 1111 .ma,' 10 lind
tl'lf> an"." (lhey art Iric-rtds). T"II IJtey
SI'lOuI(! read Ihe ...1'IOIc trUI WIOtt lheV
"."pIt'le d tast..
1t..... 11Il0l Em tip willi Ille (I"u. fOCus on Ihe
I"il ask 10 ...1'0.' 'Vf't'
01 w,M d " mlssin<j (i ?!cpt)1Ihonf.
ASI. 10 conlinu<! Wi th the ..., ,,,,,11
Answer by
1 . , 2 1JO''''l l . 4 5
6 Ie 7 l oroet \I u"",_ you
Writ ing edra
In C"'!oS or lor homewor' 10 wrrte..,
to a Inend wrne for lhe
wccl<end. lhey u:oe trw ""III In Acthoily 8.
Q . lhe IIWtuthons ..,,1'0 lhe (iHS,)tI(! .,,,,1
.'oresSiOM 10< ,,1<11<""'9 SU9\llitiOllS
Re ier Nd to lhe on CilYIltes
4 and 6. ASk them to "nd lor
r<'Spond,fIOJ'O wwenions and "rolf Illfm on
l he d ("'Nt.' f fl'laf"s I NO. 'MI
'O<IM, /IQI"HJ. 'Good idei!' TMI $O<JrI{j!
Ask 10 makf roole5 iM.. odwlly OIl Ini"'l!'
l hev"wId like to ao at the wC'Ck,.."cr
In p;,i,:.. .Iudenu make plans. nne or two p.I,rs 01 sludenh 10",1 out Ihfo..
conye-saloon lOf the lesl 01 the
Con",,1 ... ror5 In a 51>Ort 1(lC(Ib.lck Sfsslon I
More praChCO
Phot ocopiable activity
110.... danc""9! IPag.e 84)
T<>pic: I.... I..,.. 1KI.... ,tit'S
It.. 1_lCIly,hes.. fiIIM and dllollq,
1 SIOOenls ......, <1'0 the words to Ihe pict"fs.. Model
and 00" l/wo pronuncoatooo 01 IIII-.b$.
I 2 don'l l """'1 ItIrf 4 half
2 Sludents cClrnpWle senlff'ICH.
I lIoNh h.ot<"S compu'" 9""ti
2 loWy -.", mind ''"'''''''''9
l H ...., -.,,t ito, '<lOlJn9.
4 ScJ>I>i. '''' ... tM"'Q photos.
J Slud""n ...rile Il>tmse!'Its.
4 Studenn w()Ik In parrs aod add 1"'0 more
10 l he sUrYt'/
Slud""n conlotIUC worklf'll)ln They question
other p.lir5 and oot. thel, .Mwefl.
5 Ask SOfN> sludents to Ifporl lhelr results 10 tht
dan. SIVOer>IS could write up II\eof rtwlts for
Let's do something!

E><.... . _.
.Readir>g ind w, illng "art 1I.. ) lime 6C1,v,,1<t1
mJkinq 'U9gelh<ln5
" Rudlr>g Md Wn"ng 7
.w. !J:udenlS 10 IDnl '" It.. A.....' Wh<II
..0 rhe' o.oplp dO"'II} ;sIIopp'fIq. .... ,nIV
chalt,n;. d [COlIN_ match. play,,, .. a
g"""', pltlying
W"", do y...., lil:r cIoolI9 In YOII' It"", Ii",,,,!
SluM",I, can t heir a<'O\werl in p.ilir .
Vocabulary: lime activities
D . thai ,ll.I6Its m('<ln,"Q
in 1'-:10.
Sluou, can do lrus In
an,...,> ilnd 'emor>d .IUOen!s Ihat ... do
",,\ u>e til.. artiCle with 'PO' [, In
(I lIb pj"Iyir'9.fiw> /oorb.llil.
Tell stude"l, ",nco rfford ing
,\ is ,1 good idN to "'ro'o IIGwn .0< "\ that 90
10000' he, . 01 dW1nc;1 ...ord "'"HIS :.k.. the ,n
51_', Iia 'IOod tKlln""", to uw.
........ ..,
..,.". bi_n. ... 9-'''''''. I ........
.... "'J. .t>us>1'''"o!). wrl.-.q
go to.: trw be1\, Int eo".,.,.... a 'bl4'..MI
a DVD,' Itl",."., "
Vocabulary extra
.... 10 el' the word wt.eets into Ih...
notl'books.. In 9'"oups. liwf"I hfo
m"lul .... to add th.y to
,h wl'lHl Go Ihrough lhe woods with Ihe da$,
...1 hnd OUI which qrOlJP h.n moS! words.
B . ,e.,,.. lId_C'!)S of l'ir1l@"'"""y.
Ol/M, IW'"A""""
lind ..... ,tC>deol'lo l,anslJle U,..,,, Ihf'" o.. n
In <. tlIIk <IbOIJ1 thfil ', .... I'"...
lhcll_W1'I', hom on .. two .tu<k'nt,
Background exira
" PoouI<>r h.,. 10_ achy,lIM 10( young _II
In UK arl teh'n<) TV. timoo woth
ihtening to m\lSic. SUf""9 the l"tHntl.
playing Compul..- 9''''''' and ta kH"'iI
,n worl. IMo popular ,pnrb 101" boy. are
lootbooll dod rugcy Md Ih, mo<t popular sports lor
9"ls .womm'l\Q. net!J,)lt "00 doJn(onq.
o . rorut on I.... poelUII ......... pIaon to .IUOCf>II 1""1
I ....... if'" 9Oi"'llohear In sam P'in,
thf .
PI.:Iv thfl CD J.k ...h-"t. to elrcle It...
Check aM....,".
em: <jO ,nopp;,, pm: qo 10 .. ,""...,
tM di.lIoqut .'111 the p/>tJUs.
I Z 1'40" ..t>oo..t l W'h.>I;)bOyt
.. 5" .11 , 110 .. aboul 6 Lo>!',
" TtaNcnP'
(J Jo. s..M)
J : lho s..n1
J: G'N!. l"", <to ......lh ...,_.:otJo<,,1 "'-I\I?
S: I hoot'. a gre'" dN. _,. lholl ""
J: Wh.ol mfeli......... SI.I,on at l'I.1il pa'II",,'
5: OK. ..P pI'v lenn,s ,n
J: "", IMt .ound! bor'lI(l. f.Iow grnn/j to
, ...1,1.,..",,11
5: ... Pllar... I......dnNfltlf
.J: Good
Language focus: malang suggestions
B . tt><> "_1 "'S w,th It><> clas! and OoJI
diHertn! 1000ms (do" ,nl,,,,I,.,,. dod 90i<19
-m,. forml.
Ask lu li "d t nt other .. !;/tarl
we Jnd Wildt dbou1 In tnt te.1 In Art ..,! v4 and
111m eompl"lo. I he rui<>
.. they ,njOY paulH. As!<;
"'''''' do 1'0'1 Ul Clritllo .il PM"11fi? Wll.l11ftoINc
do \'00 Iisltf1 fo 7
f us on the pj(:ture ana as!< what rOO<l and
Exant practice; SpeilkiJlq Pan 2
..,. .. Exam quide
Studf1\h folio.. prompt c.:>rds to answt'f
qUl!stlons ...,tn J p.:!rtllC'. TMv are )-<1
minvt@stodothls t osk
o . \hQ (um Up ... ,th the (lass, Tell
thq ""' qOlnQ to prdChSc Ukll'l<] aM an$wer lrog

Allow >Omi l imll to t()fm It\('
think 0.../\ answer!,
Ch\'(Ck Ih"l,tudenl.l)dvO 811IOlmC(! Itw quCShQIU
Remind to JrIS"CI US'IIQ full
Studtnll ""IW" Int quc.hOns ,n pairs,
"""", "'"
,....,,""" ......rut
I "" Howold"'l'9u7 8: 1am
Z A, When yOur borthdJ,1 8 :"'v ",on Iht
IOIho' .........
;) '" 00 you pMI""" IJ: ... IIu II..""
I No.1 donlllto, th,,,, be<:.JU<t'.
A: Wl\.!1 t..ond 01 P1ln do \'OU ..,7 III: I iot.e "",10M
w,th lois 01100II _,oe.
iii . A<;k slud('fOts 10 look.1 Ihe" prompt ... ds.
CI'IOO$C IWO "udenli to "'monstr ... th" ri,

TeUslude<lli ...sw....-",Iull
,entenet'S. IISle<1 titretulty h.. 1'<" h......Old to Y
and ". ""Iu, dl I"",ilol..
Ptfly IhOll
A: Wholt's lilt of """,7
s: II" <.tIed fib fun.
A: WIlit"S tne .oar"s'
S: It'S 15 1(,1'oQS Ro.rd
A: Wh..n', OfM'n?
Can you bring some drinks?,.
.SpNlung PM! Z PlIny Ihll'lQ$ mak""ll otlf'S .ncI requ.nh
, ......."' '"'.W.'.".'__ ' ________________________________________________________ ________ .. '... .I
B: """" hom 9.lm to
S: Ve'l.II's .........1.,1l1li.<0.......
A: Wh.>I do tl>(y '.
s : 'hooy.enu.d>,

S: Whose !'any k It>
A: II's .
S: lie.. old" go.nQ to btl
A: She', 901"11 to bt U.
S: Wilo:' Cis the II<Irty?
A: It'. dl Club Sttfli9ht
ill: What k 117
A: II's from 8 un, ,I II p,m.
B: WNII SI>OuId I ..ear?
A; YOU (In" '" I,hllt"
Vocabulary: parly thing!
o .AS k Sluocnts to wOI'k In II<I; lind the things I"
the poetu.c,
Cl>c<:k 3nSWl;'IS, tMn ..nd drll! pronu",IiIioOl'
O( Ihe wOldS
r..llOOfl B =, 0
d,>eo A
1).).1)f( .... G CO,
"''''loS l
piJ,t I
1rur1 """.. I'
,,,.ps N
91'"1 D

'"" .
Vocabulary extra
sll""'nls to COVE'< Act,"'ly ), They 1(1 lhen
wQrk in p""-' and I('sl f3Ch olher bV poonllfl9lO
tiling<. on and asl<in<jlhei. panner 10
,"'''',. Ihem. Stud"'ts IJI't I poiot for item
a .Upt"", 10 .100...,1 '''''1 Ihl'y diP <)Cling to hear
a conve"dlion bo>l .. N""", Tom. II
Noeol..s bi,lhluy dl-.J SM ilo MviOCJ a party. Tom
wdnl. to l><i,,'1 SQ'nell,inq 10 poiony
Play the eu uoce dnd d.... 10 a nole
ot party thing. th.Jt dre ,otor,1 ioo"'" (rusx. "-,

p'zza. burg<'<. Co., "'mh (ro!... II "it "';rp"
cnsps. CO.).
o HI<! to a9l'ln, And all< $l vdCf1h 10 1M
,hom, wi th In. Pf'Oplt
I drlnk$ Z _ pI.)'" 3 ''''''' 4 en,
"112 'lUnlcnpt
..... T.T""I
H: H<oy, Torn.
T: Oh, 1'>1. "U("" 'I'S vour p.ol, on ",,.1
N: "v.... f"/l' 7 Dont I<wqptl
l : 0';" $n.JII1 tr'nQ _tlwlq 10 II... 1'.... 1'1 ""'\'til' _
H: n but ,'we C)Ct _;..r.....ty <>nd Mum', bouQIII lob
01 o'cfc...... C .... YOU til" nQ
T: If. t think t .... , IN"""JI"'II _ oi'onIu. She ltv""
b;q batt!" 01 COli __If"" """
N: QI(
T: WI",!..oout I,LoIp< '" "'P'!'
N: r .... h b"n9'n9 .. Hr"QOI loti t,om ....
b,,'ho:I;Jy p.;Ktv montl'l. Arod " Iw."'l"") ...".,.
lut, "1>1 I . ""wl <JOlIn" 01 bUl9fn, bul no
Can"fO'U p"... ? t_'f9!1(' pilld.
T' NU P' .........",
N: ""'" YOU meel'"ll M,oe laler?
T: Yc;l/'l. ""'. ,n my ""'till ,I,)n
N: (;fIJI, COUld '/Ou t...., lu bf,,"l f<lm<! mul"? ,*'1 qoI
so ..... Cn,
T: Good 'dCA
Language focu s :
making offers and requests
lit 0 RCdd 'No "''',,'' ... (h In. c!.ln <liod
,urp "U(I('nls vnde,,16nd "lIer lOll ffOjU<!JI,
o MU\WI1h tu d<Klde whICh Ire and who(h
Cf>eock .1"'1 INI we use Can you and
C"old roo 101 req....., . Ind Cdn / arid Sh.t// /10<
3 11 4 0
a . , 10 complele lhe
Ind,.>du:Iny. II\(on (I'>e<;:k lhe" 3nS...... '" pairs.
( Anawe. key
I Cln you I Could VOU
Z 1/ Cln t Cln you I Could you
l you I VOII
.. j!,1';;;' ,pI Imperatives
Read the lan;uiQe .. "h,No <L\" .\ 1;
'tudent, to IWO@.olmpl\"lol the Im,w, 'vt'
in In. ,n Adl'llly 6.lJ'olU m"I""'" (II""
OOln ' fJ/('t /0 ,rob 10m<' ....'' Il00' m .... ,.'
Exant Practice:
Reading and Writing Pan 8
.., Exam qnido
o .of ..... lo ...tract on'OfI'WI"", ',om
two sho<l rNdtni;! lexb to tomplete I Ht 01 <"oCIU
01 d 101m.
Q 0 RCdd ''''' (um lip w,th the clas.. Demonstrate
lhe lip by 1<X\Mnq on Steve's nole ....:l eloot'"ll
"'''''.''' I" the questoons.
l ,,-,..,
I Z Z I!J l 4 4 S
D 0 focus on Ih" 1... 1, ..I."" .., they are
(bll"lnday "'''M'iono
o Ask slud.....I' I" <.k> (' l am ta.k lodlv<dualry,
R"mind lu "file down only In. ,nlorm.hon
,n.y P 101. Ttw;oy doo" to ..,"Ie lull

o Tell 11 ..........1' I" (I"..., 111.11'09 arid use
\PI I .. ,..., .. JpprQflnal e
I SporlsCl"'tre 2 to.4$ol,m
078?6'$38124 5 I<a'ner.
o Put slUOl'Oliloto lINIli group' 0
Tell sludl'Ots 10 Ntl one member 01 lhe 9roup 10
noll'S 000u1 their pI.lns.
o Remond SIUdenls 01 phra.H lor II'IJk'"9
W99""'OOS hom lhe languq locu. on p;lgl' IS
o Studl'Oli pI.ln I"... pa,toe, on lhe,r IIfOUP' AsJo.
_ 9'OUP'S 10 It'll lhe 1!Ieo' PMI,
Writing extra
Ten students to "",111,0 ,"volat"'" lor 1M p;lrty
they pI.lMftl
o they tbn 'ell" 10 Ih. 10.,.,t.,1on In "'t""ty 8 lor

Comon t P"9<' 11\.. .JoOO Ift,l
Answer key
D 1 l'mct.Jble
, ...
3 8<azll
4 ...not
5 old
6 I\(lSp,,,1
8 iun!
B 1 journalist
2 IIAordrtUer
J denMI
4 PIlot
5 rnecNnoc
6 IICtor
7 dlll)l
a l E J C 5 0
2 B 4 A
a I WI\M Ilmt'5 your birthday
2 Whe<eilfelhCbillioons1
l HO" m.Jny are
5 Which CO li ,ten lu
6 Who is \'OUr
O ' hasgol
, ,
3 II.IVl'
4 works
6 \10 to
a ($nple ilM"'''',)
Jim, i5 hSle<WIg to mu!.k.
Iii,,) 1$ Hl""9 an K".t UNm.
ThOm,n.r>d Ian die lM'ii09
r'dllCO b Sleep,n,}
with a 10010011.
GIofiJ Is play""! iI Clam

2 ", 4 81
Q ' !lI.!o1l we
2 lets
J WIldt about
4 Can you
Common errors worksheet 1: Answer key
Frequency adverbs
0 ' A 2: A
II 1 .lter 2 twlOfe
o l Our PE INeIle<" otten talu
2: Our te<ICher is somet imes ilnqry,
3 OUr Art teacher usually _5 cob.lrhJ dCltllol1.
4 Our French leache-r 15 'Iffy friendly.
5 Our History i5 ne.-.r
a and the
g I l 2 11M! l ll1e
2: lhe (ptOpie Io,no.. ..noch bO!lKh
they lTIl'an)
4 too (most hou!.e'S only have one
5 uwally which cinema they
Making questions
D I B 2 B ) A
a I before 2 bl(ore 3 betore
D I Do you lilo.e walchong TV?
2 How m,Jny brolhefs.tnd S'$1erS have you
) Wh31 sports do you enlOY?
4 Where a,tyQ\.rgoln9?
5 Which toot ball t eam do yQ\.r
Prepositions with times
a ' A 2 8 ) B
0 ' 00
2 in (MOTE.: Poont out thoat wt wy in U....
morn,rllr. "in thoe &1Ie<nooo" and "on thl>
evenong, but SlV at n!qhtJ
, ..
o on: friday. TlIesdJy evening. me 15th of June
In: the wmmer , April. the- afternoon
.t: the WCC KCI\<t two oclod. mrdday. the end
{ NOTt: Amerkiln English the

Common errors worksheet 1
Frequency adverbs
a Choos. the corr.ct ....
1 A OuIIol.lIM It'IICI\H _ I00I.
8 Our MIIths \ClIChet is \,)It
2 A OW SciHIC. 11K"'" " ..oiIY' ......"" hc.
B Our SclHlCf I'M"'" ....;0.0 1'IwO\'l
B (hoo the correct wonts to tke ruin .
1 w...... hl'QUMO' .n", I belOIt /0 be.
2 W. uu 6dYftt>S .ttt< I bet ..... mo'It

D '-4dk. S'ntfrw:1$ ys.nQ theu words.
I 0/1.., I Our P'( 1N(1'\tf I larks /.bo\JI loolb;tfl I.
2- I Ovr f lsi wmfU""" I.
1 colo\.l 'lul (1011'\(01/ 0\1....., t.",1'\cf I wflrs f
"'u.l lly I '
4 is I Our le&c"", I VCf Y r"tr.dly I
5 Our H, )tory I "IIV" lis I happy I
D Writ. s,ntlnelli about YOy, luchtrSI
a and the
D Choos. the corr'CI nnlt'nces.
1 A Can I borrow ,1>00 Pf'O
S ClnI borrow, PI?
2 A Ike pen in my baQ.
B Uuo d pHI in my ""'J
a Choose the corrtct words 10 compl't. tke '1,111'.
I WI' uw . 1 lilt' to ml'fltion sometlllll9 lor 1M Ionr
2 We use 10 menhOll SOI'IW;' thll'lCl tor 11'\(0
w<:ond to",,",
J We uw . 1 when Iller. Is ooly onelh/ng or "'$
clu. which Ih"'q we ..e 1.'k,,'ICJ about
D Complet. th with.a or l/It.
I let"$QO 10 t ...
2 'nUy 900d 5Ii1U.anl
al beach.
3 live big hOUse io LonOor\.
<$ s.orM m,lk ,0 f.idge!.
S lenooto
Malting questions
D CI>oow CDr.ocl qUlI"st lons.
, A Whll"rll" you We?
B .. do you 1n.1I"?
Z A wn.e'1I" 'fOU' t>ag
B \Yhet"1I" is your T>aQ1
3 A How many brothe-rs I\r<II" you got?
8 How many brothll"rs you 9011
a Comptelll" Ihe rulH I>y .ddinq bl!"fOfe Dr .Itll"',
1 we use 11000 doI!"s IN! WI)/Kllo.....",e
0 .... 51'OOS in tn.e pre-sent s""pIe.
Z We put is and ilrll" Ihe subject on 01.ll!"St>Ofl5.
3 WI' po,ol Nv""...-od NS IhI sub)lln
D W.ite quesllons 10 ask ill.'.nll.
I V"" f , .... / 1'181(1""9
2 toow mJnv I b, <)\h.'5 aM slSlers I you I have !JOt 1
3 whaT lporlsl you I enioy1
S wl"ch footbal l '.am I yOU I
D Write more questions In ask a 'rlend.
Prepositions with times
D Choon Ihe corrKI s.nlene,,",.
1 A Tile mat,n i$ 00 Satu'dJy
8 "",leh '5 at Salurdav
2 A I USU.1l1y get up early morning
B 1 USl'illty up early in tile morn,1IQ.
3 A I ofle<' 90 ,n 1Il10
8 'ollen 90 sw,mmonQ al 1M week.nd.
oChoon Ihe nrTKI words 10 compl.t. 1M rul.s.
1 we uSl!" OIIlin w,lh dily' 01 1M w.ek ilnc! Gatts.
2 we USl!" in I.' month", 01
tht' ""Y.
3 we use "" 011 WIIh ',mH and wOl"O\ Such
_('rid. !)Cq'1Ino1lq and end
II write the wonb .and nprnsions in the cor'Kt
piau in the tab,..
the we-t>ke"., f rlllay two OClOCk luesday cen,nq
midday the 15th 01 Jun<' Ih. April
the atterooon the end
K[l for Sd'IooIs CI RiChmond Publishing. 2009 0
I just got a T-shirt
Euzn p....elk.
. l i.I""'''9P.rt 3
. slmpping
t.aapa,,, focus
past simpko
. Rndlng Wrilin9
ASk if t hq got pOCkN """"-'Y. Ask tnem
wNllthey Sp"rHJ "' u""Y on. lllem
t o look allhe picture and .uk I'.hich th'nq\ nwv
tluy J nd thing, buy.
Voc:.:abulary: shopping
D . ASk sludents 10 wort in I""'! and hnd Hoe thi r.qs ,n
tile piclur.
Che<: k a",wers, 11..." "w;>del and drilllh(>
pronu<><ial ;or> i I
( ir.o!(rM G a OliO [) J
a comic _ B d IOOlbJ Il shi rl" sweel. II
computer 'l'l_ C
.1I1.g""no r E
Vocabulary extra
Eli e,j IhoI! <ome 01 th. ""o.ds In Act ivity 1<tre
co mpou!\d nounS.
Wrote tt>e 1011o...n9 ...nrd, (l<I thl> board In two
{olumns. SIUOI>nlS to "",teh the wOO'ds to
"",ke common (ompoun<J ""unl.

birlMdY ,\..1,011

pol ice
"'" slop, b.rthday prM<!t'l\. ',.,mminQ pOOl, post
lraffic 1igh1$, $tnt"'"
II . Students tan....., a dlcl iM,ltV if to 00
lhiS a<;r ,,'ty,
..... them to work then ctwck their
answers In p61f5
In p.:IirS Or qroup$,;r.;k 11""k 01
things \l\C.'y ca n buy ,n tn.- T<otl them 10
lhe Ojl'J'l()l; 01 t shops, and "'" 1j,1,
or t h,nqs they CJn buy unoer ,,;>eh <hop,
four t o """t" as 1111119S as
b"'"hh",,: 6.
6, r. H, L
cin.....: (; sports A, (. K
cloth" A. [, M. N ...ptr.... 1.0,
musk C, D. 0 t""shop: C
Ba.ckground eJ(tra.
In UK. J ne.... is wmewtle<e you CIOn buy
lois of ditferent thing"- You can buy ","wspapers
Jnd mJ9,ll'neslher" t,n also b\ty Iolle,..,
I'cieh. ot t>er thi"'ls l1\i11 ..... K'lllnc liJde
dfin" . .... cards. <igdrettes. ..-.d
Speaking exira
wrol e tMs.. quesl,ons on
1 tiO" often do you go
2 00 shoppong?
3 Wh,)t do you buying?
4 Wh,)t you r
Tell students 10 ask arld liM..,,,, the que,tiono in
Ask so me SIud<'f\ts 10 tell the cl4ss what 1M"!
part ners' stu,)pping
Exam. practice: Listening Part 3
.., .. Xiln'lguid<:
St udents answer rove mun'ple-d,o"f qu","l,an\..
each "il h ttlrec ophon,,- TtwV "'f 9"en tim.. I0
1M belo'" thf recordl"'l .
The rco;ordiO"lQ be on infOf"n\<lI con..., ""Iio"
be't..,ecn t wo !""nds 01 <13ss ma'"" 0( a
"""'-tormal t<>nverSJloon on the phon.. 01 in ,J
shop. tourisl informJl00n ,,,nl re.
o.Tel l .luClenIS Ihey are QOOnq to Iislen In . tpp,,"9"
gir l, Liz. Icll,oq her Joout a !hOppi0<l \r,P.
Play Ill e CD dnd 5l udents ,,,r;,"'" the thing'
,n 1M picture Illiot she
'-.::"'''' CDs. Tsrllrt , ,e.",. ""'9"TiM'
a .R@ad ,..... tip Wllh I ..... t hen "liow
Ii""" 10 rcod t h@questionSMd Ihe
JIO'>-' ihle "", we!s.
111'41 ,ludMts Ih"Y WI. hc.Jl" the recO'don<j Iw ... ..,
lhey """"leIn'I "'Ofry ill""" .ru_ It...

!'lay tM CO.nd .sk 10 <lrde
Play tM CD.., ""d ItII lod....,;_ Ihrtr

Ct>eo;k "nlwerl ..,th ttle class.
( Anawerkey

II tn.n.cript
(O.O.... LL..I
D: HI. L", ... _ vlOppin'uon
l.: Yel,' ...... Iodoty. u""- III<> etnlre ,!oK'd
_ I'm bu<y on TIMI'IoCf"ry
D: dol you
l.: Wtu, I ...... Ied loy for ,"y "Ofnd'1 bat>v si>ICI. Tl'W:'te
_f _ poe'urt bOOk< .ot>cx,1 In.....1\, but tI ...... KlI
I>Ou<I't I"" Ihls bill! 10 play with.
D: Dod Y"" Ig 'f'WI' ""'SOC "'<>1>'
l.: Y." I to '''''''' P<>I> MIll <cd CDs Jo"(II bougI>l
this dance CO to, wr ne. t p.1I'I..,
D: _I
l.: or >"''''.1 fU't T-sh"t . I 11"'<1 On..,.... jtJnl bul
tllty .er, COPCl'I,,"e but It walo
too 1",,",1' .'tt< (tw(1 """- mllrONO<! iliurochtml(!,
I): 1".'''U.... 'hnfo7
l.: U"'.. oi.oy we ClKICed to buy \.01_
_,,10('. Iromd 'n.... W In UIt'IWO"
D: C<I<>oJ iIlN, Dod.,.... rrl'lfml>f< ""f ,ot M.l9""ne7
l.: 1001 W on a IlOOl1I'IOO. Thtr.. "",r _ '" ll'oe
IIr-p..-lrrornl IIOI'f ;wid t .... .....-"''''l''''''. "' <:IOI.a
Thtrt YOU u.oI!
Language focus: past simple
iii . on ttle bold In IIV ...mpl.
Read !riC fulC1 ""th the closs and tlH:lt m'''ltwJ
wo, dS.

I "'H, _t :2 0;,:( l didn't 4 od
4>.k .. I" rind DOl' IOfm t_1
''''JUlooo p.o.1 IOfm .... I .... euwnples lIOOIIedI,
, J,sk 10 _ .llho Ir,wtK.oo! tor A<:hv,ly"
Ipq 109) and _iii... <iiI Ihf PlSt I'mpr. 1_
/c:oNO's. wtJICII /IN' ,..,.w ..nd ooIltcllt WfRgUla'
..:,t-([, <lJC!('d
trrl-lJut.r: .....1. was. """C, ttl"" me l, \IOl
a . Tell reiKI throu9h tilt' Ip.l,
yW.I lr1Cre Brc ,,"v words th..V dM'1 UI'iJeorll and,
to CO"'plf lf 1M IhtoI' (heel!.
an.-eos ",rth p.:>rt.... '
student..: Which per$On;, ""'" I"-e you?

Writing extra
JfutI \ 0 w"II' shorl p.1r"9fAph
50 wOfdS) olbout the" \fit ihopplr>g tfip_ Tell
them to oncllldl! .niO"""'tlon ",he" it wn,
wr.c-ro Ihey ...... 1, who (My "'tfII ,.ilh, which
shops wo-nl ln and what I .... ' bovght,
Exam practice:
Reading and Writing Pan 2
."?O Eu!n goudI!
51....,.,,11 ctooow lilt' (0"1<1 ..orO!. 10 complet.
relo>led wonlfflCes,
",ordl .loJdentl choose betWft'll hJv.
"mil,)f ffi<ldMlql, but only one il CO'fCo:!,
D . Read lilt' Eum lip ,.,tll I .... Clan. LOOk "I f",1
with th" aSk students 10 rei>!l it
""I wil to lilt' (ht!1! dotferenl opl.oru. Ehe,t ",\uch is
Ii .m.oo ........ b they shoutd re.. Nell scnl('nce
IhfOlJ9h ""'ot. Ihn I"""k .bOIJt ..hattlw: m,wn9
..ord rniql>1 be.
, Ask 10 <10 lilt aocl",,(y IIld",rdualty,
, Chedl ""!OW"
r "",,",,'"
2" l C .. 6 ' C
D . Tell that thiS;$ quenlnQ QJme, fOCUS
0" sample queSllon and _'oo-C' Jr'Id that
they U'lf the PlSt I,mpl(' !('fISC
5tudent A begu>!. by Mk,nq Student 8 QYf5!OOns
.ooul IIV lhinq tl>ey bOI.o:JIII Stulknt 8II1I,I$( be
caretul not to .-.-11011 tho:' 01 ,/.
n St_t "" hti ",hat It is
trwy can .... other k",ds 01.,.,,1 no qu.... l<QM.tO'
a"'l)le, Can !'OIl N' ,,? WI! you IWiJr It
5t....:ll'f\t "" gllHStll COfffelly.
c,m ch,)nqe partners"..,.-j till> 9'lme
More pncI>ce
C"""",," 2. pq l'Qul;>r p.,1
I just got a T-shirt
E.<a", p" tlc. Voc&!n.1ary
Ya"'&'1. Ion.
. llStMi!lQ Part J sl'loppi"9 . simple
Rfdd"Wj..oo Wntl!'oCj Paft 2
Aroo. stllOffl\S" Uwy qeI motif')' .,.. II""" IMy s.ptf'd I""'" ".M...,. ...., .. thtm
'" look olt 1M pothlft and oHk .. .. " 11'00"9" Itwy
s.onwll....' buy il'ld ..IIKII thinq\ lI",y ","V" buy.
Vocabulary: ahopping
D . Au I U *01 .. '" pa", and lind 1M thl"9l- In
Ch(Oi'k 'l, tilton mo!W1 and droll th.
PU,,,lUIll'..'",,' ,I nl'CH5dry.
....... ...,
cu-.",. tlt""S C; I DVD 0 J
,) (omoe: book 8 loolb.ld SM\ A , " Hh H
.....". C 4 ",.."",H,. r (
( licit 1"'" M)tl1t ol!tIt ill Adwily 1art
(""'p"""d .'0.""
Writ. IIIO! '-'''9 ....'ds on 1M board In two
columns Ask lJ\>IIHIls 10 ....tell U>e words t o
......... l,lMMVII. ..

"" prlstnl
sto!). b .. trwy ptt'H''lI. ,w'''''''1I'IQ DOOl post offoc.,
Ifitli<: lights. POlk. st.11On
B . 5,....,..,,1> ("" ...... <10<10"..... 1 ,I,.... .... , \0 do
thIS iott''''ty.
A<. to .. ,ndlv/du.ltV 111M II"';'
M5wrr1 ,n p,jlfl
, In Qr(I\JPI, Ilydtnh 10 01 oil""
Ini "95 buy In lne 10
w" le 1M rwme. 01 Ihe shops. wl ile li ,l,
01 Ihlnqs Ihey buy under U(II Ihol" (, ivt,
sluckml5 fw, to ..,ill It\i'''I'd'

A'...." ...
_ohop: B. ....
dMm...:: G Ipotts""op: .... E.K
cIotI>HsI>op: 1&,,M_N -'r ",MVt f.Il.IF.J . O.
music shop: C. O. 0 loyshop: C
Background e)(tra
In tile UK. .. ..,....sag.nt 1$ $On"!twhfl, YOU (llfl buy
lois 01 dltre renl Ihlfl9i. YOU Coln buy ntw$pilp"'1
and miJ9illm..,\IlH. and you CbII <111$0 buy loti...."
tKkell.. otlw!-r \111"95 llIaI nr\lfS3qeflU s.lIlroc:lude
,w...ts. drink5.. qret'llnqs Ulds,. Clq.'lrettf'S, <lind
Speaking e)(tra
Write on tile bOard;
1 liow do yOy go shopping?
:2 00 you hke shopplnq?
3 w"",! do you lob buyll'Wj?
4 wh.J1 you,
T"'I Iludooni. to and _ ..H!M ClUKIIOM In
1&.,l_.tudenh 10 IPI! t1Wciau..Nt tl'lty
.... " .. d dIbout lhew- partrwu' VIOCl9WI9 I\abI1s.
Exam. practice: listening Part 3
.". .. &:"'" gmd"
Stooenh .... lllU Iil_[ "
w,lh 111' .... oplinn.... Thpy ill p h"... h'
read lhe quesl iorr; II... [ .... "'d.II,I .Idlli.
TN 'l'(n.-dinlj ""'y boo "" onlo"'",'
Iwo hi...>!h or .-1..."",,1... or
,,,,,I ,--",I"", , ..diorl on 1I'l' ph....... 01 '"
touo i"l", unh... """'''''' .... ('Ie.
D . T"" "udHlh I.....y ..... <:J<>in9 I 0 "'I..., to 4 ll'fllq
<}Irl. I ;,. Ipli""J hPc Idl h ... dboul d .hopp!'IQ ttlp
P1.11 I..... CD dllll to elftie the
In ItI!> Ih,,[.tl<;' menl lom
a -' RUd tile tIP WIlli Ii>l' t hen allOW
11m(' to .e"'; the I.....$
I...V will I\Nr I"" rl!(orG>nq tonel!, $0
thl!y st>ouldn'l worry rt t...VClIn-t ..('t
IIISI hmr_
PI.roV tI\fo Co..-d.,.;k studl!nts 10 c .. ele thl!<r

PI.oy IN> CO "9<WI and sl udo!nu 10 a>l'd I""..

