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1 kilograms or 1 lbs. Bhuna Gosht or Skirt Steak 2 Green Chillies (more or less may be used depending on taste preferance.) 3 medium Onions (finely sliced) 750 grams or lbs. of Potatoes (cubed) 6 cloves of Garlic (Lehsan) (crushed) 1 tbsp. Ginger (Adrak) (finely chopped) 2 tbsp. Fresh Coriander/Cilantro Leaves (Hara Dhania) 1 tsp. Black Mustard Seeds tsp. Fenugreek Seeds 2 tbsp. Coriander Seeds (Saabut Dhania) 1 tbsp. of Cumin Seeds (Sufaid Zeera) 2 tsp. Red Chili Powder (Pisi Lal Mirch) (more or less may be used depending on taste preferance.) 1 tsp. Turmeric Powder (Pisi Haldi) 2 tsp. Garam Masala Powder Salt (to taste) 2 tbsp. Vinegar (Sirka) Another 2 tbsp. Vinegar (Sirka) cup Cooking Oil

1. Cut steak or lamb into cubes. Heat oil and fry the mustard seeds until they burst. Add the fenugreek, garlic, ginger and onion. Fry until onions are golden. Add turmeric and fry for 1 minute. Add the coriander, cumin and chilli. Stir well. 2. Add salt and vinegar, and fry until the liquid evaporates. Sprinkle in the garam masala powder and mix well. Add the meat and turn until it is coated. 3. Add the cubed potatoes and cover. Cook for another 20-30 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked. 4. Sprinkle with finely chopped coriander, green chilli and garam masala powder .
Aloo gosht kari 1 kilogram atau 1 lbs . Bhuna Gosht atau rok Steak 2 Green Cabe ( lebih atau kurang dapat digunakan tergantung selera preferance . ) 3 Bawang menengah ( diiris halus ) 750 gram atau lbs . Kentang ( potong dadu ) 6 siung bawang putih ( Lehsan ) ( hancur ) 1 sdm . Jahe ( Adrak ) ( dicincang halus ) 2 sdm . Segar Ketumbar / Cilantro Daun ( Hara Dhania ) 1 sdt . Biji Mustard hitam sdt . Biji fenugreek 2 sdm . Coriander Seeds ( Saabut Dhania ) 1 sdm . Benih Cumin ( Sufaid Zeera ) 2 sdt . Red Chili Powder ( Pisi Lal Mirch ) ( lebih atau kurang dapat digunakan tergantung selera preferance . ) 1 sdt . Kunyit Powder ( Pisi Haldi ) 2 sdt . Garam Masala Powder Garam (secukupnya ) 2 sdm . Cuka ( Sirka ) Lain 2 sdm . Cuka ( Sirka )

cangkir Minyak Goreng

Memotong steak atau domba dadu . Panaskan minyak dan goreng biji sesawi sampai mereka meledak . Tambahkan fenugreek , bawang putih, jahe dan bawang . Goreng sampai bawang emas . Tambahkan kunyit dan goreng selama 1 menit . Tambahkan ketumbar , jinten dan cabai . Aduk rata . Tambahkan garam dan cuka , lalu goreng sampai cairan menguap . Taburkan dalam bubuk garam masala dan aduk rata. Tambahkan daging dan putar sampai dilapisi . Tambahkan kentang potong dadu dan penutup. Masak selama 20-30 menit atau sampai kentang matang . Taburi dengan ketumbar cincang halus , cabai hijau dan garam bubuk masala .

Serving Suggestions: Serve hot with Rice, Nan or Chapati Roti Degree of Difficulty: Medium Recipe Category: Main Course Mutton/Beef/Lamb Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani

2 pounds of Beef or Lamb (cut into 1" cubes) 2 medium Onions (thinly sliced & separated into rings) 2 tbsp. of Fresh Coriander/Cilantro Leaves (Hara Dhania) (chopped)

cup of Almonds (Baadaam) (blanched & slivered) 8 Garlic Cloves (Lehsan)) 1 tbsp. of Ginger Root (Adrak) (coarsely chopped) 6 Whole Cloves (Loung) 1 tbsp. of Coriander Seeds (Saabut Dhania) 1 tbsp. of Cumin Seeds (Saabut Zeera) 1 tsp. of White Cardamom Seeds (Sufaid Ilaichi Ke Daanay) (without the pods) 1 tsp. of Crushed Red Pepper (Kutti Mirch) (more or less may be used depending on taste preferance.) 1 tsp. of Salt tsp. of Ground Cinnamon (Pisi Dal Cheeni) tsp. of Garam Masala Powder 2 tbsp. of All-Purpose Flour (Maida) cup Whipping Cream cup of Plain Yogurt 1/3 cup of Water more cup of Water 3 tbsp. of Cooking Oil (2 tbsp. separate and 1 tbsp. seperate)

