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Yoga Basic Knowledge and Exercises

Nils Horn

What is Yoga ? Be a Yogi The Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Practice the Five Principles of Health The Path to Inner Happiness Overcome Fear, Sadness and Anger Hatha Yoga

Karma-Yoga (Religion of Love) Goddess Yoga Be a Happy Single Have a Happy Relationship Have a Happy Family Have a Happy, Healthy and Spiritual Old Age Proof of God Is There a Life After Death? The Five Basic Spiritual Techniques Nils Life as a Yogi Get a Darshan (Energy Transfer) Become a World Savior The Unity of All Religions Live in Enlightened Happiness

What is Yoga ?
(Wikipedia) Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Major branches of yoga in Hindu philosophy include Raja Yoga (Patanjali, meditation and positiv thinking), Karma Yoga (do good), Jnana Yoga (think about yourself), Bhakti Yoga (pray to God, the Guru or to your inner self), and Hatha Yoga (body exercises and meditation).

The Sanskrit word yoga has many meanings, and is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj", meaning "to control" (selfdiscipline), "to yoke" (egolessness) or "to unite" (live in a cosmic consciousness). It is also possible that the word yoga derives from "yujir samadhau," which means "contemplation". Someone who practices yoga or follows the yoga philosophy to a high level of attainment is called a yogi or yogini.

A yogi (or yogin) is a term for a male practitioner of various forms of spiritual practice. In Hinduism it refers to an adherent of Yoga. The word is also often

used in the Buddhist context to describe Buddhist monks or a householder devoted to meditation. The Shiva Samhita text defines the yogi as someone who knows that the entire cosmos is situated within his own body.

Yogini is the feminine form. Yoginis are known to possess a steadfast mind, which they cultivate through the disciplined pursuit of transcendence. Tantric scholars have described yoginis as independent, outspoken women with graceful spirits. Though the leaders of the modern Yoga-asana & meditation tradition have often been male, the vast majority of modern practitioners are female, including many who have attained mastery through the Yoga of the embodied Shakti mysteries of the life cycle and mothering. In the Hindu tradition, the the mother is first guru (teacher) and in the Yoga tradition, proper respect of Yoginis is a necessary part of the path to liberation. A Yogini is the sacred feminine force: the goddesses of mythology (Lakshmi, Durga, Kali).

Before you opt for a particular style of yoga, you should consider what you're looking for. Do you want strenuous exercises (stretching, muscle building, bodystiling) or relaxation (stress reduction, health, peace)? Sporting challenge you will find with Power Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. Relaxation you can find in the normal Hatha Yoga and in the Vini Yoga.

Try out what is good for you. Ultimately, every yoga teacher's haas his personal style. Every yoga teacher has weaknesses and strengths. Learn from any yoga teacher. Find your own way to practice yoga. Take the best for you and accept in any yoga class the things that are personally not effective for you. And above all, always stay on your path of truth and accuracy. Dont give up your mind on the door to spirituality.

Ideal is a practice time of fifteen minutes. If you do four weeks yoga every day at a certain time, your mind gets accustomed to your daily practice. Then it is easy for you. Yoga becomes for you a simple way to preserve your health and your inner happiness.

Yoga provides a variety of techniques. He has techniques for the body and the mind. We should practice each yoga exercise so that it works well for us. What hurts us, we omit it. What is good that we do. We can vary all yoga exercises creative. We ask ourselves constantly: "What do I need now and what's good for me? What triggers best my tensions?"

Find your individual rhythm and your individual priorities. Do the breaks at the right moment and in the right track. If you do not want to spend much time for yoga, just do a little break at the end.

Yoga is an ongoing experiment. The way of the effective tension solution is not easy to find. We need to practice yoga with wisdom and inner feeling. A formal practice is not enough. We should first sensing our internal tensions and than find the most effective techniques for solution.

Over the years, you will dissolve a layer of tension after the other until the light awakens in you and lasting happiness appears. On the way to selfrealization, you will need many different yoga practices. There are specific techniques for each stage of development.

An important part of daily yoga practice is the motivation. We reflect the benefits of a daily health and relaxation program. We make our daily yoga practice so that it brings us pleasure. An important aid to this is beautiful music. If we do the yoga exercises with beautiful music, they are much easier.

Our daily yoga practice has to be designed so that it meets our personal needs and we feel that it is effective and good for us. We can vary our yoga practice. We always do yoga in cooperation with the two forces endurance and joy. When taking these two forces, we can keep up our yoga path for a lifetime and continue to grow until we live in the light.



Do Yoga Walking ---------------------

Yoga Walking is enlightenment while walking. This is the ultimate kick! This is health training, stress reduction and inner happiness in one. Yoga Walking is your daily pilgrimage into the light. If you really pilgrimage, the pilgrimage will you turn into a goddess of happiness. Yoga Walking consists

of 10 points. Go every day for 30 minutes or at least on weekends for one an hour. Go first rather quickly (power walking) and at the end rather slowly (slow walking). Make all 12 points so that they do you good.

1. When walking stomp your anger into the ground. Let all the pent-up anger out. Think the mantra "Anger, Anger, Anger ..." What annoyed you today? Free yourself!

2. Solve then when walking your sadness. Feel in your sadness inside. What makes you sad today? Think several times the mantra: "I'm sad because ..."

3. Shoulders rotate. Solve the tension in your shoulders and your neck. In what way do you have to move the shoulders so that you achieve a good effect?

4. Spine rotation. Turn yourself when walking several times in the spine to the right and to the left. Also turn the head with.

5. Massage a healing color from head to foot in your body, and think the color name as a mantra. What color do you need now? "Orange, blue, gold, pink ..."

6. Concentrate when walking on the ground. Feel the earth. Think the mantra "Earth" and breathe a minute into your feet.

7. Move one hand and send a person a positive sentence. What do you want to say to him today? Think the phrase several times as a mantra. Send

light to the world and think: "May all beings be happy. May the world be happy."

8. Imagine the numbers 1 to 20 in the head, chest, abdomen, legs, feet, and in the ground (beneath the feet). Solve so every day quickly and effectively the tensions in all major areas of the body.

9. Visualize a beautiful sun in the sky and clothe yourself with a golden ray of sunshine. Fill you with light and think many times the word "Light" as a mantra.

10. Stop all thoughts and move five minutes when walking all the stress out of you, until your mind becomes calm. Tarry a while at rest. Let all thoughts come and go as they want.

11. Walk freely. Go the way you feel you want to do. Enjoy it. Observe how your mind becomes slowly positive. You are now back from your pilgrimage into the light. You did an important fact for your physical health and your mental well-being. Keep your happiness. The light will accompany you through your whole day.

12. Never give up. Your sense of life is to be happy, healthy and enlightened. Walk every life into a higher level of light. Become a Goddess, Buddha, Shiva one day. If you are liberated, than liberate all your fellow people. Stay always on your yoga walk through the dimentions of life.


Be a Yogi
You are a yogi or a yogini, if you practise Yoga for health, beauty, strongness, relexation or healing. You are a yogi, if you practise Yoga for inner peace, happiness and enlightenment. You are a yogi, if you are enlightened. Enlightenment means to live in God, in the light, in a cosmic consciousness.

In modern Yoga your religion is free. Yoga teaches the unity of all religions. You can be a yogi and a hindu, a christ, a moslem, a buddhist or an atheist. The most important christian yogis were the Desert Fathers and Mothers. Their enlightened master was the Holy Antonius. Many buddhist live as yogis alone or in an cloister. The most yogis are hindus. In the current time more and more yogis also live in the west.

The three great books of Yoga are the Yoga-Sutra from Patanjali, the HathaYoga-Pradipika from Goraksha and the Bhagawad Gita from Krishna. Therefore the basic yoga-technics are positive thinking (Patanjali),

meditation (Patanjali), body work (Goraksha), praying (Krishna) and love all beeings (Krishna).

Important modern Yoga masters are Swami Sivananda [], Anandamayi Ma [], Sai Baba [], Amritanandamayi (Amma) [] and Mother Meera []. They teach the basic features truth, peace, love, selfdiscipline and happiness.

Very good is to get an initiation from an enlightened master. He or she opens the doors of your enlightenment energie (kundalini-energie). But you have to practise and realize by your own. Enligtenment will appear, when the time is right for you.

Spiritually, humans can be compared to onions. Tension and conflict must be dissolved layer by layer. When one layer is peeled away, the next quickly appears at the surface until the inner core is revealed. At this point, a lasting inner joy is found, and the Yogi or Yogini lives in light (despite the fact there is still much to be done).

---> WikiHow

Meditate With Your Inner Voice ---------------------------------------

The most important thing in Yoga is the inner voice. The inner voice is the voice of your own truth and wisdom. It is your feeling of rightness. You combine your intellect and your feeling. Than you will find the way to yourself. Follow your own wisdom. Find your personal meditation practice. Do meditation like is it good for you.


What do you want from meditation? Happiness, healing, enlightenment? Inform yourself. Read meditation books, visit meditation groups, look for the right meditation teacher for you. Than learn meditation. Find out what is the best way for you to practise. And practice every day.

Be always in good contact with your body and your soul. Feel what they want and need. And give it to them. Follow the five features truth, peace, love, selfdiscipline and happiness. Than you will find your way into the light. Feel the light of God, the energie of peace and love within you. Be happy and be good. That is the essence of yoga philosophy.

We sit in our meditation seat (cross-legged, heel seat, chair) and in our meditation posture (hands on the legs or in the lap). The eyes are open, half open or closed. Feel what you need and find your personal practice. Meditate like is it good for you. Watch the video. Relax in five minutes. The video is in German language, but you can understand when you read the translation.

1. Stop thinking = We stop one to three minutes all thoughts and come to rest. We relax. 2. Light = We send light to the world. We visualize the earth, move a hand and think: "I send light to ... May all people be happy. May the world be happy." We send in particular light to the suffering people. We use our television as a window to the world and wrap all suffering people with light. 3. Model-Yoga = We put the hands together in our lap. We visualize ourselves as a Buddha, Shiva or Goddess. We move our toes a little and think the mantra: "I am a goddess (Buddha, Shiva) of peace. I go the way of peace. I live in peace."


4. Cosmos = We visualize the cosmos around us, a universe full of stars. We make large circles with our arms and think: "I take things the way they are. I let go of my false desires. I live in the unity of the cosmos. I flow positive with my live." What do you want to accept or release today? "I accept .... I let go ..."

5. Master = We rub the palms in front of the heart chakra. We connect us with the enlightened masters and think: "Om all enlightened masters. I ask for guidance and help on my way." 6. Question = You can now ask a question. Think about your life. What are your goals? What is your way of a wise life? Meditate on your question. Listen to the answer inside. What does your inner wisdom say? What answers your inner wisdom? You feel the answer. Let the answer appear in you. Think the answer several times as a mantra.

7. Mantra = We put the hands in our lap. The back is straight and our stomach is relaxed. We bring our mind completely to rest. We think the mantra "Om" in our head, chest, abdomen, legs, feet. We think in the earth and in the entire cosmos: "Om Shanti, Om Peace ... "

8. Stop thinking = We stop a minute every thought. When thoughts come, we always push them away. Then we relax completely. We slacken our body. We sit relaxed there. Peace and harmonie are within us.

9. Be optimistic = Go positiv in your day. The light is with you. Be blessed.


---> Relax in five minutes with a guided meditation with beautiful music. Get strength, energy, serenity, peace, positivity, love and optimism.


The Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra)

Patanjali is the father of Indian yoga. He lived in the second century BC. In the Yoga Sutra, he grasped the essence of all yoga knowledge together in a few words. The two main sets of Patanjali are, "Yoga is the calming of the mind. Then the yogi lives in the light."

The way of peace by Patanjali is to calm the mind over the years on the spiritual path more and more, and finally to be able to live in peace of thought. You think only when you need to think. The more one lives in peace, the greater is the inner happiness and the more comprehensive is the light. Patanjali points out that to develop the inner happiness is long term and can in principle be achieved only through persistent exercise.

To soothe the thoughts Patanjali recommends a two-step way. The first stage is the development of positive ethic qualities (the ten yoga principles).


Negative qualities lead to entanglement in the outer world and to inner restlessness. Positive qualities effect inner peace and happiness.

The development of positive qualities is the prerequisite for a successful long-term meditation. Without positive qualities in meditation inner peace will break through the chaos of the outside world again and again. Without positive qualities, the inner peace will not permanent to be preserved.

The second stage of the yogic path is to practice meditation. In meditation we quiet our thoughts completely. We stay in inner peace. At some point we develop the ability to combine meditation and outer action. Then we can always stay in peace and happiness, and at the same time we can fullfil our external obligations.

1. Non-violence (ahimsa) = No killing other beings. Be meek. Be peaceful.

2. Truthfulness (Satya) = Live in the truth. Basically, be honest with yourself and others. Also no little lies of convenience. A lie is permissible only in well justified situations, for example, if you save with a lie the life of another human being. A Yogi is silent in doubt . Those who consistently lives in the truth radiate truth. Their fellow men trust them.

3. Righteousness (Asteya) = Not stealing, not cheating. A Yogi is in professional life generally honest. He does not seek unwarranted advantage, but he is looking for fair trade.

4. Wisdom (Brahmacharia) = Live in the spiritual focus (in the light/in God = Brahman). Do not serve the money (outer luck) but the inner happiness


(God, Brahman, enlightenment). Be centered in your inner happiness and peace.

5. Simplicity (Aparigraha) = Be moderate in external enjoyment and consumption. A spiritual person lives modestly outwardly and inwardly rich. A Yogi uses his energy not in outer actions, but lives so peaceful that it turns inward and cleanse his body from the inside. One day, he lives permanently in the light (the cosmos energy).

6. Worship of the spiritual goal (Ishvara-Pranidhana) = Thus we do not lose our spiritual path, it is necessary that we remind ourselves again and again to our spiritual goal. We can worship an image (Goddess, Shiva, Patanjali), we can bow before a statue (Buddha, Jesus, Shiva) or speak a mantra (prayer). What is your spiritual goal? Send light to all beings, and wish a happy world.

7. Sacrifice the ego (Shaucha) = Purification / cleaning. The way into the light passes through the crucifixion of the ego. Without a crucifixion there is no enlightenment. True sacrifice is an art. He who sacrifices too much braced themselves internally. Who sacrifices too little, does not solves his tentions. How do you get inner peace today? "I let go of my false desires. I take things as they are. My sacrifice today is ... "

8. Selfdiscipline (Tapas) = A clear goal, a clear life plan and a clear way of practicing. Tapas means to lead a disciplined life. Follow your inner wisdom and you'll win on your spiritual path.

9. Reading (Svadhyaya) = The daily reading (mantra, meditation) keeps us on the spiritual path, cleanses our spirit, connects us with the enlightened masters and makes us to spiritual victors.


10. Contentment (Santosha) = Satisfied with what one has. Which idea will help you to get into the satisfaction with yourself and your life? "My thought of satisfaction is now ..."

Do Computer Yoga ------------------------

Take a little break. Dont work to much. Dont rest to much. Find your personal balance. Stay healthy and happy. Do every day some spirituel exercises. Do Computer Yoga every day. It is very easy. Relax in a few minutes. Go positiv through your life. God bless you.


1. Move your head and think the mantra "Om" in your head. Turn your head left and right. Forward and backward.

2. Move your shoulders, so that all tensions resolve. What is the best way for you? Move forward, and another way round. Move with your ellbows and think "Om, Om, Om..." And another way round. Om..

3. Move your spine to the right and left side. The head also. Think "Om , Om, Om.. " in your spine.

4. Move your feet on the ground. Say "Om" in your belly, in your legs, in your feet and in the earth. Concentrate on the whole earth and think the mantra "Earth".

5. Massage your body from head to feet. Put your hands over your head together, rub the palms, visualize the sky above you and say the mantra "Heaven". The light comes down and you massage the light into your face, your eyes, your ears, your whole body and think "Light, Light..." Fill yourself with light. Move your feet, fill light into the earth and think, "Light ..."

6. Move your hand and send light so your people, "I send light to ... May all people be happy. May all the world be happy."

7. Rub your palm together, think on the enlightened masters and say, "Om all enlightened masters, please help me on my way." Now you can ask a question. Think about your life. What are your goals? What is your way? Hear the answer within you. Feel the answer inside. What is the answer?


8. Put your hands on your legs or your belly. Make your mind calm and think the mantra "Om" in your head, your thorax, your belly, your legs, feet, in the earth and in the whole cosmos. "Om Om Om Shanti Om Peace Om Peace Om Shanti Om Peace ..."

9. Stop one minute all your thinking. Sit only there. Dont think.

10. What do you have to take in your life? Take it. What is your positive sentence now? What helps you to go positiv through your day and your life? "My positive sentence is: I am optimistic. I go my way optimistic."

---> Computer Yoga with Yogi Nils. Relax in 8 minutes.


Practice the Five Principles of Health


Being ill is not nice. Being healthy is better. The main principles of health are healthy diet, no drugs (alcohol, smoking, drugs, eating too much), regular exercise, adequate rest and positive thinking. We can easily integrate them into our everyday lives when we want it. These five principles of health give us a long, healthy and happy life. If we live by these principles, we can avoid most diseases. If we are sick, we become significantly faster healthy.

1. Eat healthy. A healthy diet consists of fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk, potatoes, pulses, etc. It is advised to eat little or no meat and much raw food (raw fruits and vegetables). Raw food gives the body lots of vitamins and minerals that protect him from disease.

2. Avoid drugs, smoking and alcohol. That causes many diseases and usually shorten your life significantly. Too many sweets (sugar, fat), lots of salt and lots of meat are also unfavorable. Dont eat too much calories. You live longer, if you eat less (but not too less). Hear to your body. He knows what is good for you. Live wisely and stay healthy.

3. Do sports. Go walking, jogging, cycling, swimming once or twice a day (one half to one hour), to keep the body strong and healthy. It is also sufficient to train on an exercise bike (bicycle, treadmill) or to do dynamic yoga (creativ hatha yoga) for half an hour a day. Or to go for a walk on the weekend for an hour. It is important, that the body is well warmed through (practice until a slight sweating). It kills disease germs.

4. Relax sufficiently. Stress should always be put away by adequate recovery periods, yoga or meditation. For the inner happiness, it is important to live in the right proportion of personal activity (work) and rest (relaxation).


5. Think positive. Avoid negative thoughts. Keep your mind through conscious control predominantly positive. Positive thoughts lead to positive feelings and positive emotions have a positive effect on your body. Motivate yourself with positive phrases and ideas. Read positive books and have a positive task (hobby).


If you want to heal an illness, it might be good to go to a doctor. Yoga is a way to relax and to awaken inner happiness. You can heal some diseases with yoga and meditation, but you must be carefull and listen to your inner voice. Follow the advices of the doctors and the medicin books.

