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NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 `29 30 31 32 33 34 JUDUL BUKU WHO Model Presribing information Drug Used in Prasitic Diseases Proceeding seminar on Sustained Release Drug Dilevery Systems. Proceeding Plants in medicine validation & Development Analisis Regresi IIMS Vol.25 Namber I 1994 Ilmu daging ed.Kelima Merancang tes untuk memulai prestasi siswa Solar Crop Drying Vol.I & II The Honest Herbal A Sensible Guide The Use of Herbal & Related Remedies Characterization of isopentenyl Diphos Phate isomarase A.Regulatory Enzyme in Cinchona isoprenoid Bio Synthesis Prinsip prinsip manipulasi gen pengantar rekayasa genetic Ed.4 Physical Chemistry of Surfaces Herbal drug & Phytopharmaceutical Medicinal Herb Index in Indonesia ( Second Edition ) Indeks Tumbuh tumbuhan obat di Indonesia Ed.2 Supercritical Fluid Extration Principles & Practice The theory & practice on industri al pharmacy Materia Medika Indonesia ( MMI ) Human Toxoplasmosis Growth & Synthesis Permenters Biomenters Bioreactors & Biomelecular Synthesizers Building Blocks Biotechnology Reagents & Consumables Probability & Statistic for engineers & Scientists Antimicrobial in Foods AHFS ( Drug Information ) Suplement B AHFS ( Drug Information ) Suplement C Virology Veteriner Edisi dua Fisiologi Tumbuhan jilid 3 Natural Product Medicine Anatomi tumbuhan berbiji Kandungan organik tumbuhan tinggi DNA Fingerpriting in plans & Fungi Hand book of Indigenous Fermeted Foods Starch Comveresion Technology Kimia & Ekotoksikologi Pencemaran Memahami kembali sosiologi kritik terhadap teori sosiologi kontemporer PENGARANG WHO Yeyet.C.Andreanus. A.S.Jessie Sofia P Sukrasno,Siti.K Asep Gana Suganda R.K.Sembiring Sandoz R.A.Lawrie /Amanudin James S.Cangelosi Mahendra S.Sodha Varro E.Tyler ,PhD Ana Karmala Ramos Valdivia RW Old & SB Primrose Arthur W Adamson J.David phillipson Shin Kasahara Mark Mc.Hugh Leon Lachman Dept.Kes RI Darel O.Hojen William L.Hochfeld Williams L.Hochfeld Ronald E.Walpole Alfred Larry Branen AHFS AHFS Frank J.Fenner dkk Frank B.Solisbury Der Maderosian Ara Harold Estiti B.Hidayat BI FMIPA Trevor Robinson,ter,Kosasi Kurt Weising Keith H.Streinkraus G.M.A.Van Beynum Des W.Connell Gregory J.M. Irving M.Zeitlin Penerjemah PENERBIT WHO ITB FA ITB FA ITB ITB UI.Press ITB CRC Press The Haworth Press Ri Jksumiversiteit Leiden Oxford University Press John wiley & Sons ,Inc CRC Press P.T.Eisai Indonesia Butterworths Lea & Febiger Direktorat Jend.Pengawasan obat & Makanan Oxford Uniper.Press Interpharm Press Interpharm Press Macmillan Publishing Company Marcell Dekker,Inc ASHF ASHF Academic Press Inc Wadsworth Publishing The George F.Stickle ITB ITB CRC Press Marcell Dekker,Inc CRC Press UI Press G.M.University Press TAHUN 1995 1995 1995 1995 1994 1995 1995 1987 1993 1996 1989 1990 1994 1995 1986 1986 1995 1992 1994 1994 1985 1983 1995 1995 1993 1992 1988 1995 1995 1995 1983 1995 1995 1995