(1_. "'........ ..,th the ClollS,
( 8"1 ( 5C
1D n-a-:npc
III '" II..... l loW
I)-; ft;, U, Hoo... y"" !>Pfon """"""9 )'1'11
l: Yes. I WMt toctay. The SllOppong c..,tr. ";00; <_
.... ano tm tlUSy 01\ IUMOJy
D: What drd you
l: Well, I.. a to'l' lor my 11_. D.Iib ."1.... 1110<.
pictule book,.lbout lIMn"I bul.., the""" I
I)QU9ht ho,>r 11)" I,,,,, III w,tlr,
I)-; ntee. D.cI )'01190 to yOllI tavou<." mu,i( .1'I<>p1
l: V, 10 PO(l:.1>(I ")CO CD> dAd I Ilooght
d.",. etl I", "'" ",,.II><O,ly
D: 1suppose you IooIo.M 3t ( IQlh(>H
l: 01 coors,. I ju II !JOt T',h" I I I II C'(j gn U>rIIe but
ttwy WC' I' rld i Qrtal , wu t" bul II
t oo Ima M' Mter tnot I l\'\('t my 1,,"""lu,,",
D, In coftl'(> """,1
l: II w,,, such 'lO., ly UV w. 10 'Om<'
salld..lcllu Iro", 3 11M 1m<! NIl I""". '" II", \1<1",
D: Good idN, D,d you my e,' ....?
l: 1901 rl ,n. IlIere 110l1li '"
dfp"ulm<'nl III<' ..... d<.M!d,
There you Dt.:I'
Language focus : put .m. ple
II . IOCU\ on III<' ,,"1<'\ In tile
,uIt"\ ...111 lilt' (loin rJnd ""S\.ltIq
I ..Ht 2 "'" l .....' . --td

.luIlenIS 10 I,nd_ ..tf9\llor pont 101m I_I
.-.;t _ jW1.1 lorm ... the e,,,,,,1IIo:'"> UOOlf<1l.
It_S10 100II art tho:' 4
Ipq 1091 MId utldtfl......1the I.........
lorrm Dlcrt w-..:n .." .. I wlwll
Rctu'-t: .... nllld. tr.lfnl'd. "a!o.lookHl, PKiPI'O
It'1-9ullr: ......t _f, Irff(\, m<'1. got
T ..1t .1rK1Pnls 10 tl\rou9tll"" le.1S Jnd Jsk
you 01 Ih"'''' "'" words IMy don'l undH.t and.
10 tomplMtl"" le,l ... I""n tI>Kk
.,11> f"I'lMr.
Asit Sludents.: W/loch PHSOfI II molll,U
,.--Answer by
I w""'HI Ir""<l
.. "'"
2 _r" 5
:) dodo1 1ft 6 mI1
Writing extra
Asl SludelllS lo ..nle I ShOtt (oIrbout
50 ftCWrH) aooul Illtil' IW: u.oppwog trop. rt'll
tlw:m to II\(Iu(Ie .1Iorflloil_ aoout orhe<l rC ..,n.
..'1eI"t they ...lID Irw, ...." ""11'1. ...t-och
lhey -...!OI in _ ....... t I".., boI.i9hl
Exan'l practice: and Writing ParI 2
.., 70 Exam g UIde
Ihe (OI7KI ..onl1 to complctc
ftJ<rIKl Sl!Olfn(es.
,he ",' ordS SIUIIH\U (1\00", btl w..n mJY hJve
simrlar bul only "".IS corrte!.
D . RPM 1M rum l ip w, lh Ih' ... Loot< at Ihe ftrst
wiln th e et.:l\, and a" sluck' nls 10 INti 1\
0111 wilh the th,,,,,, Ucit wh och 'I
(.orr<'(l .
st lldeni, Ihey sllould ,entence
Itrr(hr<)1\ Ihlnk aboot wildt the m,ss,nQ
word mi!Jhl
10 do Ihe -xtlvrlV 'nd..
CheCk an.....els
r;:::;.., '"
\...28 2 A l C . S !i C
a 1e1t.tudmlslhal tM ..... 9ue<rJroggMne.roc:us
on Ille sampIl' q .... ,tion...-..l ......we< ..-.eI1'Ik:.t th31
lhey u... I"" 1'..1 ........ I.......
51""""1 A bP<)rns by .r;J.rng Stud,,.. B quesloons
.>boul l l><1 l rung llKoy bouo)hI 5",.,..,,1 B mUlt
ureful not 10 "","\oon \1"" ...."'.. 01 rf
If A 1\01. probleml. .,..e,\inq wtwlll IS.
t""Y un O\ho:'I k,nd's 01 I lor
example, c..n YOUNt 1/1 Cion you _ il1
When A !\,1. COItKtly. 'luc.lI!nl S
s..ap loies.
Stu(lcnls un thanqe partnHS .nd pl.y Ihe ga_
More practiCfl
Wortboolc p.>qe 8
Common ..." ... 2. ... r paSI
--- -
--- -
The house where I live
Exun pra ctice
La"!J""ge foc"
Rea<linq Md Wrlt lr>g Pari 4 relative ....000I,I05
. 00",,"
st udent$\o look ollhto photo!> and 1JUt>$S ..
type of P""" the lOoms belong \0. Ask: How old
do youlhink /f,,,y lite ther m</Ie I temdlc?
What !r.ey !II? Ask whal
they li ke/ .iJ<J ul tllC rooms.
Vocabulary: the home
D .Clt""k students understana the mN"lnQ 01
words in l he bO' , then moocl and drill til<>
Put Inl0 poi" and ask thl'm 10 \(>11 each
wt"eh rooms they In IIovse or
Upl.l,n thai we alw S<ly IOOnqc 01' "U"'!! room
,nst(',)d of /i"ing room.
Backgr ound ext r a
Mllst I*Ople in the UK Itve in oouse$. The most
commOl1 tvP" ol lw"se is Th l$
tho:- oou,.. is jo<ne<l \0 anotllCf on 0....
. iol... A detuched house i. not allKI'If(I to
ottle, and a lerra<<'<I house is P/lr1 01 a
row 01 all jrnoM l<>gether. So".
in Ihe UK hve m flats. and an tvetl5ITIi'IIitt
"U011iK'r tIVi' in bu"'l"tow$.. The5e are homts wrth
e Slnqle <Klty.
B . students to do a(tiv,ly in pairs.
II t hey use dictionary.
r '"
nal" U
d",. H
.... C
.ola II
ta"", E 1
celhng 0 tog"l R
Wdtl I'
pillow '"
""'" J
campul .. pos..... r wi...,.". ()
""lain A shelf 8
Vocabulary ext ra
In groups OTthree. slooents copy down tile wo rds
II IX" 1hl1 box In Activity 2 00 separate 01
Siudents put lhe in a pile tacedo..n
STudents take turns to pICk upa WOfd. wHhout
"'ttlll9 the others see it. They mUST dr... the word
on tne paper whrle the olhers 9r.JeSS wNot It Is.
The studenl who correctly IlfSI
piece of paper . The stooent WIth the most pie(tS
ot paper at ttle end is Ihe winne
a .Tell students they arC(joi ng 10 descr ibe tne
In l!lei. hou${! "sinq tfle words in Activity 2
focus on the cxample and leU ,tulients Ihey CdO
use wcw' fIOI (W.. vp got a 1iJ''Je 1YJ or Tllere ... 1
are (T/)(o'e" Compulp, on 'IH'I1e'>k).
Put 1tudents """'S 10 complete the attryity.
MOMQf, and (0"00 tYPIcal mistakes ttw
a . slu6enls to look a' t he rooms in pi, t urlls
and wr ile down as many word, as t ooy
to eJch ORe.
Pidy th41 CO Jno isk S!lJIie nl< 10 mal,1I 111(' Pl'Ople
to the '00II'$
AsIr. studeots 10 I,sten il9ain and look at their
01 words lor eoXh room. A$II lhem 10 I;,;k th..
words mentoorwd.
'1l " Transcr ipt
GrM.: is my layourlte room in ho u,", Weye 'JOt
lob 01 pktnts In $0 it Ii ' e junqle. Th<>rf'S
.. 1009 """'" "" "'''' "d a Id''1'' wrooo,.. .' OOvP
tile bilt", 01 h9nt (0/YIf"S ., d",",,! U... diiy. I
low:- """"1 .. b;tIn in U,,"!;' W. SO ,,,,,,. inq.
H. ..,., This is my room. TlM.... rjt,k wilh my compul...
on I (\0 my lor
my books and DVOi. """ ;or.. my
<JOt. Ir;""" can..., Ja,nu ...OO Jll;r.v. t ....
he Qlt"" Com<'S Mr. to PI actlSe wrlh me. HlCrcs
",I a in <<>Inc' . "nr:! wt\ef' he ,,",d, to , lay
niqht Me sl",",p' 00 1t ,. 1
0 ..... " My d. ,I , in films and t hc ,i""",a. 10
1""1, wh y got this room in OU' ho u, e '
are ,",,'<'-ral biQ eMirs II ' ,.. Inch rp"lly
comfortable. SOli . Ihld (i'peIS on I"" ...311$
and 1100. There lite hNVY in lront 01 the


- -
s.:rHn _lois Of ... loJNs .. III<> ow.,. w.
Iw,lcn 'hOM ",f wllm .e ."'ch .Iil....
Language focus: relalive pronouns
D . AA \1> II 1M on II\(' btu
mto own t.lnguiKje
R.f., 10 the bold .0"'" on I... 00), [locI!
thl- (O((IKI worlt< to complele
D . ASf\ Sludt'f1ts 10 complele Ille
Indi.odu.:Iit'/. aMw"S .,In a pM I"t'f.
, ,,1\0 Z .,.,..,. l ..1v) 4 w!'lith
5 _. f> whrCl'l
Elcun practice:
Reading and Writing ParI 4
'"T4 EEiI.m gUide
Tills tesls sIu<ienh' 1o IhI
main ideH In l el l TI'Ie u lldapled al/thenl it sources "" artoci<)$.
wtbsilt p.1<]eS."1e. Tl'ley may cor"_ more
dollt<;UIt vocabularv I...., in Oln... 01 the
but SI...tents don1 hay. 10 ..n""',I_
"wry worll .... or<;ltor 10 colTljllMe 1Il10 !d.k
sucCfsslully. T"'-'re are ditrCOl'flt LlSt l'IIfS In II'IoS
p1. "'iI be eoltIC. or
RiQIIl I Wrong f DotsI\1 Say opllon,
II . Ihe E,am tip wiln ttIC ciJI!. Ask 10
hrid the pal I "I lhe 1...tIM conlalft3, lhe uns .. ","
10 Ihl e)ao'ple and unCIf'I'hnc: II 1"'1 sludenls
10 rnd In" p" rl ca refully 10 Chec k ..nS...., Do
I II the tom QlHl'Slion .Nl lhil
Inls (I a melul wily 10 do Ihrs kill'; 01 .-.:1 i"IV.
RtmlM 10 look In. lllle ...,
OKI..e hefOl f tMy ""Qin feJd'ng. This .. .u IJIvt
lI>f.m in oboUI I"'" tonlenl 01 1M
Ask Sh.d.,.." 10 do '''''' """y,I" indovldu<llly. (IlKt
.... s .. w,lh I ... clau.
' '' 2 '' l C
4 6 5 8 6 C 7 "
Ask slU<\tnIs; Would you (,ke 10 bp It'! " nO(lSC hk.
J;,y"s> Wi ry I Wily fIOl?
Spe<lking edra
Ask Sludfonts In 111M. lhey art ajournalist.
who is 901"910 inltrWw.w., sr..lf'I'. Ask 10
..-ilc SOl QUe-Slions INlllhey wouIcIlol. 10 ask him.
In "",rs. sl ud@<lhcAnroll-pl.ylhl-""vie...
rUSI Studenl A lS ltoe fOI,IffIill"l Bnd Sludent B is
Ji/Yy Shalf'l' Ttw", IlIfy caru"ajI
this, thaI, /here, those
(toe,1 u" IlliS / Ih<rl .. llh nouns
Jnd 1"".. /II>os. wltll ply.,,1 nou,,,.
Students (dO' I>' Krise 1110 .....dI usin<;I ,Iems inlhe
ri.:>s.,-00<l'\. students 10 pkk !.OfIOI'Wng lhey
C;)n SH.tnd t.._lhe (Ins .. "'''''Jlhi< f
t/>eSt of It"' do.e 10 IIVIm or Inal/ lhosed II is.ll.
oJ dlSt....,. (TIll, " " pcn<rl case T/'dl". window
Tn"e iN, TIl<t5c ill. (1",,015.1
Q . Bra"",lorm lor 4rum houst w'llI lhe
"au II"'9C' 'lMrJen. I, .. "OOff. rlllrma room
room_IOOlb.J11 p'lcnl \""'""""9 pool in
rnt 9<'Ioen). [ncO..... 10 Ihelf
Sh.ftools draw In.-i' ,,;,-, tl()u>es llIfO dcloC.ibl'
Ihf>m ,II (Mors.
",k ,1U(iena 10 w.." I S/\Of I
abOul thell IdNI houses. You ("" sId these
descri"bom on IIIe wolli. oIWId d$lo 10 -..ole
'or lhe bHl 1lOuS('.
Pholocopiabte act ivity
My dream bedroom IPaQo 8S)
Topic: dncnb'ng" room
l'fI9uage: lile home.
I SIu<ienls ",,,Ie Ine IdjIClovn '" 1M co.-rect place
,n the lab"'_
Colour: _. qoId
S/I.opr. tonq. rouncl. ......
W.ltrlol: gloss. 90ICL _1'Ief. wood
01"*., <""',on.....,
2 SIudf:"ls rNII IN I.., &nd complete It.
S i:s 2." l OS 4
3 T 10 use lhe 1..1in A(I!.IIV 2 iI'S I
mOOf l. SIUIIl'fIIi w"le Ihelr dl$(fopllons.
4 Put sludent! InlO QlOUPs 01 1m". They INd
(lescriphl>", and dl!(i(Ie whlell one Is bMl
&crccn ;)1'10101> of hU,," fiqhl. WI <.......,. W,
I.,\(t, lhow oIl .. lIM.f ."tch., ','....
Language focus: relative prol\OU"*
III 0 A!k 10 .xamPH'5 on the boo
WI'o lhelf own l.Wlo:!uage.
o 1I,1e-r students to II,,, bold -..o<<H '" the boo tiki!
IIV corrtCI words 10 rules.
o As!< slucienls Iu cDmjIIt'le tile le<'It"rlCt!'J 0
tb"" chk .. ,Ib .. I/tMr.
' ..110 2 ......... , l ,.fIo 4 ..hod'!
5 -' 6 ..tooth
Exam practice:
RelldlI\g and Writing Par' 4
.,.,. t>:..... guide
o This luts student s ' abihty 10 thl'
main KI,,,, In .. lon()Cr ted. .re &dIIpled
from ' ..... ecl l(Kh .. " "'!I9,nine br\,eles.
wtbs>1t .,(. r,-V "ont"'" moooe
d,fflCUlt """.. bulary I""'" in olhe< PoI"S 01 the
flam. but st udents don'l h, to un6ersland
.."'" word In order to eompll'l .. lhoe
wccf1sto,lIlV. Ther" c a,ffl!l"en' ton' In I,,"S
pari. Oo,rt,hOM will be ..Iller muftiplt ChOice or
I! Wron'i f Soly opt"",.
II Rua 11>\1 t um tip with II><' CiaSs. '-sk to 0
""'" Ih" part 01 1'- te.t t haI COOlI<lms the MSwe<
10 ttoe UJmp"" unde<lIr>e ,I. Tb." ,,11 s'udcnls
h. "'Ad this ""rl CJr('follv to t ho .. Do
T ..,I h The I;'sl QOMlion dl1<i fOpla,n '''''1
Ihl S i. d uS"lul way to do Ihl' ku\d of acl l..
o R"""",J stuoenll to tool< Ih" Ine
poet ... , belOfe they ""'i'" rud,"Q. lin wWI OOYe
lhfom IltI odn the 01 lilt 'lOt
o A,k ,It"'"10 do lilt iKt ... ,.., indovoduMiy.
Wl II'I th" ellrS!.
4 1', '5 8 6 C 1 .
o ASk Would you I;. e to In 1I000se hl,
Jdn7 I Why not?
Speaking edra
o Ask """""Is 10 ,!\It they e .. toumati<t
who Is 900''9lolllle.....w J"-Y Shof. Ask tlwm 10
_it, "" Qo\>\'sl oons tNt they wooM Ilke to ask h,n\.
o .. sludfoonl . C... role-pl.y 1.... lnltnitW.
r"S1 51........t A Is'llt 1OU"0000001ind 5t Wtnl8 is
Jay Shafe< Then they c.n """'P roles.
this,that, these, those
o tliCit we usc tn,. f fllill .. ith Sln9ulaf nouns
aJld 1I,' f 1/loSf w,lto plu',,1 "Wfl'.
o eM! po- iKllse th, words usirrq Items ,n
d""s< oom. Asl! "'udllntl 10 Sotr.HNI'IIJ II>foy
un """.rod (ell the (torol wtr.;ol it os usrnq I;"" f
If ,t Is dose to IIWm 01' ,I",,, at
I This Is ol Pt'I'K" T!\II JS 00"0fld000
rllf'$p Me penCils. rllose Me boo;JU.l
D 0 E\' . ,MIOfm OdN'l lor " I'IOu$C t l'l
d,ossl/lul)C q,Hden, r."" lloon. cine"", room.
90lmes 'oom. loorMl1 I sw.mrlll"9 pool 'r.
Ih" 9"rdenJ. Encouo"al)e Itudtnll t o us .. lhelr
, Stud...,ts their hoUSfoli trw" oe".ibP
t hem In P<JIrs.
o A!J, 5tu<lents 10 .role PM"-'II'aplo
;oboulll\e<r ,(f(o.. c.n U...'""
clnl:ro"hons on the.", and nlo. studenb 10 ....
for ,he ,,"I I'IOuse
Mo... pnctaoa
Phoiocopiable activity
My drum _com (P,-",. 85)
descrlbonq .. room
the home, oojKt lve,
1 51"""nls wril e Iho bd/Klw... '" the
in the table.
""",", ..,
Colour-: bIoK"- blue. 90Id
SI>o"" long. round._.
.... . INtileo', wood
Ot""" '-"ort_, loud. modem
2 SIO!:k'nh rf<Od the Itxl ""d
1 " 2 art l i$ .. ..'
J T students 10 us, lhe 1,,1 In Acllvl11 2 M ..
model. 5tudl'hts .rlte
4 Pul , ludenls InlO 9IOIIps 01 fOOf. lhfV feJd therr
(!P.cripl,onJ; and dKide winch lint i$ best.
We haven't got any milk
r EIa... pn<:tke
. lislfflinq P4I1 5
Re.JdJnq and Wrohnq P.-1 6
S("'Off!!S' ( .. OUt,/. food? w!wt
rood 00 yO<! dtsJ,h'
Foc:us on the poetur. iII\d 3$k; W""" 01 t,.,..., lOO<h
do roo uP W"1C1t do you /,tf/eMI,h?
Vocabulary: food
D . A;k 10 words to I .... pt(lur.i.
(It... ..... " It ... " ",,,,!PI dM d,illltlp
prQ,,,,md.ll,oo. ,I fll'(KIMV
butter C "" II
carrot I "" " ,Icc P
'IrOPl'I R ')'''01'1 C;
N jam 0 011 0
f lemon I
r""" ()


coUrt' K m.nq<:I $ pt..... ppl ..
Vocabulary extra
Wrole the 10110"'1'1<1 WQ,es on th! oo.rd'
MNt rn,Ji/ !),lIt)' Ormls
students to WfOl, the words In 1 under
Ii><- hf.ld'!\IjS. _lid oHler wOfdslney

B Ellcll. lood word IOf NoChpOclufC.
In IIo)IIS. J:sJ. 'luGents to ..,nle down IS f!I.Inv 011>
wordS is ..hI<.h complete II p"'_1..
I""""",", ......
IM'I .. _,,.-.. u ......
A , 110$1 of: .041 .., .... nt. !",.1 N.n. Itmoo tcIt,
A o,:(..NI, CIlOtoYI"
A I>oltl . 01:_.....I ... , oil.
A cln of, ,,,,,..lOti. biol.t'd
U . r.1I stud.nls ...1\,)\ you ,",,,",wily 101
(I ,,",.to 4 /xI .. J ot .. f 'pJd'" Ih..IllI.lw> ;, (Ill ....
U\fod to m"" "",t 01'
,.,k and Itll! QUfltrOl'IS 'n POJ.lJS
Do yOI/ "-101' bluM.!!1 / JuOCIt I
rJ....".. '). A slud\oo\ s 10 III(' lid,s whdl
Ihtl' p,tIrlnf' NI1.
Exarn practice: u lJlemng Pan !I
.r... EDm9wde
Stuo:k<>tS;)f(' \('1;I('d orr their 10 edr
IP'!'Clhc inlOl'motoon from .. ttl! ...Ih ......
SIu'nI5 \"r.II.1' 10 llill'n jnd complete j
ut 01 nolts. Spcl1l1lQ r"I'Io1Iy nol 10 101411y
In !.)me ... h('n I wOld
is 5P('11 OUIII musl be Cl)rrectly spell
a . Rcmmr,l sludents to .llhe QilPS In Iht .eclpe
Iry 10 qocSS ..hatlype or word 3
JIId 4 /Ire numl)('.!>.l a.c oOlms.\
PlJY the CD J rI(l asll sluden' s to "II In the missing
inlormJhon. Tell them IlOilo "'OI"Y il the!y can"
complete CV("ylh,nq lhe!y wil l 00 able to
lIsten J second I""1'. (SeC the! [ u m I ipol
Pl.Jy U", CD .)(j"m 10' ..tuden! 5 to ! hei r
Jnswers und f il l in MylhlnQ \MY mlsscd.
Cn@<; l< "nswE'swllhlheclass.
AnI_r key
1 1 2 urrOI 1 S lOO 5 ctli'!S.
K TranK:npl
Good anerl'lOOn MId _""""0 ,...,..1
lod;Jy W\' ,,"c Ij<>IO"09 10 <<101. TS. 'Nily
..., '" f.ny'o Ttli' f (SI tn"'9 to
00 i1 10 ro,d "'""" .61... onto .. T 0 .... S<IUP lor
tour P<'Opic> I'O"willno.d ._1 Z 1It1.,.'" IOd'",
Tile ...... 1 thonq 10 "" IS to C\II s.omo:' .eget.bles In\o SINIt
r-..... " dcooo,,'1 INlt1 ....1I... ""'at ...
you use. juo;.t _ '" , I><> 1"'\<)I".tnd .....I ... t y".. .....
QOI. TocJ<rr. 'm qotnq to <f _ onion. _ ,.,rot. 0'>"
WlVn f...-,t1Wlq " ."",y. I.y ,,,.. ONO<U,,' 01 ..00
,n ...,...., oioL I "",",!PI' do 1M. 101' Ibo\II
"",,.,j'">. The<! put t hem into II><>"'....:j .... !!>em bOoI
All... 0Ib0u1 """"Ios..odd It-.. ']'""''' .f9o!t-. iWId
p.osl"- t ........ 1tv use lOCI gr....S. Wilen e>I!(yllt,"'l"
",(L.odd """" un ar>d _, r....,ny, pU\ thl' S<IUP "'10
a bel..,. pot 'om<' ,,,"",,, on !"" ...-.I It -, I"
Language focus:
counlable and uncounlable nouIUI
II . Rei>d the ru!(os wIth the cla$$ and Clic"
n<lmple-S or ttunqS fOIl (an c.)(>"t tount
Co !"'O"'l" I"" -.n, ACti.i!y 1 ..,Ih U ...
cl.Jn bnd cld III'flI'II\tf II'Ity ,Iff C.".,I .."", Of
uncOU"lolIbk>. 11'1.11 '1'011 (.......1"'"
.1 .. ..,11\ 1II'C000000I.obIt ... 111....., HIPm
!SNide noun If, COUIlI.tbI\!' Of
Read Ihe CJrlooo! wllh the C13U.... Slu,lfnl, 10
Ihem 'nlQ Ihflr 11"9l!a<}II
Elic it corred WCtI"ds 10 complele Ihf' .,,1,,.
II .... slullllS 10 rHlllhl! chid II
th+.t oloIe .... v do nol
Ask "<too.....l\ IP cornplcolf lhe- d'.oIoque. II>eo
iOnswt'f"S .'!h " pill"'" .

I _much l ...., 3 _
S SOI1lf 6 $OmC 1 How 1'1,)/'1'1'
Speaking extra
Pul sllllk'nh Inlo pa;rs MIl IIsII 10 ,..nte liw
dl31oqu1: In Actov,ly 7, till! food
it<ll1ls Rl>mInd lhem It\;JI thty ......y iIIso to
cF\,)nQP 1'10... much/how manr too.
StuaCt'lts CJn pr.lChse thf;, diJIocIUH'" pa,rs.
II>t'n _ sluo:lenls to the'1r
d",tOQllCS lor the tlMS.
Exazn practice:
Reading and Wri ting Part 6
., 71 fum guide
Students Dr. II, riv.. w(lrd,
re lallHf 10 th. SDme topir. Ip, f'6",v l" jQI: or
loocIs. Siudents Dr. a CIIolinih.)!, 01 ..oKh wo.1I
and they ha'llio 11,,,11111.... ,,,,,...<lly. They
.... GlvM 1M l ..sllell", <>\ "0<<1.
III . R.."d lhe [111m l ip w,lh tilt r "son tilt
"."",pI<> dehnohon _ ...s ...... , >d \tuOt<ll$
how lhey C,)fl _her" ',fIqUI.J' Of piu''''
noun " ''-'QIMI"Pd tDl (Iut' It wrs 1"'1 yf'O'lC-oo'
Innt . 1"'1_ 'rUIIsl .... slVllo-nh to rNd
,he DlIIPr ond dtflt Iy -"tll'll'f I pIu, ... or
rS rpqIJIIlHI.. R,mind thrm to \00'. oul
,'" 1m J .. clUO'\
J\'" 10 do iKto..ty 'nd"d...... y. (lIte_
"""",,, ..,
I c"""'" :2 _ 3 "IQl .. 10fI"'1..... , ...1 ...
II . s'"",-",I u,""" the ...",ds s.\1".
Ask Slllo,""I, 10 the fl'<IjK', as_.
rou 'n II r 11>;, ",,"dw;el> W/ly !IV/lt noll
... t('l "t'S,,,1:>e 'I (dellc/()u!.
Mdlv. rli.><]u,/j",/.
As. 10 w' own recipes. rell them
If> ,,,p I ,"' il>t' in JI, t ov.ty <J as a model. alld usc
b" lI pl Iw,i"h '" "umb<;ors lor inslruct ioo .
Slud",)I, .ti... lhl"lr rl'<'pes on Ihe -..alllo,
Mon, p..-..ctico
PiQt 10
CDmDII "" 01< 10-()(10 1.1>i9f 15 IUniquoo! ",II! 011
Photocopiable act lvltv
PIrtntItngo. PlCnrc. IP. 86)
Topic:: 100II
food. qu.:,niot"", bottle. 1M. el()'
qoinIj 10
l SI_IS cOIl1()Ifte li>e IIMcrtjlloons end malch
I""'" to li>e p;ctufl1.. C""'t answ!'rs and tnO<ItI
_ pronunclaloon 01 il'l}' .cords 111M a.e new
to students..
I ooltln l bows 3 iif .. , ..ton ' t6n1
6 lub 1 II 9 "",,_PI t_....
2 rul SludfnlS ,n pol,r\ I f> t""" !""" "",noes.
3 SI!X!entl In IhM polirS d,1(! compa, f picnKs
w,thOlI\l>, Pol "'"
.. S!u{lpna whi' h ll>r!y O! t M IIf'II pocnlc
and why.
Are you ready to order?
Uua p<iOctice Vocabul H"J
Reildin.;l Wfillng 1 menus
La"9""9. t .......
. "'derlng lood
Ask slu"""!!, 00 you sometimes go to
,,,,taulanls' Wh<l1 type Of ..uratlh do you
I,k.. ' Try ('hclt: fast 10011 r"sl"urdnl. lnell!
r .., 11..11(1" ffSlaufim' . As'" What Is yOOf
favou,,'" lylX' of toed? EIi(it ditl erenllypes 01
food, th en W/>(I N$ "i!'d su,hi? Wha' Is SUShi?
Background extra
EJtonq out willi 'r iends is a popula r I,M' t ime
actlv,ty in I"'" UK. TMre are a 101 ol lt.n
rcsi')urMis. piZlas and pasta dhhn.
Another common tvp@ol, ...tauranlis It..
bar wlll're you can Qel bul1}l'fS wlIh a hU9f v"'il'ty
oltOOpil\Q$. Sushi Dars are gell ing mort pOpular.
'IS we-I! JlOOdIt 1)<1" whkh 51""" food ' rom the
Exam practice:
Reading and Writing Part I
"" .. Eu.m 9uide
Students elQht , .. "I-word no/i(;es ",e
on lilt" 'Ie.... ' ill ur.dersi,)nd.nCl 01 them.
Tht'! ha-le 10 malch liv.. 10 tile
"'te OOI..:es.
D . tilt' tum tip wilh Ihe Poinl out l""t
the word appears in ooti" E In<l in sentence
3. but til.. 'Tl Hdn i(>g 01 the whol , Ihe
wnole a,U.,-enl
a . ASk 5100('(\1, to read th'<.IU,Ill 1he and
rrkrlCh Ihem with To;Il the.e
are lwo nOl iccs .., e 001 r"lf'f'ded.
Answer key
l B Z G l D 4 C 5r
Vocabulary l'xtra
. luden" to I WOfd whet! IOf
ant VD(ADUI.:i'"1 (SH p.l9I! 14 of the
Slude<lr. T.n them to Include the words 1.0m Ille not":H and add any mhe\"
leyant wo.ds they can 01,
Vocabulary: menus
U . Clled understand t he of I Me
wo,ds ill lilt' 1lQ" Alk whilt otl\;>,
Il\;>y mi<,Jhl on <I ml!<lu (sl"rl....-).
Au to dt the arod wrrtf the
wOf d, in tht'
ChE<:k drwl und""tand,"9 01 the
lood 0" tlw ",... " .
B SiMOi,he, C D L)oin"
,tudenli: \Iil'klt "'oold YOlII'*e 10 Cdl ,n HJppy
JO<1'. C"M? Students wrot.. down the ....mel> 01 the
they wOOld Ilk" . A,k , ome sludent $ 10 rNd
OUIIl>eor aniWers..
Writing extra
Ask ,tudent' to ,""cnt t heir own 'per/ed' menu
with J11 their di,hes, They CJn tne
,n t M Stvaen!'. Book as a model. and
Invent a!or t heir restaurant. Remind th<!m
tl\;,!t lhere i, more too<l vocabulary on P3ge 24
01 the Stuoenn 8001<.
Q . ASk stullenrs to read tile car loon drll1 that
thIN rt.
ASk Slu<1entslo read Ihe WillI..... , repliK. and 1'"1
Jnd oot wllat the qllltshon lOa, in
each (ase. Telt dll .. to
in Acliv ily 3.
EIi CII Ihe from th@c lan,
AnlweT key
( if'OiMrs)
1 wl\,)n a
2: 01 na.e you
.) IIOW rnucn I, the
.. Whol lfe cl\oc)Sl
5 W"",, 01 <f cream II.iIW yOu 90'?
studen" 10 the que.tlons and
ans,,"('I"S ,n pa,rs.
iii . Rl'I", sludents back 10 Ihe menu in Activity 3.
PI.y the CD. 1111 stUdenlS 10 lislen MId .."tu ,k". n
..l\;It dr'nlls Joo Amy arMr.
Chk ,",
",,-, ..,
Mlh : . qIoln 01 ...
,..;':"" : : , <JIM' Of lotmOI'Iidt
a . Ptay 1M CD iQ<l,n iOO nk SIUOCnl. 10 cor". Ille
ind Amy Older.
loll..: ClIH>eburqtt, QtHf'l cnocm..le brc_
Amy: p...... """'" tongs. 1:\.>"""" uo.e.

IW. W.. , ... M . ..,.... A .
; HI. At, you ...xIy 10 0I\1tf?
M: T.... fd I,b. ...... pINSI'.

