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This site is to inform of over a MILLION (OR MORE) as Targeted Individuals w ith RNM Directed Energy Weapons by the Military Contractors NSA DOD/CIA/DARPA/RAYTHEON w ith Microw aves RF Radar Scalar Blue Beam EMF EML Weapons & NANOBOTS BORGS MORGELLOSN (IN EVERYONE FROM CHEMTRAILS) SINT W EAPONS FOR A SILENT W AR W ITH QUIET W EAPONS FROM 9/11 DECIPTION DEPOPULATION AGENDA 21




By MARK M. RICH Targeted Individual & Author of September of 2010 New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control & Hidden Evil His other Sites NEW WORLD ORDER & RICH ESSENCE

Quote from Rich: A silent war is taking place in cities all over the planet. It is covered-up by the media, mental health system, NGOs, and our elected officials. Now that the financial elite are finished using the US military and allied forces to conquer nations in their quest for global domination, theyre neutralizing individuals and groups of resisters who live among the people. To do this, they have recruited a major portion of the civilian population, which is used as a surrogate force to persecute those who have been identified as enemies. As part of the same agenda, the security forces are conducting psychological operations on civilians and torturing them with directed-energy weapons. The entire
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operation is in service to some very wealthy psychopaths who rule our society, as part of a global revolution that will result in a planetary dictatorship, known as the New World Order.

If I sit silently, I have sinned. - Mohammad Mossadegh II PETER 3:4 JUDE 1:18-19 Jude1:20

Gang Stalking Spiritual Warfare Paradigm Part 3

(Zeph Daniel with Brother Thomas and Cunneda )

These [targets] are the finest of Americans, former United States Marine Corps Criminal Investigator, Secret Service and FBI Intelligence contractor William Taylor PI told this author. The greatest people are being hurt the most. More than one NSA whistleblower came forward last week. SOURCE - Personal letter to TIs from Mark Rich
Guns and Butter Targeted Individuals Dr. John Hall and Dr. Robertson

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Play: * Download

Over my home Pause at :05 youll See Horned Image (Psyop)



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Bombshell Boiling Frogs Podcast: NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice Reveals Official Culprits US MILITARY & INTEL SATELLITE SPYING ILLEGAL IN U.S. MASSIVE


Fierce Times Are Coming by Derek Prince


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Former High-Level State Police Investigator Testifies to a Senate Committee 2012: A Nation of Traitors to the Constitutionare FUSION CENTERS

Government Depopulation HR 2977


EU: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, Gang stalking The Transhumanist Agenda Panel: Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and Melanie Vritschan from the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment with Alfred Lambremont Webre - Reblogged from ET/US Cointelpro? Don Gillson reveals ET implants, police Cointelpro, Gangstalking Harassment

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See The Blackfile Summary Report and Whistleblower Patriots

Let the Truth set you Free!

Who Is Elisa Lam? Pt1 Energy Weapons
Governments of the Industrialized World: Stop Mind Control and Silent assassination technologies Expose Globalists Agenda TO MIND CONTROL EVERYONE Petition by Who is Elisa Lam

See 700 Interviews of Corrupt US Lawlessness lawlessamerica

[Nano Goo Bots] Prey by Michael Crichton

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Thou shalt not bear false witness. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not murder.
Electro Magnetic Radiation and Microwave frequencies are dangerous and cause alarming physical and emotional harm to humans and all forms of life. The government Health Organizations are ignoring this issue, and the public is uneducated. We want to create a network of experts, activists and politicians to create awareness, produce campaigns and generally forewarn the public of its dangers. The goal is to have public policies and laws to curtail its use. We also want to stop the use of these frequencies currently being used in wars, and currently used to experiment on innocent people. We are looking to achieve an investigative hearing, similar to the Nuremberg Hearing, where governmental scientists and government officials and community groups who knowingly participated (utilizing these technologies) in experiments on people are justly punished. The Jewish Holocaust never ended. It returned to its eugenics roots in America under Operation Paperclip along with 1500 Nazi SS war criminals to become the CIA MK-ULTRA Program, the Manhattan Project of mind control and brainwashing employing involuntary human test animals within the tentacles of 250 black subprojects. The resulting harm sired the four principle components comprising the CIA Torture Paradigm and the erosive formulas for covert and overt acts of PsyOps terrorism and no touch invisible physical torture that remains sanctioned against specific and randomly targeted individuals. This matrix for systematic systemic genocide and negative eugenics is selfperpetuates by these ongoing black projects that migrate beneath the clandestine mud of evolutionary change to shed their outer shells like Chesapeake Bay bluecrabs to emerge later as newer versions of the same godless atrocities while leaving behind the empty places of their past existences like riddles trapped in mysteries wrapped in enigmas. Bob Levin Creed vs Greed: Smiths Fields of Shame Based on a True Story: Mine. Watch Psywar Videos: Psyops Psychological Operations: Any form of communication in support of objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, behavior of any group to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly. Dept of Defense US Army Field Manual 33-1. PRIVACY NOTICE: Warning any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any world-wide governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government or Neighborhood Watch and or afilliates also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UTILIZE ANY of the content contained herein including, but not limited to photos, and/or the comments made about my photos or any other picture art posted on our profiles. You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against with regard to the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employees, agents, students, friends, family or any personnel or anyone under your direction or control. The contents of LISSAKR11HUMANELIFE.WORDPRESS.COM/ are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of our members personal privacy is punishable by law. UCC 1-103 1-308 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE PER LISSAKR11HUMANELIFE.WORDPRESS.COM/ and any and all connecting sites. Related articles Senate Report: Counterterrorism Fusion Centers Invade Americans Privacy Violations ( The Space Acts 1 & 2 for Mass Global Democide (Genocide) ( Targeted for Terror: Ex-fbi Agents Gruesome Ordeal ( DHS fusion centers portrayed as pools of ineptitude, civil liberties ( NSA Whistleblower Tells All William Binney, NSA Whistleblower, July 2012 ( Insider tells it like it is; Brain Interface=COINTELPRO=NSA NATL SECURITY LETTERS for MONEY ( Casualties of the national security state ( NSA Q Group protecting sex scandals while plugging potential leaks (
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Secret MKULTRA and COINTELPRO programs of FBI, CIA and NSA agencies Links ( Insider tells it like it is; Brain Interface=COINTELPRO=NSA NATL SECURITY LETTERS for MONEY ( Insider tells it like it is; Brain Interface=COINTELPRO=NSA NATL SECURITY LETTERS for MONEY ( 911 Truth OZ Empire ( Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge ( Who Killed John ONeill ( A Drink to Die For ( Human Experimentations NonConsenual Unwitting Medical Human Beings ( How the Bushs Helped Hitler Rise to Power ( The Traiterous Bush Family ( Environmental control of covert microwaves attacks inside our homes Joanna Iatridou made this Freedom of Information request to Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) http://Jailing of Targeted Individual [name removed] Darrim Daoud Inquest (Dead Targeted Individual, TI) Fake Police intimidation to SAR applicants to the Council GRASSROOTS OPPOSITION TO THE USA PATRIOT ACT 414 Resolutions (8 States and 406 Cities and Counties) 85 million people Dec 7, 2007
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Benjamin Simon

April 27, 2012 at 2:58 pm

Dposition PUBLIQUE, dclaration, article de presse, appel, denonciation.cherche interlocuteur dipos It is a work of Secret Police Corps at NATO level. They involve, as militians, louses of whatever political colour or without. Even universities as the UCL in LLN, Wallonie, from the Rector/Doyen to professors, researchers and students. Roberto Scaruffi Archives: 2010-2011 , Octobre , Novembre Dcembre, Janvier Fvrier Pages: Gamers, Presse, Video, Scribd, Biblio, Books, Images, Links, About, Index Bonjour, Jai dnormes problmes avec un gang stalking, je subis un harrassment 24/7 depuis deux ans et demi. Des ordures jouent des algorithme de harclement dans ma tte. Les techniques de ces ordures sont : voice to skull, silent sound, psyops, blackops, Nazies ( Jai constitu un dossier online Pourriez-vous lire ce dossier et peut-tre me conseiller un interlocuteur dispos. Durgence ? Jen suis beaucoup plus loin encore mais je suis ds la situation ou je nai plus rien et nen peux plus de me faire assaillir et saboter par ces ondes et ce silent sound qui est aisment dtectable et enregistrable avec un minimum dquipement RF.
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Le problme est que je nai plus un sous, je vais me retrouver la rue. Et dans limpossibilit de me dfendre, de faire fonctionner mes assurances, de consulter un criminologue, car non soutenu par la police de Ciney qui jai remis un dossier consquent (3,5 gb de donnes), ainsi quune accusation dassassinat au mois daout. Police Ciney on Yahoo Police Ciney on Bing Ce dossier est assez toff que pour que ces raclures soient en prventive depuis longtemps, dautant plus que je propose un complment. Neurofone Le but de ma dmarche et de ce travail acharn tait avant tout de pouvoir dposer. Ce qui me fourni un filet car ces ordures sont en train de me bousiller et dautres que maintenant je connais, usant de techniques similaires que dans le cas du stalking de Donatien. Au lieu de ca la police ne mcoute pas , ne me donne pas de contact habilet et me renvoient vers lhpital psychiatrique comme de part deux fois prcdemment. Il y a des faux, des sabotages,(que jidentifie, sais identifier, preuves lappui) des infiltrations dans les rseaux de communication (spoofing, man middel attack, Cno) issus de cycles cointelpro ou autre). Carnivore Le gang stalking est infiltr dans le monde entier et les autorits dans dautres continents ralisent quil sagit dune invasion de terroriste NAZIS, ces btards agissent sous couvert de leurs armes nergie diriges : full spectrum dominance, intelligence cycle, gathering, algorithmes de multi-stalking, microwaves hearing, battlefield, ELF, human tracking, domestic surveillance, mm waves (radiologie, troughts, torture), TRUNKING .upgrades des techniques SS (nazi war machine). Ce blog rdig entirement ONLINE et forme un tout. Les articles peuvent tre lu sparment mais certainement pas hors contexte et il sagit uniquement de faits rels causs via des protocoles que jexplique, que dautres expliquent, le tout dmontr SCIENTIFIQUEMENT et accompagns dune bibliographie exhaustive et tlchargeable. Je suis scientifique de formation et jai exerc dans la recherche en milieu universitaire, entre autre dans les domaines de recherche bibliographique, la cartographie informatise, les mesures environnementales par des techniques sensors-wavessignals. Un coup de main me permettrait den finir avec mes assaillants. Mes assassins sont de Wallonie. Ces ordures me visent de plus en plus avec des armes nergie diriges qui font un mal de chien. Malgrs deux ans de travail acharn sur le sujet et dans le seul but de sauver ma vies parce que ces btards ne sarrtent pas et il est imp

