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Ref: Van Putte et al., 9 ed. 2011, chapter 28.

Amy is a happy and healthy 21 year old university student, currently taking the combined contraceptive pill. She has been seeing a regular doctor at her local Womens Health Clinic for a few years. Amy needs to get her prescription renewed, so she makes an appointment with her doctor. During the appointment Amys doctor records her blood pressure, conducts a routine breast examination, performs a Pap smear (Papanicolaou smear) and renews her pill prescription. 1) What two hormones are found in the combined contraceptive pill and where is each normally produced? The two hormones that are found in contraceptive pills are estrogen and progesterone . Estrogen- Produced in the ovary Progesterone-produced by the corpus luteum in the ovary 2) Describe briefly, how a combined contraceptive pill works. Contraceptive pills works by the following: Preventing the release of eggs from the ovaries Changing the lining of the womb to make it hostile to a fertilised egg which is trying to implant Thickening cervical mucus to form a barrier to sperm so that they cant swim up into the uterus and fallopian tubes.

3) What could be the result if Amy missed 5 days of her contraceptive pill? This can result to unintended pregnancy if sexually active and if she wanted to go back on the pill she shouldnt take the missed pills as this will result to bleeding. 4) Draw a diagram explaining the regulation of hormones during the menstrual/ovarian cycle.

5) Amy and her doctor discuss the importance of regular pap smears. W h a t i s a p ap s me ar a n d give a brief description of the method. A Pap smear checks for changes in the cells of the cervix. Pap smear can determine if you have an infection, abnormal cervical cells or cervical cancer. Pap smear is done by a doctor during a pelvic examination. While you lie on the exam table the doctor inserts an instrument called speculum into your vagina, the doctor then opens the speculum while its in your vagina to see the cervix ,then with a special stick/brush the doctor will take a few cells from inside and around the cervix. The cells are placed on a glass side and sent to the lab for examination.

6) Amys doctor recommends that she have a Gardasil injection. What is Gardasil and how will it help Amy? Gardasil is a vaccine that helps protect you against the human papillomavirus and related diseases such as cervical cancer.Gardasil injection will help Amy by reducing the risk of HPV or cerival cancer.

7) After chatting to her doctor about her cervix and cervical cancer, Amy is surprised to find out her cervix secretes mucus. Describe the changes in cervical mucus throughout the menstrual cycle. The amount and texture of your cervical mucous can help you pinpoint ovulation. Cervical mucous changes in amount and texture throughout the menstrual cycle.It can be either dry,sticky,eggwhite or watery. As you get close to ovulation cervical muscous will appear creamy. Prior to ovulation it will be sticky. Cervical mucous increases and becomes sticky just before the menstrual cycle. 8) The next morning, Amy takes her contraceptive pill it is the first of her sugar pills. This means that Amys hormone levels will fall will experience menses soon. How does the endometrium of the uterus reflect its role in the female body? What changes occur in

the endometrium during the menstrual cycle? The uterus function is the development and birth of a child. The uterus provides a padded space for the growing foetus and nutrients via the placenta. During the menstrual cycle these changes take place. Firs a follicle on the ovary matures and prepares to release an egg. The hormones released by the maturing follicle cause thicking and increased blood supply to the the endometrium. This provides a sticky surface for the egg to implant itself in. If fertilized, the egg embeds itself in the endometrium and the placenta begins to form, which will feed the growing embryo. If the egg is not fertilized, the endometrium sheds and is expelled through the vagina known as a period.

9) What is the role of the vagina in female reproduction, how does the structure (epithelium, muscle etc.) reflect the role? The main roles of a vagina are childbirth and sexual intercourse. Deep to the epithelial layer is the lamina propria, a layer of connective tissue with many elastin fibers that allow the vagina to stretch. A layer of smooth muscle tissue located deep to the lamina propria allows the vagina to expand and contract during sexual intercourse and childbirth. Surrounding the smooth muscle is the outermost layer of the vagina known as the tunica externa. The tunica externa is a layer of dense irregular connective tissue that forms the outer protective shell of the vagina.

10) What is the role of the uterine tubes in female reproduction, how does the structure (epithelium, muscle etc.) reflect the role?

The Uterine Tubes in a female reproduction is a hollow muscular tube roughly 13 cm . Each tube has 3 parts:The Infundibulum the end closest to the ovary forms an extended funnel, the infundibulum has numerous fingerlike projections that extend into the pelvic cavity. The projections are called fimbriae. The inner surfaces of the infundibulum are lined with cilia that beat toward the middle segment of the uterine tube, called the ampulla . The Ampulla. The thickness of the smooth muscle layers in the wall of the middle part of the uterine tube gradually increases as the tube meets the uterus. The Isthmus. The ampulla leads to the isthmus, a short segment connected to the uterine wall.

ISAP100 Module 12

Sem 1, 2013

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