The main path of health and healing are the five principles of health. We should do every day some sport (yoga, walking), eat healthy (lots of fruit, low in calories), avoid harmful substances (alcohol, smoking, drugs, meat), think positive (overcome negative thoughts) and relax (enough sleep, pauses, silence, meditation).

Interview about Correct Nutrition ---------------------------------------

Interview with Prof. Dr. Dr. Karin Michels, University Freiburg / Germany (Quotes)


Is it better to eat cereals or lots of fruits and vegetables?

Professor Karin Michels: Fruit and vegetables are the best thing you can ever eat. Whole grains should be included on a healthy diet. Products made from white flour and sugar should be avoided, they cause diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

A hot topic is meat. Can we even eat meat?

Professor Karin Michels: Red meat has no health value. You can easily do without it. Red meat promotes the development of cardiovascular disease and some cancers such as carcinoma of the colon. Vegetarians have a higher life expectancy and less cardiovascular disease. Therefore, red meat should be eaten not every day.

What is the influence of alcohol?

Professor Karin Michels: Alcohol increases the risk for most cancers. Already a glass of wine a day increases the risk of breast cancer by 10 percent to 20 percent.

Milk is regarded as healthy food. Is that true?

Professor Karin Michels: That's not my view. The milk we drink today is not the milk, our grandparents drank a century ago. The production has changed. To increase the efficiency, the cows are almost always pregnant, which is really not normal. The pregnancy hormones are always present in milk. So we drink large amounts of estrogen and progesterone, and these


hormones promote the development of many cancers. So I would be very careful with milk consumption. Milk should only be enjoyed in reduced dimensions.

Does the diet affect whether we die of a heart attack?

Professor Karin Michels: Nutrition plays a huge role by cardiovascular disease.

What is a healthy diet?

Professor Karin Michels: Fruit and vegetables come first, along with vegetable oils, whole grains, and fish. What is still very healthy are nuts. Nuts have a excellent composition of high-quality fats and proteins. Other healthy foods are the legumes, which also have a high protein and are high in fiber, and are very often neglected in the diet. If one puts all that, you get to a balanced diet.


The Path to Inner Happiness

Inner tension and inner conflict occur when people prevent themselves from being at peace and from experiencing true happiness at a deeper level. This inner tension and conflict takes energy, destroys any chance for contentment, and lower ones overall spiritual positivity. A highly tense and conflicted person tends to have negative thoughts. Love for oneself and others is blocked mentally and spiritually.

Inner conflict can mainly be traced to ones childhood. In a conflicted society, where pressure to perform and competition is a daily reality engrained upon its members, a tendency toward conflict and tension is passed on from parents to their children during their upbringing. Parents live out their worries, doubts, fears, aggressions, addictions, and thus influence the spiritual development of their children. Other childhood sources of


learned conflict stem from television. Tension in turn then comes from professional stress, strained relationships, divorce, and more, as these children grow up to face similar challenges as their parents face or once faced.

The good news is, whenever this inner conflict builds up inside, it can also be eliminated. The bad news is this can take quite a while. Whenever tension builds over the course of several years, it will also take years to relieve. It is always worth the effort, however, to take on the challenge of curing oneself of such inner negativity. For example, illness later on in life can be avoided as a life full of peace, energy, and positivity is a healthier one.

The amount of inner peace a person possesses correlates opposingly to the amount of tension in ones body and spirit. The lower the tension, the more positive the life force present. Every person has the potential to find absolute peace and contentment. Everyone can achieve enlightenment. The only thing standing in the way of this goal is our own tension and negativity. Once these darker feelings subside, our inner positive energy grows.

A good way to go about curing oneself of this life force robbing negativity is to practice several spiritual exercises every day. We have to live in a way that facilitates a gravitation towards the light, instead of the dark. Most people in todays day and age are on a march in the opposite direction. They live day to day feeling egotistical and stressed out. They live their lives focused on creating more tension and end up burnt out, sick, negative, and depressed.

Tension can reside in the body and the soul. The body and the soul are connected, and in order to relieve ourselves of inner tension, we should practice spiritual exercises for both elements. Inner happiness can manifest


on a deeper level only when we cleanse ourselves of this inner tension. As people are very individual, no two have the same sorts of tension and negativity. Everyone should therefore experiment with said exercises to find what is best for him or her to direct ones path in the appropriate way for him or herself to find inner happiness. True contentment can be found as one of the enlightened. The deeper purpose of life is to reach enlightenment.

---> Yogi Nils sings Tom Dooley v=AUg82LhdaKg


The Ten Points of Happiness ----------------------------------

The most important results of todays happiness rsearch can be summed up in ten points.


1. A Proactive Life is a Happy One

Happy people have positive goals and positive tasks. Proactive people are 15% more satisfied with their lives than more passive people. Happiness researcher Ed Diener explains, happy people set goals for themselves again and again.

2. An Active Life is a Happy One

Regular physical activity keeps the body healthy and makes the spirit happy. Daily walks raise the level of happiness 12%. David Niven says, people who stay fit via sports are healthier, more positive, and more successful.

3. Doing Good for the World is a Source of Happiness

Those who regularly do good things for others are 24% happier than those who only live for themselves. John A. Schindler wrote, live as a giving person. Those who give are happier than those who only take. Those who give to others discover the beauty in the world.

4. Rest and Relaxation Bring Happiness

The central point of a healthy and happy life is to find the balance between rest and activity. Besides, work, physical activity, and time spent with others, we need time to rest and relax. We need to get enough sleep. Scientific research shows that relaxed people think more positively and are happier. Every hour of sleep missed lowers the positivity one can experience during the day.


Where that point of balance between rest and activity lies, must be decided for oneself. Everyone needs to experiment a little to find this correct balance. We have to figure out who much sleep we need and how much relaxation time we need and at what speed we function at our best. We in the western world of go, go, go who wish to stay happy and healthy, must also live extra clever. We need to organize our lives in an intelligent way to facilitate inner happiness and find ones personal way to inner balance.

5. Positive Thinking

Those who think positively double their chance to realize happiness. Those who wish to be happy should think positively. The positive characteristics of wisdom, love, peace, inner power and joy in life should be set as the central point of ones life. One should exercise a conscious decision to be positive. Fo example, we can ask ourselves, how can I go through the day in a positive way?

6. Too Much Television Makes You Unhappy

Scientific research states, every hour of television lowers the general quality of life by 5%. TV orients people around superficial things, and the concept of superficial happiness. It raises desire, increases aggression, and creates sorros. Those who would like to grow in terms of happiness, should stop watching TV.

The way to positive TV viewing consists of : a) choose your programs carefully. Avoid negative films. B) Find the correct amount of TV. Children should watch a maximum of one hour per day of television. C) After


watching TV, one should practice some form of spiritual exercise (such as yoga, meditation, walking, reading, contemplating the meaning of life). 7. Foster Friendship

Build on your positive circle of friends. Women who talk to others reduce their worries by 55%. Cancer stricken women who met with a group once a week raised their survival chances to twice as high as those who didnt meet with a group. In the western world, there is a strong tendency towards isolation. There are many single and lonely people. People who have a good circle of friends are happier and not isolated. We should take care of our friendships and practice positive activities with them. 8. Facilitate Joy Those who can find little elements of joy in their lives can raise their overall happiness by 20%. Nils once felt bad and in order to raise his spirits, he ate a lot of sweets. His spirit brightened more and more. Then he visualized the sweets in his stomach and awakened his kundalini energy. He awakened a strong energy which quickly brought him back into the light. Nils learned to thus connect outer enjoyment with spiritual exercises. One then needs less sweets. Just a bit of outer enjoyment is enough for inner happiness.

9. Humor

Those with a good sense of humor raise their positivity by 33%. We should foster our sense of humor and learn to not take things so seriously. We should learn to laugh at our selves. Those who are able to do so, can live lighter and brighter. It is good to see cheerful films, read funny books, and to visit joyful people.


10. Self-Confidence

Happy people believe in themselves. They believe in their goals, their wisdom, and their power. They see themselves as winners. They know they will prevail in the long term. In a world of doubt, all followers of the way of bliss need inner strength in order to go about their way successfully. The followers of inner happiness need a clear anchor in terms of wisdom, selfdiscipline, and self-confidence to avoid being brought back by materialism and doubt.

---> Music for the world. Be happy (Guitar, Saxophone)


What should I do if I do not find a meaning in life? --------------------------------------------------------------


Lady: You have to give meaning to life itself. Pick something that you can really feel a passion.

Monica: Look, think on, and go into the silence. I speak of the silence, deep within you, where you will find the I AM, and this is responsible for your meaning of life. If you have lost the connection to the inner stillness, you lose your sense of life and chase after meaningless things just to fill this gap.

Yogi Nils: The sense of life is to live a good life. It is even better to be happy than to be unhappy. Find your personal path. Look closely at your skills, your life situation and the world around you. Then you know what you have to do. There is a way for everyone to be happy and to live permanently in the embracing love.

The current state of research is that happiness is about 50% of genetically predisposed, to 10% is determined by external circumstances and to 40% of one's own thoughts. People who live healthy, meditate and work on their thoughts (positive thinking), can raise their general level of happiness by 40%. This is exactly my personal experience. Enlightenment means to raise your personal happiness level by 100-1000%. But that is a long way for the most people. However, very worthwhile. That is also my experience.

Sole: Attempt to draw your eyes on the positive. Get a diary of happiness. Every day write down three things that you've got (even little things!) - after 2 to 4 weeks you can see that every day was nice too. Meanwhile, I think every night before bed about what made me happy that day.


Max: Learn to say "Thanks"!

Yogi Nils: Inner happiness is developing on the consistent path of truth, wisdom and love. To wish someone bad luck may liberate your soul and feel good for a while. In the long term it creates misery in you. Black Magic is an ego way. Enlightenment (inner happiness, inner healing) is the way of ego solution. This includes a wise use of aggressions. Think about your way to inner happiness.

Overcome Fear, Sadness and Anger

In every life there is pain, loss, illness, loneliness and death. We have no claim to a long life still to be spared by fate. What is your pain today?

1. The problem: Describe briefly your situation and your problem. How exactly is your situation? What is the problem? Where is the center of the problem?


2. The Emotions: What are the feelings it in you? Fear, anger, addiction / desire, grief. What feeling is strongest? Where is the feeling sitting in your body? 3. The thoughts: What thoughts are connected with your feelings? Why are you sad, anxious, angry or longing? Count all your stressful thoughts down. (My thoughts are ...)

4. Thinking: What triggers your problem? What is the way out of your problem? What brings you to love, excitement, fulfillment, fortunately, satisfaction? Think about your problem for so long, until you find a solution. Think about different solutions. Collect all the information you need. 5. Implementation: Follow your positive thoughts. Fulfil your positive life plan. Avoid meaningless brooding. Now is the time to realize powerful. Go your way to victory and be content with you. What is now your positive duty? "My positive sentence is ...."

Overcome Pain and Grief -------------------------------

The supreme principle of conduct in suffering situations is outwardly behaving properly and at the same time managing the thoughts and feelings as well as possible. Is the difficult situation outside gone, we can heal our emotional wounds.

At certain points of the problem we got inner tensions. This tensions must be resolved again when the external stress situation is over. When we dont heal ourself after stress situations, they remain permanently in our mind. In


the long term they affect our mental well-being. They lead to neurotic behavior and can cause physical illnesses.

If a problem affects you emotionally, it is good to do a helpful ritual. Think first about the problem. Thinking leads to constructive engagement with the problem. You realize that you can do something. You are not a helpless victim. You can live as a winner. You can solve the problem in any way. What is your helpful idea about your problem? "My idea is ..."

Read a few pages in a spiritual book. Think about which book you need now. A spiritual book has a positive energy field. If we spend some time in this energy field, we get a positive spirit. Which book will strengthen your positive energy? Read it!

After reading, take a walk for an hour or do the Shake Meditation 20 minutes. Move all the rage and excitement out of your body. Think a Mantra (a positive sentence) and do a meditation (stop your thinking five minutes). Then think about your problem. Usually you will come to rest mentally in half an hour. Half an hour then go just you like. Then you'll see things clearly. You will be able to have positive ideas.

Make after the walk, the Shake Meditation or the free dance some yoga exercises (creative hatha yoga) and a long meditation in sitting (meditation with the inner voice) or lying down. Hook up a nice music and remain lying down for so long, until your mind completely is at rest.

Arise then again, eat something nice and think about what you need now. Give it yourself. Often it is very helpful to do something creative. We can paint, write, make music and express our feelings on our personal way. We


can do something good for our fellow human beings and thus bring us into the energy of love. What is your way of love now?

If the problem is very big, you can do several rounds of reading, walking, doing good, enjoying and meditating. Usually you get then to the point, where peace arises within you. Be very gentle with you and heal emotionally more and more.

If a problem can not be solved in one day, stop after a while your thinking about the problem. Forbid you every further reflection. Avoid harmful rumination, which leads to nothing and only reinforces the internal stress. For large problems, you can take every day a certain time for problem handling.

To solve emotinal problems is a creative process. You must feel exactly what you need now. What is currently the best way to solve your problem, to find inner peace and positivity? People are different and require different strategies.

It is important to avoid self-defeating behaviors, such as tablets, smoke, drink, drugs, alcohol or eating too many sweets. It is better to manage the problem with the techniques of inner happiness. Then we grow spiritually on our problems. We grow inwardly on the problems of life until we will find ever lasting happiness.

Shake Meditation ----------------------


The Shake Meditation is a good way to quickly reduce stress and recharge with positive energy. We turn on a beautiful music, stand upright and move dynamically in the knees up and down. We can dance or go on the spot. The Shaking is a fast movement from the knees. The knees shake the body. The movement in the knees is small and fast.

1. Be angry. We shake all the stress of life out of us. We think the mantra, "anger". We transform all stress unto motion and liberate us as this.

2. Be sad. We solve our pent-up grief. We think the sentence: "I am sad because ...". We move all the sadness out of us. What makes you sad today? Think the reason several times as a mantra.

3. Circle the shoulders. We circle our shoulders. We move the shoulders as it is helpful for us. We solve the tension in the shoulders and the neck.

4. Turn the spine. We rotate into the spine left and right. We solve all the tension in the spine. The head also rotates to the sides.

5. Massage your body. We massage our body with a healing color. We are wrapped in a cloud of a healing energy. What healing color is good for you today? Think of the name as a mantra, "Yellow, Orange, Purple ...". Massage the healing color from head to toe in your body.

6. Earth you. We rub the healing color with the right and left foot on the floor. We paint a healing circle around us. When painting with our feet, we feel the earth. We think the name of the color as a mantra.


7. Go on shaking, move one hand and send a person a positive sentence. What do you want to say to this person? We repeat the phrase several times as a mantra. We send the whole world light and think, "May all people be happy. May the world be happy."

8. Move around a few minutes as you like. Feel what you need now?

Hatha Yoga

(Wikipedia) Hatha Yoga is a system of Yoga introduced by Yogi Swatmarama, a sage of 15th century India, and compiler of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. In this treatise Swatmarama introduces Hatha Yoga as a way of physical purification that the body practices for higher meditation. The word


Hatha is a compound of the words Ha and Tha meaning sun and moon. A Yogi has to join together sun (masculine, active) energy with the moon (feminine, receptive) energy, thus producing balance and enlightenment in an individual.

Hatha Yoga is a strong practice done for healing and purification. Hatha Yoga is what most people in the Western world associate with the word "Yoga" and is most commonly practiced for mental and physical health. The most comprehensive text of Hatha Yoga is the Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Yogi Swatmarama. It includes information about shatkarma (purification), asana (postures), pranayama (subtle breath energy), chakras (centers of energy), kundalini (enlightenment energy), bandhas (energy control), kriyas (purification techniques), nadis (energy channels), and mudras (energy gestures).

Traditionally, Shiva is credited with propounding Hatha Yoga. It is said that on a lonely island he gave the knowledge of Hatha Yoga to Goddess Parvati, but a fish heard the entire discourse. Shiva took mercy on the fish (Matsya) and made him a siddha (Buddha), who came to be known as Matsyendra. Matsyendra taught Hatha Yoga to Chaurangi and to Goraksha. Goraksha gave it to Swatmarama.

Modern schools of Hatha Yoga derive from Krishnamacharya, who taught from 1924 until his death in 1989. Among his students prominent in popularizing Yoga in the West were Pattabhi Jois, famous for the vigorous Ashtanga Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar who used props, Indra Devi and Krishnamacharya's son T.K.V. Desikachar who developed the Viniyoga style. Another major stream of influence was Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh (1887-1963) and his disciples Swami Vishnu-devananda - founder of International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres; Swami Satyananda - of the Bihar School of Yoga; and Swami Satchidananda - of Integral Yoga.


Swami Shivananda (also written Sivananda) lived from 1897 to 1963 in India. He was one of the greatest Indian saint of modern times. By profession he was a doctor. He taught the yoga of the trinity (Trimurti Yoga), the combination of Hatha Yoga (spiritual exercises), Karma Yoga (work for a happy world) and Master Yoga (daily connection with an enlightened master). He pushed for the cooperation of the religions. But all the yogis should cooperate with each other too.

According to Swami Shivananda, enlightenment occurs via relaxation, practice, and love. When a Yogi or Yogini lives in an area of peace, he or she is already halfway there. The second half is tackled with spiritual practice. In order to pass through the gate to a life in light, all-encompassing love must be at the heart of the seeker of enlightenment. When a Yogi lives for the happiness of others, then the ego can be dissolved. When the ego disappears, the person is in light. Individuals who reach this point relax so deeply into their souls that the energy of happiness awakes from within.

Yogi Nils made his Yoga Teacher Training with the Sivananda Organisation in 1993. For him the spiritual daily schedule is the central technique on the


Yoga path to light. This is based on letting go of tension in the body and soul. When we live and practice spiritual exercises for the body and mind everyday, then we will reach enlightenment. The number of hours required on a daily basis to attain a life in the light (in happiness) varies from person to person, and their situation and abilities.

Yogi Nils meditates for six hours and goes for an hour walk twice a day. He practices Yoga for an hour and reads a spiritual book for one hour. He also works towards the happiness of others three to four hours per day. He exercises constantly. He divides these spiritual exercises in a way that enables him to constantly undergo the inner purification process. If we meditate before going to sleep, meditation continues while sleeping. When we work in a state of relaxation, work becomes a type of meditation. Eating, sleeping, working, and even watching TV are Yoga exercises for Nils.

Yogi Nils spiritual techniques are simple. They consist of walking, reading, helping others, and lying in bed. Everyone can do that. The secret here is the right application of the right technique at the right moment. Then the inner tension dissolve and inner happiness appears.

Yogis know when they need which technique. When the body is dull and lacking energy, the Yogi goes for a walk. When he or she feels restless, he or she practices Yoga or meditates. When the spirit seems to rebel against the spiritual way, a book on spiritual topics helps to bring back the conviction towards enlightenment.