M: WOU d you a CI<,M'qotf 100. A",y'
A: Na.1 _. c.n '" j)IU.I ..'n
'"",",10. ,'-'t. onoom. tr4
. : Sure, Do you ..ant _ ,MU d,\.he...,Ih '!WI'
A: rll hoon 'onW 0""" ,_
101: And fit !\Iv, _
. : Wh.JI abOut <It dM.,,,,,1 afl""Jfd1'
A: "'" I!..... ...,,,' ..
101: hnd a cl'lo(Qlale tor ..... Pea"
\III : 1/'9hl. Would you 1'1.... ..,,,,,,In''''llo drink?
101: Con I iulol 11;1.". i 01 w,olt-r.loWd),f/
\III : Nn p'ohlrm.
A: A""I'd 1,1. , a 91" 11 or
\III: II won'lbe lonQ
Language focus: orderi ng food
As kSl vdttnh It I hty remember n,ons
th, ..aller used on the CD (Iw IIrt yoo
r...xIv to order?!.
Ask them 10 rNd s.enten(f' 1-8 """ k Ihem


D . lINd the senll'nCes with In. class .nd "",I
t fl'ledo'lS I"" s.Jme .n 8. 2 fl'W'lns IN> A
ASk floocnls to I. t lleil "ntences into
tile" own ioquJqi!
a . Ihe .... _ple 1M Ask Slutl.n!\ lhe rcpty would be 10 tM q...stlOn WOUld yo<;
til<c rillt? (Yes. plNs# I Yes, rdlow_.1
Ask sludenls 10 compltlt 1M acl ,v'ly Indo.Hl""Uy
Check lIOns..prs.
1 ..ouId j'OU like 2: rd
3 00 you WOuld yOu .....
Speaking exi r a
Put sloo....l. ml o groups 01 tour '00 Ieli l hem
Ihey ... e '10''''110 ""...Uon ..,,, otMr 'bout wNeh
fDOds In...,. hh . Tetl l n.m 10 choose fw.l00d,and
fl'Idk.. a tab'" ..,Ih In. roods on In. "'11.nd lilt
of I""" group mPftlbers ""IK$ tn. 100.
[ 1",,1 PO"'''''' an. ...... 10 tilt questIOn Do )'OU
liA.. piua? I Y .... rdo. I Y .... It I No. "", VIJf)'
S """'" tudents ask _ lIOn. .....- I""' In pairs
...-d t lWlr l..oles.
A'" individu.J1 . t udent,lo'eport batk to trw
01 theda.... NasI .t"'-"I, '" ouQllOUll.t;/fI_ .
Thc>mos/ popuIiN fOOd'" ""'''0<4'11_
Pul .lud....l. ml O QrouPi ttl lOIIf Sludents c.....
wril .. oul the .... lorst." nt-r:tsWH"f'. T lhem
to ''''' Ihp .'1"""""" hom Acl 'vofy f. and al,o
U'" .. ....,,;.Iio.., ...-.1 .. 1\I:1,.l1y 4.
1"" ,1.-,1, tn ItI.tV"'9 lhe .ok- 01 Ihp
Encou, lhem to b...-;Ion by ask,ng Are
1'00 IlMdy to OIoJ...-?
If .lvd"",l. mor, P'ochce. ct\Ion9f In. Qroups
"rOUnd. "nd 1",11 to t he iKltVlIV, II
lI>!'v C' edlt'd the" o.. n per rlK!" menu. (
WI i/i"9 .../1" "bove) th(oy un 10 vary
More pr"",;<;(!
Woo kboot< II
Cgmmon ",'or. 2. I""J".l!> 11'"f. woulC Ii. ,
They make him laugh
Ex.... p ctlee Voe&b..l arr
1'/,;l i"9 p,rt) (b)
. RUd'ng WrrtltlQ P,wl 4
.. llOw oUrn do J'O<' "" 10 the
W/l,JI I)'PO! OII,Ims do yOII Iolt? WIIdt W
101m yOtJ 5.01.. 7 Did you lib ,I?
Vocabulary; til"",
D . to If) p.aifs ,""leh lI..,
tyPH to
undMstand 0lil 1M f'lm types. WodPI d"ll tlo ill
...-cnn:i.Jhon til the
... ",loon film D a rlror \,Im ..
an '''m (: rom.lrlCe B
tomedy I ",\erIC' ,,,1'0" him G
,onI0'1 101m E jlY_ H
,1,\.11, illlM'y un 11,II1II of otl>er lillm IMV
1,1'" WOO" '" ..... h Ullf9O"Y
B . CheCk Slu(1HllS \IIIOtI stJnd tile mcaru'l9 01 1M
oid' ....Ji,'-">
AS" tt..m 10 1M ph,.""" to the plct",,,.
Ttll stude",. IM.e may b. mOle Ih3n """ pluiW

answer s.
... I..;:" tunny. n..- .... ,"'''JI'I. n ..... ',ON',,,"". 11
"'-"'"' .....
B II was bOI'"9 "was l'!lIIlIe.
C It "d .. ..tOo9
0 11 ........d II mode me try
E It w;n ="1. II wal
Speaking extra
Ask lownle down tht- '*""" 01 IhrH
_ seen rect'flily.
" ... lhcm 10 .. ,,1, 0".111' twoof phllsesfrom
IhIt boo Md 10 film
Pul ,MO pa,n to and
QU(>$trons 1M 111m. U,uy h."" '>ftIl.
A: What f, lms dkl you walch 'l'C""lty?
8: I ,",W W4L1C
,,: Wf,.;,! kond o/Iilm Is ,I'
8: It .. SOf"OC" lichon t,1m
'" Dod you hk' il?
fI: II ... ...
Exun prac tice:
Readlng and Writing Pari 3 (b)
.".n Exam <JWdo
SIu(\elll.s .., iSk\'<.!I" ",."plete a by
choosing lrom "Jhl wi r(IR<;. dralOOjrUt"S '''''
be bel lO''''''' trlfnd.... t.... plate i" ""'PS. hoI,IS.
rnt"'"in'''' ttc. 01 ," y", in".. \OUiIrI '"""'_,
the EOMlIIII ...Ih II'It' (IUS. rheo ,"k
students 10 ,,<III II>\> e...."[>1<0 IItw Inl ''''0 ......S ot
lroe o"'loquel....... t twur ..1...11.... d.liogU' os
(Jrr JIIQ'OQ 10 90 10 tt1\' F
10 read "II tt. '''' Ik,o,,,,, (4 H)

C;Jfcfuily belore IMV ""'h th,."', CholC..... Ttll

1hre-nl11\;t1 Iwo 01 tile optrons Mt nHdtd Jnd

rPlTlU'od IhpmllO! 10 use 0 ...
IhIt ""m trW<.

t 8 2 t l G 4 e S A
Exant practice:
Readlng and Writing ParI 4
-- -
""... EJ:am gu..doo
This I....b 10 .. Ihp
m_ odt-n WI IooQer "'1. ire ad.:Jpte-r;t
trom autl_Ioc SOUICfl WCII.tS ..Ill......
lO'ebsde ftc, Thpy ..... ' C(lfII..,n fTIOft
d,tticuit IIIOtn II> olher 01 II'>r, bul slu*"IS don't hJve 10 uoot'fsl arld
eVffV wor-d i" Old 10 compk'lc

'<tIc(essfully, "",,"e are d,fI"e<>1 lask
thi, "",I. QuIo'IIr<)ns 1O',1t be ..dhe< staterne<
Ricjhl I lron<j I W\n'1 O(IIrons. or mult"'"
UIOICe QIIl'Sli()fl" "" III IIV" optr<)r\S..

Q . .. ,I '09"1'" the odors on the

lu ' .....1 the
Check t ncy them.
Rud lhe ( I .... I,p "" I n I.... CI.11'" [ ' piJ,n thl! lhe
qUfltionS .. no! '" 0I"d, but re!rr t o any 01
I .... II...." luis. w must read all

teIts "r1t
llOOCflIS 10 'e,)(l 11'1(' 11$ 30d tI,O.". It..:
... t!n
l C Z II , ... 4 1 5 C 6 C 7 8
Background utra
EmN W;I\HWI. 0MI0I0/ Ruptrt Glint ..
sla..."" in It..:- .....,., PoItl'f 1llOVIft. IIrIItIt
noo..ts by 1\0 ,1r1ll."lrr J KRooIIrng tnt
in soor .... kM'yPottrr Id IIw "'r'P ,rr'Ieni
SI_ ..... on 2001 The cn.lCtt'n piIytd
byr"""" IHrrmoontl.nd weft Harry's
lint Ir ion the 1i1mJ.
Readl ng@dra slvdenl s to .. , ,I K I,,,, of tf>ttr own
<:<I mprph...""on bilsed 00 tiltH
te.t s. Ellcll one or IwO Irom
studtnts ( IIII,e" .. ! ",m" IIIU15011 born? What
dot's she I,ke dom9 ..I'M not
Student lsw.lp 'I!le5trons wilh u pnrtl1i!r and
. " I'''' t".r' ,
Language focus: pronouns
D . rllr,t 0< t h.Jt .... Cln use PI instCNd
01 noun\..
(I .... k ,hH!o>"I\ colours DiUf.'.
9' ......
,n l IlrCII"Crn,
1 hr. /lin\. IllS
Z YIf.IIt<. ""S
I I _. my.....""; .,.,.., y<lO.I'. yourt; ". w.. our, ours;
I...." 1-.11'ft'.
4 11 Its
... <1< wtwh j'lfMIl"Il<':II" wt,tocl
prOl'lOOM (I. roo/, 11<', II ....., 4nd ..I\JCII
M. 00,1 I',"", ruu./ltI.t, I"". II. us,
IhHnl........ ,,,,,,,,, .. hoM! u)tO thlo 01"" PI_S
(10 ,ooocal e TC'lt tl'lem l hew are c311fod
possessw. pO"OfH)UM
Do tile hrSI S..,lellCe Ille (\;1\' .... dn ",,,,,,pie,
\ Iuo""ls to complet e tile . 'lioil V
IM n CI)mp.l.e ttle" Jn swe , s In p.i,n.
c nIX'
"" .....-.)
l ll;,I. l TO- \IlIIl
4 ... : S 1'1 .. , SOt:..., '"..n....
1oI.lIl.. 5Ufe sludrrlh ..nde-HI""" tile' ,,"'Iff...,.. In
meanIng bel_ IIO'CI e ......... $CNf'lCft. .tudPnts Icl.anslalc NJmpln 1<\10 I....

U . Wrrle the rollc"""'9 t c.1 00 lhe board ".
e."mplc (loIlo.....nq GIl Irom lhe ..amploo'
SM ""S PI! romb Ilol/dtr, S/)oo I ... ,
six childrl'fl Jnd Iter boyf"erx1ls -tf"l'
Ask 10 q001S whl) ttle actress Is
(Arrqcl,,,,, Jolfl').
Ask to write thel ' o...n
Encouraqr t txom 10 use p.onouns to
Put mto Dilirs to 0 " 1 ttl\' "
dnd t he ...:tors
one o' two llooenh tn rPilo " "I lheir
Sl'nlcr>CCS 10 11\0' ctass and ask th+ r/'!oj " f U....
to ..1>0 the ",lor is. Che<k tholl 'It.dffih
U$('(l PfO<lO\.lns CO"felly_
More pr.actl a;!
wort: bor;)Io.!I<IyI! 12
C"""""".....-otl 2. P. 35 i pos>cs,.... 's
Photocoplable actiYity
At 1M mo"';'llPoJ9f 811
Topic: him'
LMog......, him t)tnIh.fI9''''''''.-.d disfl9"Nft).
1 SIuclMl\ t .... trllfl'tv-Solndtomplett
",""", '"'
1 S(lt<'I(t Irclron r..... Z _ WIIIl
l 15elccl ow (OtI'IfdV
Z .c<ld the ..''oe''';l9011f1 alld deckll! wille'"
ooes IIlCy wanl 10 watch and ..hy.
l Slu(1(: nt s (I,seU!S ttle hlm s In 9,oul. Ttl! tnem to
Imaqnc ttleV 3rt \IOI1lQ to tile cll1i!ma
lhey ml<5t try to ag/fe whl(h T, lm tllfly 901119
to watch.
6.2 Can you play the guitar?
Exam proo.c"ce L:lDguage focD '
Li,jenir>g Pari 4 modals for abilit y dod obligation
Reading and Writ ing Part 9
,luuenl>: Wh,,! <or/ of mus ic do ii,e? Do
yo" yn 10 C<lllcMI,' Why / Why no/? Do you
Background extra
Photo A i, nightcl ub DJ.
Photo B i< Bob Ma rley, a Jamaican re'l9"" muskian.
PhDto C j. an orchestra
Photo 0 i5 an AmerK"" ra!>P"f.
Photo r is The Pet Shop Boy'. an En<J lis h pop group
Photo r i, Aerosmith, un American rock ba nd - plus
Slosh (the guitar ist in the hat), from rock
band Gun< N' Rose"
Vocahulazy: music
D . In pairs, ask student, 10 match the type, 01 music
to t he photos.
Chee, answers and check that stude nt,
understand all t he wordS. Model and dr ill the
pronunciat ion
l F 2 [ 3A4 B 5 D 6 C
If want 10 lil lk other type, 01
mUSiC. t hem wi th the word, (jill Z. soul, pun/<.
r dp).
B . Ask to t ind the Instr ument. in
neck an,wers, then model or><! dril l t he
rronLJ nCiil t ion
Fl ieit names ot other mu, ic,,1 instr uments
, t uclent' li ke or can plil Y (trumpet. flule. clarinet,
a . Ask students to look at the Music Suryl'Y,
tl..,y umJerslaoo te.., question,.
Ask student, to inlcrvic" JI ICJst t hrce of th<:i r
cI3ssmilte" il nd milke il nole of their
to the All ow t hem t o movc around t he
classroom to do t h"
Speaking extra
Ask individual student. to t ell the about one
of t he people they interviewed. but without saying
t heir name. (Thi, ,tucient li*es muSic. Her
biJnd is .....te). A,k other members 01 the
class to guess the ;tudeflt.
Exam practice: Listening Part 4
.r90 Exam guide

l ist en t o a conversat ion for 'peci f ic
informat ion and fI ll in a ,et of note, .

They may need to li,ten lor t ime,. numbers, dat es.

0< I he of a word
a . iI,' st udent s to 1001;, at the and elic,t
"hilt sort of numbers t hey are (limes, prices,

ddl f.l ) A5k t hem t o gue55 what queS t iOn5 boy

on the CO wil l a, . 00 not conf ir m or rerect their

gue;,.s al thl' stage.

Play t he CO. , tudents to CIrcle numbers

they hear. Check answers.

- 35.00. [17.50, [175, QQ, 7th, 3rd
a . Red(] the Exam t ip wilh 1I.e eli"'.
iI,k slul lents how many time, were ment ioned on
I lle CD (t"o - 9.30 and 10,30). Point oul that t hey
to listen carefulty and deCIde which tIme il
1 he correct one, Tel l them II1"t tlwy wil l hear the
ree.ording tWKe. so thev can t h<:ir aOSwer\,

Reier , t " dents to t he not e;, and c licit

of j. m;"ing f or each question (a day.
J lime. numt>er. a pr ice, a date).
Pl dY the CD and a,. , tudent, to (ompl<' l e the
Play the CO a .econd lime tell

sludents to {heck and (omplet e thei , on,we".
(tl".;k an,we".
1 Saturday 2 9,30 3 12 4 '5

Can you play the guitar?
Exam p.actlc V""ahulary
. Pari 4 mU5ic
. Reading and Writing Pan 9
LaD!JII.&g. foe..a
modal! tor eb,Ioty and obl'llBhon
...'ls, WIl.oI sorl 01 mu!;c de m,e? Do
ron y() If) Whr I Why OO/? Do rOo.
buy many CDs?
Backgr ound extra
Phot o A 15 a nightclub DJ.
Phot o 8 15 Bob Marley, J JamaiClln musician.
Phot o C is an orchestra.
Phot o 0 Jay-Z, an American rapper.
Photo C Is The Pet Shop Boys. an ("111151> pop group
Photo r is Aerosmlth. an American rock bli nd - plus
Slash (1M gulta,lst In the hat), rrom AmO!fl C.1I rock
band Guns N' RO)'les.
Vocabulary: music
D . In pairs, Sl uMn!! to match 1M types 01 mUS iC
to t he pMIOS.
answers and Check 1M! students
under Sland all t ne woros. MOdel and dr ill the
pronunciat ion,
Anawcr koy
l f Z ( 3 A 4 8 5 D 6 C
If w,m t to talk about ot her Iype' of
ti,,,,,, ,. ,Ih t he (jou, ,oul, punk.
, dl!),
B . A>k 10 l ind In, t ruments in P<lus.
Chock a",... e". model or><! doll the
Elicit II><> ",me, ot mu,k,,1 IMt
.ludt'nl> li ke Of ploy (trumpet. flute.
IEJ A,k ,tudent' to tool<.t the Mu,ic S""ev. Che<:k
Ihey the QUe>ti"" .
A.k .tudents 10 Inte"''''''' at of their
cla"mate,. make a of tn.-ir
to tho> Allow to move tile
classroom to do thIS.
Speaki ng extra
Ask Indoold.... t students to te1t the class about one
or the pe.ople they )nte",iewe<l. but wlt flout ",yl"ll
tlleir name. (llIls student r"" music. Her
rofld is._ A5 k otller members ot tile
to guels tile student.
Exan'\ practice: Listening Part 4
.".110 quide
Students listlffi 10 a ,onver,at ion tor ,pKific

intorrru.Hon and I, ll In a set 01 nOte"

Tiley to li.ten lor t ime,. numbe r" dal e,.
Of t he 'rel linq I>f w<>fd
Q . st.,de nt, to look "t Ihe numbers and
wMt sort 01 number; t hey ore (limes, price"

ddt"_,) . A,k t o gue" what que st ion, boy

on the CD will "sk_Do not conlor m or reject thei r

. t age_
Play t he CD. Ask stude nt, to any numbe rs

they hea r_ Chec k ans we rs_

ru.w., "'"
9_30.10.30.12. 6. D'>_OO. [ 175 0, [175.00, 71 h. 3rd

D . Reiid In.- t ip wilh II ...
Ask how time s were me nt ioned on
Ihe CD (t",o - 9.30 and 10.30). Point out th<il they
10 Ii,ten carefully and dec ide whicl1 t ,me
II ... correct one. Tell t he m th"t they will hear tile
recar di ll<] twice. '" the y can check
.t"dent' to the not es, and elicit what tVPI'

of inlor"",tion i. m,,,ill<] tor each Que.toon (a <!.lV.
d lime." number. pricr, iI

Ihe CD aOO ,tudell!> to ttw
info' "",!ion Play tile CO a time olld tell
sludent' 10 rhe,k and
Ans_r !cey
1 Saturday Z 930 l 1Z 4 (17,50 S 7(n


1" TnMcrlp!
(W \11' 000.... , 8. 110'0' 1
W, 0.. ... "',,,'In"' o;c"-l ot _ <;on I Mlp.,..,..7
II.: 011 VOu< ,n tile .... and
I'm r'fI9<Nl \0 .about ttlt q'."" "" f """Y'
""" S:ltUfd
.: A(\u.ltly. II'S on.", ,"$On') Oft r,,,,;)'(I. !lui .... ',. nMtroq
4"'....,.,..1.. .......... !o.oI ..doy ...."""'" (.an you

iii: NO. I '" bc9<""""
. : 011, ..... "",.-l loa.......... 'i',JO II...... Thl'cI".1
IO.JO " Itvtl
8: Hn. .... ... ( ..SI'
. : Wd, ........... t.. '-.. 'n.... 17. blot
$".......... _ (1Qow t... ("'n. rm
8: And_""",h .."I'Ie,,,,'Uts?
\11' : Wch. ..... ""...... po ...... LJ) UU." t ....... wI \>I <.... I',
I 9'OUP ,\ ..... only bt [11,0:.0 IlHloOft. Tholl "'1:..... 1\.
fl1S00 fort"" ' .rm
II: IIt"' t,,..., WI.... ' It.. ..... ,.....,.,1
\11': Tht hut Inwn Is on tile 711101 ..... cll 801 YO" nefti to
tatTMI fdl in Ihe b ...... tng lorm on 11'14' l t d
II: ,10 ...... y ",..,h
Language focus: lor ability and obligation
a . M<Jke sure IlIat Uuden'$ undersl&nd Jo.My lind
ob/ig"tion. As>. students to rNll senteOCei 1-0 Mid
m<Jich them ""h "-r. Check .nl well.
( .......,..,
1 8 Z O 3 8 " 0 5 ... 6 C
o SludenlS urlderstana lhe difference In
You /mIsfn" Orlng dnrlll"'9 In
lhe cl.lss, I- It IS torDlcIdfon) and Yo" doll" 11.1 ... In
01";119 aJlylhmg to III<! cld.s, I. II IS 001
o wl\i(,h vtrbs ...e fotlowN by .....
Ir"", roult!, mu.<I,l1oHdtIl1 wllK.h followHl
by to 0 InflOltlve II'IE'ed 10. don', 10. /ld(J '''I.
D 0 Floc.ll I"" co<rKt word< 10 ruIfi.
2 coukl
Q 0 A!.II SILKlenIS 10 ,hoo!.e tM 'OfIK! woras, CMn
1 un'l 2 IlHOn'! l 'OWl " 10 5 CI
6 don'I ha'tC 10 1 (ou!cln'l 8 I\,)(J 10
Language ext r a
Wllte on Ihe bO.)rd' When I ,-""' ('O<lldln_
flul noow 1c.J(I .,
o A'" sl udent, to write l ive .cnten,,, about
them.elv,s and compare l hem wllh PIIttner...
Exam practice:
Reading andWriting Pari 9
.raz Enm quide
o Sludent, Me ."'ft! to ",,1, .. nole, Of
pm/:card to a To achieve the ..... irn<.m
number 01 mark, tM)' dety comm....ocalf
Ihree p;er.H 01 inlOffflillion. These\ef
q;.",aslhrt<! prompts in tile' QUHtion Of oK Ihtee
questions in d shorl poec:e 01 writ.AQ hom d f,,,,no;!.
" 0 A<I< ,I_Is to look at til<! pholo. 11Iem:
Wlldl e -.g' (Tiler e ata_
IHt'vd!l. ,tudent. If holve 'ver been 10.
music IHhval
o Ask shl<lents to read lhe ted.ttlOut the Rcoldonq
FHllydi. [.pidin that RNdinq (prOOOUt'l(<<l red'
11\9) is a town dboul 66km " e,1 01 london,
o Put st<KlC-OIS into qrOUI>$. RciKI the Instrochon.
and uample wi th the cia,s dnd ,fuOCnt. to
t alk aboul lhn"" they need to do do.
o to report b.xk to the class on their
(,",,,,pit ....
10 19'" w.. 10 IJu'Ilrom tilt
itallOll. We I'IIv, 10 ChaOle a campslle,
We qo there by Of *e Cln d"." We ,.n
10 lhe we c"" buy 10<> a, Il'IHe,
can buV CO\ tl\e(' W, C... OM-day or

G:l Read lhe [l.m ttp with lhe class. 0
o R,t.,. .Iuilt'nl. back to lhe L.n9U'g.e Foc:us on
page 15tm,JltIAQ SUIlI)MflQfl.f to Ihc'm
8r Jtnslorm .oc,)OtJl,)ry 10< II'IInllS m
need 10 lJkt! ts/l'('jJt1lll b.M1. t.JmCr'l, mob<k: pI'IOfIl'.
f;)ll>Co.Jt. umbrcll.l)
Studc:nl. wrrte Ihl'" f'fI\o)iIS. 3fl,"'ers.
IYmPIt iflswerf
Ate y(lu Iree on 1Ot1'l-1h1 S<-pI ..... Would yllU
10<)0 10 IIIe IoIUSiC f ..It,' W' (.An QtlIN..-.
by b.... we 10 I"". it

a.-..! ..-..flti,

Mote pracI1<:e
Wor\IboOl. P"9f 11
Answer key
g ,
D ' GOd and drink: ChiCken, colrce, peppN, p,zza
furnilure: CUpbc.lrrl. mirrO!. pict ure .. HOw In,my 6 How much
Quilar , piJno. 3 any 7
viol,n 4 8 are
kinds or fil m: comedy, U" iller
a '
6 was
waile, 4 nC w5<lgent5
g -
, ,
.. ch ipS 5 rock 3 drew 8 leJrnl
3 6 rntaurant 4 kepi 9
5 10 "'<1$
a ,

4 '<In
.. '" can 5 have to
g ,
4 He. hi'
' "'
3 hao" to 6 'un
H "
5 Tt>('y. their
3 >
Common errors worksheet 2: Answer key
Irregular past tenses Like, would like and want
a -
a -
a ' hke
'" .. would lIke
" " 3 would like
" "so
" o1 Would you Ilk...
11 1mel
4 fen 2 I li ke
2 were 5 Io<>t 3 00 YOU wJ"1
3 won 6 wJS 4 I'd likp
5 like'

6 I don'l wanl
Possessive 's and s'
Unique plural nouns
fJ 1 sln9ular 2 plu'al
D 1 That;. my mum's car. a , 3 pMple
l TM! my COlI' in,' foo llXllI, 2 mice 4 fish
l l hal is my teacher's baq.
.. Those are my clothe, _
g -
women 3 feel
S Those are my frleoo's books. 2 ch.ildrell 4 iheejl
6 ThoS<' are my f r iends' book!..
Common errors worksheet 2
lnegular past tens es
D Choou 1M eorr.ct wnl....:Q.
1 A. I buyed ,) CD yflt.,o.,.,
B '1lOugII1. CD 'fflltidiy
2 A
B Mllell 11'11' 'IHi:n; 10 lhe INs! lorms..
I do "oil .......... 5 c_ t 'JIll.
2 90 8 .oft\/. 6 9tt r r..cI
1 lID C Gw:I 1 r...e Ci Y.
4 n..... 0 "'.or. e _ H C_
D Complete the Hn'.tIC" willi 1M COfrt,<1
Imutl noy In lown nooht.
2 n,1IV 1M) I\;,)PClY .,\11 Ih." ..'im 'HUUS
>w, (win) OUf mollch yesterday
4 J .... k (I.m 0'1/' on Ih" 1("
(lOSO) mV I.nt Tu..
l b.) ,'fV tired yesle<dlY.
g Write "'ntences using the put tOlm$ ot tile vNbs
In Activity 2.
Possessive '5 and s'
a Choose III" correct
, ... Th..l is my '''end's ul,
8 TM! IS mV Irorl'l(ls' tal
Z A Then iIIe my !,..nd's dogs
B Choon the corrfl:! words to compl.,. tile rules.
1 We USC'S ... "h singular I plural nouM.
2 I'/p .,' ...,tll SIngular I plural
B Make senterICes using's or s.
I mvmum/car
Z my cousi ns I loolb.ll
J my teJciw I bJg
4 mV slste's! clot hes
5 my II
6 my lriends I oook5
Q Wri t e some more 5en\ences using '5 and s.
Like, would like and want
D Choo-e COrT..:! U'fltences.
8 I 10""''' collff. pINw
2 A
8 Do you w.on!: tollO to the tim
o IIIe rulel by -'<kIing Of would lih,
I We uw to t .... -'1 .h1
oilers i<Id requests.
D Choose th.e corr..:t ....
I Would VOU / Do you ti_e .. dunk?
Z I like / I would \'O<Ir V>oK. Are MW?
J Do you I Would you w,nl d blscu,l?
4 I / I'd like 10 see 101m. Sh.111 ....e 90 10
c.nema loni9ht'
5 HI> f would toke n:nnPIJtff
.... 5-Pends 001"9 It I
6 I don" wanl / I don'tl,ke to st.V out too "1('. I'm
1"... 1
a Write uSin\l/ik('. would and ""nt.
Unique plural nouns
D Choose the cOlrKI sentences..
1 A 9OIlwO (hIIdS.
Z A The d/!fltlil <hKh your 10011u.
B HI(' d('fIll$\ 'fOUr
D wrlle the cOfrecl plurals Mol 10 11M nouns.

J person
D Complete Ihe sentencu wi th tIM corrtet plural

I """gns clottw. lor r.. OtrnIn).
Z He "ants to be a '"
l ike$
3 I walk any roort. My (toolll'>t.rrt!
4 Tl>ere '''''''' (,h..p) i" 1", ld.
a Wril e sentences using t he pl u,,1formi from
",110TOCOPIASLE: Tarqet K(T lor Schools Cl RIChmond Publlshl"9- 2009 <?s)
I love these boots!
ex.... pr.ctice
conjundions . Lo5Icn'"9 PJ.t 5
Wlldl cJot".,. <10 u"k/lly "'''<11
1<1 <r1'l<l<ll7 /)() yn" ..."",,, "",1o"" 7 Wh,1/
cWtl(>s do YOli USV<llly WM' <1t WMt
iI<l you lj/O;{, I
Vocabulary: clothes
D . slude!ilS tu speech bubbles, arid
matCh t/\em to the pictures. Check answers.
( ""'."..,
I e 2 ( ] A
Background extra
St udents 10 auniform In
s.; hO(lls in Ihc UK. Boys usual ly wu r lonQ grey or
trousers (or younQcr OOys eM wear shorts
In t he summer), 11 whit e shirt .
><hoollic. a jumpe r or $wuhhirl wit n t he school
bJogc (m it. JM blJC k shoes. Girls can a
, kirt Or t rouse rs. eM wca r summer dress
when the weather is hoI. In some scP>ools
prwa te SChools) students also Mve \0 wear a
blazer (j<I< k.l ) in the scl>ool coklurs.
a . A, k ,tudent. to do thi, .di..h then
(ompare Ih<>ir an,w@" In
wilh I"" and model;>rId d"l1
proouncialk>n of Ihe ne'N word..
Wrlle Ihe headings on the /)O;)rd, then ehcit e,trJ
word, th;1l ,Iudenl, hilve iJdded ana I
00 the board. Ask students tl> ,pell Ihe ,"ords 10
you to fe,i", Ihe alphabet.
In pair", ask sl<>denls II> dl"SCriboo to th@"part""r
",'hat thE-yare """"ring toruy (J ""' "'''''''ng btiKl
5hoes. ", )_
On you. hot", <ilPo (1\;11)
On your (gIov...)
On your body: shirl. T j,Kkel. ,oal. dr"...
......l @r, Ibloo,@. raincoal. suil. iump...-)
On y..... 1"'1': .krrl. lroU>ef", ,;horts.. (Ioghl..
On YOU' ' HI: booI. (."""'. sandals. sock.)
"'""" '"'
SpE';,king extr;,

In ... ,1I"I,ml. 10 dtosc.iboo whal one of

lto....r i. wearing oow. or tlwy
usually wear. without sayinQ lne name of 11M
,too(,<,t. /It'f$Ofl is w .... ,ing shoes. ,
'l'l'f!n . ... .... Usually this p<'<"[J(\ wears..
Sl\ld(onls try to gUhS who til"" partner is
r : 8. pair of

Remrnd ,t ude nt . that ", e say a pal' 01 ular
verb: This p.1ir 0' trousers /s v@ry(omlonable. But
" e saye The,e trou,ers very
As k st ude nts ol he' nouns we ule wit h
pair 01 ... (jedns, shorts, SOCKS. shoes. scissors,
Speaki ng extra