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ossible pour moi de bosser,mon pays ne me crois pas, nexamine pas mon dossier. Je suis en faillite. Je ne suis plus en ordre de vhicule (dtruits comme le reste de mon matriel via DEW), accul. Je cherche de laide urgente ou tout au moins un INTERLOCUTEUR qui je puisse en parler car il y beaucoup de gens viss (que je connais) dj intgrs dans ces algorithmes et qui ne le savent pas. Ctait mon cas et celui des autres avant que ces ordures se dclarent par le biais de la tlpathie synthtique et avec les empreinte vocales de tous mes potes. Les trois phases sont loquemment dcrites par A.Forwood dans un message ma destination personnelle et qui complte mon article postdadum (encore une preuve irrfutable). 1) Originally (long ago), people would ask me innocent questions about myself, which reflected their true not-knowing of whatever they were asking about. 2) At some point, this seems to have stopped, and instead, people started to ask me things that were related to my personal affairs, things that I was doing in private and didnt share too much with others. Their questions became intrusive. 3) More recently, people have stopped asking me anything about myself at all, and at the same time, they generally treat me like they know things about me that they should have no way of knowing, whether what they think they know is true or not. Occasionally they slip up and say something about me that they shouldnt know.I just realized this progression of peoples change in interest in me thats taken place over the years, and it certainly fits with the effects of gang-stalking and how perps would respond differently when they are covertly monitoring a target. In fact, these changes run directly parallel to the developing stages of gang-stalking that Ive experienced over that same time. At stage 1, everything was normal. I led a normal life, had friends, and wasnt being gang-stalked. At stage 2, I can now see that this was the start of intrusive monitoring of my personal life, my friends and family were turning against me, and people knew things about me that they must have been learning from covert surveillance, and were perhaps trying to rattle me or trying to find out more personal information on me. At stage 3, with 24/7 surveillance going on, both audio and video, plus regularly accessing my computer and breaking into my home whenever they like to snoop around, and with knowing that I now know they are perps, they no longer ask me anything because they think they already know all about me, or theyre afraid to make it obvious that theyre my perps doing a little fishing. You dont always see the patterns of gang-stalking until long after, and only by remembering the little things that seemed coincidental at the time. Benjamin Simon Corbion, 46b 5590 CINEY 20.11.2011 A Lattention des rdactions. Bonjour, Pourriez-vous examiner, peut-tre montrer cet article un rdacteur qui comprendrait ce genre de saloperie. Ca ressemble aux OS nwo, dcrit par Allan Miller, psywar , psyops dcrit et subit par M Rich. (new world war), cointelpro, the game, bridgin the gap par Gmb Bailey. Nous sommes beaucoup de victimes de ces harclements mortels en Belgique en France , en Europe sans trouver dinterlocuteurs. Les fils de putes qui font tourner ces protocoles de nazis nourrissant des ondes dans lensemble du spectre lectromagntique isolent les personnes en filtrant les rseaux de communications. Ils sont aussi introduits dans lensemble des rseaux tlcom
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et utilisent des techniques de black listing afin que les messages concernants leurs crimes soient sabots. (dossiers judiciaires, messages entre personnes vises, tlphonie,.. Ces protocoles dcrivent aussi le buzzsawconcernant la presse. Ressentez, pressentez-vous ces effets nfastes (disparitions, hacking, suspicion, doutes, )? Il est bien possible que ce rseau de gang stalking soit infiltrs sur lensemble du rseau national. Larticle de quatre pages en tte du blog dcrit le plus brivement et simplement possible lenfer auquel je survis depuis deux ans. Est il possible que cet article soit publi ? Ou tout au moins votre analyse me serait prcieuse. Benjamin Simon0497615904 Je suis disponible et je peux vous fournir de la biblio Dposition, dclaration, PUBLIQUE. Gesves, le 18 Novembre 2011 Avez vous le mme web que celui que jai partout? Sagit-il dune norme hallucination visuelle associe aux permanentes hallucinations auditives qui me bousillent la vie depuis deux ans? Est -ce que je passe mon temps a dessiner des fausses pages googles au lieu de mener mes affaires qui taient une russite. Suis-je atteint du syndrome de la micro puce crbrale ? Ferais-je mieux de prendre des neuroleptiques? Jai rassembl une bibliographie exhaustive constitues de documents scientifiques ET DE PREUVES concernant les faits que des ordures visent nombreux foyers, institutions, vhicules, cerveaux, organismes (du rgne animal) dans le cadre dune action terroriste destines une grande chelle selon un algorithme de dploiement (raction en chane). Aprs plus dun an denqutes et de recherches dans le but essentiel de sauver ma propre vie parce que des fils de putes me visent sur un jeux de plateforme nazi (DOD-GIG-MODS) avec des armes nergie diriges. Je dtiens de preuves que lempreinte vocale de +/- 300 de mes connaissances est utilise (street theater) via silent sound issu de backup dchelons stocks dans des databases de type PSYWAR, COINTELPRO, Ce grid de monitoring (signint, comint, domint, humint, masint) est enracin au moins sur une grande partie du territoire wallon et est utilis comme support dun vpn de monitoring (golocalisation, signaux, tempest, stockage, points de routages, troughts, et comme onde de modulation dmodulation). Ce systme dinformation gographique (GIS de type C4ISR) est gr par une pince de pourris dont au moins une ordure sidentifiant comme un perptrator dans le voice to skull quon ma enfil, dont il les accs uniquement et quil couvre. Ce V2S ne me golocalise pas. (je dispose du reste mais seul,il est impossible que je moccupe de a). Les databases associes ce jeux (parce que ces nazis jouent) sont de type Perpetrators Targeted informants Targeted. Lid, en ce qui concerne les tables de backup de lintimit des targeted est lempreinte vocale (ce qui nexiste QUE dans le silent sound speech recognition). Le stockage est sous forme de ton neutre voire sous forme crite (domestic surveillance, intelligence cycle). Chaque nouvelle empreinte vocale est identifie de manire visuelle par le biais dondes de type remote watching (sans doute, millimtriques, micromtriques, submicromtriques, (pulsed microwaves). Ce type dEMP passe travers tout les matriaux jusqu un point prcis (self de/modulation ou onde de de/modulation).