1. Combine together the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cardamom seeds, crushed red peppers, and whole cloves. Put these ingredients into a grinder and grind them well into a fine powder. 2. To the grinded powder, add the 1/3 cup water, slivered blanched almonds, garlic, gingerroot, salt and ground cinnamon. Grind until the mixture comes to a pasted consistancy. 3. On medium heat in a 4 quart saucepan put 1 tablespoon oil. When oil gets hot add and fry of the meat. Be sure to brown all sides well; and remove from oil. Repeat this procedure with the other remaining meat. And remove. 4. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in the saucepan; add onions. And fry onions to golden brown. Reduce heat to medium and add the blended spice mixture and cosaute for 3-4 minutes or until it is slightly brown. 5. Add the meat and cup water to the saucepan. Cover and simmer for 1 to 2 hours or until the meat is tender and well cooked; by stirring occasionally. 6. Stir together the whipping cream, plain yogurt, all-purpose flour, and garam masala powder . Stir the mixture into a Dutch oven (if available - otherwise continue using stove). Cook and stir until it is thickened and bubbly. 7. Transfer to a serving bowl; sprinkle with fresh coriander/cilantro leaves.
Beef qurma 2 pon daging sapi atau domba ( potong 1 " kubus )

2 Bawang menengah ( diiris tipis & dipisahkan menjadi cincin ) 2 sdm . Fresh Coriander / Cilantro Daun ( Hara Dhania ) ( cincang) cangkir almond ( Baadaam ) ( pucat & belah ) 8 Cengkeh Bawang putih ( Lehsan ) ) 1 sdm . Jahe Akar ( Adrak ) ( cincang kasar ) 6 Seluruh Cengkeh ( Loung ) 1 sdm . Coriander Seeds ( Saabut Dhania ) 1 sdm . Benih Cumin ( Saabut Zeera ) 1 sdt . White Kapulaga Benih ( Sufaid Ilaichi Ke Daanay ) ( tanpa polong ) 1 sdt . dari Crushed Red Pepper ( Kutti Mirch ) ( lebih atau kurang dapat digunakan tergantung selera preferance . ) 1 sdt . Garam sdt . Ground Cinnamon ( Pisi Dal Cheeni ) sdt . Garam Masala Powder 2 sdm . All -Purpose Flour ( Maida ) cangkir Whipping Cream cangkir Yogurt Plain 1/3 cangkir air cangkir lebih Air 3 sdm . Minyak Goreng ( 2 sdm . terpisah dan 1 sdm . terpisah )

Kombinasikan bersama biji ketumbar , biji jintan , kapulaga , paprika merah hancur , dan seluruh cengkeh. Masukan bahan ini ke dalam penggiling dan menggiling mereka juga menjadi bubuk halus . Untuk bubuk digiling , tambahkan 1/3 cangkir air , slivered almond , bawang putih , jahe , garam dan bubuk kayu manis . Grind sampai campuran datang ke konsistensi disisipkan .

Dengan api sedang dalam panci 4 liter menempatkan 1 sendok makan minyak . Ketika minyak mendapat menambah panas dan goreng daging . Pastikan untuk cokelat semua sisi baik, dan menghapus dari minyak . Ulangi prosedur ini dengan yang lain daging yang tersisa . Dan hapus . Panaskan 2 sendok makan minyak dalam panci , tambahkan bawang . Dan bawang goreng ke coklat keemasan. Kurangi panas sampai sedang dan tambahkan campuran rempah-rempah dicampur dan cosaute selama 3-4 menit atau sampai sedikit cokelat . Tambahkan daging dan cangkir air ke dalam panci . Tutup dan didihkan selama 1 sampai 2 jam atau sampai daging empuk dan baik dimasak , dengan sesekali diaduk . Aduk bersama whipping cream , yogurt plain , semua tujuan-tepung , dan garam masala bubuk . Aduk campuran ke dalam oven Belanda ( jika tersedia - jika terus menggunakan kompor ) . Masak dan aduk sampai kental dan berbuih . Tuang ke dalam mangkuk melayani; taburi dengan ketumbar / cilantro daun segar .