Drs.Anshori Drs.Juanda 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Pharmaceutical Practice Infared Spectroslopy experimental methods & Techniques EPA Speak the Interpharm Glossary of EPA Acronyms & Laguratory Trims Encyclopedia of emulsion technology Vol.1 Basic Theory Principles of pharmacology : A.Tropical Approach Logam dalam system biologi mahluk hidup Kesadaran bahasa kritis Teori & Praktek farmasi industri II Tata bahasa pendidikan landasan penyusunan buku pelajaran bahasa Ikatan kimia Ilmu kemajiran pada ternak Kimia & Ekotoksikologi Social pharmacy Inovation & Development Anatomi kajian ranah tumbuh manusia I ed.5 Promosi kesehatan petunjuk praktis Mengenal asas proteksi radiasi Sumber luar negeri bagi pemb.Indonesia Pengembangan program pengajaran bidang studi kimia Ilmu nutrisi Makanan ternak rumiran Natural product medicine A.Scientific Guide to Foods,Drugs Cosmetics ISO ( Informasi Spesialite Obat ) Indonesia ed.Farmakoterapi Vol.XXVI - 1995 Penc`iptaan sintesis organic pengantar ter program pendekatan sintom Opathamic Drug Delevery Systems Managing the clinical drug development process drug and the pharmaceutical sciences Vol.51 Novel Drug Delevery Systems Vol.50 Specialized drug delivery systems manufacturing & production technology Vol.41 New drug approval process second edition rivesed & expanded Vol.56 Radio Pharmaceuticals chemistry & Pharmacology Analytical profiles drug substances Volume 13 15 Drug Dependence Methods for protein analysis A.Practical Guide to labolatory protocol Buku kerja untuk sintesis organic pendekatan diskoneksi The second International forum on conservation James E.Stewart Dean E.Snyder Paul Bacher D.T.Okpako Darmono Horman Fairclough Perterjemahan Drs.Hartoyo Leon Lachma,Ph.D Nurhadi Nuraeni Syarifudin H.Soeharjopranyoto Des.W.Connel Gregory Geoffrey Harding Gardner,Gray,oRahil ly Linda ElwesIna Simnett Suwarno Wiryosimin Zulkarnaen Djamin Dra.Mulyati Arifin M.Pd Aminuddin Prakkasi Ara Der Marderosin Dep Kes Start Woren Peterjemah Prof.Dr.Samboedi K.Apt David M.Cocehetto Yie W.Chien Praveen Tyle Richard A.Guarino M.D Adrian D.Nunn Klaus Florey Jonson M.White Robert A.Copeland Stuart Wareh Irawadi Jamaran dkk Churchill Livingstone Marcell Dekker,Inc Deanco Limited Marcell Dekker,Inc Combridge University Press UI Press IKIP Semarang Press UI Press IKIP Semarang Press G.M.Univ.Press Airlangga Univ.Press UI Press The Pharmaceutical Press UI Press U.G.M. Press ITB UI Press Airlangga Univ.Press UI Press The George F.S.Comp ISFI U.G.M Press 1990 1970 1993 1983 1991 1995

1994 1995 1994 1995 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 1988 1995 1995

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

Marcell Dekker,Inc Marcell Dekker,Inc Marcell Dekker,Inc Marcell Dekker,Inc Marcell Dekker,Inc Marcell Dekker,Inc The American Pharm. Printiee Hall,Inc Chapman & Hall U.G.M.Press All Rights Reser Ved

1993 1992 1992 1990 1993 1992 1984 1991 1994 1995 1995

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95

& Sustainable use of tropical bioresources proceedings Buku Proceding diskusi panel nasional FA 2nd International congres on phyto medic Proceding kongres ilmiah XI ISFI Procedings the international congress traditional and medicinal palant Prof.Dr.Joke Wattimena Srikandi Farmakologi Indonesia Immunology A.Scort Course Third ed Mikrobiologi umum ed Ke - 6 Scientific annual report 1996 GBF Geseelschaft for Biotechologis che for schung mbh braunschweeing Prinsip prinsip kimia medicinal jilid I A Manual on the essential oil industry WHO Expert Committee on specifications for pharmaceutical proprations Leenrbuch der pharmazeutischer Biologie Microencapsuplation methods and industrial Applications Parenteral Quality Control Principles of steril product preparation Kimia & biologi antibiotik B.laktam Volume 3 ( Tiga ) Biokimia Bioakumulasi senyawa xenobiotik Denominations communes International es (DCI) Paur les Substances Pharmaceutique Inter pretation of maas spectra fourth E Medical pharmacology at glance Second Immunology at a Glance sixth Edition Radical Chemistry Plant Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Trends in traditional medicinal research proceedings Natural products their chemistry and biological significance Analisis pertumbuhan tanaman Flavonoids and Bioflavonoids Progres in drug development from medicinal plant.procedings of unisco regional symposium on drug development from medicinal plant October 25 27 1996 Procedings Unisco National seminar on chemistry of natural product of ind plan Advances in Chinese medicinal materials researth Herbal gram cumulative index issues 18 through 33 (1988 1995 ) Herbal grama Issues I Through 17 (1983-1988)