A Yogi senses the inner conflict and uses the proper techniques to dissolve the tension. That is usually what the body and soul wants the least at that moment. Wherever the neurotic tendency to feel repelled towards something is usually the way to the light. On the other hand, we need to sometimes give the body and soul what they would like, otherwise tension is built. The


way to happiness requires a lot of wisdom and inner sensitivity. Yogi Nils asks his inner voice for spiritual guidance. He asks, What is right at the moment? What is the way of truth? What do I need today? What do I want today?

Shiva Meditation --------------------------

Shiva is the supreme God in Yoga. We can see him as the symbol of a victorious yogi. Shiva has a cosmic consciousness. He lives above the world of duality. Shiva as cosmic consciousness can occur in many forms. The most famous incarnations of Shiva are the meditator (the practicing yogi), the blessing (the karma yogi), the ego sacrificer (subordinated under the goddess Kali), the dancer (with the life) and the lover (Shiva and Shakti hand in hand or in sexual union).


Shiva is the master of life. He lives his life with the five features of love (earth), joy (air), wisdom (water), strength (fire) and resting (space, cosmos). He lives at the right moment the right property. He sees himself as the winner and becomes a winner. He is programmed in success. At the same time Shiva is always aware that he is a beggar in God, nothing in the size of the cosmos, an egoless wanderer through the life.

1. The Winner = We shake the fists near our head and think: "I am a winner. I reach my goal. ... My goal is...."

2. The Strong = We rub the feet on the ground and visualize the Mount Meru among us, "I'm sitting on the Mount Meru (Himalaya Mountains). I maintain equanimity in pain. I'm going with perseverance my way."

3. The Egoless = We make large circles with our hands around us, visualize the cosmos full of stars and think, "I live in the great system of the cosmos. I let go of my own will. I take things the way they are."

4. The Hatha-Yogi = We visualize within ourselves the Kundalini Serpent, twist in the spine, move our toes and think: "I am a Hatha Yogi. I walk the path of Hatha Yoga. I save myself with my spiritual exercises."

5. The Karma-Yogi = We move our hand, send all beings light and think, "I am a Karma Yogi. I help all beings. I send light to...". Shiva means "The Good". He sees himself in all his fellow beings. He wants all his friends to be happy. He works for the goal of a happy world.


6. Master Yoga = We rub the palms before our heart chakra, visualize the sky above us and think, "Om all enlightened masters. I ask for guidance and help on my way."

7. Shiva Picture = Concentrate on a picture or a statue of Shiva. Move one hand and take the energy from Shiva. Think several times the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" (I connect myself with Shiva) or "Shivo Ham" (I am Shiva) and feel how the energy of Shiva flows with the mantra in you.

8. Meditation = We put our hands in the lap, move your toes and think the mantra "Om Shanti" (inner peace) in the belly, "Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om ..." Then we stop a minute every thought. We spend some time relaxing in meditation and then come back. We are a positiv dancer with the live.

Do Creative Hatha-Yoga -------------------------------------

In the western world we have relaxation yoga, power yoga, stretch yoga, meditation yoga and different kinds of spiritual yoga. Creative Hatha-Yoga works with all technics. Most western yoga-teacher learn first a special yoga way and than they practise creative yoga. His main point is to follow your own wisdom. Feel what you need und find your personal yoga practice. Do Yoga like is it good for you.

You first have to think about what you need. What do you want from yoga? Health, flexibility, beauty, happiness, healing, enlightenment? Than you inform yourself. Read yoga books, visit yoga groups, look for the right yoga


teacher for you. Than learn yoga. Than find out what is the best way for you to practise yoga. And than do yoga until you reach your goal.

Be always in good contact with your body and your soul. Feel what they want and need. And give it to them. Follow the five features truth, peace, love, selfdiscipline and happiness. Than you will find your way into the light. Feel the light of God, the energie of peace and love within you. In modern yoga you can have the religion or no religion you want. But be happy and be good. That is the essence of yoga philosophy.

Watch the video. Relax in five minutes. The video is in german language, but you can understand when you read the translation.

1. Standing = Hello dear friends, now I will show you yoga. We start with the shaking. We walk on tiptoe on the spot and shake the body. We turn around. We massage light in the whole body and think the mantra "Light, Light, Light ... "

2. Prone = We slowly bow forward. We lay on the ground. We base our head on the hands. We highlight the knees slightly and swing the feet back and forth. We count in the kidneys the numbers 1 to 20 "1,2,3,4,5 ..."

3. Relaxation = We lay with our head on the hands and relax. We rotate the basin far to the left and right, back and forth. We focus on the spine.

4. Feet Moving = We move the feet and toes slightly. We circle the feet over the ground. We feel the feet. Relax.


5. Heel seat (Vajrasana) = We come up and kneel down on the heels. We turn in the spine to the right. The head is also turning. We turn to the left. The head is also turning. We massage the body from top to bottom. We rub all the stress and tension out.

6. Prevention (earth rubbing) = We rub the ground with our hands and think the mantra "Earth". We draw with our hands a circle of light around us. We sit in the circle of light. What color has the circle of light? Yellow, orange, blue, green, gold, silver? Or just the beautiful color of the floor?

7. Supine position (cycling) = We turn around and lay on our backs. We move with the feet a bike ride. We lay our hands on the belly, lift the head, the legs turn to the right and left. The head always shows in the opposite direction.

8. Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) = We go into the candle. The feet points to the sky. We base with our hands up at the back. We go on riding a bike with our feet, see the light around us, thinking the mantra "Light" and turn our head slightly to the left and right.

9. Legged (Sukhasana) = We gently roll down from the candle into our meditation seat. We put the palms together in front of the heart chakra. We think the mantra "Om" in the belly, in the ground and move the toes, "Om, Om, Om .." We move one hand and send all beings on earth light. We think, "May all beings be happy. May the world be happy."

10. Supine (Shavasana) = We put on the back and relax. We lay our hands on the belly. We move the feet and toes. We think "Om" in the body, legs and feet, "Om, Om, Om .." We send all people over the world our "Om". We feel the cosmos. We feel one with our world. Everything is fine the way it is.


We do not have to be perfect. We rest until we feel well. Then we slowly come back. We stretch and loll us. We are back and go positive through our day.



Karma-Yoga (Religion of Love)

(Wikipedia) Karma Yoga or the "discipline of action" is based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Sanskrit scripture of Hinduism. Karma Yoga is an intrinsic part of many types of yoga. The word Karma is derived from the Sanskrit Kri, meaning 'to do'. Karma Yoga is the path of union (cosmic consciousness) through action. Karma Yoga is described as a way of acting, thinking and willing by which one orients oneself toward realization by acting in accordance with one's duty (dharma) without consideration of personal self-centered desires.


Live in the rest (existence-unity-bliss) and act with love for the happiness of all beings. Follow the three principles of peace, wisdom and love. For some people it is important to live in the outer peace, to achieve the inner peace. Basically, the inner peace is the result of a calm mind. A calm mind we get when we focus in wisdom (Spirituality, God, Yoga) and work continually on our negative qualities, addictions, fears and aggressions.

Everyone should find his personal balance of rest and action. Those who live in the inner balance, save their energy, their physical and mental health. Our mind grows into the light, if we strengthen not only the calmness, but also the positivity and the love in us. We should replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. We should constantly practice positive thinking, positive speaking and positive doing.

When we facilitate the desire for a happy world, then we grow further towards enlightenment. The secret to this wish is the connection from the inner to the outer world. We are not spiritually separated from other beings. Their happiness affects us. When we visualize other beings as happy, then we also feel happy. Those who encourage the goal to a happy world creates positivity within. When we send light to all beings, then one day light will come through to our souls. When we do something good for the world, the world will reward us with a positive psyche.

We should make the inner happiness, not the outer happiness to the center of our lives. If we follow the two principles of love for God (inner peace, spiritual practice) and love for all beings, we will transform our minds. Our inner tension will dissolve and happiness will appear.

With inner happiness, we can see the positive in the world, in our fellow men and in ourselves. We live in the light and in the love. We are an enlightened


Karma-Yogi. In Buddhism this is called a Bodhisattva. The longer we live and the longer we practise Karma-Yoga, the more we grow into the light.

There is a danger along the path of unconditional, all-encompassing love. We can overwhelm ourselves and work too hard and have no energy left for happiness. A karma yogi must practice rooted in inner peace. A karma yogi must take care of him or herself, as it is impossible to take care of others unless the self is cared for. Furthermore, a path of exhaustion only leads to burn-out, not enlightenment.

Jesus said, love God and love your neighbor. (Meaning, practice spiritually balanced for the development of the self and for the happiness of others.) Swami Shivananda said, love, serve, give, meditate, purify, and realize your true self. The Dalai Lama explains, live balanced by helping and by meditating.

Sai Baba said, helping hands are holier than lips which pray. Those who work towards happiness for all beings is holier than the yogi who only searches for self-enlightenment. Sai Baba taught balance and the connection between personal practice and all-encompassing love. He recommended six hours per day of helping the fellow man, six hours per day of meditation, six hours per day to enjoy life, and six hours of sleep.

There are two great goals a human can have. He or she can seek enlightenment or work towards a happier world. At best, we combine the two.


Amma -----------

Amma was born in 1953 in India. Her full spiritual name is "Mata Amritanandamayi", which means mother of bliss-energy. She began her spiritual journey at the age of five, praying to Krishna everyday. While working, she repeated Mantras silently and found enlightenment at the age of 17. At first her enlightenment was unstable, but with the age of 22, the light flowed into her being. She became a Buddha as she developed this full state of enlightenment.

Her inner voice told her to help everyone on earth to follow the spiritual path to self-realization, to become a sort of mother of all beings. She taught the way of all-encompassing love, meditation, and yoga. Amma built up an extensive humanitarian organization in India. She financed schools, universities, and hospitals. She also set up an organization for single mothers which gave enough money for them to live, which is quite extraordinary in India.


Amma also engaged herself in the efforts towards equality for men and women. She renewed the Brahma cult. Brahma is the Indian god of wisdom. Equal to his side is Brahmani, the priestess of the comprehensive love. She is also called Sarasvati, the goddess of science, arts and creativity. Amma was a living proof of the ability women possess to achieve enlightenment, equal to that of men.

In the year of 2002 Amma was awarded the Gandhi-King prize from the UNO. At the World Parliament of Religions in 2004 in Barcelona she explained, love is our true self. Love and empathy are the essence of all religions. For this reason, it is unnecessary to compete or fight. She said that in todays world people suffer from two kinds of inadequacy. The first is a lack of nourishment, and the second is a lack of love. We need to overcome both types of poverty. In order to fight wars, people spend billions. If only a small portion of that could be invested in peace and harmony, all the hunger and poverty in the world could be overcome. More than a billion people on earth suffer from hunger and poverty. That is actually the biggest enemy of mankind. When we develop love in ourselves, then we can really defeat the enemy that is suffering and misery.

Amma travels every year around the world, and has been doing this since 1987. She gives everyone her Darshan, her blessing. Her particular spiritual method consists of hugging people. She shows everyone that they are loved. She makes love tangible. Lets concentrate on what we can give, and not what we can get from others, then we can experience happiness and fulfillment in life.

Nils first read about Amma in 2001 in a Yoga publication. He saw her smiling photograph and was immediately enthused. He then felt spiritually connected with Amma. He had the feeling that she was with him although she had never appeared to him in a dream. Nils learned to not expect a


personal master to appear to followers in their dreams, but that the connection is there anyway.

In December 2005, the film Darshan was released. Darshan means the transfer of blessings. A full Darshan consists of the three elements of seeing, hearing, and touch. Seeing means to see an enlightened master through photos, films, or the direct appearance of such a holy being. Hearing is conveyed through the teachings of the enlightened, perhaps in the form of a book or lecture.

The deciding factor is touch. One has to feel touched, affected by the holy. Through the inner touch, you are one with the master and receive his or her blessing.

Nils took the subway to the cinema in Hamburg, bought a ticket and sat down in the theater. He experienced a strong spiritual energy as the film began. At first, he was endlessly sad about the suffering in the world. He thought, how can it be that one person has enough to eat, and another doesnt?! He also mulled the point in his mind that the devil in the minds of humans seems to grow, and that we need a spiritual turning point to change the world from one of suffering and destruction to one of love and peace.

Then Nils experienced a deep state of bliss, as happiness energy filled him. Ammas spiritual presence had permeated Nils through the film, and had blessed him. This helped a door of happiness to open in him, and his Kundalini energy was activated. She had given him a real Darshan.


Goddess Yoga
Goddess Yoga means to pray to the Goddess, visualize the Goddess, identify with the Goddess und realize the Goddess within oneself. To visualize und to meditate on the Goddess awakes the energy of healing, happiness and enlightenment (kundalini energy). Women become a Goddess. Men give up their ego and become a cosmic consciousnes.

In Buddhism we have the Goddess Tara, who appears in varias forms like the Yoga Goddesses, who are at least one Goddess in different forms. In China the Goddess Tara is called Kuan Yin (Guan Yin, Quan Yin). There are many wunderful pictures of Goddesses in the internet. Maybe you will find your personal Goddess, who leads you to your selfrealition.

The four main Goddesses in Yoga are Durga (the Goddess of power on a tiger), Kali (the black Goddess with a sword), Sarasvati (the white Goddess with a book) and Lakshmi (the Goddess of luck with giver hands). They


embody the four properties strength, peace, wisdom and love. If we want to be happy in our lives, we need all these four properties.

The Goddess Yoga is the highest form of Yoga. With him we can awaken the kundalini energy (the inner happiness). We can quickly get into the light. The kundalini energy can be activated by two forms of Goddess Yoga. We can see ourselves as an enlightened being (Buddha, Angels, Goddess). And we can visualize the universe around us (nature, sky, stars) to get a cosmic consciousness.

Important in Goddess Yoga is that we are always well in touch with ourselves and our inner wisdom. We should never practise formally (without internal involvement). We should find creativ our personal form of Goddess Yoga and practice with perseverance every day.

1. Durga Durga is the Goddess of strength. She rides on a tiger (or lion). She has the force of a tiger within herself. What she decides to be her goal, she reaches it. She is a winner. She has many wappens eround her, meaning, that she uses creativ aller her possibilites to reach her goals. We shake both fists near our head and think the word "power", until we feel the power of Durga in us. What are the goals in your life? In which way you can reach them? "My goal is ... My way to be victorious is ..."

2. The black Goddess Kali has a sword. She is able to sacrify her ego and thus to get peace in her mind. We put our hands in the lap. We rub the earth with the feet, we feel the ground and think: "I let go of my false desires. I take the things as they are."

3. Sarasvati is the Goddess of wisdom and creativity. She holds a book and a rosary in her hands. She roots herself in the holy books and in her own


wisdom. What is your wisdom today? Track the index finger beside the head to the sky, move it a little and think, "My wisdom is ..."

4. Lakshmi is the Goddess of luck and happiness. Beside her head are two flowers. She sees the beauty in her live. She recognizes her world as a paradise. She is enlightened and has a paradies view of the cosmos. In her lap she holds a pitcher full of gold pieces. She has inner and outer wealth and spend it to her followers. What is your wealth? Recognize yourself as the Goddess of wealth. Rub your hands on your belly and think the mantra: "The wealth in my life is... I am grateful for. .. "

5. Be a mother of the earth. Consider all beings as your children. Identify yourself with them. Wish them luck and happiness. You are now Lakshmi with the giver hands. Move your hands and think, "I send light to ... May all people be happy. May the world be happy ."


Be a Happy Single
In today's society there is a strong trend towards separation. More and more relationships break down. More and more people are permanently alone. In surveys, about 10% of singles called happy, 40% feel unhappy, and 50% see themselves in the middle. People in a partnership, to 40% feel happy, 10% unhappy and 50% in the central region. (Glck, auf der Suche nach dem ' gutem Leben'. Bernhard Grom (Autor), Norbert Brieskorn (Autor), Gerd Haeffner. 1987)

This shows that people are different. Some people feel happy as singles, some unfortunate, and most live in the area between. However, there are four times more single people unhappy than people in a partnership. And most singles suffer from loneliness. The followings steps work for singles and people in relationships. Also people in relationships can feel lonely some times. Inner happiness is a good way for them too. But most important this way is for singles.

1. Process the loss of your partner. The first major step towards a positive single life is to overcome the loss of a former partner. Most people have had one or more relationships. The longer these relationships were and the more intense they were, the longer is the time of processing.

* We should live our grief completely. If we repress our grief, it will dig further into our subconscious. We subconsciously always long for a happy relationship. Let's look at the thoughts who are present in us. Cry over your loss, reflect on the essence of life and come to positive thoughts again.

* Listen to sad music, read books or make sad walks. Talk with other people about your suffering.


* Forgive your partner and send him positive sentences. Want all beings in the world to be happy.

2. Meditate. The main path to overcome suffering is the connection of meditation with positive thinking. The way of meditation is that we allow all our thoughts and feelings to come out. We let them come and go as they want. We only observe. Until they come of their own to rest.

3. Think positive. The way of positive thinking is to think about the meaning of life, to focus on positive goals and to overcome grief with positive sentences.

4. Connect meditation and positive thinking. If we only meditate, we can easily sink into sadness. Positive thinking can lead to suppression of sorrow thoughts and to inner tensions. If we both live for the right time, our tensions will resolve. Inner happiness appears.

5. View the single life as an opportunity. Consider your single life as an opportunity for intensive growth to inner happiness. Make the path of inner happiness to the center of your life.

6. Live for a spiritual plan for the day. A spiritual plan is the great victory over boredom and the loss of meaning of life. The days are now filled. The schedule gives the single life a positive structure. He gives you inner strength and positivity. You live based on positive goals and will thus become internally positive.


7. Part of your day in various phases of spiritual practice. Feelings such as loneliness, boredom and meaninglessness are caused by internal tensions. The tensions block the energy of your happiness (enlightenment energy). Everyone has enlightenment energy in himself. Find the spiritual exercises who awake your happiness every day. The most important spiritual exercises are yoga, walking, meditation, reading, and positive thinking (cognitive work).

8. Distribute your spiritual exercises over the day so that your tensions dissolve, the happiness energy awake and you come into the light. The spiritual way is a cleaning path. You clean your tensions with persistence and creativity each day, until one day you're living in permanent light.

It is very important for a single to see things clearly. The main happiness of a man is his inner happiness. It provides to 90% from her inner happiness, how happy a person in her life is. Who sees things clearly, focuses things right in his life. And then the single life suddenly become a godsend. According to Swami Sivananda the fastest way to inner happiness is to live alone and to practice spiritually a lot. Amma (Mata Amritanandamay) said that you will get ahead on the path of inner happiness five times faster when you live alone. Buddha even pronounced that the deep inner happiness (enlightenment) is difficult to achieve when you live in a relationship.