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Le grid nazi, en fait un carroyage de frquences (une onde conue pour a) est li une station de base. Il est utilis comme repre afin de pouvoir saccrocher des points prcis (techniques de trunking). Ces btards organisent ainsi leur rseau dans lintimit dautrui dans le but de les dtruire. Ces nazis passent lentiret de leur temps ce sport . Les dveloppeurs de ces MODS sont wallons. Etant donn que ces sous tres sont quips darmes couvrant lensemble du spectre radiolectrique (terahertz technologies = lumire + microwaves + plasma), ils savent copier, violer, dtruire, hacker, tuer toute vie ou/et choses y compris ce qui concerne les dernires technologies encore soit disant inexistantes pour le commun des mortels au vu de la qualit et la fracheur des informations laisses la presse pour nous nourrir. Les techniques sont: hyperhtrodynage, chelons, mk ultra, psywar, rats (cyber gang stalking), psychotronic tyranny, cointelpro, EMP, ELF, nazies. Ils visent: les rseaux informatiques et de tlcommunication dans lesquels ils sont introduits (gathering), les organismes (EMP,ELF, subliminal, silent sound, remote viewing and watching,), les rseaux sociaux, professionels, politiques ( transactions bancaires, mailing, watching via trought et webcam (logiciel de hacking, rats) et prises des rseaux de surveillance audiovisuelle ctv). Les gamers sont rgis par un minimum dordures qui mixent et copient le silent sound dans un studio (multipistes -une seule frquences prcise plusieurs directions -rseau informatique team speak). Plusieurs personnages (pistes, canaux) peuvent tre jous par un seul fils de pute. Il y du versioning sur tout les plans, dans chaques directions, sur plusieurs paramtres (empreinte vocales, contenu) (databases de psychotronicien nazis). Les donnes qui pourraient identifier qui ou/et quoi que ce soit sont dans une table spares (multivictims, multitasking, dployement, snitching). Ces ordures me donnent chaque fois, toujours par le biais de silent sound le plus petit dtail de lintimit qui me prouve, le tracking, la surveillance, de quasiment la totalit mes connaissances (mme nouvelles..). Ils me prouvent aussi lefficacit effrayante du son subliminal, induit, en soufflant un mot, une ide, et me le/la faisant entendre, mon interlocuteur qui ne sen rend pas compte. La suite de la discussion confirme. Il ny plus de silence parce quils font a partout. Quand jai commenc entendre le silent sound plus clairement je me sus rendu compte que ces btards me pourrissait dj les ides depuis des mois. Jidentifie a aux protocoles nazis: prparation des victimes. Leurs ondes sont nourries pour crer des ambiances noires (subliminal, holographics), dtruire la confiance, donner le cafard, semer le doute, disloquer les groupes sociaux. Les effets sont rellement trs nfastes sans pour autant que les gens ne puisse comprendre lorigine des maux. De grandes zones sont infectes. Le hacking informatique et des rseaux de communications, la falsification, lusurpation, les ELF pour provoquer des maux physiques (migraines, estomac, partie gnitales) sont aussi des techniques utilises par ces btards dj ce stade, mais plus au cas par cas. Au cours de ces deux annes dhorreurs pendants lesquelles des ordures se suicident en me bavant de la merde dans la tte (dix quivalents plein temps pour le harclement par voice to skull 24h sur 24h sans interruption), je nai entendu aucune vrit, rien qui nait la moindre substance. Ces algorithmes de harassement sont conus et utiliss de telles manires, ils sont customisables en temps rel (multivictims). Le son est clair et induit de faon ce quil soit impossible une tierce personne mme trs proche dentendre. Dormir, travailler, baiser,.. est impossible. Je nai pas chier seul depuis deux ans (moi je le sais,.). Ces dchets jouaient au plus sadique, cruel, jusqu il plus dun an o le champion toute catgorie semer le peloton (sans pour autant leur donner cong) ni se donner la moindre possibilit dchappatoire.
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Le droulement de leurs jeux dordures me met dans la situation o jai des charognes qui se picorent leurs restes dans ma caboche. Ils sont morts parce quils font a. Jai mme eu droit la suite de la raction en chane prvue en ce qui concerne mes proches. Je bloque autant que je peux. Jai constitu des listings en fonction des faits et de preuves que ces merdes mont fournies. Les noms prnoms des gens dont lempreinte vocale est utilise compris le fait que des backups de leurs intimits font partie des protocoles. Daprs moi, cest sous forme crite et avec des mots cls que ces backups sont stocks. Il y aussi les personnes quils nutilisent pas comme personnage mais que ces btards connaissent par voie despionnage. En tout plus dun millier de personnes identifies. Cest gens sont potentiellement en danger et certain sont plus viss que dautres en fonction de la suite que ces dchets ont prvus contre eux dans les protocoles. Beaucoup sont dj en train de se faire saboter, chercher savoir si ils sen rendent compte o pas est un risque que je ne peux prendre ni pour eux, ni pour moi, cest li et cela fait partie des effets voulus de ces algorithme de nazis. Jai compris que Donatien tait victime de ce genre de protocoles, javais discut avec lui plusieurs fois de ces soucis, je nai jamais pens quil tait fou. Je crois que lui savait que ctait des btards qui le visaient. Jen ai reparl avec un amis commun dernirement, le fait est que tout le monde a cherch comprendre, voulais laider (il navait que des amis et beaucoup). Maintenant, moi je sais. Je subi le mme genre dassauts. Ces protocoles existent, ont t crit il y bien longtemps, upgrads, adapts depuis. En se qui concerne cette version, les dveloppeurs sont de Wallonie. Jai rencontr un Niois subissant exactement ce jeux de merde depuis un an de moins. Je pense que cest sem dici. Des belges et franais que maintenant je connais et disponibles, dautres que je ne connais pas sont acculs dans ces jeux dordures sans y participer et sans interlocuteur officiel sinon le conseil de voir un psy, tous nos efforts sont vain. Des gens sont encore menacs de se faire fixer, locker, truncker. Il y a plusieurs personnes qui en sont mortes. Les dernires versions ont dj t subies, captes et dmont(r)es sur un autre continent et les infos sont disponible sur internet.. Des pourris qui font a il y en a et je ne veux jamais comprendre le pourquoi. Et il ny en aura plus. Physiquement je suis en forme olympique, donc je dois au plus vite rencontrer un interlocuteur dispos afin de clturer la note de ces btards de psychotroniciens nazis. Est-ce que ltat belge peut morganiser ce visu, que je puisse me dfendre? Ceci tient lieu de dclaration, sinon de dposition, soft compar lensemble de la situation et devrait tre analys par des spcialistes (parce quil y en a, et si besoin je peux aussi vous en indiquer..). Benjamin Simon Corbion, 46b 5590 Leignon Ruelle Burton, 27 5340 Gesves Afficher localit sur BIBLIOGRAPHIE dgrip-27-nov, accus de reception Benjamin Simon (2013 Mar 11) Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, Gouvernement, Police Ciney, war, warfare, waves crimes

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Link No abstract. Message NATO contact form: g s b Benjamin Simon (2012 Mar 7): 1 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, Karpman triangle, perpetrators, Police Ciney, psychotronique, surveillance, terrorism, voice to skull, war, warfare, waves crimes Link Mes moyens de communication st tronqus jai besoin daide urgente et ns sommes plusieurs victimes. Je vs en supplie..Je suis de plus en plus viss par des ondes electromagntique qui me font un mal de chien au torse et au ventre.Jen avais parl au Gneral Jockin. Je ne sais pas si il occupe toujours un poste chez vous. OBEDIENCE to AUTHORITY, Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) GANG STALKING Stanley Milgram (1974) Category: Hitler, Nazis, Nazism, gang stalking, perpetrator, armes nergie dirige, stanley milgrams Link The experimenter (E) orders the teacher (T), the subject of the experiment, to give what the latter believes are painful electric shocks to a learner (L), who is actually an actor andconfederate. The subject believes that for each wrong answer, the learner was receiving actual electric shocks, though in reality there were no such punishments. Being separated from the subject, the confederate set up a tape recorder integrated with the electro-shock generator, which played pre-recorded sounds for each shock level.[1] Powerful New Weapons And Technologies Of Human And Political Control An Omega Foundation Summary & Options Report for europeen parlement For The European Parliament AN APPRAISAL OF THE TECHNOLOGIES OF POLITICAL CONTROL (1998 Sep 1): 29 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, mind control, nazis, perpetrators, Police Ciney, ss, surveillance, victimes, voice to skull, war, warfare, waves crimes Link This report represents a summarised version of an interimstudy, An Appraisal of the Technology of Political Control (PE166.499), (referred to throughout this document as the InterimPolitical Control Report), prepared by the Omega Foundationin Manchester and presented to the STOA Panel at its meeting of 18 December 1997 and to the Committee on Civil Libertiesand Internal Affairs on 27 January 1998 Domestic Surveillance and Mind Control Technologies George G. Meade The NSAs mission and the NSAs domestic intelligence operation (1992): 4 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, mind control, Police Ciney, psychotronique, survivalim, terrorism, torture, victimes, voice to skull, war, warfare, waves crimes link Blanket coverage of all electronic communications in the U.S. and the world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960s. NSA technology is developed and implemented in part from private corporations, academia, and the general public. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their Het geheim van de hersenchip, le secret de la micropuce crbrale Anonyme (2000) Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, how to guide, nazis network, perpetrators, Psychology,
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psychotronique, surveillance, terrorism, victimes Link Toute ressemblance des personnages de cette histoire avec des personnes existantes nestpas fortuite. Les symptmes des psychoses sont reconnaissables, lvolution des troublespsychotiques est prvisible. La reconnaissance des personnages de cette histoire reposesur lobservabilit des symptmes de cette affection.Ce petit livre est uniquement une aide et ne remplace en aucun cas un traitement. Un dia-gnostic spcialis, lajustement et le suivi dun bon traitement et le soutien professionnelsont essentiels. Ne croyez pas que vous pourrez solutionner ce genre de problme toutseul. Consultez un mdecin ou cherchez un soutien auprs dun professionnel de la sant mentale. gang-stalking-Belgique-v1.3 Benjamin Simon (2011 Nov 1): 94 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, how to guide, perpetrators, Police Ciney, Psychology, terrorism, torture, victimes, voice to skull Link Jai un problme avec un gang-stalking, leurs armes sont principalement des ondes. Je suis victime dun harrassment 24/7 via silent sound que je ne sait pas enregistrer depuis plus de un an et demi. Un perpetrator joue impunment avec des databases de lintimit des gens (utilisation de leur empreinte vocale e-a) quil gre avec un C4ISR arm. Ces pourris de nazis sont en train de commettre des crimes gratuits et crapuleux, ce genre de scnarios existe et a bien exist dans dautre pays. Mon gouvernement ne sait pas que ca existe, auriez vous des informations l dessus, pourriez vous maider expliquer cel, que je puisse me protger. On me laisse pour fou. Je suis en contact avec deux autre personne subissant un protocole similaire en Belgique. Je connais un jeune gars qui en est mort, la tte devant une locomotive ne supportant plus les assauts de ces agresseurs. Revolutionary methods for political control : New world war Mark Rich (2011 Sep 9): 426 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, la libre Belgique, microwaves harrassment, mind control, nazis, nazis network, Police Ciney, Psychology, psychotronique, ss, surveillance, torture, victimes, voice to skull,warfare, waves crimes Link A silent war is taking place in cities all over the planet. It is covered-up by the media, mental health system, NGOs, and our elected officials. Now that the financial elite are finished using the US military and allied forces to conquer nations in their quest for global domination, theyre neutralizing individuals and groups of resisters who live among the people. To do this, they have recruited a major portion of the civilian population, which is used as a surrogate force to persecute those who have been identified as enemies. As part of the same agenda, the security forces are conducting psychological operations on civilians and torturing them with directed-energy weapons. The entire operation is in service to some very wealthy psychopaths who rule our society, as part of a global revolution that will result in a planetary dictatorship, known as the New World Order. Inner Voice, Target Tracking, and Behavioral InfluenceTechnologies John J. McMurtrey, M. S. (2005 Apr 6): 24 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, microwaves harrassment, mind control, nazis network, perpetrators, Police Ciney, Psychology, psychotronique, radioamateur, surveillance, voice to skull, warfare, waves crimes Added: Apr 16th, 2012 New! Link No abstract. SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY AND THE EARLY MIND WARS Richard Alan Miller, c2001 (2001 Jul 20): 60 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, gathering, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, hitler, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, mind control, nazis, perpetrators, Police Ciney, Psychology, radioamateur, surveillance, terrorism,
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voice to skull,warfare, waves crimes, wireless Link I first became aware of Allan Freys work at Willow Grove in 1972, just after completing The Holographic Concept of Reality. I was working with Dr. Carl Scheicher (MRU) at the time, and was asked about the significance of this work. Realizing its possible use in mind control, my first reaction was to go on red alert. Full significance was not yet understood at this time. Basically, Frey had discovered another sensory motor input in the higher blue-band frequencies of 0.3-3.0 GHz. at very low amplitudes of power. It was as if we had another type of vision, but did not know how to see what was being received. It constituted the next generation of subliminal communications. My work at the time was involved with an AI database for paranormal references (Project Parafile). A second paper was also presented at the Omniversal Symposium, California State College at Sonoma, (September 29, 1973). This was titled Embryonic Holography, and was an application of the Holographic Concept of Reality model. It dealt with biogenesis and neurological regeneration, and included speculation on the origins of cancer, faith healing, psychic surgery and more technical aspects of mind-body energetics. Mental firewall Allen Barker (2011 Aug 1): 20 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, gathering, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, mind control, nazis network, perpetrators, Police Ciney, psychotronique, surveillance, terrorism, torture, victimes, voice to skull, warfare, waves crimes, wireless Link This is the third of a threepart series of essays on mind control. As the earlier essays explained, mind control is the term commonly and historically used to describe clandestine operations to alter human behavior and thought. The series focuses mainly on hightechnology techniques involving, for example, surveillance devices and electromagnetic weapons though victims of all sorts of mind control techniques have common experiences and sequelae. The first essay of the series, Motives for Mind Control, dealt with some of the reasons that mind control harassment, torture, and exploitation happens and why it continues. The second part, Resisting the Mind Control State, dealt with ways to protest and resist mind control abuses in a supposedly free society. In this final part, I explore some of the methods and techniques that victims have developed to help them resist these ongoing human rights atrocities committed every day against their bodies and minds. In a sense we are going to have a look at mind control torture from the torture victims point of view, from inside the mind of the victim. Modulation de largeur dimpulsion Serges Labrze (2011) Category: gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, microwaves harrassment, mind control, nazis, nazis network, perpetrators, Police Ciney, psychotronique, surveillance, torture, victimes, voice to skull, warfare, waves crimes, wireless Link La modulation de largeur dimpulsions (MLI ; en anglais : Pulse Width Modulation, soit PWM), est une technique couramment utilise pour synthtiser des signaux continus laide de circuits fonctionnement tout ou rien, ou plus gnralement tats discrets. Le principe gnral est quen appliquant une succession dtats discrets pendant des dures bien choisies, on peut obtenir en moyenne sur une certaine dure nimporte quelle valeur intermdiaire. GANG STALKING Harclement urbain:FRANCE QUENNEVILLE: Organized Stalking, le harclement lectronique, contrle mental et torture. France Quenneville Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, how to guide, psychotronique, surveillance, survivalim, victimes, voice to skull, waves crimes Link El acoso organizado pandillas es un crimen de odio erigidos en un sistema. Los diferentes actores pueden ser manipuladas para producir una accin especfica. Pero todos los involucrados no son necesariamente conscientes de que son manipulados. De hecho, la mayora no son conscientes de ello. La mentira es la base del Gang Stalking, todo se hace para aislar y destruir a las personas especficas. Para ello, autores utilizan varias tcnicas para la manipulacin de la opinin pblica. Y, debido a pruebas falsas para apoyar a sus mentiras, las personas objetivo inocentes son percibidos como parias de la sociedad: delincuentes

