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Exercise 1 Language of Anatomy Know the body regions, orientation and direction and cavities Exercise 5 Tissues Be able

to identify the type of tissue by appearance on the slide Epithelial Tissue Simple squamous Simple cuboidal Simple columnar Pseudostratified columnar Stratified squamous transitional Connective Tissue Loose (areolar) Adipose reticular Dense Irregular Regular Elastic tissue Hyaline cartilage Fibrocartilage Elastic cartilage Compact bone (osseus) Blood Muscle tissue Skeletal Smooth Cardiac Neural tissue Exercise 6 Integumentary system\ Epidermis Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum Stratum basale Dermis Papillary layer Dermal papillae Reticular layer Hypodermis

Hair shaft Hair follicle Sebaceous gland Sweat gland Pacinian corpuscle Exercise 8 Axial skeleton Appendicular skeleton Compact bone Spongy bone Diaphysis Epiphysis Tuberosity Crest Trochanter Line Tubercle Epicondyle Spine Process Head Facet Condyle Ramus Foramen Groove Fissure Notch Fossa Meatus Sinus

Exercise 9 The skeletal system-Axial division (no saggital section or isolated bones) Misc: The skull Bones: Frontal bone Parietal bone Occipital bone Sphenoid bone Temporal bone Maxillary bone Zygomatic bone Mandible Nasal bone Lacrimal bone Ethmoid Vomer Palatine Sutures: Saggittal suture Coronal suture Lambdoidal suture Squamosal suture Frontonasal suture Processes/condyles: Occipital condyle Mastoid process Styloid process Zygomatic process of temporal bone Foramen/fissures: Foramen magnum Jugular foramen Foramen spinosum Foramen lacerum Foramen ovale Supraorbital foramen Infraorbital foramen Mental foramen Mandibular foramen Foramen rotundum Canals/meatuses: Internal auditory meatus

Optic canal Carotid canal External auditory meatus Crista galli Cribriform plate Sella turcica Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Mandibular fossa The mandible Body of mandible Angle Ramus Mandibular notch Condylar process Coronoid process Hyoid Bone The vertebral column Generalized vertebrae (know on all) Vertebral centrum (body) Transverse process Vertebral foramen Spinous process Superior articular process and facet Inferior articular process and facet Cervical vertebrae Transverse foramen Atlas axis dens Thoracic vertebrae Transverse costal facet Lumbar vertebrae Sacrum Sacral canal Median sacral crest Lateral sacral crest Sacral hiatus Sacral foramina

Sacral cornu Ala Apex Auricular surface Coccyx Thoracic cage Sternum Manubrium Jugular notch Body Xiphoid process Ribs True ribs False ribs Floating Costal cartilage Head Neck Shaft Tubercle Angle Costal groove Exercise 10 The skeletal systemAppendicular division Clavicle Acromial end Sternal end Conoid tubercle Scapula Glenoid cavity Acromion Coracoid process Subscapular fossa Spine Supraspinous fossa Infraspinous fossa. Suprascapular notch

Surgical neck Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Bicipital groove Deltoid tuberosity Lateral epicondyle Capitulum Trochlea Coronoid fossa Medial epicondyle Olecranon fossa Radial fossa Ulna Olecranon process Trochlear notch Coronoid process Radial notch Head Styloid process Radius Head Neck Radial tuberosity Ulnar notch Styloid process The Hand Phalanges Distal phalanx Middle phalanx Proximal phalanx Metacarpals I-V Scaphoid bone Lunate bone Triquetrum Pisiform bone Trapezium bone Trapezoid bone Capitate bone Hamate bone Pelvic girdle Os Coxa Ilium Pubis

Humerus Head Anatomical neck

Ischium Iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine Anterior inferior iliac spine Posterior superior iliac spine Posterior inferior iliac spine Greater sciatic notch Ischial spine Obturator foramen Acetabulum Auricular surface Arcuate line Iliopectineal line Pubic symphysis Pelvis (know both male and female) Pelvic inlet Pelvic outlet Pelvic brim Femur Head Fovea capitis Neck Greater trochanter Lesser trochanter Intertrochanteric line Intertrochanteric crest Lateral condyle Lateral epicondyle Medial condyle Medial epicondyle Patellar surface Intercondylar fossa Linea aspera Patella Tibia Medial condyle Lateral condyle Intercondylar eminence Tibial tuberosity Anterior border Medial malleolus

Fibula Lateral malleolus The foot Phalanges Distal phalanx Middle phalanx Proximal phalanx Metatarsals I-V Cuboid Medial Cuneiform Lateral Cuneiform Intermediate Cuneiform Navicular bone Talus bone Calcaneus bone

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