Yield: 8 Servings Degree of Difficulty: Medium Recipe Category: Main Course Mutton/Beef/Lamb Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani


350 grams of Gram Flour (Besan) 2 tbsp. of Dried Fruit 175 grams of Castor Sugar 1 tsp. of Cardamom Powder (Ilaichi Powder) tsp. of Saffron Strands (Zaafran) (soaked in 1 tablespoon of water) Edible Silver Leaf (for decorating) (optional) 200 grams of Clarified Butter (Ghee)

1. Heat clarified butter in a heavy based pot. Add the gram flour and cook on low heat, stirring continuously. 2. Remove the pan from the heat when the clarified butter starts to separate and the gram flour changes color. Let it cool. 3. Stir in the sugar, spice, dried fruit and saffron. 4. Prepare even sized round balls and serve decorated with extra dried fruit and silver leaf. 350 gram Tepung Gram (Besan) 2 sdm. Buah Kering 175 gram Gula Castor 1 sdt. Cardamom Powder (Ilaichi Powder) sdt. dari Strands Saffron (Zaafran) (direndam dalam 1 sendok makan air) Edible Silver Leaf (untuk dekorasi) (opsional) 200 gram mentega Klarifikasi (Ghee)

Panas diklarifikasi mentega dalam panci berbasis berat. Tambahkan tepung gram dan masak dengan api kecil, aduk terus.

Angkat panci dari panas saat mentega mulai memisahkan dan perubahan gram tepung warna. Biarkan dingin.

Aduk gula, rempah-rempah, buah kering dan kunyit.

Siapkan bahkan berukuran bola bulat dan melayani dihiasi dengan buah kering ekstra dan daun perak.

Degree of Difficulty: Medium Recipe Category: Dessert Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani

5 liters of Whole Milk 2 kilograms of Sugar All-Purpose Flour (Maida) (as needed) 200 ml. of Cream 2 cups Vinegar (Sirka) Food Color (orange or pink) Nuts (chopped) (for garnish)

1. In a pot put milk and bring to a boil on medium heat. Then add vinegar and stir until the milk starts to curdle. Pour it out in a separate dish and strain, to get the chenna/paneer (thick substitute) from the milk. In a pot boil sugar in water to a thick syrup. The chena or paneer (thick substitute from milk) should be nicely beaten and smoothened. If found too soft, add a little all-purpose flour (maida) to it. And form a soft dough. Add pink color to the dough and mix well. 2. Make oblong - shaped pieces of this dough and add to the boiling thin syrup. When cooked, these balls (chum chum) will float on top. Take a little syrup and further dilute it by adding water. Now dip the boiled chum chums into this diluted syrup and soak them for approximately 8-10 minutes. Remove from syrup and place the chum chums in a platter. Pipe out some whipped sweetened cream over them. 3. Garnish the chum chums with chopped nuts as toppings.
5 liter Susu 2 kilogram Gula Flour ( Maida ) ( diperlukan ) All-Purpose 200 ml . Cream 2 cangkir cuka ( Sirka ) Warna Makanan ( oranye atau merah muda ) Kacang ( cincang ) ( untuk hiasan )

Dalam panci meletakkan susu dan didihkan dengan api sedang . Kemudian tambahkan cuka dan aduk sampai susu mulai mengental . Tuangkan dalam sebuah piring dan regangan terpisah , untuk mendapatkan Chenna / paneer ( pengganti tebal) dari susu . Dalam panci mendidih gula dalam air untuk sirup kental . The chena atau paneer ( pengganti tebal dari susu ) harus baik

dipukuli dan dihaluskan . Jika ditemukan terlalu lembut , tambahkan sedikit tepung terigu serba guna ( Maida ) untuk itu . Dan membentuk adonan yang lembut . Tambahkan warna merah muda ke dalam adonan dan aduk rata .