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sexuales, prostitutas, vagabundos, ladrones, criminales, etc. Bridging-The-Gap GmB Bailey (2011): 138 Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, psychotronique, surveillance, terrorism, torture, victimes, warfare, waves crimes Link Bridging The Gap is a disturbing, yet poignant look into modern day democratic surveillance societies. The book examines how this structure is used to discredit, disenfranchise, and destroy innocent citizens. Gang Stalking, The Buzzsaw, Cointelpro, what do these words mean and more importantly what do they have in common? They are names that have been used to describe the systemic apparatus that reaches out to destroy and discredit those declared enemy by the state. This book will open your eyes to how the informant system has taken over these democratic countries, and how they are being used to further create a surveillance society where no one will be out of reach, should they too be become persona non grata by the system. Gang stalking Belgium Novembre 2011 2p/f Benjamin Simon (2011 Jan 11): 94 Category: activism, blog, cognitive radio, cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, gathering, Gouvernement, hacking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, nazis network, Police Ciney, Psychology, psychotronique, surveillance, terrorism, torture, victimes, voice to skull,war, warfare, waves crimes Link Jai un problme avec un gang-stalking, leurs armes sont principalement des ondes. Je suis victime dun harrassment 24/7 via silent sound que je ne sait pas enregistrer depuis plus de un an et demi. Un perpetrator joue impunment avec des databases de lintimit des gens (utilisation de leur empreinte vocale e-a) quil gre avec un C4ISR arm. Ces pourris de nazis sont en train de commettre des crimes gratuits et crapuleux, ce genre de scnarios existe et a bien exist dans dautre pays. Mon gouvernement ne sait pas que ca existe, auriez vous des informations l dessus, pourriez vous maider expliquer cel, que je puisse me protger. On me laisse pour fou. Je suis en contact avec deux autre personne subissant un protocole similaire en Belgique. Je connais un jeune gars qui en est mort, la tte devant une locomotive ne supportant plus les assauts de ces agresseurs. Ces connards ne me lchent pas une minutes, ils ne savent pas me dcrocher. Je propose la suret de ltat Belge 4 gb de doc ces sujets (rassemble depuis un an pour trouver une solution) et on menvoie proprement me faire foutre. Ils ne sont plus en copie car je les saoule, et je reois ce genre de rponses l invariablement: Spirals waves by hrc Human right Canada (2011 Nov 5) Category: cognitive radio, cover crimes, echelon, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, psychotronique, surveillance, terrorism, torture, victimes, voice to skull, waves crimes Link spiral waves Most targeted individuals will discover the visible spiral waves particles while being attack by directed energy weapons. These electromagnetic radiations attacks the body specifically the head, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, chest, legs, stomach and genital areas. A scientific explanations of these phenomena are confirmed in an article from and it also explained the attacks are being done wherever the targets are located whether he or she is anywhere on land, inside an airplane, or on board in seaship. Recherche google Alain Winnants dans le cadre de tentatives de denontiation dun rsea de gang stalking sur le territoire belge Benjamin Simon (2011 Nov 5) Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, Gouvernement, Police Ciney, surveillance, terrorism, warfare, waves crimes Link No abstract. Black Ops, Psychotronics, Microwave Weapons & DoD Shell Contractors
converted by (2008 Jun 2) Category: cognitive radio, cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, gathering, harcelement lectronique, Karpman triangle, microwaves, nazis network, psychotronique, surveillance, torture, voice to skull, warfare, waves crimes Link It is true that mind control exists in Tinley Park, Ill and Chicago Ill since 2002 and prior thereto under MKULTRA. Senator Durbin says it is domestic law enforcement. The government FBI denies they do anything illegal. National Security Advisor Robert Keenan lives in Tinley Park. Gary Plundo and his sons, Jonathon and Nick live in Tinley Park. Patrick Harrington and his son live in Tinley Park. Contrail from the Air force are frequent in Tinley Park from Johnny Jumper. Area Commander Pribble of Homeland Security says that a device pointed at a target with a digitized voice of the target is called black-op. The intellingence agencies do it. Recherche google isbn 2-87262-176-8, le secret de la micropuce crbrale Benjamin Simon (2011 May 11) Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, google search, Karpman triangle, psychotronique, surveillance, torture, victimes, voice to skull, waves crimes Link No abstract. A Situationist Perspective on the Psychology of Evil: Understanding How Good People Are Transformed into Perpetrators. Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph. D. (Psychology Department, Stanford University)1 (2004 Jul 25) Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, hitler, nazis, perpetrators, ss, surveillance, terrorism, torture, victimes Link What is a Perpetrator?A Perpetrator is anyone who has been trained to harass, torture, maim, and kill aTarget, either by direct means, or by covert means including, electronic, biological, oraccidental means. Career perps make a good living dealing misery to haplessindividuals. Perps usually do not know the victim personally, but are supplied enoughinformation to allow a well oiled campaign of gang stalking and harassment Interessengemeinschaft der Opfer von Elektro-Waffen. An alle Polizeidienststellen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Mikrowellen Verbrechen / Elektromagnetische Folter aus der Distanz (2004 Apr 1): 4 Category: gang stalking, gathering, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, psychotronique, surveillance, terrorism, torture, victimes, warfare, waves crimes Added: Mar 27th, 2012 New! Link Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,Seit ber zehn Jahren werden in Deutschland Menschen in ihren Wohnungen durch Wndehindurch, heimlich und in menschenverachtender Weise mit gepulsten, hochfrequentenelektromagnetischen Strahlen gefoltert. Nach unseren Recherchen besteht seit langem eineentsprechende Organisierte HighTech-Kriminalitt , die sich ungehindert etablieren und ihrVorgehen zunehmend przisieren konnte. Es handelt sich bei diesen Verbrechen nicht umEinmalDelikte. Mikrowellen-Verbrechen sind auf Langzeit angelegt Acoustic Weapons as Part of Non-lethal Weapons Jrgen Altmann(1999 Apr 1): 97 Category: cognitive radio, cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, nazis network, Police Ciney, surveillance, voice to skull, warfare, waves crimes Added: Mar 27th, 2012 New! Link Acoustic weapons are under research and development in a few countries. Advertised as one type of non-lethal weapons, they are said to immediately incapacitate opponents while avoid- ing permanent physical damage. Reliable information on specifications or effects is scarce, how- ever. The present report sets out to provide basic information in several areas: effects of large- amplitude sound on humans, potential high-power sources, and propagation of strong sound. Concerning the first area, it turns out that infrasoundprominent in journalistic articlesdoes not have the alleged drastic effects on humans. At