II'e questklns on the Of r
dictale ltlem 10 the class:
T How oflen do you buy new clolhe,?
2 What do you usually WCd' to plJrtHts?
3 t tow font;; do YOU take to get ready?
" I\ow often do you .eoolash'on,ne,?
5 Whdt do you do ""lh you r old
6 00 ,'ou speno l\ tot 01 money on
7 Winch d' your clI>[hlj'S shops?
8 Wh61 e your I..,oor,Ie colours?
In P6 itS. sluaeols t o ... their
Ask students to p.!rtners Mel InterYIew
tnelt Ole'" P6,tner-,
,t>tji.ldwt sludt-nls to lell tile class something
mtere>1t1l9 01 .ur p<iS,ng they ItMnelI about the
classmates t ney
Language focus: conjunctions
U . Chk stuc:lents undentaoo the llWan,nll of Ihe
conjunctionS. ASk tllem to tranSlate tr.em ,nto

t heir Own tall\lua<)e ....
I\sk st<>denll t l> und...-tme the conjunctions in tile
Sj>e'\"Ch bubbtes in Activity l iOd then comptete
lhe sentences.
Chk aM"''''-' wilh tlW! ctals.
CI . AU sl\llltnts 10 do lhoS IndoVl(lu,IIy, l!>en check
I,,",r M1S.....S In
Writing extra
Ask st,*nh to (omplett wni...c:H "6111
A(lrot'!' ....... \1'1 tl'l", own
[kit _ .. _".0 Irom Ir\dIvIduaI
studenl \..
Au s ludent, 10 wnl .lhI!1r senteoce endrnq, In"
orller MId l.tbellhem A-F", as In
Ttll \0 IWIP thell Hnitn(1 e<!d;1I9S w,tl'l
"""ner, 'twon ..... teh ,two" parlll'$ tnl.Iir'9S t o
r,.enltfICf.'S 1,6,
ExaIll practice: Listerung Part 5
.r.... Eurn guide
(>II 10
$pe<:ilic hom H 10,1"'''''9 luI wlln
10 und complet e iI
sel of ""Ips, $,.... 11,,'\1 "'lIY ""I Md .. 10 t>. tot')lIy
in "1>')"''', ..me01 word
is 0\11 II lit! cor,('(.tly
iii . A$l< to i0oi< at tilt notf1 about '''''
wl",1 til\"!' ttlO!V ... ....
in this _I 01
Do "c1lvoty 5 toqetl>er, [Ioc,t iIIIW'ers flOffl 1M

a . R('.,.;I the [urn I;p '''111 thecloJu.
PI"., the CO.JS I.,.. '" '_ IrOfflIIlc!960s' (11(1\ the
10 (12);)nd ('\i(1\ the clotheS
word'll"'" h.jve bftn Imllli-,.",\..
OIatIOfm $lIOC$). E.pI<IlIIlfIat tllCSl! ClOIheS IIrO<ds
,ue nol the CO"fo(l \0 \IIIt'1lion 2
lhe 1%Ol IllMfltiolled. not 1M 18th Md 191.11
c .... tu'ies.
Play Ih' CO IIIIOU911 (licit a,ound Ih.
class "nd ..,," the COITe<:;t 01 Cl\.l,lotle
51,eet OO\M bOard. Rem,ll(! students in.)t II J
WOfd Is spell out on ttlt CO M'C.' 10 .., .Ie it
correctly to gel the
( ;"";;"'; J (1O S ("",,Iotle
1- Transcript
j-OO .. lun dd, oul I", U ... I.,....,.. ,_..towt w '''
.. 1';P10 I"" 01 F;nhion 1II 1""'<4yol e.lh
T"" ............. __ how tll..ln9t<l_
I"" """ 10UI" cP<>t....... ..a _h 01 the I,"""" ._
h;n dot ... I,om ,.fI"",..,IIIrIn- II.ds _the ",on
MId pI.otl"'''' .,....." !,om the
Thrs month \I.... ;. .. "f>;b11Qll 01 drnsn ,twot
O>S>\",' c.:w> .xl...... ., I', on. ,heH ...... "om , .. 111111
..-.:I 19th ( .... Iury W r_t>tr to \)('''9 ..-c_.,
Tlw mo.......... '" ...... ,'om I() 0'<100:> \OAt.,
On ..a ""'. ,,",SI on s.>tUl'<I;J)'$
MOd (nt,...,...,,, (7 lor JduI\. <lflii (5 100
child<.... undo" "",,'I aIw .. IlIKiooi I"",,,,,
tdel 100" (20 '''''1 CO1:f. I..g <>dull. _ "II Ig fOIl'"
II \'0<1',. cOOTW>g ltV (, pI"" IQ ""... k In
St,.,.,,, 1""1. C -H-" -1/ l-a-double f t, Jnd
the ''911'.
II . A, k .. df<' "bUIll \",iIOl "' I
,,, t hei, Ask: do y!l\lll<lVI' 10 .. 101
Pf / gdtnes? ErocOU'iIQe to u ... I
",,,,1,,'1. (Y<1" "",,' .... Yu<' W..
...,U, "K)"
rocl4 all('flhor'l on til<'! r ooIb.n11 Sct>ool lluit'S ,"
to,. SI,KIfon!', RooIo T I'll ud.... 10 ,e;od II", ,uk's.
,Iie,t tilt" ep;niQn, about t"""'. A,'o ,Iudfnts
ill",,", ..ouId I. k. 10 ')0 10 It", '<"hoooI.
'\9>. ,1'K"".h " UI"y Uur*. 'KoifOt"" "'. 9QI.Id
idta. As>. WIIr I Whr t>OI?
Q . 8<_'\01'" idt.K 01 dilltfent lyPf'S 01 sd>OOlS
could .rII' rules IOf t.l danee school .I school
on !.poKe, I school,)t 1M Nor1h PoIt. schOOl III
Ille A.rnoIlon fU09It).
'ItOIk In IIlK qroups townte IheIr
urulorm rules.
""'" I'I'W'fIlbH 0\ _h gfOloP 10 ff<1d out IheIr
unilorm rlllH An I"" fesl 01 Ille dlSS t lilly
..auld kkf 1090 \0 IhoS schOOl.
-- -
He enjoys being in the parade
Exam practic. Vocal>lllaq
Loo"''-_'. f .......
RNding Writing . Verb ....,Ih -ing 0( I" , Infinitive
and Wri11fl9 par! 7
Wa rmer
A,k Iller fdmOlll in yt)III
10...1'1 / WlWI do people <10 lila""
leslwal!? Do you /,/0;.. WMy / Why nor?
Bilckground eKt ra
Ihe Not! inQ Hili plar:e in the slr""b
of wesilondon in August each V.....-. It allrllCh
mOle ',"n one million carniva l wal
I" S! ,ntroouceil In 1959 in atI to imp<ovt
race rciJt"Jns in London, aM nas always befl'lled
by london'. AtrrH:i" iblll'an tommoolt y.
Vocabulary: festivals
D . Al l< to wu tk '" pai .... and ', nd Ihe IlIillQ5 '"
me phot O<j rapfl<,
CIw<. wIth t he model drill
pronunciat ion 0/ ,.... vocabulary.
Answer key
TOIl lef t plotu..: 1000
, ..11_ I.ft pictu,.., ,o.tyrn." a
Top 'ight picture; " b.lnd. dlum. " lo" y
liIottom ri9M plctur., coSlumn. crowd . d.lI>::..... 4
to ' livo l. " a pal _""
"'Uk students elw they Crl!1 Wf In photos
stC.1 d,umS. tklrtl(... ue).
Exam practice:
Reading and Writing Part 4
., 74 [:om g uide
Tnl s 10 , tJnd the
m. in ideas in" IOll<je, lext The t(' ,1s "daplo-d
fr om a uthentic su(1I mJq.l1U"e
wemltP !l<"l"\, etc. Illey m;r y more di l l i,ul!
VOCdool..-y t han i" uUI\" parts oT TM but
st udents don'l to WOfd '"
O'dC! 10 completl! Ihe t",k
t osk in t ll is . Questions wi ll b..
either e" Right I W,OfIQ' Doe,n' l
Say OPtions.
Q . Read the [ . am t ip wlrh tt, .. As k 10
sIan te.t firld" ..ord 1hev don'l
Tell studt-nls to oul what of
word rt (ver b. uw the
Ask to underline sc.en ' 1011-..\ words In
the {(!ress ..... tigMs, b<!11. Cdp . ., ,,il>, . ... jmslll(.
shO<'s). A'\ l""m .. hi( ll ol lhe,e you (an use
1)<' " 01 . . (lj9M$ and
Reading edra
I" 9roups 01 lour. .tL>dcnts to .., ite lour
Que. holls lhe tut.
them 10 swap IM..- qucsloon, ,.Itll another
9'oup. and II Yto d",... er thE-m.
Language focus:

verbs with -ing Of to + infinitive

ASk to 1001< J t til<! r
I..,hce til<' ve , bs 10llowW by rng Of 10'

inl i,ul i ve" oo complete the table.


Che<;k dmwers wilh tt.e

+ to; want. .Iarr
+ -ln9 lorm: .....,.,. k:..


A\JI If they (an ackI ot M" ./!, I" to

tab!;,. T,y and eliCi t till' b"9m 10 ....
de<: ;di> In __ .. try to. Po int out that some vNb!... lor
anO Ot'Slin. CJ n lie used with to
intoo,ti w or wlll1-fnQ.
a . ReMilrUOOJgh the eMmple with d d'" then
to do the .><:tiv,ty in(Uvid"" lly.
Ch",. k "nswer. " ith the
","""" ..,
, 110\'i' 9"ir<I Z Doe. yt>Uf Ill tl'" wanr to CO"W
3 She I'I.Jte, Ileing 4 1""I"V i)e;r.g. doncinq
5 1 like t rying 6 We don't ..aut 10 miss
wu,d, ,n the senlence 10 guess the word- mJybe
ir, a place ... posit'.e or op,o>On. Of
, ,,melll,nq people we"r,
A,k st udl!flts 10 'e;od t he carcf ul ly. Check
tlleY lhem
A,k t hem to reold tile te.1 <hoo,e the tOf ,eet
dn,we,S. Cllec' I n.w<'fS "nth t he cIJ SS.
A,k In PO'iKtiSC' the d'Jlogueln pooi...
B . I"" instructions ... ,t/' lhe (1;151.
. 11ow SludMtt I,me 10 P'l'!)1 lhelr
,ndlVl2u.!oIty btlort' lhey.:n.k oJnd inswH """""I;"n.
<n piII'$.
sludt"'U 10 ""II SO"" lnltCK.mau1 lhetr
SIl"" d3V rnr Uilm,*,. L'" i.o")
d.y 15 (.sle< o..y. Sh. lGytS loo,l"tl9 IOf ( ..
5116' lil f'5 90'"9 10 church.
hay",!! oJ bIQ <TIN/w,'h tltr
ExiUn practice:
Rea.ding and Writing PUI 7
..,- Y9 Exam g..>do
S1..o.nI, (_pitt. II IoIlOrt Itxl ""itl! "'" t...
spatfSIn It. muSI .. " t e only one word In
net> 11\40 mJ<nly on lhe
I..,tong oI9r,"lmmatica l .. Ofds but Ihe mJy be
one O. two Q....stlons tCSltnQ SluiM>nr.
mlJ)t uel! ViQrd correclly In (lei lhe ma.1<.
Q . H_IU... [ m I,p w,th l/'If Clol1$.. rows on
11>(0 ('I!lmpi, 0l'1li wh.ll SOfI 01 word Ih<.ts

R..minrl t o lOOk c,a,dully al t/'lf ..nrd.
Mile, std. ol.iKlllp.I<t' to III'lp Ihem decide on
(t'e ""'."'\l wo.d.
11. 5. stlldenh 10 ducrl bt II>e l)I\OtO. il. sk; WI'JaI
9"(151 WhJI Jr. Illf'y
-1119? l"' Imonoi.).
A.d s-too:irntl t o .tile! lho' ""11'< QUockly 10 \1M l/'If
Ql'fIffat Ide.. ""' W.,.,IJ If <Ibout? (3 SoDKI3I day
., J4p.orl).
10 .,.ad l/'If "9a<n iJOd
Con'pifl.l/'If Il)es.
Check _ ..crl w<11I IIIe cL:lu
I w'- 2 O,HICICI :) bee...,.. .. <t 5 lor 6
1 10 8 l!>ere 9 but 10 00
Background edriil
T/'If JapallHf Con"n9 01 Aqt leUlvll It
IVHy 'ft., on l he 1oeC0fIII MOnday 01 JaonUilry. 11$
Japll"fl "",me is flO lIi.nd ....'Yone ..hI>
.. ,ilIum 20 In tllal yea' is c.ltbrall'd
tilt itqe lhey become adullS.II'o adult
dnd canyol. all(! d"nl<.
tl;)y IS holiday w'III olllelil
ceremon<es In l/'If rnormf19 .. htn lilt
wO_n '"H' l.achllorlo1l and ,he men
"l' SU<U. In lilt alterflOOll lilt youf19 .dulls
olten 90 10 pirllt's or oul (1,,,,"'119 w,th Iflends 10
thtor new
D . RNd lhe .o<d, in It ... 1>0_ ... <111 the CI.sS and m.:Jtt
Ask studenfs 10 ."Ie
Itlollv'" Ul"") Itw """ds in t/'lf boo
'lu(jjo."l) 10 a Plner aboul 11'Iei' fesl,,,,')1
ASk If.. to IfN 1/'1f 'tsl 01 the- Clns
"bOul,. ...i, II'>t,,.1
Slud""" could produce,) poster .d..... In,,,
Speaking edra
0iYtd<! 1M tnto 9'''''''PS 01 r......
lhe ,....."'9 words on separ.t, sips Of
LKII II of words lhould tit on d<Uerent
cDlou'ISI "<PI
5.1 I 1'.4.ed): do..n. dotl>ts, cos/ lIml'.
(I,lnc..r. 1>00'111. />0>'''''''
Sel 2 1'.4. bl....): dotnCf. sing. w.'/(, sell. pj,Iy.
s. t 3 ('.4. 4rtfn): /lowers. frull, fiSh. Ilud. f"I'worh. drums. guitar. $Il.Kh
Give Neh qroup (01lteS 01 tilt sets 01 wnrd$.
Tell s 10 pul lhe llops onlO IhfH d,II..,.,,1
1<;1..... accord'tl910 Inelr colour. SI""'nIS I . ....
tum, to lake one Slip Irom each pile. Tlltn t hey
10 describe a IMllo11 U$'tl9 Men 01 lilt
..ord. Ih....- rt lOI! of sl"!jl!t"S in I". sl.Hi.
H , .. p<!'OPIf Ifillfll} IIO$.
Wor1<OOoI. Pol.,.. IS
C".".,..,., l'f'I"nrS -"SNe4 .:I, P"9" 049 rGt<\otds >'efSUS

Photocopiable activity
L.n IPiIl,/f' 88)
Topic: spec..' OC{a1OOM
I maldi 1M wor(lS 10 llIe
WodeI ;on<! drill I". pr(M'II,Il'I(il\oon at tilt lPftiill

2 Sludeflh comptel . 1M ""' II l /'If conjunctiOnl
I SU 2 l b-ut
3 noIfS ,nd,vicluarly. Rem<nd
student< II... , ul pall ttns.tS.
4 Sludenis wort in va'" l O!f1t fitCh Olh., obout
lhe" Spo!<:;olI oct.r.;ooos and IIKIct' wI'IO I'IId mo
fun. Ask some sl""'nl. 10 11M Clln wtlll
You might have the flu
Exam. p ctlce>IIlary
ind P,)fI 3 (b) . heanh problems JcMcl' and posslblhty
. Read,"'l and Wr it ing Part 9
kk Wh"" do you '10 10 the dO<:lOI's? Try
aod el'Cll. When yoo '>n you
well. A5k: H;JV(' yoo ever IMd <In .Kciae"!? l!><>en
to hmp ital? Elotll ilMwe" [rom stud.,,!,.
Vocabulary: health problems
D . FOCUS on It.. in the box and cliert that U"'v
are body paris. AS , Il uden" to "'Gr' in pa,,, "nd
find body fl"Ilh in the piclurH.
Choc k by .".i"9 st udc"ts to po",1 I" tJ>e
Pol'" 01 the bodv _Moopi ilnd dr il l po-onunciahon of
words "e<.,,,,,y. [IIC'\ the irr "'9u\ar plu' dl
forms 011001 (leel) dOO tooth "",/!).
A,k studMh whdt ull,er words 10< !;)Cdy parIs
they know (1''''Jl''f.tOl' .,,<"t', elbo..,. /oi,),
shoo/der) .
Talking about how
you feel
[.plaln thaI WeCd" alw say I'",'qolloothacnc ,
or oon1 us@
the articit with
B . ,.,,1< students to re3d tile 0 1 ddyice. Chw
t hey undCfstand the mPo.niR<} clllu,
.o\Sk to IYIiltch the Ie llIe ca rtoons.
the CD lor them to <h<>(' the,r an<we".
students to out tht in pd"S.
( Answer lIy
"Z ... 3 U <l 1l
... I. Transcript
0""' 0'" ....1Ia1"S ""onq?
ac,,, I teel 'tally sick .,,,1 my stomach hur ls!
Do",,,,,: II bP you YOU shoukl
And d,inl< "."'"
:2 0",," W1I.J1'S tr>c milller?
G, ... , I've Qot p;bn in my eo ,.
00<''''': It """' ........ rea, You >I>OUId tJ , e Ihi ,
I a d.:ty,
3 II.". ....: A.e you (lIP
Boo- B: I h.l d dn ."".oet\1 wl\C<1l "OS Cy(.Ii"'J 1<> "hool.
B"., ....: YI)\) ,hooid 90 10 """"ta l IQ' rlto 'ay
You. 6,m may b.oken.
<I W1I.J1", U'" '''''1 1,_"
G, ...: I d",,>! tHl vtry wcll l' .eqol.
arod. he<KLx.....
T,OCHU< Why do,,'1 yaY gO and ' e,l? You
h,'vt' Ihe Ilu_
Speaking extra
In p.:!irs. ask SIur,lenl, 10 Ihty ha .... a
(lor mple. a stomach or loot h'
iKl>e) and the Illness.
o Tell Sludenls 10 Iry to Quess partner's

....: Wl\al"$ the matle'" you got urache?I
you I'url YOlOr Ie<;j?
B: YM, I NO. 1
Language focus: advice and possibility
a 0 Asi. sl udent. to the examples ..d l,an, late
lllem til e" own
EIKil Ihe corre-<: I words locomplete 11", .utl'S.
1 /YoushoY ld
2 ""'Y I mlqht
lllw ("'lhOUt /0)
a . How ffi8ny />0<11$ cID roo
dl Whar lime do yoo qo 10 bE>a? 0.,
As/o. thl1m to reatlthe sleepong.
E.p1ain i$lhe fo'm 01 S/lOuki
A,k $Ioo....;ls 10 complete the a.t,de, then
ll\o>i' in pairs .
I should Z '<>Du lon '\ 3 shouldn' t 4 nO!
5 m'9ht I ""'1 not I mily 6 <!>ouldn'l
In pair<. 'tud@t\lstodiSCUS< ...hochp"c::e' of
.ldvo<l' U,.. y follOw and don' t fol io .. .
Exam. practice:
Reading and Wnting Put 3 (b )
SI ......ts cOlT4llPt, lUl'""rwt>Oll by choos"'g
en ....N"jday
a 0 Remond 1""1 lor Ihis Iype
lhey rNII rI"" .''''''PIe 10 toeIp
lhem 1"'11 I)U' """"' lhe is aboul T.tJ
10 r(,3d lhe And chc" ...... 1 Ihe
cen.....'''''1 dt>oul (Greg has had .)n ac-cldenl
olnd" '"
o Rtid lhe h .... tip Wllh 1M clan. oll
quf'<h...... h lhe class and cloe'l ,,"swe's G
Hwould both I" W,lh comn brlorr. bul
or"y Co III> wllh wt>at comn
o Rernrnd sluo.nls Ihal IwO oI111e ,n_, .
nol needfd,
o ...... sludt-nts 10 COt!l4lICIC lho:
C"'"( IInswers wllh U'" '","s$..
( .....,..,
t G 2 C l 0 4 A S C
o sludents 10 prMI,<" Ilw In !lil's.
Exam. practice:
Reading and Writing Part 9
.r... >ram guido
o Slu<konh.1f OkrG 10 .,r,le a fIOlt. or
posIcllfd to" 'riend To .acll.e.e l he m':UlmOOl
numb of INO'h 1!Iey m.r.;1 ck'3ftv communicMe
IN" pon oIl11lor_hOI\. ..thH
QrWfI as 'ntHptompUn lhe quHtlOl\ or as IN'"
qutSlOOtl$ 5/'IOr1 poetc 01 wnlonglrom a TrIHwl
las in task)
Q .. 1 ... 1Sh ., .. '" 10 rN(! tl>C cmM I,om M,ke dnd "lid
II'Ir" ql>HlIOI\S.
.. R,m nd stu(lenlS Ih" they hJVC to "",,swer ilIl
I"'"' Q\lf'$1I0fll10 I good
.. Hue Ihe Eum lip with Ihe c"'ss_ II
.. ,,1, somt shorl l*nlrncM and ques""ns 00 lII'
t>oa,d ,nd lhe ust 01 lull
slops ,,11(1 Qurshon
A,k 10 ema,ls,
o ASk ,n,h.. \loo.nt\ 10 a.r.tlllt thtoy w'ote,
and w.It@lton troe ASk other 10
'OM"""I, _nd /Improve il,l ncce-sSOlry.
Ir:eJ Mt..., I
ON, . I"" 10... IO(Ome and ...,1 Grtq ..,110 you
Why do,n " a <JCI I"",,,,row tV.M"l? (oulO lake Ioim
f '<>m.
Q .. EIIC,t po t'SSfOflS tor itlhlC' olfId .
W,tte I""'" 01\ lilt bOard. YOIIll>Ollld WIly dr,)n-I
)'011_ Yor'mf(j>t/may
.. roo:.....lItnllOI\ 01\ lro.. 5.P<'h btIbbIts on pq 38
01 t ilt Studrol."s IkloI<.
.. lhe word\tJ.M/d4qt'
.. Ret., f>ludroh 10 tro.. PfOtf'ollIS on the ' ...... lIfIt
"""""."-.1 \UO', 1!Iey ......(.euIJnd Ihtrn.
Sr"dfnh do ,lit paofwork ,n paM"$..
o It slud""ts fOlOy t M .cllVOly. Jt. lhem 10 chril"Je
I'd' I .... ". aoo dO II aga,n, tn,s 1''TIt makll'l9 up I"""
o..n p,o"","s_
1"""111' SI
5lu",,-nl A
I Wl"r(dont you dO mar......,...,? You shol" a
e,ei... lor 20 m,nules I day.
z You >houkt .. iI_pul. !'IMler on It
J You <bouId h.J.. ,ts! t_y 20 """"tes
51_t 8
, ...'I;e'
2 Why"",,'t you Ii,t.... t o somtQulet Delo'e you
gO 10 btd7
J Vo" >I1OUi(l go .... the do<lo, YOU '''''<In! need
an , ray.
Mo... pactic..
Workbook pq 16
Photocopiable- activity
How hullh,., you? (p. 89)
Topic: hNIIh
hullh ",obIemli. I",... flpteuions
1 SIU<:Ienh match lilt pjlrisOI the pl'lrHtlio, MOdfI
.lI"Id drII ltor Pfont.l", ..lion 01 tilt plwasn.
I A 2 B l 0 4 E 5 r
2 St,)(If.-nIS complfolf Ihe ql)l'sllons witll l IIe phrHH.
1 Howolt.ndovouOO_ne<cIM7
2 How do you cold?
3 wtwt, lid y<>U last r ..... SICU
4 When dod \'tIU walk mort lh.Jn 2km7
S WfIM <k1 YOU t.JSI m;t ,_Iscent".?
3 Sludent$ ""d the on PII"s..
4 StudenlS out lIIel' p.wtn@<'sscor,.
S Sludents dls(UU tile 'e-sUIIs In PIIIrs.. $OInt
IJldi'lKlual studtnts if they agree witlo ttot rtsuRs..
Exam. practice:
Readrng and Writing Part 3 (b )
., n E...... i"lde
Sludtnts (ompwle conV('fs.:lhon by (hoMIng
Irom fl',jhl optION. The converwllons are bo>wd
iii . INt too" Iype 01 task
thry ,lIQUId ...:1 the c ... ,tuUy to '-1p
find oul ...llat 11K' 4iaIocjoJe" aboul Tell
10 rU(I Ihe Hell
convenatron about tGreq M IIad M1 -lor,idPnl
oil " ., hoiP<t.e)
R&od Ihco E,am ttp w"l"1 11K' cl3ss.l00k al
",... ",111 1M , ... n eI>c,lllYt G
and fl wOUld bOth 1,1 wllh ..h,,1 MI"'e. but
only v!til ",IIl .. nal comes 3fter.
Itudtna IhJII"o 01 Ihe rp\potl'>l'l
,IU\I(l"fIt, 10 complelt Ihe ind",l\Iually.
Check .n,wcrs WIlli I... clan.
a ... 5 C
Exam. practice:
Reading and Wnling Part 9
., N Exam guide
St udents ..e 10 lOt II, note. l'ITIiIll or
postcard 10. Iflend To ",1I ...e IIlI! .......,"""
number 01 marks IlK'v mull tlNt1y cClommuontCote
three p;.cK 01 inlorm.ol-. TIIeu lIlf' OlIlheo
9IYen as Ihree promph n lhe qw-.liofl ", ..,
,n , SIIOr\ pottf 01 .,tt""19 I'om
in til"
a . Tell 10 re.,.;! tilt tma" tram Mike aM hod
Rem.nd S1l1dc:nh U...t thoty """ttOMlSWN all
IhrC!O! to "" iI 90fId mMk.
RUd IIIe tIP ....tlll t... 'WIn. II
",rIte $Of!\(' ShOrI 5ente<"<e' and QUMhons 00 tho
board and of Uptt lllleUe<r..1u.
SIOlli af\d qliC$llC)"
Ask 10 Il'\('ir tmOlls.
Ask studenls to d,(lijlt what
dnd Wtlle ,t on 1M board. Ask olh" studenls to
,,,,,,men!. amend ',mprovt II II ""CM""')'.
AnsweT key (sample
ONr 1"(1 10tO.... lInd "$'\ Greg ,.,Ih you.
Why don1 we 90 lom",,,,w .. We could him
r,om. r'lln!
g. ElicIt erprK5lOl'lS for Q"mg ;m..... P ... wl POSSlbtl,ty .
therr! on lhe board: rOIl Would.,.
rOIl moqitl I""", .
I celIS iltentlOl1 on tho:' SPeeCII OIl p.I9f 38
01 tho:' sluaenn
I>n:o leactl IN word$ />Jt>diJge i'tCI
H"IN SIUllents to prompts on ttw> .PIP...ot
PS.,)I'I(I lut(' U-..y undeUl.onrt Iltt.n.
Students do achdy in
II uwents entOY .xt,.t\y. asl I""", to (1\.1n9t
p;v1 ..... S,.rod do rt iIItJol'n. tn<s It- ...... "'\I up tl"tH

Student ...
1 Why oon't you dO mort You $hO)Uld
e. crcise '0' 20 m,,'lUln d
2 You II pt.nler on II
J You """"" iii.... II .HI c_V ZO """"'es
I Yousl"tot.llcl90lobedHtlIet
2 Why"""' you list""" to loOnw;!quoct musl, yoo
l V"" "'''''''' 90 """ ttwo doo:IO. You ""{1M ncC'd
in .-r dy_
Morn pr actiCfl
PiI<II' 16
Photocopiable act ivit y
....... Me you?{p. 891
Topic: health
l..nrp.tige: hNltll pr_ms, tIme elpfKSIOOS
I 1119 paflS 01 1M pIIraSft.1o\o6tI
MIll drill lhE- pronuncoallon ot IIlI! pIIraSH.
....., ...
I A 2 8 J 0 4 [ 5 f
2 Students complete UII' questiOnS ""II the pivMl'S.
2 How on"" do I"'" qoot COICI7
l Wl>tn dod you !.HI 'HI
4 dod yoo I.>st mot. t l'lil1 2km?
5 When dod YOU "Sit . spotll (t'ntft?
3 a'" and tile queslloru In pairs.
4 Stuc!enh w",k 01.01 \tie" partner's scort.
5 Studenh dlKU" In patrs. Ask SOtl'l4!
Ifldlvtdual il I","v I9'H rfIh the rt$ults.

. !




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::,. g..

11' n' 11' n' n' 11' 11' 11' 11' 11' 11' JI...Jl'..JL /1' /1' /1' Jl'..Jl'Jl' 11' 11' IT IT II'
A: WhII/ Int' ""me of the SWlmminq pool?
CJ . on 1M oueUlon f
Sl\ldcnl$ for uamplfo, (If you 10/ of
lood. youU 1N!HIIiI IUMNlfnyl.
.I.!J;. 10 do 1M I.""V lniIo.odlhllly.
01$1< _ Sh."trlh lor the.. ilMwtu Wr'te the-m
"" lhe
.I.,k the 01 u ... , lIOn 10Cor'KI lhe' .. lin
I anSWfl'1l
I II 'OU eal .. 101 ot f." 10<.01. "",,, r..
I II \'OJ Ie....n .. ,..port. "fOU. 9"1 ht.
l II \'OJ """. sPorIS C""'tI..,..,..,.. ....... ', .........
.. II \'OJ 90 to br.llrlt. "''''y ""'"tH '1ft'll.
rr \'OJ slap , ... ng ''''' !IuS. yOUl! 9fI 1,1
6 11,.,.. or.o:\O:I(I iIIlr-.. t""". '(011"11 qt"I ltd lip.
Exam pTactice:
Reading and Wruing Pan 8
.,.eo EJ:1ln\ \l'u,de
Students if. 10 e.,rKllntor""'lion trom
!<Nil short tp, ls to complClc Sl'I ot rrolM
or form. Corrpcl $lII.'lhtIQ 's nol
II . Re.l(llhe [ urn lip w.1 h llIe CJ.lU. ' ocus on the
I n,wer _rid PIi"lt UUI tM two CO\Jr5CS
rnenl'e>ned in t"" ,md" (tenn;1 and 'Irate). [Irell
why ";>rJle 'S llIo! H" 'f'l:1 ,)fIswe,
R('Inon(I ,IudenlS 10 loot IN and
out ."'" sort 01 IIlh.,,,,,I 0Qr\ tMy I"IK'd lor Neh

students , ... ,,'.ruln 10 complele tile notes.
Check ,)M..,., ...,Ih the
I 8"11""'''' 2 3.3Opm l ft.s.y
4 '17.$0 07896"876345
Exam practice: Spealong Part 2
.., EJ:.m quide
Student, lotio.. I""-pl 10 ;and ... cr
""'Ih f>olrlnfr ThtV /I" 3"4
minutes to do thiS
Q . tnc E..m "'lIn ''''' (1M,. LApI;a'n
IIIMy ;nl"act ",,'h tM r pMh ... ,
the fI/lm, the conv..."",' "'" ...,11 \OUnd more
njlurJI. Tell ,'udents to try d,>d forqft '''''1 the'! tllere
Ituden\s to at Ttlfol' card,
ChOOSC 1M 10 rte",.. the Ii 'S!
quest,on an''' ....
B:!/"5 Poo(
nc;oor;)9t 10 dsk IMII" P<1f1ne< to
rcpeJI""l '" lor (/MIHUhon of they
donl underslMIII. lleVJW t... 10'10"'""'0 pIva.... of
I"rKl'SSlIfy: Please c""*1)'Ot1 /,..,., <:... )'OtI
wy/1>,)j ...... ""'lof'7
tell str.odenn 10 c;ye'''''' 10 Pol'tner.
..nd try ind "",k.. II... didlogtre d' JS
possible. 10 Iry to rnak, the" MS"'er-s.
lull is not ju,t qive one ...ord
S-"'""inII pool
B.: whon Ihe f\imf (If II", pool?
A::. II", , 1<11' f>ooi
B.: M. ' f>e,e k!nons lor
A.: Yes. thert Me tor
8: A, Ih., .. /WI, IrsIOO' 00 Siltu,d.Jy?
A.: No. lhere .
B.: Arc Ihe e' ....",.... 7
A: Not rully. hour
8: Whoal lhe at the POOl?
A: 1\', 28 HrqI"I RO<Ml.
f"GOtlMlI milch
A.: leilms Jrt
B: ". .0."....., dnd IIMntl.
A: 11K' narf\t 01 51dium?
B: n-..-,.,. pI.. , ....
A::. wt-. d.J, Islile ....1<1\ on1
II: lI".on s.tutdolv. 2"SIhJ ......
A::. 'IIfl\;I\s lho puce at 'oJrmiI, t...kt-4?
8: II, [3..
A.: _ I........ the rNtCh SUlrt?
II: at 1.00 p m.