Ars Praeparandi Alunich Germany ISFI Prof.Dr.Sutarjadi Dkk Prof.Dr.R.Z.Leiriss a Eli Berjamini Hans G.Schlegal Dr.J.H.W.Isobrt William O.Foye K.Tuley De Selvia WHO Hansel Hobzi Simon Benita Michael J.Akers E.Clyde Buchanan dkk Robert B.Morin Des .W.Connel .Yanti RH World Health Organi WHO Pred.W.Mclafferty M.J.Neal J.H.L.Playfair M.J.Perkins Peter J.Lea & Richard Kit lam chan (Chairman ) J.Mann R.S.Davidson S.M.Sitompul & Bambang G S.Antus Prof.Buowei Qin Chairman Usman sumo.Tambunan lis .K H.M.Chang .H.W.Yeung Dkk ST Johns wort Mark.Blumenthal

ITB Munich Germany BPD ISFI Semarang Yayasan Widya Husada Pustaka Seminar hari Waley Liss UGM Press GBP Brauschweing UGM Press UNIDO WHO Verlag Berlin Marcell Dekker,Inc Marcell Dekker,Inc ASHP IKIP Semarang Press UI Press WHO University Sciences Blackwell Science Ltd Blackwell Science Ltd Ellis Horwood Limite John Wiley & Sons The school of pharmaceutical sciences Logman Group UK UGM Press Akademia kiado UNISCO

1996 1996 1996 1990 1997 1996 1994 1996 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1994 1995 1995 1995 1996 1993 1992 1996 1994 1993 1995 1994 1995 1996 1996

96 97 98 99

Jur.Kimia FMIPA UI Word Scientific publishing CO Pte American botanical council American botanical council

1995 1985 1989 1988

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129

The potential for herbal medicine in the world pharmaceutical Industry Vol.I Marketing Indonesia spices in the EEC Volume II Pharmacy practice Ristory of pharmacy ( Fourt Edition ) Pharmacy drugs & medicinal care (Fifth ed ) Imformatorium Medicamentorumn I Imformatorium Medicamentorumn II National Bibliography on Indonesia Biodiversity action plan for Indonesia The new EFor Additives Pandangan tentang strategi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan teknologi kedokteran European Phytotelegram official news The healing herbs the ultimate guide to the curative power of nature,s medicines Principles of pharmacoeconomics Element of ecology third edition The clinical interview using DSM III R Methods in observational epidemiology Current medical diagnosis treament Pharmacy information system justifying , evaluating ,and Inplementing a Systems Panduan Epidemiologi bagi pengelolaan kesehatan kabupaten Communicating in science writing a scientific paper and speaking at scientific meetings second edition Quality control in analytical chemistry Statistical methods in analytical Chemistry Proceedings seminar 70 Tahun Prof.Moedomo Second International Cosmetics Symposium (Proceedings) 23 24 October 1995 Pedoman cara pembuatan obat yang baik Boekoe obat obat pemberi isjarat dan pembitjaran perihal pakeinja Plant anatomy fourth edition Wanita menjelang usia maturitas Livil Tibolone

Mc.Alpine Mc.Alpine Patricia,Stone & Stephen J.Curtis Glenn Sonedekeer Ph.D Mickey C.Smith & David A Verantwoord Genessmid del Gebruit Verantwoord Genessmid del gebruit Dady P.Rachmananta Dina Isyanti Dkk Prof.Dr.Herman Haeruman Js Maurince Hanssen Prof.Dr.Mahar Marjono,Dokter DSS C.Boer.CS Michael castieman J.Lyle Bootman Robert leo smith Ekkehard othmer Jennifer L.Kelsey Marcus A.Krupp Milton J William A Gouveia J.P.Vaughan & RH Morrow .dr.Hendarmin Aulia Vermon Booth Kateman & L.Baydens Peter C.Meier & Richard Hendra Gunawan PhD K.Husnii Lan Baser,Yasemin yazam Dep Kes Njonja J.Kloppen Burg Versteogh A.Fahn Ratna suprapti samil Organon