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audio frequencies, annoyance, discomfort and pain are the consequence of increasing sound pressure levels. Temporary worsening of hearing may turn into permanent hearing loss depending on level, frequency, duration, etc.; at very high sound levels, even one or a few short exposures can render a person partially or fully deaf. Ear protection, however, can be quite efficient in preventing these effects. Beyond hearing, some disturbance in balance, and intolerable sensations, mainly in the chest, can occur. Blast waves from explosions with their much higher overpressure at close range can damage other organs, at first the lungs, with up to lethal consequences. For strong sound sources, sirens and whistles are the most likely sources. Powered, e.g., by combustion engines, these can produce tens of kilowatts of acoustic power at low frequencies, and kilowatts at high frequencies. Up to megawatt power is possible using explosions. For directed use the size of the source needs to be on the order of 1 meter, and proportionately-sized power supplies would be required. Propagating strong sound to some distance is difficult, however. At low frequencies, dif- fraction provides spherical spreading of energy, preventing a directed beam. At high frequencies, where a beam is possible, non-linear processes deform sound waves to a shocked, sawtooth form, with unusually high propagation losses if the sound pressure is as high as required for marked effects on humans. Achieving sound levels that would produce aural pain, balance problems, or other profound effects seems unachievable at ranges above about 50 m for meter-size sources. Inside buildings, the situation is different, especially if resonances can be exploited. Acoustic weapons would have much less drastic consequences than the recently banned blinding laser weapons. On the other hand, there is a greater potential for indiscriminate effects due to beam spreading. Because in many situations acoustic weapons would not offer radically improved options for military or police, in particular if opponents use ear protection, there may be a chance for preventive limits. Since acoustic weapons could come in many forms for different applications, and because blast weapons are widely used, such limits would have to be graduated and detailed. Patents and Inventors of Satellite Microwave delivered technology Anonymous, (2011 Jul 1): 32 Category: echelon, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, nazis network, patent, psychotronique, voice to skull, waves crimes Added: Mar 27th, 2012 New! Link Below are names of original inventors, patents, etc., of some of the brilliant, highlyperfected technology currently in use, including descriptions and capabilities.Some or all have the ability and capability to be used positively, such ascommunicating with the deaf (Voice to Skull.)Throughout the years, people have been tested on without their knowledge orconsent. Although there are legitimate cases of delusional or psychosisdisorders, in light of this technology now fully implemented, the mentalhealth field stating, many years back, that diagnosis must also include/exclude, orrule out these advancements first as a possible contributor. However, somechoose instead to look the other way. Painfully, many people have lost, theirfamilies, jobs, and lives after years of Synthetic Telepathy, tormenting which isone of the official names for Voice to Skull. It is obvious why testing isnecessary. How else is effectiveness determined? Voice to Skull, was originallycalled the Neurophone. However, Alan Frey, invented microwave technologywhich has the same capability and effect.NEUROPHONE: U.S. Patent #3,393,279 . July 16, 1968. Inventor Dr. Patrick Flanagan (Invented in 1958) DESCRIPTION: A device that converts sound to electrical impulses; allowing information to be transmitted tothe brain by means of radio waves directed at any part of the body (skin). In other words, recorded or livemessages, noise, music can be directed at an individual and, through the nerves, the signal will be carried(involuntarily) to the brain, bypassing the inner ear, the cochlea, and the 8 th cranial nerve. In its originalform electrodes were placed on the skin but with defense department developments, the signals can bedelivered via satellite.PURPOSE: Practically, the Neurophone could be used to communicate with the deaf but more often, it is usedto terrorize targets. The tracked individuals her recorded/live threats, propaganda, etc. which those aroundthem do not hear (delivered mainly via satellite laser). This harasses and discredits the targets; especially if the problem is communicated to those unaware or the relevant technologies.ADVANCED NEUROPHONE: U. S. Patent # 3,647,970 March 7, 1972. Inventor Dr. Patrick Flanagan (Invented 1967) DESCRIPTON: This Neurophone incorporates an electronic circuit duplicating the encoding of the Cochlea and8 th cranial nerve themselves. The NSA placed a secrecy order on this development for over 5 years becauseof the military applications of the technology. Further Neurophone advances include the development of thetime recognition processor, improved memory application and the advances in satellites incorporatingneurophone technologies. PURPOSE: As above. PSYCHO Acoustic Projector: U.S. Patent, #3,566,347 February 23, 1971 DESCRIPTION: A high directional beam, radiated from a number of transducers and modulated by a speech,code, or noise beat signal. It may take the form of radiator mounted on a vehicle, aircraft or satellite. Patents and Inventors of Satellite Microwave delivered technologyfile:///D:/ondes/BIBLIOGRAPHIE/WEBSITE/Patent_Other_Site_Infog1 sur 323/12/2011 7:4 Service du Gestionnaire des Plaintes de la Dfense SGP DKM,Belgium Benjamin Simon, SGP-DKM (2011 Sep 9): 6 Category: blog, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, psychotronique, terrorism, voice to skull, war, warfare, waves crimes Added: Mar 27th, 2012 New! Link Jai un problme avec un gang stalking, leurs armes sont principalement des ondes. Je suis victime dun harrassment 24/7 via silent sound que je ne sait pas enregistrer depuis plus de un an et demi. Un perpetrator joue impunment avec des databases
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de lintimit des gens (utilisation de leur empreinte vocale e a) quil gre avec un C4ISR arm. Letter of November 7, 2011 to the Belgian Minister of Justice about gang stalking and electronic harassment Huylebroeck Cliff (2011 Jul 11): 2 Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, nazis network, psychotronique, survivalim, terrorism, torture, victimes, voice to skull, waves crimes Added: Mar 27th, 2012 New! Link Dear Minister, I send you today the translation of a booklet about gang stalking and electronic harassment to inform you of this new crime. The booklet was written originally in English by a Canadian activist, Miss Eleanor White. To address this problem, in my opinion, the following should be done: 1. There should be a law specifically for gang stalking. The law against stalking is insufficient, because the stalkers find always new ways to circumvent the law. On February 13, 2002 Senator Mia De Schamphelaere wrote a proposal for a law about this, that as far as I know didnt become a law: DOCTRINE FOR RECONNAISSANCE, SURVEILLANCE, AND TARGET ACQUISITION SUPPORT FOR JOINT OPERATIONS H.L. SHEFFIELD (1993 Apr 14): 65 Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, how to guide, psychotronique, radioamateur, terrorism, warfare Added: Mar 26th, 2012 Link This publication has been prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It sets forth principles, doctrine, and military guidance to govern the joint activities and performance of the Armed Forces of the United States. Joint Doctrine for Command and Control Warfare (C2W) WALTER KROSS (1996 Feb 7) Category: cognitive radio, gang stalking, Gouvernement, microwaves harrassment, radioamateur, surveillance, warfare, waves crimes Added: Mar 26th, 2012 Link a. This publication concentrates on command and control warfare (C2W) and is not intended to present comprehensive doctrine for the broader concept of information warfare (IW). It introduces and defines IW in general terms with the objective of clarifying its overarching relationship to C2W. The scope of C2W is defined in the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum of Policy 30, but the full dimensions of IW policy and its implementation are still emerging. Un Carolo, que jai rencontr dans un autre contexte que le gang stalking, lt 2010 Benjamin Simon (t, 2010): 6 Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, microwaves harrassment, Police Ciney, psychotronique, surveillance, waves crimes, wireless Added: Mar 26th, 2012 Link No abstract. Bridging the Gap European C4ISR Capabilities and Transatlantic Interoperability Gordon Adams, Guy Ben-Ari, John Logsdon, Ray Williamson (2004 Sep 1): 195 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, gang stlking, gathering, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, radioamateur, surveillance, terrorism, torture, voice to skull, warfare, waves crimes Added: Mar 26th, 2012 Link This study is the result of a two-year examination of the presumed defense technology gap between the United States and Europe that focused on information and communications technologies and their integration into military systems, which allow military forces to be networked from sensor to shooter and back in what has come to be called network centric warfare. These command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) technologies are at the heart of modern warfighting. They act not only as force multipliers for the military platforms into which they are integrated, but also as the means to better link different types of forces (air, sea, land). Moreover, they can connect forces of different nationalities, enabling interoperability and the efficient use of military resources. The study analyzes the deployed and planned C4ISR capabilities of seven European countries: France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden. Capabilities discussions are divided into command and control (C2), communications and computers, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR). We examine the extent to which advanced C4ISR and network doctrines figure in the defense planning of these nations and explore the extent of interoperability within and between these national forces and between these forces and those of the United States. INTERLOCUTEUR GANG STALKING GOOGLE SEARCH Benjamin Simon (2012 Jan 8): 49 Category: blog, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, la libre Belgique, nazis network, Police Ciney, voice to skull, waves crimes Added: Mar 26th, 2012 Link Interlocuteur, Gang stalking, Donatien Nijs, Gouverneur, Police Ciney Parquet de namur, .

