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6c p TnacHffi$
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Exodus 13:17-22;19 2A



sy HrNRrrrra Mrans

Brsrr MrAAony Vrnlr

Teacb rne knowledge and good judgrnent, for I belieae in your commands, Psalm 119:66

lrssoN Focus
It is God's plan to teach

us what is right.

Btstr Ar/trs
During this session, the student may


TELL that God gave the Ten

Commandments to teach His people

what is right;
2. DRAW symbols to explain how God teaches us *rough His \ford;
3, PLAN a way he or she

will obey

God's Vord; 4. CHOOSE to become a member of God's family, as the Holy Spirit leads.

As the book i{ Lrodu-< opens, three and a half centuries have passed since the closing scene oi Genesis- The book of Genesis is a family history. The book of Exodus is a nat*nal hlqcn. The Israelites in Egypt had grown into a nation of 3,000,000. The Piraraoh: h:d reduced them to a slavery of the worst sort. Ti"ris was hard for a people li-ho had lived in freedom with every favor upon them. But they clung i* iire prc':ir.e that one day Canaaowould be their home. In Exodus. ee C<<i coming to deliver the people from Egypt (Exodus 3:7,8). Now God *zs go:rg to give drem laws with which to govem themselves. He was going to;ike then hack to the land wfuch He promised them. To make the rdp from Egrpt to Canaan the coast is the shortest route, but God did not send rhe people rfus way. The coastal section was inhabited by the Philistines and tt= Israeiio had been slaves so long they did not know how to fight hostile people. So iie Lord sent the people across the Red Sea, down the Sinai peninsula r:: -\tounr Si,'rai. The Lord does not always lead us the shortest way, but He alv:..s leads us Lfre way that is best for us. At last the pct':ie carn. io rhe mountain of God, Mount Sinai, where the Lord would give His hn'" There God told the people ttrough the Ten Commandments s'hat He requires of thos n-ho want to please Him. For more than a thousand years Israel n'as u:der the igor of the Law. The purpose was to give guilty peo ple a knowledge rf theri s'll and then to lead them unto Christ (Galatians 3:24). Law cannot sare a perlcit. It only shows you that you are a sinner. You look in the minor and i-ou dlrcorer that your face is dirty and that your hair is disheveled, but the mirror n*iier dirties your face nor musses your hair, and it cannot cleanse your ::ce and comb your hair. It has oniy one power-that is to reueal jtour condificru. \ow ce l-aw does not make you a sinneq neither has it the power to cleanse 1ou from sin. It does one thing. It shows you how unable you are to live up to the standad tlut God expects of His children. There was One who could keep *re lan- :r er-ery point and He was our Lord and Savior Jesus Cluist. If you s-aff io plea-s God the only possible way is to have faith in Christ,



OprNrNG AssrmBLY


(For compiete Opening Assembiy script, see the Skit Produciian Guide found in the Director's Pack.) In the skit for Session 5, Sassy meets Moses as he's about to cLinb ]lount Sinai and receive the Ten Commandments from Gcd. Sassy wants to go with Moses to find out more about tl.ese laws that last forever, but Moses says he must

ober Gol and go alone.


(1')5 MINUTE'

I put the bricls in a hot kiln or oven to dry. The bricks are used for building homes and shops and other buildings. Our Hebrew word for brick is lebenab. Itb a form of the Hebrew word for "white." Most of our bricks are white when dried. Mineral deposits in the clay cause some bricks to turn pale red-


of acrivides. (Choose activities based on stalf and schedde con-siderations.) The Occupation Center (marked i-. irsed for ail age levels-Primary, Middler and Junior. W'e rel*mmend that this be implemented by a special coordinator as an ali-school center. Teachcrs accompany students to th.Lr ceruer


snlai.l goups" lead students to complete one or more

3" RgsmncH CEI.,rER: lDoL WonsHtp

Materials:Bibles, severai copies of the book Hou Tbey Liued in Bible Times (see back cover), large sheets of white butcher paper, pencils, felt pens. Haw to [/se.' Student-s read Hou Tbelt liued in Bible Times


f . iAr,rnoBY VERsE Wonps rN SToNE


trffi*riat* Brble, 12 stones, permanent felt pen. Prdnrutian: Letter the words of Psalm 119:65 on

the true God. They may draw pichlres or write phLrases. Students tell about iheir charts. As students are working, say, [n