Membuat lonjong - potongan berbentuk adonan ini dan menambah sirup tipis mendidih. Ketika dimasak , bola ini ( sohib sohib ) akan mengapung di atas . Ambil sedikit sirup dan lebih encer dengan menambahkan air. Sekarang celupkan sahabat sohib rebus ke dalam sirup diencerkan dan rendam selama sekitar 8-10 menit . Hapus dari sirup dan menempatkan sahabat sohib di piring . Pipa beberapa whipped cream manis atas mereka .

Hiasan sahabat sohib dengan kacang cincang sebagai topping

Degree of Difficulty: Medium Recipe Category: Dessert Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani/Indian


1 small Iceberg Lettuce bunch of Spinach (Paalak) 2 medium Cucumbers 2 sticks of Celery 1 large Green Bell Pepper (Hari Shimla Mirch) 4 Green Onions (Hari Pyaaz) 1 large Avocado

2 tbsp. Lemon Juice (Nimbu Arakh) tsp. Sugar tsp. of Salt Black Pepper (Pisi Kaali Mirch) (freshly grounded) tsp. Dijon Mustard 1 small clove of Garlic (Lehsan) (peeled & minced) cup or 60 ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1. Wash all the vegetables well. Break lettuce and spinach into large pieces. Cut the bell pepper in half, remove seeds and slice thinly. Slice the cucumber, celery, onions and avocado.

1. Put lemon juice, salt, pepper, sugar, mustard, and garlic and olive oil in a screw top jar and shake well, until the dressing is emulsified.

1. Combine all the salad ingredients in a large wooden bowl. Add dressing and toss well until they are coated with the dressing. 1 kecil Selada Iceberg sekelompok Bayam (Paalak) 2 Ketimun menengah

2 batang seledri 1 besar Hijau Bell Lada (Hari Shimla Mirch) 4 Bawang Hijau (Hari Pyaaz) 1 besar Alpukat

2 sdm. Lemon Juice (nimbu ARAKH) sdt. gula sdt. Garam Black Pepper (Pisi Kaali Mirch) (baru grounded) sdt. Dijon Mustard 1 kecil cengkeh Bawang putih (Lehsan) (kupas & cincang) cangkir atau 60 ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Cuci semua sayuran dengan baik. Istirahat selada dan bayam menjadi potongan besar. Potong paprika dua, buang bijinya dan iris tipis. Iris mentimun, seledri, bawang dan alpukat.

Masukan air jeruk nipis, garam, merica, gula, mustard, dan bawang putih dan minyak zaitun dalam botol sekrup atas dan kocok dengan baik, sampai saus tersebut emulsi.

Campurkan semua bahan salad dalam mangkuk kayu besar. Tambahkan saus dan aduk sampai mereka dilapisi dengan saus.

Yield: 6 Servings Degree Of Difficulty: Easy Recipe Category: Salad Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani

2 cups of Cabbage (Phool Gobhi) (thinly shredded) 2 cups of Carrots (shredded) 1 Green Chilli (Hari Mirch) (chopped) cup of Roasted Peanuts (Moum Phali) (crushed) cup Fresh Coriander Leaves (Hara Dhania) (chopped) tsp. Sugar Salt (to taste) Lemon Juice (Nimbu Arkh) (to taste) cup of Peanut Oil (Moum Phali Tail)

1. Combine and mix together well the cabbage, carrots, green chilli, peanuts, cilantro, sugar and peanut oil. 2. Before serving, add salt and lemon juice to taste. 2 cangkir Kubis (Phool Gobhi) (tipis robek) 2 cangkir Wortel (diparut) 1 Green Chilli (Hari Mirch) (cincang) cangkir Roasted Peanuts (Moum Phali) (hancur) cangkir segar Ketumbar Daun (Hara Dhania) (cincang) sdt. gula Garam (secukupnya) Lemon Juice (nimbu Arkh) (secukupnya) cangkir kacang Minyak (Moum Phali Tail)

Campurkan dan aduk bersama-sama baik kubis, wortel, cabai hijau, kacang tanah, ketumbar, gula dan minyak kacang.

Sebelum disajikan, tambahkan garam dan air jeruk nipis secukupnya.