A relationship can distract a man from the spiritual path. Man is lost in worldly communication. Man wastes his time talking to much. He put his energy in outer relationship activities. In a relationship the main focus is mostly on the partner and not on the spiritual goal. The partner calls for proximity, contact and communication.

As a single one has a lot of rest. This is a great burden and a great opportunity. Plenty of rest is the main path to enlightenment. Plenty of rest,


and the inner tension dissolve almost by itself. Connecting a lot of rest with regular spiritual practice is the optimal way to enlightenment. Those singles who do not refuge from the rest, maintain many contacts with other people or constantly turn on the TV, but go into the rest and combine it with spiritual practices, grow into the inner happiness.

Enlightenment is a great grace for all singles. You are not lost. You can get to enlightenment in a relationship or as a single. But living alone usually offers significantly greater chance of reaching the goal. You can live permanently as a single in a happiness that is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Living alone is the harder way of life. It is difficult for the most people to live alone. But a life as a single gives us the big opportunity to get enlightenment. Let's use this chance. Let us realize ourselves. Let us become enlightened singles.


Be a Karma-Yogi --------------------

A great gift for singles is the path of Karma Yoga. He allows us to overcome our loneliness on a deep level. We can get into the energy of the allcomprehensive love.

How to become a Karma Yogi? The center of the path of love is the goal of a happy world. We wish happiness to all beings. In our minds we are already seeing the goal of a happy world realized. We live with a positive


vision. This gives us the power for a positive life. Our positive vision opens the gates of happiness within us.

The main practice of Karma Yoga is to send all beings every day light. We connect us every day with our friends. We connect us with all beings that touch us emotional. We think their names. We move a hand and send them love and light. We send light all over the globe. We wish that all people in the word will be happy.

We wish a happy world. We wish a happy cosmos. We break through our isolation as a single. We live in a constant emotional contact with all other beings in the world. At some point, our feeling of loneliness will disappear. We are full of love.

It is important that we view this exercise as a real energy transfer. We help people real with our light. Then the light meditation opens every day our heart.

We should manifest our desire for a happy world externally too. Otherwise, our subconscious mind does not believe us, and we do not really get deep into the energy of embracing love.

There are many ways to help our fellow men. We can regularly do a little positive action. We can donate money to the people in the Third World. We can give a person a smile or a positive word. We may work in a non-profit organization. We should find a way of helping that suits us and what is practicable in our situation.


A sick woman wrote two hours each day encouraging letters for other people. Thus she came to inner happiness. There is no one that can not help in any way his fellow men. Even if we do every day only a small thing, it will bring us at the long term in the power of embracing love.


The Yogi Bhagiratha --------------------------

Bhagiratha was an Indian king. All his brothers and sisters lived in the hell. They lived in the world of suffering. They were inwardly unhappy. They were tormented by the seven demons anger, pride, envy, greed, fear, addiction and unwisdom.

Bhagiratha knew that his brothers and sisters could not recover by themselves from their spiritual unwisdom. The path of inner happiness is hard to understand. The consistent spiritual practice is difficult to learn. And still more difficult it is the way of effective practicing to be found. Most people lose themselves in the formal practice and do not come forward. Without an enlightened master is not easy for a normal man to come into the light successfully.

Bhagiratha decided to save his brothers and sisters from the hell. He became a yogi and brought first himself into the light. After having practiced twelve years intense yoga meditation, one night Lord Shiva appeared in his dream and asked him what he wants. Bhagiratha replied: "I want to free my brothers and sisters from hell. I want to bring all people of the world into the light of God. I wish a happy world full of happy people. "

Shiva then opened the sky and let the water of life flowing down on the earth. The impact on the earth was so great that Shiva had to soften it. He let the water run through his matted Yogihaar, and it was spread on the ground in many small streams. The streams splashing from the Himalaya mountains into the Indian plains and irrigated the land. All India began to flourish, the people were happy and the animals were happy too. The result


was the sacred river Ganges, which supplies today northern India with water.

Bhagiratha transformed into Shiva. The water is the cosmic energy (kundalini-energy). The energy flowed inside and outside over his head and his hairs down on his body. After some time Bhagiratha was quite full of energy and happiness, surrounded by a cloud of light. Where he stepped his feet, the earth started to bloom. Red roses and white lilies lined his path. Near him the wild animals were tame, and the birds began to sing.

When he looked like a God (Buddha/Shiva), beaming with happiness, he went back into the world of suffering (in yoga the material world can be called "hell") and told his people from the way of inner happiness. As he himself had achieved this, they believed him and followed him. All his brothers and sisters practiced every day the spiritual path. They practiced yoga, meditation and positiv thinking. They went the way of the consistently positive relationships. They lived their relations not from the ego, but from God (the light inside). Thus, the Paradise was brought to earth.

The story of Bhagiratha is the connecting link between yoga, buddhism and christianity. It is the way of love to enlightenment (holiness, living in the light, in bliss). The essence of this three religions is to be happy and to be good. Love yourself (God within you) and realize your inner happiness. Love all beings of the world and realize a cosmic consciousness. Be a spiritual father and mother of all unenlightened beings. Help them on their spiritual way and built up a happy world. This ist the way to enlightenment, inner healing and holiness.

Practice selfrealisation and universal love in balance. Give yourself the relaxation, rest and joy you need. Dont think only of yourself. Concern for your fellow beings. Only we all together can built up a happy world. We are


one family und have to help each other. That is the essence from the story of Bhagiratha.

Have a Happy Relationship

"Let's admit it. Relationships are not easy. Oh no, they are very difficult. Love and hate, what is it? So close to each other. But certainly also nothing is wrong. For everything in this universe has a meaning. We only can not recognize it.

Yes, living partnership is not so simple. If in the partnership, the large and small crises pile up, the obligations in everyday life dominate, the stress at work determines us, if the talks only revolve around problems, if the tingling dies by the daily routine, when sex becomes boring, if he does not asleep, then the question arises whether this is all in life? "(a woman in the Internet)


In any relationship both partners should be very sensitive to their special way to find a happy relationship. And to consistently pursue the long term. Happiness research has investigated how a relationship work in a long term. The most important rules are: Strive for a good relationship. Marriage is work. It is a false way of comprehending that one can let go completely at home. It takes some effort to make a relationship succeed. Be in your relationship yourself. Live yourself and your needs so that you feel good in thee. Do not work too much. Avoid too much criticism. Do criticism factual, sensitive and at the right moment. The basic rule for each relationship is least 2 / 3 praise and less than 1 / 3 critique. Avoid to cut off your partner too often his wishes. Say yes as often as is possible. Solve conflicts constructively. Clarify the precise factual situation. Think about different solutions. Finde the good common ground. Spend regular time with certain activities that make you and your partner pleasure. For example, sex, dining, travel, excursions and a common hobby. Gladden your partner regularly with a little attention. For example, flowers, small gifts and affection. Tell him that you love him. Take him in the arm. Rejoice with positve sentences and gestures. Avoid things that your partner does not like. Work on your own negative characteristics.


Limit up adequately against negative behavior from your partner (for example tantrums, violations of positive life principles). Do not reward negative behavior. Stay in an neutral form or say "No". Be a good team. A good relationship is based on teamwork. A good team has a common goal. It knows its way to success. Be gently with each other. Go out of the way, if you are aggressive. Come for yourself to peace, before you communicate with your partner. Be more gentle than aggressive. Love grows on the basis of non-violence, wisdom and gentleness. Compliment each other. Men love admiration. Women love gestures of affection. Be honest with each other. Live in truth. Ttruth is the basis of every good relationship. Anchored your relationship in a positive principle. Find a suitable name for this higher principle. Call it luck, love, truth, or spirituality. Connect you regularly and in all beautiful and all difficult situations with your higher principle. Live in the center of your relationship from your higher principle. Forgive one another your faults. Love means to be able to forgive. Love means to apologize.

Have patience. Love means to have patience.

Be modest. Do not demand too much from the partner, the life and yourself. Anyone who can not limit his wishes becomes permanently unhappy. Who does not know his point of satisfaction will never be satisfied. What is your full stop?


Take your partner like he is. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. No man is perfect. Love means to love the partner with his weaknesses. Accept the smallness in you, then you can take it in your fellow man.

The main happiness of a people comes from himself. Important for a lasting happiness are daily spiritual exercises such as yoga, walking, reading, reflection (introspection), positive thinking (cognitive work) and meditation. Do never stop to wish all beings happy. Who wishes the happiness of all beings is growing in his own happiness. This is the highest spiritual wisdom.

Live in Heaven and not in the Hell -----------------------------------------

In the hell, people are living their relationships out of the selfishness. They enter into relationships in order to get something from your partner. They want security, contact, enjoyment and appreciation. Over time their relationship degenerates more and more into power struggles. Both try to get as much as possible and thereby they make each other more and more unhappy.

In heavenly relationships, people live love and giving. They are in themselves happy. In heavenly relationships people build a happy team. A happy team is working for the happiness of the world and for the enlightenment of both partners. It has a social and a spiritual task.


Both partners help each other materially, emotionally and spiritually. They support each other on the path of inner happiness. In their relationship, the center is the inner happiness (spirituality) and not the outer happiness. They build their relationship on the values of truth, loyalty, love and peace.

In Buddhism, there is the image of hell. The people sit at the tables facing each other. They cannot eat anything because the spoons are longer than their arms. They can not take the spoon to the mouth. In the Buddhist heaven, people have also long spoons. But they feed themselves each other, and all are happy.

In heaven, people live the principle of love. In hell, people do not come up with the idea that there is a way of giving. In hell, people look for happiness in the wrong place. They do not even see the dishes.

The most important dish in the cosmos is the inner happiness. Who does neither know the path of inner happiness nor the principle of giving, will at long term never get a happy relationship. He will never really be satisfied with himself and the world. He will never come to deep inner peace and deep inner happiness.

In a spiritual relationship, we take care first well for ourselves. We make sure that our inner happiness grows in the long term. We pay attention to enough rest, enough time for ourselves and an adequate spiritual practice (yoga, reading, walking, meditation). We live the small giving. We give only as much as we have energy left. If we then one day are a Buddha (a selfrealized soul) and have much happiness in us, then we can primarily give.


Have a Happy Family

In modern times we are experiencing a breakdown of families. The normal case is separation, strife, selfishness and aggression. Education is hardly taking place. The education is taken over from the television. It educates children predominantly to negative values. TV children make their parents, their fellow men and himself a hard time. They follow the false ideology of the outer happiness and thereby destroy their inner happiness and the happiness of their family.

Families lack the path of inner happiness. The basis of a happy family are positive values. These positive values must be fostered and promoted. This is in today's life no easy task. Most people are influenced by the negative values of television. A positive life in a predominantly secular society requires of us daily inner work. Our children are constantly in contact with negative values. We therefore need to make them very strong so they can live in their later life happy and positive.


1. Create a family identity. Find a family motto. What would yours be? Write a family vision statement. Describe family goals and dreams. What does my family like to do?

2. Work together. A happy family depends on teamwork. Every member of the family should want to have a happy family life. Create rules in your familiy.

3. Nurture the positive features. The first step to make our children strong inside is to foster positive values. The most important values are love, wisdom, selfdiscipline, inner peace and happiness.

*The property of love means that we are positive to ourselves, to our family and to the whole world. We live for the happiness of all beings and at the same time we develop our own happiness.

* Wisdom is to live healthy, to think positive, read spiritual books and relax enough. It is difficult to educate our children to wisdom. They want to eat sweets, to watch TV, to be lazy and do only what they want to. They are in constant struggle between short- and long-term thinking.

* Let's make our children to winners in their lives. Ally ourselves with the wisdom of our children and strengthen their predominantly positive characteristics. We emphasize the positive and ignore the negative properties, if it is possible. If we have to be strong and clear, then we are powerful and clear. If we can give freedom, then we are letting free. It is important that we are a good example. Children learn primarily by positive role models and only as a supplement through education.


* Inner peace is very important for every family. We must protect our children from sensory overload. We must protect them from too much television. One hour of TV a day is the maximum for children. Even better is to abolish the TV. Children need regular and clear structures in the family. By a good order peace is born in the family and our children. We must encourage our children to promote their self-discipline. Only on the basis of self-discipline in the long term a positive life is possible.

* All family members should learn to pay attention to their thoughts. They should be anchored in the positive. Important are honest discussions, positive activities and positive rituals (eating together, telling stories, reading spiritual books, songs, prayers, meditations). We in our family should not worship the God of consumption, but the goddess of inner happiness. We should give the spirit of all members of our family a clear main point of reference. Otherwise he comes easy into confusion.

5. Work with a spiritual role model. The consistent practice of the positive features is the first major step to give our children inside strongness and make them to winners in their lives. The second major step is to work with a specific spiritual role model. Ultimately, the model only gives us the strength to go a long-term path of positive life. Most people need the inspiration of a positive role model to walk the long path of inner happiness.

* The model is the consolidation of all positive qualities in one person. It shows us that it is possible to realize inner happiness and to lead a happy life. There are many different models for the path of inner happiness. We should find those role models who inspire our children personally.

* Each model includes positive stories. The story books are full of good stories. Often it is the stories that make a child related to a particular model. We can tell these stories or read them aloud. We can devise stories


yourself. In these stories the model wins over all the bad guys in the world, helps the weak and realizes enlightenment (a life in God, Goddess Yoga, get the great treasure).

6. Teach spirituality. The greatest gift we can give our children is a spiritual upbringing. We make them to masters of life. We give them the knowledge of the path of inner happiness. We empower them to a happy and positive life. A wise education is neither too harsh nor too freely. It sets clear boundaries and gives the child at the same time sufficient space for selfdetermination. In the long term the goal is to let the child find his own way, yet also assume the responsibility as a parent to a positive upbringing.

Each family has to exercise their own form of spiritual practice. You can find your own spiritual ledger, your own role models and your own rituals (daily exercise). You may develop a form of spirituality, in which you feel comfortable and that suits the family. In spiritual practice, it is important that we stay in touch with our inner truth. The daily practice may not be an empty ritual. We can constantly change creative, find new words, or try out new exercises, so the feeling is genuine. Only true feelings cause spiritual growth. Only mantras (prayers, reading, meditation) with a real sense of participation lead us to self-realization.

Yoga and Positiv Thinking ----------------------------------

Yoga with positive sentences for many people is very helpful. It allows us quickly to overcome negative tendencies and reach a happy und healthy life. Negativ people are 90 % more healthy than positiv people. Positiv thinking is


an important way to lasting health. Positiv thinking and daily meditation are the two basic technics of enlightenment.

1. Go = We go on the spot, the arms are moving like a steam locomotive, we visualize light, turn around and think, "I go the positve way." What is the positive way for you today?

2. Windmill = We straddle the legs apart, bow forward, turn like a windmill into the spinal column and think: "My goals are ...". What goals do you want to achieve in your life? Count on three goals.

3. Frog = The feet come together. We bow with the upper body before. We base ourselves up with your hands on the floor and move our ass down in a crouch and back up in the air. The head goes up to the sky and down to the earth. We practice several times the frog and think: "I have strength and endurance."

4. Arms-Legs = We lay down on our stomach. We raise the left arm and right leg. We bring back both to the earth and lift the right arm and the left leg. We do this several times. We think, "I take things to the way they are." What will you take today?

5. Upper Body = We lie in the prone position, the hands on the floor and repeatedly presse the upper body up and down. The head goes to the neck and forward. When breathing in and out, we think, "I let go of my false desires." What do you want to let go of today?


6. Beck Turn = In the prone position, we turn the pelvis back and forth. The head lies on the hands. We think, "I am sad because ...". What is today your grief?

7. Feet Moving = We are moving our feet in the prone position. The head lies relaxed on our hands. We think, "I forgive ... (I forgive my partner / parents / the cosmos / God, that he / she .... I forgive the cosmos, that my life is so hard. I forgive me that I ...)". Whom do you want forgive today? Think your words until arises in you a feeling of sadness, of letting go and forgiveness.

8. Cycling = We turn on the back, lift our head and move our arms and legs. We think, "I go the way of the positive. My positive thought is today...." Which sentence gives you vitality and courage? What makes your mind positive? Think of the beauty in life. What is good in your life?

9. Candle = We stretch the legs to the sky. Our hands support us at the back. We visualize the sky, move our feet and think many times the mantra "Heaven", until the energy of the sky flows into us.

10. Meditation seat = We roll from the candle into our meditation seat (crosslegged or heel seat). We put our hands in the lap. The back is straight and the stomach is relaxed. We move one hand and send all people light. We wrap them with light and think, "I send light to ... May all beings be happy. May the word be happy." We stop a minute all the thoughts. We relax. We go optimistic our way.


Have a Happy, Healthy and Spiritual Old Age

The old age can be a time of self-fulfillment and happiness. But it must be lived properly. Most people have first time in their live the possibility to life themselves. But they misunderstand self-realization as the way of acting out the external needs. Living the external needs is for a short time of interest, but in the long run, it is rather unsatisfactory. It does not really make you happy in the depths of your soul.

One day a yogi hold a lecture about positiv thinking in a senior center. Most of the older people were very negativ. But two of them were happy and positiv. He asked them for their secret. The positiv old lady did every day three hours of spiritual exercises. She meditated, read in a spiritual book and walked one hour. She said, that her spiritual exercises helped her positiv to go through difficult times. The positiv old man organised positiv activities for his old fellow people. That made himself positiv. He lived as a


karma-yogi and got therefore love, happiness and a deeper sense in his life.

At the old age the inner happiness must be cultivated. Extremely necessary is the path of inner happiness. Old age often brings energy loss, disease, meaninglessness, and many external problems. The nerves are getting weaker, and the inner positivity declines. At the old age it is necessary to make every day exercises to maintain the physical health and to strengthen the inner happiness.

Swami Sivananda taught, "Sadhana is any spiritual practice that helps people to realize themselves. Sadhana is the highest wealth. It is the only thing that has lasting value."

1. Practise the five principles of health. Healthy eating (raw vegetables and fruit every day), evoid unhealtha substances (drugs, alcohol, smoking, to much eating), sports (walking, jogging, swimming, yoga), positiv thinking and meditation.

2. Do sports every day for at least half an hour or one hour. Go walking, jogging, swimming, cycling or do intensiv yoga. Visit a health center oder have an exercise bike. Sweat once a day and the illness goes away.

3. Read one hour a day in a spiritual book. There are many good books who can inspire you on your way of inner happiness. Reading is the best trainer for a positiv mind. Control your negativ thoughts. Find positiv sentences. Start every day with a positiv vision.


4. Do yoga and meditation every day for one hour. Awaken your enlightenment energy. Calm your mind and he becomes positiv. Find the spiritual exercise which are helpful for you. You can have every positiv religion or philosophy you want, but you must practice it to get the bliss.

5. Have a hobby. Life becomes positiv, if we live with a deeper goal like enlightenment, God or doing good. Live as a world saver and help every day with your possibilities. Find your place and your task of doing good. Live in the energy of love. Do so much good that you get the feeling, that you are a mother or father of the world. Do so much good, that your mind changes into love.