C"""""", .." ..., wor>.sPoHt 3. 110191! .9 (f..t
It's bigger than a cat
Exam pra"ti"" V""aI>..lary Laaguage focv.
Reading and Wri\ in9 Part 5 . comparat ives and
W"le the followinq 4""'\'0'1, on t he boiIrd: IQv.
gOI ,J WI,,,!,, your ravoori te
WMy ? do people in your
couniry? Do yoo 90ln9 to looS ' Why I
stUdents 10 discussihe queshol'\l. w,th
Vocabulary: animals
a . Put In pal" t o dO M t lvity.
..,th class and that
.tu6enis aliltw> wordl. ..1 a nd dlill
prOt'lu''''''ho'' al tho> words. il
Answer kay
Pots: cat. dog. paffol
Wild a"lmal.. cam,l , u oco<l ,li", fl og.
lio n, monkey, Il arr nl, I"J'"
f or m . " Im.!s : COw, nors.c, sb<:cp
A.k stu(k'nts to wOI" k in pairs how many
oth.... <lnlmal words Itw.y (.n think " r 10;Jdd 10
each catt<)Oi'Y.
[ Ij(;l! ans..ers Irom , !ude n!, ar.(! wl lte them Oil
the board.
( .... mpJe d"'_S)
Pets: rilbOil. gu,nea PIg. QClb,L ",oust'. QOldfis/l
Wild rhinoce."",
.u lion. r.op.ard
Fa ,m (nlcken. Pi<!. goa!
B . A,. to rCad Ihe clue,. ( Me , t hAI
understa nd tl'l+m.
"'k to try Jlld ..or k out tl'l+ clue'
quickly a, and put I""or f1aM up soon
as lhey all an'mal,
Answer key
1 h'J'" l t>o, se 3 dog 4 {ame l
5 shH-p 6 P'>"o! 7 crocod,1e a toea,
Tell ,Iud..nh 10 ..r,l" wme 01 l hei. o ..n clIK'S.
for I hd1lP d long l all _ I Ii_" In /rHS
ASk soml' nlXle!>l, 10 rNd out the,r clues. and alk
the ' e,1 01 lhe {!.os. 10 9ue" .. MI an,m'}l Os be,"9
d .. """ Wd.
Speaking e xtra
Put ,1U<lcnts ,nlo p.>lr,. Telilhem l hey should lake
it in lurns 10 think 01 an animal but not tell their
partner wl\3t il ls. Their pa,tner must guess the
3nirro! by asking I no questions (Is lhe rMim..(
a P<' I ? /5 ,I a anirll<ll?/. AS. students to
pJ rt rw rs arid pla v t he gailif' again.
Language focus:
comparatives and superlatives
D . Ask students to read theex"",ple s A,k
them to tranSlate the sentences ,nlO t l'H' " OW!)
1""9U3<J" .
Poi "l out t hat we use liMn
<l<lj, ..
P<)j"t out t he uS!! or,/)(' .. ,Ih
10 complete thl> rul..'i. (hf'( k
a'",wers ""Ih Ille
Ehcit othe, e' J mple adje;:Ii",,, I,,, Ol lhe
rlliM fbc.....mul . more - II... mOSI
ch(,i>(J - che.:Jper cl,..... I1<Isy
I1<Isic.'r - the busiiost; fal l<"Ilfer - f..
th<lt ,I ')n .xiIKt,ve end, in -.-.. we Just add
-r Md -SI for t he , uperl ut lV e
lorms - later - the
Irreqular adjectives
ReJod 1"" l ang .... ge booster .,I h I ..... cla!.S. hpla,n
thJt the,e form, "'l'Ijul;,lr. and ,llXIents need
to teJrn ttli'm.
W"te tt><! loIlowi"9 on (he
R<Jmon il d gOod
RamOll i.' " sludent llId" PdD/o.
RamQl> I.' rl're studen' in the
M k st"denl, ..t.ocll ..ordS9llIn the sp.xe'i.
\betle< I I
Do the W"", lor ..ors. / worst
a 0 Chk siudents uM"'sland tile
....s 1111111 bo dnd rnodtl thoe p,(>tlunciation
II n"I!U..,
o {;o Ih'ouqh the e.MnpIf w,th
o As.\. glldenls 10 SU99HI .. IISC
1hI! oIl>er U' "",ps of an,"'-Its.
Mk $ludc'nl' 10 <lo lhe ,!\Oiyidudltv. then
Oi<<<UU lhe" ;tns*l!fi 1/\
(wmp" _.I'IS)
11Irt. art _ "",u. ....s_s lOt IIII!. I....,Y.
I A trocodllt i\. ...... UIoM'"
A lion IS lhoe moll
.., I....... <_. A hOtSC is the 1 ...
, -' 1Ogf< .. 1II0fI9fI 1!\an.1l\MIo.. Abu, .. ,hto
4 A _tV I!. 1,_1\\.0" A dQll)f4n" I""
5 A eNe'en" 1'1<)'1111 IIwn. IrO\! A p.tfot Is III<,
EXan\ practice:
Reading a nd W ri ling ParI S
" Exun g\l.ldc
o Siudents art on ..te<lQt 01
9'.mmahcal wor<h IhI ""1Jh ft 1"0'\ rtiMIllllj
11'.ls .... e olCIJpl,d 'rom SOU".! !.I1(.10
.s maglllOe ItId .. ' arlKIllI. Word! are
cll!ltted Irom tile "sked III
cornpiell Iht tNI by ,I>l10)''19 Irom Ihr" opliolls.
a . R<;o.oIlU... fum lip ... th Il'Ifd.lSs. focus on thoe
_I\'If toile or II... 1., ,1 oIIId.osll sluoe""
10 wl\al tile 11.1 oS ftOOUI TfIt stlJdtnh 10
,""" IhI! Icd """"'I' 10 """ lMo' po'edl(11OM
Wf'I"t cOI"'KI
o Do tile lint 0t'0C' logetllH .. In ...,plll rocUi 01,
the IOQIds bcforl! the 1:iN J;on5) _ .. lto.ti
" .. .1 ",uI_. Alk Slu<Jroh ""'Y lhe ""I....'
<.0l\II0I Ill! 8 tb(o(;ww ... d I,ngular _b. bul S ....
I"""'s pIu''''l 0' C (bee...... I! " 'M ,nlm<t.... not
d plural y",bl.
o to complplp the rest or lIMo las.
....hdualty. Rcmnd l!>Pm h) 10010 at IIlP
...,..ds IlI!rort and tro.-
CI>N ;J<IS"'"" .,.1\1'0 l hoe dan.
e ... 4 6 5 C 6 A 7 6 B C
a 0 PuI \luMnls Inlo 9'0IifI' "I S.. ,11(\ tt'll Ulilt
I,rsl ,hey QOing 10 IOf
!\'If" "",,,II! Ihe l otlowwlg on t!>P booold
.., p,"mplo!.
o TH student. 10 d __Uwm o..-n idjKtlvel ill(!
iIflI/T\olIIs for thPif \ ..... I!'/. They,,,,, I!YefI "'\'logn
",elt own quesllO,)t",,'. ,I they II,"I! orll('!" odel$.
When tiwy!\alll! cIpojilJlll!d I\\(' II I....-v.y,. tl\!!
10 sphl up _ Dft.,('Cn tl\!!m q ... 51"", II
many or thoe etass I ellll>tm
to rKord ' .... ir re.uU$. atld 10 th""
9' ouP.
o 0"'" 01 ea(h to
the CIJ" (MO!i/ In oor cia" II,,,';' 111.1/
dolphins are Ih ..."..., A lew
thinlfha/. _. NQ Q"./n.m, lhat I
Photocoplable activit y
That 's ..INZinq' /P 90)
Topic: lhe Mlural worIcI
ammals. pL,ces. IUperI.Jtilll! .ott;.d1Vfl.
expo'.ISII'WI .....prISP
1 Stud...,ts CI<>flI 1"'-' _.In to IIIIt quf$llons.
<: Studt!nts ...... m ,he """'''''es """dlScove. the
_ ...ers 10 lhequf$l00ns..
I C <: [ J S .. ... 5 0
J Rl!iId the l!'prl!SSions w,th lilt CI.ou ...ct
pronunc:lahon Student!! .ud IhI! wnttntlH IIKI
us'ng 11I@,.prlHllorIS.
4 StuGenl. I"..,. own SI!<ItfnCfl.
5 Allow st..oent!i 10 m'ngle lor this KtMty.
Students rud thetr WIItrncel to eh atlltr and
USIng thoe p'Plru,ons.
6 As k some 1lllliY00uai sl ooent5 what tfltly found Itt.
most 5UIPl"'''9
It's going to rain
Vocu,1lluy r.._'1"_ge f_s
Pari I . nature and the wealher guinO 10 O/i/l
. lI@adlll9 al'HlWrltiI\(JParI9
Mk WMt is your la,'ouf/le 'ime of ye.JF'
WhV? Ihl' 01 the $I."3S01lS ",,,Ie
t h ....... 01'\ I """'II. (h<:rt ",."" wf'<)th('f words, lor
c<>ll1. hoi, w""y .now. el<- ReIer slu<lcnls
to U", lOur pi<;I\II9'l. Mk siudents 10 discuss ,n
pillf' whh Ihory ",,,,,kllike to II<.' ito Jnd why.
Vocabulary: nature and the weather
D . A" st udent s to drl(l wrolC
the Cl lh. """Ion' .
Ch<'<:k ",Ih II",
;z l 4 Summer
B . A,k 'ludent\to lil'l(llhe on the nrl oons.
Check o",..e". and 1M! student,
understand all 1M Model "nd dr il l
pronunciat ion il ne-.:cssarV.
Answer key
,or. A plants (
1"' .... 1 H ilJand G

9""" 0 ,
Ir""" f
st udent> to 00 thi, adlvltv
Elicil 01 lis (Icy. tr""l ing.
IhundN.ligh/llin!). windy. A, . to
.. ritf them In III." '''''l'ct pliKe In the table.
A.jKtl".s: dr't. warm. <Ioudy. t.nt>. foggy. blue.
Slrotl9. 1"101. sumy r.,n,
joI.,.,ns: SIIII. wiM. 109
Speaking extra
As k t" PI ej.>'lfe some sent Cfl(:c$ about
the '"uther .. live or In it coontrv they
hJve v;s.ili!'d by lilt sea. In II
r.tns.ntJ i"s ,,,Id.)
PuI ....I. inl0 1Ii'''' MId itsk 1_to t.,11 e""h
olher about the .....alher In the plao;e they ha""
choi<!<\. T",I ,ludenls that In tne Speaking t e;l
\ Iht" may ,ay; Ttil me the
weJth('l in yoor coontry.
Background extra
The (limate in lhe UK 1$ coot 10 mild
be<:.luw 01 liS l)(lsoloon.ln lhe "'rnrne1" days are
10nlJ,- where1lS III wInter they short. The south
;$ geoerany SI'Qhlly .... lh.ln lhe north.
the is wt"tt .... Itxln the edsl. Mountaioous
'eqions the coldest and wettest pliKes.
IJiOrt iculJrly in Scotland where ther" can be as
5.000mm 01 d The hottest
month ,s usuall y July. ave, age temperatures
22( in London IS'C ill Edinbur9h. TIM!
monlhs ilre and r(>bruary when
tcmp(>rillures are uwatly arou<!d 2<'C.
Language focus: going 10 and will
a . roo., attention {M, Ihe u'lIl09ue. and $tudcnts
t o underl;"" (I,.. ..., b .
As k ,tudenl, t o t he dra le>glJe into t he ir
own .. nguag<'.
10 the rulf',
r;;:;.., ,,,,,
Z _ l 9011'19 10 4 ...iIt
a . Iell to lOOk al the on pa<}" 44.
a lIi',r ot IP rCJd out lhe ... ample
"boot Aklko.
,,. I"'''' Id l to as " and a n.wer
dl>o\J i Toma, . aM Car men. One
'hoold t he other ans, lhen they
2A: Wh;I,'sTomMJ)OInCItodo?
B: Hc'qo"'qto""... apoc.nM:..
3 A: WI",t, .. ,-",iflg 10 do?
B: 9""9 lo!ly. kllc.
4 A: Who!', Corme n Qoing 10 do?
B: Sh<! '. 'l"il><1 to go , ,, ImmIng.
a . thee.ample, with Ihe cldU. Che<:k 1,",1
Siulk-nh prob;.rbly. Wllte
Wllh and I 'llint Ia ... tIIllhe board (MdrbP
1"1190 10 IllIilll<. 1"1190 10 unl",,-Slfyl.
A.k $tu6ent.: WfI.:Il wdl you (10 ..-I)f'" you
lNve SCflOOi' a<"/C ,Iodents to ,,'"
or marDf or I J"H ... on t nelr answ(>, .
Writing exira l M: ThilnIo., lor P<>Sl<Md. CQUId vou _ lhow
Wlrte tile lollowmljl'ln t..... board'
TfHs JlllfnootlI7 .... r.tln If! 1M -u
c""IIIly, !luI In I". J! ... 0. *;vm IN!tJ dry.
r"." orrII r;,. 1h<.ondl'NfOI'YM In lilt' CItl '"",. but
lomro.. Ir ..,n M /101 MId wonI'
\h.....nh to t,...., .,InOM of
tNo toAo"""'9 piaocP$ln hlMCh: t.tumb.Ji UndLol.
CM oKa\ (V,,,,,.w.I,), 1010$(0* {Fiussla' QII SYilnev
..I ... ). Ask .t"""''' to w"'.' ....Hl htr
tOf plac.t,...., chosen.
Ask ,fldovidual 10 le-.l out the... WHther
r .. "",h wIt hOut mcnllon'nlJ1h. n.rne ol l hl citV.
ASk other Sludents 10 whICh (ltv Is..
Exun practice: Listening Part I
.r.... F.umgull!l
SllHIentl II,Iln 10 love .h.... 1convfr..... >{)r'\ . I or ..tlon, t hev w,ll "G Ihlee 1'000t u'M
(or thru wOl d. or numllf' l,) w,1I
have I C ( hcc.e lhe picl uro which
they hN I
Q IhI ['Im t ip wlln IhI to 0
wrot e lI . t 01 WOfds Inty Ihmk they wi ll r(H
PKluI e (lor e' Jmp!c, WJ lk, 1<),1, qde, boot
I,ib movnl.>ln. , s ki. ,now, IU, MoKl\.
boill! , trH. ur. I l>undeatOl m)
...... Vthe CO and Sl lIOtnl, 10 t Kk IIlf' WOfr:ts
'Illy he..
.1. 1-1< , 10 (II.IC.Iion.1 4. ehl-,' 1 hey
understlf'd IP\cm.
t h .. (0 19oWl.tnd lhem to (hooW t ht
tile CO aQ,)IIl IQII lhem 10 lilt-I
o (hH.. ..oth t he clau.
e C 4A
.. zo Tranaalp,
1111 . W ......... M ........ C =Goot.. 8" Ikn-. T .. T..c_1
W: I1"1 too "'''''I' lor 1.....oIl
M: t5<Il ,.... _",,"-. Q1eal lor sad"")' "'n do
W:OI( """ .., (Oltl do the! b<Ioe Iklt tomotro... I _d on
lhe: TV the "Mol', ooOn9 10 stop tOtlOQflI.
M: Good ,oea'
2 C: I /'oclOI' y"u .... lOts at .no. on yOI.6 Sl ling hQlwy_
II: Th"" . Dul rve",., hlJrd Ihe WUU.... dOO
Irs nol Jl JH QOOd.
G: K', "",I In 1\ It?
8 : v,orse - ,n qOlnq 10 ...... dnd .unny, '0
the,e .on1 Jrly '''ow
trom Y<lur hotol
W: They .... e botund Ihe hot""'_ Ou< """" .t IhI I,om
_.p....ere".,.-., ....... .e..
M: '>ocuuld you , ...
W: II .as too fd' But "e (DIAd ...... ,h "lIIonc) DOlI<
."""",....". It ..a,.....-Y ......MI"'9
8 : SOHY I'm !alp
<I T: Oo<j your dad h."" ptotHms WIth lhe C... '"9.",,1
8: , .... c,or', 1_. IkII there w.o. 4 boQ trl'f iCIOSS tlOCl
....;or lIUr ""'..... 'tflink. jell down '" IhJllembie
tt.""\Wi.tor,,, d<.oronq , .... SO I 10 ...lIk.OO
1001< lone! I_
T: 010 welL .....".
Exam practice:
Reading and Writing Part 9
.". ... Exam gUIde
o St lHlenlS arc as kC<l 10 ", rol e., or
posl card to a Idena. To itChleve .. mum
of m<'llk s I nfl' mu.1 r. tu f ty lO I" mu nlCate
three piKes 01 InlormJt lon. rll\'
given as Ihrce pr om pls In '1uell iol) or as th ree
questions m .""rt p'eu 01 WI It illy II om lI iend
(as In t h,s
D . Ask . IooenU 10 rN d t hl ndte. In f'd " f. tr.em
10 Klenlll y ll>e an"
lhey ire 90Inq 10 tnem.
o Ask st udents "".. ",",II be<J,n T....II (
SoI/fyl. An them 10 "'fl te theor em",,'
Read tile [lim t ,p tile cLou TMI ,(lIdenl s 10
l lIe.' of "'ord'l t hey ..r,t . I ell tn_
tttat it tl\ey wfll e lew .. t lloln 25 WOfll, Ilwy
1o!oC mark$.
o SOfIlC! $IU(lCnts to ...teI OUI tllell" _I. 10 IhI
....... )
,''''',,.''- .... 11'1 lhe norlh 0( 50;1'" .... "ttI1'QO.r
CCIIM in Mil, the .....,her .... ....'" "'oJ .......w we
... e qoo"'l 10 .-.tII< '" lhe mounI-. her.
r,,,,,,, LUd
Mot-o pR<:li<:e
Workbooll fI,)Qf' t9
Common "'orS ..orUhHll, <19 IU5r ot ...m
D 1 fast
2 sUII
3 [",am
Answer key
4 03id('nt
6 ....ood5
o ISJmpie
She mig"! them in t he
Indqe In the winter .
They be ..p_
It might \)C surp' ;, ing l or
D 1 lmd
4 when
2 w
5 whf'n
Common errors worksheet 3: Answer key
Gerunds versus infinitives
g , ,
(I t an ,nl 'nlt,ve
2: ,l gerund
.3 gerund: Infinitive
D 1 I love meeting ne .. people.
2: He hopes 10 Ijo 10 university.
J I ".)Oled \0 C,lll you I.:Ist nlljhl.
4 She hales playing l('rIOis.
S I would lih to traocl al l over the ..
6 Sh@usuaIlY\lonskhngin ..inler.
Use of will
g , ,
Cl l ..,11 l W(luk/lik...
2: ..ill
o1 I w,lI do lhe ..a$h,nq up loni\lhl.
2: Sh... would IiI<... 10 be a dentist in Ihe fulu,,,.
3 I'll go shopp'ng 101 you if you lik ....
4 I think he' ll proMblv be IDle.
S I'd li k ... 10 ga 10 Italy next yCJr .
6 I' ll phone you lii l el.
a l E 4 0
2 r 5 A
o (sarnpl(> (lns .......-s)
1 You shOUld ....(,<1, a belt.
Z YOII shoo!d gel
3 Why don" you wear a hat?
4 VO LI t ry bd'ke llMll.
5 Why don" YOU wCd' a
smart Shirt?
a 1 Qoioq 4 to
2 walking 5
3 90;"9
First conditional
g , ,
Q 1 prc,enl simple
2: w,ll
.3 if
o 1 II It rain!>. W{' wan'l 90 far a walk.
2: 1"1190 and walch Ihe match if mv UIICIE'
buys" lickel for me.
l 11 you do,.,t like Ihe present I w,lI buy you
a di fferent one.
4 II you (Vel" 10 sci"",!. you w,ll gel fit .
S You won't be hC31thy if you .. Meh TV
al l d" y.
6 (co,rtc!)
Irregular adverbs
g ,
fJ 1 badly
2: c.)refully
.3 last
4 well
5 h3fd
6 quietly
o1 CDrefully
2: ..ell
4 filst
5 hard
:) qu,ctly 6
II /idmple answers)
1 A bas,",""" is thil"
iI toolb.J11. A lable
ball is the
2 A h,II'5 tall .. , than " t'ee.
A l1"\Qun!(lin is Ihe lilUest.
3 A lealher is more
In<'ll) iI T-shir L A
t he most
4 A bfoM Is danqeraus
tllJI1 a she-ep. A crowd, le
is the mosl dil"!Iernus.
5 Kar(l\"';SN,Sie, th.m
skateboarding. football is
Common errors worksheet 3
Gerunds venus infinitives
D Choose th cor.",1 '.Alene".
I " 1...nI 10 qO I\ome.
B I "dnl tjOiI'>Q 110m.
2 ... rd p"'y
B rd pl.)Y"'9I'Mit
II Cl\oow tIM conK! wOflls to compl,t. th..... Ies.
I W, USt gerund I M "'fin,'"" ,Iter vl!'rbs suct\ ilt
........ 1. 11ec.w, ntfId.'I<I
2 \\0 , <jIcrund I .n MI';nihve "tIc' vfrbs)U<h."
_r lit. h"l.. M"l<1 ""'"
3 I'te I I lnllnll,'" but Id/,
gfrund {1"flnlU",
IJ Milk. ""I,"cn UII"9 ,..." words.
I 1/10.. , I meet I ne.. pwp19.
2 H .. / lk"... ''J''/toUl\'....n' ly.
J 1/ f ttlll YOIJ f "',' ,ltQht
4 SIMI f twll,' play I I,nnll
5 I/ ....'uld ,110., 11..",1/ ill over the wOIId.
6 5h.1 UIUdl1y 190 , .....; I "' ,"m'ff
D Write .bout thil'l91 you Ilk.
thIngs you Win! to do.
Use of will
D 11M corrKI ,.nt,nces.
1 A I help you , you I k,
8 I'll help YOU " VOU
2 A Ilhnk vou ..!WY 101m
B I !honk yOU" CII/OY this him
J A 1"11 Ilk. 10 see \'011 thiS even,ng
B I'd I,k .. 10 <.M' you this n't'n,og
o Choose III<! corrKt words to complete the rules,
, w .. ..III I lNennl to oUers ilno
2 WI.' lISt' ..ill I preHnt to mah (lbout
If>t luluff,
l We uw will I would lih I" dloout Ihl09S we ..ani
U Mito.e sentences using these words.
1 t / do Ilhe up, 10n'9hl.
2 Shf>' he, denlisil on HIII' Mure
l II QO I ng I lor you I il yuu tlke
" I f / nil' / probJbly / be 1/,1111'.
S I/Iok .. /!I" 10 /I'lelt yca'
6 1/ ptoone, you /Iiler.
a Write some more oners, prom,ses and
about tho Io..lure,
First conditional
a Chl>Ose the correct sentences.
I ,. If you play -..fll you WIll w,,' the match
B II 'IOU pl.Jv ..dl, yOU w,1 .. ,n I"" "",tell.
2 A You d",,t .... tf>t ma"h 'f YOU don t play well
8 You wonl .. 0 the m..Jkh ,I you daft" NY Wf'U
U Chooo;e the ConKt words to complete the
In condil ion<lI srmll!ACes..
, W(' use presenl simple I wilf," the rl tlause .
2 we USI! present simple, w" In lhe Molin <I... , ....
l we U)e ,HomlTlol between the ..hen II\fo
of clau... ' cWouse (UfTIf'S hrsl
D Corred the mistakes in the nnlences. One
sentence Is correct.
1 1/ ,I w,1l r iI,n. "II' won', 90 I",
2 rg 90 and walch the-ITIolI(h my win bo.ry e
tw:b, Iur me.
l UYOU dun'! I'ke the Plese"l. I buV you a d,t/I1I"Cnl QnC.
4 It 'IOU cycle 10 $1;1>001 you wil'gel fit.
5 You OOoft be ht'althy" you walCh TV ilU dar
6 You'll taR ott your ,I YOU 90 100 last.
a Write some more sentencu about th,n9s thai wil!
Irregulaz adverbs
D Cnoose Ihe correct sentences.
t A He dn>H YK'/ slow
8 He 1Yft very slOwly
2 II !'ohfo works
8 works hard..,
U Mosl advlrl"bs .f.formed by adding ,/y to.n
adjediye, but some are Irregular. Write the adv..-b
2 Cilrelul
5 t"" d
l last 6 quil l
a Complete the sentenen wlth the adverbS
Aclivily 2.
1 Carry tile glass so you don'lip,11 Y"'"

2 pl.lyed very . she ..on 1M n'I.lten'
J you must In 1 '''y
4 e1ln run .ery
5 II you ,,"o.k . V''' ' got)(! C' Jm
6 I don'l eMdren whO behilyc
Q W. lte some more sentenets using r'gul,r .nd
irregula. aDverbs.
What are we doing on Saturday?
b am p. aetlc:e Vocablllary
. Ust..n iog Part 5 hol idays
Ask st "de"!, to 10010. ,1 1 I pilot.... AS k: Wner.. .."
thesl.'plJCcs? (London) w/)ur can rou $' in II,..
Write ti'lc lojlowlng on ,,,", board: Wh,,'
did yoo qO on !<lSI 00Ild.Jy7 WhJt did you do?
Where .")<.IkJ I"'" Iv go Oil In pal".
.... k to <1;",,"., the queshons.
Backgr ound extr<'l
Phot o A Is PalIK ... tIM! Queen's london
' ...;d......ce.
PI>oto B i$ 51 Paul', CJIthl'd,"1, which was buill in
11111 tetJlury.
Photo C T OWl" S<id9t! . It has a road ( rO'lWg 1M!
can be to illow lall sh'fK to pass
Photo 0 IS the london Eye wM kllw.n OpI'oe-d in
ZOOO \0 celebrot.. tile I'II!w Mil lennium. II is the
r err;, wheel in [urOpl' (\35 rot! ,,,,, hlQh).
Photo [ is 8'9 60<'\.11 is 01 the of
f'arilament in Westminster.
Voc abulary: holidays
a 0 Ihe in
00'. Mode-l aloj ur III the prOIltJII('atoM. of
In 6sk 10 complet e ptrr d.".
f "n sludeols in :;ome more I""" one
a n", ., and should
wIth their partn.....
1 aVIde booIt 7 ....tease
2 hotel
3 ho lidJ Y / (,del< ... MtirUy
4 trdvt'laoent 10 \Q ur;,t inf""'M""" <>Il ice
map '9u"" boo!. " iug9"9" I
6 t o<ll" quode
o tn pai", aSk slud",,!' to look al th.e p/1r3ses '"
Acti I MI<I <I,'-Cu,s "hieh thioq-; Ihr!oV do b<Jlore
IheV qo on hQliday Jnd whIch t hrnq! tlley <1<> whi le
IheV orr hllli,, "y,
LangII..,e foc...
- . pre, ent <;olllmuou$ lo r future
o . A$k students lu (Nd the em"i l .>n.we,
QlIe,IIOfIS. CI ..... k lhe meanil'lqs of any unkllown
o Ch...:k ans.... wilh t he d.lSI.
( .........,
I r Z f 3 T 4 \
o A, k ,I ooents to cOf feel Ir.o senlences.
II 5.:l m Ihp Ihe Internet. 2 Sam
i. qoong tQ buy hi. surtuse l hi, weekend.)
Language focus :
pmsent continuous ror ruture arrangements
a . 1M witll Ille ckl,s and ask , I
what lense It", "<'rbs ire in (pr esenl coni in""",).
[licrt thr!o words 'ocomplet e Ine
, I"" tulure 2 J say
o A,k stullen" 10 l ind oillel e.ample. 01 Ihe present
conI IfI\lOl,JS in tile cmJ,1 (I m gojng ,,;1/, gfOOp

._ , .. stdy,ng I.t hOt.t ... , Are you ,rayi()9

lOlldon?) [ liN llIat a ll 10 Iho' future.
o rI. , k students to do Jell",ty Indi,rdually.

o CI_k with Ihr!o (iii" .

, we're 9(1;"') <)113 tlvSlour lonIQrrow.
2 He... """' .. ...0 at tl>o museum?
l IS II>(' 100' gui(lc tJklng OS todoy?
4 I'm buyi1\9 """" 'h 1<If my tamily
S you t)fing''''l I"'U" 9'J id .
- - - .
SpeakIng extra
In P;>"'. D'ik sl\ldenU 10 cjlKun '"""t they ..r
doIn9 Ih,'1
A: Wh./t ..., r' doing Ih<s
B: I'm go."9 to the (i_.JI'm doW'ISI my
.Iud....'h to td the doIss . h.iot their
pdrl""" i, e""ning I th,s","eno:i eVil
is !J(l'lIOtO 0 frirowj's toQu" INs
Exam practice: Listening Part 5
"" ... Exa m guidol
IJrr tnt"' on ther abt 'IV 10 e.lr1
Ip""'k: ,"101'"",1101'1 I,om. I.n......-.c;t trot .,In one
Students IIilV, 10 I, IJ
sri of notl'S. Spelhng ....,. not twve 10 10lally
curile In sorne ...,.....s. i<lhouqII...tIcn. wo1'(1
os spell OUI 'I musl 1M! COI'rrcU'I sptU,
D . Ask sludents to look at lhe spoKes j(I lhoe
1'1' 10 \lUess ..... nal IVpe 01 inStlel" 1$
(10' numbel" . ... ord 0' pncr),
t nr t um tl, ... ,Ih the clan. rO(us on number 2 In Ihc nOles arod ask Sl utlCnU
thv m'ght hear on tM CO lor IIhs
'n tormal,on. f ty and elic,1 ",/I (os /
Pldy 1M CO and aSk nudent s to roll in 1M miss,nQ
Intormlt10n, Play lhe CO iCjil ln 11)1" 10
cht-clc their ans ...e,s.
Clleck ins..,tS .. iln UIC CIaU. Tell $llJdCf'Its l!>tv
iii" 10 spell PKCMJiJty cow,<:Uy to IJ(' t tkl> """ k
.. ZI Traa:i ipt
_ ""'en e .."""", tvrfyonr MIt ilf' 0lJf plan.
/(It 1"""""<lW 8<NIof,xt .... bf.t 80'docl Don' bf
btUoM ...1. qoonc) ..... lilt l.OfI<)On L.,., ... ,_
IIIooIV ....., II wo. 1.1Ir.. lIS <10 flWlUtes 10 9fI Iliff,. A
' ..... 1"" l_ lO ,.""..1<." _ ,I lhe
""MIlK" oood "".. 01'1i QrNl loew 01 lilt c.y,
NO'1, ....fl' .. 10 (OWftI G.v601n, AI h'fl-ot
tn'ltv IIII'IC" t""" .,..,.. c.n!le> some
"'II COSI aDOOt 10 ana VOOll
"""" '"' ... flO .. ,M tit' t'nO<>I)h I

AI J .. Go'ng to ItII) Iot use-un\
we're secln o J liIm ,.lI od D."" s"d ,n II", 3D
ci,", ,,,.,. Yuu ... ,,,,'1 b<J llu"o your eves "'Mn you !-eo
SOmt 01 In Ih al 1,lm'
Alt "" 1""1, II" w, ' rt 9Oi<'>!l ......k t" II",
lout. 1tt> " 6". d" "" ". 1II<Ir. " ,II .1I<e be lor
you to Mvt. "It inc CMII9f your clotheS. .
1 II ...... qoIroQ 10 U...
i'Kc.d"ty ''''''', ... I MI'S PIC C A [) I llY. 11'. a
grut In!! l.m!.oJlt.,..,.. dN rN11y ('OIOY II
D . In I'a,,,. studCflh to dl'C1do! ...ho Is A.rod .., he
i< 8. Tell them to i0oi< III Ih@"...antp.:l,rwork

focus att ention on Inc qU('shons in box on
P3QC 49 .In!l J!.Ir. J p.J" ot Sludrnts 10 oemonstr
tnc 1;'51 queslion and ansW1!!,
Monitor round the cI/IIss. (fICC.... "9<' sl udff'ts 10
3I\SW1!r ,n luI sentcl'lCcs 10 use th. conlroKt.d
form ...... ,p f.xl....- 1h.Jn thO' fullterm ..,,6'
( ..."""",)
Stud_ A
A: W"",, ..e _ doonr;t ... lo'dod'
a: picnic "'""'
A: _ "'-'_llMt"'9 to HoI.>ws of , ..
II: We"e get"'"';! I"",,c by_
A: _ goint;j .. 14 .101
II: W.,. y",t,"9 WMlmon,l
A: WMIIo"", _teOY''''l t"" hotell
I , ..17.JO,
A: W...... h.).,nQ d llVlH?
I: We"t!: h.a.,ng d,......,.. a t tne H.lrd lIod
Stud.nt 1
8: W....t " e we ""'"9.t 9,101
A: 1'1,'" iroq brtJkla$1a t 9.30.
8 : WIlf'rP 'J"in<J"1 10.30'
A, Wt 'rt vi5,t' "9 I"" lowe, of LeMon,
B: I'IlIHr." Wt QQ''''' al 2 o'(lo<:kl
A: At 2 n<:I<><:. ...f. 9""'9 In 1"" n!
P..I ............ I;md
B: WIo;)t I1m(''''' trn: rdurnin(j 10 II>f
A: Wt'" In U", hct..t ..e I> ,>'(10<1..
I ,
A: W.' ............ drnner.Jt8000ck.
Q . , .. stuoents tOust I),)InO'OI'k OOln for
"'d,y.V 7 lor w; 011h0nq5 tt>e-y COI.IId one...
(InNIs. ....sots. e-nll!1't"'NMnI)
T" qrouos to .. SPO'<CSPCI"SOI'I 10 It'll t.....
rest of II>r *"'1 t!>ti' pQns. Vou could 9' .....
stuclrN:s a cOO'!' 01 l!>t Iraf)scnpt lor Ac l.....I V 6 to
IItlp IIItm
More practlCe
w",". bnoI< 1"9" 70
_ The buses are too crowded
E".... p . &etic t.aagua!le roc".
Part 1 roo Jod nol enough
studpnt<: How d4 /0
form 01 Il<J voo ''' P mM/? Why" WIliCh
10m' 0/1' r Is gooa m " t.>i9 cltv?
Vocabulary: transport
D . Ask 10 In P<lll' 10 l ind the thin9' In
1M pidurts.
Cr.eck ... 11> cl. ,,_ and drill
p<ot'IuI>t i. tian of the wC>r d,. it
F . plll'" that unr1ergroun<l is 6 rit " h word
S" bWdV" Amer;can.

c.i<:y<1I' ( ( r
boat J l the undergr01mo
0 J. W ... ,uh.. B
t!dln G

Speaking extra
.... studentl t o 'No,k in !>&irs lind di""n whi<h
mOan. of IrMl$pOrt is
. tne most flust
the e.pel'\Si ...
- the sa/pst 5ate
A" k 10"'" tor their Ask oilier
student, if they ilgree,
st udent s;md troc m"amng!>.
Ask sl", I."I, to match II\<) .."bs wah lh. lor ms ot
Check wit h lhe CIJSS.
uleh: . plan . I'lon
d.ln: blos. ,oo,n. ta... uroderground I< ..i"
fly: a
90t on/oll: !He.,..,,,,. _ I. bu,. <o')(h. molo rb lke.
pl_. Imln. t ram. IhC
get In/out 01: 0 car. I., ;
ml .., tile DO.Il. bu . c<en. piafl('. tra.n
riolo: . "I< yele. molorbokc
a boat
a bUl.. I. " . Irw:> Undef9,g"nd


a . I cit ,Iudenl$ lhey .re OJO'"g to . ea(l -

- s hom a ... eMilt'. Tell ttIC", 10 .ead HO!!
comment. qu ickl Vto lind out .. hat thev are allQut
(tran,po.t ,n r.aror<s.o). st ud",,), 10 .ud t h. Jnd the
dn,...e" to the
(hKk answe r 5 wrlh ''''' cta".
I Anne 2 lou", 3 Y" ( nonq .. loo..",
S YuCheng 6 YuChcnq 7 AWl<"
Language focus: 100 and flO/ enough
a . Read the C' il mpJe. w,lh t IM' Class. Ask to
undedi"" Ihe iYl'S (e.petl$'vc. ...nd
t he noun, (trilm . '''",'et . 5p.)CfSt.
Ask students to coml'wtc the ."Ie.
thcit anSwcr5 arourocl III(' t los,,
Pornl oullhp .. c IKot w....." too and
(very: a Iot./oo" t han you
not """"9h
u.p/. in we use HlOIIqh or
uncounliObi<- but ... ith noon'
we usea ""9<' 10' verb torm. Imt
wJ ter.
/00 much lind 100 many

Call ,,1 Ih<o nouns. and 10 'C5p(1nd
WIth t()() muell o. 100 m....,y:
car< - too mo1llY: food -
B . .. loqcther. A.k to
U...,.ldl c rt into the.. own
A'" .. Iudpnis to dQ lhe y indi voduany, l nen
COfrlj>it'P lheir ,n
ChO!<. k 6nS... er. w,th the clas.
1 too big ' .... 'hi ld OS!lOI IJII
Z The too Ih(' Ire root Nfl,
1 TIM! t.o.t 100 e. penslve, han'l90t fn<>uqh

