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GPS distance search via MySQL and PHP

Posted in: Programming|By: Matou Havlena|04.11.2009No Comments

Do you have objects with GPS coordinates stored in your DB (if not, you can get GPS coordinates simply) and do you want to search among them on the basis of mutual distances? Yes? So its you who can appreciate following MySQL procedure.

We can start
The sample is going to work with this table: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `buildings` ( `building_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `building_street` VARCHAR(200) NULL , `building_street_nr` VARCHAR(20) NULL , `building_city` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL , `building_latitude` VARCHAR(30) NULL , `building_longitude` VARCHAR(30) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`building_id`) ) We will create the procedure called gpsdistance with two input numbers mybuilding_id and mydistance. CREATE PROCEDURE `gpsdistance` (IN mybuilding_id INT, IN mydistance INT)

represents ID number of our base building in which surroundings we will search further buildings (which are situated inside the distance handed in the second parameter mydistance) (in kilometers!). Sequentially we will declare these internal variables:

longitude of our base building

mylat latitude of our base building lon1 1. longitude limit lon2 2. longitude limit lat1 1. latitude limit lat2 2. latitude limit

Next command loads actual values of our base building into variables mylon and mylat: SELECT building_latitude, building_longitude INTO mylat, mylon FROM buildings WHERE building_id = mybuilding_id; Follow calculating of limiting coordinates on the basis of mydistance. Number 111 represents length of 1 of latitude in kilometres (69 miles). The meaning of formulas you can find in the original document (link below). SET lon1 = mylon-mydistance/abs(cos(radians(mylat))*111); SET lon2 = mylon+mydistance/abs(cos(radians(mylat))*111); SET lat1 = mylat-(mydistance/111); SET lat2 = mylat+(mydistance/111); And engine of the whole sample is a select which searches buildings located from the base building up to the value of mydistance. In addition this script returns column called distance which represent real distance (in kilometres) from the base building. Number 6372.795 is earth radius in kilometres (3956 miles). Again, the meaning of formulas you can find in the original document (link below). SELECT buildings.*, 6372.795 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN((mylatABS(building_latitude))*pi()/180/2), 2) + COS(mylat * pi()/180) * COS(ABS(building_latitude) * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN((mylon - building_longitude) * pi()/180 / 2), 2))) AS distance FROM buildings WHERE building_latitude IS NOT NULL AND building_longitude IS NOT NULL AND building_longitude BETWEEN lon1 AND lon2 AND building_latitude BETWEEN lat1 AND lat2 HAVING distance < mydistance ORDER BY distance LIMIT 50;

Complete MySQL procedure

Command DELIMITER // set separator on two slashes. Its happening because the default separator is semicolon. Semicolons are emerged inside the procedure and it would cause the fault during procedure creation. Thats why you should pay attention as long as you create procedure in phpMyAdmin (you will have to set separator different from semicolon under the SQL command field). 1 2 3 4 5 DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE `gpsdistance` (IN mybuilding_id INT, IN mydistance INT) BEGIN DECLARE mylon DOUBLE; DECLARE mylat DOUBLE;

6 DECLARE lon1 FLOAT; 7 DECLARE lon2 FLOAT; 8 DECLARE lat1 FLOAT; 9 DECLARE lat2 FLOAT; 10 11SELECT building_latitude, building_longitude INTO mylat, mylon FROM buildings 12WHERE building_id = mybuilding_id; 13 14SET lon1 = mylon-mydistance/abs(cos(radians(mylat))*111); 15SET lon2 = mylon+mydistance/abs(cos(radians(mylat))*111); 16SET lat1 = mylat-(mydistance/111); 17SET lat2 = mylat+(mydistance/111); 18 19SELECT buildings.*, 6372.795 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN((mylat20ABS(building_latitude))*pi()/180/2), 2) + 21COS(mylat * pi()/180) * COS(ABS(building_latitude) * pi()/180) * 22POWER(SIN((mylon - building_longitude) * pi()/180 / 2), 2))) AS distance 23FROM buildings WHERE building_latitude IS NOT NULL AND building_longitude IS NOT NULL AND building_longitude BETWEEN lon1 AND lon2 AND building_latitude BETWEEN lat1 AND lat2 HAVING distance < mydistance ORDER BY distance LIMIT 50; END//

Calling the procedure in PHP

Very important is to know that you can call procedures only through MySQLi layer (which is object-oriented). The procedure can be call by this SQL command: CALL gpsdistance($mybuilding_id, $mydistance). Here is a short sample: $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'db', 'user', 'passwd'); 1 if (!$link) { 2 printf("Can't connect to MySQL Server. Errorcode: %s\n", 3 mysqli_connect_error()); 4 exit; 5 } 6 if ($result = mysqli_query($link, "call gpsdistance($mybuilding_id, 5)")) { 7 while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 8 ... 9 } 10 mysqli_free_result($result); 11 mysqli_close($link); 12 }

Thats all. I hope the article is useful for somebody


RUBIN, Alexander. Geo/Spatial Search with MySQL. Scribd [online]. 2008 [cit. 2009-11-04]. Accessible from WWW: <>.

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