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Mind Control- Page EU Parlamentet- list of victims MindTech Sweden (2011) Category: gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, nazis network, psychotronique, surveillance, terrorism, torture, victimes, waves crimes Added: Mar 26th, 2012 Link On January 1999 the European Parliament passed a resolution where it (in paragraph 27) calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. This is a letter to the President of the European Parliament from an EUcitizen. De llectro-sensibilit la torture par rayonnement France QUENNEVILLE (2011): 5 Category: activism, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, Karpman triangle, microwaves, nazis network, psychotronique, surveillance, torture, voice to skull, waves crimes Added: Mar 26th, 2012 Link Pendant des annes on peut vivre du harclement lectronique sans le savoir. Onpeut mme ne ressentir aucun symptme. Pendant ce temps, comme on estconstamment expos des rayonnements lectromagntiques dirigsintentionnellement contre nous, on finit par devenir de plus en plus lectro-sensible cause du phnomne dexposition-raction. Plus on est exposlongtemps ou intensment, plus on devient sensible.On commence alors sidentifier aux personnes lectrosensibles qui ressententdiffrents malaises au contact des tlphone mobile, wifi, blue-tooth, micro-ondes,etc. Ces personnes prsentent des symptmes immdiats: picotements, sensation dechaleur sur le visage et les mains, sensation de gonflement du visage, maux de tte,vertiges, anxit, irritabilit, nauses, perte dquilibre, affaiblissement gnral,trouble de la concentration, etc. Mais, dautres symptmes encore plus gravescomme le cancer peuvent apparatre des annes plus tard Pollution: the secret weapon of a hidden war France Quenneville (2011): 6 Category: cover crimes, echelon, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, nazis network, psychotronique, terrorism, victimes, voice to skull Added: Mar 26th, 2012 Link Gang Stalking is pollution in all its forms is used to destroy the targeted individuals lives. It deteriorates throughout their lives: health, body, relationships, material possessions, thinking, work, finances, recreation, environment, etc. The Perpetrators want to eliminate them as quickly as possible by inflicting maximum pain while leaving the least possible traces. It become a psychological Warefare with a lot of waste and destruction of everything. So they destroy everything they have, whatever they are, what they were and even what they might become. An it is done very gradually. Before they realize it is too late. Its like cooking a frog in cold water pan: Mind Control, Hypnosis and torture France Quenneville Hypnosis and behavior control (2011) Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, surveillance, voice to skull, waves crimes Added: Mar 26th, 2012 Link Hypnosis and behavior control All those who make of Mind Control use of hypnosis on their target. It is an excellent way to control and restrain a person from a distance. This can be used either to totally immobilize the target or to control his behavior without his knowledge. The Mind Control brings us to conversational hypnosis or Street Hypnosis which is, in short, a way to control behavior of others. Military Reconnaissance Satellites (IMINT)Terrorism Satellite Reconnaissance Emily Clark (2001 Sep 16) Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, satelitte, surveillance, terrorism, torture, war, warfare, waves crimes Added: Mar 25th, 2012 Link When detailed reports of geographical areas, military installations and activities, troop positions, or other picture-based intelligence are required, policy-makers and analysts turn to data provided by IMINT (Image Intelligence) satellites. Operating in low, near-polar orbits at an altitude of between 500 and 3,000 kilometers, and maintaining the same orbit around the Earth, they make about 14 revolutions per day. IMINT satellites use either photo-optic, electro-optic infrared, or radar technology to scan a new swath of ground with each orbit. Satellite Terrorism, Criminal Spying, Mind Control Brutality and Satanism A Glimpse (2001): 5 Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, Gouvernement, harcelement lectronique, psychotronique, satelitte, terrorism, torture, voice to skull Added: Mar 25th, 2012 Link
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The magnetic field around the head, the brain waves of an individual can be monitored by satellite. The transmitter is therefore the brain itself just as body heat is used for Iris satellite tracking (infrared) or mobile phones or bugs can be tracked as transmitters. In the case of brain wave monitoring the results are then fed back to the relevant computers. Monitors then use the information to conduct a conversation where audible neurophone input is applied to the victim. Electromagnetic Radiation(emr) Weapons:As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb Cheryl Welsh (2001 Feb 1): 20 Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves harrassment, mind control, nazis network, psychotronique, terrorism, torture, warfare, waves crimes Added: Mar 25th, 2012 Link Endorsement of this paper by Dr. Rosalie Bertell , who has a doctorate degree inBiometry, the design of epidemiological research and the mathematical analysis of bio-medicalproblems. Dr. Bertell documented military microwave zapping of Greenham Commons womennuclear protesters in the 1980s as reported in London Guardian March 10, 1987. Sheauthored UN reports on the Chernobyl disaster, has five honorary doctorates, numerous peaceprizes and more. In an email dated 3-12-01, Dr. Bertell stated,Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 18:27:42 -0500Dear Cheryl, I have received your document and I think you have enough information for adocumentary report or an article by an investigative reporter. It may raise concern about theissues, but does not prove anything. [Dr. Bertell is referring to the document , EMR Weapons:As Powerful as the Atomic Bomb]. There is some confusion about weapon use andharassment or experimental use, with the latter being harder to document. The health effectswhich can be attributed to EMR weapons is also, as you know, not established. Your problemsare quite similar to that of the atomic bomb victims, including the military, the Japanese andthose living downwind of a nuclear test site. Very few of the experienced health effects haveever been admitted. We also deal with the same denial and secrecy with the Gulf War, Bosniaand Kosovo vets exposed to ceramic DU. Psychological warfare Tactics & Black Propaganda DEB CHAKRABORTY (2006): 7 Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves harrassment, psychotronique, terrorism, torture, voice to skull, warfare Added: Mar 25th, 2012 Link Psychological warfare is defined as techniques used to influencea target-audiences value systems, belief systems, emotions,motives, reasoning, or behavior. Military and intelligence agenciesinvest significant resources into psychological warfare capabilities becausetheyre highly effective. V2K (Voice to Skull) Torture DEB CHAKRABORTY (2006): 7 Category: cognitive radio, cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, nazis network, radioamateur, torture, voice to skull, wireless Added: Mar 25th, 2012 Link Voice to skull devices. . Nonlethal weapons which includes (1) a neuro- electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of persons or animals. NOTE: the sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. . Acronym: V2K STOP GANG STALKING ANOTHER TERRIBLE FORM OF ASSAULT AND DEGRADATION URGENT PLEASE SEND THIS AROUND EVERYWHERE DEB CHAKRABORTY(2003): 9 Category: gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, mind control, nazis network, terrorism, war Added: Mar 25th, 2012 Link IN THE UNITED STATES AND COUNTRIES ALL OVER THE WORLD. PEOPLE ARE BEING GANG STALKED (STALKING BY ORGANIZED GANGS OF PEOPLE) AND COVERTLY TARGETED WITH ELECTRONIC AND SURVEILLANCE WEAPONS:- What is it? Gang Stalking is a well-organized, occult form of covert harassment used against an individual. It is done by large groups of people who systematically & repeatedly harass individuals. The people who participate are usually under the impression that they need to keep an eye on a targeted person or drive them out of town for wrongdoings. It often encompasses the use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) such as Microwave harassment. Blog Gang stalking Belgium : la Libre Belgique 2011 Benjamin Simon (2011 Dec 30) Category: blog, gang stalking, Gouvernement, hacking, la libre Belgique, nazis network, Police Ciney Added: Mar 25th, 2012 Link No abstract. GANG-STALKING: PERP MENTALITY AND THE REPTILIAN BRAIN

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Anthony Forwood (2011) Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, mind control, Psychology, survivalim, terrorism Added: Mar 25th, 2012 Link Three Signs that Identify the Perp Mentality: (1) Takes pleasure in another persons misfortune. (2) Is unable to logically explain his/her beliefs. (3) Resorts to the intimidation of physical violence to resolve issues. These three signs, by themselves, should allow you to easily identify who the an tagonists are in this covert program that TIs are involuntarily immersed in. A possible fourth sign is the need to belong to a group, which is based on their lower intelligence level and their inability to express free will in a positive way (Ive omitted this from the list for a reason, as youll see shortly). They require the group for security and assurance, using it as a means to guide thei r beliefs and motivations. This is a bee-hive mentality, where a very small co re dominates and controls the entire group. These groups might be either formal or informal, but in either case, the member has a very strong attachment to it, and although individual members may come and go over time, any one of them (with a perp mentality) will always remain more loyal to the group itself and what it represents than they will to other individual members. DEW Personal Tracking Recovery System Gargano et al. (1997 May 13) Category: cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, nazis network, patent, radioamateur, terrorism, wireless Added: Mar 24th, 2012 Link No abstract. Design and Analysis of Modern Tracking System Samuel Blackman, Robert Popoli table of content Category: cognitive radio, cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, how to guide, microwaves harrassment, nazis network, patent, terrorism, wireless Added: Mar 24th, 2012 Link No abstract. Gestion dynamique du spectre entre terminaux radio cognitive mobiles Leila Merghem Boulahia, Emna Trigui, Moez Esseghir ICD/ERA, CNRS UMR STMR 6279, (2011) Category: cognitive radio, hacking, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, nazis network, radioamateur, survivalim, terrorism Added: Mar 24th, 2012 Link RSUM . La radio cognitive est une technologie mergente en matire daccs sans fil, visant amliorer considrablement lutilisation du spectre radio en permettant dy accder de manire opportuniste. La plupart des travaux de recherche sur la radio cognitive se sont habituellement raliss sur la base dun tat spatio-temporel fixe sans tenir compte de leffet de la mobilit de lutilisateur. Dans ce papier, nous nous intressons au concept de mobilit dans les rseaux radio cognitive. Nous proposons ainsi un algorithme de gestion de handover spectral pour un nud radio cognitive mobile. Notre algorithme prsente une approche dcentralise qui utilise les systmes multi agents. Nous exploitons galement des algorithmes de ngociation et de coopration issus du domaine multi-agents afin dassurer une rpartition plus efficace du spectre. ABSTRACT . Cognitive radio is an emergent technology in wireless access that aims to improve considerably spectrums use by allowing opportunistic access. Most of the research activity on the cognitive radio considered until now static terminals, neglecting the impact of users mobility. In this paper, we are interested in the concept of mobility in cognitive radio networks. Thus, we propose an algorithm of spectrum mobility for mobile cognitive radio user. Our algorithm presents a decentralized approach using multi agent systems. We exploit also multi agent negotiation and cooperation methods to insure a more efficient spectrum distribution. Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications Simon Haykin (1969 Dec 31): 20 Category: cognitive radio, cover crimes, gang stalking, harcelement lectronique, microwaves, microwaves harrassment, radioamateur, wireless Added: Mar 24th, 2012 Link Cognitive radio is viewed as a novel approach for im- proving the utilization of a precious natural resource: the radio electromagnetic spectrum. The cognitive radio, built on a software-defined radio, is de- fined as an intelligent wireless communication system that is aware of its environment and uses the methodology of under- standing-by-building to learn from the environment and adapt to statistical variations in the input stimuli, with two primary objectives in mind: highly reliable communication whenever and wherever needed; efficient utilization of the radio spectrum. Following the discussion of interference temperature as a new metric for the quantification and management of interference, the paper addresses three fundamental cognitive tasks. 1) Radio-scene analysis. 2) Channel-

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April 30, 2012 at 7:23 am 0

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April 30, 2012 at 8:02 am

Excellent. I reblogged: 0


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May 26, 2012 at 10:54 pm

This is really great! For a new TI, it shows many sites that have good info 1

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May 28, 2012 at 9:38 pm

Thank you. Means a lot in our situation. You should try expressing yourself-it will take your mind off of them. 0

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corner desk

September 11, 2012 at 3:49 pm

Hello, I enjoy reading all of your article post. I wanted to write a little comment to support you. 1
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September 11, 2012 at 8:26 pm

Thank you. Its one horrible situation particular lawyers placed me in, after the tragic death of my late-husband. His death can be read in a bit more detail at I had no idea why he, the opposing attorney (creepy) chased me everywhere I went following me strangely (purposely), near a military base and a fusion center right next to his office, but I have made it my lifes mission to expose any and all that placed me here. If nothing else. I hope it helps others, and brings attention to my plight. Thank you for your support. Its more than appreciated. Trust me. 0