Thorpe & warrier International Marketing & Econie Services Farrand Press JB.Lippincott Comp. Williams & Wilkins Koninklijke Nederland dse maatschappij Bevordering der pharmacie Perpus.Nasional RI Jakarta Ministry of National Developments Thorsons pub Grup AIPI .Komisi bid.ilmu kedokteran ESCOP Rodale press Harveg Whitney Harper Collins American Psychiatric Press Oxford University Press Maruzen Asian ASHP ITB Cambridge University Press John Wiley & Sons INC John Wiley & Sons INC P.4.M.ITB Andalu University Dep Kes G.C.T.Van Dorp & Co N.V Pergamon Press Bagian Obstetra Dan Ginek PT.Organon Indonesia

1988 1988 1995 1976 1992 1994 1994 1998 1988 1987 1994 1994 1991 1991 1992 1989 1986 1980 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1998 1995 1988 1941 1990 1994

130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161

Delena estradiol valerate /Medroxy Progesterone acetale Seputar Masalah menopause Metologi penelitian dalam farmasi & kesehatan Tanaman obat keluarga ( Toga ) Pedoman kader pemanfaatan tanaman obat untuk kesehatan keluarga edisi III An Introduction to phytopharmacy Taksonomi Spermatophyta untuk farmasi Ed.I.1998 Taksonomi tumbuhan untuk farmasi Ed.I.1998 Stastistik Farmasi kesehatan The Hospital from ceutre of excellence to community support Pharmaceutical dosage forms : Disperse systems Volume I & II Starting research an introduction to academc research and dissertation writing The psychologists companion Ed.III Hand book of instutional pharmacy practice third edition Research Guidelines for evaluating the safety & efficacy of herbal medicines Food Biochemistry Plant Systematics second edition Dictory fibre A Componentof food nutritional functional in health & disease Scientific style & format the CBE Manual for authrors ,editors ,& publishers sixth edition Purshesing & Material Management Journal of naturaceutical ,functional & medical foods Selectivity & Detectability Epitimization in HPLC Hand Book of Pharmakokinetics Toxicity Assessment of Chemicals Introduction of Alkaloids Tuntunan masyarakat terbuka dan kesukatan mewujudkan masyarakat demokratis Prespektf budaya dalam pembangunan ekonomi masa depan Indonesia Polymer science and technology Chemometrics ,Application of mathematics & woshington manual Essentials of pharmacy management Ambulatory medicine ,the primary care of familie Manual of pedeatric the primary care of oncologi Applied Pharmacokinetiks

Organon Ali Raziad,Stazuardi Ahmad fuad afdhal Drs.Sumarsono,Drs. H.Rivai Dept kes RI M.S.F.Ross & K.R.Brain Drs.R.Bambang Sutrisno Drs.R.Bambang Sutrisno Ahmad fuad afdhal Norman Vetter Herbert A.Lieberman Roy Preece Robert J.Sternberg Thomas R.Brown WHO Charles A.& Duy Linden Samuel B.Jones ,Jr,PhD T.F.Schweizer & C.A.Edw Francess H.Porcher CS Leeders ,Fearon & England Nancy Maressa Child .Ph.D JD.Winarforoner Jean Pierre Labaune Gioferey A.Cordell Ikatan alumni ITB Ikatan alumni ITB Joel R.Fried Richard G.Breretan Dennis H.Tooteliah Mark B.Mengel MD Philip Lanzkowsky William E.Evans

PT.Organon Indonesia PT.Organon Indonesia ISTN Dep kes RI Dept Kes RI Pitman Medical Fak.Fa.Univ.Pancas ila Fak.Fa.Univ.Pancas ila ISTN Chapman & Hall Marcell Dekker,Inc Pinter Cambrige Univ .Press ASHP WHO Ellis Horwood Limited Mc Graw Hill Book Company Springer Verlag Cambridge Univ.Press Irwin Published by pharmaceutical products press John Wiley & Sons Ellis Harwood Limited John Wiley & Sons Sapto Kuntoro W Sapto Kuntoro W Prentice Hall,Inc Ellis Haewood Limited Mosby a.Lance,Clinical manual Churcill Livingstone Applied Therapeutics INC 1995 1998 1995 1996 1977 1998 1998 1998 1995 1988 1994 1995 1995 1993 1991 1987 1992 1994 1989 1997 1989 1989 1981 1999 1999 1995 1990 1993 1993 1989 1994

