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The War of 1812

Invasion of Canada Americans attacked Canada as British forces were weakest there and a successful American offensive might obliterate British influence among the Indians and garner new land for settlers. However, the offensive strategy was poorly conceived as instead of attacking the capital, Montreal, they lead a three-pronged invasion from Detroit, Niagara, and Lake Champlain. The invasion would fail shortly following the crossing of the Canadian border. Great Lakes Control of these lakes were vital, as energetic American naval officer, Oliver Hazard Perry, managed to build a fleet of green-timbered ships on the shores of Lake Erie and captured a British fleet in a furious engagement, raised the US in one half power to the rank of a first-class Power in the world British invasion of New York Despite battle successes, the Americans were forced to repel the European invaders from entering the states. Assembling some ten thousand crack troops, the British prepared for an undermining blow into NY by following the familiar lake-river route. With the absence of roads, the invaders were forced to bring supplies over the Lake Champlain waterway. The weaker American fleet commanded by Thomas Macdonough and emerged victorious; saving at least the upper NY from conquest. Washington D.C. A second formidable British force landed in Chesapeake Bay area in August 1814 and advanced rapidly onto Washington, easily dispersing some 6000 panicky militia men. The invaders entered the capital and set fire to most of the public buildings including the Capitol and the White House Fort McHenry Although Washington burned, Americans at Baltimore held firmly despite heavy cannon fire. Francis Scott Key anxiously watched the bombardment from a British ship and was inspired from Fort McHenrys doughty defenders to write the words of The Star-Spangled Banner which quickly garnered popularity Battle of New Orleans A battle during the War of 1812. The British army attempted to overtake New Orleans by a huge frontal attack onto entrenched American riflemen and cannoneers. However, Andrew Jackson defeated them and gave him an enormous popularity boost. Treaty of Ghent This ended the War of 1812 and restored the status quo. The territory capture in the war was returned to its original owner and set up a commission to determine the much disputed Canada/U.S. border

New England Federalists Extremists who proposed secession from the Union Hartford Convention Meeting of Federalists near the end of the War of 1812, 26 in total, listed their complains agains the ruling Republican Party. This catalyzed a traitorous view from the country and lost much of the Federalist influence

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