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IamAristotle (@Aristotle1865)

October 31, 2012 at 6:55 pm

Hi can someone pls confirm for me the exact email address for ICAACT? Whenever I email them, I get Undeliverable messages. Their site lists no phone# nor physical address. Are they legit? Has anyone personally interacted with anyone there? Pls advise. Thanks. 0

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October 31, 2012 at 9:09 pm

50-50 re more than one email me off board. One never responds to anyone and has been called out on known lies re targeting, while the other is legit as I corresponded with him months back. 0

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October 31, 2012 at 9:24 pm

I spoke w/this person (highly creditable, true TI and a decent person) and he stands behind ICAAT, however many do not care for that particular MD. Ill ask around and get back to you. 0

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October 31, 2012 at 10:39 pm

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He knows and speaks highly of them months back: 0


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November 2, 2012 at 7:20 pm

Have you seen these paintings of a probable MKUltra victim: Made the whole MKUltra/MK/Monarch so much more real to me. 0

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November 3, 2012 at 1:34 pm

No now thanks to your thoughtfulness, yes! It is much more real now once were victims. The world needs to know the truth. 0

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Benjamin Simon Ciney

November 14, 2012 at 7:39 am

Hi, what do you think about it.? 0


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November 14, 2012 at 9:20 am

Post it here 0

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November 14, 2012 at 9:20 am

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Post it here Ill put it on a main page 0


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Benjamin Simon Ciney

December 11, 2012 at 8:43 pm

Hi, what do you think ? About terrorism screening process with international impacts, in Belgium. With devices to make corporate terrorist state. Like STASI We are worming their magnetic field and bastards watch on screens. They emit in the ultra low and very low frequency and probably near the five mhz band (Gathered and international). probably so near the higest frequency of the voice capabilities Bastards organize tracking and harassment 24h/24 7j/7 with mixed subvocal sound using usurpated voice gathered with the echelon in the domestic surveillance. (with a mecanical devices and also a software like gate). Bastards are monitoring the world wide web also, maybe with an echelon (r) like some institutions (belgian army, ..) use to monitor and plan networks (carnivore ?). We are lots of belgian victims (and foreign) harassed, tracked, being destroyed and knowing and lots of victims already raped, saboted and liisted to be put under surveillance 24/7. Terrorists make chain reaction. (OSEH = Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment ). Bastards are closing and falsifying the web, communication and information networks. Cops make also the buzz-saw and covers the crime despite that they are victims. Its going to be the DUTROUXITE. Prosecutors and cops alienate complainants Protocols used are those of the Nazis during the ww2 and devices are well-know by institutions like nasa, nsa, otan, cia.
converted by Benjamin Simon, 27 ruelle Burton 5340 Gesves 0032497615904 (maybe unreliable) 2

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December 12, 2012 at 12:12 am

Out-of-Control (no over-sight) Complete Breakdown of all NATO Societies creating willful and total CHAOS for the Bankers the richest upper 1 percent for that One World New World Order for the Endgame which I think is DEPOPULATION. MKULTRA Contractors are running rampid; 100s of Billions of dollars (trillions) on Strategy of Tension Project KUBACK. To sum it all up: This NWO is to bring in a Total Awareness Medical Military Scientific HUGE Behavoir Modification. Theyre testing all of this on us, first.. then hit the rest of the unsuspecting population I am adamant their testing neighbors while conducting Trauma Based Brain BioNeuro-Nanotechnologies. 1

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December 12, 2012 at 12:38 am 0

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Benjamin Simon Ciney

December 12, 2012 at 12:46 am

Thanks Lissa 1

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December 12, 2012 at 8:43 pm

Nominated your blog for Blog of the Year 2012 Award

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January 12, 2013 at 11:37 am

Reblogged this on fordtknox. 0


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February 9, 2013 at 11:42 am

Dear Lisa, Thank you for your courage revealed in your audios and your websites. I am a TI, and I lived in Fl and went to school there for many years. I was a missionary overseas for 13 years, and I now live in Fort Mill, SC. My prayer for you and all of the other targeted individuals: Dear Father, I pray that you will bring justice, healing, and restoration to all of the innocent citizens who are being targeted. I pray that you will dissolve all implants, and purify our bodies from all poisons, chemicals and directed energy attacks. Please erase all mind control and radio frequency brain washing and all similar attacks upon the innocent American citizens. Please bring law and order back to our communities, and please expose all of the evil deeds of darkness in our areas and in our country. Please destroy all of the evil works designed to kill, steal from and destroy innocent Americans. Please push back all of the evil plans against our people, our freedoms, our nation and our future. Please bring prosecution in behalf of all TIs, and all innocent people in America. Thank You Father, Thank You Lord Jesus, and please pour out Your Holy Spirit, Your Truth, Your Way and Your Life upon all of the people in America and all over the world. Thank you so much , and all glory to Your Name! Amen and amen. 1

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February 9, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Thank you! Please, continue pray for me; in return I ask that you pray for ALL TIs ALL VICTIMS of the PATRIOT ACT, SPACE ACT, the BUSH&CO CIA TORTURE Rendition Programs, and civility and sane govt return because thru my research I have learned, factually, everyone is under mild MASSIVE Mind Control Father, forgive them fore they know not what they do. 0

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February 10, 2013 at 9:40 pm

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Meant to mention that I too live in FL 0


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July 2, 2013 at 1:04 am

Ditto. God bless 0


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July 2, 2013 at 2:58 am

Thank you. God bless all of you you keep me alive. 0


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February 9, 2013 at 12:19 pm

Dear Lisa, Thank you for your prompt reply. Yes, I will pray as you have indicated, and I will send your request to the Fasting/Prayer Mountian in Osanri, Korea where 45 pastors and 5 congregations pray over the requests daily. May The Lord bless and keep you in His loving arms both today and always, Sincerely, Peggy Kannaday 0

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February 9, 2013 at 12:39 pm

And you, Peggy, and you 0


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February 13, 2013 at 7:05 pm

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Note PDF I created for you to fill out, with a link on this page for free online faxing fill out as brief yet detailed as possible; send to Senator Wyden asap! Name agencies. God bless and stay in touch here, please. Lissa READ PRINT OUT PDF FAX TO SEN WYDEN ASAP: 0

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February 13, 2013 at 7:55 pm

Hallo, This for you, for beiing kind for others and me, Sweet greetings, Summer 1

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June 29, 2013 at 11:26 am

Lissa, I have some suggestions. Listen to Dr Deagle. He also has a total body and (pineal gland) cleansing protocol. Move out of Florida before its destroyed in one day along with california and texas as per explaination by Dimitru Duduman and William Deagle. EMF blues has a clearfield plate for eliminating all the frequency attacks. Learn about building orgone devices from DR Mike Castle. You can also aquire music imbedded with the correct sollfoggio to override negitive frequencies. Go though my article on music to understand the music from God. Finally, you will learn about the returning to relationship by the millions, and the frequencies in the songs of Moses and the 144,000 from the web siteWisdom in Torah web site by Rico Cortez. Also on the video in solomons porch siteclick/my livingroom/big screen video room/big screen channels/Rico Cortez. Take peace beyond all understanding with Jesus. 0

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June 29, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Wow. Thank you. The 3 states you mentioned are noted as the worse for victims, mentioned in scriptures as holding i.e. beasts... along that line. I will. 0

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June 30, 2013 at 1:55 am

Im ready to share the same story as everyone else. That wont help though. Sharing the story just advertises the act. We need to get active and urge the offenders to do the right thing. This will eventually happen as our conscience tends to eat at the ones doing the most harm. It took the world years to get involved with what Hitler was doing, but good eventually prevailed. Ive been going through electronic torture and gangstalking for a year now (that Im aware of). I have videos, blogs, journals, and other documentation. Im on google+ under Mike Brazill, facebook under Michael D. Brazill, and follow neverending1s blogs. My email is please contact me freely. Peace & God bless 0

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June 30, 2013 at 2:31 am

Thanks Mike, glad you found my site. I will contact you. We have to do something. This is Stasi-Nazi NWO coming in with FEMA camps, Chemical dumps over us, spraying us like rats and NANO particulates turning everyone into walking antennas & robots. We cant die silently. Do you know there are many victims (TIs) whom arent online, laying low. The best of the victims say keep exposing. Im trying to get victims to do somethingstand-up, get active. Im up for anything at this point==Ive been taking hits for several years now, hard, harsh 0

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June 30, 2013 at 5:16 am

Where is the pdf link for the senator? 0


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June 30, 2013 at 6:06 am

This? 0

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June 30, 2013 at 6:09 am

Which Senator, Mike?