162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 178 179 180 181 182 183 184

Pharmacy Management in Canada Current cancer therapeutics Pharmacotherapy A.Pathophysiologic approach third edition jilid 1 , 2 , 3 Applied therapeutics the clinical use of drugs volume 1 , 2 , 3 Textbook of organic medicinal & pharmaceutical chemistry Hospital pharmacy Panduan kerja serta pengembangan & penerapan pengobatan tradisional Essential Hematology Pisikologi Umum Pengantar hukum kesehatan indonesia Pengantar ekonomi mikro Penerapan psikologi dalam perawatan Manajemen produksi Ilmu teori & Filsafat Komunikasi Hukum perubahan bidang hubungan kerja Pengantar hukum perubahan Dasar dasar hukum perubahan Pengantar biostatistika Manajemen Logistik Drug Interations basic principles & clinical problems Kumpulan makalah dan rangkuman hasil lokakarya nasional pendidkan tinggi farmasi 21 22 Nop 1997 Pusat studi jepang ,kampus UI Depok Pundamentals of clinical pharmacokinetics Pengantar dan pelengkap kulih immunologi dalam ilustrasi Industrials Hygienn Text books Of wolter supply & sanitry engineering New Concepts in water purification Chemical process Industrials Seafoods chemistry processing technology Biochemistry of foods Food Analysis Volume I Food Analysis Volume II Biopharmaceutics and Relevant Pharmacokinetics The merck Index Ed.11 1989 HACCP Principles & Applications New Natural Products Discovered by institute of natural medicine Proseding seminar tantangan dan prosfek hayati

Andre Archambaulth John M.Kirkwood Joseph T.Dipiro Lioyd yee young Willson & Gisvolds William,E Hasan Dep Kes RU.Hoffbranal Dr.Kartini Kartono Drs.CST Kansil SH Prof.Dr.Winardi SE Andrew Meghie MA.PhD Prof.Dr.Sukanto Resko Prof.Dr.Onong Uchjana Prof.Imam Soepono SH Prof.Imam Soepomo SH Zaenal Asikin SH Robert R.Sokal Donal J. Bowersx Joseph A.Albannese Dra.Joshinta D,MS

Grosvennor Hause Press Dy.Current Medicine By Appleton & Lange By Applied therapeutic JB.Lippincott Lea & Febiger Bakhti Husada Blackwell Scientific Madar maju PT.Melton Putra JKT Mondar maju Audi Jogjakarta BPFE Jogjakarta PT.Citra Aditya Bakti Djambatan Djambatan PT.Rja Grafido Persada UGM Press Bumi Aksara Mc Graw Hill INC Universitas Indonesia

1999 1996 1997 1995 1991 1986 1998 1990 1996 1991 1990 1996 1997 1993 1994 1995 1997 1997 1995 1978 1997

185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199

John,G.Wagner Andreanus A.Soemadji Robert W.Allen S.K.Husain By.Gordon L.Culp R.Norris Sheve Fareidon Shahidi N.A.Michael Eskin Dieter W.Gruenwedel Dieter W.Gruenwedel John ,G.Wagner Susan Budavari Merle D.Pierson Shigetoshi Kodota Sukrasno

Hamilton FA ITB Prentise Hill ,Inc Oxford & IBH Publishing NR.Yan Nostrand Renhold Mc Graw Hill ,INC Academic Academic Press,INC Marcell Dekker,INC Marcell Dekker,INC Hamilton Illinois Merck & Co,INC Chapman & Hall Toyoma Medicine & Phar Lp.ITB LPM ITB