Exam. practice: Liluening Part 3
.r.. guide
Studenls answt'r rovc mult,ple-Choice
NoCh w,th thret' opHons. T!IEoy arf givC<l loin<' to
read tilt Qut'SI,OOS belore 1!IEo rKOI starh.
The 'Kordm9 may DC lin inlormal (OOversahon
two or ..., '" ..
(on"ersalloo 00 the pr.o.", ur 10 a 5hOp,
lou,'s\ iolormatlorl museum.
Q . /I. ;k II any cl them tM US.
they are <)0109 to to a qirl
Ieresa talkinq about hOli day in the US,
Eum tip with t he class. Wrote the li rst
11'1'0 li nes ot dl,l loquc on the boa, \I, Ih.y will sC'C
tildl "illhrn poss ible J "swpr\ ", entloned.
Elici l which Is tM co"ed anlwe' (C) ,
AS' st udent s 10 read t hrougl! It",
Qutst lOtiS.
I' I"y the CD arid them to (i,el" II,. eOlful
tIM! CO they can d'e<:k tOf" an\...,,,.
n",rk anSWeH with 1!IEo ctilS.
( :';"";. A 4C , 9
n Tnn8c:riPI
(A ..... "". T. T.......I
A: Ht Te''''''.liow w,)s <:Nt holoddy In
T: W;)l.Q'Nt blJl." W!'f"S walnt weOHded
'h'", 0' lou, -..-eek>!
A, 00:1 V<>U trivd by
T: Most Pl'OI1Il' do IMI, bul every..-htrf by bus
n,., 10."... 900(1 too. bul we dldnt us. t"""'"
A: Do<! Y"" 90 10
1: Ye.vo! I couldn't t:>elIeve ho'" b", ,t And we ....C<e
t>t'< .. il v" My the d.y Wf ",,,It,
.. nd 0;><1 happy Joout the
A: wPl.Jt about the GrJM Cd"W',./
1: That wa. grtJIi a helicopter 0.- a pl.. ""
flight 10_ il. but ... did il tf\<! ho,d ""1 On 10011
A: And dod yt'll ",s,t anv ,ntcreshnq IO'fl,tL.7
T: LOI A"9I'ie!, SitO ".'H ",0, Las all<)
wonled to go 10 Ph()l)oi. but If\<!ro'l ' '''' '' go t ime
A: Whot dirl you or S,l n ' ,,,o(I$(O?
T: IO_eIl ,I , my mum Ihu <. fe ! fcstJ U' Jflrs
and I Ihe zoo. Ille brl(\Qc t>elt.
A: II !<lime!. I"e ama!'r19 hotodav!
1": It .... 1'
Speaki ng extra
In P"'''. Iell ,tudents theV lI'e 90ItIQ to aU. ood
an,wer Q...e,toon, a!><lul t.Jst
Brain,t()(m Que.tions and wflte IMm on
W/)ere did you flO Did you '''IOYlt?
Ho.. did you trJVeP Whal pra<:es did YOI.t vistt?
A,k a lew 10 'eport to lilt
about their .
D . the eJ<ilmple with the clan and tell studfon"
they should"", 100 ,,'u.! /lor IfflOUgll
10 Pol"s, ask to ,.-,Ite down all the
dillerent lorm, 01 If io 11'1'" to,.-o, itnd 91ve
Jdv,c e aoout t"'<>(h 01 them.
Ask ,"""-' to leilihe thelt
An5we. key
(",mpl. an,wer<)
The lown isnt _ery biq, Yo" OM "' al> .
y"" ,hould <yes... II ', quic'eL
Ta", slo", t>eca uIC Irx, "'MY cars,
lhere 00"'" but t hey too crowde<l.
Writing extra
lell , t u(!nts to write paroJgraph about
Iran<po<t in their lown (>r city to ar\S1O'l!f a
QUMtion about I,ansport in Iheir to"," on
weMite lhe one on SO,
They un use the they have dtKUss('(Iln
their <]rOUI>5, bul they should WOlk Irldlvidually,
MOTe practice
W(>rkbool< PiIQO!' II
Common '" W<l'k........14. P<I<jC 63 and
Photocopiijble act ivity
A POSICMd home IP"'1" 91)
Topic: holidays
l.nguaq.: hojidan, present (ootlnuous 101" lulure
I Studenl, nmd postcard arid match t he
,entence ha lves.
1 0 2 [ J A 4 F 0
2 SluMnl, choose the ....O<JI(I r.h 10
J Students write t hel ' Remind t he m t o
uSe the prescnt cont inuous ror t he ir ptMS,
4 Studenls their to each Olher and
is Ihp I:M!st ho lIday.
Have you been there?
W"w""'. r"""",
. present p""r"". .... , ..... pa.t
E........ pn.etlce Vocllhul..-y
tisle-ni"ll Pari 4 buildings
ReadioQ and Wrrt"19 P...-t 4
,t........"ls to look at tlli' pllOl(I$. ASk; WfI,j/ CkI
yo(! the ouilding< are' ()q roo .loy
01 /nem? Are tMy modem or old? Wnle" '$ the
N'o<i .I least artr
Background extra
Photo A Tht' ('u9'l"nlll"im Museum In allbao,
Sp.."". It modern art m", eum.
Photo The- Golden Gate Bridge in San Fr...c:lsto.
PIlot .. C Sydney Opo>,a Hoo,& in Sydney.
Photo D ,I",,,,, Chich"'" tlza, luin< Irom the loIayan
civiliS<lHon '0 Muieo.
Phot o E IS a skyscraper in the City 01Lor>dofl called
Photo F 15 IIran C.stle.",,"'0 Clstle.
"edl Bran In Romania.
PhDto G is NOire Dame Cat hedral In Paris,
Vocabula ry: buildings
a .Put SluOenl$ into P<I"S 10( tho. ",,!lvlty. 11.'11 tMm
to aSk and MSwt'. QU('Stioos about ..... h photo.
..holl 01 bu,ldm9 eilCh one Ii.
o Ihe tlil<;s. and cneck
undcrSlanchnq of the "'0''''_ Io<IodtoI and drill
prOnUlICl.lhon 01 the ...ordS It
Answer key
A muwum B blHlC}II t D rum
E b<lilClir.g r G chu rch
EXanl p:tacti c e : Listening Part 4
.,. 9(l Ex;am guide
o Students tisten 10 d.JIOqUC Jnd (omplet e a ,el ot
notes wi th _ or mort'" words or number
may to IOf I"n.,.. number;.
or 01 ..ords
fI !Iei'd the EX3m tip with the class. Tell 0
lhiol ..ilt low marks It they doIl'l spell th<
we.d, For OIM.. words which al e
"ul '1'<" 11oul "" Ihe CD (orred spclllll<l is not

Ask studenh to lOOk the noll'$ alld check wha t
type 01 inlorm..J11Qn is mlSSI"9 (lor nrllO<"
pri(c or ooun),
o Play \h<- CD Jnd J.k students 10 li,ten l or the
missin(j i nfo. PlilY the CD o19 _ln so Ihol
,t ude nts can chec' \I, ,,,, J nswers.
answ"rs with the ( I.I!.
I Z De<J>II'fP.1U'
3 4.50 4 libr....... hall jloi!l hve
ill 'I'raNcrlpl
l: s... wh.oI '" 1I... lu du in HadH!,. Tlo.J?
T! Wetl. "e'"" 901 dca,'''' Irom 13tn century
l: Hmm, I'm not too ",1.r.,11I in l<Ji ". ll<Illlove
T: Me too_ I ,.,-.nt to t he nf " pool in t he Sp(lft! ce nt,@IJ,1
w""k, 11'> 'coli, biq
l: S<",,><,I, l}o yc", MO\O'Q
T: "od I ....r.' a 9000 lil m on Ihli w...... 11'. c3"od
1lie f die 01 Dcspcrc.w. _H;r.ot you SHfl II'
l: No. Whal"s II ( 01Il0<l II... 1,*,,,,,
T: OP<1""""" T.... D-( -S-P--('R'E'A.-U-X, I I1oaY<'n'l secn
fitllC'<, Shall_ go?
l: 5u'.,
T! Dur."9 tNo WN'k "bo-st. TlCk.l_ 3f. only E4 then
On'do1"f< ...... Sunday, IIl<-y'rc t7.SO.
f: V@>. il. """,.... ,,,,,d 11 om n", lIb!'" V. tov 11.
bul I've bun,
l: C' Mt. Oh I 10'901 ' I've lu,t WIIlt cn J POsteJ ra
10 ' ''V "101" ."d dod uul I 1, .,"n'l m., IN il
T: You'll ",... 10 hurry, Th. po'l Shul! at hJlr past

Ii,e.tnd Q.....,tC. p.I.1 lIVe

l: 5011nc1s I,k. I 000'1 h.we I;me ' 1'119'> 10000000fOW,
Speaking extra

In .tudl'nh t o disru....hat IlIere is to

dO In thor.. town.
fell them to '''''''line that one 01 them is' vitor
10 thorir lown. Th. visitor must a not. of
th,ng. t....YwJnt to know about tile town.
p.Jrlner must answer tllei r que.tions_
A.s k 5tudenls to chionge ro les all(! rereat tilt
J(I ,vl\Y.
Language focus:
p rese nl perfecl versus sImple
U . studellts to at lilt oII1d
uno:\eriinelllt verbs A9. II ...", wllt'lllt'r Ihe velDS
III lhe pasl Of Jlff'Sol'nl pt',tecl
, [lIcit the conKI "old. 10cOITPtele Ihe ,utes.
Answer key
I p;t<' '''''p'' 2; poKl1
3 SInce; 101
Ask 10 I, lhe CAempWs onto lhei,
own li"fjU
r oc:us allentKIII 00 SIII", ""' .... bf'('t> /0 the sAale
lhe\.e OIl bo.tld ..oo aSk
10 I them ,010 Ihe" o..n
language. 5U' e stulknlS unoemand 1tle
... " 1... Ih(>m
Shf' /).t' 9f'II'" 1111,. skale C She ..""110
IIIf' aM 5!oll lhere.)
Silt I .... ' """" t" lilt' ,_.11' J)drk. C- She w",,1 lhe,c
h,,1 ,I", now ,e\urlll'd).
I, Lin ....:tift JUSI,yel and a /re .. dy
loIud the L.ngua<)l' booster ,.,Ih the ... M;;okl'
''',. ,I ,odo>nts uno,nt.nd the bel .......,
/<1.1. lIfId"'INdy
Mk .Iud"flt. 10 n 4MI,,1f trot ,.ampleS into their

EIK,t more
II . I...k .tudenu 10 flO IfIIo 1!Id,.odu.tlly_
Cl\t(;\ ItIsws .. the CIOI"
I Dod.,.,.. 90 to; I _
2; ...... you ..... -'If<!. 1_
l l)od.,.,.. .ttl .... 1"'"
"o.d.,.,.. I ""wnt 0't'I

Exan'l. prac tice :
Reading and Wrtlin9 Pan 4
." 14 tx_m aUld.
lhis lell. ,1""",,1) o(>,hly to unOtrstalld the
nu"" in " Iongtrf 1,,1. 'he luts ..e "","pted
from lul l>enli( "".",,,. ,uo;h
...Illlt, pfgel. t tc. may mQrt
d' ffi cult vOUM" IMy 110"" j " Ih"h 01 Ihe
but cion'l IQ unde"tand
u'')' "Q ,,1 in "" lu I I" lask
lUCctlll ully. tUlk Ivpes In Ihl$
parI. ", II vitl"r mult lpltcholcc or
Right' Wr 0'"1 I Qphons.
II . Rea<:llhe I'p'" In It... Ta
11"1<: lip. locus JtleollOtl on thfo .... orl fool In
lhe el.)mplf. sludenU no.. .. ph'dS.cI In
the led'" 51>0<1 "'JI,Io,I.
students to IIIfo ",d,voduulty.
Check ans",fS wlln lhe CloIOO_
4 A 7A 5 C 6 C
Q . focu. allent,OII on the s.omple do.>loguf Aik 01 pAir
01 to fUd II out
10 kkn\tty 11)(0 3"d .. hit
tlley lire ,". Poonl outtl>e us, otllw pr"U,,1
pl'fl'-"t lor the '",' qu.stlOrl ilnd li'It t)I'tl!mr>'<'
lor Ihe folowUllq.-toon.
Check It>al slud(ont, 1M _An,nl) 01
thc WOlds ,n lhe bo .
Ask sludents 10;MII Ihtl! t)lflntr ... "I.,ul
the plxcs in Ihe ba or thttf own ",.. ",_
Monilor and cl>ed ll1i1lltudenu M\'fIQ 1\>11(,)..
up CiU@.lion,u""gthe",,'\simpW
Ask >ludmi, 10 II..... 1Idflnfr"1
...11""""".... Paolo I'I.n """eo" 10 tilt' VII. bell '"
h.Js I:Jeto<Ilo 'toto Ll'wfM SI.., .... 1+ wHlI .. 1fI.!fX)1
Mo"" pr.>etice
Common ....Of....... ks.fotoel 4. 'PI"fWllt peJ't(1
""'''''' piI.1 .....pIe)
Photocopiabl e act i vity
.A room ...ith. riP... (Pq 911
Topic: _"9'
Uo " ge: butkj;nop.. pronouns. U,. j)lSsiY'
I A>o\ quntions. Do no! the
2 s.tudeflls fe...:t II,. letl and idtfontdy the I"tOtf'l
(ph<.>lu fll.
3 (Iic;il _ of p<"0flCUlS. SliIOents
cornplo!t.. U", rKjjyily ondividu6lly. Elicit tNt we
...... 10 repl'IItifllj flOIO"ts,
""'''''' ""
1 he 2 tot 3 .1 . they 5 they 6 \hey "7 tht'/
4 Stu<lents rta<:llht le .1 M>d clloose lhe conKI
verbs .
AnSW<lf key
t \\IJI b<.<l11 ;2 was lume<l 'nla 1 dkIed
5 have 6 il..
5 Sludftnl. the sentences.
6 prepare the" Ideas
1 P\lt sludenls Inlo to dist;u$I . th.n put lhem
..,Ih dlflerenl paflne-r 10 discu,s "0/1111,
Turn left at the traffic lights
Eluun practice Voealll.1ary La..!r"ag& foc...
. Readm'l and Writing Part 1 town dlre<:lIons
and Wr,\illCj Part 7
T ,lo.J<J..,,(, to 1001; d\ the mop. A. them w!!at
they see. Ask; Which "I Ihifl<}S dO
III yoor town!
Background extr<l
Around the .. orld your19 p <Jple can sta,j drlvln9
time" In UK you get a
when you are 17. To gel a full
drivi ng you mu,t p.... th<)o,y , .."I and d
d rivi ng Ie,\.
'I he mirl imum for learning t o driy" in ot
t 11 " I 01 EUfO", 18. In the USA Itle ag9 Ya ritls
from ,("I. to ,tote and in a lew st3t es young
people get thei r Le3me,'s Permit when they
14. MCUM t he rest of It", world the average
min imum "9" l or learnmg to driv@is17 or I8.
Vocabulary: places in town
D . Put <hlden!' in pil i 10 complete
with Ihe prepos ilions. Point OUI th.:ll Sludents
should Imaqinc Ihey arc the people !IN. In"

Check aouwCfS JOO check thJt students
Iho mt'Minq 01 tt\(> prepo:sitions.
I D+1ween ;2 be/'orocll nexl 10 J on Irool 01
4 5 ne'l to
ASk sludents 10 ..,ile three more SCl"tenc('s ilboul
IIlC I,ISInq lhe prepO$ltloos.
Writing e.tra
Ask students to ...rite ",nt....:es
tour otthe" classmates ilr, sittIng USIng lhe
preposrtlllfls on ActIVIty 1. (rlli$ perSon Is sir/,,,!! in
f'onl of "rid ....110 *_ ,J 0 __
Ask sluclen/slo s..ap sentences ...rth their p.Jrtne-r,
and try and que .. who Ih"" P!IWII" Is des<:'ibing..
Ii . Ihat s lvdents undt'fstand the meaning or
IINr. I ell studenlS INrI the Ihree Jnve.-sa\rons <In
l\dppen allhe place "here lhe people ate on thC
Pliry ,'''' CO O<lI.e ir,k h.r w' 001'1"
pia(:1'S (pO,1 ollice. Oldllge House.
Ploy (hI.' CO "\1<'''' d,1; sludentl to drdw /ones
()11th<- ill(' d"ectrons.
Ch"d with til(' class.
",,-, ...,
e h..: . t halll""""l! hhC dr.wn li ",," 10...
I tilt post oTl". 2 The Ora n Hou\.l!
3 II,.,
ASk Mw the peop le on IN! CO as , OX! for
dire<t ion._ Try and el i,it: r,cuse ",e.
.1 U'<lSe me, I'm 1001</11(} for." 11:,cuse me, '5
there __ neJr here?
'"' u 'l'ran5cripl
(II. IIQY, G. G' . ,I
I II: l ,r"", mo'. I.....
G: Tt-... pO,t Go slraight on 1M 'hurCh. ar.d
I""" I"". Ihe IOf,1 on tM lerl. TN! post olli(e i,
dl I ....,,<1 0111>01 ,oa,l, n..llo It.... flV" I
II: T the fIrst road on I"" "'!t. I> il lar?
G: About two monute:; foot.
8: n",nks.
2 G: yo", ....Ip me' I"m looking I", r,... Itoule.
B, TI\3I"< 'Iub i",'1 II? Go on and lurn
",n a\ the I""hl, .
G: " it on Ih@other .,.,. 01 II>e Ii... ?
B, No. ,I you go ove, the br<l9l', QOIl<' 100 In
oppO"lp Ihp pOst olroa'_ Vou
G: Of(. Ir...nb.
3 B: [xc ...... mp, is IIH>re a supermarl<el,......- he'e?
G: V"" but 1",_ Go .h;oojll ""aMl""n "ghl .. ,
n", hdil" Iirjll,;. Co pasl It-... morspUlll and It-... l'Iolel
untd you Q<'I to t..... btg r"'-"""'bout. rlKn lel1 t .....
,ouno:LlbDU! dnd "'}3<fI <l! the trall'-' lighls..
on the riQht. oppO,ije library_
8: '5<> 1 ..... .... 1'-' "'11 .llhP
lett GreaL Thank. 1<It_
C;, Noprobifom.
Lanqua g e focus : giving directiollll
U . ... 10) malCh 1M dortocloom ."th Itw
Cl'Ik Jfllo"crS ",Ih IIII! cl.lSs.lOd mal.. "'If
lloo.nlS uroOeulond OOKhOI1$.
r;:;::::;, ..,
I I 4 T 5 4 6 [
a . Put stoo.ntl Into pa"s,,1'1(1 tl'ltm to lu,n 10 t he
relevant WO)I' II'It P,)ItwO,k stdlOn.nd ,oIlOw
tht InsllUClion$.
[neQUl'. Sl udtl'lls 10 use lhe phrases Irom
4".. ,Iy 3
Stud,"1 ...
tho hOIlI: If tilt IIr\1 '&iId ()n \t'I.nd go 0""
li'Il T U'" n(l h! I rIC ilghts 00
,I on Ih. II"s 011 11101 1M\,
I hl Go str aight gn tu rll rklhl ;1t Ih' trilll,
liQfll s. G<l wniQhl 00 al the rO\lfl(lJIlDIII J nd QO
ti, ,, lUI " I.n 0111", "u, ul>ll . 11.. "" .... "" i.
"" 1M right.
I h. sk.t. plrk: h'e li"l ro.ld 00 t rIC rtljN, t P\(: n
l u," ' ''9''1. I U' n ltfl " I Iht rO,HlU't>oot. 11" I'ale pa l
lion lht flgM.
Studellt 8
tIM T'" lhe Ilrl\ fwd on U ... lett iond 110
(Wf'" Iht b<'II99. T\I<II "",1,,, Iiq!1ls Ind go
<>- b<odO)t Tile muHUm OS 011 l lIe right.
tho ....._.1 pll"':: 1;)10., th' ro,xl on the roqlll
ttwn ' .:>lIt ,tw I"II'oed on Itw 100ft
' ho ped oilleo: T"e lhe SKond ro.cron the r'9"l. I)y
,he trallle 1QIIt!. Tum It,t ;lI!he round.lbou! """ qo
<Wf'" Itw b<oc\9I' I .... on I"" 'i9Ilt.
TM pct<! off"," Ii on IIIe lell
Exam practice :
Reading and Writing Part I
.,... Exam gwcle
."lht r.;)I<lool<I noIo'S <WId are
tesled on ,heir 0)1'",,;)1 undl'rst.lnOlnq or
Thly to.a... 10 match Hfltenees to
appropri.irf notlCH.
o . RNd the I..... t,p w,llI!he CIa$$. Mk 10
lOok Ine SIQIIS al\(l say wnal tile tOPIC 01 Ihf
<4Wvlty IS (rO<ld soqos).
"'$k siudents 10 marcllihe wIth l ilt>
II '''''''.lll My ar(O abOut.
lell $I udcnts to k'ave unlillast
Tflltnem tnere ,)(0 two ..111(11 iJf(O not
ChKk JIISW'" W>\h the cl.:ns
a . Mk students wlw:1I "IJI'IS tho!y did not us@tRan(!F").
[[lCrt """terocH to exp .... n whal they me....
- ...

B lhos p!01h Ii only _101>ocy<:Ioos..
r You """,nl CtosslI>e.o.d untd 11M!
10 grHf'l.
Exant practice:
Reading and Writing ParI 1
.,..., En", guide
Stude-nts complele a 500rt If.t whiCh has len
space-$In It. They muSI wflte Ot-ll Y one word 1<1
each space. llle a<:l iv'ly locuses mall\ly Of1thl!
lestinq 01 Qrammalical words. I)\ll t here m8y bt
or two quesllonl InQ "x:abul ary. Students
must SI)f: II each word corre<:t lv to QCt lhe
g. Tell sludI!nli to read t he e malls quic kl y As k t hem
wll<lt the relat ionship Is Detwe-en Jakt and LUll

Read lhe Eum t ip wi t h tile cl.n. Remind st..,
10 look care/ ully at tile word5 before and alter
each space.
4s. students to <10 the IKt,y,ty ChKk
answe-rs ""Ill the dass.
t at 2 10 . t......e 5 qel
6 sttligl'lt 7 t ..n l it ' POst to 100
Spe aking
Q . Po.II stoo.nts into groucK lor thosid'Ylly.
them to lid 1..115 to oWKloons. lilt'
other m(:ml)trs 01 1M QrOUP mu!Ot try ;otId <)UKs
, -
I think technology is great
LaJoquag<, f ocus
IJ('/;""P, hope. and Iflink
><an. prae, 1ee Vocabu!&rJ
ReadIng W"ting Part 5 technology
Mk stooents to 1001< at the pict"., Do<>s
your room i0oi< IMs? Whd! things dQ yQ<' 11M"
In your oedroom! d<! roo 1,5<1 your moojlf'

Vocabulary: le;:hnology
D . Put '" p.'" 10 (mil tke
pic I",,
.. wilh tht clns mDke sur!
.11 lilt! w<>Id . Mooel dM dT III
pi "''''''"i"' ion i f y.
"""",,, ..,
(omp\Mr A. roob il e p/1one G scr...,., C
(jJ rne,cOlUQle E MP3 piJye' telt",skJn e
In PilIlS, Jsk student s to discuss wh ICh or the Items
LI ,ey u,e ",u.ll le"st .
Speaki ng ed ra
Pul ,( "dents inlo groups <>1 th, ,,,, 0, IQu r. Te ll
10 HI e locke<! up in pl ison for
t hree mon ths. lhey (h rl' ' 0/ 1M ite ms
ill ActIVIty ' tu I' d" '" t>ut Ihey have
to "'lr<,e on whoch ,tern. they wMt
St ude nt, dis.<:u" what t hey want. giving rea,ons,
and they Ihe n l ake a vote 10 As k
group to tell t tl<' ollhe class "hlch rtems lhey
a . Check ,tudent S know Itw me"nll'qs ot lhe ..
in the boxe,. un Ihe udm",,",.
[hclt '" dn e ' dmple.
In P<li", ,tuo.nts wnten.c:e., ttwn
(0"..<1 1I",i, I"'rtnpr',

Vou rOOio to <hal 10 trim<!<..
Vou u,e" tPk>Y"ion to ,end .. mails.
You to li.l"" to mu>ic
Vou a camput"'" 10 ,,-,,,o,d music_
Vou ....... a conwlo to w<I Ihe ,nl .. on<'!
y"" \.tOe d mobot@ 10 <:100n"
A,k ,tudenls to tlK> te<:hnotoqy quiz am
umerst..nd the que,tion,_A$k lI",m 10
circle YO'. or no tor each qu"Stion

tn student' compar@tll<>iran,,,.,.,., . II,,,n

check Ineir re<utls on I'd9'! 64_
Ask studenls II tney agr .... with what the rewlts
s.ay about them.
Background ext r a
Recent on technology Mve <:JIV <!I1
YCllJ"9 Pl'QPk' 'n.c:reasf'd <:9PO'"t unitl.-s tor int"'act ,"9
w,th other_ Typkat use, tor a,tooent In
t oe UK or USA mlghl 'fI<lude t extongtriends to
arra nge 10 meet up. US I"9 the Internet to resea rCh
some homewor k or us ing a rodal networkl.... sltc
10 post photos or t rierlds.
is increasingly popular and In the UK 011 New
Year's Eve 2007 over 290 mi llion Ie. ! messa\jes
were sent. 30% more th an the same lime In 2006.
Lis t e ning
a ' Tet l Sluden\.\ 10 read caretull y, afld
CtleCk lMl t hey underSland lhe m.
, Play ltl(! CD stuoenls to listen to' the
CMeck answers W,lh the , lass.

( ' ''' ' '''''''''


.. NO. ,11f 1Iobo"1.
st ... ill wim nrmion nn

25 "f'ran3Crl pl

(P z P*<>Oo'u, A A"" ,,)

P: And I........ 1 <31'" 01111>1> line Is AOn't. 1-1" .nnlt. Do
you tll,nk "f"" d' e d<ld,d"" to "MoW!"
.: W"'l my mum "'Y' I MIl. !luI I dOtl'1 ag,et. I tlfObolbiv

>.pt'nd ;)bOut two hours a day """roe. tllittong 10
to ,",Kh. <I' Ioolung al ,1M , JOX>lJI (,() le,1
m...s.a1J<"' a day_ t don'llhi"" tll.ll'. d 01. dO you?
P: "..,...,.,. r'kt J 10110 mt' When dO you!ofl'ld aN troo-s.

A' ll<>IWN'n .....on. and alter "hoot. Bul my I""..
my I'hoow away "",terday.; hoiit' he qiv...s II 1),0,. to
n ... soon' t 10 1u.1W ,..hill my tne"dS a'e dOinq.
P: But you <hou4<ln't lISe your phOf'e duo'inI;t
," l!..nn... n,,11 .... Wr'Id"'9 ltd ......Y9<''' I ", ,,, try... .,
10 hnd loOm(! .nIOl""hon on tn. ,n",,'tt'
P: I So ........... ...hy dol y .... Ih"d. ..rutl. W<lt..,
t-""'}H"< AM Itwo ..Ay I,..,. rnocSft"n INhnaIot;iJy7
A.: t (Son 1 ..., Il'\('y wo"V 100 """'I\. IlIty ,r, bod
10< "'" bul ,( ",,"( tt ho-tpo U"I ,loJdy ...., II *'<'Ips '",t.,
on OIl! ,,,tnd.'
p, 01\. .......0(' .....d 0Uf """ ,_, II.
Language locus:
believe. hop&. lmow, $lIy and thmk
a . Ihdl lhe m,;mi"ll 01
lh(, .
10 lh, , mpt,
inl" lhti'
Llle,1 Ihe (O,,t worll, 10 compl,te lhe
,'" ..."l) Ih'" In sPOl<en English
when .. . us, Ih'H .,rl:1l ..
II . Itu(l@nhtollOlh', oclovily
Chtck .. ,Ill the clan.
( f .. H 6E
Speaking edra
Wrolf 11">1 1010..,"9 l1al_I,on lhebo6rd:
1 Choldren uncle< 10 shoulclro' UI.f JI"\OtIoIt p/'Ionts.
2 (hU"'9ef.., .... orot'"" IMn ..atdlong TV.
l PIoJyll\g (omputer CJaI"I'H 11900<1 lor you.
"'k wudtfll, 10 (Ii..:u$S whtihtr Ihty
"9'f':f! 01 .,th Ihnot Wn9
the "",.", from Atlmty S.
Ex;un practice:
Reading and Writing Pari 5
SIUCII!"nIS ao-e leslN on tlle.r ot
9'"ammaloca. words Ihrouqh shOrt te.1
The lUIS Me adapted hom wr;h
lIS m<l<)iliM .tId OOWSfMpef arbcll!S. WordS are
dOI'leted Irom IN lext an(! $lu(lenIS are Mked to
complete INlexl by cl\O<l$'''IIlram ttlre-t oPloons.
D . liNd I"" E m tip ....'lh the CldSS. 1 ell SludenlS
l ..,dully ..Ilhe hlle 01 the artICle .nll the
photo. Av. them whal they 1M arliCle is
about. 00n'1 or 1M" al Ihi'
Check thai ..d 1 ell
sludenl s lef IN<! I two lUI Qui<:klv 10
whelr-lheir ideas wl!"fe ,;,;.t. tloc'llhallhe
is abOUl d ')ifI who won d 1t"' [;'''J lUfl'pel,lron
rocus on lhe t."",pIto dno:! 'emind to
CArelulty dt ....","1 l>eI(O", eilCh
I rudf'nl\ lef complete Ihe 'f"l'1 ",I Ihe .ochv,ly
Cheo:k ....'w.." ....Ih lhe clo:o".
( ,-,.=-,
I S 2 C J C . " 5 C 6 S 1 S 8.
8rilinstorm QUestIOns lor Ihe sUNey aM wrlle
them on the bwrd. lor
00 t/llnk cMoren shoold USf moblJe phones /fI
00 you think tetMgers need mobile prlooes?
00 you think modern tt'Chnol"9Y /5' good tMlg /
00 yoo thin. chlldr".., .<pfwl /oo m,X-1> Of)
their c<lInp;Jlers/ TV?
In gtoops 01 lour ()( Ii .. ...15 10 w,il e
'Nlr qllf'<IH)O<. Mfll O)uII "'lit' .....1fIIo ....
D. C. etc. Tell nch lIli6enl In 1M 9'"o"P 10 (!100M
one olher \I'"<lUp W IMI In.-y _ "f'
'ntffV,","'9 fVfI"'(CfM In IIII' ("'"\.
10 lheor orlgmal group". it<1o. III>dM1IS 10
I""r Inlormaloon. and "111,,, .......IHOCH ;./)...ul .whoI1
Ihfoy IHfnl.
Wflle 1M loIIo>wong p.....SfS 00 In. _d10 ""'1/
PffJf* 1iUr>t 1M'
A 1_()fOIJIe be6tn IMI
Hall the CI.J51 WJ' 111.11
one 1_51h.X
SludoenI.s coulcl *,,11 up t_ ItsUllslOl

Mefnt pnoctlrCfl
W01 U>OOIo P<"Jl"'"
C_.Horl 61 (""",It"'" ""'9
An amazing story
Exunp.actice VOC....1uy
. P...., 2 . redding
LaDpag. foc...
. past
Readi ng ar\d wut,ng Part 4
Ask 00 rtJd,,,,p How m.:Jny
/IO()/o, do rou rea" "'" )tN'? Whrl! ', your I;)vwn/e
00l),\' >"'hM where do ),,,u
Vocabulary: boQk8 and reading
D . PtA .tudents in PJI"5 to fiooUw Ihi",!' in ...
Check .. dOO ma, e
">t'Hmnq 01 all ..Or
t.lo*1 and dnll it necM....-y.
comiC D B A
"""ipa.,.... B ""ve l [
A,k ,ludcnh which of t hese tMY read.
S . eh",," llld! unlll>"t.rnlltw lTIO'aniOQ 01
the wood. in th e DOX, They C<ln LJ,e di<:tionary to
l irod My unknown 'Nord.,
Ehcir from individual
You <in find:
_ or
... '" I'IHI'sp.:J pers or """",'ino"
,. in (onli<:....
.. c.",.wo.d,.n
, . n!ormatiO<1 .b<JU! pi..... 0' P'" ,on .n ..,
... inwmallon a!'(h,1 word in a dOC!oo rHlry,
_ phot09'8ph$ in .
_ in comic. I I new,papc'$.
_ spoils In .......
... e"i!ir>O,j.I",,,,, in n<O"",
w@dl lw<'f\>Ofl" n ncwsp.aper...
Exam practice: Spealting Part 2
..,. u Exam
Students loll<>,. p'ompl ca rd, I" and MS We<"
qUell ",n, with a Tiley given 3-4
10 do IhiS 1o, >;.
D . RNd ttw t,p wil h the . (\1e,1 oll><' r
to tor ( In you s.:ry Hlat
you 5JV trw mnrt slowly?
.... sI< \ludPnh IQ al Ihpj. p.ompt caldS 00 the
Pdi.wor k Iwo .tuGents 10
demo","ale tile ! quesl lon .. "d ... e(
Remloo ,I <odl'fll< lh1>V t ry lOnd lhQi ,
nalU, dill' P<lSSi l)I(',
- They '>I>ovld g;.e fu ll oot ju,t ... O,d

...: 00611", 11 i)r"fY {li">Y
B: . II has new
.... Wflal".tl>ea<J.lrU,1
8: 11'122 P., k SI'HI.
'" yoo get {li">Y coli"",
8, (heres <on .... machi ....
..., ...n"'9<""?
8: Yo" I".., _sfor
.... IS ,I open evHy dav?
D: OPO" ""0<)' My e><<'P! SundaV,
Ma9ul ...
8 , Who!', ..... 01 new """l"l'""
...: 11", You. World.
... , How muo: h i. ,t?
B, 11"$ [2,50,
'" Wll<lt d"", il h'''e Ins id.7
8: I( h., , j"' .... phOIo, """ new,.
... : WhPn can yO<! tow it>
B: 11"$ on "e,y month
... : Wh .. ean)'O\l buy it ? >
B.: In the oe ...... t)C/\t"l.
Language focus: past continuous
a .... , t udents 10 'Pdd the '"I\I<>n('s
which verbs A whi<:h arc B.
Ans'MOT key
1 wu ,.;,dinQ' '" walk"'ll ,n' B
2'<! In . B, w'" sittin9:'"
[Ii<:it w@us. Ifl<, conltnuous Ill(> ",1SI
. jmplC In IMIS way we to "'Y Oll P
in thp middle of J longe< .o<;tion.
Q . (I lcil thl> cor.ect .. OIds to(oroplcte the rule.
I:h';:'; ,:,i wh&/liIndwhl/c
RHd III(' Ll\n91Jio9. _I... ..,Ih ,"'n. AS
c"ss. ,e..nll' th' Nl'pin ,n A,I'>ltt A lJ1,inq
wll,ll' IWh,1e ,Nd'1I9 comic. IIIe
INCllf.r .. In, rill' In ..",11'
PJul;} was smlna In eNor,
a . A\k stoo.nls to look I"" pIc!u'. on I)ioqC sa.
roclJ1, on IN' QUHItOO MId .mWCf"
spt+Ch DubDIK.
In p.lon. d>ll '''..len!') to nit. ''lO qunloons
(j,'Il" __"
_ .... Il00"'1 lhe ItioChe! .. ",7
Jvn IlHpW\g
Donna a miQi lU'1C! OUI 0' h" bi>Q
Hugo "a' 'UP,nQ a novel cr,i,"J.
..dO "U""J ,n the c!\;o,'.
l " " .,., CUI1011g 0lIl. tlI"oOIO.
l...u ... laugh,ng ' " Cd,toon in a ne.",Pd.......
... .,;H OO"'Q etOi>" ...D ,n the ....
D . .... Sludtnh lu .,,,1(' sentences aIlOul Ihe'l'
were dn,,,'J II,,,," t,mH. iflt tll<!m 10
SO"'" ''''I' false
f O(us un the Tell
it t"",II,i". sentence i$ IIlO\!. lI' fl
, toould true.
Exatn practice:
Readinq and Writi ng- Part 4
.r7. D .m gu.lde
This IfSIS stuGe<lts .bII,h to unOH5tMld trw
/TIoJ., lelus In, IonQct led. Ihe 1.<1. are aOJlhenllC SOUleI'UCh as lfl.l9iZone "'"In.
..Hoslle paQl's. c. Tiley =, mooe
dil ticult voc3buIJ', I....." In parts
. xam. but hlY. 10 unGerSland
.verv word In orde' to ,ompl.t. the tasl!
suceHslully. There ..'. t aSk IYPf\ in lhi)
part. Oue1tiort> w,1I t'lhe..... utttple-choio:. or
RighI I WI'OI'IIII Ooc-sn'l S;), ""uens.
iii . students to rNli llIe tcd CllJlCkty and .....
tht qul"ltiOflS_ Chtock ans""'IllS .. ,th tht class.