Yield: 10 to 12 Servings Degree of Difficulty: Easy Recipe Category: Salad Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani

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4 Cucumbers cup Mint (Podina) (chopped) 3 (8 ounce) containers of Plain Yogurt Salt (to taste) Black Pepper (Pisi Kaali Mirch) (freshly ground) (to taste)

1. Peel cucumbers and cut into small pieces. 2. Add mint and 2 containers of the plain yogurt and the salt and pepper to taste. Mix and chill for exactly 2 hours (the salad reaches its peak flavor at this time.) 3. Drain off excess water and add the remaining yogurt, stir well and chill again briefly.

4 Ketimun cangkir Mint (Podina) (cincang) 3 (8 ons) wadah Yogurt Plain Garam (secukupnya) Black Pepper (Pisi Kaali Mirch) (baru digiling) (secukupnya)

Kupas ketimun dan potong menjadi potongan-potongan kecil. Tambahkan mint dan 2 kontainer yogurt polos dan garam dan merica secukupnya. Campur dan dinginkan selama 2 jam tepat (salad mencapai rasa puncaknya saat ini.) Mengalirkan kelebihan air dan tambahkan yoghurt yang tersisa, aduk rata dan dinginkan sebentar lagi.

Degree of Difficulty: Easy Recipe Category: Salad Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani


1 pound of Dry Black Beans cup of White Rice (uncooked) 1 Carrot (chopped)

1 stalk of Celery (chopped) 1 large Red Onion (chopped) 6 cloves of Garlic (Lehsan) (crushed) 2 Green Bell Peppers (chopped) 1 Jalepeno Pepper (seeded & minced) 1 (28 oz.) can of Tomatoes (peeled & diced) 2 tbsp. of Red Chilli Powder (Pisi Lal Mirch) 2 tsp. of Ground Cumin (Pisa Zeera) tsp. Oregano (dried) 1 tbsp. Salt 3 tbsp. Red Wine Vinegar 1 quarts of Water

1. In a large pot over medium-high heat, place the beans in three times their volume of water. Bring to a boil, and let boil 10 minutes. Cover, remove from heat and let stand 1 hour. Drain, and rinse. 2. In a slow cooker, combine soaked beans and 1 quarts fresh water. Cover, and cook for 3 hours on High. 3. Stir in carrot, celery, onion, garlic, bell peppers, jalapeno pepper, lentils, and tomatoes. Season with chili powder, cumin, oregano, black pepper, red wine vinegar, and salt. Cook on Low for 2 to 3 hours. Stir the rice into the slow cooker in the last 20 minutes of cooking. 4. Puree about half of the soup with a blender or food processor, then pour back into the pot before serving.
1 pound Kering Kacang Hitam cangkir Nasi Putih ( mentah) 1 Wortel ( cincang ) 1 batang seledri ( cincang ) 1 besar Bawang Merah ( cincang ) 6 siung bawang putih ( Lehsan ) ( hancur ) 2 Green Bell Peppers ( cincang )

1 Jalepeno Lada ( unggulan & cincang ) 1 ( 28 oz . ) Kaleng Tomat ( kupas & potong dadu ) 2 sdm . Red Chilli Powder ( Pisi Lal Mirch ) 2 sdt . Ground Cumin ( Pisa Zeera ) sdt . Oregano ( kering) 1 sdm . garam 3 sdm . Cuka Anggur Merah 1 liter air

Dalam panci besar di atas api sedang - tinggi , menempatkan kacang dalam tiga kali lipat volume air mereka . Didihkan , dan biarkan mendidih 10 menit . Tutup , angkat dan diamkan 1 jam. Tiriskan , dan bilas .

Dalam slow cooker , menggabungkan kacang basah dan 1 liter air tawar . Tutup , dan masak selama 3 jam pada tinggi .

Aduk wortel , seledri , bawang merah , bawang putih, paprika , lada jalapeno , lentil , dan tomat . Bumbui dengan cabai bubuk , jinten, oregano , lada hitam , cuka anggur merah , dan garam . Masak rendah untuk 2 sampai 3 jam . Aduk beras ke dalam slow cooker dalam 20 menit terakhir dari memasak .

Haluskan sekitar setengah dari sup dengan prosesor blender atau makanan , kemudian tuangkan kembali ke dalam panci sebelum disajikan .