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June 30, 2013 at 4:15 pm

Im trying.. I took a direct hit of Nanogoo Nanobots in my ear after they flew over my rooftop as i lay trembling these are true terroristsscumbags, COWARDS. 0

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June 30, 2013 at 4:27 pm

HAARP-Chemtrails WMD: Exposing a Spiritual, Mass Mind-Control & Planetary Assault with Alfred Webre

HUMANS into ROBOTS with Chem Trails, Smart Meters, HAARP, Reproducing in CANDIDA

Project Cloverleaf Chemtrails and their Purpose

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It involves the combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with steady state and particle density for plasma beam propagation. They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by zapping the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminumplasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air. More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. What are they ultimately trying to do up there is create chargedparticle, plasma beam weapons. Chemtrails are the medium GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply: Chemtrails are the medium directed energy is the method. Spray and Zap. This system appears to be in Russia, Canada, the United States, and all of Europe. Exotic weapons can be mobile, stationary, land-based, aerial, or satellite. It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell]* against missiles and EM attacks. That means they spray and then pump up the spray with electromagnetics. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it excludes and displaces the background magnetic field. These shells can be layered one above another in a canopy fashion for extra protection from missiles. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. Spoofer sprays. Sprays like these can be used to create colorful, magnetized plasmas to cloak fighter jets. There are satellite weapons involved. Activists are using meters and are getting readings of microwaves, x-rays, and some other kind of emission that they are not sure of, maybe a low-intensity laser. They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Various size of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. They also are capable of transmitting digital or analog sound. Barium, in fact, is very refractive more refractive than glass. What does that mean? Our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens. We are talking about

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satellite charged-particle frequency weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N. HAARPs can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. These ionospheric heaters can also operate as an over-the-horizon or under-the-ocean communications system. This system can control the weather or create disasters. Taken together with the aurora keyhole through-your-roof satellite surveillance system, Echelon electronic computer/phone sweeps, plasma-cloaked DOD Drug War helicopters and stealths, implants, and cameras on the street, it constitutes one, big global and space control grid. These weapons involve beams. Two beams overlapped will couple into a particle-ion beam that will bounce off of a remote target and send a holographic image back to the satellite for remote spying operations. When you cross two strong beams, you can supposedly* create scalar energies. These energies can be used as untraceable weapons for nuclear size explosions or for defense. These crossed-energies can be used to cause a persons physical electrical system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electro-shock. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks. They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. Scalar energies are practically impossible to shield against. You need lead, ceramics, and a deep underground facility to not be affected by these weapons. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle. SOURCE: encrypt777 Good reading at Smart Dust Nano Bots Are In You Now 2013

SATAN NOW WALKS AMONGST US. 2 TIM 3:1-5 & REV 9:11 If I sit silently, I have sinned. Mohammad Mossadegh Silent Weapons for Quiet War Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War Mind Wars Brain Research, Nanotech and the Military

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GeoEngineering, Global Climate Disruptions, Chemtrails: Our Atmosphere is a Massive Physics Lab Globalism, Violent Oppression and Electronic Warfare: 2 + 2 = 5 Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health AIR CRAP Former FBI Bob Levin Whistleblower Former FBI Whistleblower GERAL SOSBEE COINTELPRO & War of Aggression Exposed by Sosbee and Hartwell http://www.barbarahartwellvscia.blogs EEG Heterodyning Target Former U.S. Government Scientist DR. Whistleblower ROBERT DUNCAN Exposes Department Of Defense & CIA Mind Control Programs: TAMI, S.A.T.A.N., C.H.R.I.S.T. & MIND Talks about Mind Control Satellite Assassins & Technologies THE MATRIX 0

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July 2, 2013 at 1:00 am

Thank. This explains a lot. I feel like Ive known this was going on for a long time. I just didnt know how, or how to explain without sounding crazy. Most people dont want to believe this is going on. 0

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June 30, 2013 at 4:29 pm

I would know what they did to me long prior to ever hearing of this Many victims know. When it happens to you, you will know. Its in everyone now. Listen to a scientist Dr. Caricom whos been trying to get the word out for 15 years. Hes given up. Not my site

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NASA: The Future of WAR on * The FUTURE is NOW! Definitions Media NANO/Robots Weapons/Military Frequencies Drones Misc NASA The Future of War in PDF FORMAT 0

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June 30, 2013 at 4:33 pm

hunny? WTF? 0

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June 30, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Ive been sleep deprived all night and had this done to me for a year now. Im sorry for the insensitive comment. Not really thinking. 0

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July 1, 2013 at 2:10 am

Lets try this again. Post something thats now condensending (no hunny, i.e). 0

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July 1, 2013 at 2:11 am

1) Are you a mental health therapist? 2) Are you a targeted individual? If so, define. 0

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July 1, 2013 at 7:19 pm

Im a person that gets fucked with 24/7 by people and some kind of electronic weapon. My life has been intruded upon for a year that I know of now. 0

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July 1, 2013 at 8:04 pm

What is Gangstalking-Terrorist Watch List-InCommunity No-Touch Torture Coward Program

Im a victim too. Did you have surgery not longer prior to this happening? If not, see the videos below for NANO (yes) dropped down for years from Chemtrails. Google Nano Particles Chemtrails. It sadly does exist. Have you read Silent Weapons for a Quiet War? And the NASA War DOC: and by (trust me) a Nation of Traitors as told to me by 5 former Detectives and 2 well-knowlegeable
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religous leaders from the Ft. Bragg NC area. They did this for my benefit not telling me I was the only victim. That was 2011. Now, its full-blown 24/7 crazed, every-where I go. They swarm around me. This information was released by Senators Wyden & Udells offices. We wrote as he requested, then never heard a word. Weve written to the U.N. whove actually behind this (Agenda 21) These traitors start-out as Neighborhood Watch groups (Weed&Seed, C.O.P.s, Infra guard) anyone can log-in to request that anyone else can be surveilled (watchlist), thereby granting them grant moniees thru HDS/DOJ. Its run like a business by corrupt area SBI/FBI/Cops for anyone, mostly corporations or local businesses even private airports. They use locals for their cellphone brigades (Ziegield Networks) assigned to follow us with cellphones filming & GPSing our locations, making hand signals, brighting (lights on), street theatre (bizarre acts around you home and where ever you go) to get your attention. The electronic harassment known as [EH] Electronic torture done with SmartMeter and/or GPS location using a blackbox dropped somewhere near your location or with antenna(s) or illegal implants now proven with Nano Particulates dropped for years from Chemtrails (yes). It sends signald thru TETRA antennas sent then to low-lying Satellites or local Gwen EML/EMF towers which relays the signal back to whomever is doing this to you. It sadly could be 1000s of miles away.. many times they try to trick us sadly, they want to see us loose our minds, our health, jobs, homes, cars, freedoms, everything. You might even be hit by passing UAVs/DRONES/HELICTOPERS/PLANES and not realize it. They even hit from vehicles (handhelds) or could use your neighbors SmartMeters/Satellite Dishes they are doing this for lack of jobs. See They can and will break-in to your dwelling, try to run you down, crash into your car, try to run you over while walking your dog. Are you hearing any ringing in the ear? Having problabems w/your computer/phones/cell? Whistleblower Dr Robert Duncan, a victim himself states its the CIA-DOD but we victims know the NSA-COPS are involved. Your locals or possibly all of them very well might be mind controlled. The electronic harassment is lethalthis will destroy your health as it has most all of us. They do this from all the wireless (IEEE, EEG, WIFI, cellphones/towers, particles in the air from

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chemtrails, Satellites over your home day/night). Look out on the next clear night all around your premisis. All of us have them. We never see stars any longer; illegal implants and nano tech, our cars, our brain frequencies. Go through all the links provided. This is a silentholocaust. 0

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July 2, 2013 at 1:15 am

I was billed for a hospital visit in Mississippi a year ago. It was for a ct scan on a night that I was home alone. I used to drink a lot and I know I didnt drive myself to a hospital I knew nothing about. The hospital never replied on why I got the bill and didnt try to collect for the bill. I began to notice the odd behavior of my neighbor above my moms apartment after that. As soon as I got to NJ 2 months later the gang stalking, and very noticable survailance started. I was forced to a mental hospital after contacting others about what was going on. 0 0 Rate This

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July 2, 2013 at 2:57 am

Thats what everyone is saying (TIs) as far away as Sweden. Youll heard a gal talk about this in one of those Alfred Webre videos I posted to you earlier. Possible implants,nano-sized, maybe 0 0 Rate This

July 2, 2013 at 3:05 am

covert microchip mind controlDr. Rauni Leena Luukanen-Kilde interview link: 090925-rkilde.php Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed, by Robert Duncan, detailing technology far beyond our usual reality

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July 2, 2013 at 5:12 pm

Have you seen Dr. Rauni videos? 0 0 Rate This


July 2, 2013 at 5:37 pm

No. Im tired of looking up all this info. Its not helping me in stopping
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it. 0 0 Rate This


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July 1, 2013 at 11:25 pm

Our country heck, our world is now run by madmen & women (military) DARPA Rothchilds it filtered down over the years into our communities. Watch this as a fine example might help you relate to the sickness of those treated us so horrible (massive mind control, freaky NWO)


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All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing: Burke

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Archangel Michael, protect me now ,




Visit our website: Links to get you started on your research: NDAA 2013 passes with indefinite detention still intact
converted by The Patriot Act Obama extends Patriot Act: Widespread abuse of patriot act: Obama tries to hide information regarding rape and sexual abuse in Abu Ghraib: Obama's kill list: FBI finalizing its NGI Biometrics Database: Biometrics at departures: People placed on no-fly list for political reasons: Drones used to hunt Dorner: Dorner fire set intentionally: The police finally admit it: Leaked Document: Government setting up military detention centers for Activists: FBI Murdered Todashev execution style: Senator Coburn points out the DHS "zombie" training exercise as wasteful: But if you actually watch it it's much more disturbing: Yes this really happened (details about the exercise): Police admit Dorner fire was set on purpose: DHS buying billions of bullets (links to some of the purchase orders): 450 million rounds purchased by DHS earlier this year: Purchase order for additional 750 million rounds of ammunition DHS buys even more bullets: Iris scanning from a distance: Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge - Neuroscience, Mind Control, Revelations (Postings from MC Victims) Mind Control Exposed Jan Irvin of Gnostic Media-Gnostic Media 32 Degrees of Insanity - Donnie Gillson Oracle Broadcasting -- Freedom type Radio Podcasts Blacklisted Radio, Against the Wall, Pete Santilli, Many more... NANO CHEMTRAILS by William Thomas NANO IS THE REAL REASON FOR CHEMTRAILS EXPOLITICS EXPERTS DISCUSS MIND CONTROL SLAVERY NANO IMPLANTS TECHNOLOGIES TURNING HUMANS INTO ROBOTS NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS (SCALAR, NOT EMF) TORTURE GANG STALKING--WORLDWIDE 6 MILLION IN EUROPE ALONE, HOW MANY IN THE US? S.A. CANADA? European Coalitian Against Covert Harassment Mind Control
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Brain Computer Research Lab White TV Organized Gang Stalking is Terrorism LIGHT WATCHER Chemtrails alert - Nano chemtrails | Geo-Engineering Watch ET/US Cointelpro? Don Gilson reveals ET implants, police Cointelpro, gang-stalking harassment This article is part of an ongoing series on Cointelpro disruption operations against the Truth movement. by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

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