TlIe is abooJl LlUr. 5""1nOn, a 16-yNt"<>i<l ,luo.!N,1
Tr.e bu. d,i,e .,3S t , " ill'"'' t"" bu$ 0111""
' 000, It IlaPPl!I"II', j ,n
a the 1I"."lh the ,liIn As an e'''m"le.
locus 00 1 and sludents 10 Jond the
",I", mahon In the le.1 [lic,1 Ihdll"" inlormation
.. nol Inl'nj'o .... d, the<elore C" llIe ((!t'KI
MIl sluc:ll'nls 10 complel. lh(o .ndIYlCluatty
Chtock ..... , .... ,t..,...
... 5 6 1 A I! 8 ... 8
II;) . ........tuofnu 10 l!>ink 01 a person I".,
would 1, 10 II'IHI. Te-II them I,," <III 90'''9 to
a stot)'.ooul ,,"Soon
RNd Illrouqto lhe j!II ..,lh til(> nns. then"U
,ludoflIs 10 ott.1t .nr:!...odrHI,,_
....... _ SltIOenlS to read thco. , lor,., 10 1M
MOfC pracuce
W""boo' lS
C"""""" '" ,u" ..",k'''''''1 4. PiIQf 63 (Loo.Io ..I."" Jnd
Photocoplable activit V
DoII t miss 111/5 fiItrrI(P.QP 93)
Topic: I'lm '@V"WI film puncl ....." en
1 St udents 'Nd the r.v,.", and choose tile corrKI
",,-, "'"
1 (apit,", leller 2: ,,,'am.1lioo mar k 3 CO!nmll
A comm;r 5 'l"f"h marti
2: Siudents .eitd AnI! (Qfr ect the
puncIUdI ......
_ana JonM and t.... 1OnqdOII\ oIlhe Czyotll
sr..... l OP l ourth ... _ I ... _fftl","ol
th..... m...-.........I 1-..-.. III tMIIIm ItIdWn;rr
__ ""'" \0_ fOf a
Cty$t.lI $ . .... '*" >fars H.rrlsoro fOld IS In<bana
..IonP$. KM....... 1 ..... dS Ma'"",. and Cat. 81.ochell
... d >PY- II is an helton<) _ I......., film.
1\ M actOf"S .."d IhI musIC Is -V 9OO<l
"\fIdr.;Nlol .lone< and I .... lIongclorn a/ IhI Cryst-' Sk .....
is dd,..tely '7NI ""'"
3 Studenls .....IIe lheir own , .._s. PIn IM.fYiews
ound the dolwoom.
" Sloo.nb wdlk ..ound l he cI.s$tOGm MId rNC!
the .. s. Ask SOI'1W which ones thty
Answer key
D 1 5 "111('(>1
3 Lor",tta uses
a 1 Oavidtwstaken airain
'I\(Jtrooms every day.
2 chat 6 hcket
4 (as!.!ndra knows she
3 rn.lrk<!1 7 rllck
2 David has used the
8 favourite
sp...,ds too much lime
ufllJerground trams In
II I troll""
S Jun thinks Pl10ning people
1 Oavid hasn't 110.. " in J
2 II's ul\(\@rlhebl'd.
IS bellI!< 'I\(Jn emaillng
3 11'$ ned to the co.nputer, II""""
4 David hasn"' driven .. bus
4 Il"s on tile lelevlSIOfl.
In New York.
II (')dmplt'dnswefsl
5 11"51'1","110 Ihe bed.
S David has a bod!
1 I was CJling my lunch
Irom Englar.d to frall(;c.
a 1 On SIlEO'S
whll'll a be," arrived,
I)o>pl>,I'''\ the museum,
2 I was SII\IIIC! on the beach
Q 1 100 slow
2 On WC<locs(lay sh,n
when it 10 'illn,
2 100 l.lle
'lpu'''g .. money 'rom
3 I was Idoing pholo when
l noll>ig
11051 my
4 100 soon
3 On she's
4 1WOS w" ilmg ilt the bvs
5 not good enough
borrowing guid ebook
slOQ when 1 found some
from the I,brary.
B 1 Claudia to rna"" he r
4 On FridQy she's buying
S 1 whi.'n I hurl
O,.n web.ile Ihis yea r.
tickets Irom the 'Jil way 2 l>clicvcs people
mv foot. -
wo"" US" keybQards i n the
5 On Saturday she's 90;09 1<1
Common errors worksheet 4: Answer key
Milch and many
Present perfect versus simple past
a 1 simple Pi'M 3 Ple$('nl perfect
D 1 IIncount<'l1)le 3 negatIve
2 present perfed
2 countable 4 aff,rmatn/",
o 1 Mike wenl to Miloln I<'IS\ w(,(,k,
II 1 mU(h 4 alai 01
2 I've bought a qUlljebook alre<ldy,
2 many 5 lots of
3 We l>av..n" p.lld lor the lich-!s yet
3 mU(h 6 ,,101 01
4 Did you go 10 Canada year"
5 Sara tried hors!"ridlllg '" June,

6 Hav .. you!.een my photos of

Look at, see and watch
.Adjectives; -jngversus oed

3 wal ch
D' see
.' ,
D 1 ed 2 'ing
2 look at
o1 surprised 4 tiring
II '
2 ""xcil ing 5 interest ed
2 see 5 LOOI:. at
3 disappoinl illg 6 friQhtening
3 looki ng at 6 watched
Common errors worksheet 4
Much and many
D (hO<),,, thl' correct , ,, ntellCI's.
1 ...V.
B 1 ..n't 901 m""y money
2 A There too mll(h PCOOIc.
B TI,..,,, too "'''' ' Y P"<'ple.
J A He much 000<:01. 1" .
B He eat , a lot of
a Choose the corr ect to complete the rules.
I we u,e ..... 'lh countab le ! no un'
2 We u." many with I noun..
J u, u31ly u,e much mJny in alli rmal;y" I
,entence, and
4 We u$ual ly ule a lot 01 or lots or in af lFr mJti ve I
n .. . ..
II CompletQ th e by adding much or many_
How much I man y money have you Qot?
2 $"" ""'0'j g<>1 muc h I
3 I CJn't N'Jr you. Th<>re", too much I many noise'
4 lIurry up. we haven' t '101 a 101 01 I many tim...
5 The re arc / Ioh of on the bus.
6 Wowl Thor@'sliloto f f muchtraffic(oo"y
Look at, s ee and watch
D Choos@ corrl!d nnl@nces.
.. I like """'''9 cartoons.
a I iI.1! ... cartoons.
Z .. Isaw my Irlend In the park.
a I Jookt'd "I my friend In Ihe
.. WIlW! Loot "' IM' pir;lurp..
8 1'10"" See 1""1 p,etur!?
o the wit h look "t. ...../ch.
, ,
, , ,
We choose 10
, ,
We i0oi< lor
I Ia<Iq "me

D Ihe wilh 100II o1t. see Of "'of/ch.
I ... I OVO IOf"9hl1
Z Wilere ,i he? I can'l h,m.
3 Uh Ohl The l<!.lChe' '5 us.
4 was Mark al 1M patty? I dod,n h,m Iher!?
S lnal ptIOIO. In
Q Write more .... ntences ,..ith at, sel> and ...Mell.
Prese nt p e rfe ct ver su s pas t s imple
D Choose Ihe corr"cl sentences.
I .. We "',s,ted PJ"S
a We ... v,site<! Paris last yea!
Z A I nf' ... nvi\,I...-t I "n,k,,,.
8 I".e never vls.ted London.
oChoose Ihe correct words to complet e t he rules.
1 We use perf.t! Pltsl simple lor th,,,,,s
at J def inite t,nw In the pasl.
2 we use present perrect I pas t simple lor Ih ,nqs
th.1 jro po , !.
3 We "se present periect I Nst simple "" lhi"'I ,
Q Make sent ences usln9 present perl ect or the past
I M, ke / go to M,lan f laS! week.
2 1/ buy a f
J we f nol p.J 10' / U,@tlckets /
<1 you! <jO t o caJl.lda! last ytM?
5 5.itra I try /1><'l"p( idi'''J I in
6 y(lU f I my photos 01 8,)"ei ooa
D Write sent ences about thin9s you did last year.
and Ih,ngs you done sometime In t he past,
Adjectives: -ingversus oe d
D Choose t he correct s e nte nces.
" It "'a." vcry bolIng
B It ...ofS a very bored 1M""".
Z A I Wil. really borinq.
B I was really bort'd.
II Choo.... tM corr""t ...ards to complete the rules.
I We use ,n oed '-log "djectIVes to desc"he ho.....
we 1....1.
2 We use in -ed ! -ifIfJ a.:ljedives 10 Sdy whdl ..... thmk
of wmeth,"9.
o Choose the cOrt!?d adjedives t o compl ete the
sent enc es.
I verv surprised I surprising when.h<> g"ve me
a prt'S<'nl.
2 II's" very .xcit l'd ! e xcili"'ll ilm.
3 I wJS d,sappo,nl .. d ! d' ""ppo'ntin9 hlm_
<1 IMI ... of very tired / I ;ring wal"
5 Are you int.ruled ! interesting ,n
6 II"S 0 vcrv fri9hl ...... d / frighteni"'lli lm.
a Write more sentence. usi"9 -ed and -i09

KET l or SChools (I Richmor>d Publishing. 2009 e
-- -
Answer key
Reading and Writing
Port I
Port ,
, ,
, , ,
, , ,

, ,
Part 3 <a) Pan 3 (b)

Exam Extra! Yes and No
Yes: t o, T1I81's right, OK, Of
(ourse, F' lno
NO: I' m f\()t , I'rn sorry I can't .
ParI 4
21 e 1R"1I1n'( pIIrenU 010,'\'1 teach hIm, they paid 10'
a on wh,eh sOmcDOdy else laught him.)
22 A tRyan SI),S he's IlHn;\ 'h/l"t arttrldant lor
23 B never tIOrM tK'Cause tIM
are oJIlthlltf.nt "nrllnltrtsllt'lg dod 1111"5
alwa,) Ie"'fling _lhInq new)
24 e
25 C (WI' mow 'S iI niQl'lt lIi(lllt horn loodon
tu ll!lll!l ole but thf'ft IS 1\0 ,nformahOf1 in ttw
ho_ oll9f1 ,Ips.)
26 A (RyMl $oJ.,s thot nhll'r''''''' to PdY lor
21 B 11M IIId tloIo<I.lys.-1I O\Itr IPIt WOI1d.)
Port S
,. e
JO e
JO '

Exam Extra! f ive grammar rules
My s.!.ler ''''I/'S str.wberry kif crllln'\.
2 I watched;t 9I"Nt him I.)st rught
IS your birthday?

yOUIlMCher" he day?
lIoIy brother has 90t 200 COst
Port ,


P,", ,
much 46 ,t

47 011/ nut

" '"
.. ,
Iro m 49 when leiter
SO me
" "'"
Port 8
51 (SdIUfdily) 16th OK
52 7.00 17 I seven
S3 ",am;
54 ("ice 01) pUza
5S 8.00
Exam Extra! Reading carefullv
Hobdcry Tim<'


,,, >

2 A {He hasn"t \o;lid wtoat IiITIt' the.,

5 "E:::
2 A HI Charli(',
Let's meet al 12,00, I'd to cat .111 PizzJ
in tM shoPPlRq centrc. I want to buy
some COs
B Hi Cilarlie.
I'll mt'('\ you at the Lakeside ShOppmg Cenlre
al 9.30 In thoe motning, IMve to buy" T -shirl
"nd some jeans. 10 have lunch at
McOonJltls. How JIloUl you?
C H, Ch. rlie,
in tt,e shoPPing cenlre all O'cloCk .
We can have lunch In the park. I wJnl to buy
and chocolate.
r rom
Part I


Pan 3


Pari 5
21 Tlilburv Roatl
22 4.S0
23 3.00
25 07869-345-211
Part Z
7 D
, ,
Pari 4
10.30 (a.m.)
!1Ia1t past ten
20 (Old) Shirl
Pari I
Exam Extr a!
Different ways of asking the same question
10 2 A3B 4 fSC6(
(Sample answer s)
Exam Extra!
What do I do if I don't understand?
1 you Sily thaI aYdin? f Can you speak l ouder?
2 What does (that word) mean?
3 (an you say th,,! more slo wly?
(S<>mple answe.s)
In!ernet cafe
B: Where i, ttle internet
A: at 22 Street.
B: When.s it open?
A: Irs open Irom 10 d."" to 7 p.m.
B: What Lan I do there?
A: You c<>n surf thfo ,nti'rne!, play 9<lmes "nd
B: Does thfo ",Ie tood?
A: Ye ,_ they sen hoi ar>d cold Md
B: Kow mud, doe'" ;!
A: tt D pel" hoor.
New c<>mputer game
A: What is the of the qame?
B: Road Hogs.
,,: Wlldt;5 the p, ;( ..?
B: 1\ cosh DO
A: Is it fun?
B: Y<,s, it is very ... citin9. You (un 'de.. around a
II: ciln I blry it?
B: You Cdn buV it in computer Qamc shops or
A: How many players can play?
B: One !o four players plav.

, EXAM ,
GUIDE Transcripts
Lis te ning Pa rt 1
Boy 1: (JIlt 01 yoor computer Thi5
C3' '3(ln9 one

CO 'O'\.! Were there tn.lny people at party Lot)l

Bo" Z: I'm 3 b,\ w,th IlI<It, let me show yoo
this 0...... You ...,t h It. It's rcally

80..: "!!Qui thirty.

not m,,,,y.
Boy 1: OK, fin" wh<>n you (omt to mv house w!
8 0': NO, OUt In"" Last lime.
can play wllh my lOOtb.ltt ooe
80... Z; Gr eal' I rtJ1iy lootbtlt qames..
Have- yOU done your P/"OjI'CI. lin..?
Don'I !\ave 10 giVi! ,\ to IhI! INdM!l Ut!
Lis te ning Part Z
Mond.Jy'l hilv('f11 started m,n" v.t'
Oonl worry....t've 001 mofe !'1lK' n"", lhill
T...: Hi, Mlol. HOw 1.(1'0001">
She d""')II"1 ""1Il1 ,[ unlil f.ili<Jy now
\01 ,,,: Tim. Good, We dod a c proiect 10 1000
P>oILUO': Really? When did sh.. lell thai?
OUI people', TV p'OCjramrnes
In IhI! lenon on yOU
Tl\efe were some surprises,

- hstening, ""il lp?
(kr\Ow whdl you 10k. best CJrtoonsl
Thai's ri9ht A. nd kr\Ow, Rob loves
Jnylrurog 10 do wilh planls an"lliIh.
Mu ..; Uo you !'\HI! anythin<] l or the hOliday.
T,,, : Your Hannah', a o.nt cook. she must
Have QU g<ll ".lOUQtI T -shl.ts7 WJtch att t ile cooi<lnq shuW$,
"' tUIU: fve got lots of Tsturts Mum, but I can"t hlld
You're wrong. S1w's a blq Ian 01 rock dml
my sunqlas'>t') "ny.her"
reqqae:so stw loves any concerts on TV
101 "", They"t'in ttw. cupboard in my
Carl .ealty lenno,:so I Suppor.e he I'.M

Whd[ CIbO<tI <horts" "11'1 w.e yOUfS sports programmes !It'sl,
too lor you 1'lOW.
He prefers p/dYII'l9 to But 1M! neve<
'1'0\"" ri9ht Let's'J", new ono.....hHl m,ss..s Jnylhing about fore-""" UI,,,,tro,,. and
Wl'vr;I $I\oW"'9I0m0rrO"N
10 9<> on kotidJy
T,,,: And..-flat atJoul Shes Clever
J ISn't Sile
Wllat time we go to the basket WoIi tier shows are the ooes wi",.
malCI'I on Sunday. Jam,,)"> tea m. ans ..... r Q,II'<ti on, Jnd w,n prizes

..u; Well, it )ld' (s at qua,ter 10 two. $0 I we - shl' says learns" 101 Irom
Iry 10 al pJSI 000,
A.nyway. what pt09fammes do !lest
8ov; I' ll M'r you at lhe bus slop at

1000ty fi"e,
Cltll rtJlly entov an IIc,li'I\I',lm - tor m.

J A" el! f'''' Don'I bt-lal ... Ihdl's .... boPtle-r than an lntemiJt,o""t
lOOtbiltl match.
8or. 00 VOU 01'1 f ':.Ire'et. Sdndr 0/1
Tholl'!. .oqht. ,",umbel' 14, n..1 10
w,lh ttle big 'ptes..
Listening Part 3
8or. Dh. I Tlw1e's a tree In your lrool
",,.den isn't Il\('re-'
FlU"","': Hi, D.lnieL I meetonq
$UDII.: number 18. .. qol ltowers in our
dllovt tlw! ,(hool ,,,mp""'9 ll ,p. Are
fr ont garden. My ilium love. grow,ng tll,n95i
goinQ on the 15th May?
O ..... e<.: leu>,e on the 29th now. felklly. Bul we
10 pay by the ZZnd.
Feu",," OK. How much is it?

D_.c Ws [55 lor the [Z7lor 1M
100II. so In [8Z
FUCITY: Thlll's nol bAd Wtwcl do WI'!\i1ft' 10 boring?
D_ox WI!Y. the CoJI'lPSI" t..,ls lor u ... bul ...
need 0111' OWfl boJOs We c,on 11M' the
pt.. and tUDl.
FtUC"y; Wtlcre oJle ... 9O'""l' TO the mount",ns
0 ..... .., To the south yeo . The C,lmJitt')
on 313.m but the " only I.n mInutes
F "''''' T""I sounds And w!\it "'. we \lUilll,]
to do
c...., : Well. and w,nd$url'"9. ot
AM $ome (hmt)ln9 II the weathtr'$ good.
But thl.... e ..o.n tit' any 10nl/walks IhiS yC3r!
F..",In': Oh qood! And I SUDpo$(l WQ to
really early?
DA"t[l : TII.,l's .Ight! so. hou.s to gellher.,
so the coach IS 3t 6.30. We to
meel school at quarter p3st 6.
F[llClTY: 01'0. nnt
Listening Part 4
ROl! Why cIo<rt you (ome 10 the Art Club
museum un [),an?
OAlr. 011 I oorn know_.
ROl! You won'l hilveto!/4't up _Iy. It starts at
len Ihlrty and It "nrShes /lit hatl past lweI .....
Ws 'l'.llly gooO lun
D...: Bul you know I"m nOQood at painl"'9
Roo: That docsn't Last _l'k we maoe
out 01 card and noe.! loml' Wl"re
mJklng to put on thC
D...: Mmm. Is 'I
Rot: My mum booI!ed IIv@mootongslorme aM
.... Ildilll welvt' POUMs lilly but Irs 11'0.",
pounds lilly it you just QO to Ol'\f',
OAlO: OK 1"11 corne' Who(h loom is il in the
Roo: In th.llbrary. on tfloe 9'ound lloor just pasl
the elM
DAIO: I know Do I"",d lolakf' anything w;th me?
Rot: One we !'lad to a oollie 10 dldW.
bullh,S you'lt Only IlHd an old ShIrl 10
keep you Cltiln
0-. I"m Dold'S 901 0I1t'. you Sdturdcly'
Listening Part 5
............., (t1drl..... II". Grah"m. rm)ust
lolhl' co"""", tomorrow
lilm '" on at thoe Ap('x on , rllDUfY
ROdd. th.a!'. T+L-l-B-U-RY. 00 you know
w!lo('(e- it is? I Ihlnk thf>r,,'\ " m61J vn I""...
Thto tirkl'ls Ihere are uSlllJlly (S.70
but ours Will only be- [4. SO
90ill9 in thl' afle.nooll. I'm 90irl<,l to take
_'<>me t! ."" "'llfll'Y as werl. so, Qel some
popcorn. The Itlm slarh at 'our Ihirly,llul
lei's ml'l' t ill 3.00. t .....nllo silo... YOU lhe
pholos from skilleboard,ng.ll the
They're r('Jlly good! So, "' he'e $I\dll wu
mI;'Ei? I think Iherl"s a 'e,lau,,,,,, on
side cinern.l, bul il"s qUIle expensi.,.
,'11 WJi! lor y ....1in the on lhe olhe.
We can i0oi< my photos lhere. Any",.ly.
my mob,le is 07B6934S-ZII. Call nw il
Ihl'rl"s a problem. 5(>(> yoo!
Reading andWriting Part 9
How the marks al'e decided
C1nd"jJll'S M,C t o CQm"'lllll,alp a written me"ilge note. or an to d friend. Tkere .lIe thr('e
!hill tile candid"t" Ilas to in the - tIther by ",;n9 th", IIlfC<:' pIomll15 or by to
thl"'" an mldii or nole. ror full alllhret' pOInt s mu.1 be (lrarly commumcated.
.hould wrile tlf!twei'fl 25 <l"0 35 word$. they wil l low ",,,r1Is ,/ wr it!' lewer 2S words.
However. they not 100 much as this incr(!JSCS the likelihood 01 ..., ,or,
[,amin"... will co",iwr spellIng. pun{IUJuon. and yocabulary 'nsofa' as they aUI'd the candlddte',
10 communIcate Ih .. lhree points 01 rile ",esIJg" clearlv aM
The mark scheJne
"I) thl'" pMts of tht _ ..... ar. " .,ty
There "'e $0_ minor grammlr or punct .... tion
All tflr" parts of _'sag<! Ire clearly<l.
ThH. I r. ,_.rf<>l'"S with gr"""'" or pundu.tlon.
11111"'" "",.ts 01 the _ ..,. hive 1><"" IlIetnptt<l.
mH..,.l d,tflcull to
Two 1'Mt. 01 tile IMSsoge I cllarly communlcltt<l.
Th.rre'<>n"Ie,.",;nor or or .......... erro's.
Only two p..rt. alille ..... W9I_commun.k:.tfll.
Ther. _ some ."oro i.n spellng .nd lira.....,..
Tile ".,. .... 15 quill dilf"lCuft to und. r,tlnd.
Ontyon. p",1 01 tIw ......,1<)* I. communiutf(j.
- I
Examples of m.ark. and eXaJniner's comments
Rud thi s ,. ....M'rom your ("9UJh .,Iend, LH.
To, t 11----------
TlNInI<$ fOIl" inviting me to yo...- hous.t! tomort'OW
What tune R1;1U I comc:? Whilt In;! _ 90'''9 to do'
What shoukJ I brtnO?
W,it. L fn IINI1I fncl ,nswe, Ihe quesl lons.
Writ. 25- J5 words.
Write lIMit on your .nSwer sh"l.
Five marks

11"'-"")0: "r,..
<:' .......... 'lirlfl , . .......,,,,,,, t
Four marks
I",.. , I,'
y",", C.'" U' .... 2 <ld;'<':I: ,tnrt..., 1"I' pori 1'If,l'",
I.< '" :.".,. ... ,." I .. " U"'" t"'9'" lin
""" ..
Three marks
...."")O>. n , ., 1\t.Pn<uo,"'" "":r u..
'-"d-_ -6...-..... 1 .... '"""" ...
Two marks
'''t ""'''' ...... _ ,-, .. """Y"Uc..,..,,,, Irvtltnf Izh ,...
oQ'fh"'-! ,ryf..... .-.....
One mark
" 'M
Jt )'\AI ,1MU4 ''''' UI 'JOU' ";(>r>CO' -.1<1101;,: f<> pL>y one
,,,,,,11' , .. S"f""" M.>no Wc..... t:d ">U"rc-;t .". ..
H..... ;,<>U
E... mine"s comment:
The thrN:- POints are clc,rly
wIth only OC(;lllO",,1
Althou9h there some gramm.!r
the thrM' Mft dl!<" IV
Eumine<""J commtnl:
Only two poonh Therft
IS no (trnv(tl tll'l1r. SOmo! mmor 'J' otlTltR<tl
errors bulliM-H do not mPC<lc
EX;lmtntr's comment:
T..o poonl$ are the crror1
Impede communICa tion and requ,re
interpreldllOll on the Pdrt ol lhe reader
Eumlntr's comment :
Only pOint Is communi(:(tled The
lome and aboot what 10
bring are '101
Eum 9,,11111: Nan.
The Speaking Paper
How the marks a%e decided
Each assessed on nrs or her individual pcrlormilnce I" both t. of the speaking te.!. Cal'\tlitldtes
<Ire net t'1pOCled to ploduce completely Ilucnt Jnd error -'ree lallgu<1qe.
The '''<lmine,s wi ll consider:
1 Ind ..ry
(Jndid,)tes be abl(! to communicate mtended rneaninq despite Inaccuracies in 9' d""n." and

Z Pronundation
First langud'l" ilitertcrencl! is M he e'p<?Cted and w,lI not be it with
int elligibility commUr'\j(aliu,,_
CandldJt cs must be prepared t o participate in the tully dnd awropriatc1v. They be dble to
ask fOf .epet ition and tiari!icat ion and will be given crechl'Of domg so Exr.e5sive he,itatoon that (')use,
,train on lhoc will be
4 Gl obll! adlltvement
ThiS mark Is aW<lrded by askmq question' (t hi' ;"t""loculor) and is b3sed on each
Candldal .. l in9uistoc I ",'ouree! and their mter ability 10 convey Ihe ''''lutred
Examples of low-scoring and high-scoring answers
Speaking Part 1
" Iow'scorinq undl d.te " htq""$coriflq
(UMIN(R: Paolo " tell me about

teU me somethmg
your home town. <lbout your
S.UD<Hr. My home town is vel y
S""" ... :
Sure, /.If molher 's a
bIg. There arc many and my dad's;] teacher ,
I thInk i, very he hi,tory. I halle
n;,e. TMl's tl ll I wlO My olck'r
( ...._ER: Thank you. sistI"< t he USA
She's a too.
teaches Spanish. My other
sister is at l>(h<J<>j
E ..... "'":
Thank YW.

Speaking Part 2
( ....'M'" Candid,1lc A. tlcre is some information a
B. yOIJ dont know aboutth.. (,ne-m,).., ilsk I>. !>Ome dOOU! il.
UW 10 help vo"
Do yOlJ understJnd?
Hollywood Cinemn
High Street
Toy Sioty
s.c... 5TX)
S.ud..n.. 2.50


whc<" I df>emo. ?
Low- scoring candi d .. t ... Examl ne, ' s comment :
1 hes .. ",e "mply rcadinq
B; Nilme 01 cil\l!llI<I?
the prompts trom Ih(> (ard$. than
A. Holly\lwod H,qh Stret't.
100ming or sent ences. W
B: WhJI film?
wlt l Qel .. 1ow S(orP.
A: Toy Story.
S: TOr.k'!ts cos\?
A: Seal< ( 5.00. 2.50
II: Lr. jusl d minute. it" . in High Straet
8: OK. It.ank yoY m\w;h.
Hi<;Jh-sco rlng
B: Whdl" , Ihe of t he
A: It" s the Iiollywod
S: OK. Il"Iilnk you. What is thO' li lm?
A: trs cdll e-d Toy Story
B; RighI. What lim<' is thp
a: How mU(h!hI' hckets COSI?
p,.. SOtry (outd yuu
B: How muCh the Irckeh cos t?
A: (5.00 or [2.50 lor
B: t see. do you kno .... wher'!
Eumi,..r s comment:
Allhough do not ,Jh,riln
form .>Cwr the rneMlng
is Ci@ilrly 50 th('y wrn get a hiyh
tum q\llde: "'ark

Answer key

, !
Unit 1
Losaon I
g . E. Ainu
f. ASIa
G. SOuth A"",'OC'
4 8. Europe
H, Afnca

A. South Alrlca
0, [urOIM'
IlIIE' olIld nlllfly low;'


How do you pronounc.,hl.
2 Sorry. lOOn', understand.
Can you say IhJI.19l1in,

WMt docS ' ..II'I(Iy mean?
Huw f.1O you spelllMI?
g Stuoents' Own ,lnswers.
Lesson 2
a P""lIIe: bEog,nner.
pupi. sludlPnr.llPiKllef
PLacu to study: (011e9IP.
library, un;YIPI ...1'1'
r"rnlture: ooa. d. chilII'. de$k.
Eums: doplom.a, test
Eum vertls: rail pass,
II Aeross;




12 d,ss

"'.' ,
". ,
10 leach
.n. 4
t"" len. len past ten
51. thirty. hall past sil
1!'Ire!! lur Iy-I,ve, a
to rOut

eoght qwrtl'1
lowl ...enty
Iov. PitS! twelv<!
Unit 2
Louon 1
g . brottw>r
2 .....h

"-"... nd;!
"'ii' ind
WM.l' 00 yoo come "oll'?
Wfle<c do you tw" now?
Hilvc you gol any brothelS

4 15 he in London lOO?
00 you wnle;lll your

Which s'flgeI"S do you

4 C
, ,
, ,
Lesson 2
g .
, ,
, , "

8 r

joo,Irlloll isI


Word 9Ol1HJ dow", f'f19i1lK'I


musoc .....

1,1m orOduc:...
doesn-t work
"" .@aII,"'l

irf p1ayi"9


.. -- ,
o !

Answer key
Unit 3
g ,
g ,
Lesson 1
2 Shall I 2 10.15 (a.m.)
Ira'n. It's 1101 a place.
c,,,. you
Gino's I (the)
0 '
Voo 4
hOOW. You (1(1'( watch 00
(a big) bag
4 niyhklub. Irs not iI meal.
Lesson 2
m"y",,",l'. You walch 4 "
anod I Of Il. on
0 '

,,, ,
will /lloes
il. ne-Ila
4 ;5. under


arlO. on
10 StllIlI
is, behind
, ,
jue. In
Uni t 4
II J nswcrsl
, ,
Lesson 1
we go to 3 (O rieNt?
How ann,,! gOing
m toys deparment 011
0 '
, ,


t he f loor 4
let's go to a bd,cl!dl l
2 in the women"s

on the Tirs t

in the lood department on
0 '
the lower ground floor

4 in Ih....1,,<:I ncal QOOd>
del);lrtmenl on tile thiro:!

Ihe sports depMlm"nl
on Ihfo low....- ground lIoor
Lesson 2
on the m"""5 clothes
dep.1rlm"nl on the third
[)on't tw>
0 '
2 Doff! 1()I'!)E't my party.
in lhe lurnit",e department
6rlnQ a Irlend.
on third lloor

'" tho> collee bar on the

foI' lirsl floor
2 InY'le
Don'! fisk
4 T...II
foI '
4 lakp ,
Don ', torget

Answer key
Unit 5
Lesson I


arlO some
'5 some
"re some
4 anv
aren't any
0 '
'" many



Lesson 2

0 '
I pizza
chi ps j cola
4 icc cream
pizza/ pa;la

cola I chips

onion ,inqs
B Sa ndwkhn: cake
Ie:. (ream: burg'"
Frull juice: cream
Hoi drink s: col,)

0 '

4 have
4 lolli

Unit 6
Lesson I
0 '
4 comedy
romill1 liC

Word going down: {illl'md
U '
I.'ltlj,nq '"
4 wooderful
0 '
4 mine

0 '


B "" Shdll
10 Vour
Lesson 2
D uvllpl"nolsholpop
fodl nddelhgu1tllf
h,ld to
don't have 10
0 '
4 G
Answer key
L()$!J() n 1
df l'n

4 trousers


outside the: l,brllV
fed Mn(!MQ
Lesson 2
- D
4 OK.