Yiels: 10 Servings Preparation Time: 1 Hour Cooking Time: 5 Hours Ready In: 6 Hours Degree of Difficulty: Medium Recipe Category: Soup Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani Amount Per Serving: Calories: 232 Protein: 12.7 Grams Total Fat: 1.2 Grams Sodium: 852 MG Cholesterol: 0 Grams Carbohydrates: 43.5 Grams Dietary Fiber: 12.4 g

4 cups of Spinach Leaves (Palak Ke Pattay) 1 Onion (chopped) 2 tbsp. All-Purpose Flour (Maida) Salt (to taste) Black Pepper Powder (Pisi Kaali Mirch) (to taste) 1 tbsp. Fresh Cream 2 tbsp. Butter (Makhan) 1 cup Milk 2 cups Water

1. Wash the spinach leaves well with a few changes of water. Discard the thick stems. Boil spinach leaves in water for 8 minutes or until it is well cooked. Cool then puree in a blender. And set aside. 2. In a pan, heat the butter. In the hot butter add the chopped onions and saute on medium heat for 3 minutes or until the onions are transparent. Then add in the plain flour and fry briefly on low heat. 3. Add the spinach puree, milk, salt and pepper. Simmer on low heat for 3 minutes. Add the fresh cream, mix and serve hot.
4 cangkir Daun Bayam (Palak Ke Pattay) 1 Bawang (cincang) 2 sdm. All-Purpose Flour (Maida) Garam (secukupnya) Black Pepper Powder (Pisi Kaali Mirch) (secukupnya) 1 sdm. Krim segar 2 sdm. Butter (Makhan) 1 cangkir Susu 2 cangkir air

Cuci bayam daun baik dengan beberapa perubahan air. Buang batang tebal. Rebus daun bayam dalam air selama 8 menit atau sampai baik dimasak. Dinginkan lalu haluskan dengan blender. Dan sisihkan.

Dalam panci, panaskan mentega. Dalam mentega panas tambahkan bawang cincang dan tumis dengan api sedang selama 3 menit atau sampai bawang transparan. Kemudian tambahkan dalam tepung terigu dan goreng sebentar pada panas rendah.

Tambahkan haluskan bayam, susu, garam dan merica. Didihkan dengan api kecil selama 3 menit. Tambahkan krim segar, mencampur dan sajikan panas.

Serving Suggestions: Serve Hot with Cheese Crackers. Yield: 4 Servings Cooking Time: 14 Minutes Degree of Difficulty: Easy Recipe Category: Soup Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani

3 tbsp. of Vegetable Oil or Clarified Butter (Ghee) 1 medium Onion (chopped) 12 Peppercorns (Saabut Kaali Mirch) 4 Bay Leaves (Tezz Patta) (crumbled) 3 cups of Vegetable Stock pound of Red Lentils (washed) 2 tbsp. of Fresh Parsley (chopped) 3 Dry Red Chillies (seeded) Salt (to taste) (1 ") piece of Ginger Root (Adrak) (grated)

1. In a pot, heat clarified butter or oil over low heat until well hot. Add onion and cook until they are soft and transparent by stirring ocassionally. 2. Add peppercorns and bay leaves and cook for 5 minutes. Add stock, 1 cup water, lentils, parsley, chilies and salt. Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. When soup begins to boil, add ginger and continue to cook by stirring for about 10 minutes. 3 sdm. Minyak Nabati atau Klarifikasi Butter (Ghee) 1 media bawang (cincang)

12 Peppercorns (Saabut Kaali Mirch) 4 Bay Leaves (Tezz Patta) (hancur) 3 cangkir kaldu sayuran pon Red Lentil (dicuci) 2 sdm. Parsley segar (cincang) 3 Kering Merah Cabe (seeded) Garam (secukupnya) (1 ") sepotong Akar Jahe (Adrak) (parut)

Dalam panci, panas diklarifikasi mentega atau minyak dengan api kecil sampai juga panas. Tambahkan bawang dan masak sampai lunak dan transparan dengan mengaduk ocassionally. Tambahkan merica dan daun salam dan masak selama 5 menit. Tambahkan kaldu, 1 cangkir air, lentil, peterseli, cabai dan garam. Masak di atas api sedang selama 10 menit. Ketika sup mulai mendidih, tambahkan jahe dan terus memasak dengan pengadukan selama sekitar 10 menit.