6. Have some friends. You can find friends in the internet, in WikiHow, in spiritual and in social organisations. Meet regularly one or more people. Have a nice time together. Live is happy, if we have some good friends.

7. Dont fear of dying. Your spiritual exercises will help you to get throught. Meditate and think a mantra (Om, Yes, a holy name). After your death you will earn the great benefit of your spiritual old age. You will get into a dimension of light, peace and love. You will see, even if you dont believe in a live after death.

8. Motivate yourself every day. In the old age thinking normally becomes negativ. It is not easy to get every day the motivation to do spiritual exercise. What is your helpfull sentence? Find every day a way to get the power to live a positiv life. Start the day with spiritual music, a word of a spiritual master or a spiritual exercise like yoga with positiv thinking.


Proof of God
Anyone who is enlightened, can see and feel God. He lives in God. He sees God as a kind of light that penetrates the entire world. He feels God as an energy around him and within him. He feels God as inner happiness, inner peace and inner strength. He realizes that he is in a higher truth, which can also be described as universal love.

God is so great, that it is well worth looking for him the whole life. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), Spanish mystic

1. Find out about the enlightenment. (Wikipedia) Spiritual enlightenment means to obtain a spiritual revelation or deep insight into the meaning and


purpose of all things, to communicate with or understand the mind of God, or to achieve a fundamentally changed level of existence whereby one's self is experienced as a nonchanging field of pure consciousness. Mysticism is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, instinct or insight.

2. Realize that every true religion is based on the experience of enlightenment of its founder: the Judaism of Moses, Christianity of Jesus, Buddhism of Buddha, Hinduism of many enlightened. The center of a religion is enlightenment. Religion will lead to enlightenment. Moses was enlightened, as he saw a shining (burning) bush after many years of a secluded life in the desert. He saw the light of God in the bush. Jesus became enlightened, after John the Baptist gave him the Enlightenment energy (kundalini energy). After this Jesus meditated 40 days in the desert. Then the devil (his ego) left him and the angels ministered to him (he was able to help with the enlightenment energy his fellow human beings). Buddha got enlightenment after six years as a yogi under the Bodhi tree. Mara (the devil) disappeared and Buddha rested in happiness.

3. Realize that God is a mystery that can be described personal and impersonal. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam God is seen as an acting person. God is a supreme being, which can be addressed as a person and asked for help. Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism (Chinese philosophy) prefere the abstract concept of God. God is higher energy and a state of being.

4. Realize that there are different conceptions of God within the same religion. Moses has in contrast to Jesus, an abstract concept of God. In his central definition Moses describes God as: "I am." These words refer to God as a happy state of being which one experiences in the enlightenment. In the words "I am" the royal road to enlightenment is mentioned. Man must


develop a cosmic consciousness. He loses the sense of his self (ego). He experiences himself as pure consciousness, as one with everything and can say only, "I am." He can not say: "I am the ... (name)." He identifies himself with everything. In yoga it is called Sat-Chid-Ananda, the compound from being, unity and bliss.

5. Prove God through the enlightenment. There are millions of witnesses in the world for the fact of enlightenment. Million people in all cultures and at all times have attained enlightenment. They have all had the same experience. They only have described God in different words, "nature, universe, Tao, Brahman, Nirvana, Manitou, Allah, Yahweh". Modern science has studied many enlightened and confirmed their specific abilities. Everyone can check the proof.

Read the research on Matthieu Ricard. There are certain criteria by which one can recognize genuine enlightenment (experiences of God). The best you orientate to enlightened as Jesus, Buddha or Socrates. Thoroughly investigated by U.S. brain researchers several years ago was Matthieu Ricard. They found a particularly large inner happiness, serenity, inner peace and compassion.

Psychological and Physical Proof of God -----------------------------------------------

There is the psychological and the physical evidence of God's existence. For the psychological proof of God, it is sufficient that the enlightenment is mental and that an enlightened one sees God. God as a transcendent experience is already proven. There are many enlightened witnesses.


The physical proof of God is that God not only exists in an enlightened, but also as an outer reality: "Body and soul are separate. There is an afterlife, there is a paradies, praying is helpfull, God can act through miracles. " To prove this, we need a lot of convincing evidences.

The physics is approaching the realization that there are one or more higher dimensions in our universe. (String theory, Quantum mechanics). Professor Drr: "Basically, there is no such thing as material primarily, there exists only connections to material foundation. We could therefore call it consciousness material and energy appear only as coagulated secondarily, solidified spirit...." "Many discoveries of quantum physics are not only immaterial, but that is a work in completely different ways that have nothing to do with the standard three-dimensional spatial sense we have. It is a pure information field, a sort of quantum code. It has nothing to do with mass and energy. This information field spans the entire universe. The cosmos is whole information because this field has no limit. There is only one but, this one united entity is differentiated.

Atheist: The proof of God has been rendered by TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation). The Canadian neurologist Michael Persinger put on his subjects magnetic fields, and they are touched by God. God is the creation of certain brain areas. Thus, your witnesses evidence is nothing more than auto-suggestion.

Yogi Nils: You make a major logical error, as many other brain researchers too. If God can be perceived by the brain (there are even certain areas of God), does this not mean that God is only in the brain. If an apple can be


perceived by the brain, does this not mean that there is no real apple outside the brain. God can exist inside and outside the brain. Persinger did a psychological proof of God. Great thanks to him.

TMS confirmed the fact of enlightenment. Enlightenment exists. The enlightened one sees God. Enlightenment is thus at least a psychological fact. As a condition of human consciousness enlightenment is already clearly established. The big question is whether God really exists outside the brain, such as the above mentioned apple. There are many facts such as the quantum physics, the results of the brain research, the supernatural experiences (for example, the cures of Lourdes) and the statements of the enlightened.

A proof of God is a difficult matter. Many Christians explain, that God does not need to be proved. It is enough, that it is written in the Bible. The atheists usually ask for more and better evidences. What we do, they are never satisfied. Third, the science developes constantly. The certain knowledge of today is the joke of tomorrow.

New insights may emerge constantly. The evaluation of research results is extremely difficult. Many views are possible. And that's a good thing. God is bigger than human capacity. Only circumstantial evidences are possible. And ratings are subjected to the principle of free evaluation. Everyone may form his own opinion.

---> Yogi Nils reads the proof of God v=suY3iQCzEz8



God as a Person ----------------------

Christianity is more commonly associated with the personal concept whereas Buddhism is more connected to the abstract point of view. For this reason, many conflicts and misunderstandings have been encountered by the followers of the aforementioned religions. Each side claims to possess the real understanding of God.

A significant gap among the religions has been bridged by Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi). Amma is to date the main representative of Hinduism in the West. According to Amma, there is a great enlightened force composed of fully enlightened souls. This force possesses a cosmic consciousness which is at one with the cosmos (with God) and with one another. One could view this as a mass of souls who see themselves as one, or a mass of souls who view one another as friends.


According to Amma, a prayer is always heard and reacted to or upon by one of these higher beings. It doesnt matter what name humans use in the process, whether it be Allah, God, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, or Odin, it is all the same. The only point of importance is that the person praying would like help from a higher force in the cosmos.

God is often described as a cloud in Christianity. This image goes well with the idea of the aforementioned great enlightened force of souls. We could consider these souls as an energy cloud of highly developed consciousness. They are capable of affecting every dimension of the cosmos with beams of light. This often transpires via symbols such as books, images, and statues which appear in certain locations. More spiritually developed humans are able to sense these beams of energy which emanate symbolically through the statues and images. Such people are able to focus and turn this energy into inner power, peace, or positive thoughts.

The positive force helps everyone who calls out to it. The mass of enlightened souls do not always help us exactly as we imagine or would like. The main goal of this enlighened force of souls is to wake up other souls to the higher power and to build a blissful cosmos. They can only go so far with egotistical wishes. When an individual seeks cosmic bliss and enlightenment and peace for all, then such prayers are answered without reservation.

God is a cosmic consciousness and a being capable of action. God as cosmic consciousness urges us to enlightenment. God as a being is incarnated as the enlightened master. The best way is to strive toward enlightenment for oneself (inner bliss and inner peace) and to allow oneself to be assisted along this path by a spiritual master in whatever form said spiritual master appears to us. In this way, our paths will lead us to God one day and we will then know exactly what the meaning of God is.


It is good to live in God. It is better to be enlightened than not to be. To long for enlightenment is the deeper meaning of life. This goal must not be reached within one life time. We should each go about our ultimate spiritual goal in the best way for each of us.

Threefold Proof of God -----------------------------

In Christianity, God is defined as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. From this point of view comes the threefold proof of God. The threefold proof is attained by bringing spirituality and science together into a cohesive harmony of concept.

1. God as the Father is Cosmos. God is cosmic energy. According to Amit Goswami (The Conscious Universe, 1992) consciousness is the highest form of energy. This point is yet to be researched in detail, but one can already see that modern atomic physics and spirituality are coming closer and closer to one another with their conclusions.

Quantum physics has proven by physical tests that a higher field of consciousness (information field) in the universe exists (Alain Aspect, Amit Goswami). The ruling string theory assumes that it has our material universe there are many other dimensions of energy. The former head of the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich, Professor Hans-Peter Drr said: ""Basically, there is no such thing as material. Primarily, there exists only connections to material foundation. We could therefore call it consciousness. It is a pure information field, a sort of quantum code. This information field spans the entire universe. The cosmos is whole information


because this field has no limit. There is only one, but this one united entity is differentiated."

2. God as the son is every enlightened being. This encompasses Gods consciousness. There are many enlightened people on earth. The reality of enlightenment can be scientifically proven. One only needs to ask these enlightened individuals questions and test their specific abilities. This is already being practiced via brain research.

Christians need to drop the notion that Jesus is the one and only enlightened to have ever existed. This idea is psychologically understandable but scientifically unacceptable. Every small child thinks his or her father is the biggest and best, but it is evident upon reaching adulthood that there are many worthy fathers, just as there are many enlightened individuals.

3. God as the Holy Spirit is the spiritual energy (aura, energy field) that every sensitive being can sense around him or herself. This can be perceived as light, water, power, love, peace, unity, and bliss. The Holy Spirit can disolve tension and heal sickness. It can strengthen the ability to heal oneself. It can affect peace, inner bliss, and enlightenment.

The Holy Spirit can be generated via spiritual exercises or from enlightened masters. If an indivual doesnt possess a form of spiritual energy, the existence of God is emotionally difficult to comprehend. In 1987, Nils practiced Yoga every day for thirty minutes for half a year when he suddenly perceived this trace of energy. He had a brush with transcendence. He could feel the energy of his students when instructing Yoga. He felt united with the entire world in grace and mercy.


In order to classify this spiritual energy, it still needs to be researched in a scientific fashion. One can assume that it has to do with a sort of connection to a higher field of cosmic information (a higher cosmic dimension) via a highly developed consciousness that deals with humans and animals. Whatever the name used for this energy, its existence has been no mystery to the various groups, tribes, and nationalities of people throughout the course of time. This spiritual energy has an especially significant meaning for the healing of psychological ailments, in terms of working with this energy to heal. Energy healers use this energy to cure various ailments and sicknesses of a mental variety. This has been documented in many films.

Spiritual energy could be referred to as a holy ghost because it seems to come from an entirely different dimension. With this energy, enlightened and highly developed spiritual people can help others. The bible describes how Jesus poured this energy onto his disciples on Pentecost. He filled his followers with this spiritual energy. The followers felt radiantly and divinely happy and radiated an aura of pure light and felt tiny flames of energy from their heads (this could be interpreted as a form of the skull chakra, which Nils also experienced after an intense session of meditation in 1987.)


Shiva is the supreme example in yoga. If we identify with him, he gives us strength, endurance and determination on our way. He makes us to winners


in our lives. A Puja is a ritual of reflection on our goals. What are your goals? How would you reach them? What do you want to let go? What do you want to accept today? Forward! Success! A music video with bell, guitar and a guide to Shiva Puja.

Is There a Life After Death?

Essentially there are five references to a life after death: the quantum physics (Professor Drr), the near death research (Pam Reynolds), the after death research (Karmapa), the reincarnation cases (Shanti Devi) and the statements of the enlightened (the clairvoyant).

1. Think about the quantum physics. Quantum physics has proven by physical tests that a higher field of consciousness (information field) in the universe exists (Alain Aspect, Amit Goswami). The ruling string theory assumes that it has our material universe there are many other dimensions of energy. The former head of the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich, Professor Hans-Peter Drr believes that the brain by thinking a field of consciousness (quantum field) forms that can exist after the death of the body in the higher dimension further.

* Drr: "Basically, there is no such thing as material. Primarily, there exists only connections to material foundation. We could therefore call it consciousness. Material and energy appear only as coagulated Secondarily, solidified spirit. Many discoveries of quantum physics are not only immaterial, but that is a work in completely different ways that have nothing to do with the standard three-dimensional spatial sense we have. It is a pure information field, a sort of quantum code. It has nothing to do with mass and energy. This information field spans the entire universe. The cosmos is whole information because this field has no limit. There is only one, but this


one united entity is differentiated. "( ganzer_artikel.asp?artikelid=1944)

* You are 78 years old. Do you believe in for afterlife? Is there existence after death? Drr: "That is an interesting question. What we consider the here and now, this world, it is actually just the material level that is comprehensible. The beyond is an infinite reality that is much bigger, Which this world is rooted in. In this way, our lifes in this plane of existence are encompassed, surrounded, by the afterworld already. When planning I imagine that I have written my existence in this world on a sort of hard drive on the tangible (the brain) that I have also transferred this data onto the spiritual quantum field (the spirit, the indepenendent consciousness), then I could say that when I, I do not lose this information, this conscioiusness. The body dies but the spiritual quantum field continues. In this way, I am immortal. "(see above) 2. Think about the near death research. The near death research confirms that the mind can think independently from the body. 1991 the 35 year-old Pam Reynolds underwent a brain operation. Her blood was routed from her brain and she was placed in a state of artificial coma. Her head was attached with wires to measure brain waves. It was ascertained that no brain waves could travel during this half an hour. The thought processes were blocked, and examined as no hormone release could occur. Hallucinations were not possible in this state. (

* And it just so happened that Pam Reynolds had her out of body experience at this time. She floated with her soul out of her body. She observed from above all of the details of her operation. She then floated through a tunnel to a world of light. There, she met her dead grandmother and other people. The beings there lived in a paradise dimension and possessed positive energy. With their energy, they strengthened Ms. Reynolds So that she could go through her operation successfully. In a BBC


interview, Pam Reynolds explained that she had experienced the breath of God. --->

* The special aspect of the case of Pam Reynolds lies with the fact that modern measurement equipment shows that the consciousness of a person exists even when the stuff of the brain is shut off. This leads one to conclude that there must be an independent consciousness separate from the body. The body and soul are two independent manifestations of energy. The case of Pam Reynolds was tested with many other patients. They confirmed the results. 3. Read the story of the death of the 16. Karmapa, the second highest master in Tibetan Buddhism (after the Dalai Lama). Enlightened Tibetan masters traditionally stay in their bodies for three days after death. This is recognized by the fact that their bodies do not begin to decompose and that the heart chakra is warm. This fact can be explained with the continuation of life after death. The 16th Karmapa died in 1981 in a hospital in Chicago. He stayed three days after his death with his soul in his body. The body did not rot in that time and the heart region was warm. Dr. Levy cared for him until his death: (

*He lay there in bed, dying with cancer, and he looked as if he were to have his tonsils removed. Every time I walked in the room, he smiled and his face brightened. I looked at him and said, how are you today? and he smiled and said Im okay. For his Holiness, it was all just business as usual. It was just one more experience, the experience to find out if cancer would kill him or not. For him, it did not make a difference if he lived or died. You might as well have been talking about chicken soup with him. The way his death neared, was just one more tool with which he could work with others and help them.


*Even in death, his Holiness never ceased to amaze the Western medical establishment. 48 hours after his death, his chest was still warm. In this moment, my hands were both warm, and his chest was warmer than my hand. In order to test this, I moved my hands to the side of his chest, away from his heart, and there it was cold. I then felt the middle again, and above his heart it was warm. I pinched his skin and found that it was still elastic and completely normal. After 36 hours, the dead typically have skin comparable to dough. And his skin was still like that of the living after 48 hours. It was as if he werent dead.

*Shortly after we left the room, the surgeon came and said, he is warm, he is warm. And then it came to be that the medical staff asked again and again if he were still warm. It was naturally consistent to the traditional Tibetan experience. Developed individuals like his Holiness stay in their bodies after breath and heartbeat have stopped, within a state of deep meditation. After three days the Samadhi ended. It was recognized that his Holiness was no longer warm and that the process of death set in. After this, the atmosphere changed, it too became normal. 4. Think about the reincarnation research. The reincarnation research approaches more and more to the fact that there are past lives. Thousands of reports were investigated . The witnesses could accurately describe the previous places and situations, although they were never there and had heard nothing about it in the normal way. The most well-known reincarnation researcher in the West is Professor Ian Stevenson from the University of Virginia. He examined over the course of 40 years over 3.000 reincarnations situations throughout the world. Often, he noticed similarities in behavior and bodily signals in line with the former incarnation.

* One of the most well-known cases of reincarnation in India is Shanti Devi. She was born in 1926 in New Delhi and could remember her previous life as


a house wife in Mathura. Although she was never in that location, she was able to describe her previous husband, her previous house, and the city itself. She could even remember where she had always hidden her money in her former life. (

5. Think about enlightenment. Who is enlightened can, thanks to its expanded consciousness, look in the beyond and know the life after death and the happiness in the Paradise. The sacred books of mankind based on the enlightenment experiences of their authors. Buddha looked at his former life, when he became enlightened. He confirmed that there are several areas in the beyond. Krishna also knew from experience that there is a life after death. It's the same with Jesus and the authors of the Bible (the enlightened Jews). The Koran is based on the enlightenment experience of Mohammed (he lived for three years as a yogi in the desert) and his view of paradise. * One might think that the enlightened are imagining their perceptions. Against this speak, however, the attempts with the clairvoyants. The American professor Gary Schwartz tested the most well-known mediums of the United States from 1998 to 2001. The mediums could experience the beyond with their spirits and make contact with the dead. Gary Schwartz compared their statements about distanced things with a control group of average people. The medium had a ratio of correct answers of 83%, whereas the control group got only 36%. If the mediums know things far away it is very possible, that also their knowing about things in the beyond is correct.

There are many facts that point to the survival of the soul after death. The more one looks at the current science, the more appear inexplicable things for a materialistic world view. Life after death is a core issue of spirituality. Things are controversial. Ultimately, all evidences for a life after death are always circumstantial evidences that can be evaluated differently.


The Three Worlds Model ------------------------------------

The first world is the material cosmos that we humans live in.