....s, ton;


10 1l"!Oot'nt.
On, cll; On; at

al; on
D (wrnple
ChristMas i, my {"vour ,Ie
trslivdl My 9' clndl)6l enls
come to our housc.
we ptli on our
WI;! ut 'IaSt lurley and plum
I It bKMM fVtry()!JM
15 happy and 1".1' 9('IIInQ
PfHl'I1l s.
Carld a
I I,k.. Bonhre on
5th N.....ember .
We a bi9 'lfe in
and buy r.rl'wnrh.
When II 9('h "'1' hoglll the
1i,I' In.d everybOdy enjoys
watching ItIt> IIreworks
Carrie ..
Unit 8
LcllllOn 1
D 1 root I race
z IIdno:l/ IlNlI
3 rn
" )IQln<M.h
5 eyq/Nlf
6 'flWlh
8 "clrlll/ I1\'dtl
9 fool/r......
10 ey.' ear
0- ,
, C
, ,
4 0
, 0
Ilell 011 my skat l'board
hurl my tlaod.
2 you ri"'l the
Mum? I can" to
my tomorrow.
I OOo1'IIHI well. rye \lUI 11
3 I'm $OI'ry, ,n Sir .,
couldn'l do my ""'flU
nivt,11 die
5(Im(.' IIS/I loll It'll $OC"
4 I un' l Mlp YOU 1M
ell( tOddv_ Did r"t got a
bid D/lln m my b.J<.k
a, ult'll,."...
2 temperatu"
3 appomlm.",1
4 slomiKh
5 "urse
Lesson 2
D wlltllr liporb: s... ,.mm,n9.
surMg (wale.
wintn sporb: skl lnq
tum sporll: football
(l)<IskelMII, Mstball, hockey)
IncfMduli1 .porh: kill ate,
tt!fllliS (horw
0 -
4 llapprly

won'l be: $DC'f'Id
kf't'P: w,1I I ru gel
....11 II(' JI II 11(': sw,rn
g . B
, ,
Answer key

Unit 9
Lesson I
g ,


Tf\C.t'S QOIfIQ to be .. storm.
rm QOInq to go
The weatllef lurK"';'
,1'$ going to be oil sunny

It's root 1)01"'9 to ra,,'). so
!eU 90'119 to spend 11M!
g, (lmolorb,h
a boat
cO til ..
" m

O\h., .."(",,,1:
mo<" ,nl.'I'<I,"9
4 smaller

D '

4 more ddll'll!lOUS
D '
, ,

, ,
LeMon 2
D At .on:

4 mount.ln


dily 01'1 the bl'aoch
II ,19O,n9 to .tin?
, ,
, ,
Unit 10
LeMon I
g ,


6 qUid. boo!<

summe< doUws

10 !./'\ampoo
11 tow.!
g ,
rm p.!(kh''H]
Wl!'re (lrMnq

S ..It, (omang
24th JurII'
7 lI.m.
D '

not .."OU\l1l
not enough
too lNfOy fI.....
0 '

, ..,
4 tirCd
S I J1t
D '
, ,
, ,

, ,








Answer key
Unit 11
Lesson 1
D '
, ,
, ,

Hf! hi<\: boo<.s
bac. to 11'I.I,brary.
H@ 1'i11n'j lhot t,me
01 nis Ulqhl.
He has cll.loqed hi. money
"" the 11;11\11..

He lIuntlooktd lor
to VIs,t
He has IIhOrM(I Steve.

He' h<lsn'l all

0 '


D '
forll! stallO!\' Trus""
buiWOr\I). no! somethlll9 on
/I road.
platform. tor Ira,ns.
nol cln iIOd
hbfi!IIY You can', <10 5pOft

nvl'f. lll'sl$ wall'<. no! (I
hottl. You stay twrl.





Tilt d,r'dJOnS tc.Jd to Ihe
o (sample answer)
De. John.
rd ',k(' \0 you. We CilJl
meet on How
abOut qooll910 wdkh a
lootbolll m.;It(h1 Come to my
apartml'of II's Ilear tllf'
11'9" Street. furn left aUf' the
b.vlk. and It'S on II>!' .",hl.
SW you next week,
Unit 12
Le&&on I

mobile phooe


dwl room
Word toIIl9 down: comPU\e'l
, ,
, ,


IooI<.II19 .. t
to w .. tch
0 '



10 of
Lesson 2
, ,
, ,

we', wD ,hll<j
were w!along

, ,



Practice test

Answer key
Re ading and Writing Paper
Fart 1
, ,
, ,
Part 2
, ,
" C
Part 3 (a)

Pari 3 (b)
" ,
" ,
,. "
" C
>0 ,
Pari 4
40 bOdt
Fut 1
I' ke
on! nexl/ l t""
h<l'o'e I need
SO il ! when I thil t
M<ly llsl
52 [24.00
Port 9
(S<lmple answer)
Hi B,l ly.
My new OVO Iron Mao. It is an <letion film.
Cdn you ,orne to my hou-;e on Salurday Jt 3 P.m.?
PI "<l:.<' bung some snacks




Listening Paper
P= I
, ,

2 B
, ,
, ,
Pw 2
, ,
, ,
B f
, ,
Pan 3
ParI 4

1'Ior1e ..dong
20 POl Ity
ParI S
" "
22 ro ...",h
2l camera

25 13th March
Speaking Paper
U,lI1lple answ.... s)
Part I
1 My name
2 I am from "'"d, >Il,
J ["9liSh and Art.
4 OIl I pl.1Y foolb.lll .. ,th my I,iends aM
on Sundap I do "'V
5 I rove a Her _1$ Maria. She IS hUHf!
ParI 2
Shelton Zoo
6: Wh!'rc Is the zoo?
A; Ws on H.-}{htoc\ Ro.ld In Sh<.'llon.
8: What c"" I ttlfft?
A: You (an Ill'W baby elephant
8: When il open in summer?
,.: II opens at 10 ....rn.
S: Afe the liekels elpHls,ve"!
A: A. Iocht cosh [ZOo
B: Can wild,...., pia,y tool'?
Ie Ye$. Ih('fe 1$ iIIIl Mhfl'llt,re lUyground for
Living with lions
A: WhM Ihe nam, of the book?
s: 11"1 Living ...HI!'
A: Who Is tile wnler?
B: Charles Weston.
A: WIldt il "booP
s: It 1$ iIbout hie In iIf1 Ahic"n Jin,m,,1 p.lriL
II:. Wh;l1 IS th@PI"ICt?
6: II costs 16.50.
A: (<In t b"V ,t?
B: y"" CoWl I! on 0.- ol'lhne

Ih . ..: Kave you <Jto(;Kltd """"" vou Wilnl to
y(' t. Lily? I think I'm qoinq t o hI'\! l islo

L,.", Itle ,t..ak. Ddd. t don" ,<';lIly

OK. And 10M! 00 VOII I'Mot .,.,' 11 ,t? Cll ipS ()(

l .... : BooII!d polJIO('s <Iff much nealttwr llYn
choll'>. '''' ,'II

Listening Part 2
W".. 1111Is IS grl.:ll Katy, Voor

11lnow.1 C.:In ('ven!\,We a compul., in hoer,',

rm 90'''9 to put tt 0111111, desk.

OK. And .. l\at about these docliQ.n.or ies7


Sh,,1I1 put 011 shell?

KAT.: Lr. (ltfl yoo put Ihfm WI t h.11 big tupbo.lfd -

irn.INd7 I don' l uH Ihe", v .. ry (Jill'<>.

BOl'; Surl'. N(Jw. whal abOullhis little pI llo w? I
suwow YOU wanl th.1' on tile SoOt,)?
lUI.: TM on my bed OKlu.. '!y.
And wh,,' about your pl')n!7 Are you IJQ,nq

10 leave it on the 11000
IUn: Well. ,I nccd$liqht. so lets pul it 01' 11JI)
01 tlus small cupOO.J'd by 'he wondow
Greal, OK. whan ner'? Ah my
pll<lloQrJPIl. I w,nllo I>t.' ..bit 10 1I1.0m

my bfo<I. SoO._
well. If _ mov .. 11w bog cupbooJ.(I oJIonq,
bit. ,t IJQ on the Ioke '1'1".


eoo: Jusl your tOY DCa. no"" you hold him on
yfN( bed in your old houw.hdn1 'fOUl

YM. but pul hrm on lhe sol. now. rm a b.t

100 Old 10 hav , a bl!ar on my bi'd!


Listening Part 3
..; Hi. rion.l. When'S your new arriYing?
ThIS morninq?

f OOOl"'; NO, W, comrng lomorrOlW - in tile
afternoon. I'm rtaltv
Nan: IS "" $hOpp'1IIJ bike w,th i btQ OIl
Ill(' Iront7
80.: "'"
..... ,0<:

J OH..,;
M .....:

114 ....:

114 ...",


Io! u .. :
Nu .. :
Listening Part 1
lime did Ihl party )1 0' I?
Wl'ff lhe... IfI<IflV
About 30 I think.
you comong to "')\ell IIW bneball
match tonl,.llt. JOSffl'/l"
I <an'l. Marie. rVI! \lQl lo Idkll my littk>
bfotlW' \0 hos lootbJIl ,'l(! tllen ,'.e
Qot. l!!'fIn,) rrldllh dl1l['r.hiII
011 Who Me YOU pl.Jyinq?
I dM" 'mow yel. II's J my
club, lei they'U 11.'11 rno when I qet there
The p;l rty , Iarh" 7 o 00l'",,111.
Y ...... 001 we dOfI'l w"nl to 1M tIM! 'irst ann
10 amve, Come to my hou,.. 61 <II quarter
logelher .rom Ihere
011.. Thl'n arrive ,,' "bOIII h.J1f NSI

,", Um. 1',, my can YOU (lme me
to sct!OOlloodV'
t can't. Mary. D.:Id fM'cds I he t be<:..
hh QOt d dcxlor', IIPl'omlfflC'<\t at 9,00
Theft" be .molhe. 00s >001\ won" IhHe?
The next one's ,n 20 minutes aOO Ihal'5
too I I'U cycle! Thit"1I be lhe
OK ...... you laler Mary.
Ito.. won yOlu' ,Ilopp.nqlrifl? Ord you gel
someth,nq IOl WN' to lilt
'in, IlouOO IhiS Shirt IOl QO wilh my qfty
,1,00 ..hat <ltJout I bell?
t couldnt find one I
r_c NO way! I wantl!(! a ,l('fIQ b,ke but Dad
"eren, , so 1chol. ..
mounta", b,ke TI\ty1t qo any ...lIef ..
M ...... : I);d VOII buy ',om the cYtlc!-hop in 10Wfl?
r -...: 11ooIo.t"d Itll',.. .:and ....
out they didnl ha......hall
,n I or(!fort<! o<Ie onI,ne. Sut r. ft,)vC!
10 put IIw boke wllffl ,I arrows.
N .. I CM h.lp you dO 11 Vou
r ,OM": TlI.:lnks, Mark, but I wanl to I rv to do II
mvsell. Oao says he1I ChKk II lur

OK. WeI!. let, Ii" Iv< d r>de wlwr'l It"s rudy
We could I1CI III.ough the woods to the
r ,OM": OK, Ind .... Cdn t .... picni( iIr'\d ,t In
a field on th4! way,
lot.......: Wllal a!)Oul nl' ll al 9.30?
r"",,,: Lei's fI\IIke ,I 10,30 so I can gel wme I.ull
and dnnkS when Ihe shop OOC'M a l 9.
OK, >L"It Ihtnl
Listening Paxt 4
to. Hue: Hi. rve found a .eally 1l00d
WITIITII!f '''"'P we can go to. II's ,,,leO
AdvCtllure. It looks lanlullt'
A.......: I rNllly I'w:Ipe my mum ...,8 IC!t "'" go.
Where is .t?
I$AII("'O::: 11$ hy lhe near a lo...n catled letqhton.
AlOCIu: How do you spell
Is.onu:: l E'O-Hr-QN.
A"".... : And Is Iher. a phone numbe< my mum can
(1111 lor mOIl' inll>/malion?
IUKLl.: Vel. 0174699<1021. O. she book it
AIOCCU: Thanks. And do you kno.. how much It
I$AKLll: YC!\...... I}OI lhe pn,,!! her. In May
",nd June Irs EJ7S a wUk. <11'1(1 In .My
AUQust 1I"s [46S a week
AN'",L.' ArIlI ..hilt ilooulth. activ,ties? Wh/lt can we

1$.";l,C: Lots 01 spe.t$, 101" example lind
"nt! 5l'1imming, Oh. Jnd
I hal' II 9uod l or yOu OO( yOll
Jt1imolis so much! Oh and one mor. th,nq.
A ...... VP<?
IS.I[UL: On tI... night l hey always MVP P'lrty.
he-ryone Qeb drf'Ssed up and dioncn until
........u.: Sounods bri ....n!! I"IL 10 my I"I'lUm l onogh\,
Listening Part 5
0';' Now irs COrrl9"tllOOO I,me on tilt PICture
Sho... We all YOU VOUll9l1rllsts
belween Ihe ages 01 n.lnd 14 10 $end in a
piece 01 dlilhal you h.:lv{' dOMoe.
We had loI s 01 great piCt,;"s last
year t he topic wu aOlmals. bul t his veJr irs
lroe n.h_You (.:an 51.'11<1 us Ii P<I,nting. a pen.cll
dlolwing t!f II pholQ9l"ap/l and II tan show
v<1e t!f a group 01 PtQpl., b\lllt m,;sl
be your own work.
Th.. , .. olre some g,eat p<ile!!. The pme lor
Ih .. l><>.t pietul' w, ,1 tH> a
good (j'9.t;.1 one Th. ot her wmners w,1I yut
Ix"e' of pa'nh and (0100' ed pencil s.
S..nd you, w,th your name
aoo an email address Of number
to 95 High SI. eet -IMl's H'O-R'
S-l -( -Y. And .."Ie '" I Compet.tlon on 'he

Ad picturf'S must I on our alhce on Of
""'lore I'" l3Ih 01 MarLII_ to be sure of
beIng on lime. you UIOUIcI posl lhem by
tIM- 10th of March. And Im (an'I
r .. tum your poClu'H to '(OU.
So starl wo.k no.. ' w. cant wdll \0 SH
your pi<:hlf.s.
The best years of your life?
D Match the two halves of Ihe comments about a school In England.
I We hot" 1",lutlch,
<lnd most Sh.ld('nls ..
six Wei'" huliudY in til .. Summer A __
B ...mo5t students stav at school until they are 18.
C __ w.,. (.iln ckoosp. to study HIstOry. Geography, Frern;h .lod Art.
D ___edt In Ihe '>\.hooll<lltleria.
E>d al J.JO ,n the afterl>lKln.
F ___but In yea rs 12 "nd 13 we CJn wear our own clothes.
a Which (omments In Act ivity 1 are true lor your school1 Write lhe numbers (0-5).
EJ Write four sentences about your school.

Ii . .,







a Work in pairs. Read your part ner's sentences. Discuss which school you preler: 1:=
your schOOl, or the school in England.
What is the best job for you?
D Wh4t's important to '1'011 In your job? Put th.ese in order. trom I (the thing you most
to 8 Uhe Ihing you lead wantl.
I. to ollK'f cOI,Inl1lC'!>
howe <l r('t)Ul<l. routIne
a the jobs to the pldulu.
o ,),tOf L
doc tor


Ellook II Activity 1 again. In which Jobs do people do Il\t>st' things? O'KUSS with. partner?
A I"oih ..",,1..1011 "".
S: III, (I mt( ",,,. II""ttl? ""IJ"".5.
D Complete then sentencn abOl,lI you. Un t htldeas Irom Activity 1.
I ,ufty want to
2: rd quite to ___
1 I rInn" !tI"'" rd like to
d I <'Ion'l wilnllO
o Read your sentences to other l t udents. listen t o other st udents and tell them which Job
they should do.
A. I ptQplr ,,,,rll lI1'1 '-I'd qi-'II! IIrt ro eam" 101 of
Q Which lob do ot h Slud.nts Ihlnk you shoold do? Do you 49re.? T.II your partnE'r why I why flOt.
Tar9l't KET '0< SChools Rkhmond Publisfllll9. 2009 e
I love dancing!
D Malch the words to the pictures.
(Ion', lIke
.... don"
a Look at the pictures and complete ttll!' sentences.
We" I Beth I

OWes 2 M,lty
pi ''1 fIX; I), I
D Do you theU' thln9S? Wr ite sentences about you.
o wcarm9 $m;.rt clothn 2 90' "9Iu lilt' >ul)e,markei
1 d"nting 3 '<lIking to fnerld s on Ihe inlNfWt
o /I I
, --,---


5 gettil'l<) up early

a Write two mo,. QUHtionS lor this IrHO survey. Thefl ask other studpn!! ilnd note theil" answefS.
1)0 roo/lb_
W"<I, ing )mar\ clothes?

qoinq to th.e
\.:Jlkif'g 10 Irot'nds on the interneP

1)("""<1 up ralty?
A p, "" !.'/<l'''' "'''1 " .. Mf >
B Ni'. J""fr d. 'I ,(1"11'1 ""I" 1 JI
o Report the rnults 01 your survey.
)I,!! ,woplr Mt I,f (i1.I"
nvJOl'tt." .. , I 1'>, *"P("'."!
PHOTOCOPIABLE KCT tor Schools C Publishing, lOO9
My dream bedroom
D Write the words In the t"blt . then add mOrif words.
iliad (omlOllllble glass gold
long loud modt'rn round squa.1'
a Rud abou t Ni.Ws bedroom. Complete spaces 1-5 using is or iNt.
My dream bedroom IS big and square. In tile ITIIddle 01 Ul(' room Ihere., a round bed m&dc 01 gold. Theft
(0) Ij a long desk moldt 01 wOOd nell 10 the bed. ami on thl! desk Ihert! IS a V8y loud stefl!O. In Irool ot
the Ihe, e (I) d Ife.v lornlorldllie ehd" TIle,e (2) at my I"vou. ,Ie loolbdn
on one- w(111. <lnd lhert' (3) a IfCfY lar9" TV S(lccn OIl anotncr wall TMCfC (4) lamps ,n ttIC
01 the room .... ilo whkh dlanl)i' wilen I am t.appy or!Mlll. tile ,5 m;xSe 01 glass. so
I Ciln lie on Ihc bed and look the sky,
o What is your drum Hdroom? Wrih' a descript ion of it.
D Work In groups. Rud your descript ion to the Di nE" studl'nts in your group.
Vote lor the best bf.droom.
- -
Planning a picnic
D Comple-te thl' food descriptions. then match lhe descriptions with t he plct u,l's.
hl b p.:Icke\ bars cans bottles jar sli<:e ca.-ton p3{:kets
, .
j;!"f of 5 tour 01
at mineral watcr 01 ice ('''(1m
01 ctlCKola!c 7 lour 01

__ of t omato keTchup
8 two of bISCUIts
of oran9'1 Juice of
o Work in pcJlr5. You ,He going 10 organise. picnic and barbKue lor your class.
Ther.. are 20 people. and you have 25 t o spend. What do you want to buy?
Look at the SUpl'rmar kel price lisl and wr ite your shopping list.
bgtpizw: l.SOr./l n.ot(mallblf)
0.5(1)6pit0;I 100Irel...._ looNli
n.wflsrgtjg/j ll'ilf'oro(4) biiaiu:
llileral WllilJ: SSp tIoTIItj

wi< ..c-J /JfIl/ItItjiu:


CI.5t11Rrge boIdtj
115 (\qt paM)


oTalk to olher students. Tell each other wll"t you ar ... <] oi119 to buy for your picnie.
iYf'/( I" b"1 J. pill.M, pnd Qf (rI}{>I, ;>. 0/ ')(11",,' J'"''
a ChoO$e th.. bed picnic and t@lItherestol the

PHOTOCOPIABL( TOlrQet K(T for Schools It! Richmond PubliShil'l9. 2'009

At the movies
D Complete the film reviews wit h words "tid
horror film comedy deh'clive I,Lm lov'!
Return of the Vampires &Jrtle ol/he Robots
Everybody ttllnh In" In the Y"'<J' 4000,
vamp,rM aff' dead. bitt machil'\E'$ (01'11'01 the
when you .:Ire JSIt'('p at "01"1<1. BUI there are qood
olgOt. (ome to lind roboh Jnd bad robots,
..nd only 0"" (etn will.
blood. A scary
YO<.I "OCl drink your
Will thc Mure fl'allv be
to) horror film ! Ar .. like Ih,S? An l'xtil lr'>Q
you l.<)lc In your bl'd al
night? '"
.._, Forever Murder Midnight
ThiS is ,1 beJut iiul him Three murders in
Ui)Qul lwo diff erent 01 ttlI' cit y
fal l in love dur inq at e.aclly t he same t ime!
wM. a lot of This is difficult mystery
probl ems In thei r lives. l or ool"e. WIll
but romance always wins fInd the kIl lers before
In the end. A woMerlul in too IJt('? A gre<l\
()) I
Crying ...ifll l.1Ughf..,
Two familin six child, en. two dOQS. and 0Ilf' 10111]
summl'f lloIiday by Ihe se<l! wholt can POs5ibty yu
wrong? There lot. of l;)ugM in this VCfY lunny
BRead I he reviews again. Which do you w<lnt to watch" Which ones don' l you wlnl 10 walch?
Comptete the sentences.
t I wdol to beCJuse ____
2 I !Io,>"t woo\ tu ..."tUl ____
II Work in groups. Tell your group which films you want to watch and which fi lms you don' t
want to watCh,
CI to watell ... )
( Me too' ) C Real!y?ldon"t ) CLel"5 waren... )
PHOTOCOPIABLE Target KET for School s It! Richmond Publishing, 2009
Let 's celebrate!
D Match the pictures wit h namn ollhe
o .. recl'phon I) Z lancy dress __ 4
5 school CQO{Nt I b,rthdJV party _ _
a MIke is tlllklnq IIbout a .,dding r.optlon. Complete Ihe dest.iplion with and, bec.use. but " nd so.
My "'KIt' 901 I.fs/ Y'iI' T/It wtdd<ng ..."s in ttl<! .ltern<><JI). (0) (tnil in In. orO'f1lo"9' went /0
the "c,pllon w,th my parMI$. s.slers, <ind 1M red 01 Oil' family. Our I .. mlly IS v)' biq. (1)
IMr/' w(Oft lois 0/ - "bout ZOO! The fPCt'P11OIl , .J big meal'" 01 eXl'emm:
reS/Juran! rOl' .... Ih. /)CSt p.Mt ..... (2) __ .f,JI1 /lad II tJ;o;I pice. of ...l'<AAngc..
Whf<)!1Ito mNl/,n.<Jw.d there .IS II III _ aftf' the rrH!iII dtId t tl<! I WIS 100 lued /0
o TOIl are golnq to about .. special O(uslon you celebutl!'d in the past. Mat' ooles.
Spuia' OCtlOSto'"
W/t.t'n WAS il'?
who ,,"4:1
WItAlltnp" e ..t <l>

I rnjuuM it f d .. ",', f "tOIl it ____

II Work in pairs, Tt ll taCIl ol her your special and decide who had mOI l' lun, E:
II Tell the rest 01 the clU$ what you decided, and why,
How healthy are you?
D Mat,h the two P<lrls of the phra&es.
o Asome elere;,,'
110 B cold
2 a C food
J leel D
[ mOfj! than 2 km
F a centre
B Complelr t he questions wit h the phrases from Acl lvity 1.
o lIow OTte n
1 How often
2 How of t en
3 WhM a,d vou last
oj When did you
5 When did you IJsI
- --- ,
o WOf. in pairs. Ask '{our parl ner the questions In Act ivity 2. Circle your partn.."-s answers.
, ,
A 8
eve ry dllY once or t Wice week not very olt('n never
hardly onte 0' twi,e a month once or twice a week every d3Y
very orten a lew ti mes a ilbout one'! a year hardly ('vcr
3 this week I"s[ a lew weeks ago
iI lew
a How heal thy Is your partner? Add up your par t ner's 5core.
C: 3 points D = 4 point s
18 24 CongratulationS! YOU are very healthy!
12 - 17 Not bad! But you can yoursell even better!
6 - 11 Oh dear! You should definitely do more and eat healthier food '
EI How healt hy are you? Do you agree wi th the results? wi t h your partner.
Who is the healthiest in t he class?
PHOTOCOPIABLE: Target KE:T lor Schools ItI Richmond 2009 e
That's amazing!
An elephant con weigh the
same as more than 100 mtn,

- - Ji[

D Work in pairs, elln you guess the answers to thne questions?
o the bHlgPI! el('phant l ion "
1 II le COUl llrVl Spa,n I {Australia

Z WIIJ! the heaviesllJnd animal? hlppopotaml'S I plephilnl I rhinoceros

3 which MS mountain,? I
4 WhiCh is the lonqest ri ver? IhC Amazon Ilhc Nile j t he Mississi ppi
5 I ho sunniest I thp. Oe-.e rl f
- B Match the two parts of the sentences and discover the answers.
o The blue whdle (a,l be 25 es 1011<1 dmj i.
1 The hottcst country in thC world is Libva.
2 ThF eteph.1n! wel9hed the same
3 Eight of the ten
4 The River Ni le is nearly 7.000
5 With 12 hours 01 ".cry day. thc Sahara
A l!lng. 11I.,king illhe w!ll ld's longest ,i ver !
6 mounl J,ns Jrc in Nepali
c where the temperature IS somet imes 6O"el
D Desert ,s Ihe sunniest in the W!lr ld!
( DS 165 men. more than any ol Mr land animal!
F the b'9Qest animal in the wor ld!
a Work in pai rs. Read t he sentences In Activity 2 to each other. Reacl usln!llhese expressions.
Th(.(t's .:..m(.(Li"9'
I (a,,,'t beliel,le it!
Tha,t's i"terestir,,;! YOtA're
a Wri te Iwo sentl'nces wi t h int erest ing inlormation alloul the world, your town. your family or you.
D Read your sentences t o other st udent s. React usin9 t he expressions from Act ivity 3.
A 101'1 molh(.r um 5Pl'a/c (aur ''''''q;,oq!). B: l 01m>1l"9' E:
a Decide which information is most surprisinlj.
"'HOTOCOP1ASL( Tdr'l"t KET for Schools C Richmond Pubr.!>hing. 2009
A postcard home
AIo,,, Tt>omaS
r.. SEovertOll R(Jdd
D Rud Trauy' s postcard to her frirnd, then !NOtch 1M Iwo part s of the sentences.
OinK"" ",.iwd_, A on
, She> spml llw! day sunIMll',,"'1 01'1 thl' bfoll(l'I... \ B two da'($ iI9O
2 SIIfo wei'll to t l\(' art museum... C on Sunday.
3 ,'foufldtf'oCe,ry.. 0 onr,>ddY,
4 St'IIl"S going tothe E on Tuesday.
5 She's lIylll9 home... F on Wednesd.,y nIght.
o Imllglnl you ar e on hol iday. Choose aetivi t y you would like to do pach day.
0 0<, 'ItH AC'M'"rTUU .,."...,...r.., DO IACIt ",",Y,
...... """I" .......,..,....'
.................. ..... " ....
MONp,o,V.o<l()O.H''''' ..0It'" " ....... 1 .... , r'o<.' "\"'''<-
TUIiI,,"," "nnNOOt< m,'. Of !tIl "'" / ",NUI'I 1 1' .... '
WfDN""",y/V!N'NG 1><1"'" /(, .. " ......" ...,",.
THU ..,.... ""'.... ,..... ."., IN" I VlIL'''''' I "'", ,.\ .. 0''''''
,., ....y IvlN'1OG 0 , ,,, .. , IN .. I.OV'I "' .,,,,,.,,,><1 ' ....,,' '"
Of' "" ""' .. I r .... D!TION .... ,,, TrV",
VO"",,_Y AfTlIIHOOH I\X'" ,,101'""''' AT 1 '" .......,'
II W"t... postt.. rd to a ffwnd. T .. ilbout
you have done. 11011 your plan! lor the Of!!
lew dilYs..
a Work In pairs. Read your postcard 10 your
p;lrlnN. Whleh;s I he best holidilY?
PHOTOCOPIA8LE TM9I'1 KH lor SchooI C Richmond PubliShing. 2009 0
A room with a view
D Look at tht' piclwes of Iwo unusual Where do you think I h .. 1' a,.. ?
o Rc&d illlbout one of the hotel s. Which holel is it?
BUr] AI A.rab is a v",V lamOl), hotel in Oub3i (0) RUlJ AI A';l1l one of the tallest and most
Inll"ps!ing Mtets in thE> world. A British architect called Tom Wright deSigned the hOlel. (1) Tom Wright
wanted Ihe hOlel to lo0Io; 5PE'(lal. $0 (2) Tom WrIght d .. ,ignl.'d (3) II", ttolel _ 10 look hke
a Qtanl saihllQ bo<oL Tho! fO()lT'\S In the hotel are very spl'Cialloo. (4) The rooms all t>ave a view of
the Arabian Sea. dOld IS) __ an oili(e. a ''''ge-se'..... n TV, ilnd., privilte dinmg room.
Guesh can also arrive at the hoteltn a special way. (6) Guests (iln n... driven 10 the h()lel ill a ROilS'
Roye.. car. Of (7) gU'''h Cilrl mr"" by helicopter!
o R""d til.. lHI ilnd replace thl' underlined nouns with pronouns.
a Read these senlences about the second hotel. Choose Ihe correct verbs.
o The Palace Hotel Is a beauMul. old faShioned hotel. ....hich located / fs located In Ihe m,ddle of a
,n Ind,'l.
I Howl'ver. the lake Hafel was oot a hotel when the Lake Pillilce built / ..." built.
2 At Ihe lake Palace was only for the loyallamilv. but ttl(> lake Pal<lte turned Inlo I was lurrwd ,nto
<lootel i" 1955...
3 whe<llhc royal famIly dK,ded I were dKH:led I he royal fam,ly d,d not I"Iol'I it anymore.
4 The hOlel sl,1I feels very special tOday. ihe rooms pa,nted I are painted ,n colours ....
5 ,md ,ooms all have I are had lovely v,ews 01 thl' lake and moun\"ins.
6 GuE"sls Mouqhl I are brougtlt 10 It,... Holel by a bod\ and ..
7 people think I are Ihoughl thilllhe Lake PilliI(e lIolel Ollt:' 01 the and most beJutilul
plJ{es in the w",ld.
D Rewrile the 51.'otl.'nCes from Act ivily 4 10 makE" a paragraph. Remember to use pronouns.
a Which hotel would you to st<lY in? Think of three .easons.
II Talk to ot her dudents. Do tlley ag'.... wilh you? Which hotel 00 most students wilnt t o st <ly in?
Don't miss this film!
D ANd tilt rtview 01 'Tilt lnc:rHibr. Hulk', Tllen choose the corre.::t ans In !!\to punctution
,"It's below.
"'"" 1nc:....&IbIoo Hulk' t:el!. tM..t;ory of e.-..c. &.0 ........ ,. _'-ntl_
who ..h..neoe 'neo .. wtwon to.!. ang")'. ..... t.ho!I .ta.-t of
't.M fil ... &n.w:.. D.n...... Ie rMng in but. '-Cel" .... ",""vel.. to
u... USA. Nca_ he u> find u.. a .. _ to hi. "...,1>1.....
oond .." away from hi.. -..ow.... -n.. 1""*""<:Iib!. Hulle' Ie
n.. ."""'Y Ie ....::It.I''90 u.. apk't.1 .... wond...-f'ul and thoo
.a.ors ......... _I')' 1JOOd. en.c. &an...... Ie by Edward
who _ ...... 1" "Itod Draeon'. n... film . ,_ ......-s Wlm.m
H,,",- UvT,yW", -...:I r .... Ii:o'<.h. t;hIe filml
I WI: a CAPITAL LETTER I smalllttt,r dllh@ a narnt', country Of stnl tnct.
Z We use a quest ion mar k (1) I an (Iamallcn mllrk U) to snml'lhil'l9 more strOl'l9ly,
3 We u!e ,1 comma LlI ilpostrophe (') IX'lwecro d,rrcrel1llhlnqs In a li51.
4 comma I.lI full stop t) between dlfterent of the SJrne sent ence.
S We can put speech marks ('n.') I commu (, ... ,) around the tille Of a ur filllO.
B Read a review 01 'Indiana Jonn and Ihe Kingdom 01 the Crysllli Skull', Correct Ine punct uation.
'IOOana ,iones and the Jungdom of the Crystal sIuI .s the fourth
film about the ad\'entutes of the IIdaoa jOIleS. In the
film IIdiana jones travels to peru to look fO( a mysrenous crystal
skull. /he film stars harrison ford as indiana pnes 'karen allen as
maflOfl' and cate bianchett as a beautiful spy. n is an exciting and
funny tim 'it has wooderluI actors' and the muSIC is very good.
'mdiana tones and the kingdom of the crystal .s definitely a
great film?
a Write a r.view 01 a li lm you lik.... Inc Iud ... inlorlrnlt ion about the story .. nd the IIclors,
lind Illy why you like it.
a W .. ,k round Ihe class and rud all t he reviews, Which lilms would you like to $U1 Till the class.
Which i, the most popular f ilm?
Targel KU lor Schools CI Richmond Publishi"9, 2009 e
Exam answer sheets
"C!P [ .<om"",'"""
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KET Paper 1 Readln and wrtttn Candidate Answer Sheet
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Reproouced with the permission aT Cambrodqe [SOL.



KETPaper2Usteflh, CandidateAnswerSheet -..


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wilh the permission of Cambndge (SOL
Target KET for Schools prepares students for University of Cambridge [SOL
Examinations' new KET for Schools exam, Essential exam practice, t ips and
strategies are combined with fun, com municative activities, ensuring lessons are
varied and engagi ng - and that st udents are r eady for their exam,
The Stud{'nt 's Book cont ains 12 topic,
b.lsed units, provldmg 40-50 hours 01
core material, and can be used either as
a stlort inlensive course or 10 a"omP<lny
a genNal English course.
The Workbook, Teacher's Book and
CD ROM provide an additional 20-30
hours of mal{'rial incl udi ng 4 practice
t{'sls, 12 ptlOtocopiable act ivities and
4 common errors worksheets.
For Students For Teacher s
Teacher's Book Student's Book
AudiO CD
Key Features
AuthentiC exam practice written by
experienced elam item writers
Essential exam-taki ng lips ami
strategies, inciudiJ'l9 a comprehensive
[xam gujde
EasY'lo-teach topic'based lessons
with focus ed vocabulary and
grammar practice
Modern design with teds and t opics
spe(iall y chosen to appeal to teens
Innovative [ l am Trainer CD' ROM
with a step-bY'step guide to the exam
Exira exam practice and support
. , ~

. ~

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