1979 1998 1976 1979


1984 1984 1971 1989 1999 1998

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dalam meningkatkan ekonomi nasional Emosional Intelegence Kecerdasan emosi untuk mencapai puncak prestasi Ragulatory situtation of herbal medicine Journal of herbs,spices & medicinal plant Cancer pain relief & palliatative care in chirden Proseding seminar bioteknologi kelautan Indonesia I 98 Kjt,Widya Graha LIPI 14 15 Oct 1998 Pengantar epidemiologi Pharmacotherapy self assessment program second edition module 4 , Book B Pharmacotherapy self assessment program second edition module 5 , Book A Pharmacotheraphy self assessment program second edition module 5 , Book B Pharmacotheraphy self assessment program second edition module 1 ,Book A Pharmacotheraphy self assessment program second edition module 1 , Book B Pharmacotheraphy,self assessment program second edition module 2 , Book A Pharmacotheraphy self assessment program second edition module 2 , Book B Pharmacotheraphy self assessment program second edition module 3 , Book A Pharmacotheraphy self assessment program second edition module 3 , Book B Pharmacotheraphy self assessment program second edition module 6 , Book A Pharmacotheraphy self assessment program second edition module 7 , Book A Pharmacotheraphy self assessment program second edition module 8 , Book A Drug utilization studies Interpreting Laboratory Data 4 Th Scientific conference of the asian societies of cosmetic scientitst proceding book bali 7 9 April 1999 Procedure for the intravenous admistration of drugs edisi thrind Polisy and procedure manual inpatient clinical pharmacy cervices Procedures for hadling cytotoxic dorgs Therapeutics drug monotoring our medical responsibility for the 1990 National University Hospital Farmacy Guide Nurse Guidelines for administration for intravenous medications for pediatric patiens,Third Ed Infusion Technology manual Applied management in hospital Concep in clinical pharmacokinetics Resoure book on progressive pharmaceutical services Preparing A.Drug Imformation Response

Daniel Goleman Daniel Goleman Xiaoruni Zhang Lyles Craker WHO Subagyo Soemadihardjo Azirul Anwar Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten Barry Z Carten MNG Dukes Scott L Traub

Gramedia Jakarta Gramedia Jakarta WHO Published By Food Prducts WHO LIPI Binarupa Akasara ACCP ACCP ACCP ACCP ACCP ACCP ACCP ACCP ACCP ACCP ACCP ACCP WHO ASHP

1999 1999 1998 1997 1998 1999 1999 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1993 1992

Salth Australia Mike Becker R.Ph San Fransisco Am.Soc.Of host it.Far South Australia National .Univ .Hos.Far ASHP ASHP ASHP ASHP ASHP ASHP

1989 1989 1983 1990 1989 1988 1993 1991 1988 1986 1995

Diane C.Ford Celeste M.Lindley C.Richard Talley Joseph T.Dipiro Joseph H.Oddis Kimberly A.Cali

233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252

Clinical skills program Sayuran dunia 1 & 2 Evaluating drug literature Indeks obat tradisional Analyzing & Recording drug imformation request Garaderma systematic phytopathology & Pharmacy Proceedings Policy & Procedure manual drug information & analysis service Quality assunce for pharmacy prepared sterile products workbook Aldrich Medicinal natural products Herbal drugs Industry Institut Teknologi Bandung buku wisuda sarjana Pedoman pengelolaan laboratorium klinik rumah sakit Pedoman pelayanan dietetik rumah sakit Pedoman kerja untuk komite farmasi & rumah sakit Kimia Peptida Tablet of spectral data for structure determination of organic coumpounds Medical Abbreviations Safe Handling of cytoxic & Hazardaus drug Undang Undang Republika Indonesia No.11 Tahun 1998 tentang perubahan berlakunya undang undang No.25 Tahun 1997 Tentang ketenagakerjaan Peraturan pemerintahan RI No.6 Tahun 1995 ,tentang perlindungan tanaman Petunjuk pemeriksaan pestisida dengan kromatografi lapis tipis ( KLT) Dan Kromatografi Gas ( KG ) WHO Expert commite on spefications for pharmaceutical Preprations Anti Ferfility Plants Penelitian tanaman obat dibeberapa perguruan tinggi di Indonesia Himpunan peraturan perundang undangan bidang kesehatan Undang undang RI No.19 Tahun 2002 tentang hak cipta Kumpulan peraturan perundangan apotek Hukum hak cipta UUHC Information products on pharmaceuticals (catolague) The new standard for value and productivity Atomic absorption / plasma emission spectrometer Lab Asia (Vol.8) Lab Asia (SARS Research) (Vol.10) Petro Industry News Laboratory Equipment for Education ,Industry Analytical Excellen ( Catalogue )

Nancy A.Mason Vincent E.Rubatzky Gary H.Smith Ahmad farhar hamid Kimberly Galt Peterk Buchanan