Behind (or perhaps over) the material cosmos is the astral world, which is composed of energy. The beings there are composed of consciousness energy. They can think and feel. They live as spirits in a large ocean of energy that consists of various regions or areas.

Behind the cosmos of consciousness exists the third world, the world of light. Enlightened beings dwell in this world of light. In the highest dimension of the world of light there is only peace, love, happiness, and light. Everything is of a higher understanding. This understanding is only resting. When it allows multi-dimensional energy to emanate forth, the dance of light begins.

The world of light is capable of sending thoughts to all other areas of the cosmos. From this part of the three worlds, anything can be affected anywhere. The amount of influence this light being has depends on the development of the personal consciousness. The more developed the consciousness, the higher the ability to affect the other planes of existence. However, the more developed in the world of light this being is, the less likely it is to want to affect the other planes. It is enough to rest in the bliss of light.


In simple terms, it is possible to compare these three planes with the relationshop between ice, water, and steam. The highest dimension is the steam (the world of light). We can visualize God as the cloud of consciousness that floats above the other worlds and is yet present in both at all times. The astral world is a sea of consciousness energy. In the astral world, there are spirits of various kinds. Through the power of their thoughts and feelings, they communicate with one another and move about.

The hypothetical ice world exists in the middle of this sea of energy (our material cosmos). The beings there consist of stable material, this ice. They think that there is only an ice world and nothing more, because it is the extent of what they are able to see. But with death, the ice melts, the material form disappears and the soul goes as water into the water world. There, the power of thoughts generate a consciousness form.

When the soul is highly developed (through spiritual exercises which take on a lot of light and warmth), the spirit is then capable of changing into steam (light). As water based steam, this spirit can then live in Gods cloud of light. When the soul in the world of light so desires, this soul can return to the world of ice. However, this soul then remains connected with God, as this spirit already became aquainted with God as its true nature. When this spirit needs light in the ice world, he or she can then bring this into his or her life with the aid of spiritual exercise.

What reasons are there for a spirit to return to the ice world? A spirit can thus develop itself more and become a Buddha (a completely developed master). This soul can help the world as a Karma Yogi (Bodhisattva, NityaSiddha), and perhaps even wish to enjoy life in the world. When a spirit is clever, this being concentrates on all-encompassing love and spiritual exercise. We all have the ability to do this and someday become a Buddha.


Interview with an Enlightened Master -------------------------------------------------------

Interviewer: When you talk about life, it sounds irrational to us.

Master: What I say conflicts with your logical structure. Logic makes it incomprehensible. I dont give humans what they want. I confront them with calm. Everyone who comes is silent after they come here. When you cant take the silence, you will go away. But when you stay for a long time, you will become silent. Not because this was so amazingly convincing and rational, but because the calm itself brings the movement to silence. Everything will be burnt by the calm. All experiences will be demolished.

Interviewer: Somehow you seem free of all of the contradictions. Although you claim you are not in a permanent state of bliss, you seem to be rather happy anyhow. Do you believe in modern psychology?

Master: There is no psyche.

Interviewer: Then there is only eating, sleeping, and breathing?

Master: Yes. I never ask myself how I function. Does a machine ask how it functions?

Interviewer: But machines dont have feelings, a psyche or a spiritual dimension.


Master: Every time you try to put me into your religious structure, you have failed to comprehend.

Note: From the highest level there is only god. The soul is just a fleeting manifestation, in this way, the master is right. From the middle level, we consider the existence of a soul or a continuum of consciousness that wanders from life to life and develops spiritually. As long as all three worlds (earth, astral world, light world) dont dissolve in the highest light world, the soul exists. For this reason, we can say that the soul exists forever, except if the enlightened master chooses to dissolve into God after death. A Karma Yogi usually keeps his or her soul after death so he or she can support his or her followers.

On the lower level (materialism), we can only consider the body.

What is the right way to consider these things? Principally, all three levels are real. We have a body, a soul, and we are God at the same time. It depends on where you want to place your attention at a particular time in your life.

The master concentrates on light and remains in enlightenment. At the same time, he is tied to his body, which he sees as a sort of machine, or an instrument of the cosmos. The consideration of ones own person as a cosmically determined machine without its own will helps to hold the enlightenment consciousness.


We are not so far along the path as the master. Our task is to keep the body healthy and to develop the soul towards the light. We should therefore concentrate our energies on the body, the soul, and the light.

The enlightened masters teach many contradictory things. In order to understand them, we need our own understanding. When we center ourselves in our own wisdom, then we can learn from the enlightened masters in all directions and we dont lose ourselves in the jungle of multifaceted opinions.

Through these varied words, confusion can result. As already described, there are three levels in the cosmos. There is a material level where the body is born and where it dies. There is an energy level where the soul wanders through a variety of lives. Then there is the light level where all souls will become one soul and at the same time nothing. The soul goes to God and this is not comprehensible for a non-enlightened individual.

Buddha concentrated on the highest level. He taught the non-existence of the self. This teaching is absolutely correct from the highest level. If you are able to understand, you will become a Buddha immediately. Most of us are not so far along the way and need many lives to get there.

Nils can only report what he has experienced. He has seen a thousand earlier lives. He can therefore say that there is a soul that develops further from life to life. He experienced, however, his ego in each life, his sense of self dependent on that one particular life that could not be transferred to another life. In this way, there is no self which can be reborn.

He sees himself as Nils as a totally separate entity from his earlier lives. These are somehow totally foreign people who have given their


experiences, their abilities, their feelings, and ways of thinking to him. He feels he is connected to them, as he needs to heal all of their wounds within him so that he can become whole (and live in light). That occurs almost automatically on his Yoga path. He does exercises for the body and the soul. He works on his temporary psyche and heals all of his earlier lives along with his current one.

The Jellyfish Dream ------------------------------

In the year of 2001, Nils saw himself as a jellyfish in a dream. This jellyfish was about to be eaten by a sea spider.The little jellyfish could not escape the spider, as it was stuck between the long legs of the giant spider. In the jellyfishs state of desperation, it called to God. God gave the jellyfish the mantra yes (in German, "Ja"). The little fish thought of the mantra over and over, and went through death in a state of affirmation, constantly repeating the word yes.

The black spider killed the jellyfish and the fish continued to think yes, yes, yes, yes while Nils noticed how his consciousness lapsed. His life disappeared. That was a very unpleasant experience, but through the mantra yes, he was able to keep his spirit stabile and positive. He did not get tense in the course of the death experience, and did not lose positive energy.

After his consciousness was extinguished, he moved ahead spiritually. Suddenly, Nils was there again, and everything was light, peaceful and beautiful. The spider was no where to be seen. Nils was in a light dimension of the other side, and he felt good.


After a time, Nils woke up from the dream. He lay in bed again and found himself at home, as a person. He still felt happy though, and that day he took a long walk through trees and fields where flowers grew, as the sun shone on this beautiful day. Nils still had this cosmic consciousness with him from this paradise dream. He felt a large sense of peace, joy, and allencompassing love for all beings and plants around him. He stayed in this state for three days after the dream.

Nils saw this dream as a gift. In the dream, Nils learned that one can go through death more easily with a mantra. Those who die repeating a positive mantra can land in paradise after death. The knowledge of the death mantra was a saving grace for him. The concept of such is hardly known in the western world. That Nils is able to share this dream, imparted to him by his enlightened masters of the light world, is a great gift.

Everyone must die one day. It is good to have a mantra at hand for this experience. Everyone can choose whichever mantra serves him or her. The mantra yes lent power and a sense of relaxation which is useful to go through death. Christians might have a prayer at hand. It is at any rate good to practice this mantra, so that when the time comes, the mantra comes to mind automatically.

The Way to Paradise ---------------------------------

Through a Kundalini meditation in 1986, Nils landed in Satyaloka (the place of highest truth, the rest in God). He raised Kundalini energy, concentrated


on it, and felt a warm stream of light climb from the middle of the body to the top of his head. As this stream of light came to his head, a spiritual change took place. His ego consciousness dissolved and Nils found himself in absolute peace, all-encompassing love, and the highest level of joy possible. The thought came to him that he knew the point of life. In this place, he found the true meaning for the terms truth and love.

In 2005, Nils found himself within a dream on a journey to paradise. The journey is often described in near death experiences as a long tunnel which ends in light. It is also reported that the soul can travel through various dimensions in the afterworld, and make stops in the various locations there.

The journey began with the Kundalini energy channel in the body and over the crown chakra up to the heaven. The starting point is seen as the heart chakra in Tibetan Buddhism. First, the individual has to collect his or her energy within the heart chakra and then to move along the Kundalini channel up to the crown chakra. Then the soul is moved up to the light world, with the aid of the powerful mantras ah" or "hri.

This is not something that should be tried under normal circumstances. As long as you are not willing to die, you should not play with these things. One should only travel so far with his soul as the contact between the soul and the body can be maintained. One comes back into the body, in which one focuses on his body and moves the feet or hands.

To begin his guided dream, Nils envisioned himself as a soul in a large room. The room symbolized the material world. He climbed up a long rope until he came to the entrance of a dark tunnel. Along the way into paradise, Nils met seven black spiders. He caught the spiders in a glass and then continued on his journey. He was able to catch the spiders because he practiced the way of unconditional, all-encompassing love in his everyday


life. His all-encompassing love was also extended to spiders. When a spider came from the woods into his house, he would take a jelly jar and catch the spider, then set it free outdoors. The spider's catch, the way of embracing love, was his ticket to paradise.

The spiders symbolized the seven chakras, which are sitting from the bottom to the top of the Kundalini energy channel (the rope). You can watch the seven spiders as the seven guardians of enlightenment energy. When an individual sacrifices the ego (the aversion to the unpleasant), identifies oneself with the spiders and rescues them, they give him the inner strength that he needs for the climb to Paradise.

The seven spiders escaped into the dark tunnel. Nils followed them, caught them, and his consciousness dissolved for a short time. After he came to, he found himself in a second room. This room was the astral world, the world in between the material cosmos and the world of light. In this middle world, he met his deceased father. His father brought him to the end of the astral world where he found a large window. The window lead to a long walkway, which served as a ladder to heaven through a large lake.

The wooden walkway served as a pathway of cleansing and ego dissolving. A second inner cleansing was required before Nils could go from the astral world into the light world. (In near death experiences, a second tunnel is also sometimes reported.)

The large lake was the paradise. The paradise is a realm of highly concentrated joy-energy in the afterlife. It is a lake of light in which enlightened souls float. In Yoga, a visualization is practiced where the God Vishnu rests in a lake of energy, a lake of milk, atop a snake.


In the middle of the light sea Nils saw a group of holy beings. And these beings saw Nils. Some of the holy beings came to him, and he became a bit anxious. He did not wish to go to paradise just yet, he had a lot to do on earth and so he fled back to his body via the astral world, where he awoke in the material world.

Upon awakening, strong energy flowed through his body. He felt extremely joyful, and experienced peace, love, and happiness. Nils had taken a bit of paradise, a taste of it, back with him to earth. He was certain that he had really come into contact with heaven. The holy on the other side were his Buddhist, Christian, and Hindu spiritual masters. Nils perceived them as enlightened masters from various religions, as a collective.

Swami Muktananda -------------------------------

One of the enlightened Yogis of recent times is Swami Muktananda, who was born in 1908 and died in 1983. He travelled through India as a spiritual seeker. At age 39, he met Nityananda, a spiritual master. Nityananda guided him through the awakening of his Kundalini energy and recommended he move to a secluded cottage to practice Yoga.

An important technique for meditating Muktananda learned during these times, was to concentrate on his crown chakra. He wound his Kundalini energy around a particular point and could thus spend a long time in a state of meditation. At the same time, Muktananda was able to leave his body with his soul through the crown chakra and to travel through various regions of the other side. After nine years of practice, Muktananda reached a state


of enlightenment. This is described in the book Game of Consciousness(1975).

Especially fascinating is the account of Muktanandas journey into the yoga paradise. This paradise is called Siddhaloka or Shivaloka. This is said to be the home of the god Shiva. This is a heaven consisting of mountains, flowers, light, and bubbling springs. Feminine energy resides there too, as the wife of Shiva (also known as Parvati, Gauri, Durga in Hinduism). Siddhaloka is a good place to go to in the course of meditation, an especially good place to visualize.

According to Muktananda, Siddhaloka is the most beautiful of paradises and is filled with the energy of joy and the potential to grow spiritually. Muktananda described exactly how Siddhaloka can be reached. One first enters meditation, concentrates on the crown chakra (here visualized as a blue star). Muktananda then proceeded by flowing into the blue star, where the star brought him into the other side until he reached Siddhaloka. Blue is the color of Shiva and is connected with this god.

Muktananda experienced Siddhaloka as a paradise full of rest and peace. There was joyful blue light everywhere, and Muktananda met many Yogis and Yoginis (Yoginis are female yogis). Siddhaloka has high mountains, green forests and in the middle a lake of seven wise men. The seven ways embody the seven positive characteristics with which one reaches enlightenment. These are wisdom, peace, love, vigor, joy, happiness, and cosmic consciousness.

Every Yogi and Yogini can imagine Siddhaloka his or her own way. The main thing is that this image should activate ones sense of inner happiness and motivate the yogi or yogini to spiritual practice in order to come to this


place of light when it comes time to die. It is helpful to visualize ones spirit guide.

Seventh Heaven Meditation ----------------------------------------

With this meditation, we get a glimpse of life in light and the way of a mastered existence on earth.

1. The body We concentrate on our bodies and through this process bring the spirit into a state of peace. We sense this through our legs and feet as we let the light circulate through our lower limbs. We think of the word light as our mantra. We let the light then circulate through our arms and hands while envisioning the word light. We then wrap our entire bodies in a vision of light and think of the word at the same time. Then we relax.

2. Energy cloud We begin our ascent to heaven. First we enter the astral world. We become a soul. We then visualize a cloud composed of very fine energy which encircles the body. We are this cloud. We concentrate on the cloud and not our bodies. We leave the body and think of the mantra I am a cloud. I am a soul. I am independent from my body. We think of this mantra until we can feel this cloud.

3. Stars We visualize the entire cosmos around us as full of stars. Our souls can travel anywhere they so desire. We meditate on the cosmos. We think of the


mantra stars. We make large circles with the arms until we feel at one with the cosmos. We feel secure with our place in the world, we are at one with the world.

4. The world of positive souls We land in the upper astral world, beyond the material cosmos. This is the world of positive souls. We become positive unto ourselves. We consider the positive points in our lives. We think of the mantra Positive in my life is... We count as many positive things as possible, until the soul is glowing with positivity.

5. The world of happy souls Over the positive souls are the blessed souls. We are now in paradise. We imagine that all our wishes have been fulfilled. What do you wish? Fulfill them or let go of them here. Define the point where you have reached enough. Then long for nothing more. Create contentment with your life. My way to contentment is...

6. The world of the holy Above the world of the happy souls lies the world of the enlightened. We become gods and goddesses, enlightened Yogis, Buddhas. We wish for a happy world. We envision the following: I send light to... (then count as many people as possible and surround them with light and love in your minds eye). May all beings be happy. May the world be a happy world.

7. The Great Transformation We move our hand to bless the entire cosmos with love and light. We move light into all areas of suffering. We send all suffering beings light. We surround them with light and think of the mantra I send light to all suffering beings. We think of all the problems in our lives and surround these problems with light. We hold the mantra light in the minds eye. We


surround our problems with light so long as we can take them and integrate them into our life. We then become masters of our own lives. We can surround all lifes situations with light.

8. Seventh Heaven We come to the seventh heaven. We visualize a sun with strong energy composed of love and happiness. The hands lay relaxed in the lap. We think of the mantra, Om sun, love, happiness, light. We fill our souls with sun, love, happiness and light and rest in this energy. We enjoy our restful state within the seventh heaven as long as we like.

9. Master Yoga We connect ourselves with the enlightened masters. We rub the palms of our hands in front of the heart chakra and think, Om all enlightened masters. I ask for your guidance and help along my way. We then really feel like we are connected with these enlightened masters. We sense how the mantra triggers the flow of enlightened energy into us which in turn fills us. We feel protected along our way. We are filled with trust and optimism for the future.

10. Return We move our feet slowly, then stretch and wiggle a bit. We then return to earth and our daily lives. We now are on the way of light and can grow within it.


The Five Basic Spiritual Techniques

Spiritually, humans can be compared to onions. Tensions and inner conflicts (inner stress) must be dissolved layer by layer. When one layer is peeled away, the next quickly appears at the surface until the inner core is revealed. At this point, a lasting inner joy is found, and the Yogi or Yogini lives in light.

Inner joy appears in a person when the tentions (Samskaras) in body and soul have been dissolved. We need exercises for the body (Yoga, Meditation) and for the soul (reflection, Positiv Thinking). Buddha developed a very simple yet genius practice. This consisted of sitting, going, and thought practice. This is the center of a successful Hatha Yoga Practice.


You need body work (Yoga, walking), mental work (reflection, reading, praying, mantra) and meditation (sitting or lying). And everything in balance, in the right moment and with the right technik.

When one varies ones activities between body work, mental work and meditation, the inner conflict and tension can be done away with. When a person only meditates, the spirit becomes dull and listless. Routine movement makes the spirit clear, keeps the body healthy and gives the person inner energy. If you only go or do Yoga asanas, the mind is restless. Inner happiness comes from inner peace. If the body is kept very quiet, well you can get into deeper dimensions of meditation.

Meditation can be practiced either in a sitting position or lying down. Some people can meditate better when sitting, others when lying down. Those who fall asleep easily when lying down, should meditate by sitting. Those who cannot sit straight for a long time should practice meditation lying down.

In addition to periods of sitting and relaxing in combination with movement, working with the thoughts is important in getting rid of inner conflict. A Yogi or Yogini should develop his or her thoughts with love, wisdom, and selfdiscipline. He or she should learn to bring the thoughts into stillness, until the thoughts are always tranquil. Then he or she only thinks when thinking is required.

This basic model of stress resolution can be extended to the way of the five activities.The five activities are: lying down (or sitting and meditating), reading, walking (or Yoga asanas), doing good for others (work), and to enjoy life.


There are two levels of meditation. The first level consists of purifying himself through visualizations, mantras, and breath exercises to activate the Kundalini energy. Then you stop all thoughts. The spirit comes entirely to rest. You let the thoughts and feelings come and go as they would. Suddenly peace and happiness appears.

Reading spiritual books helps to cleanse the spirit by helping let go of inner conflict. Everyone can read books to obtain spiritual inspiration. There are thousands of spiritual books available.

Another activity of those seeking enlightenment is movement, particularly cardiovascular sports such as walking, running, biking, swimming. Yoga is also a good form of movement. Even the Dalai Lama rides a stationary bike every day, for a half an hour. Swama Shivananda likes to take walks. There are appropriate exercises for everyone. Yogis living in caves developed the very well-known sun salute, for example.

