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The Cosmic Cube Group

April 15th, 6010 Anno Lucis From the beginning, Man has yearned to understand himself and his relationship with the Great Architect. In the days of Moses, the Great Architect was called the God of our forefathers. One day, Moses, a poor shepherd, saw the glimmering light in the East that looked like a burning bush. Through this light, God spoke to him. God told Moses His name. Armed with the power of Gods name, Moses produced some of the greatest Miracles in the Bible. Religious authorities, recognizing the names awesome power, declared that uttering it was the highest blasphemy. Uttering Gods name was sometimes even punishable by death. And so the true name of God was misrepresented and misunderstood throughout all history and unto this very day His name and His true code were lost in the sands of time until now. But today, through the revelations of science and technology, the code of an ancient relic we have learned. This secret code has unlocked the awesome presence and power of God. As we rise up in the degrees of the brotherhood, we come into contact with a body of knowledge that has been kept secret for thousands and thousands of years. And the reason it has been kept secret is that with this knowledge comes the potential for what is called "apotheosis. It infers the potential to merge with God. The knowledge that we all remember from the mystery school degree is the knowledge of the glimmering light in the East. This glimmering light is also called the Eastern Star; the Morning Star, the Dog Star and its astronomical name is Sirius. Sirius is the visual binary star system. It is the closest star system to our Sun. It is 9 light-years away. Sirius is located in the constellation, the Great Dog. It is our sky's brightest star. It looks like it twinkles or flickers on clear nights and it glimmers in the East magically as its light shines upon our uppermost atmosphere. Low on the horizon, the majestic light waves interact with our atmosphere and cause the star system Sirius to glimmer between the colors of white, blue, and red. Sirius is very easy to spot. It is the brightest star. It glimmers. Sirius is located in the East. It rises higher and higher as the night moves on. Sirius glitters and twinkles when it is low on the Eastern horizon, because Earths atmosphere changes the light frequencies and causes the star to twinkle. I would like you to imagine if thousands of years ago, you were a poor shepherd, whose name was Moses. As you guarded over your flock at night, you would have looked up to this glimmering star in the East, and you would say that it looks like a burning bush. And so Moses, your vision of what you saw was given to an Egyptian scribe, and eventually recorded in the Bible as a vision of a burning bush, glimmering low on the horizon, in the East. This star system Sirius has a history that goes back to pre-biblical, ancient times. In ancient Egypt, the visual binary star system Sirius was venerated as a God, or the house of the Gods. Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile, and was literally worshipped as a God of rebirth and new life. In those days as in today, the river Nile is divided into three sections the White Nile, the Blue Nile, and the Red Nile. At night, the civilization living along the Nile River glows with one great light. The star Sirius shines over the Nile River and the Nile Delta in Egypt. Egypt has always been a magical place for Masons. In this period of Egyptian history, the Pharaohs and Gods consulted with each other and built gigantic stone monuments and pyramids using precise Masonic tools. The Egyptian Gods are what the Bible calls "the Elohim". Elohim literally means "the Gods" the guardian and messenger angels also called the Angelic Hosts. Israel relates to the Egyptian Gods Isis, Ra, and Elohim for IsRa-El. The true name of God is written as YHWH, and pronounced EIOUA. The knowledge of the Pharaoh, who built the pyramids, is that vibrations have power. Vibrations influence consciousness and reality. Without EIOUA, without E.I.O.U.A. you can have no vibrations. You need vowels to make sound vibrations. Thus, nothing can be spoken without vibration, or without YHWH. God is central and Sirius. He is not only sound vibration. His intelligence is contained within a code of light. This code of light is called visual binary. The glimmering light in the East symbolizes it. The Pharaoh held tightly the cosmic codes of Isis and the Elohim. The code of the Elohim was first revealed do the Pharaoh through the Cosmic Cube. It is known by initiates that the code is not intended as a code for slaves. The cosmic cube code is the code of the Masters. There are sheep, and there are shepherds. The Masters live by a cosmic code, and are sworn into an oath of secrecy. The home of the cosmic Elohim then as today is the visual binary star system Sirius. The visual binary code was brought to the Pharaoh as a golden cosmic cube. The golden cosmic cube arrived from the heavens. Many traditions speak of the cube, and there is archeological evidence of the cube strewn across the Middle and Far East. Going into archeology, the cosmic cube of Ramses II was uncovered in the Valley of the Kings by archeologists in 1733. The burial chamber of Ramses II was adjacent to the great treasury, where the golden cosmic cube was first located. The cube and code system of the Pharaoh were uncovered in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid at the Giza Plateau. The golden cosmic cube had been the legacy of the brotherhood since what seems to be time immemorial. It is thought that approximately 300 original golden cosmic cubes exist given as gifts from the Elohim to the Master Builders. The golden cosmic cubes from these brothers have a collective worth in the Trillions. Looking at our cosmic cube, it is very obvious that it would have taken a great deal of Geometrical knowledge to craft. In the cosmic cube is revealed sacred knowledge of God, Geometry, Gnosis, and the Galaxy sacred knowledge of the visual binary stars of the light federation. The cosmic cube is our greatest evidence of a higher intelligence a Supreme Being. When we research it and discover it in depth, we find that our cosmic cube in truth represents our relationship with God and His Elohim. The Bible contains sacred knowledge about the Elohim, their home and their language. This knowledge is bestowed through the oral traditions and teachings that are limited to initiates in the brotherhood. This knowledge is kept secret to trusted initiates who have taken the oath to work together under the Supreme Being, YHWH. The Bible itself veils esoteric knowledge that was known to the Egyptian Priesthood and earlier civilizations. In the Bible, the three wise men followed this star Sirius, the morning star to find the newborn King. The three wise men are personifications of the three stars of Orions belt. The three wise star-kings align perfectly with the star Sirius, our glimmering light in the East. The immortal King, appointed by the Most High God is the glimmering light in the East. It is awe inspiring that Sirius, the visual binary star... is even sought after by the three wise men. The visual binary intelligence; the glimmering light in the East is an important symbol of divinity for Master Masons. As Master Masons, we can become one with God and His plan. Through the knowledge of our cosmic cube, we can reach apotheosis and merge with God.

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