{pp. 34-37) to find out about the different gods that were worsiriped by people in Bible Times. Srudents work together in smali groups to make charts contrasting false gods with 'frtsegdslfiwN:

stonHrn rr-ord on each stone. Set stones in conect order on flo;r or airle" Hr;t k; lse'" Srudents read verse aloud several times. Then
dividr .:ia:s hro nr-o teams. First team hides stones outside or in d:.ssroom. Time second team as they find stones and put ih: r-eise ia order" Repeat with second team hiding the stona. Sar. This verse is like a prayer to God. What are some situations in which kids your age might need good iudgment? (volunteers answer.) Learning more abom God and His Word teaches us how to make wise
decisions andfollow God's plans.

Bible Times, many people worshiped idols. Even God's own

people worshiped idols ^t times. Later in our Bible story we'll hear about the time God
gave His people Ten Commandments. One of the commandments said not to worship false gods. Srudents lind and read Exodus 20:3-6, God, knows that it's not easy for people to know what is true and right. That's why He gaveus His Word-{o teachus what is righl

-rk:. OccupanoN (ENTER: BRTcKMAKER

A ralunteer dresses in Bible Times clothes and acts as a Bible hmes bddinaker and demonstrates brickmaking. (For complae rrsrruc{ions and materials, see the Bible Times Occupatisn farpnbrochure in the Director's Pack.)

BoNus Acnvrv: Blgtt Tlmrs iA*nxrrpH(E 6AM[

each playeE number cube.

1z-6 players)

],Iateriak: Game board, business owner figures and instruciions from Teacbing Resourceq shekels, marker for
How tQ Use: Studenfs play game following instructions in Teacbing Resources. \X,hen students are finished say, Later teach Us what is

I'm a brickmaket inCanazn, the Prrymised rand- I begrn by using my feet to mix dirt (or red day;\, 'irnd and straw with water. The sand and straw he$ hold the brick together and keep it from cracking" Then I pack the mix'fure into wooden molds.
Crsnavrsttian Sugestiorn:

in our Bible story we'll find out that it is God's plan to right The marketplace is a good place

to practice doing right. How might a person do what is right (obey God) when in the marketplace?

Brsrs $ronv/ ApprlearrCIN


tional-pliotocopy of

Moses Time Lkte

picure from Teacbing

Preparation: On butcher papel draw a large map of the approximate route God's


Session 5 Figures A-G and Bible Lands Teacbittg Resources.session 5 Bible Beat papes, scissor:. butcher prper, felt pens, tape or tacks. pencils. Op-

I{s;z-i*k: Bibies,

peopie followed from Egypt to Mount Sinai (see sketch). Attach butcher paper to wali or bulietin board. Cut out Figures A-G. Optional: Color Time Line picture.




fi\{ark the following passages in your Bible: Exodus 13:1719:2A. Refer to these passages as yolr tell the story.) )o

*oB Treemrseq5$lrarylrla
(Volllnteem use tape or tacks tc attach figures to lnap on butcher paper as story progresses.) If your tamily goes camping. you knorv you have to bring a 1ot of str:ff with you. In fact, there is usually so much stuff that it barely fits in the car. And if you're going somepiace )ou've never been before, one very important thing to bring is the map to teil you how to get where _vou're going. So, you pack up yourself, your famrly, maybe a friend or fir'o, all your camprng stuff, and the map. Quite a big production for four, five, or maybe su people. Can ' you imagine what it wor.rld be like if instead of four, five, or sfr people, 1'ou were taking four, five, or stx bu.ndred thousand people, or more? (Figure A) Can you imagine what it rr-ouid be like if, instead of a car, you had a camel or don, key? (Figure B.) And what if rhere were no restaurants to stop at, no paved roads {naybe no roads at alll), no bathrooms where you camped, and no souvenir stores with candy and those weird postcards. That's what it was like for God's people as they were traveling *rough the desert. You see, afterJoseph saved his family from famine. they settled in Egypf. (point to Egpt on map.) After many years, new pharaohs, who did not remember hon Joseph saved Egypt, made Joseph,s descen, dants (the Hebrews) into slaves. About 400 years later, God rescued His people from slavery and promised to lead them to their very own land, ihe land God had promised Abraham so man) years before. So the Hebrews traveled away from Egy-pt, led by a guy named Nloses. Hundreds of thousands of Hebrews traveled together through the desert and