The fourth activity is that of Karma Yoga (doing good). Karma Yoga opens the heart, gives inner power, and develops the consciousness towards allencompassing love. Karma Yoga can be practiced one to six hours per day. Swami Shivananda recommended one hour, while Sai Baba is for six. Yogi Nils found three to four hours per day to be a good amount for him. Karma yoga can also be practiced by working people, but of course money is needed to exist in todays world.

The fifth activity consists of enjoying life. We should bring joy into our lives. That opens our hearts, and brings light inside us. Everyone is predisposed towards something. You can listen to music, eat something delicious, read a good book, watch a movie, find time for your favorite creative hobbies, and so forth. It is important though, to pay attention to the amount with which we


busy ourselves with enjoyment. Too much of a good thing is not a good thing, too little makes life sad.

Also, too much direct contact with other people during the development of inner happiness should be avoided. A yogi should find out how much contact with others is good for him or her. At a certain point, physical rest can cause the energy of a person to go inward. The person no longer has to direct oneself towards outer activities, and puts more worth on the inner spiritual cleansing, the dissolving of inner conflict, and the development of inner happiness.

This turning point must be discovered by each yogi for him or herself. It is difficult to find and difficult to hold onto. Life energy tends toward an excess of activity or towards dullness. Both need to be avoided with daily exercised self-discipline. When we keep inner calm, inner happiness appears. We can develop our true selves, and our sense of life.

Swami Shivananda (also written Sivananda, lived from 1897 to 1963 in India. He was one of the greatest Indian saint of modern times. By profession he was a doctor. He taught the yoga of the trinity (Trimurti Yoga), the combination of Hatha Yoga (spiritual exercises), Karma Yoga (work for a happy world) and Master Yoga (daily connection with an enlightened master). He pushed for the cooperation of the religions. But all the yogis should cooperate with each other too.

According to Swami Shivananda, enlightenment occurs via relaxation, practice, and love. When a Yogi or Yogini lives in an area of peace, he or she is already halfway there. The second half is tackled with spiritual practice. In order to pass through the gate to a life in light, all-encompassing love must be at the heart of the seeker of enlightenment. When a Yogi lives


for the happiness of others, then the ego can be dissolved. When the ego disappears, the person is in light. Individuals who reach this point relax so deeply into their souls that the energy of happiness awakes from within.

Yogi Nils made his Yoga Teacher Training with the Sivananda Organisation in 1993. For him the spiritual daily schedule is the central technique on the Yoga path to light. This is based on letting go of tension in the body and soul. When we live and practice spiritual exercises for the body and mind everyday, then we will reach enlightenment. The number of hours required on a daily basis to attain a life in the light (in happiness) varies from person to person, and their situation and abilities.

Yogi Nils meditates for six hours and goes for an hour walk twice a day. He practices Yoga for an hour and reads a spiritual book for one hour. He also works towards the happiness of others three to four hours per day. He exercises constantly. He divides these spiritual exercises in a way that enables him to constantly undergo the inner purification process. If we meditate before going to sleep, meditation continues while sleeping. When we work in a state of relaxation, work becomes a type of meditation. Eating, sleeping, working, and even watching TV are Yoga exercises for Nils.

Yogi Nils spiritual techniques are simple. They consist of walking, reading, helping others, and lying in bed. Everyone can do that. The secret here is the right application of the right technique at the right moment. Then the inner tension dissolve and inner happiness appears.

Yogis know when they need which technique. When the body is dull and lacking energy, the Yogi goes for a walk. When he or she feels restless, he or she practices Yoga or meditates. When the spirit seems to rebel against the spiritual way, a book on spiritual topics helps to bring back the conviction towards enlightenment.


A Yogi senses the inner conflict and uses the proper techniques to dissolve the tension. That is usually what the body and soul wants the least at that moment. Wherever the neurotic tendency to feel repelled towards something is usually the way to the light. On the other hand, we need to sometimes give the body and soul what they would like, otherwise tension is built. The way to happiness requires a lot of wisdom and inner sensitivity. Yogi Nils asks his inner voice for spiritual guidance. He asks, What is right at the moment? What is the way of truth? What do I need today? What do I want today?

The Way of Love ----------------------


The practice of love in daily life makes an individual fit through action, meditation and devotion to transcend the mind into the light.

1. Live in the rest (existence-unity-bliss) and act with love for the happiness of all beings. Follow the three principles of peace, wisdom and love. For some people it is important to live in the outer peace, to achieve the inner peace. Basically, the inner peace is the result of a calm mind. A calm mind we get when we focus in wisdom (Spirituality, God, Yoga) and work continually on our negative qualities, addictions, fears and aggressions.

2. Everyone should find his personal balance of rest and action. Those who live in the inner balance, save their energy, their physical and mental health. Our mind grows into the light, if we strengthen not only the calmness, but also the positivity and the love in us. We should replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. We should constantly practice positive thinking, positive speaking and positive doing.

3. When we facilitate the desire for a happy world, then we grow further towards enlightenment. The secret to this wish is the connection from the inner to the outer world. We are not spiritually separated from other beings. Their happiness affects us. When we visualize other beings as happy, then we also feel happy. Those who encourage the goal to a happy world creates positivity within. When we send light to all beings, then one day light will come through to our souls. When we do something good for the world, the world will reward us with a positive psyche.

4. We should make the inner happiness, not the outer happiness to the center of our lives. If we follow the two principles of love for God (inner peace, spiritual practice) and love for all beings, we will transform our minds. Our inner tension will dissolve and happiness will appear.


5. With inner happiness, we can see the positive in the world, in our fellow men and in ourselves. We live in the light and in the love. The longer we live and the longer we practise the way of love, the more we grow into the light.

Nils Life as a Yogi

Spiritually, humans can be compared to onions. Tension and conflict must be dissolved layer by layer. When one layer is peeled away, the next quickly appears at the surface until the inner core is revealed. At this point, a lasting inner joy is found, and the Yogi or Yogini lives in light (despite the fact there is still much to be done).


Nils experienced many intense cleansing processes along the path as a Yogi. Heat and cold flooded his body. Fear coursed through his spirit, doubts plagued him. Sometimes he felt dull and inactive. His muscles ticked and relieved themselves of tension.

For many years Nils had to work through his sadness. He grieved for the loss of Helga, Petra, the Eco-woman, the Sex Goddess, and the Yoga Woman. He grieved over his youth, the loss of his career goals, his lonely life and the suffering and rage in general.

Then he returned to his spiritual goals and continued with self-discipline to the way of enlightenment.

The first four years saw a continuous forward progress. After he became used to his new situation, defined his goals, and found the appropriate exercises, many old stressful situations were easier to handle and he returned to his state of happiness.

In his dreams he lived through past exam situations, school stress and negative experiences from his childhood. All these stress situations dissolved and receded. His entire past life stress dissolved from his subconscious. His soul experienced calm and peace.

In January 1989, Nils dreamt of a small cottage which stood on pillars in the middle of the sea. Then came a storm and the cottage crashed into the sea. The cottage was a symbol of his old self. That old self went under and made room for the experience of inner joy. Nils woke up and perceived the energy


of happiness coursing through his body, and felt as though he were swimming in a sea of joy.

In 1990 he wrote a book called Positive Thinking, Basics and Techniques from what he had learned. In writing this book, he pushed open the question of how important the life of being is in order to be happy. Who lives in being, can be at peace with life. He lives very relaxed. Such a way of life dissolve well all the internal tension. On the other hand it is on the Yoga Way too important to practice every day consistently. Even the intense spiritual practice is an important way to resolve the tension.

There are two different schools of yoga. One teaching is to live based on existence (Ramana Maharshi, Lao Tzu, Buddha) and the other focuses on the spiritual practice (Swami Shivananda, Sai Baba, Amma, the Dalai Lama). Who is right?

Nils had to answer the question for himself. He busied himself everyday with the question of existence to the point where he continued to consider the question even when asleep. As he woke up in the morning, he was in a deep state of enlightenment. His spirit had solved the problem while he was asleep.

The answer was convincing. Enlightenment, inner happiness, and existence (beeing) are tightly connected. Those who come into a deep state of being reach for enlightenment. Those who let go of all attachments to external things, relaxed so deeply in their soul that enlightenment and inner joy can be found.


One can look at existence as a stage preceding enlightenment. A Yogi or Yogini must first come into being. Then develop enlightenment (the inner happiness) by itself. However, it goes the other not without practicing.

Nils is of the opinion that both teachings are correct. Exercise and practice as well as merely existing are both important along the spiritual path. Each person must go into the self and find out what point at one moment is the most important for him or her. Who is prone to inertia, should emphasize the intense practice. Who is internally restless, should first found to be.

Every type of person needs a special way of approaching stillness and exercise in order to grow optimally along the spiritual path. Nils tends to be a restless person. He is quickly excited by large goals and busies himself quickly with outer goals. He therefore needs to concentrate on rest and relaxation, the cultivation of the self.

But at the same time, Nils tends toward dullness and depression. He therefore needs to practice and exercise himself at the same time. Every day, Nils asks himself what way is the best on that particular day.

In the beginning of the year 1991, Nils visualized an entire cosmos full of happy beings. He wished that all beings on earth would be happy. He identified himself with all beings and their wish for happiness. He thought of the mantra, may all beings on earth find happiness.

He opened his heart to all beings and suddenly he found himself in a dimension of all-encompassing love. The landscape around him changed completely, as all was bathed in light. The thought, I am love reverberated throughout. He had never experienced such a strong love. The whole universe was nothing but happiness and love.


Nils reached a point in his endeavors toward enlightenment where such breakthroughs took place frequently. It was a very fascinating, but demanding time. Nils felt inner happiness and cosmic consciousness in his being quite often, and these experiences lasted about an hour at a time. Because of this strong energy, a lot of inner conflict was dissolved, and a difficult process of spiritual purification took place.

When these bouts of depression appeared, Nils then practiced spiritual exercises, went for walks, and read spiritual books. He lay in bed and meditated for hours, until the inner turmoil receded. He sometimes also ate sweets or watched television.

The first half of 1992 was a very difficult time. Nils lived a constant roller coaster ride, where he experienced extreme joy and extreme suffering. This constant change took its toll on his energy. Although he rejoiced in the experience, he was glad when the large fluxes of energy calmed over time. He felt the huge wells of joy less often, but also experienced the difficult phases less often, for which he was quite relieved.

The autumn of 1992 saw the process of spiritual purification come to a smoother and more consistent phase. Nils attributed this to the fact that he went about this in a more gentle fashion.

Secondly, he created a routine to live by with which he could avoid these periods of depression and negativity. He combined the purification and recovery periods with one another.


In December 1995, another difficult period began. Intense energy coursed through his body, and he could scarcely sleep at night and was dull and not well-rested during hte day.

The last major period of spiritual cleansing was in March 2003. In a short amount of time, a lot of inner conflict dissolved. Nils felt as though he was being electrocuted, and was so warm he did not need blankets at night despite the winter cold.

After four weeks, the cosmos turned off the electricity, so to speak. Nils needed a week to recover. Afterwards, he ate a lot of cake. Then he felt good again.

The Goal of Reincarnation ---------------------------------

Man: Isnt the goal of reincarnation religions to become free of the painful cycle of life?

Nils: See it in a positive light. It is a wonderful thing to be able to live again and again for eternity. When your body is old and used up, you lay it down and you get a new one. Then the party goes on. Then you can post your jokes in this forum again. You can live on earth as long as you want. When the earth is no longer inhabitable, we can look for a new star, establish a philosophy forum and we can have more fun there.


And when we dont feel like doing that anymore, there is also a way out of the game. We will all become Yogis, go towards enlightenment, and we will move up spiritually and above the eternal dance of joy and pain. We will then live in a light dimension. According to the yoga teachings, every enlightened yogi has the choice if he or she would like to return to the earth or to live forever in the world of light. With her or his last thoughts (mantra or prayer) she or he decide the future of her or his soul.

I favor the middle path. To live as a Yogi, you live with your consciousness in the light dimension (in God) and also in the world of material. Then you dont completely leave the dance of joy and pain, you can enjoy life, help all beings and grow spiritually. A good example for this is the laughing Buddha. He is resting within himself and laughs with his friends over life.

Nils Earlier Lifes ----------------------

My beliefs are based mainly on my own experiences. I can glimpse my previous lives during the course of meditation. I have seen some thousand previous lives seen in the course of my spiritual cleansing processes. After seven years as a Yogi, I was suddenly overcome by the wish to know my earlier life. I went back in spirit to a previous time and felt resonance with a particular time. I felt a sort of resistance, and looked in that direction and could spiritually see four earlier lives. I recognized the place, time, and also the nature of these earlier lives.

The return to these earlier lives in meditation is an advanced Yoga technique. A further technique consists of ridding the body systematically of all tension. That is the main route of Hatha Yoga. In this way, one comes to


the point of stress in a previous life. Those who glimpse these previous lives too early, have difficulty dealing with the sometimes horrible occurences they glimpse there. One should never force these things.

All major stress situations are preserved in the spirit. Those who dissolve their tensions can glimpse these scenes in dreams or while awake. The process of dissolving tension are often connected with bodily reactions such as restlessness, trembling of the muscles, heat, or cold.

For me, the tension was first dissolved from my current life. In short scenes (like in a film) I saw stressful exam situations, relationship quarrels, and accidents. As I still had the stress incidents in memory, I became aware of the connection between spiritual exercises, the dissolving of inner tension, and the appearance of particular dreams. I learned to differentiate between these special dreams and normal ones.

After I lived for three years as a Yogi, the stress originating from my birth was released. I lived through my own birth in an aware state. I swam through a dark canal and experienced a great amount of stress, and then I was out in the open. I also experienced ten births from previous lives. Death and birth are, according to Tibetan yogis, the main reasons for stress situations to be preserved in the spirit.

After eleven years as a Yogi, a previous life appeared suddenly to me. First just single lives appeared, then many came to the surface of my consciousness. Differing from the conscious perceptions while meditating, very clear film-like scenes- appeared. I could see the details of the stress situations and the environment I was in at the time of the previous life. From the single pictures I could see geographical details.


The worst from my previous lives were many battles. I saw myself stand mourning before the ruins of houses. The enemy had killed my entire family, which was more horrible than if I had been killed myself. At that point, I developed the wish to live in a happy world with happy people and lasting peace.

Get a Darshan (Energy Transfer)

Mother Meera lives in Germany as an enlightened master. She was born on December 26, 1960 in India and married a German man in 1982. Today she lives near Frankfurt, where visitors can visit her on the weekend and receive her blessing, free of charge. Her address can also be found on the Internet.

Mother Meera said, "do your work, and stay where you live. Pray to God. I will help you. On the backs of humans there is a white line from head to toe. This line is thinner than a hair. This line sometimes becomes knotted, but the enlightened can help to untangle these knots. When I hold your head, I


undo these knots. I also do away with other obstacles in the way of your spiritual practice. I look through your existence and see where I can help, heal, and give the strength needed.

Nils recommends that every Yogi receive the blessing of an enlightened master at least once in his or her lifetime. A Darshan is an important part of the purification process along the spiritual way, and as this enlightened energy is transfered, it can one day be transformed into grace for the recipient of it.

Mother Meera empasizes the unity of all religions and the individual path of every person. Everyone may follow the spiritual path that fits him or her. Mother Meera lived in the Ashram (a place to practice spiritually) belonging to Shri Aurobindo. Aurobindo was one of the more well-known Indian holy people of the modern day. He taught integrative Yoga, which connects meditation with Karma Yoga.

Mother Meera offers light and blessings in peace as a gift to all people. To visit her and receive her blessings is free of charge. When she first started opened her doors, only a few people came. It did not take long, though, for her to become a central figure for the followers of Eastern style spirituality in Germany.

2009 Nils met Mother Meera in Hamburg. As soon as he decided to receive her blessing, he felt a strong, energetic connection. He felt this meeting would be a sort of pilgrimage to Mother Meera.

On the day of the meeting, there was already a very long line of people gathered at 1:30 p.m. outside of the Mozart Hall near the University of Hamburg. He first met a member of his Yoga group, Regina, who thanked


Nils as he was responsible for introducing her to the teachings and life of Mother Meera. He was happy to see a familiar face at the event.

Mother Meera walked into the room and sat down in front of the podium. She was dressed in a blue sari, which contrasted with her black hair. She came across as gentle and calm. She simply sat down, and the people present gathered closer. Mother Meera gave no introduction. Her way is simply to personally touch the temples, look into the crown chakra, and then the eyes. She reminded Nils of Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi Ma), who hugs anyone and everyone.

Nils found it interesting, how cool and calm the people in Hamburg at this event were. There were just over a thousand people waiting in a hall for a few hours. They waited patiently, received their blessing, and went home. They did not seem to think much was out of the ordinary. There did not seem to be any special, remarkable energy in the hall.

The first time Nils had a Darshan 2006 with Mother Meera, the atmosphere was much different. In the chamber in the castle in Balduinstein, a meditative calm permeated with the energy of doubt was present. In Hamburg the people doubted little, and Nils expected doubt, as most people in the western world who are strongly tied to the materialistic cosmos tend to doubt the authenticity of the spiritual experience. It would not be so farfetched to expect people to doubt or be shocked by such a godly individual as Mother Meera, but the people there in Hamburg were not. They accepted it.


What is a godly person? Nils considers such people enlightened masters. A godly person lives in another dimension. They live with a portion of their spirit in the lightworld of God and possess the abilities of the people on earth. Those who think of such holy people can be seen by the holy people no matter where they are. Jesus and Buddha were such people. If Jesus or Buddha were to visit the masses in a city like Hamburg or New York, people would be excited and behave perhaps as if a rock star had come to town.

As Nils received his blessing, he was also rather cool. He expected nothing but to be touched and to be looked upon. He used the opportunity to look at Mother Meera, and saw a gentle, middle-aged Indian woman who personally touches thousands of people.

The real amazing thing occurred at the beginning of the event. Nils sat in his seat in the twentieth row on the left, and as Mother Meera came in and began with the blessings he looked at her. From her heart emanated a stream of energy. This energy beam dissolved the tension and conflict in his heart chakra and he cried for a half an hour. The tears ran over his face and


he felt connected with Mother Meera. The real Darshan was this energy beam.

The situation reminded him of his initiation with the Dalai Lama. He received two initiations. One was through the heart chakra of the Dalai Lama in 1991 and the second was a flow of energy to his crown chakra in 1998. With Mother Meera it was the same, but first she cleansed his crown chakra in 2006 and then his heart chakra in 2009. The crown chakra stands for peace and enlightenment. The heart chakra is the center of all-encompassing love.

After the Darshan, Nils bought a large photo of Mother Meera and some incense. He made a special appreciation ritual at home by hanging her photo in his room, kneeling before the photo and lighting the incense. He connected with her spiritually every day and lived by her example.