ASHP ITB ASHP Univ.Kuala ASHP Taipe Cina Univ. Univ.Calif .Sanfransisco ASHP Wiley Fasters Publishers ITB Dep Kes Dep Kes Dep Kes ITB Spiringe Verlag Associaters ASHP BP.Cipta Jaya Jakarta

1993 1998 1995 1997 1994 1994 1995 1994 1999 1997 1996 1999 1999 1999 1999 1989 1989 1990 1990 1998

Greg Snyder ,H.S Paul M.Dewick R.D.Chaudhri ITB Dep Kes Dep Kes Dep Kes Miklos Bodanszky peterjemah kosakis PW Klaus Bieman Neil M.Davis Ronald Sihaan SH

253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269

Ayi Kusmayadi Drajat Nendrosuwito WHO R.C.Combie Dep Kes Dep Kes RI

Dirjen Bima Perindo Farm Dep Kes WHO Csiro Australia Dep Kes Dep Kes RI Panca usaha putra Jakarta BPOM ALUMNI Bandung WHO Agilent technologies Aurora Lab Asia Lab Asia Zellweger

1997 1998 1999 1998 2001 2002 2004 2004 2003

Drs.Suko Hardjono dkk Prof.Dr.Eddy Damian,SH WHO

2001 2003 2000 2001

Mettler Toledo

270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299

Analytical Excellence ( Catalogue ) Kumpulan abstrak hasil penelitian dan karya ilmiah UNPAD XV Kumpulan abstrak penelitian dibidang obat ,cemaran makanan / minuman dan kosmetika (Edisi III) Collections Abstract Researches XV Kumpulan abstrak hasil penelitian dan karya ilmiah UNPAD XI Kumpulan abstrak penelitian tanaman obat dibeberapa perguruan tinggi di Indonesia (Edisi XI) Computer system validation for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries Tiga Dimensi Farmasi Ilmu Teknologi ,Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Potensi Ekonomi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Teori dan Penerapan Self Management Sinonim obat untuk apotek dan awam Lab Asia Lab Asia Karya Cipta Ilmu & Teknologi Terpopuler Upaya Afiliasi Ilmu dan Teknologi Total Quality Management Collections Abstract Researches XIX Kumpulan abstrak hasil penelitian dan karya ilmiah UNPAD XIX Kumpulan abstrak hasil penelitian dan karya ilmiah UNPAD XX Cultivation status and genetic diversity of Yam Bean (Pachyhizus erosus (L)Urban)in Indonesia Pembangunan berkelanjutan antara konsep dan realitas Otobiografi Neken Jamin Sembiring Kembaren Kumpulan makalah penataran dan lokakarya pengelolaan HKI Pemberdayaan masyarakat dan industri melalui pemanfaatan hasil hasil penelitian Symposium and Workshop on Promoting Inventions and Innovations in Indonesia From Idea to Impact Seminar Nasional Kimia dan Kongres Nasional Himpunan Kimia Indonesia Membangun Budaya Unggul Catalog Handbook of Fine Chemicals Mata kuliah pengembangan kepribadian Bahasa Indonesia Mata kuliah pengembangan kepribadian Broadening Horizons Integrated Practice in English Mata kuliah pengembangan kepribadian kewarganegaraan Mata kuliah pengembangan kepribadian wawasan Al Islam

Mettler Toledo 2001 Dep Kes RI Dep Kes RI 2000 2001 1997 Dep Kes RI Richard Chamberlain Prof.Dr.Midian Sirait Prof.Dr.Charles J.P.Siregar,M.Sc Aribowo Prijosaksono,Dkk Drs.Hartono Hdw.,MM EGC Gramedia Dep Kes RI 2003 1991 2001 2004 2002 2004 Thermo Thermo Electron Corporation FMIPA UNPAD Fandy Tjiptono,Anastasia Diana Andi Jogjakarta LIPI UNPAD LIPI UNPAD LIPI UNPAD Agung Kurniawan Otto Soemarwoto Sedia Willing Barus Cuvillier Verlag UNPAD Pustaka Sora Mido Univ.Mulawarman Univ.Mulawarman 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2006 2004 2004 2003 2004

Tim Dosen Bahasa Indonesia Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Tim Dosen Kewarganegaraan Tim Dosen Agama Islam

Aldrich Chemical Company UNPAD UNPAD UNPAD UNPAD

2006 2006 2006 2006

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