Serving Suggestions: Serve Hot Degree of Difficulty: Easy Recipe Category: Soup Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani

5 tbsp. of Yellow Lentils (Toor Dal) (picked-over split skinned pigeon lentils) 1 pound of Plum Tomatoes (seeded and chopped) 3 Green Chillies (Hari Mirch) (halved lengthwise) 1 Whole Red Chilli (Lal Mirch) (halved lengthwise) 2 tbsp. of Ginger (Adrak) (peeled and finely chopped) 1 tsp. of Tamarind (Imli) A few sprigs of Fresh Coriander/Cilantro Leaves (Hara Dhania) 1 tsp. of Black Mustard Seeds 1 tsp. Coriander Powder (Pisa Dhania) tsp. of Cumin Powder (Pisa Zeera) tsp. of Turmeric Powder (Pisi Haldi) tsp. of Asafoetida Powder (Heeng Powder) Salt (to taste) 4 cups of Plain Water 1 tbsp. of Clarified Butter or Cooking Oil

1. Wash dal in several changes of water until water runs clear and drain well in a sieve. Cook dal at a bare simmer in 1 cups water in a 3-quart saucepan until

most of water is evaporated and dal has consistency of a paste, 40 to 45 minutes, stirring frequently during last 15 minutes to prevent scorching. 2. Heat ghee in a 6-quart heavy saucepan over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking, then cook mustard seeds and red chile, stirring, until seeds begin to pop. Add 1 cups water and remaining ingredients (but not dal paste). Bring to a boil and simmer, stirring occasionally, until tomatoes are softened, 6 to 8 minutes. Add dal paste and remaining cup water, stirring to incorporate. Bring rasam to a boil, stirring occasionally, and season with salt. Note: Soup may be made 2 days ahead and chilled, covered. Add water to thin, if necessary, before reheating.
5 sdm . dari Lentil Kuning ( Toor Dal ) ( mengambil- alih perpecahan berkulit lentil merpati ) 1 pound Plum Tomatoes ( buang bijinya dan cincang ) 3 Hijau Cabe ( Hari Mirch ) ( dibelah dua memanjang ) 1 Whole Red Chilli ( Lal Mirch ) ( dibelah dua memanjang ) 2 sdm . Jahe ( Adrak ) ( kupas dan cincang halus ) 1 sdt . Tamarind ( Imli ) Beberapa tangkai segar ketumbar / Cilantro Daun ( Hara Dhania ) 1 sdt . Benih Mustard Hitam 1 sdt . Coriander Powder ( Pisa Dhania ) sdt . dari Cumin Powder ( Pisa Zeera ) sdt . Kunyit Powder ( Pisi Haldi ) sdt . dari Asafoetida Powder ( Heeng Powder ) Garam (secukupnya ) 4 cangkir air Plain 1 sdm . Mentega diklarifikasi atau Minyak Goreng

Cuci dal beberapa perubahan air sampai air mengalir jelas dan tiriskan baik dalam saringan . Masak dal di didihkan telanjang 1 cangkir air dalam panci 3 - liter sampai sebagian besar air menguap dan dal memiliki konsistensi pasta , 40 hingga 45 menit sambil diaduk selama 15 menit terakhir untuk mencegah terik .

Panas ghee dalam panci berat 6 - liter di atas api sedang sampai panas tapi tidak merokok, maka memasak biji mustard dan Chili merah , aduk, sampai benih mulai muncul . Tambahkan 1 , gelas air dan bahan-bahan yang tersisa ( tetapi tidak dal paste) . Didihkan dan biarkan mendidih , aduk sesekali , sampai tomat melunak , 6 sampai 8 menit . Tambahkan dal pasta dan gelas air yang tersisa , aduk untuk menggabungkan . Bawa rasam sampai mendidih , aduk sesekali , dan bumbui dengan garam .

Catatan : Soup dapat dilakukan 2 hari ke depan dan dingin , tertutup . Tambahkan air untuk mengencerkan , jika perlu , sebelum pemanasan .

Serving Suggestions: Serve hot as a soup or with steaming hot plain rice and papads. Yield: 6 Servings Makes: 5 cups Degree of Difficulty: Medium Recipe Category: Soup Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani

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