The ability of the omnipresence of a fully enlightened individual is difficult to understand. However, in his years as a Yogi, Nils has experienced the ability of the enlightened to communicate with people who are physically at a large distance.

The great teaching of Mother Meera is the daily master yoga (the daily association with one or all enlightened masters). If you are connected through a spiritual book, a prayer, a meditation or an oracle every day with the enlightened masters, you are positively guided through the life and led into the light.



The Most Powerful and Effective Exercise --------------------------------------------------------------

Man: What is the most powerful and effective exercise, in your opinion?

Nils: The quickest way to progress along the spiritual way is to let an enlightened master open the energy door for you and then live in calm and peace alone. Then everything will develop the right way. According to Amma, you grow five times as quickly in isolation as you do as a spiritual person in a worldly environment. A worldly environment robs a lot of energy, which is then not present for the inner transformation. Relationships take the most energy away. Everyone needs to find his or her own way, as I have stated in the past.


It is difficult to live as a yogi in isolation. Most people would get overwhelmed. Good that I didnt know how difficult it would be before I tried it. But now I am through with the largest crisis and have learned to deal with my situation. Now I feel much more relaxed with it all. I have had a computer for five years and surf the net happily.

I have lived for over twentytwo years in isolation. The first fifteen years were mainly without outer contact. The extreme phase was necessary. Swami Shivananda went his way in such an extreme way at first, and then relaxed it a bit afterwards. The important thing is to find the right combination for yourself. The most effective exercise is to rest, to practice (Yoga, meditation, reading) and to love all beings (to do good for others).

For me, the most powerful exercise is to maintain a spiritual daily routine. You must center your life in inner happiness and find out how you can stay within and grow spiritually.

Tension comes through stress situations. When they dissolve, the stress situations appear again, briefly. Feelings such as anger, sadness, and fear appear again and then dissolve. With the meditation, there is potential for two mistakes. One could be that we meditate to strongly. Then the problems dont rise to the surface and we cant dissolve any inner tension. The second pitfall is conscious thinking. We can think to much or fall into day dreams. The correct way is to be a passive observer of ones own emotions. We dont control these things consciously. We observe with interest as things rise from our inner worlds. We let the condition of calm prevail and the tension will dissolve.


Live in the Correct Balance of Rest and Love ----------------------------------------------------------------------

There is a danger along the path of unconditional, all-encompassing love. We can overwhelm ourselves and work too hard and have no energy left for happiness. A karma yogi must practice rooted in inner peace. A karma yogi must take care of him or herself, as it is impossible to take care of others unless the self is cared for. Furthermore, a path of exhaustion only leads to burn-out, not enlightenment.

Jesus said, love God and love your neighbor. (Meaning, practice spiritually balanced for the development of the self and for the happiness of others.) Swami Shivananda said, love, serve, give, meditate, purify, and realize your true self. The Dalai Lama explains, live balanced by helping and by meditating.

Sai Baba said, helping hands are holier than lips which pray. Those who work towards happiness for all beings is holier than the yogi who only searches for self-enlightenment. Sai Baba taught balance and the connection between personal practice and all-encompassing love. He


recommended six hours per day of helping the fellow man, six hours per day of meditation, six hours per day to enjoy life, and six hours of sleep.

There are two great goals a human can have. He or she can seek enlightenment or work towards a happier world. At best, we combine the two.

Amma makes love tangible. Lets concentrate on what we can give, and not what we can get from others, then we can experience happiness and fulfillment in life.

The Highest Philosophy ----------------------------------------

Man: Those who set themselves down for twelve years and doesnt think of anything, will get enlightenment. That is the essence of what you have been saying.


Nils: Correct. The essence of enlightenment is in simply existing (calm, rest, not thinking). You think when you need to think. Simply ceasing thoughts sounds simple, but it is a rather dynamic process. Before the thoughts come to a point of calm, all of the suppressed emotions and stress situations in the subconscious come to the surface and dissolve.

To force thoughts to stop would be wrong. You sit down somewhere, wait a bit, and then the dance of thoughts and feelings begin. After a time, it all comes to rest, and inner peace, harmony, and happiness emerge. That is how you rise from one level to the next. The I and me mentality ceases. You cannot force enlightenment. It comes of its own speed.

Man: Nils, Im beginning to understand. The world changes its reality, and people change their reality, but the world is still the world and the people are still people. In absolute transcendence, other beings begin to all be the same, and God is something above all of that. The absolute transcendence is somewhere in between, where you are neither a non-believer or a believer, a wiseman or a fool, you are nothing more. You dont even have an opinion about it because an opinion requires thinking.

Nils: You have described it well, although it cannot really be described. There is no I consciousness anymore. Everything is pure consciousness without restless thought changes. There is enlightenment, but there is no enlightenment. You are happy, but you dont exist anymore. But happiness alone is not enough. You dont have an opinion about things, you are everywhere. But that is just a concept for us in the meantime.

I follow the philosophy of the Dalai Lama, who connects absolute transcendence with relative transcendence. In absolute transcendence,


everything is unreal. There is only God (light, cosmic consciousness). The world is a fleeting dream. In relative transcendence, the world remains the world, you only view everything from a higher level of consciousness. The absolute transcendence allows people to rise above suffering in the world and to rest at a higher level. The relative transcendence allows humans to deal in the world, and to work for a happy world. I hope that isnt too complicated. It is really the highest philosophy.

Man: Isnt the goal of a person to become a human? And as such, to be humanitarian? When an enlightened is confronted with the suffering of another, then how should this enlightened be indifferent to this suffering?

Nils: What does it mean to become a human? It means to be oneself, to be in harmony with the deepest inner being. The deepest inner being of a human is to rest in happiness (in Sat-Chid-Ananda).

Secondly, to be a human means to have feelings, to be able to empathize with other beings and to live in all-encompassing love. An enlightened dissolves the ego, and sees him or herself through all fellow beings. He or she is at a deeper level with all other beings. He or she considers others in their entirety and all of their feelings as well. He or she feels their joy and their worries. And because the enlightened senses other beings over the higher information field, he or she can help with positive energy and positive thoughts.

Finally, an enlightened lives in two worlds. He or she lives in absolute transcendence with joy, happiness, peace, free of suffering. When he would like to deal in this world, he or she has to return with a part of his or her consciousness into the material world. Through this action, his or her happiness gets smaller, but he or she can expand the happiness of his or her fellow humans. This in turn makes the enlightened happy.


The practical aspect of this path of dual consciousness (absolute and relative transcendence) is that one can take part in both worlds. The Dalai Lama meditates during the night and stays in a higher enlightenment consciousness. Through this action he is deeply happy and grows spiritually in his enlightenment. In the morning he returns to the material world and strengthens his friends along the spiritual way.

An enlightened is between all things in that he or she lives in both worlds. He is both not in this world, and is in this world. I experience it in that I have a place in the world of light where I can regenerate and rest optimally. My main point of dealing is this world, without totally forgetting the light dimension. I can sense my fellow humans at a deeper level when I come to peace in meditation. Then their energy appears, I feel connected with them in love, I am happy in this state of all-encompassing love, and I send them the energy they need.


Become a World Savior

If the world were a village of 100 inhabitants, then one man is super rich. He owns a third of the country and 30% of the village's assets. 20 people have 80% of the total wealth of the village. They have much more than they need. 40 people have enough money. They live as small farmers, workers, employees and small self-employed. 40 people (40%) are the poor. Half of them are malnourished or starving directly. In their environment, there is no adequate disease prevention, severe addiction problems (drugs, alcohol) and an escalating crime. (Franz Josef Radermacher, Bert Beyers: Welt mit Zukunft berleben im 21. Jahrhundert. Murmann Verlag, Hamburg 2007, p. 115)

The external wealth has doubled in the West in the last fifty years. At the same time the number of depression has increased tenfold. The unregulated


capitalism leads to large external wealth for a few people and hunger and unhappiness for ever more people. Capitalist globalization will bring a few super-rich, a little wealth for a small middle class and a massive impoverishment of a large underclass. It creates huge slums, crime and a lot of substance abuse problems.

The number of hungry people has risen significantly in recent years: in 1990 there were about 822 million, in 2008 about 963 million people. On 19. June 2009 the BBC told that now officially a billion people go hungry. That's about one in seven people on earth. Each year die about 8.8 million people, mostly children, from starvation, representing a death every 3 seconds. 50% of the hungry are small farmers. 20% of the hungry are rural workers without land, a further 20% live in urban slums, the remaining 10% are fishermen.

If we do the capitalist globalization with no wisdom, we will destroy the environment, poverty will become uncontrollably large and the unhappiness will grow. There will be many senseless wars. We need a globalization of love, wisdom and peace. The world community should be centered in the principles of universal love, world peace, happiness for all, enough work for all, enough food for all and adequate health care for all. The combination of ecological and social thinking with the modern happiness research can help us in building up a better world.

1. Help that all people in the world have something to eat. According to the Human Rights Charter of the United Nations food is a sufficient human right. The rich are therefore obliged to leave the hungry people of their money so much that everyone can buy enough to eat.

2. Help that all people in the world have suitable work. According to the Human Rights Charter of the United Nations work is a sufficient human right. The rich are furthermore obliged to give the unemployed work, enough land,


or money for job creation programs. Jobs may occur in the future much in the social field, if the overall economic wealth is channeled responsibly. Instead of the superfluous luxury of a few should primarily we should serve the common happiness of all.

3. See the world. What is to do? There is the possibility of adequate taxation, protection laws for the poor and an agrarian reform. There is the possibility of a Global Marshall Plan and a global eco-social market economy. And there is the possibility that the poor organize themselves and jointly enforce their rights.

4. Consider your options. What can you do? Recognize the many opportunities that the internet offers. We can buy fair trade products. We can look for environmentally farming methods and do not buy products from child labor. Even as buyers, we have a certain power, who we should use. Help charity organisations. Help them with donations. There are many organizations in the world who work for a better future.

5. Develop your own inner happiness. Only happy people can build up a happy world. Only positive people have the strength to go a long way up to the end. Only strong people can not be deterred by difficulties. Only clever people recognize the way in which they can achieve their goals. Only wise people live in the right balance of health, activity and rest, so that they do not consume their energy, but grow by the work for a happy world in their own inner happiness.

6. Become a world savior. A world savior works within its means for a happy world. A happy world is a world of love, peace and prosperity for all. May the world be happy. May all world rescuers work together. Humanity is one family. In a good family, all family members contribute to the success of the entire family. May we understand this, accept our social responsibility and


act powerful. Be good, think good and do good. This is the way of global happiness.

Globe Meditation --------------------------

1. Globe = We visualize the earth beneath us, rub the earth with our feet and think, "May all beings be happy. May the world be happy."

2. Television = What man on television today touches you negative or positive? Clean the energetic connection, visualize him as a Buddha or an Angel. Give him a positive sentence. Think the sentence as a mantra until you have overcome all attachment or rejection. Everything you see outside makes a knot in your soul. Create harmony in your mind. The first step to happiness is to create a positive world in your mind. We move a hand and send all the people in the television light: "I send light to .. I wish him / her wisdom, love and happiness. May all people on TV Buddhas, Yogis and Angels."

3. Goddess = We rub our hands before the heart chakra. We visualize ourselves as a Buddha, Goddess or Angel: "I am a Goddess (Buddha, Angel). I go the way of the positive. I live in peace, love and happiness."

4. Enlightened Masters = We rub the hands over our head and ask the enlightened masters for guidance and help. We connect us spiritually with their energy, "Om all enlightened masters. I ask for guidance and help on my spiritual way."


5. Mantra = We put our hands together in the lap, move our feet and think many times the mantra "Om Shanti" in our body, in our legs and in the whole world. We stop a minute every thought. We relax. We live in peace and love and save every day the world. That is the correct way to become a Buddha or a Goddess of Love.

The Unity of All Religions

Nils: Enlightenment is the center of all great religions. The unity of all religions is an important goal towardws building a happy world. The communication between religions is important, even when its sometimes difficult.

Anand: It is obvious that not all religions teach the same. Buddha taught that God and the soul dont exist. Hinduism alleges the opposite. (Wikipedia) "The Atman or Atta concept of self", known from Indian philosophy, can be compared with the personal soul known in the Western knowledge system. Buddha spoke of Anatman(Sanskrit) and Annata (Pali) as the non-self. What was referred to as the Atman in Vedic tradition is not in fact constant unity according to Buddhist thought, but rather continuous growth, change, and the perpetration of misdoings. Reincarnation is not understood as transmigration in Buddhism, rather as a impulse emanating from the karma of the deceased who constantly creates new entities."

Nils: Dear Anand, our discussion clarifies many basic things.


1. There is only one God. There is only one highest reality. There is only one truth. Varied religions are helpful so that one can discuss the ultimate truth. We can only comprehend that once we have attained enlightenment.

2. I have experienced that there is such a thing as reincarnation. I have seen my earlier life.

3. Modern near-death research has shown that humans have souls that can think and observe independently of the body.

4. There are many clairvoyants who can see into the beyond. Reincarnation therapy has also confirmed the reality of repeated existence and the reality of a beyond. Documentaries on television often appear where people describe their earlier lives in a hypnotized state and then travel with the TV crew to the area described. Many accounts can be confirmed as the truth.

5. Buddha saw his earlier lives once he became enlightened. In the book The Sayings of Buddha from Hermann Oldenberg, it is described over the attainment of Buddha-dom: With gathered spirit I saw the remembrance and recognition of my earlier existences. I let go of myself, and was born again.

6. The Buddhist teachings only make sense when we consider the reality of rebirth. Why should you work towards enlightenment through the centuries when so few reach the goal? Most people would squander their lives if they couldnt take the fruit of their striving into the next life. In Yoga, a Yogi resumes his practice from life to life until he has reached the goal of enlightenment. In this way, all spiritual people reach their goal at some point.


7. Buddha had simply emphasized his teachings on the dissolving of the self. For that reason, he especially emphasized emptiness (the non-self). In Yoga, fulfillment is emphasized (lots of energy, love, peace, happiness). In enlightenment there is emptiness (nothingness) and unity (fullfillment) at the same time. According to my experience, one should concentrate on emptiness so that one can live in happiness.

8. The earlier lives reveal themselves only after a certain point along the way. A human can be enlightened on a lower level, and despite this have no contact with his earlier life. For this reason, even some enlightened individuals may allege there is no such thing as reincarnation.

9. There is a lot of confusion among the religions of the world. I am of the opinion that all fully enlightened masters like Buddha, Jesus, Swami Shivananda, Amma, and Mother Meera see things the same way, they simply express them differently.

10. I am for freedom of faith and opinion. I allow for the plurality of opinions and religion. I accept Atheists, even, although I consider their path false. I can deal with the idea of an atheistic Buddhism. I am for the unity of all religions. It means that all religions should work together for a better world and for a world of love, peace, and truth. Differences of opinion between the religions can of course continue to exist.

Go your own Way ------------------------


The best is to simply go your own way and then upon enlightenment you will see the connection between all spiritual ways. Atheism is also a concept. To have no concept is also a concept. Most people have to follow a clear spiritual concept for many years before they can step over the level of concepts.

In Tibetan Buddhism, a story is often told of a Yogi who exercised spiritually in an extremely intense way and then took three years to simply rest in a state of existence. He could then leave all false ambitions behind.

Principally, it is correct according to the words of Dalai Lama and Swami Sivananda: "It is hard work over a long period of time to reach enlightenment consciousness. Only a few people reach this state spontaneously and without prior work." Enlightenment comes on its own, but you can certainly practice for it. It is enough to have an enlightened master and to follow his commands.


Live in Enlightened Happiness

Ananda means happiness. Anandamayi Ma is the mother of happiness. She lived from 1896 to 1982 as a yogini in India. By her nature, she was friendly, calm and serene. She was a beautiful woman. She could tell wonderful stories. She loved to dance. She taught her followers to laugh, "Whenever you have the opportunity to laugh, lough as much as you can."

We can see Anandamayi Ma as the incarnation of the Goddess of happiness Lakshmi. As Lakshmi she was happy in herself and gave consistently light to her fellow men. As spiritual head technology, she tought the 15 minute exercise. Who practise spiritually fifteen minutes each day, will receive her blessing. He will grow into the light. It does not matter what


religion and what master one follows. So do Yoga, meditation, praying or reading in a spiritual book every day, and your life will be blessed. Anandamayi Ma was a great master of Hatha Yoga. She gave us the way of the comprehensive Hatha Yoga. The comprehensive Hatha Yoga consists of physical exercises, mental exercises, meditation and the path of embracing love (Karma Yoga).

As a young woman Anandamayi Ma practiced several years the physical exercises of Yoga, visualized herself as a goddess and lived three years in a great rest. She practiced her body postures (asanas)from her inner feeling. She practiced creative and intuitive Hatha Yoga. She visualized the Goddesses she needed. One after another the various Goddesses flowed through her mind. She visualized their forms, identified herself with them, said their names as a mantra and thus activated the kundalini energy in herself.

Then the inner happiness awoke in her. The people felt the light and wanted her blessing. Anandamayi Ma from now on lived as a Karma Yogi, and traveled through India. She gave everyone her darshan and inspired the people to lead a happy life and to practice spiritually every day.

Laughter Yoga -------------------

Concentrate on the funny side of life. Go laughing through the day. Practice Laughter Yoga. Laughter is healthy. In the great loss of laughter you can recognice the loss of luck in the modern world. Let us return the trend. What makes you laugh today?


1. Clap your hands = We clap our hands in front of the heart chakra. We focus on the stomach and laugh "Ho, ho." We focus on the chest and laugh "Haha." Third, we change constantly between the abdomen and the chest up and down and shout, "Hoho, Haha, Hoho ...

2. Body = We lay our hands on the head and laugh in the head "Hehehe." So we can clean the head of tension. Then we lay hands on the chest and shout "Hahaha". We lay hands on the stomach and yell "Hohoho". We concentrate on the feet and trample with our feet on the ground: "Huhuhu".

3. Laughing Wave = We bow the upper body to the earth. The hands are facing down. We focus on the ground. The hands go to heaven. We wail like a siren: "Hahahaha." We make the laughing wave several times. We connect through our laughter heaven and earth.

4. Welcome laughter = Within a group, we keep eye contact and laugh, until all people are happy. At home we look in the mirror and welcome ourselves. When we look into the mirror there is always something to laugh about.

5. Hands to heaven = We extend our hands to the heaven, concentrate on our chest and laugh a minute "Hahaha."

6. Happy Mantra = We think the mantra: "May all beings be happy. Let there be a world of laughing." We see all people in the world and ourselves as a laughing Buddhas, laughing gods or laughing holinesses.


7. Om Song = At the end of our Laughter Yoga we sing one minute the mantra "Om". We sing it in own our melody. We sense in which part of our body Om resonates best. We sing the Om until we are calm. Then we go optimistic through our lives.


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