i i

Otoue llebrews, Figure A.) The name of this mountain was lvlount Sinai. After the people had set up camp, lvloses announced that God had asked to meet with hirn on the rop of Mount Sinai. So ail those hundreds of thor-rsands of people watched as Moses slowly climbed up the side ol Mount Sinai and disap-

peared into the cloud. Then they waited and waited and
wailed. Meanwhile, Moses anived at the top of the mountain. He

didn't have long to wait before God called his name. "lvlosesl" He said. "l have a message for you to give to my
people." You can imagine that Moses listened very carefully to what God said. Then. he climbed back down to where the people were waiting and told them what God had said. "God has some commands to give us," said Moses. "They

are all about the right way to live. He wants to know whefter or not we will accept them. \X,ihat do you say?" The people, who had been an.riously waiting to hear what had happened up on the mountain, answered, ,'We will do everything the Lord says." Then they waited for God
to reply.


Basrcs tN SroNE

thel'didn't even have r *rp" ih.y had soiething


A Croup Tnrrs


You see, God hadn't just tald the Hebrews to go to the land He was givrng them. He went with them and showed them the $'ay to go. At night God showed His presence n'ith a pi11ar of fire in the slq,. During the day God sent this

Three days later, something anazing happened. Mount Sinai began to quake and smoke. And then, thunder and lightning crashed al1 around it. (Figure F.) In rhe midst of all this, the people heard the sound of an enormous trumpet. They were frightened beyond words and were amazed to see X{oses begin again to climb up the mountain right through the middle of all the smoke, thunder and lightning. Moses disappeared frorn sight. He had gone to talk to God on the top of Mount Sinai. The people vraited and waited for Mcses to refurn. Without going into all the details of the people making an idol out of gold and Moses getting angry, we'li jump right to the most important part" When Moses fina11y came back down, he had a set of commands from God. And they were written on heary stone tabiets. (Figure

big cloud along v'ith the people. {Figure C.) \fhen the cloud moved, the people foilowed it. Vhen the cloud stopped, the people stopped and set up camp. \flho needs a map when you have something iike this? It was ktnd of scary though. The people couldn't get close to the cloud.
The,v couldn't touch it or see what was in it. And while they

You've probably guessed by now that those ru1es God gave His people are called the Ten Commandments. These commands tell the basics of a godly life-things like loving

God, obeying ourparenrs and telling the truth. The Ten

Commandments, and the rest of God's words in the Bible, are like a map showing us the right way to go rhrough life.

were kind of afraid, they did want to know more about

God. and what He had in mind for them. God understood how they felt and had chosen someone to help answer their questions. That someoite was Moses " (Figure D.) This is
n-hat happened.

And as we follow this road map, God has promised to be our guide. He not only helps us understandwhat is right,
He helps us do whai is right, too. It's God's plan to teach us

what is nght. (Optional: Attach Moses Time Line picture to


One day, after the Hebrews had been on the road for quite a n'hile, rhey saw a mountain off in the disrance. (Flgure E.) There are a lot of mountains in that part of the ri'orld. but this one really stood our. They foilowed the cloud that had been leading them as it moved slowly ton.ard the top of that mounrain. (Moue cloud, Figure C.) The people set up camp not loo far away and waited to see
n'hat n-ould happen since ihe cloud wasn't going any"w-here.





out Bibles, BibleBearpape6, pencils and felt pens.

To review Bible story, yolunteers read the parts of Ivl.C. Scriber and Moses on page 1. Ask, Why did God give IIis
people the Ten Commandments? (To teach them what

right.) Let's read the Ten Commandments from the

Bible. (Ailow volunteers to read aloud Exodus 20:1-17.) Optional Students conplete and discuss page 2 and the top of page 3. The top of page 2 reviews Interest Br.rilder +2,lhe
Brickmaker Occupation Center. Then snrdents tum to page 3 and complete "Transiation Station' section. Repeat verse aloud with students. Ask,

scnretiung God taught you from His \7ord anri how you ap-

plieti 3 to l'our iife. Ask, What have you iearned from God's Word? What will you do about wi:at you have

learoed (.\blunteers



What do you think

means to believe in God's commands? (Students respond.) God has given us His commands and His Vord to teach us what is righl Students teach us through His'Word? (Snrdents respond.) What if we read the Bible but don't do what it says? (Then we
haven't really learned anything.) Briefly share with students


The Bible says that when we become members of is withus in a special way. He helps us understand whatwe. read in the Bible, and He helps

fu's family;Jesus

lurn to

page 4 and complete activity" Ask,

How does God

us do good and loving things. If -vou'd like to know mare about becoming a member of God's family, talk with aay of the teachers here at Amaziag Journey to Bible limes. (See "Leading a Child to Cluist" p. 10.) ,

Ersm Tnnrs

Aenvmv {nrursns
(1 HR. 10

rnrot aotes and practiced writing on pieces of broken pofterf orwax-covered boards called tablets. A sharpeaed reed or stick was used to scratch letters in the


1 HR.

40 MIN.)

Blrtg Tl,tars Suacrs


to participate in

The following activities are all-school centers" to be

planned and implemented by special coordinators.

^rea For complete bating and eating traditional Matzoh Bread.

Srudenc gather in kitchen or dining

For complete instructions, see the Bible Times Music brochure n the- Director's Pack. Hoa to Use: Snldents gather in large room. Ask, Which book in the Bible is a book of songs? (Psalms.) The words to songs r,tng oJy people in Bible Psalrns "r"'th" we're going to worship God by singing Times. Today songs and reading words from the book of Psalrns. All shrdents recite Psalm 33:11 aloud (the Bible Memory Verse from Session 1). Sing "The Lord Is God." Volunteer reads Psalm 147:1. Sing and do movements to "God's Got a Plan." Voiunteer reads Psalm 33:7-3. Sing "Yesterday, Today and Tomonow' song. A1l students recite Psalm i00:3 (tlte Bible Memory Verse from Session 2). Lead students in prayer of
thanks and worship.

-"n:ck Lnstructions see page 9 or refer to the Snack Guide in tk: [].reclor's Pack. Ct:nrersation Suggestion: The Hebrews had a traditionaJ. meal called Passover. God gave insinrctions as to what Passover foods were to tre eaten and why. Today

we will prepare two of the special Passover foods (Matzoh Bread and hard-boiled eggs) to help us understand

life in -Voses' time.

{LosiNG to^,*r-,,r
] f ttte ri{ils : Blble, Mini
ca-csefie -{,[us ic ale songb

ook and


plarer, word chart for song.

Plal llitti-tltusicale

ssetle as students gather.

Song: Sing'Yesterday, Today and Tomonow."

Apilanal: Junior students use tiris time to practice speaking parts for the Mini-Musicale Closing Program (see script
tn Mini-Ifusicale songbook), in addition to learning songs.

Bible }{emory Yerse: Where can I find n Bible verse that is lilie a prayer, asking God to teacl: me? (Psalm 119:66.) lnvite all students who made Matzob Bread to reciie tiic Bible Mernory Verse.

BIBLE Tl&{[s CRAffi'g oo,o^,*rt,l Waxrp Bonnp AND WRffrNc 5flcK

For complete craft instructions, see "Waxed Board and \ilriting Stick' in Bible Times Craftsfor Kids (see back cover). Children make waxed boards simrlar to those used in Bible

Prayec Dear God, thank You for giving us Your commands to teach us what is right pe need You and Your Word to help us have good judgment and do what pleases You. Please be our teacher. In Jesus' name' afielL An:rouacementslDismiss: Tomoff ow we'll find out about a king who loved God and wasn't shy about it. He sang songs and danced in the street to worship

Canuersation Suggestiotts: What materials do you use

for writing or drawing? In Bible Times, books were written on scrolls of papyrus or parchment. People


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